
The ancient and modern library of theological literature


The ancient and modern library of theological literature

Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh



Publisher varies: Griffith, Farran, Browne


The city of God = De civitate Dei外部サイトThe second prayer : Book of King Edward VI, 1552外部サイトThe history of infant Baptism, Part 2 : the containing several things that do help to illustrate the said history外部サイトThe first prayer-book of King Edward VI. 1549外部サイトThe confessions of S. Augustine, Books I-X : a revised translation外部サイトThe first apology of Justin Martyr : addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius : prefaced by some account of the writtings and opinions of Justin Martyr外部サイトThe English poems of George Herbert : with a priest to the temple and his collection of proverbs called Jacula prudentium外部サイトSermons外部サイトCur deus homo : to which is added a selection from his letters外部サイトSermons and essays on the Apostolical age外部サイトThe epistles of SS. Clement of Rome and Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas外部サイトThe history of infant Baptism : in two parts外部サイトFrom the accession of Gregory VII, to the death of Paul II外部サイトThe prayer-book of Queen Elizabeth 1559 : to which are appended some occasional forms of prayer issued in her reign : the whole printed from the originals in the British Museum, and other public libraries : with an historical introduction外部サイトThe saints' rest外部サイトCur deus homo : to which is added a selection from his letters外部サイトThe life and times of Saint Cyprian外部サイトThe provincial letters of Blaise Pascal ; with a biographical preface外部サイトOf the imitation of Christ : a newly-revised translation外部サイトThe ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries : illustrated from the writings of Tertullian外部サイトA serious call to a devout and holy life : adapted to the state and condition of all orders of Christians外部サイトSome account of the writings and opinions of Clement of Alexandria外部サイトA Practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed christians in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real christianity外部サイトThe five empires : an outline of ancient history外部サイトThe whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into seventeen chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year--necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions外部サイトFrom the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ to the accession of Gregory VII外部サイトThe cathedral : or, the catholic and apostolic church in England外部サイトSeventeen sermons on the nativity外部サイトThe rule and exercises of holy living外部サイトThe orations of St. Athanas, against the Arians外部サイトSeventeen sermons on the nativity外部サイトThe apology of Tertullian . And the meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus外部サイトHoræ Paulinæ, or, the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul evinced外部サイトThe Christian year : thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year外部サイトThe prose works of the Right Reverend Thomas Ken, D.D., sometime bishop of Bath and Wells外部サイトThe orations of S. Athanasius against the Arians外部サイトThe history of infant Baptism, Part 1 : being an impartial collection of all such passages in the writers of the four first centuries as do make for, or aginst it外部サイトThe epistles of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp : with introductory preface comprising a history of the Christian church in the second century外部サイトThe confessions of S. Augustine, Books I-X外部サイト



  • The city of God = De civitate Dei

  • The second prayer : Book of King Edward VI, 1552

  • The history of infant Baptism, Part 2 : the containing several things that do help to illustrate the said history

  • The first prayer-book of King Edward VI. 1549

  • The confessions of S. Augustine, Books I-X : a revised translation





  • CiNii Research

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The ancient and modern library
The ancient & modern library of theological literature
Publisher varies: Griffith, Farran, Browne
The city of God = De civitate Dei
The second prayer : Book of King Edward VI, 1552
The history of infant Baptism, Part 2 : the containing several things that do help to illustrate the said history
The first prayer-book of King Edward VI. 1549
The confessions of S. Augustine, Books I-X : a revised translation
The first apology of Justin Martyr : addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius : prefaced by some account of the writtings and opinions of Justin Martyr
The English poems of George Herbert : with a priest to the temple and his collection of proverbs called Jacula prudentium
Cur deus homo : to which is added a selection from his letters
Sermons and essays on the Apostolical age
The epistles of SS. Clement of Rome and Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas
The history of infant Baptism : in two parts
From the accession of Gregory VII, to the death of Paul II
The prayer-book of Queen Elizabeth 1559 : to which are appended some occasional forms of prayer issued in her reign : the whole printed from the originals in the British Museum, and other public libraries : with an historical introduction
The saints' rest
Cur deus homo : to which is added a selection from his letters
The life and times of Saint Cyprian
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal ; with a biographical preface
Of the imitation of Christ : a newly-revised translation
The ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries : illustrated from the writings of Tertullian
A serious call to a devout and holy life : adapted to the state and condition of all orders of Christians
Some account of the writings and opinions of Clement of Alexandria
A Practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed christians in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real christianity
The five empires : an outline of ancient history
The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into seventeen chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year--necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions
From the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ to the accession of Gregory VII
The cathedral : or, the catholic and apostolic church in England
Seventeen sermons on the nativity
The rule and exercises of holy living
The orations of St. Athanas, against the Arians
Seventeen sermons on the nativity
The apology of Tertullian . And the meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Horæ Paulinæ, or, the truth of the scripture history of St. Paul evinced
The Christian year : thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year
The prose works of the Right Reverend Thomas Ken, D.D., sometime bishop of Bath and Wells
The orations of S. Athanasius against the Arians
The history of infant Baptism, Part 1 : being an impartial collection of all such passages in the writers of the four first centuries as do make for, or aginst it
The epistles of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp : with introductory preface comprising a history of the Christian church in the second century
The confessions of S. Augustine, Books I-X
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