
Cornell studies in political economy


Cornell studies in political economy

edited by Peter J. Katzenstein
Cornell University Press


National styles of regulation : environmental policy in Great Britain and the United States外部サイトGovernments, markets, and growth : financial systems and the politics of industrial change外部サイトAnti-Americanisms in world politics外部サイトThe state and American foreign economic policy外部サイトPoor numbers : how we are misled by African development statistics and what to do about it外部サイト"Rich nation, strong Army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan外部サイトBorder games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide外部サイトThe currency of ideas : monetary politics in the European Union外部サイトWinners and losers : how sectors shape the developmental prospects of states外部サイトWhy Syria goes to war : thirty years of confrontation外部サイトBeyond Japan : the dynamics of East Asian regionalism外部サイトAmerican industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies外部サイトInequality and prosperity : social Europe vs. liberal America外部サイトMoney rules : the new politics of finance in Britain and Japan外部サイトRivals beyond trade : America versus Japan in global competition外部サイトClosing the gold window : domestic politics and the end of Bretton Woods外部サイトFreer markets, more rules : regulatory reform in advanced industrial countries外部サイトIdeas and foreign policy : beliefs, institutions, and political change外部サイトGoverning ideas : strategies for innovation in France and Germany外部サイトBusiness and banking : political change and economic integration in Western Europe外部サイトNegotiating the world economy外部サイトPower and the governance of global trade : from the GATT to the WTO外部サイトA certain idea of Europe外部サイトNational interests in international society外部サイトInternationalizing China : domestic interests and global linkages外部サイトMercantile states and the world oil cartel, 1900-1939外部サイトThe myth of the powerless state外部サイトThe power of inaction : bank bailouts in comparison外部サイトJapan remodeled : how government and industry are reforming Japanese capitalism外部サイトAsian states, Asian bankers : central banking in Southeast Asia外部サイトOpening financial markets : banking politics on the Pacific Rim外部サイトThe end of diversity? : prospects for German and Japanese capitalism外部サイトOne world of welfare : Japan in comparative perspective外部サイトDisparaged success : labor politics in postwar Japan外部サイトWhen small states make big leaps : institutional innovation and high-tech competition in Western Europe外部サイトConstructing the international economy外部サイトAt home abroad : identity and power in American foreign policy外部サイトRival capitalists : international competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe外部サイトThe Nordic states and European unity外部サイトThe politics of the Asian economic crisis外部サイトCreating cooperation : how states develop human capital in Europe外部サイトJapan remodeled : how government and industry are reforming Japanese capitalism外部サイトThe power of institutions : political architecture and governance外部サイト"Rich nation, strong army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan外部サイトNational diversity and global capitalism外部サイトCapitalist diversity on Europe's periphery外部サイトCultural norms and national security : police and military in postwar Japan外部サイトPatchwork protectionism : textile trade policy in the United States, Japan, and West Germany外部サイトCollective action in East Asia : how ruling parties shape industrial policy外部サイトThe currency of ideas : monetary politics in the European Union外部サイトMonetary sovereignty : the politics of central banking in western Europe外部サイトAmerica Inc.? : innovation and enterprise in the national security state外部サイトBorder games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide外部サイトNational interests in international society外部サイトThe new masters of capital : American bond rating agencies and the politics of creditworthiness外部サイトEconomic containment : CoCom and the politics of East-West trade外部サイトWinners and losers : how sectors shape the developmental prospects of states外部サイトDigital dragon : high-technology enterprises in China外部サイトAmerica Inc.? : innovation and enterprise in the national security state外部サイトThe europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトPower, protection, and free trade : international sources of U.S. commercial strategy, 1887-1939外部サイトLimits to liberalization : local culture in a global marketplace外部サイトAmerican industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies外部サイトMirrors of the economy : national accounts and international norms in Russia and beyond外部サイトAsian designs : governance in the contemporary world order外部サイトThe making of Southeast Asia : international relations of a region外部サイトThe cooperative edge : the internal politics of international cartels外部サイトInternational regimes外部サイトNetworked politics : agency, power, and governance外部サイトA world of regions : Asia and Europe in the American imperium外部サイトLand and loyalty : security and the development of property rights in Thailand外部サイトRegime shift : comparative dynamics of the Japanese political economy外部サイトBeyond Japan : the dynamics of East Asian regionalism外部サイトPower, protection, and free trade : international sources of U.S. commercial strategy, 1887-1939外部サイトCrisis as catalyst : Asia's dynamic political economy外部サイトHierarchy in international relations外部サイトAnti-Americanisms in world politics外部サイトStrategic coupling : East Asian industrial transformation in the new global economy外部サイトCapitalist diversity on Europe's periphery外部サイトDisparaged success : labor politics in postwar Japan外部サイトFrance after hegemony : international change and financial reform外部サイトThe dismal fate of new nations外部サイトThe rise and decline of nationalism外部サイトThe business of the Japanese state : energy markets in comparative and historical perspective外部サイトUnion of parts : labor politics in postwar Germany外部サイトCreative reconstructions : multilateralism and European varieties of capitalism after 1950外部サイトThe rules of play : national identity and the shaping of Japanese leisure外部サイトEnding empire : contested sovereignty and territorial partition外部サイトInternational cooperation : building regimes for natural resources and the environment外部サイトRival capitalists : international competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe外部サイトThe politics of international debt外部サイトFair shares : unions, pay, and politics in Sweden and West Germany外部サイトThe price of wealth : economies and institutions in the Middle East外部サイトConstructing the international economy外部サイトInternational governance : protecting the environment in a stateless society外部サイトPlaying the market : a political strategy for uniting Europe, 1985-2005外部サイトVarietals of capitalism : a political economy of the changing wine industry外部サイトIdeas and foreign policy : beliefs, institutions, and political change外部サイトAsia's flying geese : how regionalization shapes Japan外部サイトHow China escaped the poverty trap外部サイトNorms in international relations : the struggle against apartheid外部サイトThe europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトThe paradox of continental production : national investment policies in North America外部サイトThe sovereign entrepreneur : oil policies in advanced and less developed capitalist countries外部サイトThe limits of social democracy : investment politics in Sweden外部サイトCooperation among nations : Europe, America, and non-tariff barriers to trade外部サイトCrisis as catalyst : Asia's dynamic political economy外部サイトEnterprise and the state in Korea and Taiwan外部サイトThe fruits of fascism : postwar prosperity in historical perspective外部サイトPlaying the market : a political strategy for uniting Europe, 1985-2005外部サイトChina's regulatory state : a new strategy for globalization外部サイトPolitics in hard times : comparative responses to international economic crises外部サイトEconomic nationalism in a globalizing world外部サイトDisaggregating China, Inc. : state strategies in the liberal economic order外部サイトMediterranean capitalism revisited : one model, different trajectories外部サイトGlobalizing in hard times : the politics of banking-sector opening in the emerging world外部サイトWho elected the bankers? : surveillance and control in the world economy外部サイトRemaking the Italian economy外部サイトNational diversity and global capitalism外部サイトEconomic containment : CoCom and the politics of East-West trade外部サイトConsumer capitalism : politics, product markets, and firm strategy in France and Germany外部サイトDemocracy and markets : the politics of mixed economies外部サイトInequality and prosperity : social Europe vs. liberal America外部サイトThe origins of nonliberal capitalism : Germany and Japan in comparison外部サイトFreer markets, more rules : regulatory reform in advanced industrial countries外部サイトPolar politics : creating international environmental regimes外部サイトIdeas and institutions : developmentalism in Brazil and Argentina外部サイトHierarchy in international relations外部サイトThe politics of the Asian economic crisis外部サイトThe developmental state外部サイトA certain idea of Europe外部サイトIn the dominions of debt : historical perspectives on dependent development外部サイトPolitics in the new hard times : the great recession in comparative perspective外部サイトThe choice for Europe : social purpose and state power from Messina to Maastricht外部サイトThe social sources of financial power : domestic legitimacy and international financial orders外部サイトIdeas, interests, and American trade policy外部サイトReprogramming Japan : the high tech crisis under communitarian capitalism外部サイトEconomic nationalism in a globalizing world外部サイトFirm interests : how governments shape business lobbying on global trade外部サイトThe origins of nonliberal capitalism : Germany and Japan in comparison外部サイトWho elected the bankers? : surveillance and control in the world economy外部サイトThe Nordic states and European unity外部サイトAsia's flying geese : how regionalization shapes Japan外部サイトInternational regimes外部サイトCollapse of an industry : nuclear power and the contradictions of U.S. policy外部サイトThe business of the Japanese state : energy markets in comparative and historical perspective外部サイトThe Philippine State and the Marcos regime : the politics of export外部サイトPipeline politics : the complex political economy of East-West energy trade外部サイトRemapping East Asia : the construction of a region外部サイトRemapping East Asia : the construction of a region外部サイトThe misunderstood miracle : industrial development and political change in Japan外部サイトThe money laundry : regulating criminal finance in the global economy外部サイトPolitics in hard times : comparative responses to international economic crises外部サイトPolar politics : creating international environmental regimes外部サイトHavens in a storm : the struggle for global tax regulation外部サイトThe developmental state外部サイトThe political economy of the new Asian industrialism外部サイトReasons of state : oil politics and the capacities of American government外部サイトThe misunderstood miracle : industrial development and political change in Japan外部サイトPublic law and private power : corporate governance reform in the age of finance capitalism外部サイトCrisis and choice in European social democracy外部サイトBusiness and the state in developing countries外部サイトState capitalism : public enterprise in Canada外部サイトNational purpose in the world economy : post-Soviet states in comparative perspective外部サイトOpening financial markets : banking politics on the Pacific Rim外部サイトPathways from the periphery : the politics of growth in the newly industrializing countries外部サイトMonetary sovereignty : the politics of central banking in western Europe外部サイトWhose ideas matter? : agency and power in Asian regionalism外部サイトThe government of money : monetarism in Germany and the United States外部サイトSmall states in world markets : industrial policy in Europe外部サイトGood governance gone bad : how Nordic adaptability leads to excess外部サイトThe power of institutions : political architecture and governance外部サイトTroubled industries : confronting economic change in Japan外部サイトNetworked politics : agency, power, and governance外部サイトBorder games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide外部サイトDemocracy at work : changing world markets and the future of labor unions外部サイトThe choice for Europe : social purpose and state power from Messina to Maastricht外部サイトMonetary orders : ambiguous economics, ubiquitous politics外部サイトEnding empire : contested sovereignty and territorial partition外部サイトTwo crises, different outcomes : East Asia and global finance外部サイトRegime shift : comparative dynamics of the Japanese political economy外部サイトNational purpose in the world economy : post-Soviet states in comparative perspective外部サイトAsian designs : governance in the contemporary world order外部サイトPolitics in the new hard times : the great recession in comparative perspective外部サイト"Rich nation, strong Army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan外部サイトDigital dragon : high-technology enterprises in China外部サイトThe new masters of capital : American bond rating agencies and the politics of creditworthiness外部サイトCorporatism and change : Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry外部サイトThe political economy of policy coordination : international adjustment since 1945外部サイトEntrepreneurial states : reforming corporate governance in France, Japan, and Korea外部サイトFighting for partnership : labor and politics in unified Germany外部サイトDislodging multinationals : India's strategy in comparative perspective外部サイトWhose ideas matter? : agency and power in Asian regionalism外部サイトEurope's industries : public and private strategies for change外部サイトMirrors of the economy : national accounts and international norms in Russia and beyond外部サイトDemocracy at work : changing world markets and the future of labor unions外部サイトGoverning the world's money外部サイトA world of regions : Asia and Europe in the American imperium外部サイトThe hidden hand of American hegemony : petrodollar recycling and international markets外部サイトPower, purpose, and collective choice : economic strategy in socialist states外部サイトMonetary orders : ambiguous economics, ubiquitous politics外部サイトThe limits of social democracy : investment politics in Sweden外部サイトThe politics of finance in developing countries外部サイトTransforming Europe : Europeanization and domestic change外部サイトGlobal pressure, national system : how German corporate governance is changing外部サイトIndustry and politics in West Germany : toward the Third Republic外部サイトChina's regulatory state : a new strategy for globalization外部サイトGovernments, markets, and growth : financial systems and the politics of industrial change外部サイトThe end of diversity? : prospects for German and Japanese capitalism外部サイトEurope and the new technologies : six case studies in innovation and adjustment外部サイトThe venture capital state : the Silicon Valley model in East Asia外部サイトA region of regimes : prosperity and plunder in the Asia-Pacific外部サイト






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edited by Peter J. Katzenstein
National styles of regulation : environmental policy in Great Britain and the United States
Governments, markets, and growth : financial systems and the politics of industrial change
Anti-Americanisms in world politics
The state and American foreign economic policy
Poor numbers : how we are misled by African development statistics and what to do about it
"Rich nation, strong Army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan
Border games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide
The currency of ideas : monetary politics in the European Union
Winners and losers : how sectors shape the developmental prospects of states
Why Syria goes to war : thirty years of confrontation
Beyond Japan : the dynamics of East Asian regionalism
American industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies
Inequality and prosperity : social Europe vs. liberal America
Money rules : the new politics of finance in Britain and Japan
Rivals beyond trade : America versus Japan in global competition
Closing the gold window : domestic politics and the end of Bretton Woods
Freer markets, more rules : regulatory reform in advanced industrial countries
Ideas and foreign policy : beliefs, institutions, and political change
Governing ideas : strategies for innovation in France and Germany
Business and banking : political change and economic integration in Western Europe
Negotiating the world economy
Power and the governance of global trade : from the GATT to the WTO
A certain idea of Europe
National interests in international society
Internationalizing China : domestic interests and global linkages
Mercantile states and the world oil cartel, 1900-1939
The myth of the powerless state
The power of inaction : bank bailouts in comparison
Japan remodeled : how government and industry are reforming Japanese capitalism
Asian states, Asian bankers : central banking in Southeast Asia
Opening financial markets : banking politics on the Pacific Rim
The end of diversity? : prospects for German and Japanese capitalism
One world of welfare : Japan in comparative perspective
Disparaged success : labor politics in postwar Japan
When small states make big leaps : institutional innovation and high-tech competition in Western Europe
Constructing the international economy
At home abroad : identity and power in American foreign policy
Rival capitalists : international competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe
The Nordic states and European unity
The politics of the Asian economic crisis
Creating cooperation : how states develop human capital in Europe
Japan remodeled : how government and industry are reforming Japanese capitalism
The power of institutions : political architecture and governance
"Rich nation, strong army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan
National diversity and global capitalism
Capitalist diversity on Europe's periphery
Cultural norms and national security : police and military in postwar Japan
Patchwork protectionism : textile trade policy in the United States, Japan, and West Germany
Collective action in East Asia : how ruling parties shape industrial policy
The currency of ideas : monetary politics in the European Union
Monetary sovereignty : the politics of central banking in western Europe
America Inc.? : innovation and enterprise in the national security state
Border games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide
National interests in international society
The new masters of capital : American bond rating agencies and the politics of creditworthiness
Economic containment : CoCom and the politics of East-West trade
Winners and losers : how sectors shape the developmental prospects of states
Digital dragon : high-technology enterprises in China
America Inc.? : innovation and enterprise in the national security state
The europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe
Power, protection, and free trade : international sources of U.S. commercial strategy, 1887-1939
Limits to liberalization : local culture in a global marketplace
American industry in international competition : government policies and corporate strategies
Mirrors of the economy : national accounts and international norms in Russia and beyond
Asian designs : governance in the contemporary world order
The making of Southeast Asia : international relations of a region
The cooperative edge : the internal politics of international cartels
International regimes
Networked politics : agency, power, and governance
A world of regions : Asia and Europe in the American imperium
Land and loyalty : security and the development of property rights in Thailand
Regime shift : comparative dynamics of the Japanese political economy
Beyond Japan : the dynamics of East Asian regionalism
Power, protection, and free trade : international sources of U.S. commercial strategy, 1887-1939
Crisis as catalyst : Asia's dynamic political economy
Hierarchy in international relations
Anti-Americanisms in world politics
Strategic coupling : East Asian industrial transformation in the new global economy
Capitalist diversity on Europe's periphery
Disparaged success : labor politics in postwar Japan
France after hegemony : international change and financial reform
The dismal fate of new nations
The rise and decline of nationalism
The business of the Japanese state : energy markets in comparative and historical perspective
Union of parts : labor politics in postwar Germany
Creative reconstructions : multilateralism and European varieties of capitalism after 1950
The rules of play : national identity and the shaping of Japanese leisure
Ending empire : contested sovereignty and territorial partition
International cooperation : building regimes for natural resources and the environment
Rival capitalists : international competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe
The politics of international debt
Fair shares : unions, pay, and politics in Sweden and West Germany
The price of wealth : economies and institutions in the Middle East
Constructing the international economy
International governance : protecting the environment in a stateless society
Playing the market : a political strategy for uniting Europe, 1985-2005
Varietals of capitalism : a political economy of the changing wine industry
Ideas and foreign policy : beliefs, institutions, and political change
Asia's flying geese : how regionalization shapes Japan
How China escaped the poverty trap
Norms in international relations : the struggle against apartheid
The europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe
The paradox of continental production : national investment policies in North America
The sovereign entrepreneur : oil policies in advanced and less developed capitalist countries
The limits of social democracy : investment politics in Sweden
Cooperation among nations : Europe, America, and non-tariff barriers to trade
Crisis as catalyst : Asia's dynamic political economy
Enterprise and the state in Korea and Taiwan
The fruits of fascism : postwar prosperity in historical perspective
Playing the market : a political strategy for uniting Europe, 1985-2005
China's regulatory state : a new strategy for globalization
Politics in hard times : comparative responses to international economic crises
Economic nationalism in a globalizing world
Disaggregating China, Inc. : state strategies in the liberal economic order
Mediterranean capitalism revisited : one model, different trajectories
Globalizing in hard times : the politics of banking-sector opening in the emerging world
Who elected the bankers? : surveillance and control in the world economy
Remaking the Italian economy
National diversity and global capitalism
Economic containment : CoCom and the politics of East-West trade
Consumer capitalism : politics, product markets, and firm strategy in France and Germany
Democracy and markets : the politics of mixed economies
Inequality and prosperity : social Europe vs. liberal America
The origins of nonliberal capitalism : Germany and Japan in comparison
Freer markets, more rules : regulatory reform in advanced industrial countries
Polar politics : creating international environmental regimes
Ideas and institutions : developmentalism in Brazil and Argentina
Hierarchy in international relations
The politics of the Asian economic crisis
The developmental state
A certain idea of Europe
In the dominions of debt : historical perspectives on dependent development
Politics in the new hard times : the great recession in comparative perspective
The choice for Europe : social purpose and state power from Messina to Maastricht
The social sources of financial power : domestic legitimacy and international financial orders
Ideas, interests, and American trade policy
Reprogramming Japan : the high tech crisis under communitarian capitalism
Economic nationalism in a globalizing world
Firm interests : how governments shape business lobbying on global trade
The origins of nonliberal capitalism : Germany and Japan in comparison
Who elected the bankers? : surveillance and control in the world economy
The Nordic states and European unity
Asia's flying geese : how regionalization shapes Japan
International regimes
Collapse of an industry : nuclear power and the contradictions of U.S. policy
The business of the Japanese state : energy markets in comparative and historical perspective
The Philippine State and the Marcos regime : the politics of export
Pipeline politics : the complex political economy of East-West energy trade
Remapping East Asia : the construction of a region
Remapping East Asia : the construction of a region
The misunderstood miracle : industrial development and political change in Japan
The money laundry : regulating criminal finance in the global economy
Politics in hard times : comparative responses to international economic crises
Polar politics : creating international environmental regimes
Havens in a storm : the struggle for global tax regulation
The developmental state
The political economy of the new Asian industrialism
Reasons of state : oil politics and the capacities of American government
The misunderstood miracle : industrial development and political change in Japan
Public law and private power : corporate governance reform in the age of finance capitalism
Crisis and choice in European social democracy
Business and the state in developing countries
State capitalism : public enterprise in Canada
National purpose in the world economy : post-Soviet states in comparative perspective
Opening financial markets : banking politics on the Pacific Rim
Pathways from the periphery : the politics of growth in the newly industrializing countries
Monetary sovereignty : the politics of central banking in western Europe
Whose ideas matter? : agency and power in Asian regionalism
The government of money : monetarism in Germany and the United States
Small states in world markets : industrial policy in Europe
Good governance gone bad : how Nordic adaptability leads to excess
The power of institutions : political architecture and governance
Troubled industries : confronting economic change in Japan
Networked politics : agency, power, and governance
Border games : policing the U.S.-Mexico divide
Democracy at work : changing world markets and the future of labor unions
The choice for Europe : social purpose and state power from Messina to Maastricht
Monetary orders : ambiguous economics, ubiquitous politics
Ending empire : contested sovereignty and territorial partition
Two crises, different outcomes : East Asia and global finance
Regime shift : comparative dynamics of the Japanese political economy
National purpose in the world economy : post-Soviet states in comparative perspective
Asian designs : governance in the contemporary world order
Politics in the new hard times : the great recession in comparative perspective
"Rich nation, strong Army" : national security and the technological transformation of Japan
Digital dragon : high-technology enterprises in China
The new masters of capital : American bond rating agencies and the politics of creditworthiness
Corporatism and change : Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry
The political economy of policy coordination : international adjustment since 1945
Entrepreneurial states : reforming corporate governance in France, Japan, and Korea
Fighting for partnership : labor and politics in unified Germany
Dislodging multinationals : India's strategy in comparative perspective
Whose ideas matter? : agency and power in Asian regionalism
Europe's industries : public and private strategies for change
Mirrors of the economy : national accounts and international norms in Russia and beyond
Democracy at work : changing world markets and the future of labor unions
Governing the world's money
A world of regions : Asia and Europe in the American imperium
The hidden hand of American hegemony : petrodollar recycling and international markets
Power, purpose, and collective choice : economic strategy in socialist states
Monetary orders : ambiguous economics, ubiquitous politics
The limits of social democracy : investment politics in Sweden
The politics of finance in developing countries
Transforming Europe : Europeanization and domestic change
Global pressure, national system : how German corporate governance is changing
Industry and politics in West Germany : toward the Third Republic
China's regulatory state : a new strategy for globalization
Governments, markets, and growth : financial systems and the politics of industrial change
The end of diversity? : prospects for German and Japanese capitalism
Europe and the new technologies : six case studies in innovation and adjustment
The venture capital state : the Silicon Valley model in East Asia
A region of regimes : prosperity and plunder in the Asia-Pacific
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