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- Life and death : moral implications of biotechnologyTurn to God : rejoice in hope : Bible studies-meditation-liturgical aidsChristian faith and the world economy today : a study documentThe first nations : a Canadian experience of the Gospel-Culture encounterPanjab : the movement of the spiritThe jubilee challenge : Utopia or possibility? : Jewish and Christian insightsKorea : the encounter between the gospel and neo-confucian cultureDocumentary history of faith and order 1963-1993Through the eyes of a woman : Bible studies on the experience of womenMission in South Africa, April-December 1960 : report on the World Council of ChurchesThe Role of the 'Diakonia' of the church in contemporary society : report to the World Conference on Church and Society 1966 : Christians in the technical and social revolutions of our timeChristianity, poverty and wealth : the findings of 'Project 21'So we believe, so we pray : towards Koinonia in worshipChurches in the world of nations : international politics and the mission and ministry of the chruchAotearoa New Zealand : defining moments in the gospel-culture encounterGlobal trade ethics : an illustrated overviewSacrament and struggle : signs and instruments of grace from the downtroddenThe Scottish Highlands : the churches and Gaelic cultureEnquiry related to the return of migrant workersCommitment to God's world : a concise critical survey of ecumenical social thoughtKoinonia and justice, peace and creation : costly unityThe Andean highlands : an encounter with two forms of ChristianityEven in the best of families : the family of Jesus and other biblical families like oursSix hundred ecumenical consultations, 1948-1982World Council of Churches : constitution, rules, Regulations and by-lawsGrowing together in baptism, eucharist, and ministry : a study guideFollowing Christ together : sermons and addresses on communion, service and hopeA laboratory for ecumenical life : the story of Bossey, 1946-1996Faith and Order in Moshi : the 1996 Commission MeetingEast Timor : prospects for peaceBaptism, Eucharist, and ministryConciliar fellowship : a common goalEvangelistically yours : ecumenical letters on contemporary evangelismOn being the church across frontiers : a vision of Europe todayOn the way to fuller KoinoniaMeet the church : the growth of the Kirchentag idea in EuropeBeyond borders : refugees, migrants and human rights in the post-cold war eraDivision of World Mission and Evangelism : programme for 1966 and 1967HIV/AIDS and the curriculum : methods of integrating HIV/AIDS in theological programmesA time of compassion : a report on the Churches' contribution to World Refugee YearReligion, law and society : a Christian-Muslim discussionFor the conversion of the churches : an independent group of catholics and Protestants in France issues a challenge to the divided churches : to recognize that their identity is grounded in a continual conversion - without which their unity can never be realizedGospel and culture : an ongoing discussion within the ecumenical movementAfrica survey report . together with Ferment in Africa : an articleThe art of forgiveness : theological reflections on healing and reconciliationA provisional study document on "christians and the prevention of war in an atomic age - a theological discussion"Towards viable theological education : ecumenical imperative, catalyst of renewalGod and the goods : global economy in a civilizational perspectiveEthnic conflict and religion : challenge to the churchesMinutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, Dublin, Ireland, 1992Facing the world : Orthodox Christian essays on global concernsIndigenous Australia : a dialogue about the word becoming flesh in Aboriginal churchesThe reconciliation of peoples : challenge to the churchesMany churches, one service : what the churches did together in 1962 in cooperation with the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, World Council of Churches, Geneva, SwitzerlandEucharist and witness : Orthodox perspectives on the unity and mission of the churchDivision of inter-church aid, refugee and world service : a statement of the aim, functions, facilities and procedures of its programme and project listingFrom Cottesloe to Cape Town : challenges for the Church in a post-apartheid, South Africa : the WCC visit to South Africa, October 1991People of God, peoples of God : a Jewish-Christian conversation in AsiaCelebrating community : prayers and songs of unity = Gemeinschaft feiern : Gebete und Lieder der Einheit = Célébrer la communauté : prières et chants d'unité = Celebrar la comunidad : oraciones y cánticos de unidadThe face of pain and hope : stories of Diakonia in EuropeDemocratic contracts for sustainable and caring societies : what can churches and christian communities do?Facing AIDS : the challenge, the churches' responseHear what the spirit says to the churches : towards missonary congregations in Europe /edited by Gerhard LinnOrthodox visions of ecumenism : statements, messages and reports on the ecumenical movement, 1902-1992Ecumenical pilgrims : profiles of pionners in Christian reconciliationThe liturgy after the liturgy : mission and witness from an Orthodox perspectiveRomania : orthodox identity at a crossroads of EuropeCrisis and challenge of the ecumenical movement : integrity and indivisibilityWomen's perspectives : articulating the liberating power of the gospel : seven essaysA passion for unity : essays on ecumenical hopes and challengesIndex to the World Council of Churches' official statements and reports, 1948-1994Main ecumenical statements on principles concerning religious freedomMinutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, 4-11 January 1994, Gret-Berard, SwitzerlandWithin thy gates : a report of the Conference on Migrant Workers in Western Europe, held at Arnoldshain, West Germany, June 10-15, 1963The Caribbean : enculturation, acculturation and the role of the churchesCabora Bassa & the struggle for Southern AfricaThe Ecumenical Centre GenevaRacism in Western EuropeCongregemur : "Let us come together" : a worship booklet for modern young peopleThe courage to live : a biography of Suzanne de DiétrichA long struggle : the involvement of the World Council of Churches in South AfricaEurope 1992 : promise and challengeWorshipping ecumenically : orders of service from global meetings with suggestions for local useWomen's vision : theological reflection, celebration, actionThe arms trade today : arms transfers and proliferation : A CCIA Consultation, January 1993Wales : language, nation, faith and witnessLife in all its fullnessEucharistic worship in ecumenical contexts : the Lima liturgy - and beyondFor a new Africa : with hope and dignityCalled to one hope : the gospel in diverse culturesEurope in the world system 1492-1992 : is justice possible?Turn to God : rejoice in hope : orthodox reflections on the way to HarareLausanne 1927 to Santiago de Compostela 1993 : the Faith and Order World Conferences, and issues and results of the working period 1963-1993A letter from Christ to the world : an exploration of the role of the laity in the church todayCooperation of men and women in church, family and societyConsultation digest of the Annual Consultation of the Division of Inter-Church Aid and Service to Refugees of the World Council of Churches : held at the Evangelisches Johannesstift, Berlin-Spandau, Germany, from July 20th to 26th, 1960The Gulf WarThe orthodox churches in the World Council of Churches : towards the futureWomen, violence and nonviolent changeImpunity : an ethical perspective : six case studies from Latin AmericaSecularized Europe : who will carry off its soul?Special publication on concerns in relation to the GATT-agricultural negotiations of the Uruguay round : a declaration of a Japanese/European/USA-delegation of representatives of citizen- and church organisationsBehold, I make all things newA world with a human face : a voice from AfricaBetween two cultures : ecumenical ministry in a pluralist worldHand in hand : a report of what the churches accomplished together in 1968 through the World Council of Churches' Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World ServiceNot a solitary way : Evangelism stories from around the worldBetween the flood and the rainbow : interpreting the conciliar process of mutual commitment (covenant) to justice, peace and integrity of creationAssembly workbook : Harare 1998The tragedy of Bosnia : confronting the new world disorder
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA17116331 : BA17116331