
Papers by command. Cd


Papers by command. Cd

Great Britain. Parliament



Cd [series], 1900-1918Command Papers, 3rd Ser. [Cd.1]-[Cd. 9239]


Report of the Commissioners for the North-Eastern area外部サイトReport to the Local Government Board on the industrial training of girls in the separate and district schools in the metropolitan district外部サイトThird interim report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the relations of human and animal tuberculosis外部サイトFinal report外部サイトEast India (India Office Balances) : memorandum on India Office balances : prepared under the instructions of the Secretary of State for India外部サイトList of secondary schools in England recognised as efficient, with a list of recognised pupil-teacher centres外部サイトMinutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the 1st Report (vol. 1., pt. 1.) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 1. (pt. 2.)外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August, 1908, in Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトFirst report of the commissioners外部サイトSome notes on medical education in England : a memorandum addressed to the president of the Board外部サイトEast India (census) : general report of the census of India, 1911外部サイトAfrica : report on prospects of growing cotton in the East Africa protectorate外部サイトNorthern and Highland Divisions, general report for the year 1907外部サイトReport on the trade and commerce of the Somaliland Protecctorate for the year 1902-3外部サイトInternational agreement for the suppression of the white slave traffic : signed at Paris, May 18, 1904外部サイトReport to the commission by Dr. G. McGowan, Mr. R. B. Floris, A.I.C., and Mr. R. S. Finlow, B.Sc., on methods of chemical analysis as applied to sewage and sewage effluents外部サイトThe recent development of German agriculture外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on the housing of the industrial population of Scotland rural and urban外部サイトGeneral report and appendices III. to X.外部サイトEast India (sanitary) : progress of sanitary measures in India外部サイトI. Disposal of Liquid wastes from manufacturing processes ; II. Disposal of liquid and solid domestic refuse in rural areas外部サイトReport to the Home Office and to the Local Government Board upon an inquiry into the alleged danger of the transmission of certain diseases from person to person in weaving sheds by means of "shuttle-kissing"外部サイトAppendix to the report of the departmental committee on income tax with minutes of evidence taken before the committee外部サイトReport of the departmental Committee on Agricultural Credit in Ireland外部サイトSupplement to the general topographical index of Ireland, containing all the territorial divisions in which an alteration has been made between 31st March, 1901, and 2nd April, 1911, comprised in the following indices, viz.: Alphabetical indices to the townlands and towns, district electoral divisions, dispensary (or registrars') districts, poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), county districts, and county electoral divisions外部サイトConvention between the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and Russia, respecting measures for the preservation and protection of the fur seals in the North Pacific Ocean : signed at Washington, July 7, 1911 : ratifications deposited at Washington, December 12, 1911外部サイトReport on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom外部サイトIndex to the 2 volumes of memoranda, statistical tables, and charts prepared in the Board of Trade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions外部サイトReport for the year 1906, on the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Royal Colleges of Science and of Art, the Geological Survey and Museum, and on the work of the Solar Physics Committee外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1909, in England, excludeing Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1907)外部サイトReport to the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury of the committee on the university of Wales and the Welsh university colleges外部サイトFourth and Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 7.外部サイトReport on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1917外部サイトReport on sanitary measures in India外部サイトProvince of Carlow外部サイトNote from the Russian provisional government and the British reply respecting allied war aims外部サイトCorrespondence relative to the International Opium Commission at Shanghae, 1909外部サイトPrices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce in Great Britain外部サイトBritish and foreign trade and industry : statistical tables and charts relating to British and foreign trade and industry (1854-1908) : in continuation of certain tables and charts contained in the returns Cd. 1761. of 1903 and Cd. 2337. of 1904; with additions外部サイトMemorandum of arrangements betweemn the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Board of Education in regard to agricultural education in England and Wales外部サイトRegulations and conditions : affecting the recognition by the Board of Education, under Section 48 of the Elementary Education Act, 1876, of elementary schools in Wales and Monmouthshire (being neither public elementary schools nor schools applying for recognition under any other act of Parliament), as certified efficient schools外部サイトReport upon the present disputes affecting transport workers in the Port of London and on the Medway : together with the minutes of evidence of the inquiry外部サイトImperial conference : correspondence relating to the Imperial conference, 1911. (In continuation of [Cd. 5273], July, 1910.)外部サイトDepartmental committee on humidity and ventilation in flax mills and linen factories : minutes of evidence外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration : with minutes of evidence and appendix外部サイトReports received from the Indian government and the governments of Her Majesty's colonial possessions respecting the regulations in force in India and the colonies with regard to commercial travellers and the treatment of their patterns and samples外部サイトHours of work外部サイトCorrespondence relating to a proposed Colonial Conference in 1907外部サイトInterim report on joint standing industrial councils外部サイトFinal report of Her Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the water supply within the limits of the metropolitan water companies with index to the first and final reports of the commissioners外部サイトSuggestions for the consideration of teachers and others concerned in the work of public elementary schools外部サイトEast India (Bengal Detenus Committee) : report of Sir N. Chandavarkar and Mr. Justice Beachcroft on detenus and internees in Bengal外部サイトOperations against Abors外部サイトPreliminary statement (as on the 14th of April, 1905), prepared at the request of the president of the Local Government Board, by the Central Executive Committee外部サイトEducation in the protectorates外部サイトMinutes of evidence and reports to the commission in reference to growths of green sea-weeds in sewage polluted estuaries外部サイトExamination papers set at the annual examinations, 1907-8 : summary of the answering外部サイトAnnual report of the commissioners of education in Ireland外部サイトInterim report on public utility societies外部サイトMines and quarries : general report and statistics for 1907 : statistics of the persons employed, output, and accidents at mines and quarries in the United Kingdom, arranged according to the inspection districts外部サイトMinutes of evidence and appendices thereto of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 5. (pt. 2.) England and Wales and Scotland外部サイトReport by the Chief Labour Correspondent of the Board of Trade on Trade Unions in ... : with comparative statistics for外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several british self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1901 to 1915外部サイトEast India (famine) : administration of famine relief in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh during the years 1907 and 1908外部サイトReport on the French budget for 1910外部サイトForty-third annual report of the Local Government Board, 1913-14 : supplement in continuation of the report of the Medical Officer of the Board for 1913-14 containing a third report on Infant Mortality dealing with Infant Mortality in Lancashire外部サイトPrices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce外部サイトReport of the commissioners for the London and South-Eastern area外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the Masai外部サイトFurther papers relating to the registration of teachers and the proposed registration council (in continuation of Cd. 4185 and Cd. 4402)外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the decree issued by the Chinese government on May 9, 1906, respecting the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed by the Board of agriculture and fisheries to inquire into the position of tenant farmers on the occasion of any change in the ownership of their holdings, and to consider whether any legislation on the subject is desirable, with copy of the minutes appointing the committee外部サイトReport : pollution of estuaries and tidal waters外部サイトCopy of the unemployed workmen bill : shewing how the bill would run if the amendments of which Mr. Gerald Balfour has given notice were made in it外部サイトReport on the trade of the dominion of Canada for the year 1916外部サイトSupplement to the sixty-fifth annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales外部サイトEcclesiastical areas外部サイトAgricultural returns for Great Britain showing the acreage and produce of crops prices of corn and number of live stock with agricultural statistics for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries外部サイトReport on sunday labour外部サイトCommittee on distressed colonial and Indian subjects : minutes of evidence and appendices外部サイトPaper, printing, &c. trades ... in 1906外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the affairs of the Congo : presented to both Houses of the Parliament by command of His Majesty, November 1911外部サイトEast India (railways) : administration report on the railways in India for the calendar year ...外部サイトRegulations, &c., made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with regard to the administration of the Aliens Act, 1905外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers and for the examination of students in training colleges外部サイトCorrespondence relationg to the Sitapur murder case外部サイトFactories to wages (Session 1901)外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade, to consider and report how far any change is desirable in the form in which the trade accounts of the United Kingdom are published as regards the countries from which imports are received, and to which exports are sent外部サイトReport of the Metropolitan Poor Law Inspectors' Advisory Committee on the homeless poor to the right Hon. John Burns, M.P., president of the Local Government Board, to 31st December, 1913外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee on sight tests and appendices外部サイトEngineering and practical report外部サイトCommittee on the University of Wales and its constituent colleges : minutes of evidence and appendices外部サイトThe food supply of the United Kingdom : a report drawn up by a committee of the royal society, at the request of the president of the board of trade外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1898 to 1912 : fiftieth number外部サイトInterim report on the importation of goods from the present enemy countries after the war外部サイトIndex to minutes of evidence (vol. 1) and to the first two volumes of appendices外部サイトTables showing the rules and expenditure of trade unions in respect of unemployed benefits, and also showing earnings in the insured trades外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1908.)外部サイトReport of the Departmental committee on the hours and conditions of employment of van boys and warehouse boys, appointed by his majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department外部サイトStatistics relating to civil proceedings in supreme courts of appeal, the divisions of the High Court of Justice, the court of the Irish Land commission, and in larger and smaller district courts, Law stamps and taxes, consolidated taxing offices, registration of judgments, titles, deeds, &c., for the year ...外部サイトStatistics relating to police, crime and its distribution, modes of procedure for punishment of crime, proceedings in criminal courts, persons under detention in prisons and other places of confinement, for the year ...外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the notification of industrial accidents外部サイトSickness and injury外部サイトReport on the waterways of France, Belgium, Germany, And Holland : Vol. 6. Foreign inquiry外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1912.)外部サイトReport on conciliation and arbitration外部サイトReport of the Committee on distressed colonial and Indian subjects外部サイトInterim report of the Consultative Committee on Scholarships for Higher Education : adopted by the Committee on May 19th, 1916外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the industrial council in connection with their enquiry into industrial agreements外部サイトCollected diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War外部サイトFinal report外部サイトRepresentation of the people act, 1918 : proportional representation : report of the Royal commission, appointed in pursuance of section 20 (2) of the representation of the people act, 1918, with the scheme prepared by the commissioners外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1911.)外部サイトEast India (land revenue) : land revenue assessments in the Punjab, since 1855外部サイトInterim report of the Commissioners外部サイトAppendix to the report of the Commissioners : minutes of evidence relating to the Indian and provincial civil services : with appendices外部サイトFinancial statistics : 1911-12-13外部サイトCharts (reduced in size) illustrating the statistics of trade, employment, and conditions of labour in the United Kingdom, prepared for the St. Louis exhibition by the Commercial, labour, and statistical department of the Board of trade外部サイトIllustrations of methods of dust extraction in factories and workshops外部サイトReport to the Royal Commission on London Traffic外部サイトPublic elementary schools in "single-school parishes," as defined in section 3 (6) of the Elementary education (England and Wales) Bill, 1908外部サイトGeneral report外部サイトFirst Report : Dardanelles Commission外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1900 : with statistical tables外部サイトWestern Division, general report for the year 1907外部サイトSpecial report, with relative specifications and plans, prepared by Mr John Wilson, F.R.I.B.A., architectural inspector of the Local Government Board for Scotland, on the design, construction, and materials of various types of small dwelling-houses in Scotland外部サイトCommittee of inquiry into the conditions of employment in the linen and other making-up trades of the north of Ireland外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1903 : with comparative statistics for 1894-1902外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Compensation for Industrial Diseases外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the Settlement and Employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers外部サイトOld Age Pensions Act, 1908 : financial instructions for pension committees and sub-committees (revised 1 January 1909)外部サイトFourth report by the Board of Trade of proceedings under the Conciliation (Trade Disputes) Act, 1896 : 1901-1903外部サイトMemorandum by the Board of Trade and the Foreign Office with respect to the future organisation of commercial intelligence外部サイトReport for the year 1908外部サイトThe London County Council syllabus contained in a return to an order of the House of Lords, numbered 115.--I., 1906外部サイトReport of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the means of locomotion and transport in London外部サイトSecond report of the commissioners appointed in 1898 to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage (including any liquid from any factory or manufacturing process) may be properly adopted外部サイトReport of the committee appointed to advise as to the procedure which should be adopted for dealing with the chemical trade外部サイトAppendix to the report of the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration外部サイトReports on the cost of improving canal routes to the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 9.外部サイトBuilding grants. (appropriation act, 1907--civil services, class iv., vote 1).外部サイトNew French customs tariff : translation of the French customs tariff as amended by the law of the 29th March, 1910 : with a comparison of the new and former rates of duty外部サイトSelected reports from the scientific and technical department外部サイトMemorandum of the Minister of Reconstruction and the Minister of Labour外部サイトCorrespondence respecting Chinese loan negotiations外部サイトForty-ninth report, for the year 1905, of the inspector appointed, under the provisions of the act 5 & 6 will. IV. c. 38, to visit the certified reformatory and industrial schools of Great Britain外部サイトReports from His Majesty's minister of Peking respecting the opium question in China外部サイトResignation of Sir J. Bampfylde Fuller, K.C.S.I., C.I.E. : Lieut.-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam外部サイトReport of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1908外部サイトReport of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1908外部サイトReport by Mr. Walter J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Kiukiang, on a journey in the interior of Kiangsi外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the third International Opium Conference, held at the Hague, June 1914外部サイトTreaty of commerce and navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan : signed at London, April 3, 1911 : ratifications exchanged at Tokio, May 5, 1911 : together with exchange of notes terminating the agreement of December 4/5, 1878, respecting expenses incurred for shipwrecked subjects, London, April 3, 1911外部サイトAgreement between the United Kingdom and Japan : signed at London, August 12, 1905外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1909.)外部サイトReport on the trade of South Africa for the years 1917外部サイトStatistics of public education in England and Wales : part 1. educational statistics, 1907-8外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed to consider whether the post office should provide facilities for insurance under the Workmen's Compensation Acts外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1908, in Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトNational Insurance Act, 1911. (part II) : unemployment insurance : summary of decisions given by the umpire up to and including 4th July, 1912, on questions whether contributions are payable in respect of any workman or classes of workmen under part II. of the act外部サイトVital statistics of non-native officials : returns for 1912 (for returns for 1911 see[Cd. 6089] March, 1912)外部サイトAppendices to the final report of the Commissioners : third volume of appendics外部サイトInterim report of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment after the War外部サイトReport on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership abroad外部サイトBritish cotton cultivation : reports on the quality of cotton grown in British possessions外部サイトReport of the committee appointed to consider and advise with regard to the application of the national insurance act to outworkers外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1900 to 1914 : fifty-second number外部サイトExchange of notes between the United Kingdom and Japan : for the reciprocal waiver of consular fees on certificates of origin relating to exports : Tokio, October 26/31, 1912外部サイトReports and statistics relating to Continuation Classes and Central Institutions for the year 1906-07外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed by the board of trade to consider the position of the engineering trades after the war外部サイトMinute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 25th february,1908, providing for the distribution of the general aid grant.外部サイトChemical report外部サイトFinal report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the production of food in England and Wales外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee for Enquiring into the Principles which should Determine the Construction of Scales of Salary for Teachers in Elementary Schools外部サイトBuilding regulations for secondary schools and pupil-teacher centres: being principles to be observed in designing and fitting up new buildings, rules as to construction, etc., and certain requirements as to plans, specifications, and estimates外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed by the president of the local government board to consider and report on questions arising in connection with the reception and employment of the Belgian refugees in this country外部サイトAbstract of foreign labour statistics外部サイトThe teaching of "domestic science" in the United States of America外部サイトReport of the controller of the Department for the Development of Mineral Resources in the United Kingdom外部サイトMinutes of evidence and appendices and index外部サイトMinutes of evidence (relating to Scotland and Ireland on the original reference) taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded with appendices and indexes外部サイトDepartmental Committee on Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton Weaving Sheds : minutes of evidence and appendices外部サイトAppendices to the interim report of the Commissioners外部サイトList of certified schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children in England and Wales on 31st July, 1909外部サイトFurther correspondence relating to the imperial conference外部サイトReport of a Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903, appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトTransvaal : papers relating to legislation affecting natives in the Transvaal : in continuation of (Cd. 714), July, 1901外部サイトLaws relating to marriage in force in certain foreign countries外部サイトReport外部サイトExtracts from minutes of proceedings and papers laid before the conference外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade to advise as to the uniform to be adopted as the standard uniform for the mercantile marine外部サイトReports on the laws in force in certain foreign countries in regard to the emission of smoke from chimneys外部サイトCommittee appointed by the Board of Trade to investigate the principal causes which have led to the increase of prices of commodities since the beginning of the war外部サイトLanguage spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire外部サイトFinal report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies外部サイトFinal report of the Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science, etc外部サイトArea, families or separate occupiers and population; also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, tenements, birthplaces, and infirmities : summary tables外部サイトEast India (Press Act, 1910) : copy of the Indian Press Act, 1910, and proceedings of the legislative council of the governor general of India relating thereto外部サイトDespatch from his majesty's ambassador at Paris, forwarding a convention between Great Britain and France, signed at Paris, july 3, 1909 , in regard to workmen's compensation for accidents外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the dangers attendant on building operations : with draft for regulations, minutes of evidence, and appendices外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the night employment of male young persons in factories and workshops外部サイトSecond report on joint standing industrial councils外部サイトReport on the coal mines of Kyūshū外部サイトBuilding and woodworking trades in 1906外部サイトProvisional rules defining the respective jurisdiction of the mixed courts of the International and French settlements at Shanghae外部サイトReport of the Indian Famine Commission, 1901, and papers relating thereto外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the proposed publication of the report of the proceedings of the Colonial Conference in London in 1902外部サイトAnnual report for the year ...外部サイトTables showing for each of the years 1900-1909 the estimated value of the imports and exports of the Unite Kingdom at the prices prevailing in 1900, with an introductory memorandum : (in continuation of parliamentary paper, Cd. 4867, 1909)外部サイトReport on the judicial statistics of Scotland for the year 1902 : statistics relating to police apprehensions, criminal proceedings, prisons, reformatory and industrial schools, criminal lunatics, etc., also to business done in the courts of civil jurisdiction, and in judicial and other public offices外部サイトAccounts of expenditure of wage-earning women and girls外部サイトRegistration areas外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the affairs in China外部サイトCoal conservation committee : final report外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1907 : with comparative statistics for 1898-1906外部サイトAppendices to the Fourth and Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 8.外部サイトBuilding regulations for public elementary schools : being principles to be observed in planning and fitting up new buildings in England (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire) : in force from 1st September, 1914外部サイトReport of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the position of the coal trade after the war外部サイトReport of the Indian Factory Labour Commission, 1908外部サイトReports for the year 1908 on the Geological Survey, the Geological Museum in Jermyn Street, the Science Museum at South Kensington, and the work of the Solar Physics Committee外部サイトEast India (excise administration) : reply to representations and statements submitted by Mr. Herbert Roberts, M.P., relative to excise administration in India外部サイトReport on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1915, with supplementary report on the trade returns for 1914外部サイトReturn showing, I. The expenditure from the grant for public education in Scotland in the year 1907, II. A list of day schools aided from parliamentary grant, with statistics relating thereto, for 1906-7, and supplementary lists of schools, &c., III. Summarised statistics of day schools in receipt of annual grants under the code, for the year ended 31st August, 1907外部サイトInterim report on the treatment of exports from the United Kingdom and British overseas possessions and the conservation of the resources of the empire during the transitional period after the war外部サイトOld age pensioners and aged pauperism外部サイトGeneral report, with appendices外部サイトInterim report of the central committee on women's employment外部サイトReport of a sub-committee of the Committee of imperial defence on the insurance of British shipping in time of war外部サイトReports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which participated in the parliamentary grant for university colleges in the year 1907-8外部サイトReport of the committee of enquiry into the organization of the Crown Agent's Office : with a despatch thereon from the secretary of state for the colonies外部サイトSupplementary report on works committees外部サイトReport of the commissioners for Wales, including monmouthshire外部サイトIntroduction and part I. of the final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the settlement and employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers外部サイトReturns of produce of crops in England and Wales : with summaries for the United Kingdom外部サイトCode of regulations for public elementary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire), with schedules外部サイトReport by the chief labour correspondent on the strikes and lock-outs of 1899, with statistical tables外部サイトPublic utility services (roads and sanitation, gas, electricity, water, tramways and omnibuses) in 1906外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on London traffic with index and digest外部サイトFactory and Workshop Act, 1901 : report to his Majestry's secretary of State for the Home Department on the draft regulations for the processes of spinning and weaving flax and tow, and the processes incidental thereto外部サイトReports of the Departmental Committee on Education Rates : together with appendices外部サイトPublic elementary schools, England and Wales : tabular statement showing, in the area of each local education authority ...外部サイトAnnual report for 1913 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education外部サイトMemorandum with respect to the re-organisation of the Board of Trade外部サイトSupplementary regulation for secondary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire)外部サイトReport on the twelfth decennial census of Scotland外部サイトCode of regulations for day schools, with appendixes外部サイトReport by Mr. A. Hosie, on a journey to the eastern frontier of Thibet外部サイトTariff relations between the United States and the Dominion of Canada外部サイトNational debt : return showing (1) the aggregate gross liabilities of the state as represented by the nominal funded debt, estimated capital liability in respect of terminable annuities, unfunded debt and other liabilities in respect of debt, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each financial year, from 1835-36 to 1912-13, both inclusive, and (2), the gross and net expenditure charged annually during that period against the public revenue on account of the national debt, and other payments connected with capital liabilities (in continuation of Parliamentary paper [Cd. 6207], of session 1912)外部サイトAppendix to the seventy-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1907-8外部サイトMap to accompany despatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking : inclosing a report by Mr. George J. Kidston on a journey in Mongolia ("China. no.3 (1904).")外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the Colonial Conference, 1907外部サイトFourth Report of the Commissioners外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade on agencies and methods for dealing with the unemployed in certain foreign countries外部サイトSchool attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities of children excused from school for employment in agriculture on 31st May, 1916外部サイトCircular as to regulations for religious instruction in training colleges外部サイトTenements in administrative counties and urban and rural districts外部サイトNuisances due to excessive growths of green sea-weeds in sewage polluted estuaries, with special reference to Belfast Lough外部サイトReport外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken in India before the Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1909)外部サイトComparative analysis of the company laws of the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa with a memorandum prepared for the Imperial Conference外部サイトMinute of the Board of Education, dated 14th January, 1918 : issued in accordance with article 4(iv), of the Regulations of 18th April, 1917, under which supplementary grant is payable to local education authorities for elementary education外部サイトReport of committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to enquire into the circumstances connected with the alleged recent increases in the rental of small dwelling-houses in industrial districts in Scotland外部サイトSupplement to the Second report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, containing plans and diagrams外部サイトReport on the trade of Australia for the year 1915外部サイトReport on the trade of the dominion of Canada for the year 1915外部サイトReport of the Committee on the first reference外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's special commissioner inclosing the treaty between Great Britain and China : signed at Shanghae, September 5, 1902外部サイトInterim report of the departmental committee on approved society finance and administration外部サイトIndustrial fatigue and its causes外部サイトSecond report of the commissioners ; Appendix to second report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, june 1910-november 1910 with appendices and index外部サイトReport of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the causes of the present rise in the retail price of coal sold for domestic use外部サイトProclamations for delimiting the Presidency of Bengal ; for constituting the Province of Bihar and Orissa ; and for forming Assam into a Chief Commissionership under the immediate authority and management of the Governor General in Council外部サイトConvention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting commercial relations between Canada and Japan : signed at Tôkiô, January 31, 1906 : ratifications exchanged at Tôkiô, July 12, 1906外部サイトEast India (plague) : correspondence regarding measures for the prevention of plague外部サイトAppendix to the report to the Royal Commission on London Traffic by the Advisory Board of Engineers外部サイトEast India (excise) : report of the Indian Excise Committee, 1905-06外部サイトEast India (railways) : administration report on the railways in India for the year 1913-14外部サイトCorrespondence relating to gifts of food-stuffs and other supplies to His Majesty's government from the oversea dominions and colonies外部サイトThird report of the Royal Commission on Mines外部サイトStatistics of public education in England and Wales, 1906-7-8 : part 1. educational statistics外部サイトAnnual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales外部サイトReport on the decline in the agricultural population of Great Britain, 1881-1906外部サイトReport of the Company Law Amendment Committee外部サイトEmigration statistics of Ireland for the year 1914外部サイトReport of the commissioners for the West Midlands area外部サイトTables relating to the trade of British India with British possessions and foreign countries外部サイトReport on the agricultural returns relating to acreage and produce of crops and number of live stock in Great Britain with summaries for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries, and particulars of prices, imports and exports of agricultural produce外部サイトTables showing for each of the years 1900-1913 the estimated value of the imports and exports of the United Kingdom at the prices prevailing in 1900, with an introductory memorandum外部サイトReport of Committee on Trusts外部サイトCivil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, County Courts, and other Civil Courts外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Local government board to inquire and report with regard to the use of intercepting traps in house drains外部サイトCoal to wages (Session 1902)外部サイトFinal report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1907)外部サイトEast India (tariffs) : views of the Government of India on the question of preferential tariffs外部サイトRegulations for technical schools, schools of art, and other forms of provision of further education in England and Wales外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1902 : with comparative statistics for 1893-1901外部サイトFurther correspondence respecting the affairs of China : (in continuation of "China, no. 3 (1912)": Cd. 6447)外部サイトCommittee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the causes of the present rise in the retail price of coal sold for domestic use : minutes of evidence with appendix外部サイトTransport workers strike : report by Mr. Chester Jones, on certain disturbances at Rotherhithe on June 11th, 1912, and complaints against the conduct of the police in connection therewith外部サイトInterim report of the Committee on Adult Education : industrial and social conditions in relation to adult education外部サイトReport of the Indian Police Commission and resolutions of the Government of India外部サイトSummary tables : area, families or separate occupiers and population also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, tenements, birthplaces, and infirmities外部サイトReport on the administration of National Health Insurance during the years 1914-17外部サイトIndex to the population tables for England and Wales in volumes I-IV of the census report, 1911外部サイトThe seventy-fifth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1908-9外部サイトEast India (excise) : correspondence regarding excise administration外部サイトReport on the German law of 1909 against unfair competition外部サイトMemorandum on the teaching of English in Scottish primary schools外部サイトReport on technical and commercial education in East Prussia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, and Bohemia外部サイトCensus of the British Empire, 1901 : report with summary and detailed tables for the several colonies, &c., area, houses, and population; also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, birthplaces, religions, degrees of education, and infirmities外部サイトReturns of produce of crops in Great Britain : with summaries for the United Kingdom外部サイトPapers laid before the Imperial conference : naval and military defence外部サイトReport on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1916外部サイトWelfare supervision外部サイトBritish and foreign trade and industry : memoranda, statistical tables, and charts : prepared in the Board of Trade, with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration外部サイトSouthern Division, general report for the year 1907外部サイトReport received from Mr. Henry Birchenough : the Special Commissioner appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into and report upon the present position and future prospects of British trade in South Africa外部サイトEast India (police) : correspondence relating to the procedure in regard to confessions of persons accused of criminal offences外部サイトInterim report of the Consultative Committee on Scholarships for Higher Education : adopted by the Committee on May 19th, 1916外部サイトMemorandum explanatory of the provisions of the bill外部サイトCanteen construction and equipment外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade on the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada, 1907外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking, inclosing a report by Mr. George J. Kidston on a jorney in Mongolia外部サイトDepartmental committee on agricultural credit in Ireland : minutes of evidence, appendices and index外部サイトReport of the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee respecting the statutory regulations as to boats and life-saving appliances and other means of ensuring safety of life at sea, with appendices外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools外部サイトInterim report on an investigation of industrial fatigue by physiological methods外部サイトIndex to the two volumes of minutes of evidence and to the three volumes of appendices外部サイトFurther correspondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.5 (1901)"外部サイトReport on Japanese paper-making外部サイトReport on the trade of Canada and Newfoundland for the year 1917外部サイトColonial and foreign statistics外部サイトSecond report on rules of voluntary conciliation and arbitration boards and joint committees外部サイトFirst report of the commissioners ; Appendix to first report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, july 1909-april 1910 with appendices and index外部サイト1. Trade effluents ; 2. A new central authority外部サイトMinutes of evidence with regard to the treatment of trade effluents. Reports by the Officers of the Commission upon the preliminary treatment of sewage in slate beds外部サイトReport of a Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the administration of (a) endowments, the income of which is applicable, or is applied to, or in connection with, elementary education, and (b) small educational endowments other than the above, in rural areas, the application of which to their proper purposes presents special difficulties; and to consider how far under the existing law it is possible to utilise them to the best advantage; and whether any, and, if so, what changes in the law are desirable in the direction of conferring upon county and other local authorities some powers in respect of such educational endowments or otherwise外部サイトReports by Dr. Houston on bacteriological investigations : correspondence with foreign countries外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Trade Disputes & Trade Combinations together with index and appendices外部サイトMinutes of evidence, taken before the committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the bankruptcy law and its administration, with appendix and index外部サイトAddresses presented in India to his excellency the viceroy and the right honourable the secretary of the state for India外部サイトReport of the Board of Education for the year外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1911, with comparative statistics for 1902-1910外部サイトReport on the possibilities of cotton-growing in the East Africa protectorate for 1904外部サイトJury law and practice : report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into and report upon the law and practice with regard to the constitution, qualifications, selection, summoning, &c. of juries外部サイトConvention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting commercial relations between Japan and India : signed at Tôkiô, August 29, 1904 : ratifications exchanged at Tôkiô, March 15, 1905外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1908, in England, excludeing Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトForty-seventh report of the inspector appointed to visit the reformatory and industrial schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., cap. 103; 31st and 32nd Vic., cap.59; and 31st Vic., cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1908外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into and report upon the subject of small holdings in Great Britain, with copy of the minutes appointing the committee外部サイトReport by Acting Consul Litton on a journey in North-West Yünnan外部サイトCoal to wages (Session 1900)外部サイトGeneral abstract of marriages, births, and deaths registered in England and Wales in the year 1914外部サイトReports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which participated in the parliamentary grant for university colleges in the year 1906-7外部サイトList of public elementary shcools and certified efficient schools in England (except Monmouthshire) on 1st August, 1907外部サイトSecond report of the departmental Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Ventilation of Factories and Workshops外部サイトMinutes of evidence, appendices, and index外部サイトPoor Law Commissioners' report of 1834 : Copy of the report made in 1834 by the Commissioners for Inquiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws外部サイトA selection of Circular letters of the Scotch Education Department, 1898-1904, with explanatory memorandum外部サイトMemorandum on the International Conference on Labour Regulation held at Berne, September 1906 : with the text of the documents signed at the conference外部サイトRegulations for technical schools, schools of art, and other schools and classes (day and evening) for further education (from 1st August 1907 to 31st July 1908)外部サイトReport : on a collection of statistics as to the physical condition of children attending the public schools of the School board for Glasgow, with relative tables and diagrams外部サイトAppendices to the report of the Royal Commission on London traffic with index外部サイトReport on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand外部サイトReport for the year 1917 : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトReturns supplied to and prepared by the Royal Commission on Canals & Waterways 1907 : comprising the history, the extent, the capital of, and the traffic and works on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 4.外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration外部サイトEast India (Textile Factories) : report of the Textile Factories Labour Committee appointed by the Government of India, December, 1906, to enquire into the conditions of factory labor in India : with appendices外部サイトFinal report of the Commissioners外部サイトMinute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 12th march,1909,continuing the oparation of the scotch code, 1908.外部サイトAnnual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided and the experiments conducted外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into and report upon the subject of small holdings in Great Britain, with appendices and index外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August, 1909, in Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトReport on industrial and agricultural co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables外部サイトMinutes of evidence, taken before The committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the bankruptcy law of Scotland and its administration : with appendix and index外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's agent and consul-general at Cairo inclosing a report as to irrigation projects on the upper Nile外部サイトInternational convention for the suppression of the white slave traffic : signed at Paris, May 4, 1910外部サイトPapers relating to the reconstitution of the provinces of Bengal and Assam外部サイトFinal report of the Committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war外部サイトReport of the Women's Employment Committee : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1904 : with comparative statistics for 1895-1903外部サイトCode of regulations for public elementary schools in England (exclusive of Wales and Monmouthshire), with schedules外部サイトReturns of local taxation in Ireland for the year ...外部サイトSouth Africa : papers relating to certain legislation of the late South African Republic affecting natives外部サイトCriminal statistics : statistics relating to criminal proceedings, police, coroners, prisons, reformatory and industrial schools, and criminal lunatics for the year外部サイトReport on the trade of South Africa for the years 1915 and 1916外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools (In force from 1st August, 1909, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire.)外部サイトReport of a departmental committee on the post-war position of the sulphuric acid and fertiliser trades外部サイトRegulations applicable to schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children (in force from 1st September, 1909)外部サイトStandard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom外部サイトInterim report of the commissioners appointed in 1898 to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage (including any liquid from any factory or manufacturing process) may properly be adopted外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1910 : with comparative statistics for 1901-1909外部サイトReport of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons, with appendices外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed by the board of trade to consider the position of the electrical trades after the war外部サイトMinutes of proceedings of the Colonial Conference, 1907外部サイトEducational systems of the chief colonies of the British Empire (Cape Colony: Natal: Commonwealth of Australia: New Zealand: Ceylon: Malta)外部サイトReport by the committee on a national guarantee for the war risks of shipping to the lords commissioners of His Majesty's treasury外部サイトSupplement to the First report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, containing plans, curves and diagrams外部サイトIrish teachers pension rules, 1879 : rules under section 11 of the National school teachers (Ireland) act, 1879外部サイトCorrespondence relating to school attendance between the Board of Education and certain local education authorities since the outbreak of War外部サイトMemoranda giving the results of observations (mainly during 1902-5) on various processes of sewage treatment外部サイトRegulations providing for special grants in aid of certain local education authorities in England Wales in 1909-1910外部サイトDisposal of liquid refuse from distilleries外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, and the Empoyers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1908外部サイトStandard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom at 1st October, 1906外部サイトMemorandum on the steps taken for the prevention and relief of distress due to the war外部サイトReport of the aircraft insurance committee : government war risks insurance scheme外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade on the trade of Australia for the year 1914外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on the welfare of the blind外部サイトMemorandum on some of the results of Indian administration during the past fifty years of British rule in India外部サイトReport of the Commissioners : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトThird report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom外部サイトAppendices to the minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded外部サイトEast India (executive and legislative councils) : regulations, &c. for giving effect to the Indian Councils Act, 1909 (9th Edward VII., cap. 4.)外部サイトReport on industrial and agricultural co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables外部サイトStatistical information concerning output in relation to hours of work外部サイトReports to the commission : upon the effects of rainfall on the flow of sewage外部サイトMemorandum on the subject of government action in encouragement of cotton-growing in crown colonies外部サイトParliamentary areas外部サイトFurther papers relating to Tibet : in continuation of Cd. 1920外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's minister in China forwarding a general report by Mr. Leech respecting the opium question in China (in continuation of "China no. 1 (1908)": Cd. 3881.)外部サイトReport on rules of voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration Boards and joint committees外部サイトReport on the position of the import trade of Australia in July, 1917外部サイトReport on industrial canteens外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools in Wales外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1909 : with comparative statistics for 1900-1908外部サイトStandard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom at 1st October, 1913外部サイトRegulations and conditions : affecting the recognition by the Board of Education, under Section 48 of the Elementary Education Act, 1876, of elementary schools in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire (being neither public elementary schools nor schools applying for recognition under any other act of Parliament), as certified efficient schools外部サイトList of certified schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children in England and Wales on 31st July, 1908外部サイトReports from Her Majesty's diplomatic and consular officers abroad on subjects of commercial and general interest外部サイトIndex to Minutes of evidence (Appendix volume IX)外部サイトText of agreements made between His Majesty's government and the war risks insurance associations外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1913 : with comparative statistics外部サイトThe second report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1899 to 1913 : fifty-first number外部サイトReport on the work of the Ministry for the period ending 31st December, 1918外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on House-Letting in Scotland外部サイトAges and Condition as to Marriage in Administrative counties, urban and rural districts, and registration counties and districts外部サイトReport on workmen's co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables外部サイトReport外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Truck Committee外部サイトEast India (army administration) : correspondence regarding the abolition of the department of military supply外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers : (1) pupil-teacher regulations, (2) bursary regulations, (3) Student-teacher regulations : in force from 1st August, 1913, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade on the trade of Canada for the year 1913外部サイトReport by Mr. C.W. Campbell, His Majesty's consul at Wuchow, on a journey in Mongolia外部サイトPublic elementary schools in England and Wales : tabular statement showing, for the area of each local education authority for elementary education in England and Wales, the number of departments of ordinary public elementary schools with an average attendance not exceeding 100外部サイトReport of the members of the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded upon their visit to American Institutions外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the law relating to compensation for injuries to workmen外部サイトEighty-sixth annual report of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland with appendices for the year ending 31st March, 1918外部サイトReport of the Board of Education外部サイトThird report of the commissioners ; Appendix to third report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, november 1910- july 1911 with appendices and index外部サイトEducational systems of the chief crown colonies and possessions of the British Empire, including reports on the training of native races外部サイトReport on the working of the Education (Provision of Meals) Act, 1906, for the year ending 31st March 1910外部サイトAnnual report for 1917 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education外部サイトHealth insurance外部サイトReport of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Partial Exemption from School Attendance外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coal mining industry due to the war外部サイトReport to the secretary of state for the Home Department on the wages boards and industrial conciliation and arbitration acts of Australia and New Zealand外部サイトReport on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1914外部サイトAcreage and live stock returns of Great Britain : with summaries for the United Kingdom外部サイトFirst report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners外部サイトEast India (famine) : papers regarding the famine and the relief operations in India during 1900-1902外部サイトAnnual report for 1912 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1899 : with statistical tables外部サイトSpecial industrial diseases外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the dangers attendant on the use of lead and the danger or injury to health arising from dust and other causes in the manufacture of earthenware and china and in the processes incidental thereto, including the making of lithographic transfers外部サイトCorrespondence with the United States' government respecting foreign trade in China外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the Administration of the Expenditure in India : with index, analysis, and appendices外部サイトFinal report外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on Shipping Rings : with minutes of evidence and appendices外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the circumstances connected with the alleged recent increases in the rental of small dwelling-houses in industrial districts in Scotland with appendices & index外部サイトMemorandum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scottish schools外部サイトMinute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 13th july, 1908, providing for the special grants in aid of certain school boards of Scotland外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on sickness benefit claims under the national insurance act外部サイトIreland : minutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the second report (volume 2, part 1) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and iInland navigations of the United Kingdom, with indexes外部サイトReport on safe-guards for the prevention of accidents in the manufacture of cotton外部サイトFirst report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the ventilation of factories and workshops : with appendices外部サイトList of public elementary schools and certified efficient schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire) on 1st August, 1907外部サイトReport of His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the administration of the Port of London and other matters connected therewith外部サイトAppendix外部サイトPapers laid before the Colonial Conference, 1907外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton Weaving Sheds外部サイトFinal report of the Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science, etc外部サイトCoal to workmen's compensation (Session 1904)外部サイトFactories to workmen's compensation (Session 1905)外部サイトMinutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the 2nd Report (vol. 2., pt. 1.) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 3. England and Wales, and Scotland外部サイトCode of regulations for public elementary schools with schedules外部サイトDepartmental committee on the welfare of the blind : minutes of evidence, appendices and index外部サイトAnnual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided, the experiments conducted, together with a summary of the agricultural instruction provided by county councils in ... , and the expenditure on the same in ...外部サイトManurial value of sewage sludge外部サイトPart II. of the final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the settlement and employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers外部サイトFirst report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1909, in Wales and Monmouthshire)外部サイトReport of the Truck Committee外部サイトReport on collective agreements between employers and workpeople in the United Kingdom外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the Imperial Railway of North China : presented to both Houses of Parliament外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the bankruptcy law of Scotland and its administration外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade by the Committee appointed to investigate the question of financial facilities for trade外部サイトSecond general report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coal mining industry due to the war外部サイトEast India (medical) : measures for promoting the growth of an independent medical profession in India外部サイトIndex to the volumes of minutes of evidence and to the three volumes of appendices外部サイトReport on immigration into the United States外部サイトStatistics of public education in England and Wales, 1906-7-8 : part 2. financial statistics外部サイトSchool attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities of children excused from school for employment in agriculture on 31st January, 1916外部サイトReport on Trade Unions in 1905-1907 : with comparative statistics for 1898-1907外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade on the Trade of New Zealand for the year 1912外部サイトAbstracts of accounts of secondary schools on the grant list in England, 1911-1912外部サイトProvince of Munster外部サイトReport to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the Acts for the Regulation of the Hours of Employment in Shops in Australia and New Zealand外部サイトHousing in England and Wales : memorandum by the Advisory Housing Panel on the emergency problem外部サイトStatistical abstract relating British India外部サイトRegulations as to grants to secondary schools外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on humidity and ventilation in flax mills and linen factories : report and appendices外部サイトRegulations for special schools (i.e., schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children) ; Regulations for institutions providing instruction in preparation for a trade for students formerly in attendace at special schools外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1905 : with comparative statistics for 1896-1904外部サイトFourth report of the commissioners ; Fifth report of the commissioners ; Appendix to fifth report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, october 1911- january 1912 with appendices and index外部サイトRecommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies : held at Paris on June 14, 15, 16 & 17, 1916外部サイトAnnual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided and the experiments conducted and the agricultural instruction provided by county councils in ...外部サイトText of notes exchanged between the United States and Japanese governments regarding their policy in China, and declaration of the Chinese government on the subject外部サイトTables of expenditure for agricultural education (apart from secondary school and elementary schools) : comprising tables of the grants-in-and from the board of agriculture and the board of education, and of the expenditure of county councils, with explanatory memoranda外部サイトList of evening schools in England and Wales, for the school year ending 31st July, 1906外部サイトStatistical tables relating to British colonies, possessions, and protectorates外部サイトAgriculture in 1907外部サイトAppendices to the Evidence taken by the Royal Commission on London traffic with index外部サイトEast India (use of Government churches in India) : papers relating to the use for Presbyterian and Wesleyan services of garrison churches in India which have been consecrated for the service of the Church of England外部サイトStatistical tables relating to British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates外部サイトEmployment of Women : report of the board of trade on the increased employment of women during the war in the United Kingdom with statistics up to April 1918外部サイトReport of the Board of Education 1900-1901外部サイトExchange of notes respecting the accession of Japan to The declaration of September 5, 1914, between the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, engaging not to conclude peace separately during the present European war, ("Treaty series, no. 1 (1915)."), London, October 19, 1915外部サイトCoal to strikes (Session 1903)外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1906 : reports and statistics外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the evacuation of Shanghae外部サイトAppendix to the seventy-third report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1906-7外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress外部サイトFinal report of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment after the War外部サイトVentilation and lighting of munition factories and workshops外部サイトReports of the medical investigators with memorandum thereon外部サイトInfirmities : persons returned as totally blind, totally deaf, deaf and dumb, lunatic, imbecile and feebneminded外部サイトStandards for sewage effluents : replies to circular letter外部サイトReturn containing particulars of casualties to vessels stated to have been carrying deck loads, compiled from the reports of inquiries held in the United Kingdom during the last ten years, and the reports of foreign and colonial inquiries received and published by the board of trade during the same period外部サイトBuildings various kinds外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the opium question in China外部サイトReport of the proceedings of the Irish convention外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1897 to 1911 : fory-ninth number外部サイトReport of committee appointed to investigate revolutionary conspiracies in India with two resolutions by the Government of India外部サイトSecond report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies外部サイトPapers relative to the laws and regulations in force in the colonies under responsible government respecting the admission of immigrants外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (these regulations come into force from 1st August 1915, except where the contrary is expressly stated.)外部サイトReport on air tests in humid cotton weaving sheds外部サイトReport of a sub-committee of the advisory Committee to the Board of trade on commercial intelligence with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools : in force from 1st August, 1908, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire外部サイトReports on the laws on marriage and divorce in foreign countries外部サイトMinutes of evidence relating to England and Wales under the extended reference dated 2nd November, 1906, taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded with appendices and indexes外部サイトProvince of Connaught外部サイトReport to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the physical condition of the able-bodied male inmates of certain Scottish poorhouses, and English workhouses and labour yards外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1901 : with statistical tables外部サイトSecond report by Mr. Wilson Fox on the wages, earnings, and conditions of employment of agricultural labourers in the United Kingdom, with statistical tables and charts外部サイトFurther correspondence respecting the affairs of China : (in continuation of "China, no. 3 (1913)": Cd. 7054)外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking forwarding a report by Mr. W.J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Kiukiang, respecting the province of Kiangsi外部サイトFinal report of the commissioners ; Appendix to final report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, february 1912- december 1912 with appendices and index外部サイトPapers relating to scales of pensions and allowances of officers and men of the overseas contingents and their dependents外部サイトDespatch from His Majesty's minister in China forwarding a general report by Sir Alexander Hosie respecting the opium question in China (in continuation of "China no. 2 (1908)")外部サイトSupplementary report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1915外部サイトMinute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 4th february,1908, providing for the special grants in aid of certain school boards of Scotland外部サイトRegulations for the preliminary education, training and certification of teachers for various grades of schools外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury : to considerthe organisation of oriental studies in London, with copy of minute and letter appointing the committee and appendices外部サイトReport of the Commissioners for the North-Western area, including a supplemental report on the Barrow-In-Furness District外部サイトMemorandum on sea power and the principles involved in it外部サイトSummary of evidence on certain questions外部サイトDespatches from Sir A. Hosie forwarding reports respecting the opium question in China外部サイトBagdad railway : convention of March 5, 1903. Statutes of Imperial Bagdad Railway Company. Specification. Loan contract, first series 1903. Loan Contract, second and third series 1908. Additional convention of June 2, 1908外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into certain questions in connexion with the playgrounds of public elementary schools, with abstracts of evidence外部サイトTraining of teachers : report, statistics, &c.外部サイトAppendix to the report of the departmental committee on sickness benefit claims under the national insurance act外部サイトReport of the Government factories and workshops committee外部サイトGeneral report with illustrative maps and diagrams, tables, and appendix外部サイトReport of the commissioners for the South-Western area外部サイトAppendix to first report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, July 1909-April 1910; with appendices and index外部サイトMaps and diagrams furnished to the Royal Commission on London Traffic with index外部サイトMinute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 27th february,1908,amending the term of...外部サイトReport of the Transvaal Concessions Commission, dated 19th April 1901 : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1901外部サイトConference on the reform of the second chamber : letter from Viscount Bryce to the Prime Minister外部サイトPapers relating to Tibet : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトFurther report of the departmental committee on approved society finance and administration外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee on trade records : with appendices and index外部サイトStatistics of public education in England and Wales, 1905-6-7外部サイトAppendices to the minutes of evidence and final report of Her Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the water supply within the limits of the metropolitan water companies外部サイトDespatches from His Majesty's ambassador at St. Petersburgh transmitting the Russo-Mongolian agreement and protocol of the 21st October (3rd November), 1912外部サイトReturn of concessions in the East Africa and Uganda protectorates外部サイトBond investment to wages (Session 1906)外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1913)外部サイトSummary of the reports of the Commission外部サイトReport of the Committee on the second reference外部サイトReport of the departmental committee appointed to enquire and report as to the British export trade in live stock with the colonies and other countries外部サイトFirst interim report外部サイトFinal report of the commissioners外部サイトReport of the commissioners for the Yorkshire and East Midlands area外部サイトReport to the Board of trade on the trade of the Union of South Africa (and Rhodesia)外部サイトMinutes of evidence外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the position of the iron and steel trades after the war外部サイトSchool attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities for the period 1st September 1914-30th April 1915外部サイトProvince of Ulster外部サイトReport of the Engineering Trades (New Industries) Committee外部サイトReport of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1907外部サイトReport by Mr. W.J. Garnett of a journey through the provinces of Shantung and Kiangsu外部サイトList of Schools and detailed reports外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1908 : reports and statistics外部サイトReport by Consul-General Hosie on the province of Ssŭch'uan外部サイトMinutes of evidence外部サイトReport of the commissioners for Scotland外部サイトPapers relating to the resignation of the director of special inquiries and reports : 18th May, 1903外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1893 to 1907外部サイトReport on enquiry into industrial agreements外部サイトReports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which are in receipt of grant from the Board of Education外部サイトEmployment of women外部サイトMerchant shipping : safety of life at sea : draft life-saving appliances rules, with memorandum on safety of life at sea, by the President of the Board of Trade外部サイトMarried women outworkers : report on the objections raised against the draft special order including married women outworkers within the provisions of part I. of the National Insurance Act外部サイトEast India (Criminal Law Amendment Act) : full text of Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1908外部サイトMinnutes of evidence外部サイトFirst report of the committee appointed by the president of the Board of Trade to consider and report on the sub-division of merchant ships : foreign-going passenger steamers外部サイトPapers regarding外部サイトProgress of education in India, 1902-1907外部サイトFinal report of the Commissioners外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (in force from 1st August, 1908)外部サイトMemoranda on special investigations and experiments外部サイトInterim report on certain essential industries外部サイトSummaries of the evidence taken by a sub-committee of the Advisory committee to the Board of Trade on commercial intelligence, in the course of their enquiry with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry外部サイトBacteriological report外部サイトReport of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Telegraphists' Cramp外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed to enquire and report as to the British export trade in live stock with the colonies and other countries : with a digest of the evidence, appendices and an index外部サイトRegulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (in force from 1st August, 1909)外部サイトReport to the respective parliaments of the delegates to the South African convention, 1908-1909 : with copy of the draft South Africa constitution bill : presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. March, 1909外部サイトNational Health Insurance Commission : Ireland外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee for Enquiring into the Principles which should Determine the Fixing of Salaries for Teachers in Secondary and Technical Schools, Schools of Art, Training Colleges and Other Institutions for Higher Education (other than University Institutions)外部サイトReport on Ireland外部サイトAgriculture, coal (Session 1905)外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the taxation of natives, and other questions, in the Congo State外部サイトGeneral report, with tables and appendix外部サイトAdministrative areas : counties, urban and rural districts, &c外部サイトMaps and diagrams furnished to or prepared by the Royal Commission on London Traffic with index外部サイトReport for 1913-14 on the administration of National Health Insurance外部サイトReport on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1912, with comparative statistics外部サイトEast India (Excise Committee) : orders of the Government of India on chapters XI., XII. and XIII. of the Report of the Excise Committee, 1905-6外部サイトFifty-sixth report of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales外部サイトThe seventy-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1907-8外部サイトEast India (railways) : report of the Committee on Indian Railway Finance and Administration外部サイトReport on Trade Unions in 1908-1910 : with comparative statistics for 1901-1910外部サイトSecond interim report of the Adult Education Committee : education in the army外部サイトRegulations under which grants are payable by the Board of Education to day nurseries in England and Wales (in force from 1st April 1915.)外部サイトBirthplaces of persons enumerated in administrative counties, county boroughs, &c., and ages and occupations of foreigners外部サイトRegulations as to certificates of school attendance for the purpose of section 118 of the Children Act, 1908外部サイトAppendices to the Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal commission on the war in South Africa外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the war in South Africa外部サイトReport on Japanese paper mills外部サイトReport of the result of experiments in cotton culture in Corea外部サイトReport on the mineral wealth of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto外部サイトFurther correspondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.1 (1901)"外部サイトReport on agriculture and horse and cattle breeding in Kagoshima prefecture外部サイトReport of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the military preparations and other matters connected with the war in South Africa外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.3 (1900)"外部サイトReport on the Hokkaido外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the engagement between Her Majesty's ships "Shah" "Amethyst" and "Huascar"外部サイト



  • Report of the Commissioners for the North-Eastern area

  • Report to the Local Government Board on the industrial training of girls in the separate and district schools in the metropolitan district

  • Third interim report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the relations of human and animal tuberculosis

  • Final report

  • East India (India Office Balances) : memorandum on India Office balances : prepared under the instructions of the Secretary of State for India





  • CiNii Research

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Papers by command. Cd [series]
Cd [series], 1900-1918
Command Papers, 3rd Ser. [Cd.1]-[Cd. 9239]
Report of the Commissioners for the North-Eastern area
Report to the Local Government Board on the industrial training of girls in the separate and district schools in the metropolitan district
Third interim report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the relations of human and animal tuberculosis
Final report
East India (India Office Balances) : memorandum on India Office balances : prepared under the instructions of the Secretary of State for India
List of secondary schools in England recognised as efficient, with a list of recognised pupil-teacher centres
Minutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the 1st Report (vol. 1., pt. 1.) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 1. (pt. 2.)
Regulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August, 1908, in Wales and Monmouthshire)
First report of the commissioners
Some notes on medical education in England : a memorandum addressed to the president of the Board
East India (census) : general report of the census of India, 1911
Africa : report on prospects of growing cotton in the East Africa protectorate
Northern and Highland Divisions, general report for the year 1907
Report on the trade and commerce of the Somaliland Protecctorate for the year 1902-3
International agreement for the suppression of the white slave traffic : signed at Paris, May 18, 1904
Report to the commission by Dr. G. McGowan, Mr. R. B. Floris, A.I.C., and Mr. R. S. Finlow, B.Sc., on methods of chemical analysis as applied to sewage and sewage effluents
The recent development of German agriculture
Report of the Royal Commission on the housing of the industrial population of Scotland rural and urban
General report and appendices III. to X.
East India (sanitary) : progress of sanitary measures in India
I. Disposal of Liquid wastes from manufacturing processes ; II. Disposal of liquid and solid domestic refuse in rural areas
Report to the Home Office and to the Local Government Board upon an inquiry into the alleged danger of the transmission of certain diseases from person to person in weaving sheds by means of "shuttle-kissing"
Appendix to the report of the departmental committee on income tax with minutes of evidence taken before the committee
Report of the departmental Committee on Agricultural Credit in Ireland
Supplement to the general topographical index of Ireland, containing all the territorial divisions in which an alteration has been made between 31st March, 1901, and 2nd April, 1911, comprised in the following indices, viz.: Alphabetical indices to the townlands and towns, district electoral divisions, dispensary (or registrars') districts, poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), county districts, and county electoral divisions
Convention between the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and Russia, respecting measures for the preservation and protection of the fur seals in the North Pacific Ocean : signed at Washington, July 7, 1911 : ratifications deposited at Washington, December 12, 1911
Report on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom
Index to the 2 volumes of memoranda, statistical tables, and charts prepared in the Board of Trade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions
Report for the year 1906, on the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Royal Colleges of Science and of Art, the Geological Survey and Museum, and on the work of the Solar Physics Committee
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1909, in England, excludeing Wales and Monmouthshire)
Regulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1907)
Report to the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury of the committee on the university of Wales and the Welsh university colleges
Fourth and Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 7.
Report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1917
Report on sanitary measures in India
Province of Carlow
Note from the Russian provisional government and the British reply respecting allied war aims
Correspondence relative to the International Opium Commission at Shanghae, 1909
Prices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce in Great Britain
British and foreign trade and industry : statistical tables and charts relating to British and foreign trade and industry (1854-1908) : in continuation of certain tables and charts contained in the returns Cd. 1761. of 1903 and Cd. 2337. of 1904; with additions
Memorandum of arrangements betweemn the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Board of Education in regard to agricultural education in England and Wales
Regulations and conditions : affecting the recognition by the Board of Education, under Section 48 of the Elementary Education Act, 1876, of elementary schools in Wales and Monmouthshire (being neither public elementary schools nor schools applying for recognition under any other act of Parliament), as certified efficient schools
Report upon the present disputes affecting transport workers in the Port of London and on the Medway : together with the minutes of evidence of the inquiry
Imperial conference : correspondence relating to the Imperial conference, 1911. (In continuation of [Cd. 5273], July, 1910.)
Departmental committee on humidity and ventilation in flax mills and linen factories : minutes of evidence
Report of the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration : with minutes of evidence and appendix
Reports received from the Indian government and the governments of Her Majesty's colonial possessions respecting the regulations in force in India and the colonies with regard to commercial travellers and the treatment of their patterns and samples
Hours of work
Correspondence relating to a proposed Colonial Conference in 1907
Interim report on joint standing industrial councils
Final report of Her Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the water supply within the limits of the metropolitan water companies with index to the first and final reports of the commissioners
Suggestions for the consideration of teachers and others concerned in the work of public elementary schools
East India (Bengal Detenus Committee) : report of Sir N. Chandavarkar and Mr. Justice Beachcroft on detenus and internees in Bengal
Operations against Abors
Preliminary statement (as on the 14th of April, 1905), prepared at the request of the president of the Local Government Board, by the Central Executive Committee
Education in the protectorates
Minutes of evidence and reports to the commission in reference to growths of green sea-weeds in sewage polluted estuaries
Examination papers set at the annual examinations, 1907-8 : summary of the answering
Annual report of the commissioners of education in Ireland
Interim report on public utility societies
Mines and quarries : general report and statistics for 1907 : statistics of the persons employed, output, and accidents at mines and quarries in the United Kingdom, arranged according to the inspection districts
Minutes of evidence and appendices thereto of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 5. (pt. 2.) England and Wales and Scotland
Report by the Chief Labour Correspondent of the Board of Trade on Trade Unions in ... : with comparative statistics for
Statistical abstract for the several british self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1901 to 1915
East India (famine) : administration of famine relief in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh during the years 1907 and 1908
Report on the French budget for 1910
Forty-third annual report of the Local Government Board, 1913-14 : supplement in continuation of the report of the Medical Officer of the Board for 1913-14 containing a third report on Infant Mortality dealing with Infant Mortality in Lancashire
Prices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce
Report of the commissioners for the London and South-Eastern area
Correspondence relating to the Masai
Further papers relating to the registration of teachers and the proposed registration council (in continuation of Cd. 4185 and Cd. 4402)
Correspondence relating to the decree issued by the Chinese government on May 9, 1906, respecting the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs
Report of the departmental committee appointed by the Board of agriculture and fisheries to inquire into the position of tenant farmers on the occasion of any change in the ownership of their holdings, and to consider whether any legislation on the subject is desirable, with copy of the minutes appointing the committee
Report : pollution of estuaries and tidal waters
Copy of the unemployed workmen bill : shewing how the bill would run if the amendments of which Mr. Gerald Balfour has given notice were made in it
Report on the trade of the dominion of Canada for the year 1916
Supplement to the sixty-fifth annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales
Ecclesiastical areas
Agricultural returns for Great Britain showing the acreage and produce of crops prices of corn and number of live stock with agricultural statistics for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries
Report on sunday labour
Committee on distressed colonial and Indian subjects : minutes of evidence and appendices
Paper, printing, &c. trades ... in 1906
Correspondence respecting the affairs of the Congo : presented to both Houses of the Parliament by command of His Majesty, November 1911
East India (railways) : administration report on the railways in India for the calendar year ...
Regulations, &c., made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department with regard to the administration of the Aliens Act, 1905
Regulations for the training of teachers and for the examination of students in training colleges
Correspondence relationg to the Sitapur murder case
Factories to wages (Session 1901)
Report of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade, to consider and report how far any change is desirable in the form in which the trade accounts of the United Kingdom are published as regards the countries from which imports are received, and to which exports are sent
Report of the Metropolitan Poor Law Inspectors' Advisory Committee on the homeless poor to the right Hon. John Burns, M.P., president of the Local Government Board, to 31st December, 1913
Minutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee on sight tests and appendices
Engineering and practical report
Committee on the University of Wales and its constituent colleges : minutes of evidence and appendices
The food supply of the United Kingdom : a report drawn up by a committee of the royal society, at the request of the president of the board of trade
Statistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1898 to 1912 : fiftieth number
Interim report on the importation of goods from the present enemy countries after the war
Index to minutes of evidence (vol. 1) and to the first two volumes of appendices
Tables showing the rules and expenditure of trade unions in respect of unemployed benefits, and also showing earnings in the insured trades
Regulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1908.)
Report of the Departmental committee on the hours and conditions of employment of van boys and warehouse boys, appointed by his majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department
Statistics relating to civil proceedings in supreme courts of appeal, the divisions of the High Court of Justice, the court of the Irish Land commission, and in larger and smaller district courts, Law stamps and taxes, consolidated taxing offices, registration of judgments, titles, deeds, &c., for the year ...
Statistics relating to police, crime and its distribution, modes of procedure for punishment of crime, proceedings in criminal courts, persons under detention in prisons and other places of confinement, for the year ...
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the notification of industrial accidents
Sickness and injury
Report on the waterways of France, Belgium, Germany, And Holland : Vol. 6. Foreign inquiry
Regulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1912.)
Report on conciliation and arbitration
Report of the Committee on distressed colonial and Indian subjects
Interim report of the Consultative Committee on Scholarships for Higher Education : adopted by the Committee on May 19th, 1916
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency
Minutes of evidence taken before the industrial council in connection with their enquiry into industrial agreements
Collected diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War
Final report
Representation of the people act, 1918 : proportional representation : report of the Royal commission, appointed in pursuance of section 20 (2) of the representation of the people act, 1918, with the scheme prepared by the commissioners
Regulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1911.)
East India (land revenue) : land revenue assessments in the Punjab, since 1855
Interim report of the Commissioners
Appendix to the report of the Commissioners : minutes of evidence relating to the Indian and provincial civil services : with appendices
Financial statistics : 1911-12-13
Charts (reduced in size) illustrating the statistics of trade, employment, and conditions of labour in the United Kingdom, prepared for the St. Louis exhibition by the Commercial, labour, and statistical department of the Board of trade
Illustrations of methods of dust extraction in factories and workshops
Report to the Royal Commission on London Traffic
Public elementary schools in "single-school parishes," as defined in section 3 (6) of the Elementary education (England and Wales) Bill, 1908
General report
First Report : Dardanelles Commission
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1900 : with statistical tables
Western Division, general report for the year 1907
Special report, with relative specifications and plans, prepared by Mr John Wilson, F.R.I.B.A., architectural inspector of the Local Government Board for Scotland, on the design, construction, and materials of various types of small dwelling-houses in Scotland
Committee of inquiry into the conditions of employment in the linen and other making-up trades of the north of Ireland
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1903 : with comparative statistics for 1894-1902
Report of the Departmental Committee on Compensation for Industrial Diseases
Minutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the Settlement and Employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers
Old Age Pensions Act, 1908 : financial instructions for pension committees and sub-committees (revised 1 January 1909)
Fourth report by the Board of Trade of proceedings under the Conciliation (Trade Disputes) Act, 1896 : 1901-1903
Memorandum by the Board of Trade and the Foreign Office with respect to the future organisation of commercial intelligence
Report for the year 1908
The London County Council syllabus contained in a return to an order of the House of Lords, numbered 115.--I., 1906
Report of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the means of locomotion and transport in London
Second report of the commissioners appointed in 1898 to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage (including any liquid from any factory or manufacturing process) may be properly adopted
Report of the committee appointed to advise as to the procedure which should be adopted for dealing with the chemical trade
Appendix to the report of the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration
Reports on the cost of improving canal routes to the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 9.
Building grants. (appropriation act, 1907--civil services, class iv., vote 1).
New French customs tariff : translation of the French customs tariff as amended by the law of the 29th March, 1910 : with a comparison of the new and former rates of duty
Selected reports from the scientific and technical department
Memorandum of the Minister of Reconstruction and the Minister of Labour
Correspondence respecting Chinese loan negotiations
Forty-ninth report, for the year 1905, of the inspector appointed, under the provisions of the act 5 & 6 will. IV. c. 38, to visit the certified reformatory and industrial schools of Great Britain
Reports from His Majesty's minister of Peking respecting the opium question in China
Resignation of Sir J. Bampfylde Fuller, K.C.S.I., C.I.E. : Lieut.-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam
Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1908
Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1908
Report by Mr. Walter J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Kiukiang, on a journey in the interior of Kiangsi
Correspondence respecting the third International Opium Conference, held at the Hague, June 1914
Treaty of commerce and navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan : signed at London, April 3, 1911 : ratifications exchanged at Tokio, May 5, 1911 : together with exchange of notes terminating the agreement of December 4/5, 1878, respecting expenses incurred for shipwrecked subjects, London, April 3, 1911
Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan : signed at London, August 12, 1905
Regulations for the training of teachers for elementary schools (in force from 1st August, 1909.)
Report on the trade of South Africa for the years 1917
Statistics of public education in England and Wales : part 1. educational statistics, 1907-8
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to consider whether the post office should provide facilities for insurance under the Workmen's Compensation Acts
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1908, in Wales and Monmouthshire)
National Insurance Act, 1911. (part II) : unemployment insurance : summary of decisions given by the umpire up to and including 4th July, 1912, on questions whether contributions are payable in respect of any workman or classes of workmen under part II. of the act
Vital statistics of non-native officials : returns for 1912 (for returns for 1911 see[Cd. 6089] March, 1912)
Appendices to the final report of the Commissioners : third volume of appendics
Interim report of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment after the War
Report on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership abroad
British cotton cultivation : reports on the quality of cotton grown in British possessions
Report of the committee appointed to consider and advise with regard to the application of the national insurance act to outworkers
Statistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1900 to 1914 : fifty-second number
Exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and Japan : for the reciprocal waiver of consular fees on certificates of origin relating to exports : Tokio, October 26/31, 1912
Reports and statistics relating to Continuation Classes and Central Institutions for the year 1906-07
Report of the departmental committee appointed by the board of trade to consider the position of the engineering trades after the war
Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 25th february,1908, providing for the distribution of the general aid grant.
Chemical report
Final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the production of food in England and Wales
Report of the Departmental Committee for Enquiring into the Principles which should Determine the Construction of Scales of Salary for Teachers in Elementary Schools
Building regulations for secondary schools and pupil-teacher centres: being principles to be observed in designing and fitting up new buildings, rules as to construction, etc., and certain requirements as to plans, specifications, and estimates
Minutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed by the president of the local government board to consider and report on questions arising in connection with the reception and employment of the Belgian refugees in this country
Abstract of foreign labour statistics
The teaching of "domestic science" in the United States of America
Report of the controller of the Department for the Development of Mineral Resources in the United Kingdom
Minutes of evidence and appendices and index
Minutes of evidence (relating to Scotland and Ireland on the original reference) taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded with appendices and indexes
Departmental Committee on Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton Weaving Sheds : minutes of evidence and appendices
Appendices to the interim report of the Commissioners
List of certified schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children in England and Wales on 31st July, 1909
Further correspondence relating to the imperial conference
Report of a Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903, appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty
Transvaal : papers relating to legislation affecting natives in the Transvaal : in continuation of (Cd. 714), July, 1901
Laws relating to marriage in force in certain foreign countries
Extracts from minutes of proceedings and papers laid before the conference
Report of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade to advise as to the uniform to be adopted as the standard uniform for the mercantile marine
Reports on the laws in force in certain foreign countries in regard to the emission of smoke from chimneys
Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to investigate the principal causes which have led to the increase of prices of commodities since the beginning of the war
Language spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire
Final report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies
Final report of the Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science, etc
Area, families or separate occupiers and population; also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, tenements, birthplaces, and infirmities : summary tables
East India (Press Act, 1910) : copy of the Indian Press Act, 1910, and proceedings of the legislative council of the governor general of India relating thereto
Despatch from his majesty's ambassador at Paris, forwarding a convention between Great Britain and France, signed at Paris, july 3, 1909 , in regard to workmen's compensation for accidents
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the dangers attendant on building operations : with draft for regulations, minutes of evidence, and appendices
Report of the Departmental Committee on the night employment of male young persons in factories and workshops
Second report on joint standing industrial councils
Report on the coal mines of Kyūshū
Building and woodworking trades in 1906
Provisional rules defining the respective jurisdiction of the mixed courts of the International and French settlements at Shanghae
Report of the Indian Famine Commission, 1901, and papers relating thereto
Correspondence relating to the proposed publication of the report of the proceedings of the Colonial Conference in London in 1902
Annual report for the year ...
Tables showing for each of the years 1900-1909 the estimated value of the imports and exports of the Unite Kingdom at the prices prevailing in 1900, with an introductory memorandum : (in continuation of parliamentary paper, Cd. 4867, 1909)
Report on the judicial statistics of Scotland for the year 1902 : statistics relating to police apprehensions, criminal proceedings, prisons, reformatory and industrial schools, criminal lunatics, etc., also to business done in the courts of civil jurisdiction, and in judicial and other public offices
Accounts of expenditure of wage-earning women and girls
Registration areas
Correspondence respecting the affairs in China
Coal conservation committee : final report
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1907 : with comparative statistics for 1898-1906
Appendices to the Fourth and Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 8.
Building regulations for public elementary schools : being principles to be observed in planning and fitting up new buildings in England (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire) : in force from 1st September, 1914
Report of the Departmental committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the position of the coal trade after the war
Report of the Indian Factory Labour Commission, 1908
Reports for the year 1908 on the Geological Survey, the Geological Museum in Jermyn Street, the Science Museum at South Kensington, and the work of the Solar Physics Committee
East India (excise administration) : reply to representations and statements submitted by Mr. Herbert Roberts, M.P., relative to excise administration in India
Report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1915, with supplementary report on the trade returns for 1914
Return showing, I. The expenditure from the grant for public education in Scotland in the year 1907, II. A list of day schools aided from parliamentary grant, with statistics relating thereto, for 1906-7, and supplementary lists of schools, &c., III. Summarised statistics of day schools in receipt of annual grants under the code, for the year ended 31st August, 1907
Interim report on the treatment of exports from the United Kingdom and British overseas possessions and the conservation of the resources of the empire during the transitional period after the war
Old age pensioners and aged pauperism
General report, with appendices
Interim report of the central committee on women's employment
Report of a sub-committee of the Committee of imperial defence on the insurance of British shipping in time of war
Reports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which participated in the parliamentary grant for university colleges in the year 1907-8
Report of the committee of enquiry into the organization of the Crown Agent's Office : with a despatch thereon from the secretary of state for the colonies
Supplementary report on works committees
Report of the commissioners for Wales, including monmouthshire
Introduction and part I. of the final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the settlement and employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers
Returns of produce of crops in England and Wales : with summaries for the United Kingdom
Code of regulations for public elementary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire), with schedules
Report by the chief labour correspondent on the strikes and lock-outs of 1899, with statistical tables
Public utility services (roads and sanitation, gas, electricity, water, tramways and omnibuses) in 1906
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on London traffic with index and digest
Factory and Workshop Act, 1901 : report to his Majestry's secretary of State for the Home Department on the draft regulations for the processes of spinning and weaving flax and tow, and the processes incidental thereto
Reports of the Departmental Committee on Education Rates : together with appendices
Public elementary schools, England and Wales : tabular statement showing, in the area of each local education authority ...
Annual report for 1913 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education
Memorandum with respect to the re-organisation of the Board of Trade
Supplementary regulation for secondary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire)
Report on the twelfth decennial census of Scotland
Code of regulations for day schools, with appendixes
Report by Mr. A. Hosie, on a journey to the eastern frontier of Thibet
Tariff relations between the United States and the Dominion of Canada
National debt : return showing (1) the aggregate gross liabilities of the state as represented by the nominal funded debt, estimated capital liability in respect of terminable annuities, unfunded debt and other liabilities in respect of debt, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each financial year, from 1835-36 to 1912-13, both inclusive, and (2), the gross and net expenditure charged annually during that period against the public revenue on account of the national debt, and other payments connected with capital liabilities (in continuation of Parliamentary paper [Cd. 6207], of session 1912)
Appendix to the seventy-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1907-8
Map to accompany despatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking : inclosing a report by Mr. George J. Kidston on a journey in Mongolia ("China. no.3 (1904).")
Correspondence relating to the Colonial Conference, 1907
Fourth Report of the Commissioners
Report to the Board of Trade on agencies and methods for dealing with the unemployed in certain foreign countries
School attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities of children excused from school for employment in agriculture on 31st May, 1916
Circular as to regulations for religious instruction in training colleges
Tenements in administrative counties and urban and rural districts
Nuisances due to excessive growths of green sea-weeds in sewage polluted estuaries, with special reference to Belfast Lough
Minutes of evidence taken in India before the Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency
Regulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1909)
Comparative analysis of the company laws of the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa with a memorandum prepared for the Imperial Conference
Minute of the Board of Education, dated 14th January, 1918 : issued in accordance with article 4(iv), of the Regulations of 18th April, 1917, under which supplementary grant is payable to local education authorities for elementary education
Report of committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to enquire into the circumstances connected with the alleged recent increases in the rental of small dwelling-houses in industrial districts in Scotland
Supplement to the Second report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, containing plans and diagrams
Report on the trade of Australia for the year 1915
Report on the trade of the dominion of Canada for the year 1915
Report of the Committee on the first reference
Despatch from His Majesty's special commissioner inclosing the treaty between Great Britain and China : signed at Shanghae, September 5, 1902
Interim report of the departmental committee on approved society finance and administration
Industrial fatigue and its causes
Second report of the commissioners ; Appendix to second report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, june 1910-november 1910 with appendices and index
Report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the causes of the present rise in the retail price of coal sold for domestic use
Proclamations for delimiting the Presidency of Bengal ; for constituting the Province of Bihar and Orissa ; and for forming Assam into a Chief Commissionership under the immediate authority and management of the Governor General in Council
Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting commercial relations between Canada and Japan : signed at Tôkiô, January 31, 1906 : ratifications exchanged at Tôkiô, July 12, 1906
East India (plague) : correspondence regarding measures for the prevention of plague
Appendix to the report to the Royal Commission on London Traffic by the Advisory Board of Engineers
East India (excise) : report of the Indian Excise Committee, 1905-06
East India (railways) : administration report on the railways in India for the year 1913-14
Correspondence relating to gifts of food-stuffs and other supplies to His Majesty's government from the oversea dominions and colonies
Third report of the Royal Commission on Mines
Statistics of public education in England and Wales, 1906-7-8 : part 1. educational statistics
Annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales
Report on the decline in the agricultural population of Great Britain, 1881-1906
Report of the Company Law Amendment Committee
Emigration statistics of Ireland for the year 1914
Report of the commissioners for the West Midlands area
Tables relating to the trade of British India with British possessions and foreign countries
Report on the agricultural returns relating to acreage and produce of crops and number of live stock in Great Britain with summaries for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries, and particulars of prices, imports and exports of agricultural produce
Tables showing for each of the years 1900-1913 the estimated value of the imports and exports of the United Kingdom at the prices prevailing in 1900, with an introductory memorandum
Report of Committee on Trusts
Civil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, County Courts, and other Civil Courts
Report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Local government board to inquire and report with regard to the use of intercepting traps in house drains
Coal to wages (Session 1902)
Final report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1907)
East India (tariffs) : views of the Government of India on the question of preferential tariffs
Regulations for technical schools, schools of art, and other forms of provision of further education in England and Wales
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1902 : with comparative statistics for 1893-1901
Further correspondence respecting the affairs of China : (in continuation of "China, no. 3 (1912)": Cd. 6447)
Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the causes of the present rise in the retail price of coal sold for domestic use : minutes of evidence with appendix
Transport workers strike : report by Mr. Chester Jones, on certain disturbances at Rotherhithe on June 11th, 1912, and complaints against the conduct of the police in connection therewith
Interim report of the Committee on Adult Education : industrial and social conditions in relation to adult education
Report of the Indian Police Commission and resolutions of the Government of India
Summary tables : area, families or separate occupiers and population also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, tenements, birthplaces, and infirmities
Report on the administration of National Health Insurance during the years 1914-17
Index to the population tables for England and Wales in volumes I-IV of the census report, 1911
The seventy-fifth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1908-9
East India (excise) : correspondence regarding excise administration
Report on the German law of 1909 against unfair competition
Memorandum on the teaching of English in Scottish primary schools
Report on technical and commercial education in East Prussia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, and Bohemia
Census of the British Empire, 1901 : report with summary and detailed tables for the several colonies, &c., area, houses, and population; also population classified by ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, birthplaces, religions, degrees of education, and infirmities
Returns of produce of crops in Great Britain : with summaries for the United Kingdom
Papers laid before the Imperial conference : naval and military defence
Report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1916
Welfare supervision
British and foreign trade and industry : memoranda, statistical tables, and charts : prepared in the Board of Trade, with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Minutes of evidence taken before the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration
Southern Division, general report for the year 1907
Report received from Mr. Henry Birchenough : the Special Commissioner appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into and report upon the present position and future prospects of British trade in South Africa
East India (police) : correspondence relating to the procedure in regard to confessions of persons accused of criminal offences
Interim report of the Consultative Committee on Scholarships for Higher Education : adopted by the Committee on May 19th, 1916
Memorandum explanatory of the provisions of the bill
Canteen construction and equipment
Report to the Board of Trade on the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada, 1907
Despatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking, inclosing a report by Mr. George J. Kidston on a jorney in Mongolia
Departmental committee on agricultural credit in Ireland : minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Report of the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee respecting the statutory regulations as to boats and life-saving appliances and other means of ensuring safety of life at sea, with appendices
Regulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools
Interim report on an investigation of industrial fatigue by physiological methods
Index to the two volumes of minutes of evidence and to the three volumes of appendices
Further correspondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.5 (1901)"
Report on Japanese paper-making
Report on the trade of Canada and Newfoundland for the year 1917
Colonial and foreign statistics
Second report on rules of voluntary conciliation and arbitration boards and joint committees
First report of the commissioners ; Appendix to first report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, july 1909-april 1910 with appendices and index
1. Trade effluents ; 2. A new central authority
Minutes of evidence with regard to the treatment of trade effluents. Reports by the Officers of the Commission upon the preliminary treatment of sewage in slate beds
Report of a Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the administration of (a) endowments, the income of which is applicable, or is applied to, or in connection with, elementary education, and (b) small educational endowments other than the above, in rural areas, the application of which to their proper purposes presents special difficulties; and to consider how far under the existing law it is possible to utilise them to the best advantage; and whether any, and, if so, what changes in the law are desirable in the direction of conferring upon county and other local authorities some powers in respect of such educational endowments or otherwise
Reports by Dr. Houston on bacteriological investigations : correspondence with foreign countries
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Trade Disputes & Trade Combinations together with index and appendices
Minutes of evidence, taken before the committee appointed by the Board of Trade to inquire into the bankruptcy law and its administration, with appendix and index
Addresses presented in India to his excellency the viceroy and the right honourable the secretary of the state for India
Report of the Board of Education for the year
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1911, with comparative statistics for 1902-1910
Report on the possibilities of cotton-growing in the East Africa protectorate for 1904
Jury law and practice : report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into and report upon the law and practice with regard to the constitution, qualifications, selection, summoning, &c. of juries
Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting commercial relations between Japan and India : signed at Tôkiô, August 29, 1904 : ratifications exchanged at Tôkiô, March 15, 1905
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1908, in England, excludeing Wales and Monmouthshire)
Forty-seventh report of the inspector appointed to visit the reformatory and industrial schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., cap. 103; 31st and 32nd Vic., cap.59; and 31st Vic., cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1908
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into and report upon the subject of small holdings in Great Britain, with copy of the minutes appointing the committee
Report by Acting Consul Litton on a journey in North-West Yünnan
Coal to wages (Session 1900)
General abstract of marriages, births, and deaths registered in England and Wales in the year 1914
Reports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which participated in the parliamentary grant for university colleges in the year 1906-7
List of public elementary shcools and certified efficient schools in England (except Monmouthshire) on 1st August, 1907
Second report of the departmental Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Ventilation of Factories and Workshops
Minutes of evidence, appendices, and index
Poor Law Commissioners' report of 1834 : Copy of the report made in 1834 by the Commissioners for Inquiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws
A selection of Circular letters of the Scotch Education Department, 1898-1904, with explanatory memorandum
Memorandum on the International Conference on Labour Regulation held at Berne, September 1906 : with the text of the documents signed at the conference
Regulations for technical schools, schools of art, and other schools and classes (day and evening) for further education (from 1st August 1907 to 31st July 1908)
Report : on a collection of statistics as to the physical condition of children attending the public schools of the School board for Glasgow, with relative tables and diagrams
Appendices to the report of the Royal Commission on London traffic with index
Report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand
Report for the year 1917 : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Returns supplied to and prepared by the Royal Commission on Canals & Waterways 1907 : comprising the history, the extent, the capital of, and the traffic and works on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom : Vol. 4.
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration
East India (Textile Factories) : report of the Textile Factories Labour Committee appointed by the Government of India, December, 1906, to enquire into the conditions of factory labor in India : with appendices
Final report of the Commissioners
Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 12th march,1909,continuing the oparation of the scotch code, 1908.
Annual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided and the experiments conducted
Minutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into and report upon the subject of small holdings in Great Britain, with appendices and index
Regulations for secondary schools (in force from 1st August, 1909, in Wales and Monmouthshire)
Report on industrial and agricultural co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables
Minutes of evidence, taken before The committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the bankruptcy law of Scotland and its administration : with appendix and index
Despatch from His Majesty's agent and consul-general at Cairo inclosing a report as to irrigation projects on the upper Nile
International convention for the suppression of the white slave traffic : signed at Paris, May 4, 1910
Papers relating to the reconstitution of the provinces of Bengal and Assam
Final report of the Committee on commercial and industrial policy after the war
Report of the Women's Employment Committee : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1904 : with comparative statistics for 1895-1903
Code of regulations for public elementary schools in England (exclusive of Wales and Monmouthshire), with schedules
Returns of local taxation in Ireland for the year ...
South Africa : papers relating to certain legislation of the late South African Republic affecting natives
Criminal statistics : statistics relating to criminal proceedings, police, coroners, prisons, reformatory and industrial schools, and criminal lunatics for the year
Report on the trade of South Africa for the years 1915 and 1916
Regulations for secondary schools (In force from 1st August, 1909, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire.)
Report of a departmental committee on the post-war position of the sulphuric acid and fertiliser trades
Regulations applicable to schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children (in force from 1st September, 1909)
Standard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom
Interim report of the commissioners appointed in 1898 to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage (including any liquid from any factory or manufacturing process) may properly be adopted
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1910 : with comparative statistics for 1901-1909
Report of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons, with appendices
Report of the departmental committee appointed by the board of trade to consider the position of the electrical trades after the war
Minutes of proceedings of the Colonial Conference, 1907
Educational systems of the chief colonies of the British Empire (Cape Colony: Natal: Commonwealth of Australia: New Zealand: Ceylon: Malta)
Report by the committee on a national guarantee for the war risks of shipping to the lords commissioners of His Majesty's treasury
Supplement to the First report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, containing plans, curves and diagrams
Irish teachers pension rules, 1879 : rules under section 11 of the National school teachers (Ireland) act, 1879
Correspondence relating to school attendance between the Board of Education and certain local education authorities since the outbreak of War
Memoranda giving the results of observations (mainly during 1902-5) on various processes of sewage treatment
Regulations providing for special grants in aid of certain local education authorities in England Wales in 1909-1910
Disposal of liquid refuse from distilleries
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, and the Empoyers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1908
Standard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom at 1st October, 1906
Memorandum on the steps taken for the prevention and relief of distress due to the war
Report of the aircraft insurance committee : government war risks insurance scheme
Report to the Board of Trade on the trade of Australia for the year 1914
Report of the departmental committee on the welfare of the blind
Memorandum on some of the results of Indian administration during the past fifty years of British rule in India
Report of the Commissioners : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty
Third report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom
Appendices to the minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded
East India (executive and legislative councils) : regulations, &c. for giving effect to the Indian Councils Act, 1909 (9th Edward VII., cap. 4.)
Report on industrial and agricultural co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables
Statistical information concerning output in relation to hours of work
Reports to the commission : upon the effects of rainfall on the flow of sewage
Memorandum on the subject of government action in encouragement of cotton-growing in crown colonies
Parliamentary areas
Further papers relating to Tibet : in continuation of Cd. 1920
Despatch from His Majesty's minister in China forwarding a general report by Mr. Leech respecting the opium question in China (in continuation of "China no. 1 (1908)": Cd. 3881.)
Report on rules of voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration Boards and joint committees
Report on the position of the import trade of Australia in July, 1917
Report on industrial canteens
Regulations for secondary schools in Wales
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1909 : with comparative statistics for 1900-1908
Standard time rates of wages in the United Kingdom at 1st October, 1913
Regulations and conditions : affecting the recognition by the Board of Education, under Section 48 of the Elementary Education Act, 1876, of elementary schools in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire (being neither public elementary schools nor schools applying for recognition under any other act of Parliament), as certified efficient schools
List of certified schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children in England and Wales on 31st July, 1908
Reports from Her Majesty's diplomatic and consular officers abroad on subjects of commercial and general interest
Index to Minutes of evidence (Appendix volume IX)
Text of agreements made between His Majesty's government and the war risks insurance associations
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1913 : with comparative statistics
The second report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom
Statistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1899 to 1913 : fifty-first number
Report on the work of the Ministry for the period ending 31st December, 1918
Report of the Departmental Committee on House-Letting in Scotland
Ages and Condition as to Marriage in Administrative counties, urban and rural districts, and registration counties and districts
Report on workmen's co-operative societies in the United Kingdom : with statistical tables
Minutes of evidence taken before the Truck Committee
East India (army administration) : correspondence regarding the abolition of the department of military supply
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers : (1) pupil-teacher regulations, (2) bursary regulations, (3) Student-teacher regulations : in force from 1st August, 1913, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire
Report to the Board of Trade on the trade of Canada for the year 1913
Report by Mr. C.W. Campbell, His Majesty's consul at Wuchow, on a journey in Mongolia
Public elementary schools in England and Wales : tabular statement showing, for the area of each local education authority for elementary education in England and Wales, the number of departments of ordinary public elementary schools with an average attendance not exceeding 100
Report of the members of the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded upon their visit to American Institutions
Report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the law relating to compensation for injuries to workmen
Eighty-sixth annual report of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland with appendices for the year ending 31st March, 1918
Report of the Board of Education
Third report of the commissioners ; Appendix to third report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, november 1910- july 1911 with appendices and index
Educational systems of the chief crown colonies and possessions of the British Empire, including reports on the training of native races
Report on the working of the Education (Provision of Meals) Act, 1906, for the year ending 31st March 1910
Annual report for 1917 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education
Health insurance
Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Partial Exemption from School Attendance
Report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coal mining industry due to the war
Report to the secretary of state for the Home Department on the wages boards and industrial conciliation and arbitration acts of Australia and New Zealand
Report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1914
Acreage and live stock returns of Great Britain : with summaries for the United Kingdom
First report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the probable economic effect of a limit of eight hours to the working day of coal miners
East India (famine) : papers regarding the famine and the relief operations in India during 1900-1902
Annual report for 1912 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1899 : with statistical tables
Special industrial diseases
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the dangers attendant on the use of lead and the danger or injury to health arising from dust and other causes in the manufacture of earthenware and china and in the processes incidental thereto, including the making of lithographic transfers
Correspondence with the United States' government respecting foreign trade in China
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the Administration of the Expenditure in India : with index, analysis, and appendices
Final report
Report of the Royal Commission on Shipping Rings : with minutes of evidence and appendices
Minutes of evidence taken before the committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the circumstances connected with the alleged recent increases in the rental of small dwelling-houses in industrial districts in Scotland with appendices & index
Memorandum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scottish schools
Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 13th july, 1908, providing for the special grants in aid of certain school boards of Scotland
Report of the departmental committee on sickness benefit claims under the national insurance act
Ireland : minutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the second report (volume 2, part 1) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and iInland navigations of the United Kingdom, with indexes
Report on safe-guards for the prevention of accidents in the manufacture of cotton
First report of the departmental committee appointed to inquire into the ventilation of factories and workshops : with appendices
List of public elementary schools and certified efficient schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire) on 1st August, 1907
Report of His Majesty's Commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the administration of the Port of London and other matters connected therewith
Papers laid before the Colonial Conference, 1907
Report of the Departmental Committee on Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton Weaving Sheds
Final report of the Departmental Committee on the Royal College of Science, etc
Coal to workmen's compensation (Session 1904)
Factories to workmen's compensation (Session 1905)
Minutes of evidence and appendices thereto accompanying the 2nd Report (vol. 2., pt. 1.) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom with indexes : Vol. 3. England and Wales, and Scotland
Code of regulations for public elementary schools with schedules
Departmental committee on the welfare of the blind : minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Annual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided, the experiments conducted, together with a summary of the agricultural instruction provided by county councils in ... , and the expenditure on the same in ...
Manurial value of sewage sludge
Part II. of the final report of the departmental committee appointed by the president of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to consider the settlement and employment on the land in England and Wales of discharged sailors and soldiers
First report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies
Regulations for the preliminary education of elementary school teachers (in force from 1st August, 1909, in Wales and Monmouthshire)
Report of the Truck Committee
Report on collective agreements between employers and workpeople in the United Kingdom
Correspondence respecting the Imperial Railway of North China : presented to both Houses of Parliament
Report of the committee appointed by the secretary for Scotland to inquire into the bankruptcy law of Scotland and its administration
Report to the Board of Trade by the Committee appointed to investigate the question of financial facilities for trade
Second general report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into the conditions prevailing in the coal mining industry due to the war
East India (medical) : measures for promoting the growth of an independent medical profession in India
Index to the volumes of minutes of evidence and to the three volumes of appendices
Report on immigration into the United States
Statistics of public education in England and Wales, 1906-7-8 : part 2. financial statistics
School attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities of children excused from school for employment in agriculture on 31st January, 1916
Report on Trade Unions in 1905-1907 : with comparative statistics for 1898-1907
Report to the Board of Trade on the Trade of New Zealand for the year 1912
Abstracts of accounts of secondary schools on the grant list in England, 1911-1912
Province of Munster
Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the Acts for the Regulation of the Hours of Employment in Shops in Australia and New Zealand
Housing in England and Wales : memorandum by the Advisory Housing Panel on the emergency problem
Statistical abstract relating British India
Regulations as to grants to secondary schools
Report of the departmental committee on humidity and ventilation in flax mills and linen factories : report and appendices
Regulations for special schools (i.e., schools for blind, deaf, defective, and epileptic children) ; Regulations for institutions providing instruction in preparation for a trade for students formerly in attendace at special schools
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1905 : with comparative statistics for 1896-1904
Fourth report of the commissioners ; Fifth report of the commissioners ; Appendix to fifth report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, october 1911- january 1912 with appendices and index
Recommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies : held at Paris on June 14, 15, 16 & 17, 1916
Annual report on the distribution of grants for agricultural education and research in the year ... : with statements respecting the several colleges and institutions aided and the experiments conducted and the agricultural instruction provided by county councils in ...
Text of notes exchanged between the United States and Japanese governments regarding their policy in China, and declaration of the Chinese government on the subject
Tables of expenditure for agricultural education (apart from secondary school and elementary schools) : comprising tables of the grants-in-and from the board of agriculture and the board of education, and of the expenditure of county councils, with explanatory memoranda
List of evening schools in England and Wales, for the school year ending 31st July, 1906
Statistical tables relating to British colonies, possessions, and protectorates
Agriculture in 1907
Appendices to the Evidence taken by the Royal Commission on London traffic with index
East India (use of Government churches in India) : papers relating to the use for Presbyterian and Wesleyan services of garrison churches in India which have been consecrated for the service of the Church of England
Statistical tables relating to British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates
Employment of Women : report of the board of trade on the increased employment of women during the war in the United Kingdom with statistics up to April 1918
Report of the Board of Education 1900-1901
Exchange of notes respecting the accession of Japan to The declaration of September 5, 1914, between the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, engaging not to conclude peace separately during the present European war, ("Treaty series, no. 1 (1915)."), London, October 19, 1915
Coal to strikes (Session 1903)
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1906 : reports and statistics
Correspondence respecting the evacuation of Shanghae
Appendix to the seventy-third report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1906-7
Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress
Final report of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment after the War
Ventilation and lighting of munition factories and workshops
Reports of the medical investigators with memorandum thereon
Infirmities : persons returned as totally blind, totally deaf, deaf and dumb, lunatic, imbecile and feebneminded
Standards for sewage effluents : replies to circular letter
Return containing particulars of casualties to vessels stated to have been carrying deck loads, compiled from the reports of inquiries held in the United Kingdom during the last ten years, and the reports of foreign and colonial inquiries received and published by the board of trade during the same period
Buildings various kinds
Correspondence respecting the opium question in China
Report of the proceedings of the Irish convention
Statistical abstract for the several British self-governing dominions, crown colonies, possessions, and protectorates in each year from 1897 to 1911 : fory-ninth number
Report of committee appointed to investigate revolutionary conspiracies in India with two resolutions by the Government of India
Second report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies
Papers relative to the laws and regulations in force in the colonies under responsible government respecting the admission of immigrants
Regulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (these regulations come into force from 1st August 1915, except where the contrary is expressly stated.)
Report on air tests in humid cotton weaving sheds
Report of a sub-committee of the advisory Committee to the Board of trade on commercial intelligence with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry
Regulations for secondary schools : in force from 1st August, 1908, in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire
Reports on the laws on marriage and divorce in foreign countries
Minutes of evidence relating to England and Wales under the extended reference dated 2nd November, 1906, taken before the Royal Commission on the care and control of the feeble-minded with appendices and indexes
Province of Connaught
Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the physical condition of the able-bodied male inmates of certain Scottish poorhouses, and English workhouses and labour yards
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1901 : with statistical tables
Second report by Mr. Wilson Fox on the wages, earnings, and conditions of employment of agricultural labourers in the United Kingdom, with statistical tables and charts
Further correspondence respecting the affairs of China : (in continuation of "China, no. 3 (1913)": Cd. 7054)
Despatch from His Majesty's Minister at Peking forwarding a report by Mr. W.J. Clennell, His Majesty's Consul at Kiukiang, respecting the province of Kiangsi
Final report of the commissioners ; Appendix to final report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, february 1912- december 1912 with appendices and index
Papers relating to scales of pensions and allowances of officers and men of the overseas contingents and their dependents
Despatch from His Majesty's minister in China forwarding a general report by Sir Alexander Hosie respecting the opium question in China (in continuation of "China no. 2 (1908)")
Supplementary report on the trade of the Dominion of New Zealand for the year 1915
Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 4th february,1908, providing for the special grants in aid of certain school boards of Scotland
Regulations for the preliminary education, training and certification of teachers for various grades of schools
Report of the committee appointed by the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury : to considerthe organisation of oriental studies in London, with copy of minute and letter appointing the committee and appendices
Report of the Commissioners for the North-Western area, including a supplemental report on the Barrow-In-Furness District
Memorandum on sea power and the principles involved in it
Summary of evidence on certain questions
Despatches from Sir A. Hosie forwarding reports respecting the opium question in China
Bagdad railway : convention of March 5, 1903. Statutes of Imperial Bagdad Railway Company. Specification. Loan contract, first series 1903. Loan Contract, second and third series 1908. Additional convention of June 2, 1908
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into certain questions in connexion with the playgrounds of public elementary schools, with abstracts of evidence
Training of teachers : report, statistics, &c.
Appendix to the report of the departmental committee on sickness benefit claims under the national insurance act
Report of the Government factories and workshops committee
General report with illustrative maps and diagrams, tables, and appendix
Report of the commissioners for the South-Western area
Appendix to first report of the commissioners : minutes of evidence, July 1909-April 1910; with appendices and index
Maps and diagrams furnished to the Royal Commission on London Traffic with index
Minute of the committee of council on education in Scotland : dated 27th february,1908,amending the term of...
Report of the Transvaal Concessions Commission, dated 19th April 1901 : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1901
Conference on the reform of the second chamber : letter from Viscount Bryce to the Prime Minister
Papers relating to Tibet : presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty
Further report of the departmental committee on approved society finance and administration
Minutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee on trade records : with appendices and index
Statistics of public education in England and Wales, 1905-6-7
Appendices to the minutes of evidence and final report of Her Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject of the water supply within the limits of the metropolitan water companies
Despatches from His Majesty's ambassador at St. Petersburgh transmitting the Russo-Mongolian agreement and protocol of the 21st October (3rd November), 1912
Return of concessions in the East Africa and Uganda protectorates
Bond investment to wages (Session 1906)
Regulations for the training of teachers for secondary schools (in force from 1st August 1913)
Summary of the reports of the Commission
Report of the Committee on the second reference
Report of the departmental committee appointed to enquire and report as to the British export trade in live stock with the colonies and other countries
First interim report
Final report of the commissioners
Report of the commissioners for the Yorkshire and East Midlands area
Report to the Board of trade on the trade of the Union of South Africa (and Rhodesia)
Minutes of evidence
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the position of the iron and steel trades after the war
School attendance and employment in agriculture : summary of returns supplied by county local education authorities for the period 1st September 1914-30th April 1915
Province of Ulster
Report of the Engineering Trades (New Industries) Committee
Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1907
Report by Mr. W.J. Garnett of a journey through the provinces of Shantung and Kiangsu
List of Schools and detailed reports
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1908 : reports and statistics
Report by Consul-General Hosie on the province of Ssŭch'uan
Minutes of evidence
Report of the commissioners for Scotland
Papers relating to the resignation of the director of special inquiries and reports : 18th May, 1903
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1893 to 1907
Report on enquiry into industrial agreements
Reports from those universities and university colleges in Great Britain which are in receipt of grant from the Board of Education
Employment of women
Merchant shipping : safety of life at sea : draft life-saving appliances rules, with memorandum on safety of life at sea, by the President of the Board of Trade
Married women outworkers : report on the objections raised against the draft special order including married women outworkers within the provisions of part I. of the National Insurance Act
East India (Criminal Law Amendment Act) : full text of Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1908
Minnutes of evidence
First report of the committee appointed by the president of the Board of Trade to consider and report on the sub-division of merchant ships : foreign-going passenger steamers
Papers regarding
Progress of education in India, 1902-1907
Final report of the Commissioners
Regulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (in force from 1st August, 1908)
Memoranda on special investigations and experiments
Interim report on certain essential industries
Summaries of the evidence taken by a sub-committee of the Advisory committee to the Board of Trade on commercial intelligence, in the course of their enquiry with respect to measures for securing the position, after the war, of certain branches of British industry
Bacteriological report
Report of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland
Report of the Departmental Committee on Telegraphists' Cramp
Minutes of evidence taken before the departmental committee appointed to enquire and report as to the British export trade in live stock with the colonies and other countries : with a digest of the evidence, appendices and an index
Regulations for the training of teachers of domestic subjects (in force from 1st August, 1909)
Report to the respective parliaments of the delegates to the South African convention, 1908-1909 : with copy of the draft South Africa constitution bill : presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. March, 1909
National Health Insurance Commission : Ireland
Report of the Departmental Committee for Enquiring into the Principles which should Determine the Fixing of Salaries for Teachers in Secondary and Technical Schools, Schools of Art, Training Colleges and Other Institutions for Higher Education (other than University Institutions)
Report on Ireland
Agriculture, coal (Session 1905)
Correspondence respecting the taxation of natives, and other questions, in the Congo State
General report, with tables and appendix
Administrative areas : counties, urban and rural districts, &c
Maps and diagrams furnished to or prepared by the Royal Commission on London Traffic with index
Report for 1913-14 on the administration of National Health Insurance
Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1912, with comparative statistics
East India (Excise Committee) : orders of the Government of India on chapters XI., XII. and XIII. of the Report of the Excise Committee, 1905-6
Fifty-sixth report of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales
The seventy-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1907-8
East India (railways) : report of the Committee on Indian Railway Finance and Administration
Report on Trade Unions in 1908-1910 : with comparative statistics for 1901-1910
Second interim report of the Adult Education Committee : education in the army
Regulations under which grants are payable by the Board of Education to day nurseries in England and Wales (in force from 1st April 1915.)
Birthplaces of persons enumerated in administrative counties, county boroughs, &c., and ages and occupations of foreigners
Regulations as to certificates of school attendance for the purpose of section 118 of the Children Act, 1908
Appendices to the Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal commission on the war in South Africa
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the war in South Africa
Report on Japanese paper mills
Report of the result of experiments in cotton culture in Corea
Report on the mineral wealth of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto
Further correspondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.1 (1901)"
Report on agriculture and horse and cattle breeding in Kagoshima prefecture
Report of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to inquire into the military preparations and other matters connected with the war in South Africa
Correspondence respecting the disturbances in China : in continuation of "China No.3 (1900)"
Report on the Hokkaido
Correspondence relating to the engagement between Her Majesty's ships "Shah" "Amethyst" and "Huascar"