- 資料種別
- 図書
- 並列タイトル等
- Working paper
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ii
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Levels and differentials in maternal mortality in rural India : new evidence from sisterhood dataEducation in the rural Indian household : a gender based perspectiveEstimating the number and economic contribution of home-based garment producers in Ahmedabad, IndiaFrom closed to open economy macroeconomics : the real exchange rate and capital inflows, India, 1981-1994Determinants of household expenditure on education in rural IndiaEarnings and education among ethnic groups in rural IndiaIndexing human development in India : indicators, scaling and compositionEstimates of the number of very rich in IndiaHealth-care expenditure in rural IndiaThe integrated child development services : lessons from a pilot studyDemand for curative health care in rural India : choosing between private, public and no careHuman development, demographic transition, and economic growth linkage : an econometric analysis with Indian dataChild schooling and child work in rural IndiaRural non-farm employment in India : access, income and poverty impactInvestment in India since liberalisationA price endogenous plan model for India incorporating normative minimum consumption targetsCapital costs of major and medium irrigation schemes in IndiaInter-state variations in human development differentials among social groups in IndiaHousehold expenditure on elementary education : implications for cost recovery mechanismsDichotomy or continuum : an analysis of the impact of urban centres on their peripheryAnalysis of India's reforms : a CGE modelling exerciseDo children in India benefit from having mothers who are literate?Structural adjustments and agricultureIndia's accession to the GPA : identifying costs and benefitsAction plan for slum auction and relocation for the state of DelhiHuman development profile of the Indian statesDemographic transition, family size and child schoolingProtective net for workers in an exit policy : a proposalCross-border trade between India and BangladeshHealth transition in IndiaHealth status and curative health care in rural IndiaIndustry and economic reforms 1991-1994Gender, employment, and health : perspectives from India and Sri LankaThe India model of production, trade and employmentDeterminants of unemployment in rural India : an exploration of NCAER household survey data of 1994Industrial corridors in IndiaPeople's participation decentralisation and delivery of public sector services in IndiaDeterminants of maternal health care utilisation in India : evidence from a recent household survey /Abusaleh Shariff, Geeta SinghTowards better financial performance of major & medium irrigation schemes in India
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books