
Sixteenth census of the United States, 1940


Sixteenth census of the United States, 1940

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
U.S. Govt. Print. Off.
30 cm


Construction, 1939外部サイトNumber of inhabitants : total population for states, counties, and minor civil divisions, for urban and rural areas, for incorporated places, for metropolitan districts, and for census tracts外部サイトCows milked and dairy products : number of cows milked, milk produced, disposition of dairy products, and number of cows kept mainly for milk production, classified by number of cows milked, by counties, with related data for other classes of livestock and livestock products, for the states and for the United States外部サイトEmployment and family characteristics of women外部サイトSpecial report on institutional population, 14 years old and over : characteristics of inmates in penal institutions, and in institutions for the delinquent, defective, and dependent外部サイトCross-line acreage : a special study : farms reporting and acreage by place of enumeration and by location of acreage, with relationship to all farms, by counties, with a summary for the United States, 1940 and 1935外部サイトCharacteristics of the nonwhite population by race外部サイトWholesale trade : 1939 : petroleum distibution bulk statistics and distributing terminals外部サイトUses of land, principal crops and classes of livestock with statistics for geographic divisions and states外部サイトService establishments, places of amusement, hotels, tourist courts and tourist camps, 1939外部サイトDistribution of manufacturers' sales, 1939外部サイトStatistics by subjects外部サイトCommodity sales and analysis by sales size外部サイトLand in drainage enterprises, capital invested and drainage works : statistics for counties with state and United States, summaries and a synopsis of drainage laws外部サイトNumber of inhabitants : United States summary外部サイトVital statistics rates in the United States, 1900-1940外部サイトNativity and parentage of the white population : country of origin of the foreign stock : by nativity, citizenship, age, and value or rent of home, for states and large cities外部サイトUnited States life tables and actuarial tables, 1939-1941外部サイトCharacteristics by age : marital status, relationship, education, and citizenship外部サイトEmployment and personal characteristics外部サイトCharacteristics of the population : sex, age, race, nativity, citizenship, country of birth of foreign-born white, school attendance, education, employment status, class of worker, major occupation group, and industry group外部サイトStatistics for counties : farms and farm property, with related information for farms and farm operators, livestock and livestock products, and crops外部サイトState and county statistics外部サイトUnited States summary and types of operation, credit sales and receivables, monthly employment, and other subjects外部サイトReports by industries外部サイトMeasurement of geographic area外部サイトMortgages on owner-occupied nonfarm homes外部サイトValue of farm products by color and tenure of farm operator : a special study外部サイトHandbook : descriptions and illustrations of the uses of agriculture census statistics in education, business, research, and visual analysis, with explanations of the technique of tabulation and procedures外部サイトStatistics for counties : value of farm products, farms classified by major source of income, farms classified by value of products外部サイトData for small areas United States summary外部サイトComparative occupation statistics for the United States, 1870 to 1940 : a comparison of the 1930 and the 1940 census occupation and industry classifications and statistics, a comparable series of occupation statistics, 1870 to 1930, and a social-economic grouping of the labor force, 1910 to 1940外部サイトCharacteristics of the population : United States summary外部サイトReports for outlying areas外部サイトCharacteristics by monthly rent or value外部サイトFarm mortgages, taxes, labor, facilities, expenditures, and miscellaneous farm information fruits, vegetables, and minor crops with statistics for geographic divisions and states外部サイトSpecial poultry report : statistics by geographic divisions and states for poultry of all kinds on hand and raised, by counties for chickens and chicken egg production by number of chickens on hand, and by counties for farms reporting chickens and turkeys raised by numbers raised外部サイトGeneral report : statistics by subjects外部サイトReports for states and outlying areas外部サイトData for small areas : selected housing statistics for states, counties, and minor civil divisions, for urban and rural areas, for incorporated places, and for metropolitan districts外部サイトThe labor force : occupation, industry, employment, and income外部サイトWage or salary income in 1939外部サイトEstimates of labor force, employment, and unemployment in the United States, 1940 and 1930外部サイトWholesale trade外部サイトTerritories and possessions : reports on agriculture in the territories of Alaska and Hawaii ; and the following possessions : Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States外部サイトKinds of business, by areas, states, counties, and cities外部サイトFamilies : tenure and rent : regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more, and metropolitan districts of 500,000 or more外部サイトIrrigation of agricultural lands : irrigation enterprises, areas, irrigation works, investment, indebtedness, maintenance and operation, water used, pay roll and employees, and irrigated crops, with detailed statistics for drainage basins and counties, and summaries for states and the United States外部サイトAreas of the United States 1940外部サイトInternal migration, 1935 to 1940 : color and sex of migrants外部サイトGeneral Characteristics : occupancy and tenure status, value of home or monthly rent, size of household and race of head, type of structure, exterior material, year built, conversion, state of repair, number of rooms, housing facilities and equipment, and mortgage status外部サイトGeneral summary and industry statistics外部サイトThe labor force (sample statistics) : usual occupation外部サイトFamilies : family wage or salary income in 1939 : regions and cities of 1,000,000 or more外部サイトEducational attainment by economic characteristics and marital status外部サイトFamilies : characteristics of rural-farm families, regions and divisions外部サイトCharacteristics of persons not in the labor force 14 years old and over : age,sex, color, household relationship, months worked in 1939, and usual major occupation group外部サイトState of birth of the native population外部サイト






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United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
30 cm