
Springer series in solid-state sciences


Springer series in solid-state sciences



Strong fermion interactions in fractional quantum hall states : correlation functions外部サイトMolecular dynamics simulations : proceedings of the 13th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, November 6-9, 1990外部サイトQuantum theory of magnetism外部サイトExcitonic processes in solids外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトCore-level spectroscopy in condensed systems : proceedings of the Tenth Taniguchi International Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 19-23, 1987外部サイトMagnetic excitations and fluctuations : proceedings of an international workshop, San Miniato, Italy, May 28-June 1, 1984外部サイトStatics and dynamics外部サイトMagneto-optics外部サイトPhonon scattering in condensed matter V : proceedings of the fifth international conference, Urbana, Illinois, June 2-6, 1986外部サイトSpin physics in semiconductors外部サイトMagnetic bubble technology外部サイトFowler-Nordheim field emission : effects in semiconductor nanostructures外部サイトStrong correlation and superconductivity : proceedings of the IBM Japan International Symposium, Mt. Fuji, Japan, 21-25 May, 1989外部サイトTopological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matter外部サイトMagnetic flux structures in superconductors外部サイトGreen's functions in quantum physics外部サイトSpin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetism外部サイトThe fractional quantum hall effect : properties of an incompressible quantum fluid外部サイトElectron spectrum of gapless semiconductors外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトThe quantum statistics of dynamic processes外部サイトElectronic absorption of deep centres and vibrational spectra外部サイトPhysical properties of crystals外部サイトStrongly correlated systems : experimental techniques外部サイトExcitons in low-dimensional semiconductors : theory, numerical methods, applications外部サイトProducts of random matrices in statistical physics外部サイトThe Recursion method and its applications : proceedings of the conference, Imperial College, London, England, September 13-14, 1984外部サイトQuantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors外部サイトOne-dimensional conductors外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトMultiple diffraction of x-rays in crystals外部サイトHigh magnetic fields in semiconductor physics : proceedings of the international conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 18-22, 1986外部サイトPhotoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications外部サイトExperiments and interpretation of experimental results外部サイトQuantum chemistry of solids : LCAO treatment of crystals and nanostructures外部サイトElectronic properties of conjugated polymers : proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tirol, March 14-21, 1987外部サイトElectronic properties of doped semiconductors外部サイトFull-potential electronic structure method : energy and force calculations with density functional and dynamical mean field theory外部サイトElastic media with microstructure外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトParticle penetration and radiation effects : general aspects and stopping of swift point charges外部サイトTwo-dimensional Coulomb liquids and solids外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトElectronic properties of polymers : orientation and dimensionality of conjugated systems : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg,(Tyrol) Austria, March 9-16, 1991外部サイトStrongly correlated systems : theoretical methods外部サイトSound topology, duality, coherence and wave-mixing : an introduction to the emerging new science of sound外部サイトSolitary waves in dispersive complex media : theory, simulation, applications外部サイトOptical response of nanostructures : microscopic nonlocal theory外部サイトStatics and dynamics外部サイトMagnetic phase transitions : proceedings of a summer school at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1-15 July, 1983外部サイトStatics and dynamics of nonlinear systems : proceedings of a workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1-11 July 1983外部サイトTheory of nonlinear lattices外部サイトSite symmetry in crystals : theory and applications外部サイトElementary processes in excitations and reactions on solid surfaces : proceedings of the 18th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, January 22-27, 1996外部サイトSymmetry of crystals, methods of structural crystallography外部サイトElectron liquids外部サイトPenetration of atomic and molecular ions外部サイトElectronic properties of polymers and related compounds : proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tirol, February 23-March 1, 1985外部サイトPhase separation in soft matter physics : micellar solutions, microemulsions, critical phenomena外部サイトPhysics and technology of submicron structures : proceedings of the Fifth International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 22-26, 1988外部サイトPhysical properties of quasicrystals外部サイトConjugated conducting polymers外部サイトTopological matter : lectures from the Topological Matter School 2017外部サイトThe physics of elementary excitations外部サイトMagnetism in the solid state : an introduction外部サイトQuantum Hall effect, transport and optics : proceedings of the International Conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, July 30-August 3, 1990外部サイトGreen's functions in quantum physics外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトElectronic structure of strongly correlated materials外部サイトPhenomena related to phonons外部サイトQuantum theory of magnetism : magnetic properties of materials外部サイトPositron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies外部サイトQuantum theory of magnetism : magnetic properties of materials外部サイトHydrogen-like centres外部サイトPolycrystalline semiconductors : physical properties and applications : proceedings of the International School of Materials Science and Technology at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 1-15, 1984外部サイトFlux pinning in superconductors外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトAcoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals外部サイトDynamical scattering of x-rays in crystals外部サイトContact, adhesion and rupture of elastic solids外部サイトTopology in condensed matter外部サイトSolitons : mathematical methods for physicists外部サイトNonequilibrium statistical mechanics外部サイトPoint defects in semiconductors外部サイトSymmetries in physics : group theory applied to physical problems外部サイトInteratomic potential and structural stability : proceedings of the 15th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 19-23, 1992外部サイトElectron transport in compound semiconductors外部サイトElectronic materials : a new era in materials science外部サイトPhysical acoustics in the solid state外部サイトSuperconductivity of transition metals : their alloys and compounds外部サイトTheory of heavy-fermion compounds : theory of strongly correlated fermi-system外部サイトPhysical acoustics in the solid state外部サイトOne-dimensional models外部サイトSolitons and condensed matter physics : proceedings of the Symposium on Nonlinear (Soliton) Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Oxford, England, June 27-29, 1978外部サイトStudying kinetics with neutrons : prospects for time-resolved neutron scattering外部サイトFermi surface effects : proceedings of the Tsukuba Institute, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, August 27-29, 1987外部サイトSelf-trapped excitons外部サイトThe LMTO method : muffin-tin orbitals and electronic structure外部サイトTwo-dimensional systems, heterostructures, and superlattices : proceedings of the International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 26-March 2, 1984外部サイトNanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance : the physics of manganites and related compounds外部サイトMagnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics外部サイトElectronic properties of fullerenes : proceedings of the International Winter School on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 6-13, 1993外部サイトElectron correlations in molecules and solids外部サイトStructural analysis of point defects in solids : an introduction to multiple magnetic resonance spectroscopy外部サイトElectron correlations in molecules and solids外部サイトLattice dynamics and models of interatomic forces外部サイトAnderson localization : proceedings of the Fourth Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-Shi, Japan, November 3-8, 1981外部サイトSuperlattices and other heterostructures : symmetry and optical phenomena外部サイトIntroduction to solid-state theory外部サイトThe structure and properties of matter外部サイトQuasicrystals : proceedings of the 12th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, 14-19 November, 1989外部サイトEarlier and recent aspects of superconductivity : lectures from the international school, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 4-16, 1989外部サイトMany-body approach to electronic excitations : concepts and applications外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトCorrelation effects in low-dimensional electron systems : proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 25-29, 1993外部サイトPhysics of transition metal oxides外部サイトCrystal growth外部サイトThree-dimensional models外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトSolitons : mathematical methods for physicists外部サイトMagnetism and the electronic structure of crystals外部サイトDiffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes外部サイトLow-dimensional molecular metals外部サイトTopological disorder in condensed matter : proceedings of the Fifth Taniguchi International Symposium, Shimoda Japan, November 2-5, 1982外部サイトPhysics and chemistry of transition metal oxides : proceedings of the 20th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, May 25-29, 1998外部サイトHigh-temperature cuprate superconductors : experiment, theory, and applications外部サイトStatistical physics外部サイトElectronic properties of high-T[c] superconductors and related compounds : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 3-10, 1990外部サイトPositron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies外部サイトSpin ice外部サイトThe iron pnictide superconductors : an introduction and overview外部サイトFlux pinning in superconductors外部サイトLinear electrodynamic response of topological semimetals : experimental results versus theoretical predicitons外部サイトElectronic phase separation in magnetic and superconducting materials : recent advances外部サイトGroup theory and its applications in physics外部サイトElementary excitations in quantum fluids : proceedings of the Hiroshima symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, August 17-18, 1987外部サイトPhysics in one dimension : proceedings of an international conference Fribourg, Switzerland, August 25-29, 1980外部サイトOrganic superconductors外部サイトTwo-dimensional systems, physics and new devices : proceedings of the International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 24-28, 1986外部サイトIntroduction to frustrated magnetism : materials, experiments, theory外部サイトComputational materials science : from ab initio to Monte Carlo methods外部サイトLocalization, interaction, and transport phenomena : proceedings of the International Conference, August 23-28, 1984, Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany外部サイトUltrafast spectroscopy of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures外部サイトElectronic structure and optical properties of semiconductors外部サイトTheory of heavy fermions and valence fluctuations : proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symposium, Shima Kanko, Japan, April 10-13, 1985外部サイトQuantum Monte Carlo methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems : proceedings of the Ninth Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono, Japan November 14-18, 1986外部サイトSuperlattices and other heterostructures : symmetry and optical phenomena外部サイトSelf-trapped excitons外部サイトRelaxation of elementary excitations : proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono-shi, Japan, October 12-16, 1979外部サイトElectron scattering in solid matter : a theoretical and computational treatise外部サイトOut-of-equilibrium physics of correlated electron systems外部サイトUltrafast spectroscopy of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures外部サイトElectronic structure and optical properties of semiconductors外部サイトSpectroscopy of mott insulators and correlated metals : proceedings of the 17th Taniguchi symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 24-28, 1994外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトElectron correlations in molecules and solids外部サイトFractal concepts in condensed matter physics外部サイトPhysics of zero- and one-dimensional nanoscopic systems外部サイトMagnetic flux structures in superconductors : extended reprint of a classic text外部サイトThe quantum Hall effect外部サイトBeyond the crystalline state : an emerging perspective外部サイトExciton polaritons in microcavities : new frontiers外部サイトMacroscopic equilibrium and transport concepts外部サイトEquilibrium statistical mechanics外部サイトFrom Hamiltonians to phase diagrams : the electronic and statistical-mechanical theory of sp-bonded metals and alloys外部サイトStructure of crystals外部サイトElectron correlation and magnetism in narrow-band systems : proceedings of the Third Taniguchi International Symposium, Mount Fuji, Japan, November 1-5, 1980外部サイトLocalization and confinement of electrons in semiconductors : proceedings of the Sixth International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 19-23, 1990外部サイトOrganic molecular crystals : their electronic states外部サイトIntroduction to space charge effects in semiconductors外部サイトPhysics and engineering applications of magnetism外部サイトElectronic conduction in oxides外部サイトQuantum solid-state physics外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトNonlinearity in condensed matter : proceedings of the sixth annual conference, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 5-9 May, 1986外部サイトElectronic conduction in oxides外部サイトNonequilibrium statistical mechanics外部サイトElectro-optical effects to visualize field and current distributions in semiconductors外部サイトPhysics of high-temperature superconductors : proceedings of the Toshiba International School of Superconductivity (ITS[2]), Kyoto, Japan, July 15-20, 1991外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトSolitons and condensed matter physics : proceedings of the Symposium on Nonlinear (Soliton) Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Oxford, England, June 27-29, 1978外部サイトCoulombic fluids : bulk and interfaces外部サイトIntroduction to solid-state theory外部サイトSemiconductor physics : an introduction外部サイトStrongly correlated systems : numerical methods外部サイトMixed crystals外部サイトFundamental physics of amorphous semiconductors : proceedings of the Kyoto Summer Institute, Kyoto, Japan, September 8-11, 1980外部サイトPhonon dispersion relations in insulators : with 162 figures in 271 separate illustrations外部サイトElectronic properties of high-Tc superconductors : the normal and the superconducting state of high-Tc materials : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 7-14, 1992外部サイトTopological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matters外部サイトPhonon scattering in condensed matter : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, University of Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 22-26, 1983外部サイトQuantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors外部サイトTopology in magnetism外部サイトCrystal optics with spatial dispersion, and excitons外部サイトOptics of semiconductors and their nanostructures外部サイトTransport spectroscopy of confined fractional quantum hall systems外部サイトTheory of heavy fermions and valence fluctuations : proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symposium, Shima Kanko, Japan, April 10-13, 1985外部サイトModern theory of magnetism in metals and alloys外部サイトEarlier and recent aspects of superconductivity : lectures from the International School, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 4-16, 1989外部サイトQuantum plasmonics外部サイトQuantum transport in submicron devices : a theoretical introduction外部サイトOrganic superconductors外部サイトSpin physics in semiconductors外部サイトPhysics in high magnetic fields : proceedings of the Oji International Seminar, Hakone, Japan, September 10-13, 1980外部サイトOrganic molecular aggregates : electronic excitation and interaction processes : proceedings of the International Symposium on Organic Materials at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, June 5-10, 1983外部サイトThe quantum Hall effects : integral and fractional外部サイトRelaxations of excited states and photo-induced phase transitions : proceedings of the 19th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, July 18-23, 1996外部サイトLow-dimensional molecular metals外部サイトDynamical processes and ordering on solid surfaces : proceedings of the Seventh Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, September 10-14th, 1984外部サイトVortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids外部サイトQuantum chemistry of solids : the LCAO first principles treatment of crystals外部サイトPhotoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications外部サイトElectronic properties of conjugated polymers III : basic models and applications : proceedings of an international winter school, Kirchberg, Tirol, March 11-18, 1989外部サイトTheory of nonlinear lattices外部サイトX-ray multiple-wave diffraction : theory and application外部サイトGreen's functions in quantum physics外部サイトInelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy : proceedings of the international conference, and Symposium on Electron Tunneling, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, May 25-27, 1977外部サイトPhonon scattering in condensed matter VII : proceedings of the Seventh International conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 3-7, 1992外部サイトDiffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes外部サイトMagnetism in the solid state : an introduction外部サイトThe iron pnictide superconductors : an introduction and overview外部サイトSymmetries in physics : group theory applied to physical problems外部サイトTransport phenomena in mesoscopic systems : proceedings of the 14th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Japan, November 10-14, 1991外部サイトPhysics of quantum fluids : new trends and hot topics in atomic and polariton condensates外部サイトThe role of topology in materials外部サイトTheory of electron transport in semiconductors : a pathway from elementary physics to nonequilibrium green functions外部サイトPhysics of intercalation compounds : proceedings of an international conference, Trieste, Italy, July 6-10, 1981外部サイトOptical response of nanostructures : microscopic nonlocal theory外部サイトFlux pinning in superconductors外部サイトOptical properties of III-V semiconductors : the influence of multi-valley band structures外部サイトThe physics of selenium and tellurium : proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Selenium and Tellurium, Königstein, Fed. Rep. of Germany, May 28-31, 1979外部サイトElectronic conduction in oxides : with 191 figures外部サイトCrystal optics with spatial dispersion, and excitons外部サイトPoint-contact spectroscopy外部サイトPhotoferroelectrics外部サイトEquilibrium statistical mechanics外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトTransport and optics : proceedings of the International Conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 22-26, 1988外部サイトThermodynamics and statistical mechanics外部サイトElectrodynamics of magnetoactive media外部サイトMagnetic bubble technology外部サイトMonte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction外部サイトTheory of magnetism外部サイトField theories for low-dimensional condensed matter systems : spin systems and strongly correlated electrons外部サイトSuperconductivity in magnetic and exotic materials : proceedings of the Sixth Taniguchi International Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, November 14-18, 1983外部サイトGroup theory and its applications in physics外部サイトSite symmetry in crystals : theory and applications外部サイトTheory of quantum transport at nanoscale : an introduction外部サイトAdvances in polaron physics外部サイトLow-dimensional electronic systems : new concepts : proceedings of the Seventh International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 24-28, 1992外部サイトElectron liquids外部サイトPrinciples of magnetic resonance外部サイトSuperconductivity and electromagnetism外部サイトQuasicrystals : proceedings of the 12th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, 14-19 November, 1989外部サイトTopological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matter外部サイトTopology in magnetism外部サイトSemiconductor nanophotonics : materials, models, and devices外部サイトMagneto-optics外部サイトSemiconductor nanophotonics : materials, models, and devices外部サイトSemiconductor photonics of nanomaterials and quantum structures : applications in optoelectronics and quantum technologies外部サイトDiffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes外部サイトThe quantum Hall effect外部サイトMirror symmetry : the mother of all crystal symmetries外部サイト



  • Strong fermion interactions in fractional quantum hall states : correlation functions

  • Molecular dynamics simulations : proceedings of the 13th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, November 6-9, 1990

  • Quantum theory of magnetism

  • Excitonic processes in solids

  • Principles of magnetic resonance





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



Solid-state sciences
Strong fermion interactions in fractional quantum hall states : correlation functions
Molecular dynamics simulations : proceedings of the 13th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, November 6-9, 1990
Quantum theory of magnetism
Excitonic processes in solids
Principles of magnetic resonance
Core-level spectroscopy in condensed systems : proceedings of the Tenth Taniguchi International Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 19-23, 1987
Magnetic excitations and fluctuations : proceedings of an international workshop, San Miniato, Italy, May 28-June 1, 1984
Statics and dynamics
Phonon scattering in condensed matter V : proceedings of the fifth international conference, Urbana, Illinois, June 2-6, 1986
Spin physics in semiconductors
Magnetic bubble technology
Fowler-Nordheim field emission : effects in semiconductor nanostructures
Strong correlation and superconductivity : proceedings of the IBM Japan International Symposium, Mt. Fuji, Japan, 21-25 May, 1989
Topological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matter
Magnetic flux structures in superconductors
Green's functions in quantum physics
Spin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetism
The fractional quantum hall effect : properties of an incompressible quantum fluid
Electron spectrum of gapless semiconductors
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
The quantum statistics of dynamic processes
Electronic absorption of deep centres and vibrational spectra
Physical properties of crystals
Strongly correlated systems : experimental techniques
Excitons in low-dimensional semiconductors : theory, numerical methods, applications
Products of random matrices in statistical physics
The Recursion method and its applications : proceedings of the conference, Imperial College, London, England, September 13-14, 1984
Quantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors
One-dimensional conductors
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
Multiple diffraction of x-rays in crystals
High magnetic fields in semiconductor physics : proceedings of the international conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 18-22, 1986
Photoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications
Experiments and interpretation of experimental results
Quantum chemistry of solids : LCAO treatment of crystals and nanostructures
Electronic properties of conjugated polymers : proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tirol, March 14-21, 1987
Electronic properties of doped semiconductors
Full-potential electronic structure method : energy and force calculations with density functional and dynamical mean field theory
Elastic media with microstructure
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
Particle penetration and radiation effects : general aspects and stopping of swift point charges
Two-dimensional Coulomb liquids and solids
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
Electronic properties of polymers : orientation and dimensionality of conjugated systems : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg,(Tyrol) Austria, March 9-16, 1991
Strongly correlated systems : theoretical methods
Sound topology, duality, coherence and wave-mixing : an introduction to the emerging new science of sound
Solitary waves in dispersive complex media : theory, simulation, applications
Optical response of nanostructures : microscopic nonlocal theory
Statics and dynamics
Magnetic phase transitions : proceedings of a summer school at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1-15 July, 1983
Statics and dynamics of nonlinear systems : proceedings of a workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1-11 July 1983
Theory of nonlinear lattices
Site symmetry in crystals : theory and applications
Elementary processes in excitations and reactions on solid surfaces : proceedings of the 18th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, January 22-27, 1996
Symmetry of crystals, methods of structural crystallography
Electron liquids
Penetration of atomic and molecular ions
Electronic properties of polymers and related compounds : proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tirol, February 23-March 1, 1985
Phase separation in soft matter physics : micellar solutions, microemulsions, critical phenomena
Physics and technology of submicron structures : proceedings of the Fifth International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 22-26, 1988
Physical properties of quasicrystals
Conjugated conducting polymers
Topological matter : lectures from the Topological Matter School 2017
The physics of elementary excitations
Magnetism in the solid state : an introduction
Quantum Hall effect, transport and optics : proceedings of the International Conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, July 30-August 3, 1990
Green's functions in quantum physics
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Electronic structure of strongly correlated materials
Phenomena related to phonons
Quantum theory of magnetism : magnetic properties of materials
Positron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies
Quantum theory of magnetism : magnetic properties of materials
Hydrogen-like centres
Polycrystalline semiconductors : physical properties and applications : proceedings of the International School of Materials Science and Technology at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 1-15, 1984
Flux pinning in superconductors
Principles of magnetic resonance
Acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals
Dynamical scattering of x-rays in crystals
Contact, adhesion and rupture of elastic solids
Topology in condensed matter
Solitons : mathematical methods for physicists
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
Point defects in semiconductors
Symmetries in physics : group theory applied to physical problems
Interatomic potential and structural stability : proceedings of the 15th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 19-23, 1992
Electron transport in compound semiconductors
Electronic materials : a new era in materials science
Physical acoustics in the solid state
Superconductivity of transition metals : their alloys and compounds
Theory of heavy-fermion compounds : theory of strongly correlated fermi-system
Physical acoustics in the solid state
One-dimensional models
Solitons and condensed matter physics : proceedings of the Symposium on Nonlinear (Soliton) Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Oxford, England, June 27-29, 1978
Studying kinetics with neutrons : prospects for time-resolved neutron scattering
Fermi surface effects : proceedings of the Tsukuba Institute, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, August 27-29, 1987
Self-trapped excitons
The LMTO method : muffin-tin orbitals and electronic structure
Two-dimensional systems, heterostructures, and superlattices : proceedings of the International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 26-March 2, 1984
Nanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance : the physics of manganites and related compounds
Magnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics
Electronic properties of fullerenes : proceedings of the International Winter School on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 6-13, 1993
Electron correlations in molecules and solids
Structural analysis of point defects in solids : an introduction to multiple magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Electron correlations in molecules and solids
Lattice dynamics and models of interatomic forces
Anderson localization : proceedings of the Fourth Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-Shi, Japan, November 3-8, 1981
Superlattices and other heterostructures : symmetry and optical phenomena
Introduction to solid-state theory
The structure and properties of matter
Quasicrystals : proceedings of the 12th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, 14-19 November, 1989
Earlier and recent aspects of superconductivity : lectures from the international school, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 4-16, 1989
Many-body approach to electronic excitations : concepts and applications
Principles of magnetic resonance
Correlation effects in low-dimensional electron systems : proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 25-29, 1993
Physics of transition metal oxides
Crystal growth
Three-dimensional models
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Solitons : mathematical methods for physicists
Magnetism and the electronic structure of crystals
Diffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes
Low-dimensional molecular metals
Topological disorder in condensed matter : proceedings of the Fifth Taniguchi International Symposium, Shimoda Japan, November 2-5, 1982
Physics and chemistry of transition metal oxides : proceedings of the 20th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, May 25-29, 1998
High-temperature cuprate superconductors : experiment, theory, and applications
Statistical physics
Electronic properties of high-T[c] superconductors and related compounds : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 3-10, 1990
Positron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies
Spin ice
The iron pnictide superconductors : an introduction and overview
Flux pinning in superconductors
Linear electrodynamic response of topological semimetals : experimental results versus theoretical predicitons
Electronic phase separation in magnetic and superconducting materials : recent advances
Group theory and its applications in physics
Elementary excitations in quantum fluids : proceedings of the Hiroshima symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, August 17-18, 1987
Physics in one dimension : proceedings of an international conference Fribourg, Switzerland, August 25-29, 1980
Organic superconductors
Two-dimensional systems, physics and new devices : proceedings of the International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 24-28, 1986
Introduction to frustrated magnetism : materials, experiments, theory
Computational materials science : from ab initio to Monte Carlo methods
Localization, interaction, and transport phenomena : proceedings of the International Conference, August 23-28, 1984, Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures
Electronic structure and optical properties of semiconductors
Theory of heavy fermions and valence fluctuations : proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symposium, Shima Kanko, Japan, April 10-13, 1985
Quantum Monte Carlo methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems : proceedings of the Ninth Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono, Japan November 14-18, 1986
Superlattices and other heterostructures : symmetry and optical phenomena
Self-trapped excitons
Relaxation of elementary excitations : proceedings of the Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono-shi, Japan, October 12-16, 1979
Electron scattering in solid matter : a theoretical and computational treatise
Out-of-equilibrium physics of correlated electron systems
Ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures
Electronic structure and optical properties of semiconductors
Spectroscopy of mott insulators and correlated metals : proceedings of the 17th Taniguchi symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 24-28, 1994
Principles of magnetic resonance
Electron correlations in molecules and solids
Fractal concepts in condensed matter physics
Physics of zero- and one-dimensional nanoscopic systems
Magnetic flux structures in superconductors : extended reprint of a classic text
The quantum Hall effect
Beyond the crystalline state : an emerging perspective
Exciton polaritons in microcavities : new frontiers
Macroscopic equilibrium and transport concepts
Equilibrium statistical mechanics
From Hamiltonians to phase diagrams : the electronic and statistical-mechanical theory of sp-bonded metals and alloys
Structure of crystals
Electron correlation and magnetism in narrow-band systems : proceedings of the Third Taniguchi International Symposium, Mount Fuji, Japan, November 1-5, 1980
Localization and confinement of electrons in semiconductors : proceedings of the Sixth International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 19-23, 1990
Organic molecular crystals : their electronic states
Introduction to space charge effects in semiconductors
Physics and engineering applications of magnetism
Electronic conduction in oxides
Quantum solid-state physics
Principles of magnetic resonance
Nonlinearity in condensed matter : proceedings of the sixth annual conference, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 5-9 May, 1986
Electronic conduction in oxides
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
Electro-optical effects to visualize field and current distributions in semiconductors
Physics of high-temperature superconductors : proceedings of the Toshiba International School of Superconductivity (ITS[2]), Kyoto, Japan, July 15-20, 1991
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
Solitons and condensed matter physics : proceedings of the Symposium on Nonlinear (Soliton) Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Oxford, England, June 27-29, 1978
Coulombic fluids : bulk and interfaces
Introduction to solid-state theory
Semiconductor physics : an introduction
Strongly correlated systems : numerical methods
Mixed crystals
Fundamental physics of amorphous semiconductors : proceedings of the Kyoto Summer Institute, Kyoto, Japan, September 8-11, 1980
Phonon dispersion relations in insulators : with 162 figures in 271 separate illustrations
Electronic properties of high-Tc superconductors : the normal and the superconducting state of high-Tc materials : proceedings of the International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tyrol, March 7-14, 1992
Topological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matters
Phonon scattering in condensed matter : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, University of Stuttgart, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 22-26, 1983
Quantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors
Topology in magnetism
Crystal optics with spatial dispersion, and excitons
Optics of semiconductors and their nanostructures
Transport spectroscopy of confined fractional quantum hall systems
Theory of heavy fermions and valence fluctuations : proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symposium, Shima Kanko, Japan, April 10-13, 1985
Modern theory of magnetism in metals and alloys
Earlier and recent aspects of superconductivity : lectures from the International School, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 4-16, 1989
Quantum plasmonics
Quantum transport in submicron devices : a theoretical introduction
Organic superconductors
Spin physics in semiconductors
Physics in high magnetic fields : proceedings of the Oji International Seminar, Hakone, Japan, September 10-13, 1980
Organic molecular aggregates : electronic excitation and interaction processes : proceedings of the International Symposium on Organic Materials at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, June 5-10, 1983
The quantum Hall effects : integral and fractional
Relaxations of excited states and photo-induced phase transitions : proceedings of the 19th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, July 18-23, 1996
Low-dimensional molecular metals
Dynamical processes and ordering on solid surfaces : proceedings of the Seventh Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, September 10-14th, 1984
Vortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids
Quantum chemistry of solids : the LCAO first principles treatment of crystals
Photoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications
Electronic properties of conjugated polymers III : basic models and applications : proceedings of an international winter school, Kirchberg, Tirol, March 11-18, 1989
Theory of nonlinear lattices
X-ray multiple-wave diffraction : theory and application
Green's functions in quantum physics
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy : proceedings of the international conference, and Symposium on Electron Tunneling, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, May 25-27, 1977
Phonon scattering in condensed matter VII : proceedings of the Seventh International conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 3-7, 1992
Diffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes
Magnetism in the solid state : an introduction
The iron pnictide superconductors : an introduction and overview
Symmetries in physics : group theory applied to physical problems
Transport phenomena in mesoscopic systems : proceedings of the 14th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Japan, November 10-14, 1991
Physics of quantum fluids : new trends and hot topics in atomic and polariton condensates
The role of topology in materials
Theory of electron transport in semiconductors : a pathway from elementary physics to nonequilibrium green functions
Physics of intercalation compounds : proceedings of an international conference, Trieste, Italy, July 6-10, 1981
Optical response of nanostructures : microscopic nonlocal theory
Flux pinning in superconductors
Optical properties of III-V semiconductors : the influence of multi-valley band structures
The physics of selenium and tellurium : proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Selenium and Tellurium, Königstein, Fed. Rep. of Germany, May 28-31, 1979
Electronic conduction in oxides : with 191 figures
Crystal optics with spatial dispersion, and excitons
Point-contact spectroscopy
Equilibrium statistical mechanics
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Transport and optics : proceedings of the International Conference, Würzburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany, August 22-26, 1988
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Electrodynamics of magnetoactive media
Magnetic bubble technology
Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics : an introduction
Theory of magnetism
Field theories for low-dimensional condensed matter systems : spin systems and strongly correlated electrons
Superconductivity in magnetic and exotic materials : proceedings of the Sixth Taniguchi International Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, November 14-18, 1983
Group theory and its applications in physics
Site symmetry in crystals : theory and applications
Theory of quantum transport at nanoscale : an introduction
Advances in polaron physics
Low-dimensional electronic systems : new concepts : proceedings of the Seventh International Winter School, Mauterndorf, Austria, February 24-28, 1992
Electron liquids
Principles of magnetic resonance
Superconductivity and electromagnetism
Quasicrystals : proceedings of the 12th Taniguchi Symposium, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan, 14-19 November, 1989
Topological insulators : Dirac equation in condensed matter
Topology in magnetism
Semiconductor nanophotonics : materials, models, and devices
Semiconductor nanophotonics : materials, models, and devices
Semiconductor photonics of nanomaterials and quantum structures : applications in optoelectronics and quantum technologies
Diffusion in solids : fundamentals, methods, materials, diffusion-controlled processes
The quantum Hall effect
Mirror symmetry : the mother of all crystal symmetries
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CiNii Books