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- Landforms and landform evolution in West GermanyAridic soils and geomorphic processes : proceedings of the International Conference of the International Society of Soil Science, Jerusalem, Israel, March 29-April 4, 1981Hillslope processesRill erosion : processes and significanceSoil surface sealing and crustingVolcanic soils : weathering and landscape relationships of soils on tephra and basaltArid and semi-arid environments : geomorphological and pedological aspectsErosion, transport and deposition processes : theories and models : Heinrich Rohdenburg memorial symposiumImpact of water and external forces on soil structure : selected papers of the 1st Workshop on Soilphysics and Soilmechanics, Hannover 1986Functional geomorphology : landform analysis and models : festschrift for Frank AhnertLoess : geomorphological hazards and processesGeomorphic systems : selected papers of the "Regional Conference on Mediterranean Countries", IGU Commission on Measurement, Theory and Application in Geomorphology, Barcelona-Valencia-Murcia-Granada, September 5-14, 1986Beitraege zur Geomorphologie der Tropen (Ostafrika, Brasilien, Zentral- und Westafrika) = Contributions to tropical geomorphologyLoess and environment : selected papers published on the occasion of the XIIth International Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Ottawa 1987Bodenerosion, holozaene und pleistozaene Bodenentwicklung = Soil erosion, Holocene and Pleistocene soil developmentSoils and geomorphologyBiomineralization processes of iron and manganese : modern and ancient environmentsChannel processes : water, sediment, catchment controlsSoil erosion : experiments and modelsPaleopedology : nature and application of paleosolsGreenhouse-impact on cold-climate ecosystems and landscapes : selected papers of the European Conference on Landscape Ecological Impact of Climatic Change, Lunteren, The Netherlands, December 3-7, 1989Geomorphological models : theoretical and empirical aspectsDunes of the European coasts : geomorphology, hydrology, soilsRainfall simulation runoff and soil erosion
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01431249 : BA01431249