
The ethnography of political violence


The ethnography of political violence

Kelly, Tobias
University of Pennsylvania Press



Series editor: Tobias Kelly


Iraq at a distance : what anthropologists can teach us about the war外部サイトNo place for grief : martyrs, prisoners, and mourning in contemporary Palestine外部サイトRemediation in Rwanda : grassroots legal forums外部サイトCrossing the Green Line between the West Bank and Israel外部サイトWar is coming : between past and future violence in Lebanon外部サイトMaoists at the hearth : everyday life in Nepal's civil war外部サイトSoldiers, martyrs, traitors, and exiles : political conflict in Eritrea and the diaspora外部サイトChild soldiers in Africa外部サイトSecurity and suspicion : an ethnography of everyday life in Israel外部サイトLiberia : the violence of democracy外部サイトUnraveling Somalia : race, violence, and the legacy of slavery外部サイトKabul carnival : gender politics in postwar Afghanistan外部サイトLiberia : the violence of democracy外部サイトKaraoke fascism : Burma and the politics of fear外部サイトSarajevo under siege : anthropology in wartime外部サイトHistories of victimhood外部サイトAceh, Indonesia : securing the insecure state外部サイトCitizens of an empty nation : youth and state-making in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina外部サイトResisting occupation in Kashmir外部サイトStates of dispossession : violence and precarious coexistence in Southeast Turkey外部サイトSettling Hebron : Jewish fundamentalism in a Palestinian city外部サイトDeath squad : the anthropology of state terror外部サイトIn my mother's house : civil war in Sri Lanka外部サイトCulture and PTSD : trauma in global and historical perspective外部サイトLandscape of hope and despair : Palestinian refugee camps外部サイトKabul carnival : gender politics in postwar Afghanistan外部サイトPolitical violence and trauma in Argentina外部サイトEveryday nationalism : women of the Hindu right in India外部サイトPolitical violence and trauma in Argentina外部サイトThe risk of war : everyday sociality in the Republic of Macedonia外部サイトMasking terror : how women contain violence in southern Sri Lanka外部サイトConscientious objectors in Israel : citizenship, sacrifice, trials of fealty外部サイトGuatemalans in the aftermath of violence : the refugees' return外部サイトOn the doorstep of Europe : asylum and citizenship in Greece外部サイトEl Salvador in the aftermath of peace : crime, uncertainty, and the transition to democracy外部サイトWar and slavery in Sudan外部サイトSovereignty in exile : a Saharan liberation movement governs外部サイトSovereignty suspended : building the so-called state外部サイトHutu rebels : exile warriors in the Eastern Congo外部サイトJungle passports : fences, mobility, and citizenship at the Northeast India-Bangladesh border外部サイトThe Israeli radical left : an ethics of complicity外部サイト






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Series editor: Tobias Kelly
Iraq at a distance : what anthropologists can teach us about the war
No place for grief : martyrs, prisoners, and mourning in contemporary Palestine
Remediation in Rwanda : grassroots legal forums
Crossing the Green Line between the West Bank and Israel
War is coming : between past and future violence in Lebanon
Maoists at the hearth : everyday life in Nepal's civil war
Soldiers, martyrs, traitors, and exiles : political conflict in Eritrea and the diaspora
Child soldiers in Africa
Security and suspicion : an ethnography of everyday life in Israel
Liberia : the violence of democracy
Unraveling Somalia : race, violence, and the legacy of slavery
Kabul carnival : gender politics in postwar Afghanistan
Liberia : the violence of democracy
Karaoke fascism : Burma and the politics of fear
Sarajevo under siege : anthropology in wartime
Histories of victimhood
Aceh, Indonesia : securing the insecure state
Citizens of an empty nation : youth and state-making in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina
Resisting occupation in Kashmir
States of dispossession : violence and precarious coexistence in Southeast Turkey
Settling Hebron : Jewish fundamentalism in a Palestinian city
Death squad : the anthropology of state terror
In my mother's house : civil war in Sri Lanka
Culture and PTSD : trauma in global and historical perspective
Landscape of hope and despair : Palestinian refugee camps
Kabul carnival : gender politics in postwar Afghanistan
Political violence and trauma in Argentina
Everyday nationalism : women of the Hindu right in India
Political violence and trauma in Argentina
The risk of war : everyday sociality in the Republic of Macedonia
Masking terror : how women contain violence in southern Sri Lanka
Conscientious objectors in Israel : citizenship, sacrifice, trials of fealty
Guatemalans in the aftermath of violence : the refugees' return
On the doorstep of Europe : asylum and citizenship in Greece
El Salvador in the aftermath of peace : crime, uncertainty, and the transition to democracy
War and slavery in Sudan
Sovereignty in exile : a Saharan liberation movement governs
Sovereignty suspended : building the so-called state
Hutu rebels : exile warriors in the Eastern Congo
Jungle passports : fences, mobility, and citizenship at the Northeast India-Bangladesh border
The Israeli radical left : an ethics of complicity
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research