
學術論文/報告系列 = Occasional paper


學術論文/報告系列 = Occasional paper



廣東十三行與中西文化發展之關係 = Thirteen Hongs of Canton and development in Chinese and western cultures外部サイト「東亞漢字文化圏」各國古代小説的淵源發展 = The origin and development of classical fictions in countries of the Chinese-character cultural sphere外部サイト陳拙彈琴論説輯注 = A critical edition of Chen Zhuo's ninth century treatise on qin playing外部サイト趙弼及其《效顰集》研究 = On Zhaobi and his Xiao Pin Ji外部サイト環珠江口沙丘遺址的形成環境以及人地關係 : 以澳門黒沙遺址為例 = The settlement characteristics and the human-environment relationship of the sand dune sites around the Pearl River estuary area : a case study at Hac Sa site, Macau外部サイト論佛教中國化之「佛性」概念對儒家人性論論述的影響 : 兼論中國哲學之哲學問題 = The influence of the concept of Buddhata in Chinese Buddhism on the theory of human nature in Confucianism : also about philosophical problems in Chinese philosophy外部サイト唐代小説呈現的佛教寺院社會生活圖景 = Life in Buddhist temples : from the perspective of Tang fictions外部サイト漢魏六朝鄴都詩賦析論 = On the poems and fu from the Han-Wei-Six Dynasties related to the capital Ye外部サイト干將莫邪傳説研究 = On the folktales of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye外部サイト況周儀《存悔詞》版本研究 = A study on the editions of Kuang Zhouyi's the ci poetry of regrets外部サイト陸西星研究兩題 = Two topics on the studies of Lu Xixing外部サイト鷇音漫録 = Kou yin man lu外部サイト明清詠史詩集知見録 = A research on history-themed poetries of the Ming-Qing Dynasties外部サイト絲路考古兩題 = Two archaeological issues of the Silk Road外部サイト蕙風詞總目 = An updated account of the ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi外部サイト蕙風散佚詞研究 = The uncollected ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi : a critical study外部サイト越南青梅社鐘與貞元時期的安南研究 = A study on the Vietnamese Thanh Mai bell and An-Nam in the Zhenyuan period外部サイト論明清之際蘇州派戲曲家朱素臣 = On Zhu Suchen, the playwright of Suzhou-styled kunqu opera at the Ming-Qing transition外部サイト唐詩本事中的詩學觀念/ 余才林著 = Poetics in the stories of the Tang Dynasty poems外部サイト楚簡書法發展芻論 = A study on the characteristics of brushworks of the Chu bamboo slips外部サイト國内外對漢藏觀音信仰文化研究的回顧 = Review on local and overseas studies of Han and Tibetan Avalokiteśvara religion and culture外部サイト潮州隋唐宋代方志史轍考 = On the history of Chaozhou gazetteers of the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties外部サイト正倉院藏《王勃詩序》校勘 = Textual criticism of the prefaces of poems by Wang Bo in Shosoin treasure house外部サイト《存悔詞》足本 = The ci poetry of regrets : a full unabridged edition外部サイト南宋聘使制度研究 : 以南宋與金朝為中心的討論 = On the pin-shi system of the Southern-Song Dynasty : the diplomatic practice between the Southern-Song and the Jin外部サイト濟南縣西巷佛教地宮初論 = Buddhist underground chamber at Xianxixiang, Jinan, Shandong Province外部サイト歸義軍官吏的選任與遷轉 : 唐五代藩鎮選官制度之箇案 = Appointment and promotion of officials in Guiyi-jun regime : a case study on official appointment system of military province in the Tang and Five Dynasties外部サイト王士禛的神韻説及其實踐 = The poetic theory of Wang Shizhen and his practice外部サイト況周頤佚詩輯考 = A research for the uncollected poems of Kuang Zhouyi外部サイト兩《唐書・后妃傳》輯補 = A complementary study on biographies of empresses and imperial concubines in the two book of the Tang Dynasty外部サイト蕙風散佚詞輯考 = A research for the uncollected ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi外部サイト宋代翰林圖畫院對中國繪畫的影響 = A study on the Royal Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty and its influences外部サイト



  • 廣東十三行與中西文化發展之關係 = Thirteen Hongs of Canton and development in Chinese and western cultures

  • 「東亞漢字文化圏」各國古代小説的淵源發展 = The origin and development of classical fictions in countries of the Chinese-character cultural sphere

  • 陳拙彈琴論説輯注 = A critical edition of Chen Zhuo's ninth century treatise on qin playing

  • 趙弼及其《效顰集》研究 = On Zhaobi and his Xiao Pin Ji

  • 環珠江口沙丘遺址的形成環境以及人地關係 : 以澳門黒沙遺址為例 = The settlement characteristics and the human-environment relationship of the sand dune sites around the Pearl River estuary area : a case study at Hac Sa site, Macau





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ガクジュツ ロンブン ホウコク ケイレツ
廣東十三行與中西文化發展之關係 = Thirteen Hongs of Canton and development in Chinese and western cultures
「東亞漢字文化圏」各國古代小説的淵源發展 = The origin and development of classical fictions in countries of the Chinese-character cultural sphere
陳拙彈琴論説輯注 = A critical edition of Chen Zhuo's ninth century treatise on qin playing
趙弼及其《效顰集》研究 = On Zhaobi and his Xiao Pin Ji
環珠江口沙丘遺址的形成環境以及人地關係 : 以澳門黒沙遺址為例 = The settlement characteristics and the human-environment relationship of the sand dune sites around the Pearl River estuary area : a case study at Hac Sa site, Macau
論佛教中國化之「佛性」概念對儒家人性論論述的影響 : 兼論中國哲學之哲學問題 = The influence of the concept of Buddhata in Chinese Buddhism on the theory of human nature in Confucianism : also about philosophical problems in Chinese philosophy
唐代小説呈現的佛教寺院社會生活圖景 = Life in Buddhist temples : from the perspective of Tang fictions
漢魏六朝鄴都詩賦析論 = On the poems and fu from the Han-Wei-Six Dynasties related to the capital Ye
干將莫邪傳説研究 = On the folktales of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye
況周儀《存悔詞》版本研究 = A study on the editions of Kuang Zhouyi's the ci poetry of regrets
陸西星研究兩題 = Two topics on the studies of Lu Xixing
鷇音漫録 = Kou yin man lu
明清詠史詩集知見録 = A research on history-themed poetries of the Ming-Qing Dynasties
絲路考古兩題 = Two archaeological issues of the Silk Road
蕙風詞總目 = An updated account of the ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi
蕙風散佚詞研究 = The uncollected ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi : a critical study
越南青梅社鐘與貞元時期的安南研究 = A study on the Vietnamese Thanh Mai bell and An-Nam in the Zhenyuan period
論明清之際蘇州派戲曲家朱素臣 = On Zhu Suchen, the playwright of Suzhou-styled kunqu opera at the Ming-Qing transition
唐詩本事中的詩學觀念/ 余才林著 = Poetics in the stories of the Tang Dynasty poems
楚簡書法發展芻論 = A study on the characteristics of brushworks of the Chu bamboo slips
國内外對漢藏觀音信仰文化研究的回顧 = Review on local and overseas studies of Han and Tibetan Avalokiteśvara religion and culture
潮州隋唐宋代方志史轍考 = On the history of Chaozhou gazetteers of the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties
正倉院藏《王勃詩序》校勘 = Textual criticism of the prefaces of poems by Wang Bo in Shosoin treasure house
《存悔詞》足本 = The ci poetry of regrets : a full unabridged edition
南宋聘使制度研究 : 以南宋與金朝為中心的討論 = On the pin-shi system of the Southern-Song Dynasty : the diplomatic practice between the Southern-Song and the Jin
濟南縣西巷佛教地宮初論 = Buddhist underground chamber at Xianxixiang, Jinan, Shandong Province
歸義軍官吏的選任與遷轉 : 唐五代藩鎮選官制度之箇案 = Appointment and promotion of officials in Guiyi-jun regime : a case study on official appointment system of military province in the Tang and Five Dynasties
王士禛的神韻説及其實踐 = The poetic theory of Wang Shizhen and his practice
況周頤佚詩輯考 = A research for the uncollected poems of Kuang Zhouyi
兩《唐書・后妃傳》輯補 = A complementary study on biographies of empresses and imperial concubines in the two book of the Tang Dynasty
蕙風散佚詞輯考 = A research for the uncollected ci poems of Kuang Zhouyi
宋代翰林圖畫院對中國繪畫的影響 = A study on the Royal Academy of Painting in Song Dynasty and its influences