- 資料種別
- 図書
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- 著者・編者
- Law Commission of India
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ii
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Descriptions based on "One hundred fifty third report on inter-country adoption" (1998)
- 関連情報
- Report on the Law of hire-purchase : May, 1961One hundred and seventy sixth report on the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2001Report on the punishment of imprisonment for life under the Indian penal code, July, 1968Eighty-second report on effect of nomination under Section 39, Insurance Act, 1938One hundred thirty-fourth report on removing deficiencies in certain provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923One hundred eighty sixth report on proposal to constitute environment courtsOne hundred twenty-second report on forum for national uniformity in labour adjudicationReport on Trusts act, 1882One hundred twenty-sixth report on government and public sector undertaking litigation policy and strategiesSeventy-second report on restriction on practice after being a permanent judge : article 220 of the ConstitutionOne hundred and seventy eighth report on recommendations for amending various enactments, both civil and criminalConverts' marriage dissolution act, 1866One hundred eighty second report on amendment of section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894Eighty-sixth report on the Partition Act, 1893One hundred seventy second report on review of rape lawsOne hundred thirty-sixth report on conflicts in high court decisions on central laws : how to foreclose and how to resolveOne hundred and forty-eighth report on repeal of certain pre-1947 Central Acts184th report on the legal education & professional training and proposals for amendments to the Advocates Act, 1961 and the University Grants Commission Act, 1956One hundred twenty-fifth report on the supreme court : a fresh lookFifty-sixth report on statutory provisions as to notice of suit other than section 80, Civil procedure codeSixty-ninth report on the Indian evidence act, 1872, May 1977Forty-sixth report on the constitution (twenty-fifth amendment) bill, 1971The Indian oaths act, 1873Partnership act, 1932Eighty-eighth report on governmental privilege in evidence : Sections 123-124 and 162, Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and Articles 74 and 163 of the ConstitutionOne hundred and fifth report on quality control and inspection of consumer goodsEighty-seventh report on Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920.Law relating to marriage and divorce amongst Christians in IndiaSeventieth report on the Transfer of Property Act, 1882The proposal to include persons connected with public examinations with the definition of "public servant" in the Indian penal code, August, 1972One hundred and fifteenth report on tax courtsOne hundred and fifty second report on custodial crimesThe proposal for inclusion of agricultural income in the total income for the purpose of determining the rate of tax under the Income-tax act, 1961, August, 1972Effect of the Pensions act, 1871 on the right to sue for pensions of retired members of the public services, December, 1972Rape and allied offences : some questions of substantive law, procedure, and evidence : eighty-fourth reportSixtieth report on the general clauses act, 1897Registration act, 1908Seventy-fourth report on proposal to amend the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 so as to render admissible certain statements made by witnesses before commissions of inquiry and other statutory authoritiesEighty-first report on Hindu Widows Re-marriage Act, 1856Liability of the state in tortLaw relating to attendance of prisoners in courts, February, 1969One hundred forty-fourth report on conflicting judical decisions pertaining to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908The commissions of inquiry act, 1952 : December, 1962One hundred thity-ninth report on urgent need to amend order XXI, rule 92(2), Code of Civil Procedure to remove an anomaly which nullifies the benevolent intention of the legislature and occasions injustice to judgment : debtors sought to bnefitedOne hundred sixty sixth report on the Corrupt Public Servants (Forfeiture of Property) BillNegotiable instruments act, 1881Thirty-seventh report on the code of criminal procedure, 1889The administrator general's act, 1913 : May, 1961The code of criminal procedure, 1898One hundred and fifty fourth report on the code of criminal procedure 1973 (ACT no.2 of 1974) 1996One hundred and forty-ninth report on removing certain deficiencies in the motor vehicles act, 1988 (no. 59 of 1988)Seventieth report on the Transfer of Property Act, 1882Indian Penal codeOne hundred seventieth report on reform of the electoral lawsOne hundred sixty second report on Review of Functioning of Central Administrative Tribunal, Customs, Excise and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal and Income-Tax Appellate TribunalOne hundred and eleventh report on the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855One hundred and fiftieth report on suggesting some amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure (Act V of 1908)Hindu marriage act, 1955 and Special marriage act, 1954, March, 1974One hundred forty-third report on legislative safeguards for protecting the small depositors from exploitation169th report on Amendment of Army, Navy and Air Force ActsOne hundred and tenth report on the Indian Succession Act, 1925Sixty-third report on the interest act, 1839British statutes applicable to IndiaOne hundred fifty third report on inter-country adoptionHundred-first report onfreedom of speech and expression under article 19 of the constitution : recomendation to extend it to Indian corporationsReport on insolvency lawsSeventy-ninth report on delay and arrears in high courts and other appellate courtsOne hundred sixteenth report on formation of an all India judical serviceOne hundred thirty-seventh report on need for creating office of ombudsman and for evolving legislative-administrative measures inter alia to relieve hardships caused by inordinate delays in settling provident fund claims of beneficiariesOn the proposal that high courts should sit in benches at different places in a stateOne hundred sixty first report on central vigilance commisson and allied bodiesOne hundred sixty third report on Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 1997Thirteenth report : Contract Act, 1872One hundred thirty-first report on role of the legal profession in administration of justiceReport on evidence of officers about forged stamps, currency notes, etc. : section 509A Cr. P.C. as proposed : September, 1963One hundred fifty-sixth report on the Indian Penal CodeParliamentary legislation relating to sales taxOne hundred thirty-second report on need for amendment of the provisions of chapter IX of the code of criminal procedure, 1973 in order to ameliorate the hardship and mitigate the distress of neglected women, children and parentsSection 28, Indian contract act, 1872 : prescriptive clauses in contractsOne hundred forty-fourth report on conflicting judicial decisions pertaining to the code of civil procedure, 1908Report on the law of acquisition and requisitioning of landForty-seventh report on the trial and punishment of social and economic offences187th report on mode of execution of death sentence and incidental mattersOfficial trustees act, 1913 : November, 1960Sixty-fourth report on the suppression of immoral trafic in women and girls act, 1956Sale of goods act, 1930Section 9 of the code of criminal procedure, 1898 - appointment of sessions judges, additional sessions judges and assistant sessions judgesEightieth report on the method of appointment of judgesReport on section 44, code of criminal procedure, 1898One hundred twenty-ninth report on urban litigation mediation as alternartive to adjudicationEighty-ninth report on the Limitation Act, 1963The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908Capital punishmentOne hundred thirty-third report on removal of discrimination against women in matters relating to guardianship and custody of minor children and elaboration of the welfare principleSection 5 of the Central sales tax act, 1956, taxation by the states of sales in the course of import : in view of the Supreme Court's decision in K. G. Khosla and Co. vs. Deputy Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, February, 1967Reform of judicial administration99th report on oral and written arguments in the higher courtsEighty-fifth report on claims for compensation under chapter 8 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939Fifty-seventh report Benami transactionsOne hundred sixty first report on Central Vigilance Commission and Allied BodiesOne hundred twenty-eighth report on cost of litigation, 1988Compensation for injuries caused by automobiles in hit-and-run cases, September, 1972One hundred twenty-third report on decentralisation of administration of justice : disputes involving centres of higher educationNinety-sixth report on repeal of certain obsolete central actsRate of interest for the period after decree and interest on costs under sections 34 and 35, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908Sixty-first report on certain problems connected with powers of the states to levy a tax on the sale of goods and with the central sales tax act, 1956Estate duty on property acquired after deathSixty-eighth report on the Powers of attorney act, 1882One hundred forty-first report on need for amending the law as regards power of courts to restore criminal revisional applications and criminal cases dismissed for default in appearanceMarine insuranceOne hundred and fifty-first report on admiralty jurisdictionOne hundred ninth report on obscene and indecent advertisements and displays : sections 292-293, Indian Penal CodeSeventy-seventh report on delay and arrears in trial courts, November 1978Civil appeals to the Supreme Court on a certificate of fitness, October, 1971One hundred twentieth report on manpower planning in judiciary : a blueprintOne hundred thirtieth report on benami transactions : a continuumChristian marriage and matrimonial causes bill, 1961 : December, 1961One hundred and twelfth report on section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938191st report on regulation of funds collected for calamity reliefOne hundred thirty-eighth report on legislative protection for slum and pavement dwellersIndian Post office act, 1898, February, 1968Ninety-eighth report on sections 24 to 26, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 : orders for interim maintenance and orders for the maintenance of children in matrimonial proceedingsSixty-seventh report on the Indian stamp act, 1899, February 1977One hundred sixty eighth report on the Hire-Purchase Act, 1972Seventy-third report on criminal liability for failure by husband to pay maintenance or permanent alimony granted to the wife by the court under certain enactments or rules of lawOne hundred fifty-fifth report on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act,1985 (Act No.61 of 1985)Sixty-second report on the workmen's compensation act, 1923Forty-fourth report on the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in civil mattersSpecific relief act, 1877Income-tax act, 1922Offences against the national securitySixty-fourth report on the Supression of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1956Sixty-fifth report on recognition of foreign divorcesOne hundred forty-sixth report on sale of women and childrenOne hundred nineteenth report on access to exclusive forum for victims of motor accidents under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939Indian registration act, 1908, September 1967189th report on revision of Court fees structureProposal to include certain social and economic offences in the Indian penal codeOne hundred and eighth report on promissory estoppelOne hundred sixty seventh report on the Patents (Amendment) Bill, 1998The law of foreign marriagesOne hundred forty second report on concessional treatment for offenders who on their own initiative choose to plead guilty without any bargainingFifty eighth report on structure and jurisdiction of the higher judiciaryOne hundred seventieenth report on training of judical officersOne hundred and seventy third report on Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2000One hundred twenty-first report on a new forum for judicial appointmentOne hundred fortieth report on need to amend order v. rule 19A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, relating to service of summons by registered post with a view to foreclose likely injusticeOne hundred forty-fifth report on Article 12 of the Constitution and public sector undertakingsSome questions under the Code of criminal procedure bill, 1970, July 1972One hundred and fifty eighth report on the amendment of the Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951183rd report on a continuum on the General Clauses Act, 1897 with special reference to the admissibility and codification of external aids to interpretation of statutesOne hundred eighteenth report on method of appointments to subordinate courts, subordinate judiciarySeventy-eighth report on congestion of under-trial prisoners in jailsOne hundred seventhieth report on Reform of the Electoral LawsOne hundred and fourteenth report on gram nyayalayaNinety first report on dowry deaths and law reform : amending the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Indian Penal Code, 1860, and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872One hundred twenty-seventh report on resource allocation for infra-structural services in judicial administration : a continuuum of the report on manpower planning in judiciary : a blueprintOne hundred and fortyseventh report on the Specific Relief Act, 1963Limitation act, 1908One hundred fifty ninth report on Repeal and Amendment of Laws, Part IFifty-fourth report on the code of civil procedure, 1908One hundred sixty fourth report on the Indian Divorce Act (IV of 1869)One hundred and sixtieth report on Amendments to the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (Act 52 of 1987)One hundred thirty-fifth report on women in custodyNinety second report on damages in applications for judicial review : recommendations for legislationSeventy-fifth report on disciplinary jurisdiction under the Advocates act, 1961, October 1978Sixty-sixth report on married women's property act, 1874One hundred fifty-seventh report on Section 52: the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 and its amendmentOne hundred and fourth report on the Judicial Officers' Protection Act, 1850Contract act, 1872One hundred thirty-ninth report on urgent need to amend order XXI, rule 92(2), Code of Civil Procedure to remove an anomaly which nullifies the benevolent intention of the legislature and occasions injustice to judgment : debtors sought to be benefitedSections 497, 498 and 499 of the Code of criminal procedure, 1898, grant of bail with conditions, December, 1967Eighty-third report on the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, and certain provisions of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956