
Oxford historical monographs


Oxford historical monographs

Clarendon Press



Editors: J.H. Elliott, M.H. Keen, P. Langford, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Harting, A.J. Nicholls, Sir Keith ThomasSeries editors of "Confession and cri...


Philo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655外部サイトThe rise of historical economics and social reform in Germany, 1864-1894外部サイトInspiration and authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from scholasticism to humanism外部サイトSt. Martin and his hagiographer : history and miracle in Sulpicius Severus外部サイトMedicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician外部サイトThe role of art in the late Anglo-Saxon church外部サイトCivil society and academic debate in Russia 1905-1914外部サイトAgents of Moscow : the Hungarian Communist Party and the origins of socialist patriotism 1941-1953外部サイトThe foundations of Ostpolitik : the making of the Moscow Treaty between West Germany and the USSR外部サイトThe Protestant Crusade in Great Britain, 1829-1860外部サイトWitchcraft and its transformations c.1650-c.1750外部サイトPolitical thought in Ireland, 1776-1798 : republicanism, patriotism, and radicalism外部サイトGerman Catholicism at war, 1939-1945外部サイトGentlemen and barristers : the Inns of Court and the English bar, 1680-1730外部サイトChurch and society in the Norman principality of Capua, 1058-1197外部サイトA monastic renaissance at St. Albans : Thomas Walsingham and his circle, c. 1350-1440外部サイトColonial land policies in Palestine, 1917-1936外部サイトMurders and madness : medicine, law, and society in the fin de siècle外部サイトDuke Richard of York, 1411-1460外部サイトCharles James Fox and the disintegration of the Whig Party, 1782-1794外部サイトPolicy-making in elementary education, 1870-1895外部サイトSaving and spending : the working-class economy in Britain, 1870-1939外部サイトThe counter-Reformation in Central Europe : Styria 1580-1630外部サイトRussian rule in Samarkand : 1868-1910 : a comparison with British India外部サイトThe maritime trade of the East Anglian ports, 1550-1590外部サイトParis and its people under English rule : the Anglo-Burgundian Regime, 1420-1436外部サイトDebtor diplomacy : finance and American foreign relations in the Civil War era 1837-1873外部サイトHong Kong and the Cold War : Anglo-American relations 1949-1957外部サイトSaints and their communities : miracle stories in twelfth century England外部サイトPacifism in Britain, 1914-1945 : the defining of a faith外部サイトTaxing colonial Africa : the political economy of British imperialism外部サイトCommemorating the Holocaust : the dilemmas of remembrance in France and Italy外部サイトCatholicism in the Second Spanish Republic : religion and politics in Salamanca, 1930-1936外部サイトSovereignty and the sword : Harrington, Hobbes, and mixed government in the English Civil Wars外部サイトKing, lords and peasants in medieval England : the common law of villeinage in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries外部サイトAuthority and asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great外部サイトThe regionalist movement in France, 1890-1914 : Jean Charles-Brun and French political thought外部サイトThe reformation of the heretics : the Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580外部サイトTime and work in England, 1750-1830外部サイトRussian genre painting in the nineteenth century外部サイトThe development of agrarian capitalism : land and labour in Norfolk 1440-1580外部サイトCheshire 1630-1660 : county government and society during the English revolution外部サイトRacial crossings : race, intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire外部サイトThe architectural setting of the cult of saints in the early Christian West c.300-1200外部サイトThe meaning of white : race, class, and the 'domiciled community' in British India 1858-1930外部サイトMigration and inequality in Germany, 1870-1913外部サイトThe structure of the Terror : the example of Javogues and the Loire外部サイトThe pauper press : a study in working-class radicalism of the 1830s外部サイトUrban liberalism in imperial Germany : Frankfurt am Main, 1866-1914外部サイトThe bridges of medieval England : transport and society 400-1800外部サイトThe problem of mental deficiency : eugenics, democracy, and social policy in Britain c.1870-1959外部サイトVictorian Quakers外部サイトCitizenship, community and the Church of England : liberal Anglican theories of the state between the wars外部サイトThe Catholic priesthood and the English Reformation外部サイトPolitics of security : British and West German protest movements and the early Cold War, 1945-1970外部サイトThe end of an élite : the French bishops and the coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790外部サイトGerman politics and the Jews : Düsseldorf and Nuremberg, 1910-1933外部サイトWorkers in imperial Germany : the miners of the Ruhr外部サイトA Byzantine government in exile : government and society under the Laskarids of Nicaea, 1204-1261外部サイトOrientalism in Louis XIV's France外部サイトUrban leadership in Western India : politics and communities in Bombay city 1840-1885外部サイトHistorians and nationalism : East-Central Europe in the nineteenth century外部サイトFrom classical antiquity to the Middle Ages : urban public building in northern and central Italy, AD 300-850外部サイトWomen and the Counter-Reformation in early modern Münster外部サイトThe Moravian Church in England, 1728-1760外部サイトLatin siege warfare in the twelfth century外部サイトFin de siècle Beirut : the making of an Ottoman provincial capital外部サイトGod and progress : religion and history in British intellectual culture, 1845-1914外部サイトGreece and the inter-war economic crisis外部サイトFrontiers of violence : conflict and identity in Ulster and Upper Silesia, 1918-1922外部サイトElite women in English political life, c.1754-1790外部サイトGoverning rural England : tradition and transformation in local government 1780-1840外部サイトFamily structure in the Staffordshire Potteries, 1840-1880外部サイトKnights and esquires : the Gloucestershire gentry in the fourteenth century外部サイトThe age of the efendiyya : passages to modernity in national-colonial Egypt外部サイトReforming London : the London government problem, 1855-1900外部サイトThe City of London and social democracy : the political economy of finance in Britain, 1959-1979外部サイトLords of the central marches : English aristocracy and frontier society, 1087-1265外部サイトDomestic biography : the legacy of evangelicalism in four nineteenth-century families外部サイトThe English nobility under Edward the Confessor外部サイトNationalism and political liberty : Redlich, Namier, and the crisis of empire外部サイトPope John XXII and his Franciscan cardinal : Bertrand de la Tour and the apostolic poverty controversy外部サイトRichard II : manhood, youth, and politics, 1377-99外部サイトBelow the magic mountain : a social history of tuberculosis in twentieth-century Britain外部サイトRoyal responsibility in Anglo-Norman historical writing外部サイトThe view from Cowley : the impact of industrialization upon Oxford, 1918-1939外部サイトMusic for the people : popular music and dance in interwar Britain外部サイトPopular reading and publishing in Britain, 1914-1950外部サイトAristocratic women and political society in Victorian Britain外部サイトModel mothers : Jewish mothers and maternity provision in East London, 1870-1939外部サイトTranslating the Enlightenment : Scottish civic discourse in eighteenth-century Germany外部サイトFor the cause of truth : radicalism in London 1796-1821外部サイトScotland, England, and the Reformation, 1534-61外部サイトMarriage, property, and law in late Imperial Russia外部サイトRestoration, reformation and reform, 1660-1828 : archbishops of Canterbury and their diocese外部サイトThe 1926 miners' lockout : meanings of community in the Durham coalfield外部サイトNames and naming patterns in England, 1538-1700外部サイトSomoza and Roosevelt : good neighbour diplomacy in Nicaragua, 1933-1945外部サイトChildren of the French empire : miscegenation and colonial society in French West Africa, 1895-1960外部サイトAnti-Calvinists : the rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640外部サイトThe Canary Islands after the conquest : the making of a colonial society in the early sixteenth century外部サイトThe miners and British politics 1906-1914外部サイトThe bourgeois citizen in nineteenth-century France : gender, sociability, and the uses of emulation外部サイトThe Vatican and Catholic activism in Mexico and Chile : the politics of transnational Catholicism, 1920-1940外部サイトBenjamin Collins and the provincial newspaper trade in the eighteenth century外部サイトSumptuary law in Italy, 1200-1500外部サイトThe Lancashire working classes, c.1880-1930外部サイトNewspapers, politics, and public opinion in late eighteenth-century England外部サイトDucal Brittany, 1364-1399 : relations with England and France during the reign of Duke John IV外部サイトThe politics of the poor : the East end of London 1885-1914外部サイトThe Bismarck myth : Weimar Germany and the legacy of the Iron Chancellor外部サイトHumanitarian imperialism : the politics of anti-slavery activism, 1880-1940外部サイトThe British campaign in Ireland, 1919-1921 : the development of political and military policies外部サイトItalian Benedictine scholars and the Reformation : the Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua外部サイトThe theatre of nation : Irish drama and cultural nationalism 1890-1916外部サイトRacial crossings : race, intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire外部サイトParliament and the crown in the reign of Mary Tudor外部サイトEnding "East of Suez" : the British decision to withdraw from Malaysia and Singapore, 1964-1968外部サイトEnglish medieval books : the Reading Abbey collections from foundation to dispersal外部サイトWindows of the soul : physiognomy in European culture 1470-1780外部サイトGerald of Wales, 1146-1223外部サイトThe evolution of the Labour Party, 1910-1924外部サイトWomen, crime, and custody in Victorian England外部サイトThe apocalyptic tradition in reformation Britain, 1530-1645外部サイトNational identity and political thought in Germany : Wilhelmine depictions of the French Third Republic, 1890-1914外部サイトEdmund Burke and the invention of modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 : an intellectual history外部サイトRoyal favouritism and the governing elite of the Spanish monarchy, 1640-1665外部サイトThe Quakers in English society, 1655-1725外部サイトPolitics and the law in late nineteenth-century Germany : the origins of the civil code外部サイトThe Order of the Garter 1348-1461 : chivalry and politics in late Medieval England外部サイトCatholic devotion in Victorian England外部サイトScribes and scholars at Salisbury Cathedral, c. 1075-c. 1125外部サイトShadow sites : photography, archaeology, and the British landscape, 1927-1955外部サイトReligion in industrial society : Oldham and Saddleworth, 1740-1865外部サイトThe landowners of the Argentine pampas : a social and political history, 1860-1945外部サイトLincolnshire politics, 1832-1885外部サイトFrontiers of medicine in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899-1940外部サイトMaking aristocracy work : the peerage and the political system in Britain, 1884-1914外部サイトSavages within the empire : representations of American Indians in eighteenth-century Britain外部サイトThe British Labour Party and the German Social Democrats, 1900-1931外部サイトEnglish diplomatic administration, 1259-1339外部サイトTractarians and the "condition of England" : the social and political thought of the Oxford movement外部サイトGoths and Romans, 332-489外部サイトThe politics of magnate power in England and Wales, 1389-1413外部サイトFrontier development : land, labour, and capital on the wheatlands of Argentina and Canada, 1890-1914外部サイトAnticolonialism in British politics : the left and the end of Empire, 1918-1964外部サイトWriting the Holocaust : identity, testimony, representation外部サイトThe Earl of Essex and late Elizabethan political culture外部サイトCalvinism on the frontier, 1600-1660 : international Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania外部サイトParty politics and decolonization : the Conservative Party and British colonial policy in tropical Africa, 1951-1964外部サイトPolitical society in Lancastrian England : the greater gentry of Nottinghamshire外部サイトModern Dublin : urban change and the Irish past, 1957-1973外部サイトThe origins of military thought : from the Enlightenment to Clausewitz外部サイトWar machinery and high policy : defence administration in peacetime Britain, 1902-1914外部サイトThe East German leadership and the division of Germany : patriotism and propaganda 1945-1953外部サイトMaking refugees in India外部サイトConfession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy : Siena, 1260-1330外部サイトFascism in Ferrara, 1915-1925外部サイトPicturing the past : English history in text and image, 1830-1870外部サイトNapoleon's continental blockade : the case of Alsace外部サイトIrish society, Anglo-Norman settlers, Angevin kingship : interactions in Ireland in the late twelfth century外部サイトPolitics and the appointment of justices of the peace, 1675-1720外部サイトA patriot press : national politics and the London press in the 1740s外部サイトCromwellian Ireland : English government and reform in Ireland 1649-1660外部サイトConscription and the Attlee governments : the politics and policy of national service, 1945-1951外部サイトNews and the British world : the emergence of an imperial press system, 1876-1922外部サイトPolitics and society in Great Yarmouth, 1660-1722外部サイトLoyalism and radicalism in Lancashire, 1798-1815外部サイトMusic in the holocaust : confronting life in the nazi ghettos and camps外部サイトGender, modernity, and the popular press in inter-war Britain外部サイトThe rise of the Carolingians and the Liber historiae Francorum外部サイトSin and society in fourteenth-century England : a study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum外部サイトBeing Soviet : identity, rumour, and everyday life under Stalin, 1939-1953外部サイトMurders and madness : medicine, law, and society in the fin de siècle外部サイトThe Nazi party in Lower Saxony, 1921-1933外部サイトLand, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England外部サイトThe cotton masters, 1830-1860外部サイトFirst of the small nations : the beginnings of Irish foreign policy in the interwar years, 1919-1932外部サイトLanguage and enlightenment : the Berlin debates of the eighteenth century外部サイトPierre Laroque and the welfare state in postwar France外部サイトThe Liberal Party and the economy, 1929-1964外部サイトMedicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician外部サイトRemembering the Revolution : dissent, culture, and nationalism in the Irish free state外部サイトSociety and politics in revolutionary Bordeaux外部サイトYouth politics in East Germany : the Free German Youth movement, 1946-1968外部サイトBritish Jewry, Zionism, and the Jewish state, 1936-1956外部サイトLatin siege warfare in the twelfth century外部サイトThe logic of political conflict in medieval cities : Italy and the Southern Low Countries, 1370-1440外部サイトCommon wealth, common good : the politics of virtue in early modern Poland-Lithuania外部サイトPopulation exchange in Greek Macedonia : the rural settlement of refugees 1922-1930外部サイトThe Townshends and their world : gentry, law, and land in Norfolk c. 1450-1551外部サイトExile politics during the Second World War : the German Social Democrats in Britain外部サイトThe King's artists : the Royal Academy of Arts and the politics of British culture, 1760-1840外部サイトEnglish society and the crusade, 1216-1307外部サイトRethinking Catholicism in Reformation England外部サイトCarl Peters and German imperialism 1856-1918 : a political biography外部サイト"Above parties" : the political attitudes of the German Protestant Church leadership 1918-1933外部サイトFranco's justice : repression in Madrid after the Spanish Civil War外部サイトRenaissance and reform in Tudor England : the careers of Sir Richard Morison c.1513-1556外部サイトThe episcopate in the kingdom of León in the twelfth century外部サイトThe satirical gaze : prints of women in late eighteenth-century England外部サイトThe evolution of the Labour Party, 1910-1924外部サイトBritain and Central Europe, 1918-1933外部サイトMedieval violence : physical brutality in Northern France, 1270-1330外部サイトThe re-establishment of the Church of England, 1660-1663外部サイトAssociative political culture in the Holy Roman Empire : upper Germany, 1346-1521外部サイトBritain, China, and Colonial Australia外部サイトPapal judges delegate in the Province of Canterbury, 1198-1254 : a study in ecclesiastical jurisdiction and administration外部サイトThe Bismarck myth : Weimar Germany and the legacy of the Iron Chancellor外部サイトArchitecture and image-building in seventeenth-century Hertfordshire外部サイトThe origins of the Second Republic in Spain外部サイトThe Lancastrian affinity 1361-1399外部サイトThe English parliaments of Henry VII, 1485-1504外部サイトHistorians and the Church of England : religion and historical scholarship, 1870-1920外部サイトConceptualizing the state : innovation and dispute in British political thought 1880-1914外部サイトPilgrim and preacher : the audiences and observant spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8-1502)外部サイトPétain's Jewish children : French Jewish youth and the Vichy regime, 1940-1942外部サイトThe diocesan revival in the Church of England, c.1800-1870外部サイトA mind and its time : the development of Isaiah Berlin's political thought外部サイトThe Macedonian question : Britain and the Southern Balkans : 1939-1949外部サイトThe Dukeries transformed : the social and political development of a twentieth-century coalfield外部サイトGovernments, labour, and the law in mid-Victorian Britain : the trade union legislation of the 1870s外部サイトMental disability in Victorian England : the Earlswood Asylum, 1847-1901外部サイトThe bridges of medieval England : transport and society 400-1800外部サイトFrom Joseph II to the Jacobin trials : government policy and public opinion in the Habsburg dominions in the period of the French Revolution外部サイトEnglish Gascony, 1399-1453 : a study of war, government and politics during the later stages of the Hundred Years' War外部サイトGentlemen and tarpaulins : the officers and men of the Restoration Navy外部サイトEdmund Burke and the invention of modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 : an intellectual history外部サイトPostcolonial Germany : memories of empire in a decolonized nation外部サイトSir Robert Cotton, 1586-1631 : history and politics in early modern England外部サイトThe limits of reason : the German democratic press and the collapse of Weimar democracy外部サイトLuxury and power : the material world of the Stuart diplomat, 1660-1714外部サイトThe British campaign in Ireland, 1919-1921 : the development of political and military policies外部サイトLiterature and the Irish famine, 1845-1919外部サイトThe politics of culture in Quattrocento Europe : René of Anjou in Italy外部サイトChristian radicalism in the Church of England and the invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970 : the hope of a world transformed外部サイトThe Caroline captivity of the church : Charles I and the remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625-1641外部サイトThe Colombian Caribbean : a regional history, 1870-1950外部サイトAntifascism and memory in East Germany : remembering the International Brigades 1945-1989外部サイトRichard II : manhood, youth, and politics, 1377-99外部サイトTudor York外部サイトThe King's artists : the Royal Academy of Arts and the politics of British culture, 1760-1840外部サイトBaptism, brotherhood, and belief in Reformation Germany : Anabaptism and Lutheranism, 1525-1585外部サイトCromwellian Ireland : English government and reform in Ireland 1649-1660外部サイトNative law and the church in medieval Wales外部サイトLuxury and public happiness : political economy in the Italian Enlightenment外部サイトLiberal Anglican politics : whiggery, religion, and reform, 1830-1841外部サイトLabour's war : the Labour Party during the Second World War外部サイトMonasteries and patrons in the Gorze reform : Lotharingia c. 850-1000外部サイトThe death of the KPD : communism and anti-communism in West Germany, 1945-1956外部サイトColonial America and the Earl of Halifax, 1748-1761外部サイトAfter Ruskin : the social and political legacies of a Victorian prophet, 1870-1920外部サイトThe earls of Mercia : lordship and power in late Anglo-Saxon England外部サイトOxford Jackson : architecture, education, status, and style 1835-1924外部サイトVictorian insolvency : bankruptcy, imprisonment for debt, and company winding-up in nineteenth-century England外部サイトLand, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England外部サイトThe detection of heresy in late medieval England外部サイトViolence and Social Order : East Anglia, 1422-1442外部サイトBotswana, 1939-1945 : an African country at war外部サイトBayle, Jurieu, and the Dictionnaire Historique et Critique外部サイトMonsoon revolution : republicans, sultans, and empires in Oman 1965-1976外部サイトScandinavian kings in the British Isles, 850-880外部サイトThe Liberal Party in rural England 1885-1910 : radicalism and community外部サイトExpelling the Germans : British opinion and post-1945 population transfer in context外部サイトPolitics and military morale : current-affairs and citizenship education in the British Army, 1914-1950外部サイトAscetics, authority, and the church in the age of Jerome and Cassian外部サイトThe White Russian Army in exile, 1920-1941外部サイトPapacy and law in the Gregorian revolution : the canonistic work of Anselm of Lucca外部サイトThe chronicle of Ernoul and the continuations of William of Tyre外部サイトKingship and propaganda : royal eloquence and the crown of Aragon, c.1200-1450外部サイトCorn, cash, commerce : the economic policies of the Tory governments 1815-1830外部サイトPropaganda and the Tudor state : political culture in the Westcountry外部サイトEconomic relations between Nazi Germany and Franco's Spain, 1936-1945外部サイトRoger, Bishop of Worcester, 1164-1179外部サイトWar, revolution, and the bureaucratic state : politics and army administration in France, 1791-1799外部サイトPeel, priests, and politics : Sir Robert Peel's administration and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, 1841-1846外部サイトPolitics and reform in Spain and Viceregal Mexico : the life and thought of Juan de Palafox 1600-1659外部サイトThe British left and India : metropolitan anti-imperialism, 1885-1947外部サイトMen versus the state : Herbert Spencer and late Victorian individualism外部サイトCaricature and French political culture 1830-1848 : Charles Philipon and the illustrated press外部サイトYouth and the welfare state in Weimar Germany外部サイトFeminism and the Third Republic : women's political and civil rights in France, 1918-1945外部サイトThe creation of a community : the city of Wells in the Middle Ages外部サイトHindenburg : power, myth, and the rise of the Nazis外部サイトThe liberal imperialists : the ideas and politics of a post-Gladstonian élite外部サイトAnti-Calvinists : the rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640外部サイトThe English Church under Henry I外部サイトGladstone, church, state and Tractarianism : a study of his religious ideas and attitudes, 1809-1859外部サイトThe politics of planning : the debate on economic planning in Britain in the 1930s外部サイトWriting the Holocaust : identity, testimony, representation外部サイトThe origins of military thought : from the Enlightenment to Clausewitz外部サイトThe British Volunteer Movement, 1794-1814外部サイトCholera, fever and English medicine, 1825-1865外部サイトRealistic utopias : the ideal imaginary societies of the Renaissance, 1516-1630外部サイトBritish idealism and social explanation : a study in late Victorian thought外部サイトHunger in war and peace : women and children in Germany, 1914-1924外部サイトThe finance of canal building in eighteenth-century England外部サイトBusiness, race, and politics in British India, c.1850-1960外部サイトThe origins of military power in Spain, 1800-1854外部サイトThe Emperor Maurice and his historian : Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan warfare外部サイトThomas of Lancaster 1307-1322 : a study in the reign of Edward II外部サイトRace, class and politics in colonial Mexico, 1610-1670外部サイトRichard Rufus of Cornwall and the tradition of Oxford theology外部サイトLucca, 1369-1400 : politics and society in an early renaissance city-state外部サイトEnglish diplomacy, 1422-1461外部サイトThe social and political thought of Herbert Spencer外部サイトReluctant warriors : Republican Popular Army and Nationalist Army conscripts in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939外部サイトThe business of decolonization : British business strategies in the Gold Coast外部サイトSimon V of Montfort and baronial government, 1195-1218外部サイトReligious belief and popular culture in Southwark, c.1880-1939外部サイトPropaganda and the role of the state in inter-war Britain外部サイトReligious life for women, c.1100-c.1350 : Fontevraud in England外部サイトThe writing of urban histories in eighteenth-century England外部サイトThe crisis of religious toleration in Imperial Russia : Bibikov's system for the Old Believers, 1841-1855外部サイトBlack Country élites : the exercise of authority in an industrialized area, 1830-1900外部サイトThe first Rockingham administration 1765-1766外部サイトLabour and the countryside : the politics of rural Britain, 1918-1939外部サイトThe Oxford economists in the late nineteenth century外部サイトGoths and Romans, 332-489外部サイトModernizing nature : forestry and imperial eco-development 1800-1950外部サイトAn Anglican aristocracy : the moral economy of the landed estate in Carmarthenshire, 1832-1895外部サイトBolton Priory : the economy of a northern monastery, 1286-1325外部サイトBetter active than radioactive! : anti-nuclear protest in 1970s France and West Germany外部サイトPoland's last king and English culture : Stanisław August Poniatowski, 1732-1798外部サイトWomen, crime, and custody in Victorian England外部サイトThe general election of 1880外部サイトReligious transformation in South Asia : the meanings of conversion in colonial Punjab外部サイトGovernment without administration : state and civil service in Weimar and Nazi Germany外部サイトCorruption, party, and government in Britain, 1702-1713外部サイトPopular piety in late medieval England : the Diocese of Salisbury, 1250-1550外部サイトInvestment in railways in Britain, 1820-1844 : a study in the development of the capital market外部サイトHindenburg : power, myth, and the rise of the Nazis外部サイトA progressive occupation? : the Gallieni-Lyautey method and colonial pacification in Tonkin and Madagascar, 1885-1900外部サイトWorking-class housing in England between the wars : The becontree estate外部サイトCorn, cash, commerce : the economic policies of the Tory governments 1815-1830外部サイトThe British peace movement, 1870-1914外部サイトJewish welfare in Hamburg and Manchester c. 1850-1914外部サイトForeign Protestant communities in sixteenth-century London外部サイトChurch courts and the people during the English Reformation, 1520-1570外部サイトThe Ulster Party : Irish unionists in the House of Commons, 1884-1911外部サイトElectric news in colonial Algeria外部サイトPossessing the city : property and politics in Delhi, 1911-1947外部サイトBorders and the politics of space in late medieval Italy : Milan, Venice, and their territories外部サイトEngland and the papacy in the early middle ages : papal privileges in European perspective, c. 680-1073外部サイトText and textuality in early medieval Iberia : the written and the world, 711-1031外部サイトDuke Richard of York 1411-1460外部サイトGreat Britain, international law, and the evolution of maritime strategic thought, 1856-1914外部サイトThe Muslim secular : parity and the politics of India's partition外部サイトMonsoon revolution : republicans, sultans, and empires in Oman, 1965-1976外部サイトThe Palatine family and the Thirty Years' War : experiences of exile in early modern Europe, 1632-1648外部サイトThe Lancastrian affinity 1361-1399外部サイトByron's heroines外部サイト



  • Philo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655

  • The rise of historical economics and social reform in Germany, 1864-1894

  • Inspiration and authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from scholasticism to humanism

  • St. Martin and his hagiographer : history and miracle in Sulpicius Severus

  • Medicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician





  • CiNii Research

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Editors: J.H. Elliott, M.H. Keen, P. Langford, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Harting, A.J. Nicholls, Sir Keith Thomas
Series editors of "Confession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy": P. Betts ... [et al.]
Philo-semitism and the readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655
The rise of historical economics and social reform in Germany, 1864-1894
Inspiration and authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from scholasticism to humanism
St. Martin and his hagiographer : history and miracle in Sulpicius Severus
Medicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician
The role of art in the late Anglo-Saxon church
Civil society and academic debate in Russia 1905-1914
Agents of Moscow : the Hungarian Communist Party and the origins of socialist patriotism 1941-1953
The foundations of Ostpolitik : the making of the Moscow Treaty between West Germany and the USSR
The Protestant Crusade in Great Britain, 1829-1860
Witchcraft and its transformations c.1650-c.1750
Political thought in Ireland, 1776-1798 : republicanism, patriotism, and radicalism
German Catholicism at war, 1939-1945
Gentlemen and barristers : the Inns of Court and the English bar, 1680-1730
Church and society in the Norman principality of Capua, 1058-1197
A monastic renaissance at St. Albans : Thomas Walsingham and his circle, c. 1350-1440
Colonial land policies in Palestine, 1917-1936
Murders and madness : medicine, law, and society in the fin de siècle
Duke Richard of York, 1411-1460
Charles James Fox and the disintegration of the Whig Party, 1782-1794
Policy-making in elementary education, 1870-1895
Saving and spending : the working-class economy in Britain, 1870-1939
The counter-Reformation in Central Europe : Styria 1580-1630
Russian rule in Samarkand : 1868-1910 : a comparison with British India
The maritime trade of the East Anglian ports, 1550-1590
Paris and its people under English rule : the Anglo-Burgundian Regime, 1420-1436
Debtor diplomacy : finance and American foreign relations in the Civil War era 1837-1873
Hong Kong and the Cold War : Anglo-American relations 1949-1957
Saints and their communities : miracle stories in twelfth century England
Pacifism in Britain, 1914-1945 : the defining of a faith
Taxing colonial Africa : the political economy of British imperialism
Commemorating the Holocaust : the dilemmas of remembrance in France and Italy
Catholicism in the Second Spanish Republic : religion and politics in Salamanca, 1930-1936
Sovereignty and the sword : Harrington, Hobbes, and mixed government in the English Civil Wars
King, lords and peasants in medieval England : the common law of villeinage in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Authority and asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great
The regionalist movement in France, 1890-1914 : Jean Charles-Brun and French political thought
The reformation of the heretics : the Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580
Time and work in England, 1750-1830
Russian genre painting in the nineteenth century
The development of agrarian capitalism : land and labour in Norfolk 1440-1580
Cheshire 1630-1660 : county government and society during the English revolution
Racial crossings : race, intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire
The architectural setting of the cult of saints in the early Christian West c.300-1200
The meaning of white : race, class, and the 'domiciled community' in British India 1858-1930
Migration and inequality in Germany, 1870-1913
The structure of the Terror : the example of Javogues and the Loire
The pauper press : a study in working-class radicalism of the 1830s
Urban liberalism in imperial Germany : Frankfurt am Main, 1866-1914
The bridges of medieval England : transport and society 400-1800
The problem of mental deficiency : eugenics, democracy, and social policy in Britain c.1870-1959
Victorian Quakers
Citizenship, community and the Church of England : liberal Anglican theories of the state between the wars
The Catholic priesthood and the English Reformation
Politics of security : British and West German protest movements and the early Cold War, 1945-1970
The end of an élite : the French bishops and the coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790
German politics and the Jews : Düsseldorf and Nuremberg, 1910-1933
Workers in imperial Germany : the miners of the Ruhr
A Byzantine government in exile : government and society under the Laskarids of Nicaea, 1204-1261
Orientalism in Louis XIV's France
Urban leadership in Western India : politics and communities in Bombay city 1840-1885
Historians and nationalism : East-Central Europe in the nineteenth century
From classical antiquity to the Middle Ages : urban public building in northern and central Italy, AD 300-850
Women and the Counter-Reformation in early modern Münster
The Moravian Church in England, 1728-1760
Latin siege warfare in the twelfth century
Fin de siècle Beirut : the making of an Ottoman provincial capital
God and progress : religion and history in British intellectual culture, 1845-1914
Greece and the inter-war economic crisis
Frontiers of violence : conflict and identity in Ulster and Upper Silesia, 1918-1922
Elite women in English political life, c.1754-1790
Governing rural England : tradition and transformation in local government 1780-1840
Family structure in the Staffordshire Potteries, 1840-1880
Knights and esquires : the Gloucestershire gentry in the fourteenth century
The age of the efendiyya : passages to modernity in national-colonial Egypt
Reforming London : the London government problem, 1855-1900
The City of London and social democracy : the political economy of finance in Britain, 1959-1979
Lords of the central marches : English aristocracy and frontier society, 1087-1265
Domestic biography : the legacy of evangelicalism in four nineteenth-century families
The English nobility under Edward the Confessor
Nationalism and political liberty : Redlich, Namier, and the crisis of empire
Pope John XXII and his Franciscan cardinal : Bertrand de la Tour and the apostolic poverty controversy
Richard II : manhood, youth, and politics, 1377-99
Below the magic mountain : a social history of tuberculosis in twentieth-century Britain
Royal responsibility in Anglo-Norman historical writing
The view from Cowley : the impact of industrialization upon Oxford, 1918-1939
Music for the people : popular music and dance in interwar Britain
Popular reading and publishing in Britain, 1914-1950
Aristocratic women and political society in Victorian Britain
Model mothers : Jewish mothers and maternity provision in East London, 1870-1939
Translating the Enlightenment : Scottish civic discourse in eighteenth-century Germany
For the cause of truth : radicalism in London 1796-1821
Scotland, England, and the Reformation, 1534-61
Marriage, property, and law in late Imperial Russia
Restoration, reformation and reform, 1660-1828 : archbishops of Canterbury and their diocese
The 1926 miners' lockout : meanings of community in the Durham coalfield
Names and naming patterns in England, 1538-1700
Somoza and Roosevelt : good neighbour diplomacy in Nicaragua, 1933-1945
Children of the French empire : miscegenation and colonial society in French West Africa, 1895-1960
Anti-Calvinists : the rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640
The Canary Islands after the conquest : the making of a colonial society in the early sixteenth century
The miners and British politics 1906-1914
The bourgeois citizen in nineteenth-century France : gender, sociability, and the uses of emulation
The Vatican and Catholic activism in Mexico and Chile : the politics of transnational Catholicism, 1920-1940
Benjamin Collins and the provincial newspaper trade in the eighteenth century
Sumptuary law in Italy, 1200-1500
The Lancashire working classes, c.1880-1930
Newspapers, politics, and public opinion in late eighteenth-century England
Ducal Brittany, 1364-1399 : relations with England and France during the reign of Duke John IV
The politics of the poor : the East end of London 1885-1914
The Bismarck myth : Weimar Germany and the legacy of the Iron Chancellor
Humanitarian imperialism : the politics of anti-slavery activism, 1880-1940
The British campaign in Ireland, 1919-1921 : the development of political and military policies
Italian Benedictine scholars and the Reformation : the Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua
The theatre of nation : Irish drama and cultural nationalism 1890-1916
Racial crossings : race, intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire
Parliament and the crown in the reign of Mary Tudor
Ending "East of Suez" : the British decision to withdraw from Malaysia and Singapore, 1964-1968
English medieval books : the Reading Abbey collections from foundation to dispersal
Windows of the soul : physiognomy in European culture 1470-1780
Gerald of Wales, 1146-1223
The evolution of the Labour Party, 1910-1924
Women, crime, and custody in Victorian England
The apocalyptic tradition in reformation Britain, 1530-1645
National identity and political thought in Germany : Wilhelmine depictions of the French Third Republic, 1890-1914
Edmund Burke and the invention of modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 : an intellectual history
Royal favouritism and the governing elite of the Spanish monarchy, 1640-1665
The Quakers in English society, 1655-1725
Politics and the law in late nineteenth-century Germany : the origins of the civil code
The Order of the Garter 1348-1461 : chivalry and politics in late Medieval England
Catholic devotion in Victorian England
Scribes and scholars at Salisbury Cathedral, c. 1075-c. 1125
Shadow sites : photography, archaeology, and the British landscape, 1927-1955
Religion in industrial society : Oldham and Saddleworth, 1740-1865
The landowners of the Argentine pampas : a social and political history, 1860-1945
Lincolnshire politics, 1832-1885
Frontiers of medicine in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899-1940
Making aristocracy work : the peerage and the political system in Britain, 1884-1914
Savages within the empire : representations of American Indians in eighteenth-century Britain
The British Labour Party and the German Social Democrats, 1900-1931
English diplomatic administration, 1259-1339
Tractarians and the "condition of England" : the social and political thought of the Oxford movement
Goths and Romans, 332-489
The politics of magnate power in England and Wales, 1389-1413
Frontier development : land, labour, and capital on the wheatlands of Argentina and Canada, 1890-1914
Anticolonialism in British politics : the left and the end of Empire, 1918-1964
Writing the Holocaust : identity, testimony, representation
The Earl of Essex and late Elizabethan political culture
Calvinism on the frontier, 1600-1660 : international Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania
Party politics and decolonization : the Conservative Party and British colonial policy in tropical Africa, 1951-1964
Political society in Lancastrian England : the greater gentry of Nottinghamshire
Modern Dublin : urban change and the Irish past, 1957-1973
The origins of military thought : from the Enlightenment to Clausewitz
War machinery and high policy : defence administration in peacetime Britain, 1902-1914
The East German leadership and the division of Germany : patriotism and propaganda 1945-1953
Making refugees in India
Confession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy : Siena, 1260-1330
Fascism in Ferrara, 1915-1925
Picturing the past : English history in text and image, 1830-1870
Napoleon's continental blockade : the case of Alsace
Irish society, Anglo-Norman settlers, Angevin kingship : interactions in Ireland in the late twelfth century
Politics and the appointment of justices of the peace, 1675-1720
A patriot press : national politics and the London press in the 1740s
Cromwellian Ireland : English government and reform in Ireland 1649-1660
Conscription and the Attlee governments : the politics and policy of national service, 1945-1951
News and the British world : the emergence of an imperial press system, 1876-1922
Politics and society in Great Yarmouth, 1660-1722
Loyalism and radicalism in Lancashire, 1798-1815
Music in the holocaust : confronting life in the nazi ghettos and camps
Gender, modernity, and the popular press in inter-war Britain
The rise of the Carolingians and the Liber historiae Francorum
Sin and society in fourteenth-century England : a study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum
Being Soviet : identity, rumour, and everyday life under Stalin, 1939-1953
Murders and madness : medicine, law, and society in the fin de siècle
The Nazi party in Lower Saxony, 1921-1933
Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England
The cotton masters, 1830-1860
First of the small nations : the beginnings of Irish foreign policy in the interwar years, 1919-1932
Language and enlightenment : the Berlin debates of the eighteenth century
Pierre Laroque and the welfare state in postwar France
The Liberal Party and the economy, 1929-1964
Medicine and magic in Elizabethan London : Simon Forman : astrologer, alchemist, and physician
Remembering the Revolution : dissent, culture, and nationalism in the Irish free state
Society and politics in revolutionary Bordeaux
Youth politics in East Germany : the Free German Youth movement, 1946-1968
British Jewry, Zionism, and the Jewish state, 1936-1956
Latin siege warfare in the twelfth century
The logic of political conflict in medieval cities : Italy and the Southern Low Countries, 1370-1440
Common wealth, common good : the politics of virtue in early modern Poland-Lithuania
Population exchange in Greek Macedonia : the rural settlement of refugees 1922-1930
The Townshends and their world : gentry, law, and land in Norfolk c. 1450-1551
Exile politics during the Second World War : the German Social Democrats in Britain
The King's artists : the Royal Academy of Arts and the politics of British culture, 1760-1840
English society and the crusade, 1216-1307
Rethinking Catholicism in Reformation England
Carl Peters and German imperialism 1856-1918 : a political biography
"Above parties" : the political attitudes of the German Protestant Church leadership 1918-1933
Franco's justice : repression in Madrid after the Spanish Civil War
Renaissance and reform in Tudor England : the careers of Sir Richard Morison c.1513-1556
The episcopate in the kingdom of León in the twelfth century
The satirical gaze : prints of women in late eighteenth-century England
The evolution of the Labour Party, 1910-1924
Britain and Central Europe, 1918-1933
Medieval violence : physical brutality in Northern France, 1270-1330
The re-establishment of the Church of England, 1660-1663
Associative political culture in the Holy Roman Empire : upper Germany, 1346-1521
Britain, China, and Colonial Australia
Papal judges delegate in the Province of Canterbury, 1198-1254 : a study in ecclesiastical jurisdiction and administration
The Bismarck myth : Weimar Germany and the legacy of the Iron Chancellor
Architecture and image-building in seventeenth-century Hertfordshire
The origins of the Second Republic in Spain
The Lancastrian affinity 1361-1399
The English parliaments of Henry VII, 1485-1504
Historians and the Church of England : religion and historical scholarship, 1870-1920
Conceptualizing the state : innovation and dispute in British political thought 1880-1914
Pilgrim and preacher : the audiences and observant spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8-1502)
Pétain's Jewish children : French Jewish youth and the Vichy regime, 1940-1942
The diocesan revival in the Church of England, c.1800-1870
A mind and its time : the development of Isaiah Berlin's political thought
The Macedonian question : Britain and the Southern Balkans : 1939-1949
The Dukeries transformed : the social and political development of a twentieth-century coalfield
Governments, labour, and the law in mid-Victorian Britain : the trade union legislation of the 1870s
Mental disability in Victorian England : the Earlswood Asylum, 1847-1901
The bridges of medieval England : transport and society 400-1800
From Joseph II to the Jacobin trials : government policy and public opinion in the Habsburg dominions in the period of the French Revolution
English Gascony, 1399-1453 : a study of war, government and politics during the later stages of the Hundred Years' War
Gentlemen and tarpaulins : the officers and men of the Restoration Navy
Edmund Burke and the invention of modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 : an intellectual history
Postcolonial Germany : memories of empire in a decolonized nation
Sir Robert Cotton, 1586-1631 : history and politics in early modern England
The limits of reason : the German democratic press and the collapse of Weimar democracy
Luxury and power : the material world of the Stuart diplomat, 1660-1714
The British campaign in Ireland, 1919-1921 : the development of political and military policies
Literature and the Irish famine, 1845-1919
The politics of culture in Quattrocento Europe : René of Anjou in Italy
Christian radicalism in the Church of England and the invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970 : the hope of a world transformed
The Caroline captivity of the church : Charles I and the remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625-1641
The Colombian Caribbean : a regional history, 1870-1950
Antifascism and memory in East Germany : remembering the International Brigades 1945-1989
Richard II : manhood, youth, and politics, 1377-99
Tudor York
The King's artists : the Royal Academy of Arts and the politics of British culture, 1760-1840
Baptism, brotherhood, and belief in Reformation Germany : Anabaptism and Lutheranism, 1525-1585
Cromwellian Ireland : English government and reform in Ireland 1649-1660
Native law and the church in medieval Wales
Luxury and public happiness : political economy in the Italian Enlightenment
Liberal Anglican politics : whiggery, religion, and reform, 1830-1841
Labour's war : the Labour Party during the Second World War
Monasteries and patrons in the Gorze reform : Lotharingia c. 850-1000
The death of the KPD : communism and anti-communism in West Germany, 1945-1956
Colonial America and the Earl of Halifax, 1748-1761
After Ruskin : the social and political legacies of a Victorian prophet, 1870-1920
The earls of Mercia : lordship and power in late Anglo-Saxon England
Oxford Jackson : architecture, education, status, and style 1835-1924
Victorian insolvency : bankruptcy, imprisonment for debt, and company winding-up in nineteenth-century England
Land, law, and lordship in Anglo-Norman England
The detection of heresy in late medieval England
Violence and Social Order : East Anglia, 1422-1442
Botswana, 1939-1945 : an African country at war
Bayle, Jurieu, and the Dictionnaire Historique et Critique
Monsoon revolution : republicans, sultans, and empires in Oman 1965-1976
Scandinavian kings in the British Isles, 850-880
The Liberal Party in rural England 1885-1910 : radicalism and community
Expelling the Germans : British opinion and post-1945 population transfer in context
Politics and military morale : current-affairs and citizenship education in the British Army, 1914-1950
Ascetics, authority, and the church in the age of Jerome and Cassian
The White Russian Army in exile, 1920-1941
Papacy and law in the Gregorian revolution : the canonistic work of Anselm of Lucca
The chronicle of Ernoul and the continuations of William of Tyre
Kingship and propaganda : royal eloquence and the crown of Aragon, c.1200-1450
Corn, cash, commerce : the economic policies of the Tory governments 1815-1830
Propaganda and the Tudor state : political culture in the Westcountry
Economic relations between Nazi Germany and Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
Roger, Bishop of Worcester, 1164-1179
War, revolution, and the bureaucratic state : politics and army administration in France, 1791-1799
Peel, priests, and politics : Sir Robert Peel's administration and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, 1841-1846
Politics and reform in Spain and Viceregal Mexico : the life and thought of Juan de Palafox 1600-1659
The British left and India : metropolitan anti-imperialism, 1885-1947
Men versus the state : Herbert Spencer and late Victorian individualism
Caricature and French political culture 1830-1848 : Charles Philipon and the illustrated press
Youth and the welfare state in Weimar Germany
Feminism and the Third Republic : women's political and civil rights in France, 1918-1945
The creation of a community : the city of Wells in the Middle Ages
Hindenburg : power, myth, and the rise of the Nazis
The liberal imperialists : the ideas and politics of a post-Gladstonian élite
Anti-Calvinists : the rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640
The English Church under Henry I
Gladstone, church, state and Tractarianism : a study of his religious ideas and attitudes, 1809-1859
The politics of planning : the debate on economic planning in Britain in the 1930s
Writing the Holocaust : identity, testimony, representation
The origins of military thought : from the Enlightenment to Clausewitz
The British Volunteer Movement, 1794-1814
Cholera, fever and English medicine, 1825-1865
Realistic utopias : the ideal imaginary societies of the Renaissance, 1516-1630
British idealism and social explanation : a study in late Victorian thought
Hunger in war and peace : women and children in Germany, 1914-1924
The finance of canal building in eighteenth-century England
Business, race, and politics in British India, c.1850-1960
The origins of military power in Spain, 1800-1854
The Emperor Maurice and his historian : Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan warfare
Thomas of Lancaster 1307-1322 : a study in the reign of Edward II
Race, class and politics in colonial Mexico, 1610-1670
Richard Rufus of Cornwall and the tradition of Oxford theology
Lucca, 1369-1400 : politics and society in an early renaissance city-state
English diplomacy, 1422-1461
The social and political thought of Herbert Spencer
Reluctant warriors : Republican Popular Army and Nationalist Army conscripts in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
The business of decolonization : British business strategies in the Gold Coast
Simon V of Montfort and baronial government, 1195-1218
Religious belief and popular culture in Southwark, c.1880-1939
Propaganda and the role of the state in inter-war Britain
Religious life for women, c.1100-c.1350 : Fontevraud in England
The writing of urban histories in eighteenth-century England
The crisis of religious toleration in Imperial Russia : Bibikov's system for the Old Believers, 1841-1855
Black Country élites : the exercise of authority in an industrialized area, 1830-1900
The first Rockingham administration 1765-1766
Labour and the countryside : the politics of rural Britain, 1918-1939
The Oxford economists in the late nineteenth century
Goths and Romans, 332-489
Modernizing nature : forestry and imperial eco-development 1800-1950
An Anglican aristocracy : the moral economy of the landed estate in Carmarthenshire, 1832-1895
Bolton Priory : the economy of a northern monastery, 1286-1325
Better active than radioactive! : anti-nuclear protest in 1970s France and West Germany
Poland's last king and English culture : Stanisław August Poniatowski, 1732-1798
Women, crime, and custody in Victorian England
The general election of 1880
Religious transformation in South Asia : the meanings of conversion in colonial Punjab
Government without administration : state and civil service in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Corruption, party, and government in Britain, 1702-1713
Popular piety in late medieval England : the Diocese of Salisbury, 1250-1550
Investment in railways in Britain, 1820-1844 : a study in the development of the capital market
Hindenburg : power, myth, and the rise of the Nazis
A progressive occupation? : the Gallieni-Lyautey method and colonial pacification in Tonkin and Madagascar, 1885-1900
Working-class housing in England between the wars : The becontree estate
Corn, cash, commerce : the economic policies of the Tory governments 1815-1830
The British peace movement, 1870-1914
Jewish welfare in Hamburg and Manchester c. 1850-1914
Foreign Protestant communities in sixteenth-century London
Church courts and the people during the English Reformation, 1520-1570
The Ulster Party : Irish unionists in the House of Commons, 1884-1911
Electric news in colonial Algeria
Possessing the city : property and politics in Delhi, 1911-1947
Borders and the politics of space in late medieval Italy : Milan, Venice, and their territories
England and the papacy in the early middle ages : papal privileges in European perspective, c. 680-1073
Text and textuality in early medieval Iberia : the written and the world, 711-1031
Duke Richard of York 1411-1460
Great Britain, international law, and the evolution of maritime strategic thought, 1856-1914
The Muslim secular : parity and the politics of India's partition
Monsoon revolution : republicans, sultans, and empires in Oman, 1965-1976
The Palatine family and the Thirty Years' War : experiences of exile in early modern Europe, 1632-1648
The Lancastrian affinity 1361-1399
Byron's heroines
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