
Studies in interactional sociolinguistics


Studies in interactional sociolinguistics

Gumperz, John Joseph
Cambridge University Press



General editor: John J. Gumperz


Matters of opinion : talking about public issues外部サイトThe morality of knowledge in conversation外部サイトMultimodal conduct in the law : language, gesture, and materiality in legal interaction外部サイトThe morality of knowledge in conversation外部サイトTalk at work : interaction in institutional settings外部サイトInteraction and the development of mind外部サイトConversational repair and human understanding外部サイトCrosstalk and culture in Sino-American communication外部サイトDiscourse markers外部サイトInteraction and grammar外部サイトLanguage and social identity外部サイトThe news interview : journalists and public figures on the air外部サイトProsody in conversation : interactional studies外部サイトTalking voices : repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse外部サイトEncounters at the counter : the organization of shop interactions外部サイトMatters of opinion : talking about public issues外部サイトInteraction and the development of mind外部サイトAIDS counselling : institutional interaction and clinical practice外部サイトGrammar in interaction : adverbial clauses in American English conversations外部サイトPoliteness : some universals in language usage外部サイトThe Social construction of literacy外部サイトLaughter in interaction外部サイトThe social construction of literacy外部サイトReporting talk : reported speech in interaction外部サイトDiscourse and identity外部サイトConversation analysis : comparative perspectives外部サイトCrosstalk and culture in Sino-American communication外部サイトLanguage in late modernity : interaction in an urban school外部サイトGrammar in everyday talk : building responsive actions外部サイトCommunication in medical care : interaction between primary care physicians and patients外部サイトConducting interaction : patterns of behavior in focused encounters外部サイトDiscourse strategies外部サイトGrammar in interaction : adverbial clauses in American English conversations外部サイトImpoliteness : using language to cause offence外部サイトIn other words : variation in reference and narrative外部サイトConversation analysis : comparative perspectives外部サイトCredibility in court : communicative practices in the Camorra trials外部サイトTalking voices : repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse外部サイトProsody in conversation : interactional studies外部サイトDiscourse markers外部サイトGender and politeness外部サイトReporting talk : reported speech in interaction外部サイトConversational repair and human understanding外部サイトAIDS counselling : institutional interaction and clinical practice外部サイトThe suspect's statement : talk and text in the criminal process外部サイトAction ascription in interaction外部サイトMultimodal conduct in the law : language, gesture, and materiality in legal interaction外部サイトHow mediation works : resolving conflict through talk外部サイトImpoliteness : using language to cause offence外部サイト






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General editor: John J. Gumperz
Matters of opinion : talking about public issues
The morality of knowledge in conversation
Multimodal conduct in the law : language, gesture, and materiality in legal interaction
The morality of knowledge in conversation
Talk at work : interaction in institutional settings
Interaction and the development of mind
Conversational repair and human understanding
Crosstalk and culture in Sino-American communication
Discourse markers
Interaction and grammar
Language and social identity
The news interview : journalists and public figures on the air
Prosody in conversation : interactional studies
Talking voices : repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse
Encounters at the counter : the organization of shop interactions
Matters of opinion : talking about public issues
Interaction and the development of mind
AIDS counselling : institutional interaction and clinical practice
Grammar in interaction : adverbial clauses in American English conversations
Politeness : some universals in language usage
The Social construction of literacy
Laughter in interaction
The social construction of literacy
Reporting talk : reported speech in interaction
Discourse and identity
Conversation analysis : comparative perspectives
Crosstalk and culture in Sino-American communication
Language in late modernity : interaction in an urban school
Grammar in everyday talk : building responsive actions
Communication in medical care : interaction between primary care physicians and patients
Conducting interaction : patterns of behavior in focused encounters
Discourse strategies
Grammar in interaction : adverbial clauses in American English conversations
Impoliteness : using language to cause offence
In other words : variation in reference and narrative
Conversation analysis : comparative perspectives
Credibility in court : communicative practices in the Camorra trials
Talking voices : repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse
Prosody in conversation : interactional studies
Discourse markers
Gender and politeness
Reporting talk : reported speech in interaction
Conversational repair and human understanding
AIDS counselling : institutional interaction and clinical practice
The suspect's statement : talk and text in the criminal process
Action ascription in interaction
Multimodal conduct in the law : language, gesture, and materiality in legal interaction
How mediation works : resolving conflict through talk
Impoliteness : using language to cause offence
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research