
Cairo papers in social science


Cairo papers in social science

American University in Cairo Press


The political economy of revolutionary Iran外部サイトGhagar of Sett Guiranha : a study of a Gypsy community in Egypt外部サイトClass, Family, and Power in an Egyptian village外部サイトChild development in Egypt外部サイトState and industrial capitalism in Egypt外部サイトThe nationalization of Arabic and Islamic education in Egypt : Dar al-'Ulum and al-Azhar外部サイトThe role of local councils in empowerment and poverty reduction in Egypt外部サイトBetween field and text : emerging voices in Egyptian social science外部サイトThe Impact of development assistance on Egypt外部サイトLaw as a tool for empowering women within marital relations : a case study of paternity lawsuits in Egypt外部サイトCreating families across boundaries : a case study of Romanian/Egyptian mixed marriages外部サイトExport of Egyptian school teachers to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait : a cost-benefit analysis外部サイトUrban research strategies for Egypt外部サイトAn investigation of the phenomenon of polygyny in rural Egypt外部サイトElections in the Middle East : what do they mean?外部サイトPalestinian labor in a dependent economy : women workers in the West Bank clothing industry外部サイトPerspectives on the Gulf crisis外部サイトStreet children in Egypt : group dynamics and subcultural constituents外部サイトThe new Arab family外部サイトPopulation and urbanization in Morocco外部サイトExperience and expression : life among Bedouin women in South Sinai外部サイトDiscourses in contemporary Egypt : politics and social issues外部サイトPhilosophy, ethics, and virtuous rule : a study of Averroes' Commentary on Plato's "Republic"外部サイトSocial security and the family in Egypt外部サイトJust a gaze : female clientele of diet clinics in Cairo : an ethnomedical study外部サイトSaudi Arabian Bedouin : an assessment of their needs外部サイトThe empowerment of women : water and sanitation initiatives in rural Egypt外部サイトCoping with poverty in a Cairo community外部サイトPoverty and poverty alleviation strategies in Egypt外部サイトWomen's perceptions of environmental change in Egypt外部サイトPrivatization : the Egyptian debate外部サイトMasculinities in Egypt and the Arab world : historical, literary, and social science perspectives外部サイトImpact of temporary international migration on rural Egypt外部サイトSymposium on Social Research for Development : proceedings, May 5-11, 1981外部サイトDemocratization in rural Egypt : a study of the village local popular council外部サイトArab regional women's studies workshop外部サイトDemocracy in Egypt : problems and prospects外部サイトThe economics and politics of structural adjustment in Egypt : third annual symposium外部サイトWomen, health and development : papers presented at the 1976 Open University Seminar外部サイトAn assessment of grass roots participation in the development of Egypt外部サイトStructural adjustment, stabilization policies, and the poor in Egypt外部サイトAttitudinal and social structural aspects of the brain drain : the Egyptian case外部サイトThe development of social science in Egypt : economics, history, and sociology外部サイトTwenty years of development in Egypt (1977-1997)外部サイトNegotiating space : the evolution of the Egyptian street, 2000-2011外部サイトThe Socialist Labor Party : a case study of a contemporary Egyptian opposition party外部サイトImages of the other : Europe and the Muslim world before 1700外部サイトTurkish foreign policy during the Gulf War of 1990-1991外部サイトCairo's leap forward : people, households, and dwelling space外部サイトHuman rights : Egypt and the Arab world : fourth annual symposium外部サイトThe Zabbalin community of Muqattam外部サイトCulture and the natural environment : ancient and modern Middle Eastern texts外部サイトFiscal policy measures in Egypt : public debt and food subsidy外部サイトFarmers and merchants : background to structural adjustment in Egypt外部サイトThe institutionalization of Palestinian identity in Egypt外部サイトIncome distribution & basic needs in urban Egypt外部サイトDistributing disposable income and the impact of eliminating food subsidies in Egypt外部サイトNew frontiers in the social history of the middle east外部サイトPalestinian and Israeli nationalism : identity politics and education in Jerusalem外部サイトThe modernization of labor and labor law in the Arab Gulf states外部サイトThe employment crisis of female graduates in Egypt : an ethnographic account外部サイトRural resettlement in Egypt's reclaimed lands : an evaluation of a case study in the northwestern Nile Delta外部サイトThe terms of empowerment : Islamic women activists in Egypt外部サイトPalestinian universities under occupation外部サイトThe role of mass communications in inter-state conflict : the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973外部サイトParticipation and community in the Egyptian new lands : the case of South Tahrir外部サイトInformal sector in Egypt外部サイトNilopolitics : a hydrological regime 1870-1990外部サイトBasic needs, inflation, and the poor of Egypt, 1970-1980外部サイトThe church in the square : negotiations of religion and revolution at an evangelical church in Cairo外部サイトThe changing image of women in rural Egypt外部サイトChild protection policies in Egypt : a rights-based approach外部サイトGone for good? : Egyptian migration processes in the Arab world外部サイトThe experience of protest : masculinity and agency among Sudanese refugees in Cairo外部サイトLegislating infitah : investment, currency, and foreign trade laws外部サイトLiving without water外部サイトStudies in Egyptian political economy : methodology theory and case studies外部サイトMasters of the trade : crafts and craftpeople in Cairo, 1750-1850外部サイトWorkers, trade unions and the state in Egypt : 1984-1989外部サイトIrrigation and society in rural Egypt外部サイトParty and peasant in Syria : rural politics and social change under the Baʿth外部サイトUrban refugees : Ethiopians and Eritreans in Cairo外部サイトScenes of schooling : inside a girls' school in Cairo外部サイトEgyptian encounters外部サイトThe oil question in Egyptian-Israeli relations, 1967-1979 : a study in international law and resource politics外部サイトSocial background and bureaucratic behavior in Egypt外部サイトThe burden of resources : oil and water in the Gulf Region and the Nile Basin外部サイトSquatter markets in Cairo外部サイトInvestors and workers in the western desert of Egypt : an exploratory survey外部サイトLaw and social change : problems and challenges in contemporary Egypt外部サイトNon-alignment in a changing world外部サイトThe Middle East and development in a changing world外部サイトCairo's Nubian families外部サイトExperiments in community development in a zabbaleen settlement外部サイトThe sub-culture of hashish users in Egypt : a descriptive analytic study外部サイトSocial identity and class in a Cairo neighborhood外部サイトIMF-Egyptian debt negotiations外部サイトWomen and work in the Arab world外部サイトSocial policy in the arab world外部サイトEnvironmental threats in Egypt : perceptions and actions外部サイトSocial history of an agrarian reform community in Egypt外部サイトThe "Jihad" : an "Islamic alternative" in Egypt外部サイトAl-Sanhuri and Islamic law : the place and significance of Islamic law in the life and work of ʿAbd al-Razzaq Ahmad al-Sanhuri, Egyptian jurist and scholar, 1895-1971外部サイトSports and society in the Middle East外部サイト






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بحوث القاهرة فى العلوم الاجتماعية
The political economy of revolutionary Iran
Ghagar of Sett Guiranha : a study of a Gypsy community in Egypt
Class, Family, and Power in an Egyptian village
Child development in Egypt
State and industrial capitalism in Egypt
The nationalization of Arabic and Islamic education in Egypt : Dar al-'Ulum and al-Azhar
The role of local councils in empowerment and poverty reduction in Egypt
Between field and text : emerging voices in Egyptian social science
The Impact of development assistance on Egypt
Law as a tool for empowering women within marital relations : a case study of paternity lawsuits in Egypt
Creating families across boundaries : a case study of Romanian/Egyptian mixed marriages
Export of Egyptian school teachers to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait : a cost-benefit analysis
Urban research strategies for Egypt
An investigation of the phenomenon of polygyny in rural Egypt
Elections in the Middle East : what do they mean?
Palestinian labor in a dependent economy : women workers in the West Bank clothing industry
Perspectives on the Gulf crisis
Street children in Egypt : group dynamics and subcultural constituents
The new Arab family
Population and urbanization in Morocco
Experience and expression : life among Bedouin women in South Sinai
Discourses in contemporary Egypt : politics and social issues
Philosophy, ethics, and virtuous rule : a study of Averroes' Commentary on Plato's "Republic"
Social security and the family in Egypt
Just a gaze : female clientele of diet clinics in Cairo : an ethnomedical study
Saudi Arabian Bedouin : an assessment of their needs
The empowerment of women : water and sanitation initiatives in rural Egypt
Coping with poverty in a Cairo community
Poverty and poverty alleviation strategies in Egypt
Women's perceptions of environmental change in Egypt
Privatization : the Egyptian debate
Masculinities in Egypt and the Arab world : historical, literary, and social science perspectives
Impact of temporary international migration on rural Egypt
Symposium on Social Research for Development : proceedings, May 5-11, 1981
Democratization in rural Egypt : a study of the village local popular council
Arab regional women's studies workshop
Democracy in Egypt : problems and prospects
The economics and politics of structural adjustment in Egypt : third annual symposium
Women, health and development : papers presented at the 1976 Open University Seminar
An assessment of grass roots participation in the development of Egypt
Structural adjustment, stabilization policies, and the poor in Egypt
Attitudinal and social structural aspects of the brain drain : the Egyptian case
The development of social science in Egypt : economics, history, and sociology
Twenty years of development in Egypt (1977-1997)
Negotiating space : the evolution of the Egyptian street, 2000-2011
The Socialist Labor Party : a case study of a contemporary Egyptian opposition party
Images of the other : Europe and the Muslim world before 1700
Turkish foreign policy during the Gulf War of 1990-1991
Cairo's leap forward : people, households, and dwelling space
Human rights : Egypt and the Arab world : fourth annual symposium
The Zabbalin community of Muqattam
Culture and the natural environment : ancient and modern Middle Eastern texts
Fiscal policy measures in Egypt : public debt and food subsidy
Farmers and merchants : background to structural adjustment in Egypt
The institutionalization of Palestinian identity in Egypt
Income distribution & basic needs in urban Egypt
Distributing disposable income and the impact of eliminating food subsidies in Egypt
New frontiers in the social history of the middle east
Palestinian and Israeli nationalism : identity politics and education in Jerusalem
The modernization of labor and labor law in the Arab Gulf states
The employment crisis of female graduates in Egypt : an ethnographic account
Rural resettlement in Egypt's reclaimed lands : an evaluation of a case study in the northwestern Nile Delta
The terms of empowerment : Islamic women activists in Egypt
Palestinian universities under occupation
The role of mass communications in inter-state conflict : the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973
Participation and community in the Egyptian new lands : the case of South Tahrir
Informal sector in Egypt
Nilopolitics : a hydrological regime 1870-1990
Basic needs, inflation, and the poor of Egypt, 1970-1980
The church in the square : negotiations of religion and revolution at an evangelical church in Cairo
The changing image of women in rural Egypt
Child protection policies in Egypt : a rights-based approach
Gone for good? : Egyptian migration processes in the Arab world
The experience of protest : masculinity and agency among Sudanese refugees in Cairo
Legislating infitah : investment, currency, and foreign trade laws
Living without water
Studies in Egyptian political economy : methodology theory and case studies
Masters of the trade : crafts and craftpeople in Cairo, 1750-1850
Workers, trade unions and the state in Egypt : 1984-1989
Irrigation and society in rural Egypt
Party and peasant in Syria : rural politics and social change under the Baʿth
Urban refugees : Ethiopians and Eritreans in Cairo
Scenes of schooling : inside a girls' school in Cairo
Egyptian encounters
The oil question in Egyptian-Israeli relations, 1967-1979 : a study in international law and resource politics
Social background and bureaucratic behavior in Egypt
The burden of resources : oil and water in the Gulf Region and the Nile Basin
Squatter markets in Cairo
Investors and workers in the western desert of Egypt : an exploratory survey
Law and social change : problems and challenges in contemporary Egypt
Non-alignment in a changing world
The Middle East and development in a changing world
Cairo's Nubian families
Experiments in community development in a zabbaleen settlement
The sub-culture of hashish users in Egypt : a descriptive analytic study
Social identity and class in a Cairo neighborhood
IMF-Egyptian debt negotiations
Women and work in the Arab world
Social policy in the arab world
Environmental threats in Egypt : perceptions and actions
Social history of an agrarian reform community in Egypt
The "Jihad" : an "Islamic alternative" in Egypt
Al-Sanhuri and Islamic law : the place and significance of Islamic law in the life and work of ʿAbd al-Razzaq Ahmad al-Sanhuri, Egyptian jurist and scholar, 1895-1971
Sports and society in the Middle East
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books