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- ja
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- Law concerning application of laws in general, nationality law, law concerning state liability for compensation, habeas corpus acts, etc. of JapanLaw concerning reserve deposit requirement system & law concerning control of unjust contracts relative to deposits, etg.Medium and small enterprise basic law ; medium and small enterprise modernization promotion law ; medium and small enterprise guidance lawWelfare pension insurance law (law no. 115, May 19, 1954)Court organization law, law no. 59, April 16, 1947The financial instruments and exchange law of Japan (Law no. 25, April 13, 1948)Disaster relief law (law no. 118, Oct. 18, 1947)Factory hypothecation law : law no. 54, March 13, 1905Japanese laws relating to securities and exchange & commodity exchange 1957Law concerning application of laws in general, nationality law, law concerning state liability for compensation, habeas corpus acts, etc. of JapanThe family registration law of Japan (law no. 224, December 22, 1947)The immovables registration law (law no. 24, Feb. 24, 1899)Law fof [i.e. for] conciliation of civil affairs (Law No. 222, June 9, 1951) : under authorization of the Ministry of JusticeDiet law (Law no. 79, Apr. 30, 1947)Japanese laws relating to medium & small enterpriseThe commercial code of JapanThe income tax law (law no. 33, March 31, 1965)Road traffic law (law no. 105, June 25, 1960)The income tax law (law no. 33, March 31, 1965)Securities and exchange law (law no. 25, Apr. 13, 1948) : law concerning foreign securities dealer (law no.5, Mar. 3, 1971The trust business law of Japan (law no. 65, Apr. 21, 1992)The code of criminal procedure & the law for enforcement of the code of criminal procedure of JapanThe commercial code of JapanJapanese laws relating to banksThe code of civil procedureThe avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income between Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandEugenic protection law (law no. 156, July 13, 1948)The Civil code of JapanLawyers law (Law no. 205, June 10, 1949)Unfair competition prevention law (law no. 14, Mar. 27, 1934) ; law for preventing unjustifiable lagniappes and misleading representationLaw relating to prohibition of private monopoly and methods of preserving fair trade : with concomitant orders, regulations, and notificationsThe Assets revalation law of Japan : under authorization of taxation bureau ministry of financeThe commercial code of JapanLabor standards law & enforcement ordinance thereofImmigration control order (cabinet order no. 319. Oct. 4, 1951)Medium and small enterprise basic law, medium and small enterprise modernization promotion law, & medium and small enterprise guidance lawStamp tax law (law no. 23, May 31, 1967)Laws relating to prevention of public nuisance of JapanWorkmen's accident compensation insurance law (law no. 50, Apr. 7, 1947)Convention between Japan and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on incometrade & economy seriesBuilding standard law (law no. 201, May 24, 1950)Law on bills & law on cheques of Japan : as of 1954Enterprise hypothecation law : law no. 106, Apr. 30, 1958Law for special measures concerning civil cases to implement administrative agreement under article III of the security treaty between Japan and the United States of America (law no. 121, April 28, 1952) ; Law for application to the United Nations forces of the law for special measures concerning civil cases (law no. 150, June 1, 1954) ; Alien land law (law no. 42, April 1, 1925) ; Law concerning foreigner's hypothec (law no. 67, March 16, 1899) ; Law concerning the computation of age (law no. 50, December 2, 1902) ; Law concerning the computing of age (law no. 96, May 24, 1949) ; Law relating to standing timbers (law no. 22, April 5, 1909) ; Law relating to preferential right on standing timbers (law no. 56, April 16, 1910)Labor seriesThe penal code of JapanThe commercial code of JapanLaw for adjudgement of domestic relations (law no. 152, Dec. 6, 1947) : under authorization of the ministry of justiceInheritance tax law of Japan (law no. 73, Mar. 31, 1950) ; Convention between Japan and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on estates, inheritances and gifts : signed at Washignton, April 16, 1954, entered into force, April 1, 1955Prostitution prevention law (law no. 118, May 24, 1956)Social welfare service law (law no.45, March 29, 1951)The commercial code & the corporation law of JapanThe Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law (Law no. 228, December 1, 1949)Health insurance law (law no. 70, Apr. 22, 1922)The products liability law : law no. 85, Jul. 1, 1994The loan trust law of Japan (law no. 195, June 141, 1952)Law concerning deposits (Law no. 15, Feb. 8, 1899)RoppoThe secured bonds trust law of Japan (law no. 52, Mar. 13, 1905)Land lease and house lease law (law no. 90, October 4, 1991)The Assets revaluation law (law no. 110 Apr. 25, 1950)Japanese codes on labor union & labor adjustmentThe constitution of Japan (November 3, 1946) : enforced as from May 3, 1947The immovables registration law (law no. 24, Feb. 24, 1899)Law for comparted-ownership, etc. of building (Law no. 69, Apr. 4, 1962)The income tax law (law no. 33, March 31, 1965)The Commercial code & the Audit special exceptions law of JapanIndustrial propertiesThe disaster relief law of Japan (law no. 118, Oct. 18, 1947)The immovables registration law (law no. 24, Feb. 24, 1899) : under authorization of the ministry of justiceFundamental law of education (law no. 25, Mar. 31, 1947) ; School education law (law no. 26, March 31, 1947)National health insurance law (law no. 192, Dec. 27, 1958)Public procurator's office law : law no. 61, April 16, 1947Commercial registration law (law no. 125, Jul. 9, 1963)Fire service law (law no.186, Jul. 24, 1948) : under authorization o f the Tokyo Fire DepartmentHealth center law (law no. 101, Sep.5, 1947)Food sanitation law (law no. 233, Dec. 24, 1947)The corporation tax law of Japan (law no. 28, March. 31, 1947)Corporate reorganization law : law no. 172, Jun. 7, 1952Law concerning carriage of goods by sea : law no. 172, Jun. 13, 1957Welfare pension insurance law (law no. 115, May 19, 1954)Copyright law (law No. 48, May. 6, 1970)The trust law of Japan (law no. 108, December 15, 2006)Japanese laws relating to insurance ...Japanese laws relating to medium & small enterpriseLand lease law & house lease lawMrine transportation law : law no. 187, June 1, 1949The code of civil procedureEnterprise hypothecation law : law no. 106, Apr. 30, 1958Hypothecation lawsCommercial registration law (law no. 125, Jul. 9, 1963)The immovables registration law : law no. 24, Feb. 24, 1899
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01247920 : BA01247920