
The theory and interpretation of narrative series


The theory and interpretation of narrative series

Ohio State University Press


Misreading Jane Eyre : a postformalist paradigm外部サイトThe vitality of allegory : figural narrative in modern and contemporary fiction外部サイトI know that you know that I know : narrating subjects from Moll Flanders to Marnie外部サイトNarratologies : new perspectives on narrative analysis外部サイトThe progress of romance : literary historiography and the Gothic novel外部サイトNarrative causalities外部サイトNarrative discourse : authors and narrators in literature, film, and art外部サイトAfter testimony : the ethics and aesthetics of Holocaust narrative for the future外部サイトFranz Kafka : narration, rhetoric, and reading外部サイトUnderstanding nationalism : on narrative, cognitive science, and identity外部サイトOrdinary pleasures : couples, conversation, and comedy外部サイトNarrative dynamics : essays on time, plot, closure, and frames外部サイトNarrative sequence in contemporary narratology外部サイトThe reader as Peeping Tom : nonreciprocal gazing in narrative fiction and film外部サイトA poetics of unnatural narrative外部サイトBloodscripts : writing the violent subject外部サイトTowards the ethics of form in fiction : narratives of cultural remission外部サイトMatters of fact : reading nonfiction over the edge外部サイトLiterary identification from Charlotte Brontë to Tsitsi Dangarembga外部サイトThomas Hardy's brains : psychology, neurology, and Hardy's imagination外部サイトNarrative middles : navigating the nineteenth-century British novel外部サイトUnderstanding narrative外部サイトNovelization : from film to novel外部サイトFeminist narrative ethics : tacit persuasion in modernist form外部サイトTelling tales : gender and narrative form in Victorian literature and culture外部サイトNarrative theory : core concepts and critical debates外部サイトThe real, the true, and the told : postmodern historical narrative and the ethics of representation外部サイトThe submerged plot and the mother's pleasure from Jane Austen to Arundhati Roy外部サイトThe return of the omniscient narrator : authorship and authority in twenty-first century fiction外部サイトThe rhetoric of fictionality : narrative theory and the idea of fiction外部サイトSuture and narrative : deep intersubjectivity in fiction and film外部サイトExperiencing visual storyworlds : focalization in comics外部サイトMedia of serial narrative外部サイトNarratology and ideology : negotiating context, form, and theory in postcolonial narratives外部サイトNarrative in the Anthropocene外部サイトTechniques for living : fiction and theory in the work of Christine Brooke-Rose外部サイトAn aesthetics of narrative performance : transnational theater, literature, and film in contemporary Germany外部サイトNarrative discourse : authors and narrators in literature, film, and art外部サイトUnnatural narratology : extensions, revisions, and challenges外部サイトDebating rhetorical narratology : on the synthetic, mimetic, and thematic aspects of narrative外部サイトNarrative paths : African travel in modern fiction and nonfiction外部サイトThe return of the omniscient narrator : authorship and authority in twenty-first century fiction外部サイトThe writer in the well : on misreading and rewriting literature外部サイトThe story of fictional truth : realism from the death to the rise of the novel外部サイトNarrative as rhetoric : technique, audiences, ethics, ideology外部サイトSurprised by shame : Dostoevsky's liars and narrative exposure外部サイトBefore reading : narrative conventions and the politics of interpretation外部サイトA glance beyond doubt : narration, representation, subjectivity外部サイトFraming Anna Karenina : Tolstoy, the woman question, and the Victorian novel外部サイトPostclassical narratology : approaches and analyses外部サイトImagining minds : the neuro-aesthetics of Austen, Eliot, and Hardy外部サイトNarrative, race, and ethnicity in the United States外部サイトThe rhetoric of fictionality : narrative theory and the idea of fiction外部サイトWhy we read fiction : theory of mind and the novel外部サイトHaving a good cry : effeminate feelings and pop-culture forms外部サイトFact, fiction, and form : selected essays外部サイトInvisible author : last essays外部サイトPsychological politics of the American dream : the commodification of subjectivity in twentieth-century American literature外部サイトPolitics, persuasion, and pragmatism : a rhetoric of feminist utopian fiction外部サイトNarrative theory unbound : queer and feminist interventions外部サイトBreaking the frame : metalepsis and the construction of the subject外部サイトNarrating space/spatializing narrative : where narrative theory and geography meet外部サイトMaking conversation in modernist fiction外部サイトDigital fiction and the unnatural : transmedial narrative theory, method, and analysis外部サイトNarrative structures and the language of the self外部サイトNarrative, race, and ethnicity in the United States外部サイトPlaying at narratology : digital media as narrative theory外部サイトTabloid, Inc. : crimes, newspapers, narratives外部サイトUnnatural narrative : theory, history, and practice外部サイトEnvironment and narrative : new directions in econarratology外部サイトPlaying at narratology : digital media as narrative theory外部サイトFictionality and literature : core concepts revisited外部サイトUnnatural voices : extreme narration in modern and contemporary fiction外部サイトNarrative means, lyric ends : temporality in the nineteenth-century British long poem外部サイトFranz Kafka : narration, rhetoric, and reading外部サイトJoseph Conrad : voice, sequence, history, genre外部サイトFact, fiction, and form : selected essays外部サイトAfter testimony : the ethics and aesthetics of Holocaust narrative for the future外部サイトNarrative bonds : multiple narrators in the Victorian novel外部サイトReading Conrad外部サイトA poetics of plot for the twenty-first century : theorizing unruly narratives外部サイトSomebody telling somebody else : a rhetorical poetics of narrative外部サイトUnnatural narrative : theory, history, and practice外部サイトExperiencing fiction : judgments, progressions, and the rhetorical theory of narrative外部サイトWith bodies : narrative theory and embodied cognition外部サイトEthics and the dynamic observer narrator : reckoning with past and present in German literature外部サイトNarrating space/spatializing narrative : where narrative theory and geography meet外部サイトSocial minds in the novel外部サイトNovelization : from film to novel外部サイトAudionarratology : lessons from radio drama外部サイトA new anatomy of storyworlds : what is, what if, as if外部サイトContemporary French and francophone narratology外部サイトWe-narratives : collective storytelling in contemporary fiction外部サイトReal mysteries : narrative and the unknowable外部サイトThe progress of romance : literary historiography and the Gothic novel外部サイトDebating rhetorical narratology : on the synthetic, mimetic, and thematic aspects of narrative外部サイトSomebody telling somebody else : a rhetorical poetics of narrative外部サイト






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Theory and interpretation of narrative
Misreading Jane Eyre : a postformalist paradigm
The vitality of allegory : figural narrative in modern and contemporary fiction
I know that you know that I know : narrating subjects from Moll Flanders to Marnie
Narratologies : new perspectives on narrative analysis
The progress of romance : literary historiography and the Gothic novel
Narrative causalities
Narrative discourse : authors and narrators in literature, film, and art
After testimony : the ethics and aesthetics of Holocaust narrative for the future
Franz Kafka : narration, rhetoric, and reading
Understanding nationalism : on narrative, cognitive science, and identity
Ordinary pleasures : couples, conversation, and comedy
Narrative dynamics : essays on time, plot, closure, and frames
Narrative sequence in contemporary narratology
The reader as Peeping Tom : nonreciprocal gazing in narrative fiction and film
A poetics of unnatural narrative
Bloodscripts : writing the violent subject
Towards the ethics of form in fiction : narratives of cultural remission
Matters of fact : reading nonfiction over the edge
Literary identification from Charlotte Brontë to Tsitsi Dangarembga
Thomas Hardy's brains : psychology, neurology, and Hardy's imagination
Narrative middles : navigating the nineteenth-century British novel
Understanding narrative
Novelization : from film to novel
Feminist narrative ethics : tacit persuasion in modernist form
Telling tales : gender and narrative form in Victorian literature and culture
Narrative theory : core concepts and critical debates
The real, the true, and the told : postmodern historical narrative and the ethics of representation
The submerged plot and the mother's pleasure from Jane Austen to Arundhati Roy
The return of the omniscient narrator : authorship and authority in twenty-first century fiction
The rhetoric of fictionality : narrative theory and the idea of fiction
Suture and narrative : deep intersubjectivity in fiction and film
Experiencing visual storyworlds : focalization in comics
Media of serial narrative
Narratology and ideology : negotiating context, form, and theory in postcolonial narratives
Narrative in the Anthropocene
Techniques for living : fiction and theory in the work of Christine Brooke-Rose
An aesthetics of narrative performance : transnational theater, literature, and film in contemporary Germany
Narrative discourse : authors and narrators in literature, film, and art
Unnatural narratology : extensions, revisions, and challenges
Debating rhetorical narratology : on the synthetic, mimetic, and thematic aspects of narrative
Narrative paths : African travel in modern fiction and nonfiction
The return of the omniscient narrator : authorship and authority in twenty-first century fiction
The writer in the well : on misreading and rewriting literature
The story of fictional truth : realism from the death to the rise of the novel
Narrative as rhetoric : technique, audiences, ethics, ideology
Surprised by shame : Dostoevsky's liars and narrative exposure
Before reading : narrative conventions and the politics of interpretation
A glance beyond doubt : narration, representation, subjectivity
Framing Anna Karenina : Tolstoy, the woman question, and the Victorian novel
Postclassical narratology : approaches and analyses
Imagining minds : the neuro-aesthetics of Austen, Eliot, and Hardy
Narrative, race, and ethnicity in the United States
The rhetoric of fictionality : narrative theory and the idea of fiction
Why we read fiction : theory of mind and the novel
Having a good cry : effeminate feelings and pop-culture forms
Fact, fiction, and form : selected essays
Invisible author : last essays
Psychological politics of the American dream : the commodification of subjectivity in twentieth-century American literature
Politics, persuasion, and pragmatism : a rhetoric of feminist utopian fiction
Narrative theory unbound : queer and feminist interventions
Breaking the frame : metalepsis and the construction of the subject
Narrating space/spatializing narrative : where narrative theory and geography meet
Making conversation in modernist fiction
Digital fiction and the unnatural : transmedial narrative theory, method, and analysis
Narrative structures and the language of the self
Narrative, race, and ethnicity in the United States
Playing at narratology : digital media as narrative theory
Tabloid, Inc. : crimes, newspapers, narratives
Unnatural narrative : theory, history, and practice
Environment and narrative : new directions in econarratology
Playing at narratology : digital media as narrative theory
Fictionality and literature : core concepts revisited
Unnatural voices : extreme narration in modern and contemporary fiction
Narrative means, lyric ends : temporality in the nineteenth-century British long poem
Franz Kafka : narration, rhetoric, and reading
Joseph Conrad : voice, sequence, history, genre
Fact, fiction, and form : selected essays
After testimony : the ethics and aesthetics of Holocaust narrative for the future
Narrative bonds : multiple narrators in the Victorian novel
Reading Conrad
A poetics of plot for the twenty-first century : theorizing unruly narratives
Somebody telling somebody else : a rhetorical poetics of narrative
Unnatural narrative : theory, history, and practice
Experiencing fiction : judgments, progressions, and the rhetorical theory of narrative
With bodies : narrative theory and embodied cognition
Ethics and the dynamic observer narrator : reckoning with past and present in German literature
Narrating space/spatializing narrative : where narrative theory and geography meet
Social minds in the novel
Novelization : from film to novel
Audionarratology : lessons from radio drama
A new anatomy of storyworlds : what is, what if, as if
Contemporary French and francophone narratology
We-narratives : collective storytelling in contemporary fiction
Real mysteries : narrative and the unknowable
The progress of romance : literary historiography and the Gothic novel
Debating rhetorical narratology : on the synthetic, mimetic, and thematic aspects of narrative
Somebody telling somebody else : a rhetorical poetics of narrative
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books