
Hoover Institution publication


Hoover Institution publication

Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University



Publisher varies


The Mensheviks : from the revolution of 1917 to the Second World War外部サイトWaiting for a "Pearl Harbor" : Japan debates defense外部サイトWelfare : the political economy of welfare reform in the United States外部サイトNATO in quest of cohesion : a confrontation of viewpoints at the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown University外部サイトCross and sword : the political role of Christian missions in the Belgian Congo, 1908-1960外部サイトThe economics of forced labor : the Soviet Gulag外部サイトGreener than thou : are you really an environmentalist?外部サイトYugoslavia's revolution of 1941外部サイトTest case : Italy, Ethiopia, and the League of Nations外部サイトBéla Kun and the Hungarian Soviet Republic : the origins and role of the Communist Party of Hungary in the revolutions of 1918-1919外部サイトNATO without France : a strategic appraisal外部サイトVietnamese communism : its origins and development外部サイトWhat's gone wrong in America's classrooms外部サイトBurden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara外部サイトThe history and politics of colonialism, 1914-1960外部サイトThe Russian provisional government, 1917 : documents外部サイトAmericans and Europeans dancing in the dark : on our differences and affinities, our interests, and our habits of life外部サイトThe Russian provisional government, 1917 : documents外部サイトA primer on America's schools外部サイトThe arms race and Sino-Soviet relations外部サイトEnding government bailouts : as we know them外部サイトPolish law throughout the ages外部サイトThe theory, law, and policy of Soviet treaties外部サイトLiberty and equality外部サイトLiberty and research and development : science funding in a free society外部サイトBurden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa south of the Sahara外部サイトInstitutional reform and democratic consolidation in Korea外部サイトHealth reform without side effects : making markets work for individual health insurance外部サイトThe Taylor rule and the transformation of monetary policy外部サイトLiberty and democracy外部サイトAgriculture and the environment : searching for greener pastures外部サイトFifty years of communism in Russia外部サイトFrontiers of tax reform外部サイトCNN's Cold War documentary : issues and controversy外部サイトStrategic deterrence in the 1980s外部サイトSaudi Arabia and the new strategic landscape外部サイトThe rulers of German Africa, 1884-1914外部サイトPresent danger : towards a foreign policy外部サイトStudent nationalism in China, 1927-1937外部サイトAmoral America外部サイトEducation in a free society外部サイトThe Kazakhs外部サイトThe lost peace : America's search for a negotiated settlement of the Vietnam War外部サイトChina's nation-building effort, 1927-1937 : the financial and economic record外部サイトCan Congress be fixed? (and is it broken?) : five essays on congressional reform外部サイトJapan's search for oil : a case study on economic nationalism and international security外部サイトRulers of empire : the French colonial service in Africa外部サイトThe struggle for Cyprus外部サイトSoviet strategy for nuclear war外部サイトRadicals in the university外部サイトThe illusion of net neutrality : political alarmism, regulatory creep, and the real threat to Internet freedom外部サイトRoots of the Issei : exploring early Japanese American newspapers外部サイトTerrorism : threat, reality, response外部サイトNational security : political, military, and economic strategies in the decade ahead外部サイトTogo under Imperial Germany, 1884-1914 : a case study in colonial rule外部サイトThe rulers of British Africa, 1870-1914外部サイトOne Germany or two : the struggle at the heart of Europe外部サイトA bibliographical guide to colonialism in sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトThe California electricity crisis外部サイトCompetition and coercion : Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914外部サイトFor a union of the West : between Europe and the United States外部サイトThomas George Lawson, African historian and administrator in Sierra Leone外部サイトArms control arrangements for the Far East外部サイトThe imperial bureaucrat : the colonial administrative service in the Gold Coast, 1920-1939外部サイトTwo-Fer : electing a President and a Supreme Court外部サイトBoris Pasternak : family correspondence, 1921-1960外部サイトLiberty and justice外部サイトIraq after America : strongmen, sectarians, resistance外部サイトThe new federalism : can the states be trusted?外部サイトMathu of Kenya : a political study外部サイトThe petroleum industry of the People's Republic of China外部サイトA country I do not recognize : the legal assault on American values外部サイトThe storm clouds clear over China : the memoir of Chʿen Li-fu, 1900-1993外部サイトThe rulers of British Africa, 1870-1914外部サイトThe politics of Congo-Brazzaville外部サイトConstitutions of the Communist party-states外部サイトThe fall of the Berlin Wall : reassessing the causes and consequences of the end of the Cold War外部サイトYou have to admit it's getting better : from economic prosperity to environmental quality外部サイトThe myth of "Mau Mau" : nationalism in Kenya外部サイトThe Soviet Union and the Middle East : the post-World War II era外部サイトThe Soviet Union and postwar Japan : escalating challenge and response外部サイトChoice with equity外部サイトThe history and politics of colonialism, 1870-1914外部サイトThe origins of communism in Turkey外部サイトThe writing of history in the Soviet Union外部サイトThe Czechs : and the lands of the Bohemian crown外部サイトLenin : the man, the theorist, the leader : a reappraisal外部サイトEconomic development of Communist Yugoslavia, 1947-1964外部サイトThe ideological struggle for Pakistan外部サイトRevolutionary terrorism : the FLN in Algeria, 1954-1962外部サイトScience, technology and China's drive for modernization外部サイトUnilever overseas : the anatomy of a multinational 1895-1965外部サイトVisions of victory : selected Vietnamese Communist military writings, 1964-1968外部サイトThoughts of a philosophical fighter pilot外部サイトLiberal reform in an illiberal regime : the creation of private property in Russia, 1906-1915外部サイトLenin's legacy : the story of the CPSU外部サイトThe Third century : America as a post-industrial society外部サイトNAFTA at 20 : the North American Free Trade Agreement's achievements and challenges外部サイトFeatures and figures of the past : government and opinion in the reign of Nicholas II外部サイトIran under the Pahlavis外部サイトSchool reform : the critical issues外部サイトFacing the age wave外部サイトGovernment versus trade unionism in British politics since 1968外部サイトEntitlement spending : our coming fiscal tsunami外部サイトVuta kamba : the development of trade unions in Tanganyika外部サイトBits, bytes, and balance sheets : the new economic rules of engagement in a wireless world外部サイトSwing dance : Justice O'Connor and the Michigan muddle外部サイトTesting student learning, evaluating teaching effectiveness外部サイトHistory of Vietnamese communism, 1925-1976外部サイトDistributed power in the United States : prospects and policies /edited by Jeremy Carl ; foreword by George P. Shultz and Strobe Talbott外部サイトThe United Nations in perspective外部サイトIndonesia : the possible dream外部サイトPublic policy and the Internet : privacy, taxes, and contract外部サイトThe British Labour Party : a short history外部サイトTwilight of the young : the radical movements of the 1960's and their legacy : a personal report外部サイトCommunist regimes in Eastern Europe外部サイトThe United States in the 1980s外部サイトSouth Africa : war, revolution, or peace?外部サイトEconomic transition in Eastern Europe and Russia : realities of reform外部サイトShaping a new economic relationship : the Republic of Korea and the United States外部サイトEducation in the Twenty-first century外部サイトReflections on Europe外部サイトThe wealth of nations in the twentieth century : the policies and institutional determinants of economic development外部サイトThe political institutions of the German revolution, 1918-1919外部サイトBusiness ethics in the global market外部サイトThe economics of colonialism外部サイトCommunism in Hungary : from Kun to Kádár外部サイトEleven against war : studies in American internationalist thought, 1898-1921外部サイトThe Comintern : historical highlights, essays, recollections, documents外部サイトWar, revolution, and peace in Russia : the passages of Frank Golder, 1914-1927外部サイトRonald Reagan : decisions of greatness外部サイトProtest and hope, 1882-1934外部サイトBankruptcy not bailout : a special chapter 14外部サイトThe Green Shirts and the others : a history of Fascism in Hungary and Rumania外部サイトThe Azerbaijani Turks : power and identity under Russian rule外部サイトChallenge and violence, 1953-1964外部サイトPolitics in Liberia : the conservative road to development外部サイトA Chinese-English dictionary of Communist Chinese terminology外部サイトCompeting with the government : anticompetitive behavior and public enterprises外部サイトBringing in a new era in character education外部サイトHeinrich Himmler : a Nazi in the making, 1900-1926外部サイトThe making of a workers' revolution : Russian Social Democracy, 1891-1903外部サイトIndustrial management in the Soviet Union : the role of the CPSU in industrial decision-making, 1917-1970外部サイトCorn ethanol : who pays? who benefits?外部サイトThe business of organized crime : a Cosa Nostra family外部サイトThe creation of Elisabethville, 1910-1940外部サイトThe Portuguese armed forces and the revolution外部サイトSeeking middle ground on social security reform外部サイトOur finest hour : Will Clayton, the Marshall Plan, and the triumph of democracy外部サイトPolitical profiles, 1882-1964外部サイトFrom Pearl Harbor to Vietnam : the memoirs of Admiral Arthur W. Radford外部サイトThe making of a model citizen in Communist China外部サイトMaking failure feasible : how bankruptcy reform can end "too big to fail"外部サイトTrotskyism in Latin America外部サイトThe nuclear enterprise : high-consequence accidents : how to enhance safety and minimize risks in nuclear weapons and reactors外部サイトThe Russian Revolution of 1905 : the workers' movement and the formation of Bolshevism and Menshevism外部サイトOne Korea? : challenges and prospects for reunification外部サイトOpposition and dissent in contemporary China外部サイトThe Communist regimes in Eastern Europe外部サイトReykjavik revisited : steps toward a world free of nuclear weapons : complete report of 2007 Hoover Institution conference外部サイトLooking backward and forward : policy issues in the twenty-first century外部サイトOur brave new world : essays on the impact of September 11外部サイトStrategies for monetary policy外部サイトMoscow has ears everywhere : new investigations on Pasternak and Ivinskaya外部サイトOrigins of Trotskyism in Ceylon : a documentary history of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party, 1935-1942外部サイトSchool accountability外部サイトThe labor sector and socialist distribution in Cuba外部サイトBiographical dictionary of the Comintern外部サイトBehind the façade of Stalin's command economy : evidence from the Soviet state and party archives外部サイトRussia and Asia : essays on the influence of Russia on the Asian peoples外部サイトLawyers, the rule of law and liberalism in modern Egypt外部サイトPolitical corruption : the Ghana case外部サイトPopulation puzzle : boom or bust?外部サイトIsrael's unilateralism : beyond Gaza外部サイトLenin and the Comintern外部サイトA catalog of files and microfilms of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1920-1945外部サイトCapital for our time : the economic, legal, and management challenges of intellectual capital外部サイトManaging American hegemony : essays on power in a time of dominance外部サイトWinning Florida : how the Bush team fought the battle外部サイトSchool figures : the data behind the debate外部サイトThe road ahead for the Fed外部サイトFreedom betrayed : Herbert Hoover's secret history of the Second World War and its aftermath外部サイトThe case against the employee free choice act外部サイトGrowth with self-management : Yugoslav industrialization, 1952-1975外部サイトMorality and work外部サイトBurden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara外部サイトThe best teachers in the world : why we don't have them and how we could外部サイトThe imperialist revolutionaries : trends in world communism in the 1960s and 1970s外部サイトProfiles of change : African society and colonial rule外部サイトThe Korean Workers' Party : a short history外部サイトThe transnational dimension of cyber crime and terrorism外部サイトSelf government by district : myth and reality外部サイトLaw and justice in the Reagan administration : the memoirs of an attorney general外部サイトDiplomat of Imperial Russia, 1903-1917 : memoirs外部サイトIslamic extremism and the war of ideas : lessons from Indonesia外部サイトPrivate vouchers外部サイトThe enclosure of ocean resources : economics and the law of the sea外部サイトThe spatial economy of Communist China : a study on industrial location and transportation外部サイトLearning from No Child Left Behind : how and why the nation's most important but controversial education law should be renewed外部サイトMacedonia and the Macedonians : a history外部サイトPrescriptions for saving China : selected writings of Sun Yat-sen外部サイトIndonesia: the possible dream外部サイトCourting failure : how school finance lawsuits exploit judges' good intentions and harm our children外部サイトSocial security : promise and reality外部サイトThe Communists of Poland : an historical outline外部サイトSyria through jihadist eyes : a perfect enemy外部サイトDecision on Palestine : how the U.S. came to recognize Israel外部サイトThe Moldovans : Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture外部サイトVarieties of conservatism in America外部サイトThe Syrian rebellion外部サイトGovernment policies and the delayed economic recovery外部サイトHungary and the superpowers : the 1956 Revolution and Realpolitik外部サイトWhen the AK-47s fall silent : revolutionaries, guerillas, and the dangers of peace外部サイトAfrican socialism外部サイトCurrency unions外部サイトThe structural foundations of monetary policy外部サイトThe unbearable heaviness of governing : the Obama administration in historical perspective外部サイトPoverty and transfers in-kind : a re-evaluation of poverty in the United States外部サイトSir Donald Cameron, colonial governor外部サイトThe history and politics of colonialism 1870-1914外部サイトEgypt's young rebels : "Young Egypt," 1933-1952外部サイトNothing but honour : the story of the Warsaw Uprising, 1944外部サイトThe bridge and the abyss : the troubled friendship of Maxim Gorky and V.I. Lenin外部サイトFix the U.S. budget! : urgings of an "abominable no-man"外部サイトThe debate in the United States over immigration外部サイトHerbert Hoover and Poland : a documentary history of a friendship外部サイトEducation and capitalism : how overcoming our fear of markets and economics can improve America's schools外部サイトMarxist ideology in the contemporary world : its appeals and paradoxes外部サイトThe struggle across the Taiwan strait : the divided China problem外部サイトThe Panama Canal controversy : U.S. diplomacy and defense interests外部サイトYearbook on international communist affairs外部サイトThe troubled birth of Russian democracy : parties, personalities, and programs外部サイトReforming America's health care system : the flawed vision of Obamacare外部サイトCreating single-party democracy : Japan's postwar political system外部サイトRace & economics : how much can be blamed on discrimination?外部サイトCommunist China & arms control : a contingency study, 1967-1976外部サイトThe Communist regimes in Eastern Europe : an introduction外部サイトNever a matter of indifference : sustaining virtue in a free republic外部サイトTwo Chinese states : U.S. foreign policy and interests外部サイトForeign policy for America in the twenty-first century : alternative perspectives外部サイトInitiative : human agency and society外部サイトLearning from experience外部サイトRural people's communes in Lien-chiang : documents concerning communes in Lien-chiang County, Fukien Province, 1962-1963外部サイトAfrican opposition in South Africa : the failure of passive resistance外部サイトPolitical environmentalism : going behind the green curtain外部サイトReroute the preschool juggernaut外部サイトDollars, dependents, and dogma : overseas Chinese remittances to Communist China外部サイトValue for money : the Hong Kong budgetary process外部サイトSoldiers and power : the development performance of the Nigerian military regime外部サイトThe political economy of the oil import quota外部サイトNeither left nor right : selected columns外部サイトLegions of Babel : the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War外部サイトIslamism and the future of the Christians of the Middle East外部サイトUnconditional democracy : education and politics in occupied Japan, 1945-1952外部サイトThe fractured continent : Latin America in close-up外部サイトEmerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa: documents外部サイトThe unknown civil war in Soviet Russia : a study of the Green Movement in the Tambov Region, 1920-1921外部サイトEurocommunism : a new kind of Communism?外部サイトThe Stalinist terror in the thirties : documentation from the Soviet press外部サイトThe collapse of communism外部サイトDemocracy and the Korean economy外部サイトBreaking the environmental policy gridlock外部サイトNegotiating while fighting : the diary of Admiral C. Turner Joy at the Korean Armistice Conference外部サイトAfrican capitalism : a case study in Nigerian entrepreneurship外部サイトTechnology and civility : the skill revolution in politics外部サイトTerrorism, the laws of war, and the Constitution : debating the enemy combatant cases外部サイトPatriot or traitor : the case of General Mihailovich : proceedings and report of the Commission of Inquiry of the Committee for a Fair Trial for Draja Mihailovich外部サイトUnstable majorities : polarization, party sorting, and political stalemate外部サイトAdolf Hitler; his family, childhood, and youth外部サイトThe myth of "Mau Mau" : nationalism in Kenya外部サイトThe Hitler movement : a modern millenarian revolution外部サイトZhivago's secret journey : from typescript to book外部サイトWorld communism : a handbook, 1918-1965外部サイトThe clouded lens : Persian Gulf security and U.S. policy外部サイトRecollections of a Romanian diplomat, 1918-1969 : diaries and memoirs of Raoul V. Bossy外部サイトIndividual rights reconsidered : are the truths of the U.S. Declaration of Independence lasting?外部サイトWomen of the gulag : portraits of five remarkable lives外部サイトPavel Axelrod and the development of Menshevism外部サイトThe Baʿth Party : a history from its origins to 1966外部サイトThe steel industry in communist China外部サイトTrial of a thousand years : world order and Islamism外部サイトZealots and rebels : a history of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia外部サイトRussia's 1996 presidential election : the end of polarized politics外部サイトLiving with the UN : American responsibilities and international order外部サイトSoviet foreign policy, 1928-1934 : documents and materials外部サイトThe rule of law in South Korea外部サイトJoseph Piłsudski: a European federalist, 1918-1922外部サイトBeyond the color line : new perspectives on race and ethnicity in America外部サイトThe history and politics of colonialism, 1914-1960外部サイトThe commons : its tragedies and other follies外部サイトSpeaking the law : the Obama administration's addresses on national security law外部サイトImplications of the Reykjavik summit on its twentieth anniversary : conference report外部サイトHerbert Hoover and famine relief to Soviet Russia, 1921-1923外部サイトHope and challenge, 1935-1952外部サイトGetting off track : how government actions and interventions caused, prolonged, and worsened the financial crisis外部サイトNationalism and revolution in Egypt : the role of the Muslim Brotherhood外部サイトAfrica and the communist world外部サイトA chronicle of the Civil War in Siberia and exile in China : the diaries of Petr Vasilʹevich Vologodskii, 1918-1925外部サイトThe North Korean economy : structure and development外部サイトThe economics of colonialism外部サイトThe New Left in America : reform to revolution, 1956 to 1970外部サイトThe end of modern history in the Middle East外部サイトIs reality optional? : and other essays外部サイトNATO : its past, present, and future外部サイトEconomic development in Southeast Asia : the Chinese dimension外部サイトThe twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU : assessment and context外部サイトThe second twentieth century : how the information revolution shapes business, states, and nations外部サイトThe Bacth Party : a history from its origins to 1966外部サイトConstitutional conservatism : liberty, self-government, and political moderation外部サイトEconomic development and the use of energy resources in communist China外部サイトFood and Agriculture in Communist China外部サイトIsrael and the struggle over the international laws of war外部サイトFree markets under siege : cartels, politics, and social welfare外部サイトThe Crimean Tatars外部サイトHerbert Hoover, President of the United States外部サイトWestern technology and Soviet economic development外部サイトThe revolutionary Internationals, 1864-1943外部サイトTurning points in ending the Cold War外部サイトPeaceful change in modern society外部サイトAnti-Americanism in Europe : a cultural problem外部サイトIn defense of the corporation外部サイトThe politics of the Chinese Red Army : a translation of the Bulletin of activities of the People's Liberation Army外部サイトThe growth of American government : a morphology of the welfare state外部サイトDiplomats and bureaucrats : the first institutional responses to twentieth-century diplomacy in France and Germany外部サイトHow Mongolia is really ruled : a political history of the Mongolian People's Republic, 1900-1978外部サイトBehind closed doors : secret papers on the failure of Romanian-Soviet negotiations, 1931-1932外部サイトDeterrence : its past and future : papers presented at Hoover Institution, November 2010外部サイトDirectory of selected scientific institutions in mainland China外部サイトThe origin of forced labor in the Soviet State, 1917-1921 : documents and materials外部サイトChina's global role : an analysis of Peking's national power capabilities in the context of an evolving international system外部サイトPolitical institutions and economic growth in Latin America : essays in policy, history, and political economy外部サイトThe strategic land ridge : Peking's relations with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia外部サイトAmerican exceptionalism in a new era : rebuilding the foundation of freedom and prosperity外部サイトFanning the flames : propaganda in modern Japan外部サイトMont Pèlerin 1947 : transcripts of the founding meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society外部サイトOn a collision course : the dawn of Japanese migration in the nineteenth century外部サイトAsia's new geopolitics : essays on reshaping the Indo-Pacific外部サイトRevolution & aftermath : forging a new strategy toward Iran外部サイトHow public policy became war外部サイトThe battalion artist : a Navy Seabee's sketchbook of war in the South Pacific, 1943-1945外部サイトSpin wars and spy games : global media and intelligence gathering外部サイトThe last empire : nationality and the Soviet future外部サイトCompeting with the government : anticompetitive behavior and public enterprises外部サイトWarriors & citizens : American views of our military外部サイトThe historical performance of the Federal Reserve : the importance of rules外部サイトAmerican individualism外部サイトInvisible slaves : the victims and perpetrators of modern-day slavery外部サイト



  • The Mensheviks : from the revolution of 1917 to the Second World War

  • Waiting for a "Pearl Harbor" : Japan debates defense

  • Welfare : the political economy of welfare reform in the United States

  • NATO in quest of cohesion : a confrontation of viewpoints at the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown University

  • Cross and sword : the political role of Christian missions in the Belgian Congo, 1908-1960





  • CiNii Research

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Hoover Institution publications
Hoover Institution Press publications
Hoover Institution Press publication
Publisher varies
The Mensheviks : from the revolution of 1917 to the Second World War
Waiting for a "Pearl Harbor" : Japan debates defense
Welfare : the political economy of welfare reform in the United States
NATO in quest of cohesion : a confrontation of viewpoints at the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown University
Cross and sword : the political role of Christian missions in the Belgian Congo, 1908-1960
The economics of forced labor : the Soviet Gulag
Greener than thou : are you really an environmentalist?
Yugoslavia's revolution of 1941
Test case : Italy, Ethiopia, and the League of Nations
Béla Kun and the Hungarian Soviet Republic : the origins and role of the Communist Party of Hungary in the revolutions of 1918-1919
NATO without France : a strategic appraisal
Vietnamese communism : its origins and development
What's gone wrong in America's classrooms
Burden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara
The history and politics of colonialism, 1914-1960
The Russian provisional government, 1917 : documents
Americans and Europeans dancing in the dark : on our differences and affinities, our interests, and our habits of life
The Russian provisional government, 1917 : documents
A primer on America's schools
The arms race and Sino-Soviet relations
Ending government bailouts : as we know them
Polish law throughout the ages
The theory, law, and policy of Soviet treaties
Liberty and equality
Liberty and research and development : science funding in a free society
Burden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa south of the Sahara
Institutional reform and democratic consolidation in Korea
Health reform without side effects : making markets work for individual health insurance
The Taylor rule and the transformation of monetary policy
Liberty and democracy
Agriculture and the environment : searching for greener pastures
Fifty years of communism in Russia
Frontiers of tax reform
CNN's Cold War documentary : issues and controversy
Strategic deterrence in the 1980s
Saudi Arabia and the new strategic landscape
The rulers of German Africa, 1884-1914
Present danger : towards a foreign policy
Student nationalism in China, 1927-1937
Amoral America
Education in a free society
The Kazakhs
The lost peace : America's search for a negotiated settlement of the Vietnam War
China's nation-building effort, 1927-1937 : the financial and economic record
Can Congress be fixed? (and is it broken?) : five essays on congressional reform
Japan's search for oil : a case study on economic nationalism and international security
Rulers of empire : the French colonial service in Africa
The struggle for Cyprus
Soviet strategy for nuclear war
Radicals in the university
The illusion of net neutrality : political alarmism, regulatory creep, and the real threat to Internet freedom
Roots of the Issei : exploring early Japanese American newspapers
Terrorism : threat, reality, response
National security : political, military, and economic strategies in the decade ahead
Togo under Imperial Germany, 1884-1914 : a case study in colonial rule
The rulers of British Africa, 1870-1914
One Germany or two : the struggle at the heart of Europe
A bibliographical guide to colonialism in sub-Saharan Africa
The California electricity crisis
Competition and coercion : Blacks in the American economy, 1865-1914
For a union of the West : between Europe and the United States
Thomas George Lawson, African historian and administrator in Sierra Leone
Arms control arrangements for the Far East
The imperial bureaucrat : the colonial administrative service in the Gold Coast, 1920-1939
Two-Fer : electing a President and a Supreme Court
Boris Pasternak : family correspondence, 1921-1960
Liberty and justice
Iraq after America : strongmen, sectarians, resistance
The new federalism : can the states be trusted?
Mathu of Kenya : a political study
The petroleum industry of the People's Republic of China
A country I do not recognize : the legal assault on American values
The storm clouds clear over China : the memoir of Chʿen Li-fu, 1900-1993
The rulers of British Africa, 1870-1914
The politics of Congo-Brazzaville
Constitutions of the Communist party-states
The fall of the Berlin Wall : reassessing the causes and consequences of the end of the Cold War
You have to admit it's getting better : from economic prosperity to environmental quality
The myth of "Mau Mau" : nationalism in Kenya
The Soviet Union and the Middle East : the post-World War II era
The Soviet Union and postwar Japan : escalating challenge and response
Choice with equity
The history and politics of colonialism, 1870-1914
The origins of communism in Turkey
The writing of history in the Soviet Union
The Czechs : and the lands of the Bohemian crown
Lenin : the man, the theorist, the leader : a reappraisal
Economic development of Communist Yugoslavia, 1947-1964
The ideological struggle for Pakistan
Revolutionary terrorism : the FLN in Algeria, 1954-1962
Science, technology and China's drive for modernization
Unilever overseas : the anatomy of a multinational 1895-1965
Visions of victory : selected Vietnamese Communist military writings, 1964-1968
Thoughts of a philosophical fighter pilot
Liberal reform in an illiberal regime : the creation of private property in Russia, 1906-1915
Lenin's legacy : the story of the CPSU
The Third century : America as a post-industrial society
NAFTA at 20 : the North American Free Trade Agreement's achievements and challenges
Features and figures of the past : government and opinion in the reign of Nicholas II
Iran under the Pahlavis
School reform : the critical issues
Facing the age wave
Government versus trade unionism in British politics since 1968
Entitlement spending : our coming fiscal tsunami
Vuta kamba : the development of trade unions in Tanganyika
Bits, bytes, and balance sheets : the new economic rules of engagement in a wireless world
Swing dance : Justice O'Connor and the Michigan muddle
Testing student learning, evaluating teaching effectiveness
History of Vietnamese communism, 1925-1976
Distributed power in the United States : prospects and policies /edited by Jeremy Carl ; foreword by George P. Shultz and Strobe Talbott
The United Nations in perspective
Indonesia : the possible dream
Public policy and the Internet : privacy, taxes, and contract
The British Labour Party : a short history
Twilight of the young : the radical movements of the 1960's and their legacy : a personal report
Communist regimes in Eastern Europe
The United States in the 1980s
South Africa : war, revolution, or peace?
Economic transition in Eastern Europe and Russia : realities of reform
Shaping a new economic relationship : the Republic of Korea and the United States
Education in the Twenty-first century
Reflections on Europe
The wealth of nations in the twentieth century : the policies and institutional determinants of economic development
The political institutions of the German revolution, 1918-1919
Business ethics in the global market
The economics of colonialism
Communism in Hungary : from Kun to Kádár
Eleven against war : studies in American internationalist thought, 1898-1921
The Comintern : historical highlights, essays, recollections, documents
War, revolution, and peace in Russia : the passages of Frank Golder, 1914-1927
Ronald Reagan : decisions of greatness
Protest and hope, 1882-1934
Bankruptcy not bailout : a special chapter 14
The Green Shirts and the others : a history of Fascism in Hungary and Rumania
The Azerbaijani Turks : power and identity under Russian rule
Challenge and violence, 1953-1964
Politics in Liberia : the conservative road to development
A Chinese-English dictionary of Communist Chinese terminology
Competing with the government : anticompetitive behavior and public enterprises
Bringing in a new era in character education
Heinrich Himmler : a Nazi in the making, 1900-1926
The making of a workers' revolution : Russian Social Democracy, 1891-1903
Industrial management in the Soviet Union : the role of the CPSU in industrial decision-making, 1917-1970
Corn ethanol : who pays? who benefits?
The business of organized crime : a Cosa Nostra family
The creation of Elisabethville, 1910-1940
The Portuguese armed forces and the revolution
Seeking middle ground on social security reform
Our finest hour : Will Clayton, the Marshall Plan, and the triumph of democracy
Political profiles, 1882-1964
From Pearl Harbor to Vietnam : the memoirs of Admiral Arthur W. Radford
The making of a model citizen in Communist China
Making failure feasible : how bankruptcy reform can end "too big to fail"
Trotskyism in Latin America
The nuclear enterprise : high-consequence accidents : how to enhance safety and minimize risks in nuclear weapons and reactors
The Russian Revolution of 1905 : the workers' movement and the formation of Bolshevism and Menshevism
One Korea? : challenges and prospects for reunification
Opposition and dissent in contemporary China
The Communist regimes in Eastern Europe
Reykjavik revisited : steps toward a world free of nuclear weapons : complete report of 2007 Hoover Institution conference
Looking backward and forward : policy issues in the twenty-first century
Our brave new world : essays on the impact of September 11
Strategies for monetary policy
Moscow has ears everywhere : new investigations on Pasternak and Ivinskaya
Origins of Trotskyism in Ceylon : a documentary history of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party, 1935-1942
School accountability
The labor sector and socialist distribution in Cuba
Biographical dictionary of the Comintern
Behind the façade of Stalin's command economy : evidence from the Soviet state and party archives
Russia and Asia : essays on the influence of Russia on the Asian peoples
Lawyers, the rule of law and liberalism in modern Egypt
Political corruption : the Ghana case
Population puzzle : boom or bust?
Israel's unilateralism : beyond Gaza
Lenin and the Comintern
A catalog of files and microfilms of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1920-1945
Capital for our time : the economic, legal, and management challenges of intellectual capital
Managing American hegemony : essays on power in a time of dominance
Winning Florida : how the Bush team fought the battle
School figures : the data behind the debate
The road ahead for the Fed
Freedom betrayed : Herbert Hoover's secret history of the Second World War and its aftermath
The case against the employee free choice act
Growth with self-management : Yugoslav industrialization, 1952-1975
Morality and work
Burden of empire : an appraisal of Western colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara
The best teachers in the world : why we don't have them and how we could
The imperialist revolutionaries : trends in world communism in the 1960s and 1970s
Profiles of change : African society and colonial rule
The Korean Workers' Party : a short history
The transnational dimension of cyber crime and terrorism
Self government by district : myth and reality
Law and justice in the Reagan administration : the memoirs of an attorney general
Diplomat of Imperial Russia, 1903-1917 : memoirs
Islamic extremism and the war of ideas : lessons from Indonesia
Private vouchers
The enclosure of ocean resources : economics and the law of the sea
The spatial economy of Communist China : a study on industrial location and transportation
Learning from No Child Left Behind : how and why the nation's most important but controversial education law should be renewed
Macedonia and the Macedonians : a history
Prescriptions for saving China : selected writings of Sun Yat-sen
Indonesia: the possible dream
Courting failure : how school finance lawsuits exploit judges' good intentions and harm our children
Social security : promise and reality
The Communists of Poland : an historical outline
Syria through jihadist eyes : a perfect enemy
Decision on Palestine : how the U.S. came to recognize Israel
The Moldovans : Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture
Varieties of conservatism in America
The Syrian rebellion
Government policies and the delayed economic recovery
Hungary and the superpowers : the 1956 Revolution and Realpolitik
When the AK-47s fall silent : revolutionaries, guerillas, and the dangers of peace
African socialism
Currency unions
The structural foundations of monetary policy
The unbearable heaviness of governing : the Obama administration in historical perspective
Poverty and transfers in-kind : a re-evaluation of poverty in the United States
Sir Donald Cameron, colonial governor
The history and politics of colonialism 1870-1914
Egypt's young rebels : "Young Egypt," 1933-1952
Nothing but honour : the story of the Warsaw Uprising, 1944
The bridge and the abyss : the troubled friendship of Maxim Gorky and V.I. Lenin
Fix the U.S. budget! : urgings of an "abominable no-man"
The debate in the United States over immigration
Herbert Hoover and Poland : a documentary history of a friendship
Education and capitalism : how overcoming our fear of markets and economics can improve America's schools
Marxist ideology in the contemporary world : its appeals and paradoxes
The struggle across the Taiwan strait : the divided China problem
The Panama Canal controversy : U.S. diplomacy and defense interests
Yearbook on international communist affairs
The troubled birth of Russian democracy : parties, personalities, and programs
Reforming America's health care system : the flawed vision of Obamacare
Creating single-party democracy : Japan's postwar political system
Race & economics : how much can be blamed on discrimination?
Communist China & arms control : a contingency study, 1967-1976
The Communist regimes in Eastern Europe : an introduction
Never a matter of indifference : sustaining virtue in a free republic
Two Chinese states : U.S. foreign policy and interests
Foreign policy for America in the twenty-first century : alternative perspectives
Initiative : human agency and society
Learning from experience
Rural people's communes in Lien-chiang : documents concerning communes in Lien-chiang County, Fukien Province, 1962-1963
African opposition in South Africa : the failure of passive resistance
Political environmentalism : going behind the green curtain
Reroute the preschool juggernaut
Dollars, dependents, and dogma : overseas Chinese remittances to Communist China
Value for money : the Hong Kong budgetary process
Soldiers and power : the development performance of the Nigerian military regime
The political economy of the oil import quota
Neither left nor right : selected columns
Legions of Babel : the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War
Islamism and the future of the Christians of the Middle East
Unconditional democracy : education and politics in occupied Japan, 1945-1952
The fractured continent : Latin America in close-up
Emerging nationalism in Portuguese Africa: documents
The unknown civil war in Soviet Russia : a study of the Green Movement in the Tambov Region, 1920-1921
Eurocommunism : a new kind of Communism?
The Stalinist terror in the thirties : documentation from the Soviet press
The collapse of communism
Democracy and the Korean economy
Breaking the environmental policy gridlock
Negotiating while fighting : the diary of Admiral C. Turner Joy at the Korean Armistice Conference
African capitalism : a case study in Nigerian entrepreneurship
Technology and civility : the skill revolution in politics
Terrorism, the laws of war, and the Constitution : debating the enemy combatant cases
Patriot or traitor : the case of General Mihailovich : proceedings and report of the Commission of Inquiry of the Committee for a Fair Trial for Draja Mihailovich
Unstable majorities : polarization, party sorting, and political stalemate
Adolf Hitler; his family, childhood, and youth
The myth of "Mau Mau" : nationalism in Kenya
The Hitler movement : a modern millenarian revolution
Zhivago's secret journey : from typescript to book
World communism : a handbook, 1918-1965
The clouded lens : Persian Gulf security and U.S. policy
Recollections of a Romanian diplomat, 1918-1969 : diaries and memoirs of Raoul V. Bossy
Individual rights reconsidered : are the truths of the U.S. Declaration of Independence lasting?
Women of the gulag : portraits of five remarkable lives
Pavel Axelrod and the development of Menshevism
The Baʿth Party : a history from its origins to 1966
The steel industry in communist China
Trial of a thousand years : world order and Islamism
Zealots and rebels : a history of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
Russia's 1996 presidential election : the end of polarized politics
Living with the UN : American responsibilities and international order
Soviet foreign policy, 1928-1934 : documents and materials
The rule of law in South Korea
Joseph Piłsudski: a European federalist, 1918-1922
Beyond the color line : new perspectives on race and ethnicity in America
The history and politics of colonialism, 1914-1960
The commons : its tragedies and other follies
Speaking the law : the Obama administration's addresses on national security law
Implications of the Reykjavik summit on its twentieth anniversary : conference report
Herbert Hoover and famine relief to Soviet Russia, 1921-1923
Hope and challenge, 1935-1952
Getting off track : how government actions and interventions caused, prolonged, and worsened the financial crisis
Nationalism and revolution in Egypt : the role of the Muslim Brotherhood
Africa and the communist world
A chronicle of the Civil War in Siberia and exile in China : the diaries of Petr Vasilʹevich Vologodskii, 1918-1925
The North Korean economy : structure and development
The economics of colonialism
The New Left in America : reform to revolution, 1956 to 1970
The end of modern history in the Middle East
Is reality optional? : and other essays
NATO : its past, present, and future
Economic development in Southeast Asia : the Chinese dimension
The twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU : assessment and context
The second twentieth century : how the information revolution shapes business, states, and nations
The Bacth Party : a history from its origins to 1966
Constitutional conservatism : liberty, self-government, and political moderation
Economic development and the use of energy resources in communist China
Food and Agriculture in Communist China
Israel and the struggle over the international laws of war
Free markets under siege : cartels, politics, and social welfare
The Crimean Tatars
Herbert Hoover, President of the United States
Western technology and Soviet economic development
The revolutionary Internationals, 1864-1943
Turning points in ending the Cold War
Peaceful change in modern society
Anti-Americanism in Europe : a cultural problem
In defense of the corporation
The politics of the Chinese Red Army : a translation of the Bulletin of activities of the People's Liberation Army
The growth of American government : a morphology of the welfare state
Diplomats and bureaucrats : the first institutional responses to twentieth-century diplomacy in France and Germany
How Mongolia is really ruled : a political history of the Mongolian People's Republic, 1900-1978
Behind closed doors : secret papers on the failure of Romanian-Soviet negotiations, 1931-1932
Deterrence : its past and future : papers presented at Hoover Institution, November 2010
Directory of selected scientific institutions in mainland China
The origin of forced labor in the Soviet State, 1917-1921 : documents and materials
China's global role : an analysis of Peking's national power capabilities in the context of an evolving international system
Political institutions and economic growth in Latin America : essays in policy, history, and political economy
The strategic land ridge : Peking's relations with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia
American exceptionalism in a new era : rebuilding the foundation of freedom and prosperity
Fanning the flames : propaganda in modern Japan
Mont Pèlerin 1947 : transcripts of the founding meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society
On a collision course : the dawn of Japanese migration in the nineteenth century
Asia's new geopolitics : essays on reshaping the Indo-Pacific
Revolution & aftermath : forging a new strategy toward Iran
How public policy became war
The battalion artist : a Navy Seabee's sketchbook of war in the South Pacific, 1943-1945
Spin wars and spy games : global media and intelligence gathering
The last empire : nationality and the Soviet future
Competing with the government : anticompetitive behavior and public enterprises
Warriors & citizens : American views of our military
The historical performance of the Federal Reserve : the importance of rules
American individualism
Invisible slaves : the victims and perpetrators of modern-day slavery
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