



World Council of Churches


Life and death : moral implications of biotechnology外部サイトTurn to God : rejoice in hope : Bible studies-meditation-liturgical aids外部サイトChristian faith and the world economy today : a study document外部サイトThe first nations : a Canadian experience of the Gospel-Culture encounter外部サイトPanjab : the movement of the spirit外部サイトThe jubilee challenge : Utopia or possibility? : Jewish and Christian insights外部サイトKorea : the encounter between the gospel and neo-confucian culture外部サイトDocumentary history of faith and order 1963-1993外部サイトThrough the eyes of a woman : Bible studies on the experience of women外部サイトMission in South Africa, April-December 1960 : report on the World Council of Churches外部サイトThe Role of the 'Diakonia' of the church in contemporary society : report to the World Conference on Church and Society 1966 : Christians in the technical and social revolutions of our time外部サイトChristianity, poverty and wealth : the findings of 'Project 21'外部サイトSo we believe, so we pray : towards Koinonia in worship外部サイトChurches in the world of nations : international politics and the mission and ministry of the chruch外部サイトAotearoa New Zealand : defining moments in the gospel-culture encounter外部サイトGlobal trade ethics : an illustrated overview外部サイトSacrament and struggle : signs and instruments of grace from the downtrodden外部サイトThe Scottish Highlands : the churches and Gaelic culture外部サイトEnquiry related to the return of migrant workers外部サイトCommitment to God's world : a concise critical survey of ecumenical social thought外部サイトKoinonia and justice, peace and creation : costly unity外部サイトThe Andean highlands : an encounter with two forms of Christianity外部サイトEven in the best of families : the family of Jesus and other biblical families like ours外部サイトSix hundred ecumenical consultations, 1948-1982外部サイトWorld Council of Churches : constitution, rules, Regulations and by-laws外部サイトGrowing together in baptism, eucharist, and ministry : a study guide外部サイトFollowing Christ together : sermons and addresses on communion, service and hope外部サイトA laboratory for ecumenical life : the story of Bossey, 1946-1996外部サイトFaith and Order in Moshi : the 1996 Commission Meeting外部サイトEast Timor : prospects for peace外部サイトBaptism, Eucharist, and ministry外部サイトConciliar fellowship : a common goal外部サイトEvangelistically yours : ecumenical letters on contemporary evangelism外部サイトOn being the church across frontiers : a vision of Europe today外部サイトOn the way to fuller Koinonia外部サイトMeet the church : the growth of the Kirchentag idea in Europe外部サイトBeyond borders : refugees, migrants and human rights in the post-cold war era外部サイトDivision of World Mission and Evangelism : programme for 1966 and 1967外部サイトHIV/AIDS and the curriculum : methods of integrating HIV/AIDS in theological programmes外部サイトA time of compassion : a report on the Churches' contribution to World Refugee Year外部サイトReligion, law and society : a Christian-Muslim discussion外部サイトFor the conversion of the churches : an independent group of catholics and Protestants in France issues a challenge to the divided churches : to recognize that their identity is grounded in a continual conversion - without which their unity can never be realized外部サイトGospel and culture : an ongoing discussion within the ecumenical movement外部サイトAfrica survey report . together with Ferment in Africa : an article外部サイトThe art of forgiveness : theological reflections on healing and reconciliation外部サイトA provisional study document on "christians and the prevention of war in an atomic age - a theological discussion"外部サイトTowards viable theological education : ecumenical imperative, catalyst of renewal外部サイトGod and the goods : global economy in a civilizational perspective外部サイトEthnic conflict and religion : challenge to the churches外部サイトMinutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, Dublin, Ireland, 1992外部サイトFacing the world : Orthodox Christian essays on global concerns外部サイトIndigenous Australia : a dialogue about the word becoming flesh in Aboriginal churches外部サイトThe reconciliation of peoples : challenge to the churches外部サイトMany churches, one service : what the churches did together in 1962 in cooperation with the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトEucharist and witness : Orthodox perspectives on the unity and mission of the church外部サイトDivision of inter-church aid, refugee and world service : a statement of the aim, functions, facilities and procedures of its programme and project listing外部サイトFrom Cottesloe to Cape Town : challenges for the Church in a post-apartheid, South Africa : the WCC visit to South Africa, October 1991外部サイトPeople of God, peoples of God : a Jewish-Christian conversation in Asia外部サイトCelebrating community : prayers and songs of unity = Gemeinschaft feiern : Gebete und Lieder der Einheit = Célébrer la communauté : prières et chants d'unité = Celebrar la comunidad : oraciones y cánticos de unidad外部サイトThe face of pain and hope : stories of Diakonia in Europe外部サイトDemocratic contracts for sustainable and caring societies : what can churches and christian communities do?外部サイトFacing AIDS : the challenge, the churches' response外部サイトHear what the spirit says to the churches : towards missonary congregations in Europe /edited by Gerhard Linn外部サイトOrthodox visions of ecumenism : statements, messages and reports on the ecumenical movement, 1902-1992外部サイトEcumenical pilgrims : profiles of pionners in Christian reconciliation外部サイトThe liturgy after the liturgy : mission and witness from an Orthodox perspective外部サイトRomania : orthodox identity at a crossroads of Europe外部サイトCrisis and challenge of the ecumenical movement : integrity and indivisibility外部サイトWomen's perspectives : articulating the liberating power of the gospel : seven essays外部サイトA passion for unity : essays on ecumenical hopes and challenges外部サイトIndex to the World Council of Churches' official statements and reports, 1948-1994外部サイトMain ecumenical statements on principles concerning religious freedom外部サイトMinutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, 4-11 January 1994, Gret-Berard, Switzerland外部サイトWithin thy gates : a report of the Conference on Migrant Workers in Western Europe, held at Arnoldshain, West Germany, June 10-15, 1963外部サイトThe Caribbean : enculturation, acculturation and the role of the churches外部サイトCabora Bassa & the struggle for Southern Africa外部サイトThe Ecumenical Centre Geneva外部サイトRacism in Western Europe外部サイトCongregemur : "Let us come together" : a worship booklet for modern young people外部サイトThe courage to live : a biography of Suzanne de Diétrich外部サイトA long struggle : the involvement of the World Council of Churches in South Africa外部サイトEurope 1992 : promise and challenge外部サイトWorshipping ecumenically : orders of service from global meetings with suggestions for local use外部サイトWomen's vision : theological reflection, celebration, action外部サイトThe arms trade today : arms transfers and proliferation : A CCIA Consultation, January 1993外部サイトWales : language, nation, faith and witness外部サイトLife in all its fullness外部サイトEucharistic worship in ecumenical contexts : the Lima liturgy - and beyond外部サイトFor a new Africa : with hope and dignity外部サイトCalled to one hope : the gospel in diverse cultures外部サイトEurope in the world system 1492-1992 : is justice possible?外部サイトTurn to God : rejoice in hope : orthodox reflections on the way to Harare外部サイトLausanne 1927 to Santiago de Compostela 1993 : the Faith and Order World Conferences, and issues and results of the working period 1963-1993外部サイトA letter from Christ to the world : an exploration of the role of the laity in the church today外部サイトCooperation of men and women in church, family and society外部サイトConsultation digest of the Annual Consultation of the Division of Inter-Church Aid and Service to Refugees of the World Council of Churches : held at the Evangelisches Johannesstift, Berlin-Spandau, Germany, from July 20th to 26th, 1960外部サイトThe Gulf War外部サイトThe orthodox churches in the World Council of Churches : towards the future外部サイトWomen, violence and nonviolent change外部サイトImpunity : an ethical perspective : six case studies from Latin America外部サイトSecularized Europe : who will carry off its soul?外部サイトSpecial publication on concerns in relation to the GATT-agricultural negotiations of the Uruguay round : a declaration of a Japanese/European/USA-delegation of representatives of citizen- and church organisations外部サイトBehold, I make all things new外部サイトA world with a human face : a voice from Africa外部サイトBetween two cultures : ecumenical ministry in a pluralist world外部サイトHand in hand : a report of what the churches accomplished together in 1968 through the World Council of Churches' Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service外部サイトNot a solitary way : Evangelism stories from around the world外部サイトBetween the flood and the rainbow : interpreting the conciliar process of mutual commitment (covenant) to justice, peace and integrity of creation外部サイトAssembly workbook : Harare 1998外部サイトThe tragedy of Bosnia : confronting the new world disorder外部サイト






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Life and death : moral implications of biotechnology
Turn to God : rejoice in hope : Bible studies-meditation-liturgical aids
Christian faith and the world economy today : a study document
The first nations : a Canadian experience of the Gospel-Culture encounter
Panjab : the movement of the spirit
The jubilee challenge : Utopia or possibility? : Jewish and Christian insights
Korea : the encounter between the gospel and neo-confucian culture
Documentary history of faith and order 1963-1993
Through the eyes of a woman : Bible studies on the experience of women
Mission in South Africa, April-December 1960 : report on the World Council of Churches
The Role of the 'Diakonia' of the church in contemporary society : report to the World Conference on Church and Society 1966 : Christians in the technical and social revolutions of our time
Christianity, poverty and wealth : the findings of 'Project 21'
So we believe, so we pray : towards Koinonia in worship
Churches in the world of nations : international politics and the mission and ministry of the chruch
Aotearoa New Zealand : defining moments in the gospel-culture encounter
Global trade ethics : an illustrated overview
Sacrament and struggle : signs and instruments of grace from the downtrodden
The Scottish Highlands : the churches and Gaelic culture
Enquiry related to the return of migrant workers
Commitment to God's world : a concise critical survey of ecumenical social thought
Koinonia and justice, peace and creation : costly unity
The Andean highlands : an encounter with two forms of Christianity
Even in the best of families : the family of Jesus and other biblical families like ours
Six hundred ecumenical consultations, 1948-1982
World Council of Churches : constitution, rules, Regulations and by-laws
Growing together in baptism, eucharist, and ministry : a study guide
Following Christ together : sermons and addresses on communion, service and hope
A laboratory for ecumenical life : the story of Bossey, 1946-1996
Faith and Order in Moshi : the 1996 Commission Meeting
East Timor : prospects for peace
Baptism, Eucharist, and ministry
Conciliar fellowship : a common goal
Evangelistically yours : ecumenical letters on contemporary evangelism
On being the church across frontiers : a vision of Europe today
On the way to fuller Koinonia
Meet the church : the growth of the Kirchentag idea in Europe
Beyond borders : refugees, migrants and human rights in the post-cold war era
Division of World Mission and Evangelism : programme for 1966 and 1967
HIV/AIDS and the curriculum : methods of integrating HIV/AIDS in theological programmes
A time of compassion : a report on the Churches' contribution to World Refugee Year
Religion, law and society : a Christian-Muslim discussion
For the conversion of the churches : an independent group of catholics and Protestants in France issues a challenge to the divided churches : to recognize that their identity is grounded in a continual conversion - without which their unity can never be realized
Gospel and culture : an ongoing discussion within the ecumenical movement
Africa survey report . together with Ferment in Africa : an article
The art of forgiveness : theological reflections on healing and reconciliation
A provisional study document on "christians and the prevention of war in an atomic age - a theological discussion"
Towards viable theological education : ecumenical imperative, catalyst of renewal
God and the goods : global economy in a civilizational perspective
Ethnic conflict and religion : challenge to the churches
Minutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, Dublin, Ireland, 1992
Facing the world : Orthodox Christian essays on global concerns
Indigenous Australia : a dialogue about the word becoming flesh in Aboriginal churches
The reconciliation of peoples : challenge to the churches
Many churches, one service : what the churches did together in 1962 in cooperation with the Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland
Eucharist and witness : Orthodox perspectives on the unity and mission of the church
Division of inter-church aid, refugee and world service : a statement of the aim, functions, facilities and procedures of its programme and project listing
From Cottesloe to Cape Town : challenges for the Church in a post-apartheid, South Africa : the WCC visit to South Africa, October 1991
People of God, peoples of God : a Jewish-Christian conversation in Asia
Celebrating community : prayers and songs of unity = Gemeinschaft feiern : Gebete und Lieder der Einheit = Célébrer la communauté : prières et chants d'unité = Celebrar la comunidad : oraciones y cánticos de unidad
The face of pain and hope : stories of Diakonia in Europe
Democratic contracts for sustainable and caring societies : what can churches and christian communities do?
Facing AIDS : the challenge, the churches' response
Hear what the spirit says to the churches : towards missonary congregations in Europe /edited by Gerhard Linn
Orthodox visions of ecumenism : statements, messages and reports on the ecumenical movement, 1902-1992
Ecumenical pilgrims : profiles of pionners in Christian reconciliation
The liturgy after the liturgy : mission and witness from an Orthodox perspective
Romania : orthodox identity at a crossroads of Europe
Crisis and challenge of the ecumenical movement : integrity and indivisibility
Women's perspectives : articulating the liberating power of the gospel : seven essays
A passion for unity : essays on ecumenical hopes and challenges
Index to the World Council of Churches' official statements and reports, 1948-1994
Main ecumenical statements on principles concerning religious freedom
Minutes of the meeting of the Faith and Order Standing Commission, 4-11 January 1994, Gret-Berard, Switzerland
Within thy gates : a report of the Conference on Migrant Workers in Western Europe, held at Arnoldshain, West Germany, June 10-15, 1963
The Caribbean : enculturation, acculturation and the role of the churches
Cabora Bassa & the struggle for Southern Africa
The Ecumenical Centre Geneva
Racism in Western Europe
Congregemur : "Let us come together" : a worship booklet for modern young people
The courage to live : a biography of Suzanne de Diétrich
A long struggle : the involvement of the World Council of Churches in South Africa
Europe 1992 : promise and challenge
Worshipping ecumenically : orders of service from global meetings with suggestions for local use
Women's vision : theological reflection, celebration, action
The arms trade today : arms transfers and proliferation : A CCIA Consultation, January 1993
Wales : language, nation, faith and witness
Life in all its fullness
Eucharistic worship in ecumenical contexts : the Lima liturgy - and beyond
For a new Africa : with hope and dignity
Called to one hope : the gospel in diverse cultures
Europe in the world system 1492-1992 : is justice possible?
Turn to God : rejoice in hope : orthodox reflections on the way to Harare
Lausanne 1927 to Santiago de Compostela 1993 : the Faith and Order World Conferences, and issues and results of the working period 1963-1993
A letter from Christ to the world : an exploration of the role of the laity in the church today
Cooperation of men and women in church, family and society
Consultation digest of the Annual Consultation of the Division of Inter-Church Aid and Service to Refugees of the World Council of Churches : held at the Evangelisches Johannesstift, Berlin-Spandau, Germany, from July 20th to 26th, 1960
The Gulf War
The orthodox churches in the World Council of Churches : towards the future
Women, violence and nonviolent change
Impunity : an ethical perspective : six case studies from Latin America
Secularized Europe : who will carry off its soul?
Special publication on concerns in relation to the GATT-agricultural negotiations of the Uruguay round : a declaration of a Japanese/European/USA-delegation of representatives of citizen- and church organisations
Behold, I make all things new
A world with a human face : a voice from Africa
Between two cultures : ecumenical ministry in a pluralist world
Hand in hand : a report of what the churches accomplished together in 1968 through the World Council of Churches' Division of Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service
Not a solitary way : Evangelism stories from around the world
Between the flood and the rainbow : interpreting the conciliar process of mutual commitment (covenant) to justice, peace and integrity of creation
Assembly workbook : Harare 1998
The tragedy of Bosnia : confronting the new world disorder
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA17116331 : BA17116331