- 資料種別
- 図書
- 並列タイトル等
- Trends in Southeast AsiaTRS
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- 一般
- 一般注記
- Publisher varies: Singapore : ISEAS Publishing, 2015-
- 関連情報
- The state of local politics in Indonesia : survey evidence from three citiesPolitical Islam and Islamist politics in MalaysiaThe "free and open Indo-Pacific" and implications for ASEANVietnam's industrialization ambitions : the case of vingroup and the automotive industryChina's new maritime Silk Road : implications and opportunities for Southeast AsiaTrends in Thailand : proceedings and background paperChinese investment and Myanmar's shifting political landscapeStrategic possibilities and limitations for Abe's Japan in Southeast AsiaThe South China Sea and China-ASEAN relationsThe rising politics of indigeneity in Southeast AsiaParti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia in Johor : new party, big responsibilityThe near-term outlook for the Malaysian economyThe political and security outlook for Southeast AsiaThe emergence of pork-barrel politics in parliamentary MyanmarRetired military officers in Myanmar's parliament : an emerging legislative force?The role of the stateGE14 : will urban Malays support Pakatan Harapan?Recent political developments in Southeast AsiaMyanmar : the dilemma of stalled reformsExploring the trade potential of the DFTZ for Malaysian SMEsChina's economic engagement with Southeast Asia : SingaporeChinese engagement in Laos : past, present, and uncertain futureChina's quest for energy in Southeast Asia : impact and implicationsAccidental and intentional exporters : comparing Indonesian and Malaysian MSMEsPeacekeeping in East Timor : an Australian perspectiveJohor survey : attitudes towards governance and economy, Iskandar Malaysia, and SingaporeChina's one belt one road : an overview of the debateThe Perak sultanate : transitioning into the 21st centuryVietnam : straddling southeast Asia's divideLearning diplomacy : Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam diplomats in ASEANMyanmar's foreign policy under President U Thein Sein : non-aligned and diversifiedPolitical and governance challenges in Southeast Asia : outlook 2001Indonesia in transitionThe key determinants of Indonesia's political futureThe political economy of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreements : an ASEAN perspectiveIslam Nusantara as a promising response to religious intolerance and radicalismAgriculture in Johor : what's left?Electoral politics and the Malaysian Chinese association in JohorMaking sense of the election results in Myanmar's Rakhine and Shan statesBeneath the veneer : the political economy of housing in Iskandar Malaysia, JohorThe Red Shirts and their democratic struggle in Northern Thailand, April 2010 to May 2015Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia in 2014 : the political economy of discontentMalaysia's general elections 2018 : understanding the rural voteThe central role of Thailand's Internal Security Operations Command in the post-counter-insurgency periodFree and open Indo-Pacific strategy outlookThe post-September 11 geostrategic landscape and Southeast Asian response to the threat of terrorismRowing against the tide? Batam's economic fortunes in today's IndonesiaIndonesia-China energy and mineral ties broadenNew chinese migration and capital in CambodiaDemocracy Thwarted : the crisis of political authority in ThailandIslam and state in MalaysiaManaging migration in Myanmar and Thailand : economic reforms, policies, practices and challengesSpeculating on world-class transportation infrastructure in Ho Chi Minh CityJohor's forest city faces critical challengesMalaysia's Bumiputera preferential regime and transformation agenda : modified programmes, unchanged systemThe rise and decline of labour militancy in BatamThe peace process and civil-military relations during the NLD administration's first yearEmerging political configurations in the run-up to the 2020 Myanmar electionsThailand's hyper-royalism : its past success and present predicamentThe geopolitics of Xi Jinping's chinese dream : problems and prospectsASEAN plus three equals peace plus prosperityTerrorism in Indonesia after “Islamic State"The hand that rocks the cradle : nurturing exclusivist interpretations of Islam in the Malaysian home"Old" and "new" Chinese business in Cambodia's capitalThe free and open Indo-Pacific beyond 2020 : similarities and differences between the Trump administration and a Democrat White HouseDeepening the understanding of social media's impact in Southeast AsiaThe military in Burma/Myanmar : on the longevity of tatmadaw rule and influenceThe serious social impact of non-violent extremism in IndonesiaFrom Pakatan Harapan to Perikatan Nasional : a missed opportunity for reforms for East Malaysia?Widodo's employment creation law, 2020 : what its journey tells us about Indonesian politicsThe unrealized Mahathir-Anwar transitions : social divides and political consequences30 years on : a reflection on Southeast Asia's fight against communism during the cold war yearsThe democratic action party in Johor : assailing the Barisan nasional fortressCommunicating COVID-19 effectively in Malaysia : challenges and recommendationsFinancial technology adoption in Greater Jakarta : patterns, constraints and enablersMuslim sectarianism versus the de-escalation of sectarianism in MalaysiaYoung hearts and minds : understanding Malaysian Gen Z's political perspectives and allegiancesThe Indonesia National Survey Project 2022 : engaging with developments in the political, economic and social spheresGVC reconfiguration : risks and opportunities for ASEAN membersIndonesia's COVID-19 infodemic : a battle for truth or trust?Global methane pledge : a review of data, policy and transparency in reducing methane emissions in MalaysiaChina as a rising norm entrepreneur : examining GDI, GSI and GCIEnhancing ASEAN's role in critical mineral supply chainsHow Thailand's Move Forward Party's fandom strategy shaped the 2023 general electionScrutinizing the DAP's success in the 2023 Malaysian state electionsRethinking recoveryVietnam's alliance politics in the South China SeaFuture directions for ASEANThailand's post-coup relations with China and America : more Beijing, less WashingtonKorea's economic outlook in 2000 : recovery and further restructuringState formation in Riau Islands ProvinceThe Johor Sultanate : rise or re-emergence?Proceedings and background paper of Seminar on Trends in MalaysiaThe growing "strategic partnership" between Indonesia and China faces difficult challengesYunnanese Chinese in Myanmar : past and presentAssessing democratic evolution in Southeast AsiaThe regional economic outlook in 2001 : Indonesia, Malaysia and ThailandAssessing current political developments in IndonesiaJohor remains the bastion of kaum tuaPancasila and the challenge of political Islam : past and presentOutlook for China and the regionASEAN and the principle of non-intervention - practice and prospectsIndonesia and China's belt and road initiatives : perspectives, issues and prospectsTaiwan's new president and cross-strait relationsDeveloping Eastern Johor : the pengerang integrated petroleum complexInterreligious conflict and the politics of interfaith dialogue in MyanmarPolitical and security outlook 2004 : political change in Southeast AsiaThe foreign press' changing perceptions of Thailand's monarchyWhither Myanmar's garment sector?The role of the private sectorEast Timor and the regionA new U.S. Asia policy? : air collision, arms sales and China- U.S. relationsInvestigating the popularity of Surabaya's mayor Tri RismahariniIs a new entrepreneurial generation emerging in Indonesia?The 2017 Johor survey : selected findingsThe traditionalist response to Wahhabi-Salafism in BatamHarnessing the potential of the Indonesian diasporaThe ethnic Chinese issue and national integration in IndonesiaBipolarity and the future of the security order in East AsiaThe Indonesian economic crisis and its impact on educational enrolment and qualityChina's economic engagement with Southeast Asia : IndonesiaLegislation on underwater cultural heritage in Southeast Asia : evolution and outcomesU.S. relations with southeast asia in 2018 : more continuity than changeReconciling economic and environmental imperatives in BatamWhat the recent terror attacks mean for IndonesiaThe Indo-Pacific and its strategic challenges : an Australian perspectiveChinese capitalism and economic integration in Southeast AsiaExplaining China's 2+7 initiative towards ASEANMiddle Eastern influences on Islamist organizations in Malaysia : the cases of ISMA, IRF and HTMMore change awaits Vietnam's political economyThe politics of Thai Buddhism under the NCPO juntaThe Natunas : territorial integrity in the forefront of Indonesia-China relationsOutlook for IndonesiaParties in the periphery : organizational dilemmas in Indonesia's Kepri ProvinceProceedings and background paper of Seminar on Trends in IndonesiaBetween social services and tolerance : explaining religious dynamics in MuhammadiyahReforms will determine degree of Vietnam's dependence on ChinaThe politics of religious expression in MalaysiaThe Indonesia National Survey Project : economy, society and politicsEconomic slowdown and demestic politics : Malaysia boleh ?Towards an ASEAN security communityGE-14 in Johor : the fall of the fortress?The political economy of Chinese investment in CambodiaCrown property bureau In Thailand and its role in political economyChina's economic engagement with Southeast Asia : MalaysiaMalaysian politics : the emerging scenario under Abdullah BadawiThe significance of everyday access to justice in Myanmar's transition to democracyMalaysia's electoral process : the methods and costs of perpetuating UMNO ruleThailand after the election : politics and economicsThe politics of the Asian infrastructure investment bank (AIIB)EduCity, Johor : a promising project with multiple challenges to overcomeIslamization policy and Islamic bureaucracy in MalaysiaChina's strategic engagement with East Asia : Australian views and responsesFrom declaration to code : continuity and change in China's engagement with ASEAN on the South China seaRestoring investor confidence in IndonesiaLiving on the edge : being Malay (and Bugis) in the Riau IslandsPas post-fadzil Noor : future directions and prospectsRural Thailand : change and continuityCan Myanmar's NLD government undo the Gordian Knot of federalism and ethnicity?Election fervour : political contest in Thailand and MalaysiaThe extensive salafization of Malaysian IslamThe Aquino alternativeChina's evolving policy towards the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia (1949–2018)The politics of the United States-China-Vietnam triangle in the 21st centuryMilitary capitalism in Myanmar : examining the origins, continuities and evolution of "Khaki Capital"Trends in Indonesia : visions for Indonesia's futureEstablishing contemporary Chinese life in MyanmarLogistics development in ASEAN : complex challenges aheadParti Amanah Negara in Johor : birth, challenges and prospectsIslam in Southeast Asia : analysing recent developmentsChina's economic engagement with Southeast Asia : ThailandUnderstanding Jokowi's foreign policyNew context of Vietnam's national security challengesThe armed forces in Myanmar politics : a terminating role?Old stereotypes, new convictions : Pribumi perceptions of ethic Chinese in Indonesia todayScope of ASEAN's security framework for the 21st centuryThe private healthcare sector in Johor : trends and prospectsAdvocacy in a time of change : business associations and the Pakatan Harapan government in Malaysia, 2018-20Urban transition in Hanoi : huge challenges aheadWill Pakatan Harapan's hold on Selangor continue?Vietnam-China agricultural trade : huge growth and challengesA study of Vietnam's control over online anti-state contentCyber troops, online manipulation of public opinion and co-optation of Indonesia's cybersphere"Stanning" Najib : fanning a personality cult in Malaysian politicsCan Malaysia eliminate forced labour by 2030?The labour politics of app-based driving in VietnamPost-Islamism battles political Islam in MalaysiaThe evolution of Madani : how is 2.0 different from 1.0?China's cultural diplomacy in Indonesia : the case of a transnational singing contestParty of hardship : the evolution of Malaysia's Parti Keadilan RakyatWhy young Malay voters in Malaysia are “turning green"Beyond slacktivism : the dynamic relationship between online and offline activism among Southeast Asian youthsShifting to a higher gear : the saga of Malaysia's national carmaker ProtonMalaysia's responses to issues pertaining to PalestineThe evolution of economic reforms across Myanmar's administrationsGenerational divides in understanding Thailand's history grow amid political polarizationHow will shifts in American foreign policy affect Southeast Asia?Why did Bersatu leave Pakatan Harapan?Quality, equity, autonomy : Malaysia's education reforms examinedE-commerce for Malaysian SMEs in Selected Services: Barriers and BenefitsParty mergers in Myanmar : a new developmentThe Belt and Road Initiative : environmental impacts in Southeast AsiaMalaysia's student loan company : tackling the PTPTN time bombFederal-State relations under the Pakatan Harapan governmentMinding the grassroots : celebrating 70 years of Sino-Indonesia relations amid the coronavirus pandemicChallenges in tackling extremism in the Indonesian civil serviceNon-State Chinese actors and their impact on relations between China and mainland Southeast AsiaDigital mediatization and the sharpening of Malaysian political contestsCentre-periphery relations in Myanmar : leverage and solidarity after the 1 February coupNaquib Al-Attas' Islamization of knowledge : its impact on Malay religious life, literature, language and cultureSME responses to climate change in Southeast AsiaAssessing the benefits of the ASEAN+6 single window for ASEAN membersUrban biodiversity and nature-based solutions in Southeast Asia : perspectives from Indonesia and MalaysiaHashtag campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia : escalating from online to offline"Building a sailboat in a storm": the evolution of COVAX in 2021 and its impact on supplies to Southeast Asia's six lower-income economiesUnderstanding and reducing methane emissions in Southeast AsiaFreedom of religion in Malaysia : the situation and attitudes of “deviant" muslim groupsExplaining PAS's dominance in KelantanThe Indonesian military enjoys strong public trust and support : reasons and implicationsTides of insecurity : Vietnam and the growing challenge from non-traditional maritime threatsThe orientation of Chinese newspapers in Indonesia as China risesBruneian youths on social media : key trends and challengesTerrorism in Indonesia and the perceived oppression of Muslims worldwideManaging China-Singapore relations amid US-China rivalryASEAN post-2025 : reimagining the ASEAN Economic CommunityDelivering development, enforcing shariah : PAS's dilemma in TerengganuMyanmar's resistance and the future of border trade : challenges and opportunitiesUnderstanding Vietnam's foreign policy choices amid Sino-US rivalryFrom paper to practice : utilizing the ASEAN Guide on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance and EthicsFrom Tao Guang Yang Hui to Xin Xing : China's complex foreign policy transformation and Southeast AsiaThe Vietnam-US security partnership and the Rules-Based international order in the age of TrumpGaps and opportunities in ASEAN's climate governanceHow Generation Z galvanized a revolutionary movement against Myanmar's 2021 military coupThe growing salience of online Vietnamese nationalismPublic perceptions of the election commission, election management and democracy in MalaysiaThe National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) : a new arrangement for research in IndonesiaReligious extremism in major campuses in IndonesiaJustifying digital repression via "fighting fake news" : a study of four Southeast Asian autocraciesThe halal project in Indonesia : shariatization, minority rights and commodificationThe EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) : implications for ASEAN-EU relationsRhizome vs Regime : Southeast Asia's digitally mediated youth movementsIndonesia's moderate Muslim websites and their fight against online Islamic extremismThe debate on the Ba'Alawi lineage in Indonesia : highlighting weaknesses in the genealogical recordsTimor-Leste in ASEAN : is it ready to join?/ Joanne Lin, Sharon Seah ... [et al.]Who's doing what? : a closer look at methane climate impact and commitments in Southeast Asia's energy sectorRenewable energy : Malaysia's climate change solution or placebo?Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) : unifier of the Ummah?Indonesia's ministry of religious affairs under Joko WidodoMalay politics : parlous condition, continuing problemsThe making of Anwar Ibrahim's “humane economy"/ Khoo Boo Teik
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