
Contributions to biblical exegesis and theology


Contributions to biblical exegesis and theology

Baarda, Tjitzeほか
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Edited by Tj. Baarda, A. van der Kooij, and A.S. van der WoudePublisher varies from 20: Leuven : U. Peeters


Von Weltengagement zu Weltüberwindung : theologische Positionen im Danielbuch外部サイトJohannine perspectives on the death of Jesus外部サイトThe language of belonging : a rhetorical analysis of kinship language in first Corinthians外部サイトThe earliest non-mystical Jewish use of ιαω外部サイトHappy the one who meditates on wisdom (Sir. 14,20)外部サイトTextual criticism and the synoptic problem in historical Jesus research : the search for valid criteria外部サイトThe designation of the individual : expressive usage in Biblical narrative外部サイトDer Pentateuch : die Geschichte seiner Erforschung neben einer Auswertung外部サイトEchoes of Eden : Genesis 2-3 and symbolism of the Eden Garden in Biblical Hebrew literature外部サイトIsaiah's servant poems according to the Septuagint : an exegetical and theological study外部サイトOld Testament quotations in the Fourth Gospel : studies in textual form外部サイトJesus, the eschatological temple : an exegetical study of Jn 2,13-22 in the light of the pre-70 C.E. eschatological temple hopes and the synoptic temple action外部サイトThe image and the book : iconic cults, aniconism, and the rise of book religion in Israel and the ancient Near East外部サイトThe life of Moses : the Yahwist as historian in Exodus-Numbers外部サイトVoces biblicae : Septuagint Greek and its significance for the New Testament外部サイトThe triumph of Elohim : from Yahwisms to Judaisms外部サイトThe Sayings Gospel Q in Greek and English with parallels from the Gospels of Mark and Thomas外部サイトAncient rhetorical theory and Paul外部サイトEsther : juxtaposition of the Septuagint translation with the Hebrew text外部サイトLaw, prophets, and wisdom : on the provenance of translators and their books in the Septuagint version外部サイトGlossary of Greek rhetorical terms connected to methods of argumentation, figures and tropes from Anaximenes to Quintilian外部サイトImagery in the Book of Revelation外部サイトThe hidden heritage of diaspora Judaism外部サイトBuch der Kriege - Buch des Himmels : kleine Schriften zur Exegese und Theologie外部サイト"Listening to Trypho" : Justin Martyr's Dialogue reconsidered外部サイトBetween Israelite religion and Old Testament theology : essays on archaeology, history, and hermeneutics外部サイトJapheth in the tents of Shem : studies on Jewish Hellenism in antiquity外部サイトThe use of sacred books in the ancient world外部サイトSeptuagint quotations in the context of the Petrine and Pauline speeches of the Acta Apostolorum外部サイトInsights into editing in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East : what does documented evidence tell us about the transmission of authoritative texts?外部サイトNew testament textual criticism, exegesis, and early church history : a discussion of methods外部サイトExclusivity and variety : perspectives on multidimensional exegesis外部サイトJeremiah in Prophetic tradition : an examination of the Book of Jeremiah in the light of Israel's prophetic traditions外部サイトHellenism, Judaism, Christianity : essays on their interaction外部サイトWhat is Bible?外部サイトBible and midrash : the story of "The wooing of Rebekah" (Gen. 24)外部サイトTransformations in the Septuagint : towards an interaction of Septuagint studies and translation studies外部サイトWith all your soul fear the Lord (Sir. 7:27)外部サイトEin Held des Glaubens? : rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien zu den Simson-Erzählungen外部サイトThe old Greek of Isaiah : issues and perspectives : papers read at the Conference on the Septuagint of Isaiah, held in Leiden 10-11 April 2008外部サイトThe eschatology of second Zechariah : a study of the formation of a mantological wisdom anthology外部サイトThe Qumran legal texts between the Hebrew Bible and its interpretation外部サイトConflict over wisdom : the theme of 1 Corinthians 1-4 rooted in scripture外部サイトTranslated Hallelujahs : a linguistic and exegetical commentary on select Septuagint Psalms外部サイトAncient rhetorical theory and Paul外部サイトEssays on the Diatessaron外部サイトProphetic ministry in Jeremiah and Ezekiel外部サイトSolomon's prayer : synchrony and diachrony in the composition of I Kings 8, 14-61外部サイトSacred history and sacred texts in early Judaism : a symposium in honour of A.S. van der Woude外部サイトThe knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord : the high christology of Philippians 3:7-11外部サイトThree versions of Esther : their relationship to anti-Semitic and feminist critique of the story外部サイトA cosmic leap of faith : an authorial, structural, and theological investigation of the cosmic Christology in Col 1:15-20外部サイトIn spirit and truth : an exegetical study of John 4:19-26 and a theological investigation of the replacement theme in the Fourth Gospel外部サイトThe interpretation of Exodus : studies in honour of Cornelis Houtman外部サイトGreek scripture and the rabbis外部サイトAncient Jewish epitaphs : an introductory survey of a millennium of Jewish funerary epigraphy (300 BCE-700 CE)外部サイトFreedom in the Gospel : Paul's exemplum in 1 Cor 9 in conversation with the discourses of Epictetus and Philo外部サイトA tale of two cities : Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, early Jewish and early Christian traditions外部サイトOn the trail of the Septuagint translators : collected essays外部サイトErotapokriseis : early Christian question-and-answer literature in context : proceedings of the Utrecht colloquium, 13-14 October 2003外部サイトAnthropology in the New Testament and its ancient context : papers from the EABS-Meeting in Piliscsaba, Budapest外部サイトSalvation through participation : an examination of the notion of the believers' corporate unity with Christ in early Christian soteriology外部サイトPersuasion and dissuasion in early Christianity, ancient Judaism, and Hellenism外部サイトPaul the missionary外部サイトThe authority and authorization of Torah in the Persian period外部サイトFeasts and festivals外部サイトProphecy after the prophets? : the contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the understanding of Biblical and extra-Biblical prophecy外部サイトAbout the idol offerings : rhetoric, social context, and theology of Paul's discourse in First Corinthians 8:1-11:1外部サイトIn the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes : studies in the Biblical text in honour of Anneli Aejmelaeus外部サイト



  • Von Weltengagement zu Weltüberwindung : theologische Positionen im Danielbuch

  • Johannine perspectives on the death of Jesus

  • The language of belonging : a rhetorical analysis of kinship language in first Corinthians

  • The earliest non-mystical Jewish use of ιαω

  • Happy the one who meditates on wisdom (Sir. 14,20)





  • CiNii Research

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Contributions to biblical exegesis & theology
Edited by Tj. Baarda, A. van der Kooij, and A.S. van der Woude
Publisher varies from 20: Leuven : U. Peeters
Von Weltengagement zu Weltüberwindung : theologische Positionen im Danielbuch
Johannine perspectives on the death of Jesus
The language of belonging : a rhetorical analysis of kinship language in first Corinthians
The earliest non-mystical Jewish use of ιαω
Happy the one who meditates on wisdom (Sir. 14,20)
Textual criticism and the synoptic problem in historical Jesus research : the search for valid criteria
The designation of the individual : expressive usage in Biblical narrative
Der Pentateuch : die Geschichte seiner Erforschung neben einer Auswertung
Echoes of Eden : Genesis 2-3 and symbolism of the Eden Garden in Biblical Hebrew literature
Isaiah's servant poems according to the Septuagint : an exegetical and theological study
Old Testament quotations in the Fourth Gospel : studies in textual form
Jesus, the eschatological temple : an exegetical study of Jn 2,13-22 in the light of the pre-70 C.E. eschatological temple hopes and the synoptic temple action
The image and the book : iconic cults, aniconism, and the rise of book religion in Israel and the ancient Near East
The life of Moses : the Yahwist as historian in Exodus-Numbers
Voces biblicae : Septuagint Greek and its significance for the New Testament
The triumph of Elohim : from Yahwisms to Judaisms
The Sayings Gospel Q in Greek and English with parallels from the Gospels of Mark and Thomas
Ancient rhetorical theory and Paul
Esther : juxtaposition of the Septuagint translation with the Hebrew text
Law, prophets, and wisdom : on the provenance of translators and their books in the Septuagint version
Glossary of Greek rhetorical terms connected to methods of argumentation, figures and tropes from Anaximenes to Quintilian
Imagery in the Book of Revelation
The hidden heritage of diaspora Judaism
Buch der Kriege - Buch des Himmels : kleine Schriften zur Exegese und Theologie
"Listening to Trypho" : Justin Martyr's Dialogue reconsidered
Between Israelite religion and Old Testament theology : essays on archaeology, history, and hermeneutics
Japheth in the tents of Shem : studies on Jewish Hellenism in antiquity
The use of sacred books in the ancient world
Septuagint quotations in the context of the Petrine and Pauline speeches of the Acta Apostolorum
Insights into editing in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East : what does documented evidence tell us about the transmission of authoritative texts?
New testament textual criticism, exegesis, and early church history : a discussion of methods
Exclusivity and variety : perspectives on multidimensional exegesis
Jeremiah in Prophetic tradition : an examination of the Book of Jeremiah in the light of Israel's prophetic traditions
Hellenism, Judaism, Christianity : essays on their interaction
What is Bible?
Bible and midrash : the story of "The wooing of Rebekah" (Gen. 24)
Transformations in the Septuagint : towards an interaction of Septuagint studies and translation studies
With all your soul fear the Lord (Sir. 7:27)
Ein Held des Glaubens? : rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien zu den Simson-Erzählungen
The old Greek of Isaiah : issues and perspectives : papers read at the Conference on the Septuagint of Isaiah, held in Leiden 10-11 April 2008
The eschatology of second Zechariah : a study of the formation of a mantological wisdom anthology
The Qumran legal texts between the Hebrew Bible and its interpretation
Conflict over wisdom : the theme of 1 Corinthians 1-4 rooted in scripture
Translated Hallelujahs : a linguistic and exegetical commentary on select Septuagint Psalms
Ancient rhetorical theory and Paul
Essays on the Diatessaron
Prophetic ministry in Jeremiah and Ezekiel
Solomon's prayer : synchrony and diachrony in the composition of I Kings 8, 14-61
Sacred history and sacred texts in early Judaism : a symposium in honour of A.S. van der Woude
The knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord : the high christology of Philippians 3:7-11
Three versions of Esther : their relationship to anti-Semitic and feminist critique of the story
A cosmic leap of faith : an authorial, structural, and theological investigation of the cosmic Christology in Col 1:15-20
In spirit and truth : an exegetical study of John 4:19-26 and a theological investigation of the replacement theme in the Fourth Gospel
The interpretation of Exodus : studies in honour of Cornelis Houtman
Greek scripture and the rabbis
Ancient Jewish epitaphs : an introductory survey of a millennium of Jewish funerary epigraphy (300 BCE-700 CE)
Freedom in the Gospel : Paul's exemplum in 1 Cor 9 in conversation with the discourses of Epictetus and Philo
A tale of two cities : Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, early Jewish and early Christian traditions
On the trail of the Septuagint translators : collected essays
Erotapokriseis : early Christian question-and-answer literature in context : proceedings of the Utrecht colloquium, 13-14 October 2003
Anthropology in the New Testament and its ancient context : papers from the EABS-Meeting in Piliscsaba, Budapest
Salvation through participation : an examination of the notion of the believers' corporate unity with Christ in early Christian soteriology
Persuasion and dissuasion in early Christianity, ancient Judaism, and Hellenism
Paul the missionary
The authority and authorization of Torah in the Persian period
Feasts and festivals
Prophecy after the prophets? : the contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the understanding of Biblical and extra-Biblical prophecy
About the idol offerings : rhetoric, social context, and theology of Paul's discourse in First Corinthians 8:1-11:1
In the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes : studies in the Biblical text in honour of Anneli Aejmelaeus