






Cmd. 4th series : [Cmd.1]-Cmd. 9889


Report for the year ...外部サイトReport to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Provision for Social and Economic Research外部サイトConférence internationale du travail : projets de conventions et recommandations adoptés par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference ...外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting tools外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting copper plates, sheets, strips, rods, wire and tubes外部サイトNational Health Insurance : Report of the National Health Insurance (International arrangements) Board to the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and to the Irish Insurance Commissioners外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on vinegar : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1917外部サイトReport of the departmental Committee on Fire Brigade Services : Presented by the secretary of state for the Home department to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1936外部サイトTelegram from M. Chicherin, Moscow, to the governments of Great Britain, France and Italy respecting the Genoa Conference外部サイトReport on the work of the National Maritime Board, 1917-1919外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1909 to 1923 : fifty-seventh number外部サイトTrusteeship : territories in Africa under United Kingdom Mandate Mandate外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on Cross-River Traffic in London, dated 30th November, 1926外部サイトThe plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the judicial commissioner外部サイトCorrespondence regarding the claim of the Nizam of Hyderabad to the restoration of the Province of Berar外部サイトStatistical Summary of the costs of maintenance and production, and the proceeds of the coal-mining industry during the quarter ended 30th June, 1921外部サイトShare-pushing : report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade 1936-37外部サイトReport of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to investigate and report upon the present rubber situation in British Colonies and protectorates外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1949 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトLaw revision committee : fifth interim report (statutes of limitation)外部サイトEducation in 1936 : being the report of the board of education and the statistics of public education for england and wales外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : tabular analysis of draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference under Art. 405 of the Treaty of Versailles at its third and fourth sessions, 1921 and 1922外部サイトEducation in 1934 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトRussian trade agreement : trade agreement between His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian socialist Federal Soviet Republic外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting domestic, fancy and illuminating glassware and glass bottles外部サイトMalta Round Table Conference 1955 : report外部サイトAgreement for guaranteeing a loan to Austria, signed by representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Austria, October 4, 1922外部サイトReport on the work of the Central Midwives Board for the year ended 31st March, 1918外部サイトIndia (Lord Privy Seal's Mission) : statement and draft declaration by His Majesty's Government with correspondence and resolutions connected therewith外部サイトThe future of the Overseas Food Corporation (Tanganyika Ordinance)外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Rating of Machinery and Plant in England and Scotland外部サイトJoint statement by experts on the establishment of an International Monetary Fund外部サイトEconomic co-operation agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America (with annex and note) London, 6th July, 1948外部サイトReview body on local government in Northern Ireland : report, 1970外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report upon an investigation into the prices, cost, and profits of the manufacture of Yorkshire tweed cloths made by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトRemarks of the admiralty on the interim report of the Committee on National Expenditure外部サイトProposed new Constitution for Palestine外部サイトReport of the Ministry of National Insurance for the period 17th November 1944 to 4th July 1949外部サイトUnemployment assistance (temporary provisions) (extension) : memorandum by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland explaining the proposed Financial Resolution外部サイトAgreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, national representatives and international staff, Ottawa, 20th September, 1951外部サイトReport of the Sudan Electoral Commission, Khartoum, December 13, 1953 (together with covering documents of December 13 and December 20, 1953 and Statistical Supplement)外部サイトIndian policy : statement of 20th February, 1947外部サイトReport of a Committee of Enquiry : presented by the Lord of the Council to Parliament by command of Her Majesty, April 1956外部サイトReport of the Colonial Films Committee外部サイトLabour conditions in the West Indies : report外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on the prices, costs and profits of the brick trade : prepard by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトReport on Prai River Railway Wharves (Penang Harbour) with certain observations on the relation of ocean traffic to the development of new ports外部サイトSummary of events relating to Korea 1950 : with appendix and annexes外部サイトAgricultural policy外部サイトUganda protectorate : Buganda外部サイトReport on rural housing in Scotland外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Training of Nurses for the Colonies外部サイトCurrent trend of population in Great Britain外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee on Woven Labels外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1929外部サイトReport of the Interdepartmental Committee on Research and Development in the Dependencies of the Falkland Islands, with appendices, maps, &c外部サイトRailway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854-1913, (1923) : thirty-fifth annual report of the Railway and Canal Commission with appendix外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the year 1945外部サイトSixty-fourth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1921外部サイトMemoranda submitted by the Board of Inland Revenue to the Select Committee of the House of Commons on increases of wealth (war)外部サイトFinal report外部サイトFirst report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)外部サイトReport of the War Cabinet Committee on Women in Industry : appendices printed in separate volume外部サイトMinistry of Labour and National Service, report for the year 1950外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Scholarships and Free Places外部サイトNational parks and the conservation of nature in Scotland外部サイトProposals for Indian Constitutional reform外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting brooms and brushes (other than tooth brushes, shaving brushes, and artists' brushes)外部サイトMinutes of evidence外部サイトReport: of the Special Committee appointed in April 1937 to enquire and advise regarding an application by the university courts of the universities of Scotland for a grant from the Education (Scotland) Fund外部サイトReport of the Committee on Higher Agricultural Education in England and Wales外部サイトCommittee on the Fishing Industry report外部サイトEducation (Scotland) bill : explanatory memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトColonial Products Research Council : first annual report 1943-1944外部サイトFinal protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925, and annexes : together with treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia, Locarno, October 16, 1925外部サイトThe plan for a British Caribbean Federation : agreed by the Conference on West Indian Federation held in London in April 1953外部サイトSouthern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : draft federal scheme外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting ice skates外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting rubber manufactures外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Commonwealth for the years 1933 to 1939 and 1945 to 1947外部サイトEducation in 1947 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport by the Hon. W.G.A. Ormsby-Gore, M.P. (Paliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies), on his visit to West Africa during the year 1926外部サイトUnemployment insurance (no. 2) bill, 1924 : report by the government actuary on the financial provisions of the bill外部サイトDespatches from Provincial Governments in India containing proposals for constitutional reform外部サイトReport of the Commission on higher education in the colonies : presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1945外部サイトIndustrial Transference Board report外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Remuneration of Consultants and Specialists外部サイトDespatch to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris enclosing the memorandum of the French Government on the organisation of a system of European Federal Union, London, May 28, 1930外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Remuneration of General Dental Practitioners外部サイトFinancial situation of Mauritius : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, December, 1931外部サイトNational income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1946 to 1949外部サイトThe Trinidad Oil Company : proposed purchase by the Texas Company外部サイトReport of the committee on the law of civil liability for damage done by animals外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1924 to 1933外部サイトReport of the committee on qualifications of planners外部サイトThe organisation of foreign trade of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : report外部サイトReorganisation of the cotton industry外部サイトColonial veterinary service : report of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトInterim report on Canadian marine insurance rates外部サイトGovernment information services : statement showing estimated expenditure,1951-1952外部サイトReport by the Scottish Land Court as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts, 1886 to 1919, for the year from 1st January to 31st December, 1930, to the secretary of state for Scotland外部サイトAgreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the surplus of German Property in China, London, July 26, 1928外部サイトReport of the Committee on National Debt and Taxation外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting rubber tyres and tubes外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Herring Industry外部サイトTreaty of peace with Roumania : Paris, 10th February, 1947外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire further into the alleged existence of a combine among manufacturers of sewing cotton and its effect, if proved to exist, on prices外部サイトTransport policy外部サイトTown and country planning bill 1947 : explanatory memorandum外部サイトReport on the restoration problem in the ironstone industry in the Midlands : summary of findings and recommendations外部サイトFinal act of the United Nations conference on food and agriculture : Hot Springs, Virginia, United States of America, 18th May-3rd June, 1943外部サイトStatement showing, for each borough and other urban district in England and Wales, and for 100 typical rural parishes : the amount of the local rates per pound of assessable value, for the financial years 1920-21 and 1921-22, and the assessable values in force at the commencement of the year 1921-22外部サイトCyprus : memorial from the Greek elected members of the Legislative Council together with the reply returned by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトInterim report : presented by the Lord High Chancellor to parliament by command of His Majesty, March, 1933外部サイトFinal report of the Flax Production Branch外部サイトEducation, England : regulations for secondary schools, England, 1919 : the regulations for secondary schools in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire, dated August 27, 1919, made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 and 9 Geo. 5, c. 39)外部サイトInstitution of the Korea Medal for service in the Korea operations since 2nd July, 1950外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Adoption of Children外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on investigation of prices to investigate costs, profits, and prices at all stages in respect of furniture外部サイトFirst report of the Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene外部サイトRoyal Commission on Population : report外部サイトSecond report of the Royal Commission on Local Government外部サイトreport of the Committee on the law and practice relating to charitable Trusts外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on persistent offenders外部サイトFourth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトTreaty of peace with Italy : Paris, 10th February, 1947外部サイトCopy of Treasury Minute dated the 12th March, 1935, relative to the terms of repayment of loans made to colonies, protectorates, etc.外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1911 to 1913 and 1922 to 1925外部サイトPoor Persons' Rules Committee : report外部サイトReport on the work of the Imperial Shipping Committee : June, 1926 to May, 1930外部サイトCorrespondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Genoa Conference外部サイトProtocols of amendments to article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations : adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, October 4, 1921外部サイトReport of a Committee on the System of Appointment in the Colonial Office & the Colonial Services外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyes and dyestuffs : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport of the Imperial Shipping Committee on rates of freight in the New Zealand trade : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトExpert Committee on Compensation and Betterment interim report外部サイトTechnical education : an interim report of a Special Committee of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトDocuments relating to the first General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, November to December, 1946外部サイトStatistical material presented during the Washington negotiations外部サイトReport of the Committee on the British Film Institute外部サイトAgreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the mineral property "La Brea y Pariñas" : signed at Lima, August 27, 1921外部サイトEmpire Marketing Board : note on the work and finance of the board and statement of research and other grants approved by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs from July, 1926, to March, 31st., 1928外部サイトNotes of inquiries外部サイトDecontrol of food and marketing of agricultural produce外部サイトEducation in England and Wales : being the report of the Board of Education外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on apples and pears外部サイトMemorandum on native policy in East Africa外部サイトReport of the West Indian Shipping Committee外部サイトSixty-fifth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1922外部サイトEconomic survey for 1951外部サイトReport of the Committee on Resale Price Maintenance外部サイトEast India, accounts & estimates : explanatory memorandum外部サイトReport of the Agricultural Research Council for the period October 1933-September 1935外部サイトReport by the Governor of Hong Kong on the Mui-tsai Question外部サイトMemorandum by the Secretary of State for war relating to the Army estimates for ...外部サイトSummary of unemployment insurance acts, 1920-1927外部サイトAden : Draft instructions under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Aden外部サイトTreaty between the British and Afghan governments : signed at Kabul, November 22, 1921 : ratifications exchanged at Kabul, February 6, 1922外部サイトFirst report of the Royal Commission on Food Prices : with minutes of evidence and appendices外部サイトReport of the Committee on Local Land Charges外部サイトSocial Insurance Bill, 1946 : report by the Government Actuary on the financial provisions of the bill外部サイトReport Of The Departmental Committee on Grants for the Development of Marriage Guidance外部サイトProposed ways means resolutions外部サイトMemoramdum prepared by the Elected Members of the Combined Court of British Guiana in reply to the report of the British Guiana Commission (Cmd. 2841), together with ; Comments by the British Guinana Commission, the Governor of British Guiana, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, and Messrs. H. Howard Humphreys and sons外部サイトReport of the Committee on post-war agricultural education in England and Wales外部サイトNational debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1932-33 : (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices外部サイトReport of the Harbour of Singapore外部サイトKenya : proposals for a reconstruction of the Government外部サイトPoor law : report of a special inquiry into various forms of test work外部サイトThe British Broadcasting Corporation, annural report and accounts for the year外部サイトResolutions adopted by the Supreme council at Cannes, January, 1922, as a basis of the Genoa conference外部サイトEducation in England & Wales : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education外部サイトReport of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, May, 1933, and correspondence arising out of the report外部サイトAnnual report of the Registrar General for Scotland外部サイトRoyal Commission on Equal Pay 1944-46 : report外部サイトReport on the fishes of the colonies外部サイトCentral African territories : comparative survey of native policy外部サイトReport to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Women and Young Persons on the Two Shift System外部サイトPalestine : report on immigration, land settlement and development外部サイトThe co-ordination and development of transport : final report外部サイトReport on the commercial, industrial, and financial situation of Japan, 1914 to 1919外部サイトLaw revision committee : interim report外部サイトColonial agricultural service : report of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトMemorandum of agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the motion picture industry of the United States of America外部サイトSecond review of the world food shortage, July 1946外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Training of Teachers for Public Elementary Schools外部サイトEconomic survey for 1952外部サイトInternational Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail, 1952 (CIM), signed at Berne, October 25, 1952外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1924 to 1930外部サイトEconomic survey, 1956外部サイトTown and country planning (Scotland) bill : memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland : showing the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act, 1945, as incorporated, applied and modified by the bill外部サイトNational debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1930-31, (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) Cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) Transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for India to enquire into the home administration of Indian affairs外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on National Health Insurance外部サイトCentral African territories : Report of conference on closer association, London,March 1951外部サイトAgreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the reciprocal exemption from income tax in certain cases of profits accruing from the business of shipping : signed at London, November 18. 1925外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting artists' and drawing materials, etc.外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December 1949外部サイトReport 1951-1955 : presented to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, March 1956外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting roofing slates外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 2nd report on motor fuel : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトSixty-second report : annual report of Lieutenant-Colonel A. G. Ferguson, His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December 1919外部サイトReport on the harbour of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory外部サイトInternational Convention concerning the carriage of passengers and luggage by rail : Berne, October 25, 1952外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1928外部サイトThe national health service (including a chapter on International Health) . Welfare, food and drugs, civil defence外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on light castings : prepared by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトIndian Round Table Conference, 12th Novmber, 1930--19th January, 1931 : sub-committees' reports; conference resolution; and Prime Minister's statement外部サイトKenya : correspondence with the Government of Kenya relating to Lord Delamere's acquisition of land in Kenya外部サイトWest Indies : report of the Closer Union Commission (Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago), April, 1933外部サイトReports of the Commission appointed by the Minister of Health to enquire into the conditions of production of milk (used in preparing condensed milk) in the Netherlands and Denmark外部サイトColonial Office Conference, 1930 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 3628)外部サイトLeeward Islands : papers relating to the disturbances in St. Christopher (St. Kitts), January - February, 1935外部サイトMalta : statement of policy on constitutional reform外部サイトConvention between his majesty and his majesty the king of Iraq and the president of the United States of America regarding the rights of United States and of its nationals in Iraq with protocol and exchanges of notes : London, January 9, 1930外部サイトPapers respecting the proposed Egyptian law regulating public meetings and demonstrations外部サイトMalayan Union and Singapore : summary of proposed constitutional arrangements外部サイトSummary of the main provisions of the Children Bill外部サイトReport of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1920 : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトTrusteeship : territories in Africa under United Kingdom Mandate Mandate外部サイトPapers concerning grazing rights and transit traffic in British Somaliland外部サイトAnnual review and fixing of farm prices外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1926 to 1935 : trade and commerce section外部サイトA report on the eighth session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : Montevideo, 12 November-10 December, 1954外部サイトReport of the East African Guaranteed Loan Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトCommittee on Scottish Health Services : report外部サイトPalestine : correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist organisation外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1952外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Vagrangy in Scotland外部サイトRailway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854-1913, (1922) : thirty-fourth annual report of the Railway and Canal Commission with appendix外部サイトReport on certain aspects of the Canadian cattle trade外部サイトConvention between the United Kingdom and Iceland : renewing, as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Danish arbitration convention of October 25, 1905外部サイトFifty-fifth detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1918外部サイトProgress report 1942-1943外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act 1889 for the year 1938 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June, 1939外部サイトLibraries, museums & art galleries : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトConditions in the Carib Reserve, and the disturbance of 19th September, 1930, Dominica : report of a Commission appointed by His Excellency the Governor of the Leeward Islands, July, 1931外部サイトNational income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1947外部サイトColonial development and welfare Acts : report on the administration and use of the Funds provided under the Colonial development and welfare Acts外部サイトStatements of production, price movements and currency expansion in certain countries外部サイトThe Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the effect on road transport rates caused by the alleged existence of a combine外部サイトReport on the trade of South Africa for the years 1919外部サイトBroadcasting : memorandum on television policy外部サイトGeneral index to treaty series外部サイトIncreased financial provision for members of His Majesty's forces and their families with certain changes in war pensions外部サイトReport of the Commission of Enquiry on the De Vecchis beet sugar process外部サイトProposals for an international clearing union外部サイトEast India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Indian Central Committee, 1928-29, Cmd. 3451 : supplementary note外部サイトReport by the Government Actuary on the fourth valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting boxes, cartons, etc., and flats therefor外部サイトReport by a Court of Inquiry : concerning the dispute in the building industry, 1924外部サイトNational Health Insurance Bill : memorandum explanatory of the bill外部サイトLand settlement in Scotland : report by the Scottish Land Settlement Committee外部サイトInternational convention for the safety of life at sea, 1929, signed at London, May 31, 1929外部サイトBritish dependencies in the Far East 1945-1949外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1922 to 1935外部サイトReport on the trade of Australia for the year 1919外部サイトHousing (Scotland). Report of Committee of Inquiry into the High Cost of Building Working Class Dwellings in Scotland外部サイトReport of the Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland外部サイトReport of the Advisory Committee, together with other documents respecting the China indemnity presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Summary Trial of Minor Offences外部サイトNew towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトReport外部サイトFinal report of the Imperial Shipping Committee on the deferred rebate system外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1923-24 to 1932-33外部サイトPupils handicapped by speech disorders : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting strap butts外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee on gold and silver leaf外部サイトCensus of Scotland, 1921 : preliminary report on the thirteenth census of Scotland外部サイトSilver agreement between the governments of Canada, the commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain and the United States, with supplementary undertakings signed July 24 and 26, 1933, London, July 22, 1933. <Ratifications deposited at Washington by His Majesty's governments in Canada and the commonwealth of Australia and the government of India, March 28, February 16 and March 21, 1934, respectively> ...外部サイトSocial insurance and allied services外部サイトFifty-seventh detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1920外部サイトReport of the Committee on milk distribution外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1921-22 to 1930-31外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on Agricultural Tied Cottages : presented to Parliament by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries by command of His Majesty, August, 1932外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the top making trade prepared by the sub-committee on wool, tops and yarns, appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトSierra Leone : correspondence relating to domestic slavery in the Sierra Leone protectorate外部サイトReturns from universities and university colleges : in receipt of Treasury Grant外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting lighter flints外部サイトCivil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, Country Court and other Civil Courts for the year 1927外部サイトDespatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Officer Administering the Government of Nigeria regarding the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Disturbances at Aba and other places in South-Eastern Nigeria in November and December, 1929外部サイトSurvey of relief to widows and children, 1919外部サイトSurvey外部サイトSixty-seventh report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1924外部サイトSummary of information regarding nutrition in the Colonial Empire : with special reference to the replies received to the circular despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated 18th April, 1936外部サイトDocuments concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939外部サイトStatement of policy on colonial development and welfare外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the oils, fats and margarine trades : prepared by a sub-committee, appointed by the standing committee on trusts, and adopted by the standing committee on the 21st September, 1920外部サイトReport on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1919外部サイトTraining of teachers : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトThe Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem : memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトInternational convention relating economic statistics with protocol : Geneva, December 14, 1928 (the convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty)外部サイトCloser association in Central Africa : statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom 21st November 1951外部サイトBritish Guiana : report of the British Guiana Constitution Commission外部サイトFurther correspondence relating to the position of the sugar industry in certain West Indian Colonies and British Guiana外部サイトConstitutional reform in Burma : further correspondence between the secretary of State for India and the government of India (in continuation of Cmd. 746.)外部サイトNew towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as brought from the Commons) as it applies to Scotland外部サイトLaw revision committee : seventh interim report (rule in Chandler v. Webster)外部サイトBritish Islands in the Southern Hemisphere, 1945-1951外部サイトReport of the Tropical Agricultural College Committee外部サイトPupils with mental or educational disabilities : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトTrade Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India : London, March 20, 1939外部サイトReport to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of the commission appointed by him in connection with the Ouse Drainage District外部サイトReport of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Local Government of Greater London外部サイトEuropean Co-operation :Memorandum to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation and the Economic Co-operation Administration covering revised United Kingdom Programme, 1st July 1948 to 30th June 1949外部サイトRevenue and expenditure, England and Wales & Scotland外部サイトConférence internationale du travail : recommandation adoptée par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : recommendation adopte by the conference ...外部サイトUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : resolutions and reports adopted by the Council at its first session, held at Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.A., November 10 to December 1, 1943外部サイトReport of a court of inquiry into applications for an improvement in wages and salaries made to the Railway Executive by the National Union of Railwaymen, the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen and the Railway Clerks' Association外部サイトAgriculture Bill : explanatory memorandum外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1934 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, May 1935外部サイトReport of the Committee of Enquiry into the Cost of the National Health Service外部サイトSterling payments agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers acting in respect of Occupied Japan [with exchanges of notes] : Tokyo, 31st August, 1951外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 3rd report : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire further into the alleged existence of a combine among manufacturers of sewing cotton and its effect, if proved to exist, on prices外部サイトReport of the committee on the co-ordination of administrative and executive arrangements for the grant of assistance from public funds on account of sickness, destitution and unemployment : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Children and the Cinema外部サイトEconomic survey for 1949外部サイトCommittee on Departmental Records : report外部サイトPropsals for legislation on the reorganisation of the cotton industry外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1922 to 1935外部サイトMalta Royal Commission, 1931 : report外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1923 to 1936外部サイトFinancial agreement between the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, dated 6th December, 1945 : together with a joint statement regarding settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid, surplus war property and claims外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1954外部サイトImperial conference, 1926 : summary of proceedings : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty, November, 1926外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting bricks, tiles and refractory bricks, etc.外部サイトTables relating to national expenditure : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトLaw Revisions Committee eighth report (contributory negligence)外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyeing, finishing, bleaching and printing : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトColonial Development and Welfare Act, 1955 : despatch dated the 26th April, 1955, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Colonial Governments外部サイトReport of the Irish land commissioners : for the period from 1st April, 1918, to 31st March, 1919外部サイトRoyal Commission on the Civil Service 1929-31 : report外部サイトCertain legislation respecting religion in force in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics外部サイトReport of the Committee on Shares of No Par Value外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1927外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the welfare of women in tropical Africa : 1935-37外部サイトReport of the Ministry of National Insurance外部サイトReport on Tanganyika territory : covering the period from the conclusion of the armistice to the end of 1920外部サイトIndian Round Table Conference, 7th September--1st December 1931 : statement made by the Prime Minister to the conference at the conclusion of its second session on 1st December 1931外部サイトSixty-sixth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1923外部サイトCeylon : report of the Commission on Constitutional Reform外部サイトReport of the Committee on Social Workers in the Mental health Services外部サイトFirst annual report of the Ministry of Health, 1919-1920 : presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトLaw revision committee : second interim report外部サイトTreasury directions to the Administrator of Hungarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Order 1948外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1907 to 1921 : fifty-sixth number外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1923 to 1936外部サイトReport of the Reforms Enquiry Committee, 1924, appointed by the Government of India, and connected papers外部サイトKenya : tours in the native reserves and native development in Kenya外部サイトMines and quarries : general report, with statistics, for 1917外部サイトStatement of policy in regard to the West Indian and Mauritius sugar reports外部サイトRegulations for secondary schools in Wales : draft外部サイトReport外部サイトReport on the air operations in Afghanistan between December 12th, 1928, and February 25th, 1929外部サイトFinal report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges after the war外部サイトDraft : Government of India (Provincial legislative assemblies) order, Government of India (Provincial legislative councils) order, Government of India (Scheduled castes) order, Government of Burma (House of Representatives) order, Government of Burma (Senate elections) order : explanatory memorandum外部サイトTown and country planning (Scotland) bill 1947 : explanatory memorandum外部サイトAn analysis of the sources of war finance and an estimate of the national income and expenditure in 1938, 1940 and 1941/ presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Paliament by command of His Majesty, April, 1942外部サイトCorrespondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet government respecting the relations between the two governments外部サイトStatement showing, for each borough and other urban district in England and Wales, and for 100 typical rural parishes : the amount of the local rates, per pound of assessable value, for the financial years 1913-14, 1919-20, and 1920-21, and the assessable values in force at the commencement of each of those years外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Political Activities of Civil Servants外部サイトAbridged life tables外部サイトThe provision of houses for owner-occupation in Scotland外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1927外部サイトStatement issued on 5th September by Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Mr. M. R. Jayakar, of the course of their conversations with the congress leaders, July-September 1930外部サイトWest India Royal Commission, 1938-39 : recommendations外部サイトTreaty of alliance between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Egypt : (with an agreed Minute thereto, three notes, Notes exchanged in Egypt on August 12, 1936) and an Oral declaration made by the president of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on August 10, 1936 and a Convention concerning the immunities and privileges to be enjoyed by the British forces in Egypt. London, August 26, 1936 (The treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty)外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1935 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, May 1936外部サイトReport of the second inter-departmental committee on the grading and marking of beef外部サイトReport of the British Guiana Constitutional Commission, 1954外部サイトA selection of documents relative to the labour legislation in force in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics外部サイトSecond interim report on the Inter-departmental Committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials外部サイトEducation, England and Wales : regulations for the training og teachers, 1920 : draft dated 18th May, 1920, of the regulations for training og teachers, proposed to be made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 and 9 Geo. 5, c. 39)外部サイトBroadcasting : Draft Licence to be granted by Her Majesty's Postmaster-General to the Independent Television Authority外部サイトInternational agreement relating to statistics of causes of death with Protocol of signature, London, June 19, 1934 : statistics of causes of death外部サイトEast Africa Sub-Committee of the Tsetse Fly Committee : report外部サイトProposals for the railways外部サイトHigh Commission territories in South Africa : Aide-mémoire handed to the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa by the Secretary of State for Dominion affairs on 15th May, 1935外部サイトReport of the Fertilisers and feeding stuffs advisory committee外部サイトPrinciples of Government in maintained secondary schools外部サイトConservation of nature in England and Wales : report of the Wild Life Conservation Special Committee (England and Wales)外部サイトNaval construction programme, 1930 : explanatory statement外部サイトReport of the sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence on the vulnerability of capital ships to air attack外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1902 to 1916外部サイトReport of the Committee on the training of civil servants外部サイトDisturbances in Cyprus in October, 1931外部サイトThird report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)外部サイトReport of the Tribunal appointed under the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act, 1921 : inquiry in regard to the interrogation by the Police of Miss Savidge外部サイトThe Indus Basin Development Fund agreement, with annexures, including the Indus water treaty : Karachi, September 19, 1960外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1918 to 1931外部サイトPapers respecting labour conditions in China外部サイトelementary Education (England and Wales) : statistics relating to the receipts and expenditure of local education authorities in the financial year 1918-19外部サイトExchange of notes regarding financial arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 11th October, 1952外部サイトEducation in 1930 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトPupils with physical disabilities : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1905 to 1919 : fifty-fifth number外部サイトViews of the government of India upon the reports of Lord Southborough's committees外部サイトSecond interim report of Committee on National Expenditure外部サイトInternational convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs with protocol of signature : Geneva, July 13, 1931, (The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty)外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : report on the standard boot and shoe scheme prepared by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトReport by the Conference on British Caribbean Federation : held in London in February, 1956外部サイトFirst instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトInternational Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1948 : final act of conference with annexes including the international convention for the safety of life at sea, signed in London, 10th June, 1948外部サイトReserves and liabilities, 1931 to 1945外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1921 to 1934外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1925 to 1934 : (trade and commerce section)外部サイトExchanges of notes between the governments of the United Kingdom : Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway and the United States and the Chinese government renewing the agreement and exchange of notes of February 17, 1930 relating to the Chinese courts in the International settlement at Shanghai. <With declaration> Nanking, February 8 to 12, 1933 ...外部サイトMemorandum on milk policy外部サイトTreaty of commerce and navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland : signed at Helsingfors, December 14, 1923 : ratifications exchanged at Helsingfors, July 4, 1924外部サイトReport of the Committee appointed by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland on the optical practitioners' (registration) bill, 1927外部サイトFinal report of the Committee on Industry and Trade外部サイトEducation in 1937 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport of the second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment外部サイトReport for the year 1919 on the conditions and prospects of British trade with China外部サイトFinancial and economic situation of Swaziland : report of the Commission appointed by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, January, 1932外部サイトImperial Conference, 1930 : summary of proceedings外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on electrical cable industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトCyprus : correspondence exchanged between the Governor and Archibishop Makarios外部サイトUnemployed persons in receipt of Domiciliary Poor-Law Relief in England and Wales during the week ending the 16th June, 1928外部サイトBritish Industries Fair : report of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade, under the chairmanship of Viscount Chelmsford, to examine the present situation as regards the British Industries Fair and to consider what means can be adopted to increase still further its utility to British Trade外部サイトCentral African territories : geographical, historical and economic survey外部サイトThe provisional code of regulations for public elementary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire) : dated 7th August, 1919, made by the Board of Education under section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c.39)外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting firearms and parts thereof外部サイトNineteenth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom外部サイトReport of the committee on national policy for the use of fuel and power resources外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee for the investigate the prices, to investigate the prices, cost, and profits of drugs and medicinal tablets, with special reference to aspirin and aspirin tablets外部サイトReport by the Government Actuary on the third valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on slates : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport of the Conference on the Operation of Dominion Legislation and Merchant Shipping Legislation, 1929外部サイトAliens order, 1920 : statistics in regard to alien passengers who entered and left the United Kingdom in 1921外部サイトAgreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the reciprocal exemption from income tax in certain cases of profits accruing from the business of shipping : signed at London, December 18, 1924外部サイトFurther correspondence regarding the medical arrangements and comforts for the troops on thr North-West Frontier (in constinuation of CMD. 310)外部サイトReport by the conference on federation held in London in January, 1953外部サイトTwenty-First report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1930 : being the 74th report relating to the customs and the 73rd report relating to the excise外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Currency and Bank of England Note Issues : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトReport on cocoa control in West Africa, 1939-1943, and, Statement on future policy外部サイトReport of the Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December 1946外部サイトJamaica constitution : despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor of Jamaica, dated 10th February, 1943外部サイトReport of the care of children committee外部サイトNorthern Rhodesia : statement by the secretary of state for the colonies on proposals for constiutional change外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1926外部サイトIndex to minutes of evidence taken by, and appendices to report of, committee on Indian exchange and currency外部サイトReport of the British delegates relating to the protocol for the peaceful settlement of international disputes外部サイトEx-service men employed in government offices : statement relating to the employment of ex-service men in government offices on 1st July, 1919, and 1st July, 1924, compiled from returns furnished to the Treasury外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on butter外部サイトEducation in 1952 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトTwenty-Third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1932 : being the 76th report relating to the customs and the 75th report relating to the excise外部サイトImperial Committee on Economic Consultation and Co-operation 1933 : report外部サイトThe Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the existence of a combine in the farriery trade外部サイトThe peace proposals made by His Holiness the Pope to the belligerent powers on August 1, 1917, and correspondence relative thereto外部サイトColonial Office Conference, 1930 : summary of proceedings外部サイトCommittee on Empire Migration report外部サイトViews of the Government of India and of local governments, administrations, ETC., on the proposals contained in the report of the committee appointed to advise on the question of financial relations between the central and provincial governments in India. (in continuation of Cmd. 724.)外部サイトImprisonment by courts of summary jurisdiction in default of payment of fines and other sums of money : report of the departmental committee外部サイトReport of the West Indian Sugar Commission外部サイトKenya : correspondence with the Government of Kenya relating to an exchange of land with Lord Delamere外部サイトArrangements with respect to the relations between the Monetary Systems of India and Burma in thje event of the Separtion of Burma from India外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings by Board of Trade on consideration of Report by a committee appointed to investigate the position of prices and supply of quinine sulphate外部サイトReport by the Financial Commissioner (Lord Moyne) on Certain Questions in Kenya, May, 1932外部サイトCultural convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy, Rome, 28th November, 1951外部サイトReport by the Government Actuary on the second valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies外部サイトGeneral treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, signed at London, August 8, 1924外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : sixth session, Geneva, June-July, 1924 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour外部サイトEast Africa : report of the East Africa Commission外部サイトImperial Conference, 1937 : summary of proceedings外部サイトSixty-sixth report of His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland: to the Secretary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December, 1923外部サイトThe Government of India Bill : Instruments of Instructions to the Governor-General and Governors外部サイトReport of the Departmental committee on medical examination of young persons for factory employment外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1951外部サイトGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : first session of the contracting parties (held at Havana, Cuba, 28th February to 24th March, 1948) : documents relating to the first session外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting fountain pens, stylographic pens, propelling pencils and gold pen nibs外部サイトFifth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトFirst report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance外部サイトCommittee on Ministers' Powers report外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1951 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトRoyal Warrant instituting the Fire Brigade Long Service and Good Conduct medal外部サイトLaw revision committee : sixth interim report (statute of frauds and the doctrine of consideration)外部サイトReport on the economic size and speed of vessels trading between the United Kingdom and Australia and on the subsidies necessary to maintain speeds in excess of the economic speed外部サイトReport of the Committee on Post-War Hospital Problems in Scotland外部サイトReport of a Committee on Leave and Passage Conditions for the Colonial Service外部サイトCommittee on Ministers' Powers report外部サイトLaw revision committee : third interim report外部サイトFourth, fifth and final reports of the departmental committee on the wholesale food markets of London外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting wood flour外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on meat : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport for the year外部サイトSub-committee's reports : conference resolution; and Prime Minister's statement外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1921 to 1934外部サイトResignation of ministries in Bihar and the United Provinces (February, 1938)外部サイトTreaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and India, the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the limitation of naval armament, London, March 25, 1936外部サイトCeylon : further correspondence relating to the revision of the Constitution of Ceylon外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates for each of the years 1913 and 1922 to 1927 : fifty-ninth number外部サイトSecond report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)外部サイトCorrespondence between H.M. Government in the United Kingdom and the German government, August 1939外部サイトCoal mining industry : explanatory memorandum of th supplementary estimate for the coal mining industry subvention外部サイトNorth American Regional Broadcasting Agreement : with Final Protocol and Annexes. Washington, 15th November, 1950.外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting wallboard外部サイトSummary statement of the legislative provisions for the prevention of dumping in force in the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Union of South Africa, and in the United States of America外部サイトSterling payments agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with exchanges of notes] : Tokyo, 31st August, 1951外部サイトDraft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 6th August 1954 to the Administrator of Bulgarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Bulgaria) Order 1948外部サイトBroadcasting : memorandum on the Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949外部サイトMemorandum on labour conditions in China外部サイトReview of the British docks strikes, 1949外部サイトFootpaths and access to the countryside : report of the special committee (England and Wales)外部サイトReport on Port Swettenham, Federated Malay States外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : report on motor fuel prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトKenya Land Commission report : summary of conclusions reached by His Majesty's Government外部サイトTwenty-seventh report of the Congested Districts Board for Ireland, of proceedings under the Congested Districts (Ireland) Acts, 1891-1909外部サイトPublic Boards : list of members of public boards of a commercial character as at 1st November ... : with salaries and allowances : Together with a list of those holding more than one appointment外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting cotton wool, gauze tissue and sanitary towels外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1903 to 1917 : fifty-fourth number外部サイトReport to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the Deparmental Committee appointed to enquire into the working of the temporary provisions contained in Section 2 of the Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, 1920, and Orders made thereunder外部サイトUniversity development : report on the year 1947 to 1952外部サイトRevision of the Constitution of Mauritius : correspondence between the Governor and the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトEleventh report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1920 : being the 64th report relating to the customs and the 63rd report relating to the excise外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Committee of Inquiry into the Scheme of Out-of-Work Donation外部サイトFinal report of a Court of Inquiry into a Dispute in the London Docks外部サイトCommittee on Legal Aid for the Poor : First report外部サイトConclusions reached in the conversations between His Majesty's Government and the delegation from the Executive Council of the Governor of Burma外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1955外部サイトReport of the West Indian Conference外部サイトFinal report : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトMui-tsai in Hong Kong : report of the committee appointed by His Excellency the Governor Sir William Peel, K.C.M.G., K.B.E.外部サイトExchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927 : Nanking, November 9, 1929外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India, with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1918-19 to 1927-28外部サイトMemorandum on transport development and cotton growing in East Africa : submitted by the Committee on industry and trade to the Prime Minister on 2nd of July 1925外部サイトColonial development and welfare : despatch dated 12th November, 1945, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to colonial governments外部サイトReports of the committees appointed by the provincial legislative councils to co-operate with the Indian Statutory Commission外部サイトEducation in 1951 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade of the Empire Cotton Growing Committee外部サイトPreliminary national income and expenditure estimates 1948 to 1951外部サイトGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : second session of the contracting parties (held at Geneva, 16th August to 14th September, 1948) : documents relating to the second session外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1924 to 1937外部サイトReport of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa外部サイトSeventy-fifth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1932外部サイトPalestine : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1925外部サイトMemorandum in explanation of the amendments to be moved on behalf of the Government on report stage外部サイトIndian Round Table Conference, 12th November 1930-19th January 1931 : proceedings外部サイトEngland and Wales外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the cultivation of opium in China : in continuation of "China no. 2 (1913)" (Cd. 6876)外部サイトBroadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation for which Postmaster General prppses to apply外部サイトUpheaval of floor at the Pendleton Colliery, Lancashire : report of the committee appointed to investigate the causes and circumstances of the accident which occurred at Pendleton Colliery, Lancashire, on the 4th November, 1925, and to suggest means of preventing such accidents外部サイトReport of the Committee on Weights & Measures Legislation外部サイトIndian financial enquiry report外部サイトCorrespondence with M. Krassin respecting Russia's foreign indebtedness外部サイトPalestine : statement with regard to British policy外部サイトMeasures taken to counteract the Civil Disobedience Movement and to deal with the Terrorist Movement in Bengal. Ordinances Nos.II to V of 1932 with official statements and correspondence relative thereto and Ordinances Nos. IX and XI of 1931外部サイトSingapore : constitutional conference外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Coroners外部サイトBroadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation for which Postmaster General proposes to apply外部サイトAgreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials (with annexes), Lake Success, 22nd November, 1950外部サイトMemorandum on financial resolution外部サイトNational advisory committee on the employment of older men and women : first report外部サイトBritish Honduras : financial and economic position : report of the commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, March, 1934外部サイトCopies of correspondence between the Mines Department and the Mining Association of Great Britain regarding the operation of part II of the Mining Industry Act, 1920, together with report of proceedings at a meeting between the Secretary for Mines and a deputation from the association外部サイトReport of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1937外部サイトStatistics relating to the war effort of the United Kingdom外部サイトEducation in 1928 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトMeasures to improve the quality of the Nation's milk supply外部サイトTreasury directions to the Administrator of Bulgarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Bulgaria) Order 1948外部サイトVolta River aluminium scheme外部サイトReport of proceedings under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Acts, &c., &c., for the years 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918外部サイトBritish Guiana : suspension of the Constitution外部サイトSummary of conclusions : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトResolutions of the financial commission recommending certain resolutions for adoption by the conference : reports of the committee of experts appointed by the currency and exchange sub-commissions of the financial commission外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1953 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトConvention regarding the régime of the Straits : with correspondence relating thereto Montreaux, July 20, 1936外部サイトTreaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, signed at London, August 8, 1924外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1954 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトProtocol regarding the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic treaty of 4th April, 1949外部サイトCorrespondence (1931-1932) arising from the report of the Joint select Committee on closer Union in East Africa外部サイトInterim report on tenure and rents of business premises外部サイトAgreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials, Lake Success, November 22, 1950外部サイトDraft mandate for East Africa (British) : In the form in which the council of the league of Nations will be invited to approve it)外部サイトReport of the chief registrar of the Land Registry for the year 1919外部サイトDraft agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, February 1953 (with ancillary documents)外部サイトReport of the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance for the year 1955 : presented by the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, August 1956外部サイトNutrition in the colonial empire外部サイトFinal report of the Committee on Electoral Law Reform外部サイトInter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 1946-54外部サイトFactories bill, 1924 : memorandum showing the extent to which the bill differs from the existing law外部サイトArbitration convention between the United Kingdom and Siam : signed at London, November 25, 1925 (ratifications exchanged at London, February 2, 1927)外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting carbon papers外部サイトPost-war contribution of British agriculture to the saving of foreign exchange外部サイトMemoranda on certain proposals relating to unemployment外部サイトPost-war forest policy : report by H.M. forestry commissioners : presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, June 1943外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a committee appointed to enquire into the alleged existence of a combine among the manufacturers of sewing cotton外部サイトRoyal warrant instituting the Police long service and good conduct medal外部サイトThe eighty-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year, 1917-18外部サイトAppendix to the report : extracts from evidence and documents外部サイトAgreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the one part and the United Nations, certain specialised agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency of the other part for the provision of technical assistance to the trust, non-self-governing and other territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom are responsible, with exchanges of notes : New York, July 8, 1960外部サイトTwenty-Second report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1931 : being the 75th report relating to the customs and the 74th report relating to the excise外部サイトTreaty of peace between the Allied and associated powers and Austria : together with the protocol and declarations annexed thereto, sined at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919外部サイトReport of Committee on Insurance of Ships外部サイトCorrespondence with regard to native policy in northern Rhodesia外部サイトReport of the Reorganisation Commission for pigs and bacon外部サイトReport of the Dyestuffs Industry Development Committee on the present position and development of the dyestuffs manufacturing industry in Great Britain外部サイトThe eighty-fifth report of the Commissioners of National education in Ireland : school year, 1918-19外部サイトImperial Conference, 1930 : report of the conference on standardisation : including resplutions adopted by the Imperial Conference外部サイトFirst and second interim reports外部サイトReport on the conditions and prospects of British trade in India, at the close of the War外部サイトRecommendations外部サイトDraft of a water undertakings bill外部サイトMemorandum by the government actuary on the Washington draft convention concerning the employment of women before and after childbirth外部サイトStanding committee on mineral transport : first report to the Minister of Transport and the Secretary for Mines外部サイトReport of the commissioner for the special areas in England and Wales for the year ended 30th September, 1938外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on malt products外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1947 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトEducation in 1932 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトEconomic survey for 1948外部サイトRegistration summary tables : 1901-10外部サイトThe British territories in East and Central Africa, 1945-1950外部サイトBermuda : correspondence relating to a petition from the Bermuda Workers' Association praying for the appointment of a Royal Commission外部サイトStatistical tables relating to British and foreign trade and industry (1924-1930)外部サイトTwenty-Second abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom (1922-1936)外部サイトConvention between the United Kingdom and Denmark : renewing the Anglo-Danish arbitration convention of October 25, 1905外部サイトReport of Sir Samuel Wilson on his visit to East Africa, 1929外部サイトForty-fourth annual report of His Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives : being their annual report for the year 1919外部サイトMemorandum explaining financial resolution外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1953外部サイトInterim report of the Committee on Supreme Court Practice and Procedure外部サイトReport of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine, Lausanne, 20th April, 1946外部サイトSecond interim report of the Committee on inland waterways外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on oats & oat products外部サイトPolicy in Palestine : despatch dated 23rd December, 1937, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for Palestine外部サイトDraft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 6th August 1954 to the Administrator of Hungarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Order 1948外部サイトAn interim report on the civil administration of Palestine, during the period 1st July, 1920-30th June, 1921外部サイトDraft of an income tax bill外部サイトLicence to drill for petroleum granted by the Secretary for Mines to the Pentney Syndicate, Ltd.外部サイトPalestine : report on immigration, land settlement and development外部サイトGovernment of India's despatch on proposals for constitutional reform, dated 20th September, 1930外部サイトStatement of the Unions, Incorporations and Parishes in England and Wales for which a Board of Guardians is elected, and of the Parishes included in each Union or Incorporation外部サイトRoyal Commission on the Civil Service 1953-55 : report外部サイトDocuments relating to the Dead Sea salts concession外部サイトSecond interim report of the New Towns Committee外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on pipes and castings : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on social services in courts of summary jurisdiction外部サイトBritish Guiana : report of the British Guiana Commission外部サイトA programme of nuclear power外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1927 to 1936 : trade and commerce section外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Use of the Guss in Somerset Mines外部サイトFurther correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet government respecting the relations between the two governments外部サイトRoyal commission on the press, 1947-1949 : report外部サイトIndia : statement of the policy of His Majesty's Government made by the Secretary of State for India on June 14th, 1945外部サイトDistribution of rateable values between different classes of property in England and Wales外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the Constitution of Ceylon外部サイトWoven piece goods wholly or mainly of Jute ; woven piece goods wholly or mainly of cotton, being such goods in the Loom State : report of the Standing Committee respecting the : Merchandise Marks (imported goods) No.10 order (provisional exemption), direction, 1953外部サイトReport of the Poor Persons' representation (Scotland) Committee外部サイトCeylon : correspondence relating to the further revision of the Constitution of Ceylon外部サイトRussian banks and Communist funds : report of an enquiry into certain transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd., and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd. : memorandum by the directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd外部サイトText of an arrangement between the competent French and British authorities for facilitating the admission of student employees into the two countries and of notes exchanged between the Marquess of Crewe and M. Briand外部サイトReport of the Board of Education for the year ...外部サイトAgricultural research and administration in the Non-Self-Governing dependencies : report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトPapers relating to the new constitution of Malta外部サイトDespatches from Provincial governments in India containing proposals for constitutional reform外部サイトDraft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 26th July 1954 to the Administrator of Roumanian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Roumania) Order 1948外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Sterilisation外部サイトInternational convention relating to dangerous drugs with protocol : Geneva, February 19, 1925外部サイトMalayan Union and Singapore : statement of policy on future constitution外部サイトReport of the Committee appointed by the Government of India to consider racial distinctions in Indian Criminal Procedure, together with the Bill introduced in the India Legislature on the basis of the Committee's recommendations外部サイトStatement by His Majesty's Government on price stabisisation and industrial policy外部サイトProposals of the government of India for a new constitution for Burma外部サイトFederation of Malaya : summary of revised constitutional proposals外部サイトEast India (Indian States) : report of the Indian States Committee, 1928-1929外部サイトReport of the Agricultural Research Council for the period October 1935-September 1937外部サイトPalestine Partition Commission report外部サイトBroadcasting : copy of an agreement dated 28th June 1954, between the Postmaster-General and the British Broadcasting Corporation : supplemental to a Licence and Agreement made the 12th June 1952 between the parties外部サイトStatement on the economic considerations affecting relations between employers and workers外部サイトReport of the Board of Education外部サイトReports of the Departmental Committee on Co-operative Selling in the Coal Mining Industry外部サイトMemoranda submitted to the Committee外部サイトReturn of advances : made under the Irish Land Purchase Acts, during the months of May, June and July, 1918外部サイトDespatch to the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate relating to native labour, and papers connected therewith外部サイトEconomic survey for 1947外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1935外部サイトCabinet furniture of metal : report of the standing committee respecting the merchandise marks (imported goods) exemption direction (No. 1), 1928外部サイトMemorandum on the Trade disputes and trade unions bill ...外部サイトReport of the committee on handkerchiefs and household linen goods外部サイトReport presented by monsieur Van Zeeland to the governments of the United Kingdom and France on the possibility of obtaining a general reduction of the obstacles to international trade外部サイトSupplementary report of the Committee appointed by the secretary of state for the colonies, to investigate and report upon the present : rubber situation in British colonies and protectorates外部サイトReport to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland外部サイトInternational load line conference, 1930 : report of the delegation of the United Kingdom July 5, 1930外部サイトAnglo-French discussions regarding French proposals for the Western European coal, iron and steel industries, May-June,1950外部サイトRemission of payments to the Exchequer under the Royal Niger Company Act, 1899 : memorandum on the financial resolution外部サイトDistribution of industry : presented by the President of the Board of Trade and the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of His Majesty October 1948外部サイトReport of the Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Present Position of Co-operative Societies in Relation to Income Tax外部サイトNew towns bill : memorandum by the the Minister of Town and Country Planning showing application and modification of provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1944外部サイトViolence and civil disturbances in Northern Ireland in 1969 : report of tribunal of inquiry外部サイトUnemployment insurance act, 1934 : report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, in accordance with section 20 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1934 ...外部サイトReport on the Geneva Tariff Negotiations,1956 : with text of the sixth protocol of supplementary concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Geneva, 23rd May,1956)外部サイトMemorandum with regard to the provision made for religious instruction in the schools in Scotland外部サイトSecond report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on eggs外部サイトColonial Office Conference, 1927 : summary of proceedings外部サイトEducation 1900-1950 : the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales for the year 1950外部サイトReport of the committee of enquiry on the powers of the Crown to authorise the use of unpatented inventions and unregistered designs in connection with defence contracts外部サイトCeylon : report of the Commission on Constitutional Reform外部サイトSeventy-third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1930外部サイトReport of a Committee on trade and taxation for British West Africa, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトLabour conditions in West Africa : report外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on costings in government departments made by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトPupils who are defective in hearing : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトProvisional consolidated text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and texts of related documents外部サイトInternational agreement regarding the regulation of production and marketing of sugar [with protocol of signature] : London, May 6,1937外部サイトAgriculture in Scotland : the report of the Department of Agriculture for Scotland for the ten years 1939-1948外部サイトRhodesia-Nyasaland Royal Commission : report外部サイトSalaries of teachers in public elementary schools : England and Wales : statement showing the number of teachers - classified according to sex, qualifications, and (except for schools not maintained by local education authorities - Education Act, 1902, section 15) type of area in which employed - in public elementary schools in England and Wales, who on the 1st day of April in each of the years 1917, 1918, and 1919 were in receipt of annual salaries of the amounts specified外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1938外部サイトImperial economic conference at Ottawa, 1932 : summary of proceedings and copies of trade agreements外部サイトReport of the Kenya Land Commission, September, 1933外部サイトFinal report外部サイトHigher education in Northern Ireland : report of the committee appointed by the Minister of Finance外部サイトList of treaties, &c., between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including international treaties, and treaties between Great Britain and foreign powers relating to China外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the position of the sugar industry in certain West Indian Colonies, British Guiana, and Mauritius外部サイトDespatches from the Governors of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika and from the Administrator, East Africa High Commisstion, commenting on the East Africa Royal Commission, 1953-1955 report外部サイトEducation in England and Wales : being the report of the Board of Education外部サイトAppendix to the report of the Departmental Committee on Old Age Pensions, including minutes of evidence : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトIndian policy : statement of 3rd June, 1947外部サイトReport of the National Fuel and Power Committee外部サイトReport : 1947-1949外部サイトNorth Borneo : correspondence on the subject of allegations against the administration of the British North Borneo Company外部サイトAgreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherland, Norwegian and United States governments and the Chinese government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement in Shanghai, with relative exchange of notes and declaration, Nanking, February 17, 1930外部サイトConstitution of Ceylon外部サイトHousing programme for 1947外部サイトReport of British delegates外部サイトSecond report by the Board of Trade under Section 12 on the Working of Part I of the Act : (provisions for facilitating the reorganisation of the Coal Mining Industry)外部サイトInter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for months of March, 1924外部サイトReport on railway rates and finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika territory外部サイトConvention regarding the measurement of vessels employed in inland navigation : with protocol of signature Paris, November 27, 1925外部サイトLaw revision committee : 8th report : contributory negligence外部サイトReport on Japanese labour : together with extracts from despatches received from H.M. Embassy, Tokio, and from Mr Hugh Horne, H.M. Commercial Secretary of Embassy外部サイトLeasehold committee : final report外部サイトNorthern Ireland agriculture : 27th greneral report of the Ministry of Agriculture year ended 31st March 1968外部サイトFinal report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting travelling trunks and bags, attaché cases, fancy bags, etc.外部サイトNotes of inquiries made by Home Office representatives attending the Washington Labour Conference外部サイトCivil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, County Courts and other Civil Courts for the year 1959外部サイトSixty-third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1920外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the committee of enquiry into the work of the employment exchanges外部サイトIndia : statement published by the Government of India on the Congress Party's responsibility for the disturbances in India, 1942-43外部サイトReport : Committee of enquiry on the Post office ...外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyeing and cleaning : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and on trusts外部サイトA programme of Highland development外部サイトReport of the poor persons (divorce jurisdiction) committee外部サイトReport of the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for the year 1926-27外部サイトIncreases in old age, widows' and blind persons' pensions外部サイトDespatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Colonial Governments regarding certain aspects of colonial policy in war-time外部サイトProposals for consideration by an international conference on trade and employment : as transmitted by the secretary of state of the United States of America to His Majesty's ambassador at Washington, Washington, 6th December, 1945外部サイトProposals for reform in local government and in the financial relations between the Exchequer and local authorities外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings : under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1906 and 1923, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1925外部サイトSixty-eighth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1925外部サイトProgramme of expenditure of counterpart funds derived from United States econonic aid外部サイトBroadcasting : memorandum on the Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949外部サイトReport of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland : under the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act, 1914, as to the application of the teachers' salaries grant外部サイトTreaty of peace with finland, Paris, 10th February, 1947外部サイトRecommendations of the National and Imperial Defence Committee as approved by His Majesty's government外部サイトReport of the British delegates to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs外部サイトFinal report of the New Towns Committee外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on a scheme for maximum retail prices for coal in London : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトProposals for Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Norwegian Government regarding Territorial Waters and Fisheries off the Norwegian Coast外部サイトSixty-eighth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1925外部サイトTrusteeship : Togoland and the Cameroons under United Kingdom Mandate外部サイトFee-charging secondary schools in England and Wales receiving the higher grant in which the ordinary requirement (25 per cent) of free places has been reduced by the Board of Education外部サイトMemorandum sent to the Russian delegation, Wednesday, May 3rd, 1922外部サイトCoal industry nationalisation外部サイトFirst interim report of Committee on National Expenditure外部サイトEducation in 1953 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport to the Minister of Labour of the Committee appointed to enquire into the working and effects of the Trade Board Acts外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1920外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on meat : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトRoyal Commission on the Distribution of the Industrial Population : report外部サイトReply of Soviet government to His Majesty's government respecting the relations between the two governments : in continuation of "Russia no. 2 (1923)." Cmd. 1869外部サイトReport by the Conference on West Indian Federation held in London in April, 1953外部サイトAgricultural statistics of Ireland, with detailed report for the year 1916外部サイトTechnical education外部サイトPapers concerning the treatment of German nationals in Germany, 1938-1939外部サイトBritish transport commission financial and statistica accounts 1951外部サイトReport on the Harbour of Port Louis, Mauritius外部サイトProposals for the revision of the Constitution of Nigeria外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on currants, sultanas & raisins外部サイトThe colonial territories外部サイトCorrespondence regarding the position of indians in east Africa (kenya and Uganda)外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : report on metal bedsteads prepared by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトCopy of the Government of India Act, 1915-16, showing amendments proposed to be made by the Government of India Bill, 1919, as amended by the Joint Committee (Bill 209.)外部サイトCommunist papers : documents selected from those obtained on the arrest of the Communist leaders on the 14th and 21st October, 1925外部サイトReport for the year 1918 : presented to parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトSouthern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Fiscal Commission外部サイトA commentary on the Dumbarton Oaks proposals for the establishment of a general international organisation外部サイトInterim report of Departmental Comittee on Regional Development presented by the Minister of Health to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1931外部サイトCopy of treasury minute dated the 7th December, 1927, relative to the leases of his Majesty's Government in the British Concessions in China外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1948 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトProtocol amending the International convention relating to economic statistics, signed at Geneva on 14th December, 1928 (with annex)外部サイトRoyal Commission on Unemployment Insurance : final report外部サイトStandard time rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom at 31st December, 1920外部サイトReport of the East Africa commission外部サイトFinancial and economic position of the Bechuanaland protectorate : report of the commission appointed by the secretary of state for dominion affairs. March, 1933外部サイトNotes exchanged between th United Kingdom and Siam respecting drawbacks and the method of computing "ad valorem" rates under the Siamese customs law, Bangkok, September 30, 1926外部サイトCollective discrimination : a report on exclusive dealing, collective boycotts, aggregated rebates and other discriminatory trade practices外部サイトReturn showing the results of elections in India 1925 and 1926外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting boots, shoes and slippers (other than rubber)外部サイトEducation in 1929 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトInternational agreement for the regulation of the production and marketing of sugar,London,October 16-31,1953外部サイトInterim report of the Departmental Committee on Ethyl Petrol外部サイトReport on the harbours of Nigeria外部サイトIndia (Cabinet mission) : correspondence and documents connected with the Conference between the Cabinet Mission and His Excellency the Viceroy and Representatives of the Congress and the Muslim League, May 1946外部サイトIndustrial relations in Germany, 1945-1949 : an account of the post-war growth of employers' and workers' organisations in the British Zone of Germany外部サイトThe world food shortage外部サイトTreaty of commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and accompanying declaration : signed at London, July 14, 1923 : ratifications exchanged at London, September 4, 1924外部サイトBritish Honduras : report of an inquiry held by Sir Reginald Sharpe, Q.C. into allegations of contacts between the People's United Party and Guatemala外部サイトReport on his visit to the West Indies and British Guiana : December, 1921 - February, 1922外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting hollow-ware外部サイトHong Kong : papers relative to the mui-tsai question外部サイトText of draft of proposed general treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as it stood when negotiations were suspended on August 5, 1924外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings by committee appointed to enquire into the fish trade外部サイトReport of the Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-18外部サイトSupplementary agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government for the establishment of an International commission to supervise the process of self-determination in the Sudan and exchange of notes modifying the Anglo-Egyptian agreement of the 12th of February, 1953 concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan (together with further exchange of notes), Cairo, December 3, 1955外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on the Income Tax外部サイトBritish dependencies in the Caribbean and North Atlantic, 1939-1952外部サイトReport on the control and working of Mombasa (Kilindini) Harbour Kenya Colony外部サイトPapers respecting the agreements relative to the British concessions at Hankow and Kiukiang外部サイトInter-allied conferences on reparations and inter-allied debts : held in London and Paris, December 1922 and January 1923外部サイトNotes exchanged between the British and French delegates at Lausanne regarding certain concessions in territories detached from Turkey : signed at Lausanne. July 24, 1923外部サイトCeylon : correspondence regarding the Constitution of Ceylon外部サイトReport by the Food Council to the President of the Board of Trade on short weight and measure in the sale of foodstuffs外部サイトNature reserves in Scotland : final report外部サイトMemorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred外部サイトTwenty-eighth report of the commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1937 : being the 81st report relating to the customs and the 80th report relating to the excise外部サイトAgreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, Cairo, February 12, 1953 (with agreed minutes, exchanges of notes and statute)外部サイトReport of the committee on legal aid and legal advice in England and Wales外部サイトFirst report of the Welsh Consultative Council on medical and allied services in Wales外部サイトPublic inquiry ordered by the Minister of Agriculture into the disposal of land at Crichel Down外部サイトReport of the Commission on the Palestine disturbances of August, 1929外部サイトWest India Royal Commission, 1938-39 : statement of action taken on the recommendations外部サイトPolitical Activities of Civil Servants外部サイトRoyal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60外部サイトReport of the Commission on Extra-territoriality in China外部サイトReport of the British Guiana and British Honduras : Settlement Commission外部サイトInterim report of the New Towns Committee外部サイトReport外部サイトNational debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1929-30, (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) Cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) Transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices外部サイトDraft rules under the Government of India Act repuired to give effect to the notification issued under Section 52 A (1) of the Act on 7th October 1921 by the Governor-General of India in Council with the sanction of His Majesty, constituting Burma a governor's province under the act, as approved by the Stinding Joint Committee on Indian Affairs外部サイトBroadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for which the Postmaster General proposes to apply for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation : Licence and Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation外部サイトKenya : compulsory labour for government purposes外部サイトEstate duty and family businesses : report on statistical investigation外部サイトCommittee on gift coupons and trading stamps : report外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting briar pipes and briar bowls外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on the high cost of building working class dwellings外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting ball and roller bearings and parts thereof外部サイトPalestine : papers related to the elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, 1923外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee on iron and steel外部サイトReport of the Indian Statutory Commission : presented by the Secretary of State for Home Department by Command of His Majesty, May, 1930外部サイトPupils who are defective in vision : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトImperial conference, 1923 : summary of proceedings (appendices published separately in Cmd. 1988)外部サイトSeventh instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトNational parks in England and Wales外部サイトWales and Monmouthshire : report of government action for the year ended 30th June ...外部サイトStatement of the conclusions of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom as regards Closer Union in East Africa外部サイトPalestine : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom外部サイトThird interim report of the Committee on Supreme Court Practice and Procedure外部サイトGovernment proposals for reorganisation外部サイトReport of the Committee on Women in Industry : appendices : summaries of evidence, &c外部サイトCoal mining : report of the Technical Advisory Committee外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the sale and hire of gas apparatus : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the Standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトRoyal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60外部サイトReport by the government actuary on an examination of the sickness and disablement experience of a group of approved societies in the period 1921-27外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1926-27 to 1935-36外部サイトFuture policy in regard to Eastern Africa外部サイトReport by the federation of Malaya Constitutional Conference held in London in January and February, 1956外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on Agriculture in India外部サイトReport on agriculture, fisheries, forestry and veterinary matters外部サイトHigher technological education : statement of government policy for the development of higher technological education in Great Britain外部サイトPalestine : statement of information relating to Acts of Violence外部サイトProvision of work for relief of unemployment : memorandum外部サイトWorking hours : legislation in austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxemburg and Spain and proposed legislation in Germany and Italy外部サイトFleets : the British commonwealth of nations and foreign countries外部サイトSecond report of the Board of Gurdians on their Administration 1st November, 1926, to 31st May, 1927外部サイトMinistry of Health and Ministry of Labour : third interim report of the interdepartmental committee on health and unemployment insurance外部サイトReturn showing the results of elections in India外部サイトMutual Defence Assistance Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America : with annexes and statement Washington, 27th January, 1950外部サイトMemorandum on the employment by Local Education Authorities of Local Officers for inspection of schools or work analogous to inspection外部サイトReport of the Committee on Housing in Greater London外部サイトReport of the Committee of Inquiry into the electricity supply industry外部サイトAppendices to the report of the Committee, appointed by the Secretary of state for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency外部サイトEducational reconstruction外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Economic and Financial Problems of the Provision for Old Age外部サイトUnemployment insurance : directions to Local Employment Committees regarding grant of uncovenanted benefit外部サイトReport外部サイトColonial Office Conference, 1927 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 2883)外部サイトInterim report on the future provision of medical and allied services外部サイトPupils who are maladjusted because of social handicaps : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by command of his Majesty外部サイトReport by a Court of Inquiry concerning the engineering trades dispute, 1922外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1955 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, April 1956外部サイトUnemployment : statistics relating to financial provision for relief of unemployment (including post-war resettlement of ex-members of His Majesty's forces), from the armistice外部サイトInterim report of the committee on smoke and noxious vapours abatement外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on uniform clothing : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトNational income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1938 to 1946外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into questions connected with the Franchise and other matters relating to Constitutional Reforms外部サイトMemorandum explaining the agreement between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State in respect of double income tax外部サイトReport of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.B.E., Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies on his visit to Malaya, 1932外部サイトReport of the Committee on the taxation treatment of provisions for retirement : presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, February 1954外部サイトConsolidated regulations relating to the special services of elementary education (other than nursery schools) for promoting the healthy physical and mental development of children外部サイトEast India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Federal Finance Committee : dated 28th March, 1932外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December. 1950外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years from 1911 to 1925外部サイトInterim report of the Departmental Committee on the Educational Services in Northern Ireland : presented by command of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant外部サイトThird instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトArmed Forces (Housing Loans) : memorandum on the proposed resolution外部サイトReport of the Superphosphate Committee外部サイトChinese mandate of December 28, 1929, regarding extra-territorial rights in China : and correspondence between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese government in connexion therewith外部サイトReport of the Interdepartmental Committee on Social and Economic Research外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sectional committee appointed by the building materials sub-committee of the standing committee on prices and trusts to investigate the prices, costs and profits at all stages of timber外部サイトReport of a Committee on research in the colonies, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies外部サイトEmployment policy外部サイトBritish Solomon Islands Protectorate : report of Commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to inquire into the circumstances in which murderous attacks took place in 1927 on government officials on Guadalcanal and Malaita外部サイトEducation in 1931 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトIndustrial conference : report of provisional joint committee presented to meeting of industrial conference, central hall, Westminster, April 4, 1919外部サイトThe colonial empire (1947-1948)外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1926外部サイトReport 1946-47外部サイトHigher technological education : statement of government policy for the development of higher technological education in Great Britain外部サイトCorrespondence respecting the new financial consortium in China外部サイトTraining in child care : interim report of the Care of Children Committee外部サイトInter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for period up to July, 1925外部サイトGrants-in-aid of the administration of the Somaliland Protectorate : arrangements for financial control外部サイトProtocols of amendments to articles 4, 13, 15 and 26 of the covenant of the League of Nations : adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, October 3, 4 and 5, 1921 : British ratification deposited February 3, 1923外部サイトPapers relating to native disturbances in Kenya (March, 1922)外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on iron and steel products (cut mails, bolts and nuts, and horse nail trades) : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトDocuments concerning constitutional development in the Sudan and the agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, 17th February, 1953外部サイトSecond report 1947-49外部サイトTeachers : supply, recruitment and training in the period immediately following the War : reports of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトThird report of Committee on National Expenditure外部サイトReport of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons for the year ...外部サイトThe Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the existence of a trade combination in the tobacco industry and into the effect which its operation has on prices and on the trade generally外部サイトNigeria : report of the Fiscal Commissioner on the financial effects of the proposed new constitutional arrangements外部サイトNotes exchanged between the British and Roumanian governments relative to the commercial relations between the British Empire and Roumania外部サイトThe British Broadcasting Corporation, annural report外部サイトEmployers' liability insurance : undertaking given by the accident offices association on behalf of its constituent insurance offices for the purpose of limiting the charges to employers in respect of employers' liability insurance外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Adoption of Children外部サイトPalestine : statement of policy外部サイトEngland and Wales : the regulations for nursery schools, 1919 (including regulations for payment of grant in respect of those schools), made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 39.)外部サイトReport of a Committee on Pensions to Widows and Orphans of Officers in the Colonial Service and on Colonial Provident Funds外部サイトCommittee on Ministers' Powers Report外部サイトSixty-third report : annual report of Lieutenant-Colonel A. G. Ferguson, His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December 1920外部サイトMemorandum by the Secretary of State for Air to accompany Air estimates外部サイトReport of the commission on the marketing of West African cocoa外部サイトDeclaration and memoranda by the Chinese commissioner外部サイトReport of the Scottish Departmental Committee on Housing外部サイトDraft peace treaty with Finland : prepared by the Council of Foreign Ministers, for consideration by the Peace Conference of Twenty-one Nations Meeting in Paris on the 29th July, 1946外部サイトThe general manager's report to the Board for the year ending 31st December, 1920外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the University of London外部サイトThe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : statement of the policy of Her Majesty's Government on the question of Japan's accession to the agreement外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on cement and mortar : prepared by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the Standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトTrinidad and Tobago disturbances 1937 : report of the Commission外部サイトReport of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to consider the question of the regulation of street trading in the Metropolitan Police District外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1920 to 1933外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 2nd report on the standard boot and shoe scheme : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the joint committee of the standing committee on trusts and prices外部サイトReport of Committee on the Law of Arbitration外部サイトArticles of agreement and explanatory memorandum as approved for submission to governments by the executive directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on 11 April 1955外部サイトDocuments relative to the Sinn Fein Movement外部サイトReport and appendices外部サイトCorrespondance regarding the report of the committee appointed to make recommendations in connexion eith the application to Burma of the provisions of the Government of India Act as amended in 1919外部サイトReport of the Cotton Import (review) Committee外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1906 to 1920外部サイトEast India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Indian Central Committee, 1928-1929外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the cost of production, prices, &c. of clogs外部サイトA study of the factors which have operated in the past and those which are operating now to determine the distribution of women in industry外部サイトPalestine : disturbances in May, 1921 : reports of the Commission of inquiry with correspondence relating thereto外部サイトBurma : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government外部サイトFinal report外部サイトStatistical material presented during the Washington negotiations外部サイトProgress report of the United Nations Mediator on Palestine, Rhodes, 16th September, 1948外部サイトIndia (Cabinet mission) : papers relating to (a) The Sikhs, (b) The Indian States, and (c) The European Community : May-June, 1946外部サイトSecond report on Canadian marine insurance rates外部サイトSeventy-fourth report of the charity commissioners for England and Wales外部サイトAppendices to the summary of proceedings外部サイトReports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Soudan外部サイトReport of the Committee on Land Purchase in Northern Ireland外部サイトReport of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1949外部サイトReparation : agreement between the allies for the settlement of certain questions as to the application of the treaties of peace and complementary agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, signed at Spa, July 16, 1920外部サイトDisturbances in Northern Ireland : report of the commission appointed by the Governor of Northern Ireland外部サイトBroadcasting : copy of the Licence and Agreement dated the 12th Day of June 1952, between Her Majesty's Postmaster-General and the British Broadcasting Corporation外部サイトTreaty of peace between the Allied and Associated powers and Bulgaria, and protocol : signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, November 27, 1919外部サイトUnemployment Insurance Bill, 1927 : report by the Government Actuary on the Financial Provisions of the Bill外部サイトCeylon : statement of policy on constitutional reform外部サイトBasutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland : history of discussions with the Union of South Africa, 1909-1939外部サイトReport外部サイトCivil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, Country Court and other Civil Courts for the year 1937外部サイトReport of the sub-committee of the Exhibitions Advisory Committee to review the present arrangements for the British Industries Fair外部サイトReport of the United Kingdom sugar industry Inquiry Committee外部サイトBelgian law respecting the acquisition and loss of nationality外部サイトReport on the Mauritius Sugar Industry by Sir Francis Watts, K.C.M.G., 1929外部サイトScottish coalfields : the report of the Scottish Coalfields Committee外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1936外部サイトInter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for period up to July, 1930外部サイトStatistical report of the health of the Navy for the year 1914外部サイトIndia (Cabinet mission) : statement by the mission dated 25th May in reply to pronoucements by the Indian Parties and memorandum by the Mission on States' Treaties and paramountcy外部サイトSupply of teachers in Scotland : second report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the year 1938外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1917 to 1930外部サイトReport of Joint committee of enquiry into the Anglo-Argentine meat trade外部サイトTreaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of Burma regarding the recognition of Burmese independence and related matters (with exchange of notes and annex), London, 17th October, 1947 (ratifications exchange at Rangoon, 4th January, 1948)外部サイトUganda protectorate : withdrawal of recognition from Kabaka Mutesa II of Buganda外部サイトFifty-seventh report of the Inspector appointed to visit the Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., Cap. 103, 31st and 32nd Vic., Cap. 59, and 31st Vic., Cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1918外部サイトFinal report of a court of inquiry into a dispute between the British Transport Commission and the National Union of Railwaymen外部サイトReport by the Scottish Land Court : as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts 1886 to 1911, 1 & 2 GEO. V. Cap. 49, for the year from 1st January to 31st December, 1920 to the Secretary for Scotland外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Commonwealth for earch of ten years 1936 to 1945 : trade and commerce section外部サイトFurther education : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1952外部サイトMandate for Palestine : together with a note by the Secretary-General relating to its application to the territory known as trans-Jordan, under the provisions of article 25外部サイトRegistration of accountants : report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade 1930外部サイトCeylon : further correspondence relating to the revision of the Constitution of Ceylon外部サイトAbstract of tables giving the main statistics of the census of the Indian Empire of 1931, with a brief introductory note外部サイトFirst annual report 1943-44外部サイトTerms of award of the Africa General Service Medal for service in Kenya, since 21st October, 1952外部サイトMemorandum : showing the progress and development in the Colonial Empire and in the machinery for dealing with colonial questions from November, 1924, to November, 1928外部サイトReport of the British Guiana Refugee Commission to the Advisory Committee on political refugees appointed by the President of the United States of America外部サイトThe East Africa Royal Commission Report外部サイトEducation in 1948 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトFirst interim report of the Colonial Development Advisory Committee : covering the period 1st August, 1929 - 28th February, 1930外部サイトEducation in England & Wales : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for the year外部サイトDead Sea salts concession外部サイトReport of the National Parks Committee : England and Wales外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on pottery : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトInternational convention respecting load lines with final protocol and maps, London, July 5, 1930外部サイトReport of the imperial institute committee of enquiry 1923 : together with resolutions of the imperial economic conference on the subject外部サイトAnnual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1930外部サイトTanganyika : text of trusteeship agreement as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, 13th December, 1946外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1917 to 1930外部サイトReport to the Board of Trade by the Fuel Research Board on gas standards外部サイトReport of the Indian States Finances Enquiry Committee (financial), 1932外部サイトSeventieth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1927外部サイトReports of the committee on road conveyance of goods by railway companies外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting portland cement外部サイトRural water supplies : memorandum by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland explaining proposed financial resolution外部サイトThe control of land use外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on brushes and brooms : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトInternational treaty for the limitation and reduction of naval armament : London, April 22, 1930外部サイトEconomic survey for 1947外部サイトImperial conference, 1923 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 1987)外部サイトEconomic development in Northern Ireland including the report of the economic consultant, Thomas Wilson外部サイトReparation : financial agreement between Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan, together with a covering note by the finance ministers signed at Paris, March 11th, 1922外部サイトTwentieth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom外部サイトFirst report of the Royal Commission on Mining Subsidence : the Doncaster area外部サイトReport of the committee on holidays with pay外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1926 to 1935外部サイトA statement on resale price maintenance : being a trade practice which prevents shopkeepers from reducing certain prices to the public外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1954 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, April 1955外部サイトThe provisional code of regulations for public elementary schools in England (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire) : dated 16 July, 1919, made by the Board of Education under section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c.39)外部サイトPapers regarding the disposal of the British share of the China indemnity of 1901 : September 19-November 14, 1930外部サイトReport of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1918外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on milk : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトSouthern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Civil Service Preparatory Commission外部サイトImport duties : proposals for increased duties on certain fresh and preserved fruit and vegetables外部サイトRoyal Commission on capital punishment 1949-1953 report外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on constitution, jurisdiction, procedure and work of the county of London appeal tribunal : appointed under the profiteering acts, 1919-1920外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1929外部サイトPost Office (Pneumatic Tubes acquisition) bill : memorandum外部サイトReport of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to examine and report on Straints Settlements Ordinance no. 15 of 1927 (Women and Girls Protection Amendment Ordinance) and Federated Malay States Enactment no. 18 of 1927 (Women and Girls Protection Amendment Enactment)外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1950 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトEducation in 1933 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトCivil judicial statistics, including licensing and bankruptcy : statistics relating to the House of Lords (Scottish Appeals), the Court of Session, Sheriff Courts and other Civil Courts, Licensing Courts, Certain Legal Public Departments, Bankruptcy, Court Fees and Fees taken in the Departments for the year 1933外部サイトFinal report of the committee of inquiry into the scheme of out-of-work donation外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : proposed action by the British Government regarding recommendation adopted by the conference at its fifth session, 22nd to 29th October, 1923外部サイトThe Colonial Empire : statement relating to the period 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 to accompany the Estimates for Colonial and Middle Eastern Services, 1939外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance payments 1949-1952外部サイトMutual aid : second report外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years from 1912 to 1926外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on Old Age Pensions : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトReport by a Court of inquiry : concerning the stoppage of the London tramway and omnibus services, 1924外部サイトReports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929外部サイトRoyal Commission on Justices of the Peace 1946-48 : report外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on agricultural implements and machinery : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the explosives industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトExpert Committee on Compensation and Betterment : final report外部サイトReport to the Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya, January, 1954外部サイトReport of the Committee on Land Charges外部サイトReport on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Prisoners : Pt. 2. employment on discharge外部サイトUnofficial stoppages in the London Docks : a report of a Committee of inquiry外部サイトTreaty of peace with Hungary : Paris, 10th February, 1947外部サイトGeneral annual reports of the British Army (including the Territorial Force from the date of embodiment) : for the period from 1st October, 1913, to 30th September, 1919外部サイトGovernment of India Act, 1935 : report of the committee appointed in connection with the delimitation of constituencies and connected matters外部サイトWest Africa : reports on the British sphere of the Cameroons外部サイトHong Kong currency : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, May, 1931外部サイトReport on the mortality from influenza in England and Wales during the epidemic of 1918-19外部サイトCriminal statistics, England and Wales : statistics relating to crime, criminal proceedings and coroners' investigations for the year ...外部サイトReport on the present position in the building industry, with regard to the carrying out of a full housing programme, having particular reference to the means of providing an adequate supply of labour and materials : prepared by the National House Building Committee (representative of employers and operatives in the building trades), formed at the request of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labour that the building industries should consider the matter and report accordingly to the Government : together with a report prepared by a Committee of Building Materials Manufacturers and Suppliers, formed at the request of the Minister of Health外部サイトProgress report on disposal of surplus government property and on liquidation for the financial year 1921-22外部サイトTreatise of peace with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland (texts for signature in Paris on 10th February, 1947)外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1924-25 to 1933-34外部サイトInterim report of His Majesty's commissioners : appointed to inquire into the economic prospects of the agricultural industry in Great Britain外部サイトMaintenance allowance awards at secondary schools and other institutions of higher education : statement of expenditure incurred by local education authorities (England and Wales) under Grant Regulations no. 14 in the financial year 1923-24外部サイトInternational Conventions concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV), Berne, 25th October, 1952外部サイトRoyal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge Universities : report外部サイトEstimates of the expenditure of Local Education Authorities in the financial year 1921-22外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1932 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June, 1933外部サイトBroadcasting : copy of the Licence and Agreement dated the 29th day of November, 1946, between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation外部サイトRetail prices and qualities of household coal : correspondence between the Mines Department and the Coal Merchants' Federation of Great Britain, together with the report of a Conference between the Secretary for Mines and the Federation外部サイトDistribution of new houses in Scotland外部サイトReport of the Committee of inquiry into night work in the bread baking and flour confectionery trade外部サイトReport to H.M. principal secretary of state for the home department on the byelaws made by the London county council : under the employment of children act, 1903, and the education act, 1918, and on the objections thereto外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Medical Officer, 1919-1920外部サイトBroadcasting policy外部サイトReport on the coal industry外部サイトTemporary housing programme外部サイトEuropean cultural convention, Paris, December 19, 1954外部サイトReport on the trade of South Africa for the years 1918外部サイトTreaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia in regard to the tariff autonomy of Perisa : with the notes attached thereto外部サイトProposals for reform in local government and in the financial relations between the Exchequer and local authorities : statements, containing particulars for 25 administrative counties, supplementing statements contained in Parliamentary paper Cmd. 3134 as to the financial effects of the proposals in county boroughs and in certain counties in England and Wales外部サイトCorrespondence relating to the arrest of employees Metropolitan-Vickers company at Moscow外部サイトReport of the committee on the law of intestate succession外部サイトTraining for citizenship : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトEighteenth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom外部サイトTrade amd immigration relations between India and Burma after the Separation of Burma外部サイトStatement on personal incomes, costs and prices外部サイトDespatch to the Officer Administering the Government of the Kenya Colony and protectorate relating to native labour外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting asbestos cement products外部サイトReport of the Committee on Monumental and Architectural Granite wholly or mainly manufactured外部サイトReport for the year 1955 - 56 : Presented by the Lord President of the Council to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty June 1933外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting screw bottle stoppers外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to investigate the cost of production and distribution of wool, tops and yarns at all stages, and the profits arising therefrom外部サイトSixth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトStatistical abstract relating British India from 1907-08 to 1916-17外部サイトA statement on resale price maintenance : being a trade practice which prevents shopkeepers from reducing certain prices to the public外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on London Squares外部サイトEducation in 1935 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years, 1913 and 1915 to 1928外部サイトCoal mining industry : explanatory memorandum of the terms of settlement of the dispute in the coal mining industry外部サイトWorkmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1928外部サイトInterim report of the committee of inquiry into the scheme of out-of-work donation外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into questions connected with the division of functions between the central and provincial governments, and in the provincial governments between the executive council and ministers外部サイトFinal report of the Committee on the form of Government accounts外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for India to advise on the question of the financial relations between the central and provincial governments in India外部サイトReport of the registrar of the Land Registry for the years 1914 to 1918外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a committee appointed to inquire into the principle of fixed retail prices外部サイトReport by Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, on a Financial Mission to Tanganyika, 26th September, 1932外部サイトAdministration of the trade boards acts, 1909 and 1918 : statement of the government's policy in the administration of the above acts pending legislation dealing with the recommendations of the committee of enquiry into the working and effects of the acts (Cmd. 1645)外部サイトReport of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1952 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトChild migration to Australia : report of a fact-finding mission外部サイトReport on the opportunities for civil air transport in the West Indies外部サイトColonial development : memorandum explaining financial resolution外部サイトReport by the resumed Conference on the Nigerian Constitution held in Lagos in January and February, 1954外部サイトTreaty of peace with Bulgaria : Paris, 10th February, 1947外部サイトReport for the year 1932 - 33 : Presented by the Lord President of the Council to Parliament by Command His Majesty, December, 1933外部サイトReturn of the areas, population & valuation of counties, burghs & parishes in Scotland外部サイトTreaties between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia, and between the United Kingdom, Italy, and Ethiopia, relating to the frontiers between the Soudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Signed at Adis Ababa, May 15, 1902. (Ratifications delivered at Adis Ababa, October 28, 1902)外部サイトSummary report on education in Scotland : for the years外部サイトThe Colonial Empire in 1937-38 : statement to accompany the Estimates for Colonial and Middle Eastern Services 1938外部サイトReport of the Imperial Shipping Committee on the limitation of shipowners' liability by clauses in bills of lading and on certain other matters relating to bills of lading : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the years 1913 and 1924 to 1929外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the repairing of boots, shoes and footwear : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices外部サイトReport by Mr. Roger Gibb on railway rates and finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika territory : September, 1932外部サイトIndia : Cabinet mission : correspondence with the Congress Party and the Muslim League, 20th May-29th June, 1946外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting hosiery, knitted goods and fabrics外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1918外部サイトDocuments illustrating the hostile activities of the Soviet Government and Third International against Great Britain外部サイトSocial insurance and allied services : memoranda from organisations外部サイトCloser association of the British West Indian Colonies外部サイトNational income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1946 to 1950外部サイトThe retired pay and pensions of former forces' officers and civil servants affected by stabilisation and consolidation in 1932-1935外部サイトText of proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy : London, March 19, 1936外部サイトGovernment of Burma Act, 1935, report by Sir Laurie Hammond, K.C.S.I., C.B.E. on the delimitation of constituencies in Burma and connected matters外部サイトReport of Committee on Schemes of Assistance to Necessitous Areas外部サイトExchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901 : Nanking, September 19 and 22, 1930外部サイトReport of a Court of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of a disputes between the London Master Printers' Association and the London Typographical Society and the Association of the Correctors of the Press外部サイトThe Government of Indian Bill : views of Insian States : correspondence relating to a meeting of States' Rulers held at Bombay to discuss the Government of India Bill and a provisional draft , Instrument of Accession外部サイトSouthern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Judicial Commission外部サイトNew towns bill : revised memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as amended) as it applies to Scotland外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1919 to 1932外部サイトPalestine : statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom外部サイトCeylon : report of the Special Commission on the Constitution外部サイトTreaty of peace with Turkey, and other instruments : signed at Lausanne on July, 24, 1923, together with agreements between Greece and Turkey signed on January 30, 1923, and subsidiary documents forming part of the Turkish peace settlement外部サイトAppendices to the Report of the British Guiana Refugee Commission to the Advisory Committee on political refugees appointed by the President of the United States of America外部サイトAnnouncements issued in connection with the Report of the Committee on Indian Exchange and Currency, 1919.外部サイトBurma Round Table Conference, 27th November, 1931-12th January, 1932 : proceedings外部サイトMinutes of evidence : taken before the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting brass water taps and fittings, electrical accessories, etc.外部サイトInterim report of the Indian Statutory Commission : review of growth of education in British India by the auxiliary committee appointed by the commission, september 1929 : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, October, 1929外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on the stone, brick and clayware trades : prepared by sectional committee of sub-committee on building materials appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトAn analysis of the sources of war finance and estimates of the national income and expenditure in the years 1938 to 1944外部サイトFinancial and economic position of Basutoland : report of the Commission appointed by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, January, 1935外部サイトNational parks : a Scottish survey外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report by the standing committee on the investigation of prices into the prices, costs, and profits at all stages of the biscuit trade外部サイトGovernment information services : statement showing estimated expenditure,1950-1951外部サイトFifty-sixth report of the Inspector appointed to visit the Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., Cap. 103, 31st and 32nd Vic., Cap. 59, and 31st Vic., Cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1917外部サイトMinutes of evidence : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトUnited Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1 to July 22, 1944 : final act外部サイトReport of the Cotton Import Committee外部サイトBroadcasting : Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and His Majesty's Minister of Information : supplemental to an agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporaion (Cmd. 5329 of 1936)外部サイトStatistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available. relating to certain Indian States. From 1911-12 to 1920-21外部サイトDraft finance bill外部サイトReport of an inter-departmental committee on the grading and marking of beef外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to inquire into the price of fruit in the United Kingdom外部サイトEconomic conditioms in Central Europe外部サイトThe Government of India Bill : explanatory memorandum外部サイトUtilisation of land in the rural areas of Scotland : report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland in reference to the recommendations of the Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural Areas in England and Wales : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of His Majesty外部サイトSub-committee on oil from coal : report外部サイトTreaty of peace with Turkey : Signed at Sèvres, August 10, 1920外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance of payments 1949 to 1952 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, October 1952外部サイトReport on the Gambia egg scheme外部サイトWest India Royal Commission report外部サイトGovernment of India Act, 1935, Government of Burma Act, 1935 : draft Government of India (Commencement and Transitory Povinsions) Order: Government of India (Distribution of Revenues) Order: Government of Burma (Commencement and Transitory Provisions) Order : explanatory memorandum on the draft orders and views of the provincial governments, the Government of India and the secretary of state for the India on the report of the Financial Enquiry made by Sir Otto Niemeyer外部サイトReport on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1918外部サイトInterim report of a court of inquiry into a dispute between the British Transport Commission and the National Union of Railwaymen外部サイトReport by the Conference on the Nigerian Constitution : held in London in July and August, 1953外部サイトCeylon : proposals for conferring on Ceylon fully responsible status within the British Commonwealth of Nations外部サイトSixty-ninth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1926外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on glass bottles and jars and scientific glassware, prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトReport by the Right Honourable W.G.A. Ormsby Gore, M.P. (Parliament Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies) on his visit to Malaya, Ceylon, and Java during the year 1928外部サイトFurther reports by British officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany : April, 1919外部サイトTown and country planning, 1943-1951 : progress report by the Minister of Local Government and Planning on the work of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning外部サイトDocuments relating to Festival Gardens Limited外部サイトLabour conditions in Ceylon, Mauritius, and Malaya外部サイトSecond report of the National Fuel and Power Committee外部サイトIndia (Cabinet mission) : statement by the Cabinet mission and his excellency the viceroy外部サイトRailways reorganisation scheme外部サイトFactories bill, 1924 : print of Bill giving references to corresponding provisions of existing Acts and indicating the provisions of the Bill which are new or make substantial alterations外部サイトPalestine loan : memorandum explaining financial resolution外部サイトEducation, England : regulations for secondary schools, England, 1921 : the regulations for secondary schools, England, 1921 (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire), dated 13th September, 1921, made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, Ch. 39)外部サイトReport of proceedings under the Diseases of Animals Acts with returns of the exports and imports of animals for the year ...外部サイトThe federal scheme prepared by a conference held in London in January, 1953外部サイトEducation in 1949 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting articles made wholly or mainly of wire of a description commonly used for domestic and catering purposes外部サイトThe administration of education for handicapped pupils : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトSelf-determination in the Sudan : résumé of developments, November 15, 1951-January 1, 1956外部サイトCoal mining : report of the Technical Advisory Committee外部サイトFifty-sixth detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1919外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting felt hats and felt hat hoods外部サイトReport of a Committee appointed at a conference of Public Authorities to consider the question of floods from the River Thames in the county of London外部サイトReview of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : statement of policy with revised text of the agreement and related documents外部サイトAdult education grants : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland外部サイトEducation in 1954 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトNational Insurance Bill, 1946 : summary of main provisions of the National Insurance Scheme外部サイトReport on the trade of Australia for the year 1918外部サイトThe plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the Fiscal Commissioner外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee : appointed to investigate Mr. A.W. Gattie's proposals for improving the method of handling goods and traffic, and to consider the practicability of the introduction of any of the suggested improvements into the existing transport system together with the Minutes of proceedings, part 2外部サイトFinal protocol between the foreign powers and China for the resumption of friendly relations : signed at Peking, September 7, 1901 (with 19 annexes)外部サイトDocuments concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939外部サイトReport of the West Indies Committee of the Commission on Higher Education in the Colonies外部サイトReports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the Administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929外部サイトEducation : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトIndians in Kenya : memorandum外部サイトThe national health service (including a chapter on International Health) . Welfare, food and drugs, civil defence外部サイトTelegraphic correspondence regarding the situation in India外部サイトMinutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Women and Young Persons on the Two-shift System外部サイトReparation : decision of the Reparation Commission on the subject of the payments to be made by Germany in 1922外部サイトDespatch from the Governor of Southern Rhodesia relating to the Proposed Amendment of the Southern Rhodesia Constitution外部サイトSecond report of the central advisory water committee : consolidation and amendment of the law relating to public water supply外部サイトEducation in 1938 : being the report of the board of education and the statistics of public education for england and wales外部サイトReport of the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Supervision of Charities外部サイトCommittee on Ministers' Powers report外部サイトHigher education (England and Wales) : statistics relating to the receipts and expenditure of local education authorities in the financial year 1918-19外部サイトStatement on future marketing of West African cocoa外部サイトReport of the Royal Commission on the superior civil services in India : dated 27th March, 1924外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1920 to 1933外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting wall papers, ceiling papers, etc.外部サイトReport of the Vice-Regal Committee on the conditions of service and remuneration of teachers in intermediate schools, and on the distribution of grants from public funds for intermediate education in Ireland外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on the glassware trade : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトThe British Broadcasting Corporation, accounts for the periods, 1st January, 1939 to 31st March, 1944外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to inquire into combines of launderers and the effect, if any, upon prices外部サイトReport of the R. 101 inquiry外部サイトNotes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the arbitration convention between the two countries of November 16, 1914, London, January 4, 1927外部サイトRoyal Commission on betting, lotteries and gaming 1949-1951 : report外部サイトReport of the Board of Gurdians on their Administration for the period 20th July, 1926, to 30th October, 1926外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1905 to 1919外部サイトReport of the West Indian Currency Committee外部サイトInternational Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail, 1952 (CIV), signed at Berne, October 25, 1952外部サイトReprt of the Commissioners appointed by the Home Secretary to inquire into the circumstances of the series of explosions and fires which occured on the 20th and 21st December, 1928, in the neighbourhood of New Oxford Street外部サイトCorrespondence with the Holy See relative to Maltese affairs, January 1929 to May 1930外部サイトNew towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as amended by Standing Committee A) as it applies to Scotland外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1924 to 19367外部サイトTrade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, [with schedules and exchanges of notes], Washington, November 17, 1938外部サイトCopy of the Government of India Act, 1915-16, showing amendments proposed to be made by the Government of India Bill, 1919 (H.C.B. 94)外部サイトEconomic survey for 1950外部サイトHousing management in Scotland : report by the Scotish Housing Advisory Committee外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting iron and steel wire, and wire nails and staples外部サイトThe Colonial Empire外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on soap industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts外部サイトAn analysis of the sources of war finance and estimates of the national income and expenditure in the years 1938 to 1943外部サイトCommercial agreement between the government of the United Kingdom and the government of Finland, with Protocol : Helsingfors, September 29, 1933外部サイトProposals for the future of Palestine : July, 1946-February, 1947外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1950外部サイトPort transport industry : report of a Committee appointed on 27th July, 1955, to inquire into the operation of the Dock Workers (regulation of employment) Scheme, 1947外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting pottery外部サイトJudicial Statistics, Ireland外部サイトTreasury directions to the Administrator of Roumanian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Roumania) Order 1948外部サイトIndian Round Table Conference, Second session, 7th September, 1931--1st December, 1931 : proceedings外部サイトEuropean Broadcasting Convention. Copenhagen, 15th September, 1948外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting scientific glassware (including tubing and rod)外部サイトReport to the Secretary for Mines, 13th January, 1936外部サイトProfiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire into the existence and effect of a ring in the salt trade外部サイトBasutoland medicine murder : a report on the recent outbreak of "diretlo" murders in Basutoland外部サイトStatistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1909 to 1923 : fifty-seventh number外部サイトSecond reports : ages of entry into unemployment insurance外部サイトPrivate Enterprise in British Tropical Africa : report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies ...外部サイトReports on the trade of Western Samoa and the Tongan Islands外部サイトOverseas trade (credits and insurance) Amendment Bill : memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred外部サイトSecond report : the white fish industry外部サイトEducation in Scotland in 1955 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland外部サイトThe economic implications of full employment外部サイトTemporary housing programme外部サイトFinancial situation of British Guiana : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, June, 1931外部サイトPalestine Royal Commission : report外部サイトTrade facilities and loans guarantee bill : memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred外部サイトSecond instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices外部サイトReport of the Indian Statutory Commission外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : proposed action by His Majesty's Governmentin the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Instrument of Amendment, 1946, and the final articles revision convention, 1946外部サイトThe plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the Civil Service Commissioner外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices to enquire into the prices of matches外部サイトReport of the Inter-departmental Committee on Income Tax in the Colonies not Possessing Responsible Government外部サイトReport of the Broadcasting Committee 1935外部サイトReport of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the years 1918 and 1919外部サイトUnited Kingdom balance payments外部サイトReport of the Legal Education Committee外部サイトReport : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty外部サイトReport of the Standard Price Committee : Wheat Act, 1932外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1936 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1937外部サイトMemorandum on the Board of Education estimates外部サイトFurther correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Cuban government respecting the ill-treatment of British West Indian labourers in Cuba外部サイトReport of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1919外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Treasury to enquire into the industry of tobacco growing in Great Britain外部サイトGovernment of Inida Act, 1935 : proposals of His Majesty's Government for (i) the electorate for the Council of State and for Provincial Legislative Councils ; (ii) electorates in Chief Commissioner's Provinces for the Federal Legislature ; and (iii) "Scheduled Castes" for the purposes of paragraph 26 of the First Schedule to the Act外部サイトReport to the the Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya, January, 1954外部サイトReport of the Commission appointed to enquire into the disturbances in the copperbelt, Northern Rhodesia, October, 1935外部サイトRecord of proceedings and documents外部サイトReport on an inquiry into the operation of the Catering Wages Act, 1943, in the hotel industry外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting tea外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting oil burning apparatus外部サイトReport of the departmental committee on housing外部サイトGovernment of Inida Act, 1935 : excluded and partially excluded areas (Section 91), recommendations of the provincial Governments and the Government of India外部サイトMandate for Palestine : letter from the Secretary to the Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations of July 1, 1922, enclosing a Note in reply to Cardinal Gasparri's letter of May 15, 1922, addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations外部サイトReport of the Committee on the Law of Defamation外部サイトReport of the committee appointed by the Agricultural Wages Board to enquire into the financial results of the occupation of agricultural land and the cost of living of rural workers外部サイトTables relating to the trade of British India with the British empire and foreign countries外部サイトReport of the Indian Franchise Committee, 1932外部サイトReport of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee respecting coat hangers外部サイトReport of the commissioners外部サイトIndian round table conference (Third session) (17 November, 1932-24th December, 1932)外部サイトReview of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : ninth session of the contracting parties (held at Geneva, 28th October, 1954 to 7th March, 1955) : documents relating to the ninth session外部サイトReport of the special mission to Egypt外部サイトCriminal statistics : statistics relating to criminal proceedings, police, coroners, prisons, and criminal lunatics for the year ...外部サイトReports of the committees appointed by the provincial legislative councils to co-operate with the Indian Statutory Commission外部サイトGovernment of India's despatch on proposal for constitutional reform, dated 20th September, 1930外部サイトRoyal commission on Scottish affairs, 1952-1954 : report外部サイトExchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang : Nanking, October 31, 1929外部サイトReport外部サイトReport of the committee on the staffing of the Agricultural Departments in the colonies外部サイトReport of the commissioner for the special areas in England and Wales for the year ended 30th September, 1937外部サイトKenya : return showing crown grants of land of over 5,000 acres in extent外部サイトReport of the Standing Committee on wooden dowels and dowelling外部サイトReport of Worsted Committee外部サイトReport on the International Conferences on Opium and dangerous drugs, held at Geneva, November, 1924, to February, 1925外部サイトReport of the committee, appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency外部サイトEast India (census 1921) : tables giving the main statistics of the census of the Indian empire of 1921, with a brief explanatory note外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1925 to 1931外部サイトAgreements : concluded at the international conference for the protection of the fauna and flora of Africa, London, November 8, 1933外部サイトStatistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1919 to 1932外部サイトBroadcasting : Draft of the Licence and Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation外部サイトImperial economic conference at Ottawa, 1932 : appendices to the summary of proceedings外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1929 to 1938 : trade and commerce section外部サイトInternational Convention relating to the simplification of customs formalities and protocol of signature, Geneva, November 3, 1923 (ratification has not yet been effected)外部サイトReport of the delegation appointed to study industrial conditions in Canada and the United States of America外部サイトThe agricultural output of Scotland, 1925 : report on certain statistical inquiries made in connection with the census of production, relating to the output of agricultural produce, with a survey of the agricultural statistics of Scotland from 1871 to 1925外部サイトBritish military administration of occupied territories in Africa during the years 1941-1943外部サイトProtocol regarding commercial relations between India and Japan : with exchange of notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of July 12, 1934 : London, October 12, 1937外部サイトOn the state of the public health : being the annual report of the chief medical officer外部サイトProfiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on a voluntary scheme for standard clothing submitted by the wool textile and clothing trades of Great Britain : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts外部サイトNationality and naturalisation laws of certain foreign countries外部サイトLaw revision committee : fourth interim report外部サイトRoyal Commission on the Distribution of the Industrial Population : report外部サイトReport of the Broadcasting Committee, 1925外部サイトReport of the Committee on Control of Flying外部サイトSeventy-second report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1929外部サイトLaw of succession in Scotland : report of the Committee of Inquiry外部サイトPalestine : correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation外部サイトCommunal decision外部サイトReport of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act 1889 for the year 1937 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1938外部サイトConference on the Closer Association of the British West Indian Colonies, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 11th-19th September, 1947外部サイトEducation in 1955 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales外部サイトReport of the Commission of Inquiry and resolution of the Government of the United Provinces外部サイトReport by the Scottish Land Court : as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts 1886 to 1911, 1 & 2 GEO. V. Cap. 49, for the year from 1st January to 31st December 1918 to the Secretary for Scotland外部サイトReturn of the number of full-time pupils attending secondary schools in England and Wales on the grant list on 31st March, 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 per 1,000 of the population of the area in which they were resident at the time of admission外部サイトNational income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1938-1945外部サイトSupplement to the seventy-fifth annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales外部サイトReport of the Departmental Committee on the treatment of young offenders外部サイトCoal industry commission act, 1919 : interim report外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1930外部サイトAnnual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1923外部サイトTwenty-First abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom (1919-1933)外部サイトSafeguarding of industries act, 1921外部サイトReport on the trade of Canada and Newfoundland together with a detailed report on the trade of the province of Ontario for the year 1918外部サイトReport to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland外部サイトAgreement between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the German government in regard to the liquidation of German properties with an exchange of notes on the subject, London, December 28, 1929 (this agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty)外部サイトLeague of Nations : fifty-ninth session of the council : report by the Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P. British delegate外部サイトUniversal Postal Union : postal convention with detailed regulations for its execution, and agreement concerning insured letters and boxes, London, June 28, 1929外部サイトMemorandum on the position at the London Naval Conference 1930 of His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom London, February 4, 1930外部サイトStatistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1928 to 1937外部サイトNinety-first report of the commissioners of his majesty's, inland revenue for the year ended 31st march, 1948外部サイトInternational convention for the safety of life at sea, 1948 : London, 10th June, 1948外部サイトAnnual report and statement of accounts of the British Broadcasting Corporation外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1933外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1932外部サイトAnnual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1934外部サイトViolence and civil disturbances in Northern Ireland in 1969 : report of tribunal of inquiry外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : eighth session, Geneva, 26 th May - 5 th June, 1926 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour外部サイトStatement on works approved for government financial assistance in connection with unemployment外部サイトReport to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland外部サイトEconomic survey for 1947外部サイトInternational convention relating to international exhibitions Paris, November 22, 1928 (the convention has not been ratified by His Majesty)外部サイトProtocols relating to amendments to articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37 ,40, 41 and 42 and to the final clauses of the Convention relating to the regulation of air navigation of October 13, 1919 : Paris, June 15, 1929/December 11, 1929 : the protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty外部サイトExchange of notes between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the United States government regarding the interpretation of article 19 of the London naval treaty, 1930, London, June 5, 1930外部サイトLeague of Nations : fifty-eighth session of the council : report by the Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P. British delegate外部サイトPapers regarding the proposed amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the pact of Paris of August 27, 1928 : September 1929-November 1930外部サイトMemorandum on chemical warfare presented to the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom : Geneva, November 18, 1930外部サイトCoal industry commission act, 1919 : interim report外部サイトInternational Labour Conference : ninth session, Geneva, 7th - 24 th June, 1926 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour外部サイトStatement on works approved for grant in connection with unemployment under the Development (loan guarantees and grants) act, 1929 and the Colonial Development Act, 1929, and from the Road Fund外部サイトAgreements concluded at the Hague conference January 1930 : these agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty外部サイトMaps to accompany the International Load Line Convention Signed at London, July 5, 1930外部サイトReport of the Ministry of Labour for the year 1927外部サイト






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Papers by command Cmd
Cmd. 4th series : [Cmd.1]-Cmd. 9889
Report for the year ...
Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department
Report of the Committee on the Provision for Social and Economic Research
Conférence internationale du travail : projets de conventions et recommandations adoptés par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference ...
Report of the Standing Committee respecting tools
Report of the Standing Committee respecting copper plates, sheets, strips, rods, wire and tubes
National Health Insurance : Report of the National Health Insurance (International arrangements) Board to the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and to the Irish Insurance Commissioners
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on vinegar : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1917
Report of the departmental Committee on Fire Brigade Services : Presented by the secretary of state for the Home department to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1936
Telegram from M. Chicherin, Moscow, to the governments of Great Britain, France and Italy respecting the Genoa Conference
Report on the work of the National Maritime Board, 1917-1919
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1909 to 1923 : fifty-seventh number
Trusteeship : territories in Africa under United Kingdom Mandate Mandate
Report of the Royal Commission on Cross-River Traffic in London, dated 30th November, 1926
The plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the judicial commissioner
Correspondence regarding the claim of the Nizam of Hyderabad to the restoration of the Province of Berar
Statistical Summary of the costs of maintenance and production, and the proceeds of the coal-mining industry during the quarter ended 30th June, 1921
Share-pushing : report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade 1936-37
Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to investigate and report upon the present rubber situation in British Colonies and protectorates
Education in Scotland in 1949 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Law revision committee : fifth interim report (statutes of limitation)
Education in 1936 : being the report of the board of education and the statistics of public education for england and wales
International Labour Conference : tabular analysis of draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the conference under Art. 405 of the Treaty of Versailles at its third and fourth sessions, 1921 and 1922
Education in 1934 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Russian trade agreement : trade agreement between His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian socialist Federal Soviet Republic
Report of the Standing Committee respecting domestic, fancy and illuminating glassware and glass bottles
Malta Round Table Conference 1955 : report
Agreement for guaranteeing a loan to Austria, signed by representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Austria, October 4, 1922
Report on the work of the Central Midwives Board for the year ended 31st March, 1918
India (Lord Privy Seal's Mission) : statement and draft declaration by His Majesty's Government with correspondence and resolutions connected therewith
The future of the Overseas Food Corporation (Tanganyika Ordinance)
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Rating of Machinery and Plant in England and Scotland
Joint statement by experts on the establishment of an International Monetary Fund
Economic co-operation agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America (with annex and note) London, 6th July, 1948
Review body on local government in Northern Ireland : report, 1970
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report upon an investigation into the prices, cost, and profits of the manufacture of Yorkshire tweed cloths made by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Remarks of the admiralty on the interim report of the Committee on National Expenditure
Proposed new Constitution for Palestine
Report of the Ministry of National Insurance for the period 17th November 1944 to 4th July 1949
Unemployment assistance (temporary provisions) (extension) : memorandum by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland explaining the proposed Financial Resolution
Agreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, national representatives and international staff, Ottawa, 20th September, 1951
Report of the Sudan Electoral Commission, Khartoum, December 13, 1953 (together with covering documents of December 13 and December 20, 1953 and Statistical Supplement)
Indian policy : statement of 20th February, 1947
Report of a Committee of Enquiry : presented by the Lord of the Council to Parliament by command of Her Majesty, April 1956
Report of the Colonial Films Committee
Labour conditions in the West Indies : report
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on the prices, costs and profits of the brick trade : prepard by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts
Report on Prai River Railway Wharves (Penang Harbour) with certain observations on the relation of ocean traffic to the development of new ports
Summary of events relating to Korea 1950 : with appendix and annexes
Agricultural policy
Uganda protectorate : Buganda
Report on rural housing in Scotland
Report of the Committee on the Training of Nurses for the Colonies
Current trend of population in Great Britain
Report of the Standing Committee on Woven Labels
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1929
Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Research and Development in the Dependencies of the Falkland Islands, with appendices, maps, &c
Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854-1913, (1923) : thirty-fifth annual report of the Railway and Canal Commission with appendix
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the year 1945
Sixty-fourth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1921
Memoranda submitted by the Board of Inland Revenue to the Select Committee of the House of Commons on increases of wealth (war)
Final report
First report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)
Report of the War Cabinet Committee on Women in Industry : appendices printed in separate volume
Ministry of Labour and National Service, report for the year 1950
Report of the Departmental Committee on Scholarships and Free Places
National parks and the conservation of nature in Scotland
Proposals for Indian Constitutional reform
Report of the Standing Committee respecting brooms and brushes (other than tooth brushes, shaving brushes, and artists' brushes)
Minutes of evidence
Report: of the Special Committee appointed in April 1937 to enquire and advise regarding an application by the university courts of the universities of Scotland for a grant from the Education (Scotland) Fund
Report of the Committee on Higher Agricultural Education in England and Wales
Committee on the Fishing Industry report
Education (Scotland) bill : explanatory memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland
Colonial Products Research Council : first annual report 1943-1944
Final protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925, and annexes : together with treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia, Locarno, October 16, 1925
The plan for a British Caribbean Federation : agreed by the Conference on West Indian Federation held in London in April 1953
Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : draft federal scheme
Report of the Standing Committee respecting ice skates
Report of the Standing Committee respecting rubber manufactures
Statistical abstract for the British Commonwealth for the years 1933 to 1939 and 1945 to 1947
Education in 1947 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report by the Hon. W.G.A. Ormsby-Gore, M.P. (Paliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies), on his visit to West Africa during the year 1926
Unemployment insurance (no. 2) bill, 1924 : report by the government actuary on the financial provisions of the bill
Despatches from Provincial Governments in India containing proposals for constitutional reform
Report of the Commission on higher education in the colonies : presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1945
Industrial Transference Board report
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Remuneration of Consultants and Specialists
Despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris enclosing the memorandum of the French Government on the organisation of a system of European Federal Union, London, May 28, 1930
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on the Remuneration of General Dental Practitioners
Financial situation of Mauritius : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, December, 1931
National income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1946 to 1949
The Trinidad Oil Company : proposed purchase by the Texas Company
Report of the committee on the law of civil liability for damage done by animals
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1924 to 1933
Report of the committee on qualifications of planners
The organisation of foreign trade of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : report
Reorganisation of the cotton industry
Colonial veterinary service : report of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Interim report on Canadian marine insurance rates
Government information services : statement showing estimated expenditure,1951-1952
Report by the Scottish Land Court as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts, 1886 to 1919, for the year from 1st January to 31st December, 1930, to the secretary of state for Scotland
Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the surplus of German Property in China, London, July 26, 1928
Report of the Committee on National Debt and Taxation
Report of the Standing Committee respecting rubber tyres and tubes
Report of the Committee on the Herring Industry
Treaty of peace with Roumania : Paris, 10th February, 1947
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire further into the alleged existence of a combine among manufacturers of sewing cotton and its effect, if proved to exist, on prices
Transport policy
Town and country planning bill 1947 : explanatory memorandum
Report on the restoration problem in the ironstone industry in the Midlands : summary of findings and recommendations
Final act of the United Nations conference on food and agriculture : Hot Springs, Virginia, United States of America, 18th May-3rd June, 1943
Statement showing, for each borough and other urban district in England and Wales, and for 100 typical rural parishes : the amount of the local rates per pound of assessable value, for the financial years 1920-21 and 1921-22, and the assessable values in force at the commencement of the year 1921-22
Cyprus : memorial from the Greek elected members of the Legislative Council together with the reply returned by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Interim report : presented by the Lord High Chancellor to parliament by command of His Majesty, March, 1933
Final report of the Flax Production Branch
Education, England : regulations for secondary schools, England, 1919 : the regulations for secondary schools in England, excluding Wales and Monmouthshire, dated August 27, 1919, made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 and 9 Geo. 5, c. 39)
Institution of the Korea Medal for service in the Korea operations since 2nd July, 1950
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Adoption of Children
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on investigation of prices to investigate costs, profits, and prices at all stages in respect of furniture
First report of the Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene
Royal Commission on Population : report
Second report of the Royal Commission on Local Government
report of the Committee on the law and practice relating to charitable Trusts
Report of the departmental committee on persistent offenders
Fourth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
Treaty of peace with Italy : Paris, 10th February, 1947
Copy of Treasury Minute dated the 12th March, 1935, relative to the terms of repayment of loans made to colonies, protectorates, etc.
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1911 to 1913 and 1922 to 1925
Poor Persons' Rules Committee : report
Report on the work of the Imperial Shipping Committee : June, 1926 to May, 1930
Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Genoa Conference
Protocols of amendments to article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations : adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, October 4, 1921
Report of a Committee on the System of Appointment in the Colonial Office & the Colonial Services
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyes and dyestuffs : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report of the Imperial Shipping Committee on rates of freight in the New Zealand trade : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty
Expert Committee on Compensation and Betterment interim report
Technical education : an interim report of a Special Committee of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Documents relating to the first General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, November to December, 1946
Statistical material presented during the Washington negotiations
Report of the Committee on the British Film Institute
Agreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the mineral property "La Brea y Pariñas" : signed at Lima, August 27, 1921
Empire Marketing Board : note on the work and finance of the board and statement of research and other grants approved by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs from July, 1926, to March, 31st., 1928
Notes of inquiries
Decontrol of food and marketing of agricultural produce
Education in England and Wales : being the report of the Board of Education
Report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on apples and pears
Memorandum on native policy in East Africa
Report of the West Indian Shipping Committee
Sixty-fifth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1922
Economic survey for 1951
Report of the Committee on Resale Price Maintenance
East India, accounts & estimates : explanatory memorandum
Report of the Agricultural Research Council for the period October 1933-September 1935
Report by the Governor of Hong Kong on the Mui-tsai Question
Memorandum by the Secretary of State for war relating to the Army estimates for ...
Summary of unemployment insurance acts, 1920-1927
Aden : Draft instructions under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Aden
Treaty between the British and Afghan governments : signed at Kabul, November 22, 1921 : ratifications exchanged at Kabul, February 6, 1922
First report of the Royal Commission on Food Prices : with minutes of evidence and appendices
Report of the Committee on Local Land Charges
Social Insurance Bill, 1946 : report by the Government Actuary on the financial provisions of the bill
Report Of The Departmental Committee on Grants for the Development of Marriage Guidance
Proposed ways means resolutions
Memoramdum prepared by the Elected Members of the Combined Court of British Guiana in reply to the report of the British Guiana Commission (Cmd. 2841), together with ; Comments by the British Guinana Commission, the Governor of British Guiana, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, and Messrs. H. Howard Humphreys and sons
Report of the Committee on post-war agricultural education in England and Wales
National debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1932-33 : (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices
Report of the Harbour of Singapore
Kenya : proposals for a reconstruction of the Government
Poor law : report of a special inquiry into various forms of test work
The British Broadcasting Corporation, annural report and accounts for the year
Resolutions adopted by the Supreme council at Cannes, January, 1922, as a basis of the Genoa conference
Education in England & Wales : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education
Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, May, 1933, and correspondence arising out of the report
Annual report of the Registrar General for Scotland
Royal Commission on Equal Pay 1944-46 : report
Report on the fishes of the colonies
Central African territories : comparative survey of native policy
Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Women and Young Persons on the Two Shift System
Palestine : report on immigration, land settlement and development
The co-ordination and development of transport : final report
Report on the commercial, industrial, and financial situation of Japan, 1914 to 1919
Law revision committee : interim report
Colonial agricultural service : report of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Memorandum of agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the motion picture industry of the United States of America
Second review of the world food shortage, July 1946
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Training of Teachers for Public Elementary Schools
Economic survey for 1952
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail, 1952 (CIM), signed at Berne, October 25, 1952
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1924 to 1930
Economic survey, 1956
Town and country planning (Scotland) bill : memorandum by the Secretary of State for Scotland : showing the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act, 1945, as incorporated, applied and modified by the bill
National debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1930-31, (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) Cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) Transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices
Report of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for India to enquire into the home administration of Indian affairs
Report of the Royal Commission on National Health Insurance
Central African territories : Report of conference on closer association, London,March 1951
Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the reciprocal exemption from income tax in certain cases of profits accruing from the business of shipping : signed at London, November 18. 1925
Report of the Standing Committee respecting artists' and drawing materials, etc.
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December 1949
Report 1951-1955 : presented to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, March 1956
Report of the Standing Committee respecting roofing slates
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 2nd report on motor fuel : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Sixty-second report : annual report of Lieutenant-Colonel A. G. Ferguson, His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December 1919
Report on the harbour of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory
International Convention concerning the carriage of passengers and luggage by rail : Berne, October 25, 1952
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1928
The national health service (including a chapter on International Health) . Welfare, food and drugs, civil defence
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on light castings : prepared by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts
Indian Round Table Conference, 12th Novmber, 1930--19th January, 1931 : sub-committees' reports; conference resolution; and Prime Minister's statement
Kenya : correspondence with the Government of Kenya relating to Lord Delamere's acquisition of land in Kenya
West Indies : report of the Closer Union Commission (Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago), April, 1933
Reports of the Commission appointed by the Minister of Health to enquire into the conditions of production of milk (used in preparing condensed milk) in the Netherlands and Denmark
Colonial Office Conference, 1930 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 3628)
Leeward Islands : papers relating to the disturbances in St. Christopher (St. Kitts), January - February, 1935
Malta : statement of policy on constitutional reform
Convention between his majesty and his majesty the king of Iraq and the president of the United States of America regarding the rights of United States and of its nationals in Iraq with protocol and exchanges of notes : London, January 9, 1930
Papers respecting the proposed Egyptian law regulating public meetings and demonstrations
Malayan Union and Singapore : summary of proposed constitutional arrangements
Summary of the main provisions of the Children Bill
Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1920 : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Trusteeship : territories in Africa under United Kingdom Mandate Mandate
Papers concerning grazing rights and transit traffic in British Somaliland
Annual review and fixing of farm prices
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1926 to 1935 : trade and commerce section
A report on the eighth session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation : Montevideo, 12 November-10 December, 1954
Report of the East African Guaranteed Loan Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Committee on Scottish Health Services : report
Palestine : correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist organisation
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1952
Report of the Departmental Committee on Vagrangy in Scotland
Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854-1913, (1922) : thirty-fourth annual report of the Railway and Canal Commission with appendix
Report on certain aspects of the Canadian cattle trade
Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland : renewing, as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Danish arbitration convention of October 25, 1905
Fifty-fifth detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1918
Progress report 1942-1943
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act 1889 for the year 1938 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June, 1939
Libraries, museums & art galleries : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Conditions in the Carib Reserve, and the disturbance of 19th September, 1930, Dominica : report of a Commission appointed by His Excellency the Governor of the Leeward Islands, July, 1931
National income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1947
Colonial development and welfare Acts : report on the administration and use of the Funds provided under the Colonial development and welfare Acts
Statements of production, price movements and currency expansion in certain countries
The Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the effect on road transport rates caused by the alleged existence of a combine
Report on the trade of South Africa for the years 1919
Broadcasting : memorandum on television policy
General index to treaty series
Increased financial provision for members of His Majesty's forces and their families with certain changes in war pensions
Report of the Commission of Enquiry on the De Vecchis beet sugar process
Proposals for an international clearing union
East India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Indian Central Committee, 1928-29, Cmd. 3451 : supplementary note
Report by the Government Actuary on the fourth valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies
Report of the Standing Committee respecting boxes, cartons, etc., and flats therefor
Report by a Court of Inquiry : concerning the dispute in the building industry, 1924
National Health Insurance Bill : memorandum explanatory of the bill
Land settlement in Scotland : report by the Scottish Land Settlement Committee
International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1929, signed at London, May 31, 1929
British dependencies in the Far East 1945-1949
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1922 to 1935
Report on the trade of Australia for the year 1919
Housing (Scotland). Report of Committee of Inquiry into the High Cost of Building Working Class Dwellings in Scotland
Report of the Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland
Report of the Advisory Committee, together with other documents respecting the China indemnity presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Summary Trial of Minor Offences
New towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland
Final report of the Imperial Shipping Committee on the deferred rebate system
Statistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1923-24 to 1932-33
Pupils handicapped by speech disorders : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Report of the Standing Committee respecting strap butts
Report of the Standing Committee on gold and silver leaf
Census of Scotland, 1921 : preliminary report on the thirteenth census of Scotland
Silver agreement between the governments of Canada, the commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain and the United States, with supplementary undertakings signed July 24 and 26, 1933, London, July 22, 1933. <Ratifications deposited at Washington by His Majesty's governments in Canada and the commonwealth of Australia and the government of India, March 28, February 16 and March 21, 1934, respectively> ...
Social insurance and allied services
Fifty-seventh detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1920
Report of the Committee on milk distribution
Statistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1921-22 to 1930-31
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on Agricultural Tied Cottages : presented to Parliament by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries by command of His Majesty, August, 1932
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the top making trade prepared by the sub-committee on wool, tops and yarns, appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Sierra Leone : correspondence relating to domestic slavery in the Sierra Leone protectorate
Returns from universities and university colleges : in receipt of Treasury Grant
Report of the Standing Committee respecting lighter flints
Civil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, Country Court and other Civil Courts for the year 1927
Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Officer Administering the Government of Nigeria regarding the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Disturbances at Aba and other places in South-Eastern Nigeria in November and December, 1929
Survey of relief to widows and children, 1919
Sixty-seventh report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1924
Summary of information regarding nutrition in the Colonial Empire : with special reference to the replies received to the circular despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated 18th April, 1936
Documents concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939
Statement of policy on colonial development and welfare
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the oils, fats and margarine trades : prepared by a sub-committee, appointed by the standing committee on trusts, and adopted by the standing committee on the 21st September, 1920
Report on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1919
Training of teachers : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
The Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem : memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
International convention relating economic statistics with protocol : Geneva, December 14, 1928 (the convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty)
Closer association in Central Africa : statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom 21st November 1951
British Guiana : report of the British Guiana Constitution Commission
Further correspondence relating to the position of the sugar industry in certain West Indian Colonies and British Guiana
Constitutional reform in Burma : further correspondence between the secretary of State for India and the government of India (in continuation of Cmd. 746.)
New towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as brought from the Commons) as it applies to Scotland
Law revision committee : seventh interim report (rule in Chandler v. Webster)
British Islands in the Southern Hemisphere, 1945-1951
Report of the Tropical Agricultural College Committee
Pupils with mental or educational disabilities : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India : London, March 20, 1939
Report to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of the commission appointed by him in connection with the Ouse Drainage District
Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Local Government of Greater London
European Co-operation :Memorandum to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation and the Economic Co-operation Administration covering revised United Kingdom Programme, 1st July 1948 to 30th June 1949
Revenue and expenditure, England and Wales & Scotland
Conférence internationale du travail : recommandation adoptée par la conférence ... = International Labour Conference : recommendation adopte by the conference ...
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration : resolutions and reports adopted by the Council at its first session, held at Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.A., November 10 to December 1, 1943
Report of a court of inquiry into applications for an improvement in wages and salaries made to the Railway Executive by the National Union of Railwaymen, the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen and the Railway Clerks' Association
Agriculture Bill : explanatory memorandum
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1934 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, May 1935
Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Cost of the National Health Service
Sterling payments agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers acting in respect of Occupied Japan [with exchanges of notes] : Tokyo, 31st August, 1951
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 3rd report : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire further into the alleged existence of a combine among manufacturers of sewing cotton and its effect, if proved to exist, on prices
Report of the committee on the co-ordination of administrative and executive arrangements for the grant of assistance from public funds on account of sickness, destitution and unemployment : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Report of the Departmental Committee on Children and the Cinema
Economic survey for 1949
Committee on Departmental Records : report
Propsals for legislation on the reorganisation of the cotton industry
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1922 to 1935
Malta Royal Commission, 1931 : report
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1923 to 1936
Financial agreement between the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom, dated 6th December, 1945 : together with a joint statement regarding settlement for lend-lease, reciprocal aid, surplus war property and claims
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1954
Imperial conference, 1926 : summary of proceedings : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty, November, 1926
Report of the Standing Committee respecting bricks, tiles and refractory bricks, etc.
Tables relating to national expenditure : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Law Revisions Committee eighth report (contributory negligence)
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyeing, finishing, bleaching and printing : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1955 : despatch dated the 26th April, 1955, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Colonial Governments
Report of the Irish land commissioners : for the period from 1st April, 1918, to 31st March, 1919
Royal Commission on the Civil Service 1929-31 : report
Certain legislation respecting religion in force in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Report of the Committee on Shares of No Par Value
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1927
Correspondence relating to the welfare of women in tropical Africa : 1935-37
Report of the Ministry of National Insurance
Report on Tanganyika territory : covering the period from the conclusion of the armistice to the end of 1920
Indian Round Table Conference, 7th September--1st December 1931 : statement made by the Prime Minister to the conference at the conclusion of its second session on 1st December 1931
Sixty-sixth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1923
Ceylon : report of the Commission on Constitutional Reform
Report of the Committee on Social Workers in the Mental health Services
First annual report of the Ministry of Health, 1919-1920 : presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Law revision committee : second interim report
Treasury directions to the Administrator of Hungarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Order 1948
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1907 to 1921 : fifty-sixth number
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1923 to 1936
Report of the Reforms Enquiry Committee, 1924, appointed by the Government of India, and connected papers
Kenya : tours in the native reserves and native development in Kenya
Mines and quarries : general report, with statistics, for 1917
Statement of policy in regard to the West Indian and Mauritius sugar reports
Regulations for secondary schools in Wales : draft
Report on the air operations in Afghanistan between December 12th, 1928, and February 25th, 1929
Final report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges after the war
Draft : Government of India (Provincial legislative assemblies) order, Government of India (Provincial legislative councils) order, Government of India (Scheduled castes) order, Government of Burma (House of Representatives) order, Government of Burma (Senate elections) order : explanatory memorandum
Town and country planning (Scotland) bill 1947 : explanatory memorandum
An analysis of the sources of war finance and an estimate of the national income and expenditure in 1938, 1940 and 1941/ presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Paliament by command of His Majesty, April, 1942
Correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet government respecting the relations between the two governments
Statement showing, for each borough and other urban district in England and Wales, and for 100 typical rural parishes : the amount of the local rates, per pound of assessable value, for the financial years 1913-14, 1919-20, and 1920-21, and the assessable values in force at the commencement of each of those years
Report of the Committee on the Political Activities of Civil Servants
Abridged life tables
The provision of houses for owner-occupation in Scotland
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1927
Statement issued on 5th September by Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Mr. M. R. Jayakar, of the course of their conversations with the congress leaders, July-September 1930
West India Royal Commission, 1938-39 : recommendations
Treaty of alliance between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Egypt : (with an agreed Minute thereto, three notes, Notes exchanged in Egypt on August 12, 1936) and an Oral declaration made by the president of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on August 10, 1936 and a Convention concerning the immunities and privileges to be enjoyed by the British forces in Egypt. London, August 26, 1936 (The treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty)
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1935 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, May 1936
Report of the second inter-departmental committee on the grading and marking of beef
Report of the British Guiana Constitutional Commission, 1954
A selection of documents relative to the labour legislation in force in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Second interim report on the Inter-departmental Committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials
Education, England and Wales : regulations for the training og teachers, 1920 : draft dated 18th May, 1920, of the regulations for training og teachers, proposed to be made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 and 9 Geo. 5, c. 39)
Broadcasting : Draft Licence to be granted by Her Majesty's Postmaster-General to the Independent Television Authority
International agreement relating to statistics of causes of death with Protocol of signature, London, June 19, 1934 : statistics of causes of death
East Africa Sub-Committee of the Tsetse Fly Committee : report
Proposals for the railways
High Commission territories in South Africa : Aide-mémoire handed to the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa by the Secretary of State for Dominion affairs on 15th May, 1935
Report of the Fertilisers and feeding stuffs advisory committee
Principles of Government in maintained secondary schools
Conservation of nature in England and Wales : report of the Wild Life Conservation Special Committee (England and Wales)
Naval construction programme, 1930 : explanatory statement
Report of the sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence on the vulnerability of capital ships to air attack
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1902 to 1916
Report of the Committee on the training of civil servants
Disturbances in Cyprus in October, 1931
Third report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)
Report of the Tribunal appointed under the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act, 1921 : inquiry in regard to the interrogation by the Police of Miss Savidge
The Indus Basin Development Fund agreement, with annexures, including the Indus water treaty : Karachi, September 19, 1960
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1918 to 1931
Papers respecting labour conditions in China
elementary Education (England and Wales) : statistics relating to the receipts and expenditure of local education authorities in the financial year 1918-19
Exchange of notes regarding financial arrangements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 11th October, 1952
Education in 1930 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Pupils with physical disabilities : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1905 to 1919 : fifty-fifth number
Views of the government of India upon the reports of Lord Southborough's committees
Second interim report of Committee on National Expenditure
International convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs with protocol of signature : Geneva, July 13, 1931, (The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty)
Profiteering act, 1919 : report on the standard boot and shoe scheme prepared by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Report by the Conference on British Caribbean Federation : held in London in February, 1956
First instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1948 : final act of conference with annexes including the international convention for the safety of life at sea, signed in London, 10th June, 1948
Reserves and liabilities, 1931 to 1945
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1921 to 1934
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1925 to 1934 : (trade and commerce section)
Exchanges of notes between the governments of the United Kingdom : Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway and the United States and the Chinese government renewing the agreement and exchange of notes of February 17, 1930 relating to the Chinese courts in the International settlement at Shanghai. <With declaration> Nanking, February 8 to 12, 1933 ...
Memorandum on milk policy
Treaty of commerce and navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland : signed at Helsingfors, December 14, 1923 : ratifications exchanged at Helsingfors, July 4, 1924
Report of the Committee appointed by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland on the optical practitioners' (registration) bill, 1927
Final report of the Committee on Industry and Trade
Education in 1937 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report of the second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
Report for the year 1919 on the conditions and prospects of British trade with China
Financial and economic situation of Swaziland : report of the Commission appointed by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, January, 1932
Imperial Conference, 1930 : summary of proceedings
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on electrical cable industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Cyprus : correspondence exchanged between the Governor and Archibishop Makarios
Unemployed persons in receipt of Domiciliary Poor-Law Relief in England and Wales during the week ending the 16th June, 1928
British Industries Fair : report of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade, under the chairmanship of Viscount Chelmsford, to examine the present situation as regards the British Industries Fair and to consider what means can be adopted to increase still further its utility to British Trade
Central African territories : geographical, historical and economic survey
The provisional code of regulations for public elementary schools in Wales (including Monmouthshire) : dated 7th August, 1919, made by the Board of Education under section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c.39)
Report of the Standing Committee respecting firearms and parts thereof
Nineteenth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom
Report of the committee on national policy for the use of fuel and power resources
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee for the investigate the prices, to investigate the prices, cost, and profits of drugs and medicinal tablets, with special reference to aspirin and aspirin tablets
Report by the Government Actuary on the third valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on slates : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report of the Conference on the Operation of Dominion Legislation and Merchant Shipping Legislation, 1929
Aliens order, 1920 : statistics in regard to alien passengers who entered and left the United Kingdom in 1921
Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the reciprocal exemption from income tax in certain cases of profits accruing from the business of shipping : signed at London, December 18, 1924
Further correspondence regarding the medical arrangements and comforts for the troops on thr North-West Frontier (in constinuation of CMD. 310)
Report by the conference on federation held in London in January, 1953
Twenty-First report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1930 : being the 74th report relating to the customs and the 73rd report relating to the excise
Report of the Committee on the Currency and Bank of England Note Issues : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Report on cocoa control in West Africa, 1939-1943, and, Statement on future policy
Report of the Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December 1946
Jamaica constitution : despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor of Jamaica, dated 10th February, 1943
Report of the care of children committee
Northern Rhodesia : statement by the secretary of state for the colonies on proposals for constiutional change
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1926
Index to minutes of evidence taken by, and appendices to report of, committee on Indian exchange and currency
Report of the British delegates relating to the protocol for the peaceful settlement of international disputes
Ex-service men employed in government offices : statement relating to the employment of ex-service men in government offices on 1st July, 1919, and 1st July, 1924, compiled from returns furnished to the Treasury
Report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on butter
Education in 1952 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Twenty-Third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1932 : being the 76th report relating to the customs and the 75th report relating to the excise
Imperial Committee on Economic Consultation and Co-operation 1933 : report
The Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the existence of a combine in the farriery trade
The peace proposals made by His Holiness the Pope to the belligerent powers on August 1, 1917, and correspondence relative thereto
Colonial Office Conference, 1930 : summary of proceedings
Committee on Empire Migration report
Views of the Government of India and of local governments, administrations, ETC., on the proposals contained in the report of the committee appointed to advise on the question of financial relations between the central and provincial governments in India. (in continuation of Cmd. 724.)
Imprisonment by courts of summary jurisdiction in default of payment of fines and other sums of money : report of the departmental committee
Report of the West Indian Sugar Commission
Kenya : correspondence with the Government of Kenya relating to an exchange of land with Lord Delamere
Arrangements with respect to the relations between the Monetary Systems of India and Burma in thje event of the Separtion of Burma from India
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings by Board of Trade on consideration of Report by a committee appointed to investigate the position of prices and supply of quinine sulphate
Report by the Financial Commissioner (Lord Moyne) on Certain Questions in Kenya, May, 1932
Cultural convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Italy, Rome, 28th November, 1951
Report by the Government Actuary on the second valuation of the assets and liabilities of approved societies
General treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, signed at London, August 8, 1924
International Labour Conference : sixth session, Geneva, June-July, 1924 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour
East Africa : report of the East Africa Commission
Imperial Conference, 1937 : summary of proceedings
Sixty-sixth report of His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland: to the Secretary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December, 1923
The Government of India Bill : Instruments of Instructions to the Governor-General and Governors
Report of the Departmental committee on medical examination of young persons for factory employment
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1951
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : first session of the contracting parties (held at Havana, Cuba, 28th February to 24th March, 1948) : documents relating to the first session
Report of the Standing Committee respecting fountain pens, stylographic pens, propelling pencils and gold pen nibs
Fifth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
First report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance
Committee on Ministers' Powers report
Education in Scotland in 1951 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Royal Warrant instituting the Fire Brigade Long Service and Good Conduct medal
Law revision committee : sixth interim report (statute of frauds and the doctrine of consideration)
Report on the economic size and speed of vessels trading between the United Kingdom and Australia and on the subsidies necessary to maintain speeds in excess of the economic speed
Report of the Committee on Post-War Hospital Problems in Scotland
Report of a Committee on Leave and Passage Conditions for the Colonial Service
Committee on Ministers' Powers report
Law revision committee : third interim report
Fourth, fifth and final reports of the departmental committee on the wholesale food markets of London
Report of the Standing Committee respecting wood flour
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on meat : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report for the year
Sub-committee's reports : conference resolution; and Prime Minister's statement
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1921 to 1934
Resignation of ministries in Bihar and the United Provinces (February, 1938)
Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and India, the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the limitation of naval armament, London, March 25, 1936
Ceylon : further correspondence relating to the revision of the Constitution of Ceylon
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates for each of the years 1913 and 1922 to 1927 : fifty-ninth number
Second report of the commissioner for the special areas (England and Wales)
Correspondence between H.M. Government in the United Kingdom and the German government, August 1939
Coal mining industry : explanatory memorandum of th supplementary estimate for the coal mining industry subvention
North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement : with Final Protocol and Annexes. Washington, 15th November, 1950.
Report of the Standing Committee respecting wallboard
Summary statement of the legislative provisions for the prevention of dumping in force in the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Union of South Africa, and in the United States of America
Sterling payments agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan [with exchanges of notes] : Tokyo, 31st August, 1951
Draft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 6th August 1954 to the Administrator of Bulgarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Bulgaria) Order 1948
Broadcasting : memorandum on the Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949
Memorandum on labour conditions in China
Review of the British docks strikes, 1949
Footpaths and access to the countryside : report of the special committee (England and Wales)
Report on Port Swettenham, Federated Malay States
Profiteering act, 1919 : report on motor fuel prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Kenya Land Commission report : summary of conclusions reached by His Majesty's Government
Twenty-seventh report of the Congested Districts Board for Ireland, of proceedings under the Congested Districts (Ireland) Acts, 1891-1909
Public Boards : list of members of public boards of a commercial character as at 1st November ... : with salaries and allowances : Together with a list of those holding more than one appointment
Report of the Standing Committee respecting cotton wool, gauze tissue and sanitary towels
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1903 to 1917 : fifty-fourth number
Report to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the Deparmental Committee appointed to enquire into the working of the temporary provisions contained in Section 2 of the Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, 1920, and Orders made thereunder
University development : report on the year 1947 to 1952
Revision of the Constitution of Mauritius : correspondence between the Governor and the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Eleventh report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1920 : being the 64th report relating to the customs and the 63rd report relating to the excise
Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee of Inquiry into the Scheme of Out-of-Work Donation
Final report of a Court of Inquiry into a Dispute in the London Docks
Committee on Legal Aid for the Poor : First report
Conclusions reached in the conversations between His Majesty's Government and the delegation from the Executive Council of the Governor of Burma
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1955
Report of the West Indian Conference
Final report : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Mui-tsai in Hong Kong : report of the committee appointed by His Excellency the Governor Sir William Peel, K.C.M.G., K.B.E.
Exchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927 : Nanking, November 9, 1929
Statistical abstract for British India, with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1918-19 to 1927-28
Memorandum on transport development and cotton growing in East Africa : submitted by the Committee on industry and trade to the Prime Minister on 2nd of July 1925
Colonial development and welfare : despatch dated 12th November, 1945, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to colonial governments
Reports of the committees appointed by the provincial legislative councils to co-operate with the Indian Statutory Commission
Education in 1951 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report to the Board of Trade of the Empire Cotton Growing Committee
Preliminary national income and expenditure estimates 1948 to 1951
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : second session of the contracting parties (held at Geneva, 16th August to 14th September, 1948) : documents relating to the second session
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1924 to 1937
Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa
Seventy-fifth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1932
Palestine : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1925
Memorandum in explanation of the amendments to be moved on behalf of the Government on report stage
Indian Round Table Conference, 12th November 1930-19th January 1931 : proceedings
England and Wales
Correspondence respecting the cultivation of opium in China : in continuation of "China no. 2 (1913)" (Cd. 6876)
Broadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation for which Postmaster General prppses to apply
Upheaval of floor at the Pendleton Colliery, Lancashire : report of the committee appointed to investigate the causes and circumstances of the accident which occurred at Pendleton Colliery, Lancashire, on the 4th November, 1925, and to suggest means of preventing such accidents
Report of the Committee on Weights & Measures Legislation
Indian financial enquiry report
Correspondence with M. Krassin respecting Russia's foreign indebtedness
Palestine : statement with regard to British policy
Measures taken to counteract the Civil Disobedience Movement and to deal with the Terrorist Movement in Bengal. Ordinances Nos.II to V of 1932 with official statements and correspondence relative thereto and Ordinances Nos. IX and XI of 1931
Singapore : constitutional conference
Report of the Departmental Committee on Coroners
Broadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation for which Postmaster General proposes to apply
Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials (with annexes), Lake Success, 22nd November, 1950
Memorandum on financial resolution
National advisory committee on the employment of older men and women : first report
British Honduras : financial and economic position : report of the commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, March, 1934
Copies of correspondence between the Mines Department and the Mining Association of Great Britain regarding the operation of part II of the Mining Industry Act, 1920, together with report of proceedings at a meeting between the Secretary for Mines and a deputation from the association
Report of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1937
Statistics relating to the war effort of the United Kingdom
Education in 1928 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Measures to improve the quality of the Nation's milk supply
Treasury directions to the Administrator of Bulgarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Bulgaria) Order 1948
Volta River aluminium scheme
Report of proceedings under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Acts, &c., &c., for the years 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1918
British Guiana : suspension of the Constitution
Summary of conclusions : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty
Resolutions of the financial commission recommending certain resolutions for adoption by the conference : reports of the committee of experts appointed by the currency and exchange sub-commissions of the financial commission
Education in Scotland in 1953 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Convention regarding the régime of the Straits : with correspondence relating thereto Montreaux, July 20, 1936
Treaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, signed at London, August 8, 1924
Education in Scotland in 1954 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Protocol regarding the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic treaty of 4th April, 1949
Correspondence (1931-1932) arising from the report of the Joint select Committee on closer Union in East Africa
Interim report on tenure and rents of business premises
Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials, Lake Success, November 22, 1950
Draft mandate for East Africa (British) : In the form in which the council of the league of Nations will be invited to approve it)
Report of the chief registrar of the Land Registry for the year 1919
Draft agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, February 1953 (with ancillary documents)
Report of the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance for the year 1955 : presented by the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, August 1956
Nutrition in the colonial empire
Final report of the Committee on Electoral Law Reform
Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 1946-54
Factories bill, 1924 : memorandum showing the extent to which the bill differs from the existing law
Arbitration convention between the United Kingdom and Siam : signed at London, November 25, 1925 (ratifications exchanged at London, February 2, 1927)
Report of the Standing Committee respecting carbon papers
Post-war contribution of British agriculture to the saving of foreign exchange
Memoranda on certain proposals relating to unemployment
Post-war forest policy : report by H.M. forestry commissioners : presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, June 1943
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a committee appointed to enquire into the alleged existence of a combine among the manufacturers of sewing cotton
Royal warrant instituting the Police long service and good conduct medal
The eighty-fourth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year, 1917-18
Appendix to the report : extracts from evidence and documents
Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the one part and the United Nations, certain specialised agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency of the other part for the provision of technical assistance to the trust, non-self-governing and other territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom are responsible, with exchanges of notes : New York, July 8, 1960
Twenty-Second report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise : for the year ended 31st March, 1931 : being the 75th report relating to the customs and the 74th report relating to the excise
Treaty of peace between the Allied and associated powers and Austria : together with the protocol and declarations annexed thereto, sined at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919
Report of Committee on Insurance of Ships
Correspondence with regard to native policy in northern Rhodesia
Report of the Reorganisation Commission for pigs and bacon
Report of the Dyestuffs Industry Development Committee on the present position and development of the dyestuffs manufacturing industry in Great Britain
The eighty-fifth report of the Commissioners of National education in Ireland : school year, 1918-19
Imperial Conference, 1930 : report of the conference on standardisation : including resplutions adopted by the Imperial Conference
First and second interim reports
Report on the conditions and prospects of British trade in India, at the close of the War
Draft of a water undertakings bill
Memorandum by the government actuary on the Washington draft convention concerning the employment of women before and after childbirth
Standing committee on mineral transport : first report to the Minister of Transport and the Secretary for Mines
Report of the commissioner for the special areas in England and Wales for the year ended 30th September, 1938
Report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on malt products
Education in Scotland in 1947 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Education in 1932 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Economic survey for 1948
Registration summary tables : 1901-10
The British territories in East and Central Africa, 1945-1950
Bermuda : correspondence relating to a petition from the Bermuda Workers' Association praying for the appointment of a Royal Commission
Statistical tables relating to British and foreign trade and industry (1924-1930)
Twenty-Second abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom (1922-1936)
Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark : renewing the Anglo-Danish arbitration convention of October 25, 1905
Report of Sir Samuel Wilson on his visit to East Africa, 1929
Forty-fourth annual report of His Majesty's Inspectors of Explosives : being their annual report for the year 1919
Memorandum explaining financial resolution
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1953
Interim report of the Committee on Supreme Court Practice and Procedure
Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine, Lausanne, 20th April, 1946
Second interim report of the Committee on inland waterways
Report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on oats & oat products
Policy in Palestine : despatch dated 23rd December, 1937, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for Palestine
Draft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 6th August 1954 to the Administrator of Hungarian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Order 1948
An interim report on the civil administration of Palestine, during the period 1st July, 1920-30th June, 1921
Draft of an income tax bill
Licence to drill for petroleum granted by the Secretary for Mines to the Pentney Syndicate, Ltd.
Palestine : report on immigration, land settlement and development
Government of India's despatch on proposals for constitutional reform, dated 20th September, 1930
Statement of the Unions, Incorporations and Parishes in England and Wales for which a Board of Guardians is elected, and of the Parishes included in each Union or Incorporation
Royal Commission on the Civil Service 1953-55 : report
Documents relating to the Dead Sea salts concession
Second interim report of the New Towns Committee
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on pipes and castings : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report of the departmental committee on social services in courts of summary jurisdiction
British Guiana : report of the British Guiana Commission
A programme of nuclear power
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1927 to 1936 : trade and commerce section
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Use of the Guss in Somerset Mines
Further correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet government respecting the relations between the two governments
Royal commission on the press, 1947-1949 : report
India : statement of the policy of His Majesty's Government made by the Secretary of State for India on June 14th, 1945
Distribution of rateable values between different classes of property in England and Wales
Correspondence relating to the Constitution of Ceylon
Woven piece goods wholly or mainly of Jute ; woven piece goods wholly or mainly of cotton, being such goods in the Loom State : report of the Standing Committee respecting the : Merchandise Marks (imported goods) No.10 order (provisional exemption), direction, 1953
Report of the Poor Persons' representation (Scotland) Committee
Ceylon : correspondence relating to the further revision of the Constitution of Ceylon
Russian banks and Communist funds : report of an enquiry into certain transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd., and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd. : memorandum by the directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd
Text of an arrangement between the competent French and British authorities for facilitating the admission of student employees into the two countries and of notes exchanged between the Marquess of Crewe and M. Briand
Report of the Board of Education for the year ...
Agricultural research and administration in the Non-Self-Governing dependencies : report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Papers relating to the new constitution of Malta
Despatches from Provincial governments in India containing proposals for constitutional reform
Draft of directions which the Treasury propose to issue on 26th July 1954 to the Administrator of Roumanian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Roumania) Order 1948
Report of the Departmental Committee on Sterilisation
International convention relating to dangerous drugs with protocol : Geneva, February 19, 1925
Malayan Union and Singapore : statement of policy on future constitution
Report of the Committee appointed by the Government of India to consider racial distinctions in Indian Criminal Procedure, together with the Bill introduced in the India Legislature on the basis of the Committee's recommendations
Statement by His Majesty's Government on price stabisisation and industrial policy
Proposals of the government of India for a new constitution for Burma
Federation of Malaya : summary of revised constitutional proposals
East India (Indian States) : report of the Indian States Committee, 1928-1929
Report of the Agricultural Research Council for the period October 1935-September 1937
Palestine Partition Commission report
Broadcasting : copy of an agreement dated 28th June 1954, between the Postmaster-General and the British Broadcasting Corporation : supplemental to a Licence and Agreement made the 12th June 1952 between the parties
Statement on the economic considerations affecting relations between employers and workers
Report of the Board of Education
Reports of the Departmental Committee on Co-operative Selling in the Coal Mining Industry
Memoranda submitted to the Committee
Return of advances : made under the Irish Land Purchase Acts, during the months of May, June and July, 1918
Despatch to the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate relating to native labour, and papers connected therewith
Economic survey for 1947
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1935
Cabinet furniture of metal : report of the standing committee respecting the merchandise marks (imported goods) exemption direction (No. 1), 1928
Memorandum on the Trade disputes and trade unions bill ...
Report of the committee on handkerchiefs and household linen goods
Report presented by monsieur Van Zeeland to the governments of the United Kingdom and France on the possibility of obtaining a general reduction of the obstacles to international trade
Supplementary report of the Committee appointed by the secretary of state for the colonies, to investigate and report upon the present : rubber situation in British colonies and protectorates
Report to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International load line conference, 1930 : report of the delegation of the United Kingdom July 5, 1930
Anglo-French discussions regarding French proposals for the Western European coal, iron and steel industries, May-June,1950
Remission of payments to the Exchequer under the Royal Niger Company Act, 1899 : memorandum on the financial resolution
Distribution of industry : presented by the President of the Board of Trade and the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of His Majesty October 1948
Report of the Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Present Position of Co-operative Societies in Relation to Income Tax
New towns bill : memorandum by the the Minister of Town and Country Planning showing application and modification of provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1944
Violence and civil disturbances in Northern Ireland in 1969 : report of tribunal of inquiry
Unemployment insurance act, 1934 : report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, in accordance with section 20 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1934 ...
Report on the Geneva Tariff Negotiations,1956 : with text of the sixth protocol of supplementary concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Geneva, 23rd May,1956)
Memorandum with regard to the provision made for religious instruction in the schools in Scotland
Second report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on eggs
Colonial Office Conference, 1927 : summary of proceedings
Education 1900-1950 : the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales for the year 1950
Report of the committee of enquiry on the powers of the Crown to authorise the use of unpatented inventions and unregistered designs in connection with defence contracts
Ceylon : report of the Commission on Constitutional Reform
Seventy-third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1930
Report of a Committee on trade and taxation for British West Africa, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Labour conditions in West Africa : report
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on costings in government departments made by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Pupils who are defective in hearing : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Provisional consolidated text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and texts of related documents
International agreement regarding the regulation of production and marketing of sugar [with protocol of signature] : London, May 6,1937
Agriculture in Scotland : the report of the Department of Agriculture for Scotland for the ten years 1939-1948
Rhodesia-Nyasaland Royal Commission : report
Salaries of teachers in public elementary schools : England and Wales : statement showing the number of teachers - classified according to sex, qualifications, and (except for schools not maintained by local education authorities - Education Act, 1902, section 15) type of area in which employed - in public elementary schools in England and Wales, who on the 1st day of April in each of the years 1917, 1918, and 1919 were in receipt of annual salaries of the amounts specified
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1938
Imperial economic conference at Ottawa, 1932 : summary of proceedings and copies of trade agreements
Report of the Kenya Land Commission, September, 1933
Final report
Higher education in Northern Ireland : report of the committee appointed by the Minister of Finance
List of treaties, &c., between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including international treaties, and treaties between Great Britain and foreign powers relating to China
Correspondence relating to the position of the sugar industry in certain West Indian Colonies, British Guiana, and Mauritius
Despatches from the Governors of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika and from the Administrator, East Africa High Commisstion, commenting on the East Africa Royal Commission, 1953-1955 report
Education in England and Wales : being the report of the Board of Education
Appendix to the report of the Departmental Committee on Old Age Pensions, including minutes of evidence : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Indian policy : statement of 3rd June, 1947
Report of the National Fuel and Power Committee
Report : 1947-1949
North Borneo : correspondence on the subject of allegations against the administration of the British North Borneo Company
Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherland, Norwegian and United States governments and the Chinese government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement in Shanghai, with relative exchange of notes and declaration, Nanking, February 17, 1930
Constitution of Ceylon
Housing programme for 1947
Report of British delegates
Second report by the Board of Trade under Section 12 on the Working of Part I of the Act : (provisions for facilitating the reorganisation of the Coal Mining Industry)
Inter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for months of March, 1924
Report on railway rates and finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika territory
Convention regarding the measurement of vessels employed in inland navigation : with protocol of signature Paris, November 27, 1925
Law revision committee : 8th report : contributory negligence
Report on Japanese labour : together with extracts from despatches received from H.M. Embassy, Tokio, and from Mr Hugh Horne, H.M. Commercial Secretary of Embassy
Leasehold committee : final report
Northern Ireland agriculture : 27th greneral report of the Ministry of Agriculture year ended 31st March 1968
Final report of the Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance
Report of the Standing Committee respecting travelling trunks and bags, attaché cases, fancy bags, etc.
Notes of inquiries made by Home Office representatives attending the Washington Labour Conference
Civil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, County Courts and other Civil Courts for the year 1959
Sixty-third report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1920
Minutes of evidence taken before the committee of enquiry into the work of the employment exchanges
India : statement published by the Government of India on the Congress Party's responsibility for the disturbances in India, 1942-43
Report : Committee of enquiry on the Post office ...
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on dyeing and cleaning : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and on trusts
A programme of Highland development
Report of the poor persons (divorce jurisdiction) committee
Report of the Committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for the year 1926-27
Increases in old age, widows' and blind persons' pensions
Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Colonial Governments regarding certain aspects of colonial policy in war-time
Proposals for consideration by an international conference on trade and employment : as transmitted by the secretary of state of the United States of America to His Majesty's ambassador at Washington, Washington, 6th December, 1945
Proposals for reform in local government and in the financial relations between the Exchequer and local authorities
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings : under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1906 and 1923, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1925
Sixty-eighth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1925
Programme of expenditure of counterpart funds derived from United States econonic aid
Broadcasting : memorandum on the Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949
Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland : under the Intermediate Education (Ireland) Act, 1914, as to the application of the teachers' salaries grant
Treaty of peace with finland, Paris, 10th February, 1947
Recommendations of the National and Imperial Defence Committee as approved by His Majesty's government
Report of the British delegates to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Final report of the New Towns Committee
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on a scheme for maximum retail prices for coal in London : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts
Proposals for Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Norwegian Government regarding Territorial Waters and Fisheries off the Norwegian Coast
Sixty-eighth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1925
Trusteeship : Togoland and the Cameroons under United Kingdom Mandate
Fee-charging secondary schools in England and Wales receiving the higher grant in which the ordinary requirement (25 per cent) of free places has been reduced by the Board of Education
Memorandum sent to the Russian delegation, Wednesday, May 3rd, 1922
Coal industry nationalisation
First interim report of Committee on National Expenditure
Education in 1953 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report to the Minister of Labour of the Committee appointed to enquire into the working and effects of the Trade Board Acts
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1920
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on meat : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Royal Commission on the Distribution of the Industrial Population : report
Reply of Soviet government to His Majesty's government respecting the relations between the two governments : in continuation of "Russia no. 2 (1923)." Cmd. 1869
Report by the Conference on West Indian Federation held in London in April, 1953
Agricultural statistics of Ireland, with detailed report for the year 1916
Technical education
Papers concerning the treatment of German nationals in Germany, 1938-1939
British transport commission financial and statistica accounts 1951
Report on the Harbour of Port Louis, Mauritius
Proposals for the revision of the Constitution of Nigeria
Report of the Standing Committee, set up by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland, on currants, sultanas & raisins
The colonial territories
Correspondence regarding the position of indians in east Africa (kenya and Uganda)
Profiteering act, 1919 : report on metal bedsteads prepared by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Copy of the Government of India Act, 1915-16, showing amendments proposed to be made by the Government of India Bill, 1919, as amended by the Joint Committee (Bill 209.)
Communist papers : documents selected from those obtained on the arrest of the Communist leaders on the 14th and 21st October, 1925
Report for the year 1918 : presented to parliament by Command of His Majesty
Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Fiscal Commission
A commentary on the Dumbarton Oaks proposals for the establishment of a general international organisation
Interim report of Departmental Comittee on Regional Development presented by the Minister of Health to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1931
Copy of treasury minute dated the 7th December, 1927, relative to the leases of his Majesty's Government in the British Concessions in China
Education in Scotland in 1948 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Protocol amending the International convention relating to economic statistics, signed at Geneva on 14th December, 1928 (with annex)
Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance : final report
Standard time rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom at 31st December, 1920
Report of the East Africa commission
Financial and economic position of the Bechuanaland protectorate : report of the commission appointed by the secretary of state for dominion affairs. March, 1933
Notes exchanged between th United Kingdom and Siam respecting drawbacks and the method of computing "ad valorem" rates under the Siamese customs law, Bangkok, September 30, 1926
Collective discrimination : a report on exclusive dealing, collective boycotts, aggregated rebates and other discriminatory trade practices
Return showing the results of elections in India 1925 and 1926
Report of the Standing Committee respecting boots, shoes and slippers (other than rubber)
Education in 1929 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
International agreement for the regulation of the production and marketing of sugar,London,October 16-31,1953
Interim report of the Departmental Committee on Ethyl Petrol
Report on the harbours of Nigeria
India (Cabinet mission) : correspondence and documents connected with the Conference between the Cabinet Mission and His Excellency the Viceroy and Representatives of the Congress and the Muslim League, May 1946
Industrial relations in Germany, 1945-1949 : an account of the post-war growth of employers' and workers' organisations in the British Zone of Germany
The world food shortage
Treaty of commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and accompanying declaration : signed at London, July 14, 1923 : ratifications exchanged at London, September 4, 1924
British Honduras : report of an inquiry held by Sir Reginald Sharpe, Q.C. into allegations of contacts between the People's United Party and Guatemala
Report on his visit to the West Indies and British Guiana : December, 1921 - February, 1922
Report of the Standing Committee respecting hollow-ware
Hong Kong : papers relative to the mui-tsai question
Text of draft of proposed general treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as it stood when negotiations were suspended on August 5, 1924
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings by committee appointed to enquire into the fish trade
Report of the Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-18
Supplementary agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government for the establishment of an International commission to supervise the process of self-determination in the Sudan and exchange of notes modifying the Anglo-Egyptian agreement of the 12th of February, 1953 concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan (together with further exchange of notes), Cairo, December 3, 1955
Report of the Royal Commission on the Income Tax
British dependencies in the Caribbean and North Atlantic, 1939-1952
Report on the control and working of Mombasa (Kilindini) Harbour Kenya Colony
Papers respecting the agreements relative to the British concessions at Hankow and Kiukiang
Inter-allied conferences on reparations and inter-allied debts : held in London and Paris, December 1922 and January 1923
Notes exchanged between the British and French delegates at Lausanne regarding certain concessions in territories detached from Turkey : signed at Lausanne. July 24, 1923
Ceylon : correspondence regarding the Constitution of Ceylon
Report by the Food Council to the President of the Board of Trade on short weight and measure in the sale of foodstuffs
Nature reserves in Scotland : final report
Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred
Twenty-eighth report of the commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise for the year ended 31st March 1937 : being the 81st report relating to the customs and the 80th report relating to the excise
Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, Cairo, February 12, 1953 (with agreed minutes, exchanges of notes and statute)
Report of the committee on legal aid and legal advice in England and Wales
First report of the Welsh Consultative Council on medical and allied services in Wales
Public inquiry ordered by the Minister of Agriculture into the disposal of land at Crichel Down
Report of the Commission on the Palestine disturbances of August, 1929
West India Royal Commission, 1938-39 : statement of action taken on the recommendations
Political Activities of Civil Servants
Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60
Report of the Commission on Extra-territoriality in China
Report of the British Guiana and British Honduras : Settlement Commission
Interim report of the New Towns Committee
National debt : return showing, for each of the years 1913-14 to 1929-30, (1) the aggregate liabilities of the state, the estimated assets, and the exchequer balances at the close of each year, (2) Cash issues during each year on account of interest and management of the debt, and for debt redemption, and cash raised by creation of debt, (3) Transactions during each year connected with the capital of the deadweight debt; together with relative appendices
Draft rules under the Government of India Act repuired to give effect to the notification issued under Section 52 A (1) of the Act on 7th October 1921 by the Governor-General of India in Council with the sanction of His Majesty, constituting Burma a governor's province under the act, as approved by the Stinding Joint Committee on Indian Affairs
Broadcasting : Draft of Royal Charter for which the Postmaster General proposes to apply for the continuance of the British Broadcasting Corporation : Licence and Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation
Kenya : compulsory labour for government purposes
Estate duty and family businesses : report on statistical investigation
Committee on gift coupons and trading stamps : report
Report of the Standing Committee respecting briar pipes and briar bowls
Report of the departmental committee on the high cost of building working class dwellings
Report of the Standing Committee respecting ball and roller bearings and parts thereof
Palestine : papers related to the elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, 1923
Report of the Standing Committee on iron and steel
Report of the Indian Statutory Commission : presented by the Secretary of State for Home Department by Command of His Majesty, May, 1930
Pupils who are defective in vision : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Imperial conference, 1923 : summary of proceedings (appendices published separately in Cmd. 1988)
Seventh instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
National parks in England and Wales
Wales and Monmouthshire : report of government action for the year ended 30th June ...
Statement of the conclusions of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom as regards Closer Union in East Africa
Palestine : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
Third interim report of the Committee on Supreme Court Practice and Procedure
Government proposals for reorganisation
Report of the Committee on Women in Industry : appendices : summaries of evidence, &c
Coal mining : report of the Technical Advisory Committee
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the sale and hire of gas apparatus : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the Standing committee on the investigation of prices
Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60
Report by the government actuary on an examination of the sickness and disablement experience of a group of approved societies in the period 1921-27
Statistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1926-27 to 1935-36
Future policy in regard to Eastern Africa
Report by the federation of Malaya Constitutional Conference held in London in January and February, 1956
Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture in India
Report on agriculture, fisheries, forestry and veterinary matters
Higher technological education : statement of government policy for the development of higher technological education in Great Britain
Palestine : statement of information relating to Acts of Violence
Provision of work for relief of unemployment : memorandum
Working hours : legislation in austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxemburg and Spain and proposed legislation in Germany and Italy
Fleets : the British commonwealth of nations and foreign countries
Second report of the Board of Gurdians on their Administration 1st November, 1926, to 31st May, 1927
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour : third interim report of the interdepartmental committee on health and unemployment insurance
Return showing the results of elections in India
Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America : with annexes and statement Washington, 27th January, 1950
Memorandum on the employment by Local Education Authorities of Local Officers for inspection of schools or work analogous to inspection
Report of the Committee on Housing in Greater London
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the electricity supply industry
Appendices to the report of the Committee, appointed by the Secretary of state for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency
Educational reconstruction
Report of the Committee on the Economic and Financial Problems of the Provision for Old Age
Unemployment insurance : directions to Local Employment Committees regarding grant of uncovenanted benefit
Colonial Office Conference, 1927 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 2883)
Interim report on the future provision of medical and allied services
Pupils who are maladjusted because of social handicaps : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by command of his Majesty
Report by a Court of Inquiry concerning the engineering trades dispute, 1922
United Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1955 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, April 1956
Unemployment : statistics relating to financial provision for relief of unemployment (including post-war resettlement of ex-members of His Majesty's forces), from the armistice
Interim report of the committee on smoke and noxious vapours abatement
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on uniform clothing : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
National income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1938 to 1946
Report of the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into questions connected with the Franchise and other matters relating to Constitutional Reforms
Memorandum explaining the agreement between the British Government and the Government of the Irish Free State in respect of double income tax
Report of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.B.E., Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies on his visit to Malaya, 1932
Report of the Committee on the taxation treatment of provisions for retirement : presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, February 1954
Consolidated regulations relating to the special services of elementary education (other than nursery schools) for promoting the healthy physical and mental development of children
East India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Federal Finance Committee : dated 28th March, 1932
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December. 1950
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years from 1911 to 1925
Interim report of the Departmental Committee on the Educational Services in Northern Ireland : presented by command of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant
Third instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
Armed Forces (Housing Loans) : memorandum on the proposed resolution
Report of the Superphosphate Committee
Chinese mandate of December 28, 1929, regarding extra-territorial rights in China : and correspondence between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese government in connexion therewith
Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Social and Economic Research
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sectional committee appointed by the building materials sub-committee of the standing committee on prices and trusts to investigate the prices, costs and profits at all stages of timber
Report of a Committee on research in the colonies, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies
Employment policy
British Solomon Islands Protectorate : report of Commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to inquire into the circumstances in which murderous attacks took place in 1927 on government officials on Guadalcanal and Malaita
Education in 1931 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Industrial conference : report of provisional joint committee presented to meeting of industrial conference, central hall, Westminster, April 4, 1919
The colonial empire (1947-1948)
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1926
Report 1946-47
Higher technological education : statement of government policy for the development of higher technological education in Great Britain
Correspondence respecting the new financial consortium in China
Training in child care : interim report of the Care of Children Committee
Inter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for period up to July, 1925
Grants-in-aid of the administration of the Somaliland Protectorate : arrangements for financial control
Protocols of amendments to articles 4, 13, 15 and 26 of the covenant of the League of Nations : adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, October 3, 4 and 5, 1921 : British ratification deposited February 3, 1923
Papers relating to native disturbances in Kenya (March, 1922)
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on iron and steel products (cut mails, bolts and nuts, and horse nail trades) : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Documents concerning constitutional development in the Sudan and the agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Egyptian Government concerning self-government and self-determination for the Sudan, 17th February, 1953
Second report 1947-49
Teachers : supply, recruitment and training in the period immediately following the War : reports of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Third report of Committee on National Expenditure
Report of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons for the year ...
The Profiteering Act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the existence of a trade combination in the tobacco industry and into the effect which its operation has on prices and on the trade generally
Nigeria : report of the Fiscal Commissioner on the financial effects of the proposed new constitutional arrangements
Notes exchanged between the British and Roumanian governments relative to the commercial relations between the British Empire and Roumania
The British Broadcasting Corporation, annural report
Employers' liability insurance : undertaking given by the accident offices association on behalf of its constituent insurance offices for the purpose of limiting the charges to employers in respect of employers' liability insurance
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Adoption of Children
Palestine : statement of policy
England and Wales : the regulations for nursery schools, 1919 (including regulations for payment of grant in respect of those schools), made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c. 39.)
Report of a Committee on Pensions to Widows and Orphans of Officers in the Colonial Service and on Colonial Provident Funds
Committee on Ministers' Powers Report
Sixty-third report : annual report of Lieutenant-Colonel A. G. Ferguson, His Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, for the year ended 31st December 1920
Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Air to accompany Air estimates
Report of the commission on the marketing of West African cocoa
Declaration and memoranda by the Chinese commissioner
Report of the Scottish Departmental Committee on Housing
Draft peace treaty with Finland : prepared by the Council of Foreign Ministers, for consideration by the Peace Conference of Twenty-one Nations Meeting in Paris on the 29th July, 1946
The general manager's report to the Board for the year ending 31st December, 1920
Report of the Departmental Committee on the University of London
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : statement of the policy of Her Majesty's Government on the question of Japan's accession to the agreement
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on cement and mortar : prepared by a sectional committee of the sub-committee on building materials, appointed by the Standing committees on the investigation of prices and trusts
Trinidad and Tobago disturbances 1937 : report of the Commission
Report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department to consider the question of the regulation of street trading in the Metropolitan Police District
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1920 to 1933
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : 2nd report on the standard boot and shoe scheme : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the joint committee of the standing committee on trusts and prices
Report of Committee on the Law of Arbitration
Articles of agreement and explanatory memorandum as approved for submission to governments by the executive directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on 11 April 1955
Documents relative to the Sinn Fein Movement
Report and appendices
Correspondance regarding the report of the committee appointed to make recommendations in connexion eith the application to Burma of the provisions of the Government of India Act as amended in 1919
Report of the Cotton Import (review) Committee
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1906 to 1920
East India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Indian Central Committee, 1928-1929
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to enquire into the cost of production, prices, &c. of clogs
A study of the factors which have operated in the past and those which are operating now to determine the distribution of women in industry
Palestine : disturbances in May, 1921 : reports of the Commission of inquiry with correspondence relating thereto
Burma : statement of policy by His Majesty's Government
Final report
Statistical material presented during the Washington negotiations
Progress report of the United Nations Mediator on Palestine, Rhodes, 16th September, 1948
India (Cabinet mission) : papers relating to (a) The Sikhs, (b) The Indian States, and (c) The European Community : May-June, 1946
Second report on Canadian marine insurance rates
Seventy-fourth report of the charity commissioners for England and Wales
Appendices to the summary of proceedings
Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Soudan
Report of the Committee on Land Purchase in Northern Ireland
Report of the National Assistance Board for the year ended 31st December, 1949
Reparation : agreement between the allies for the settlement of certain questions as to the application of the treaties of peace and complementary agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, signed at Spa, July 16, 1920
Disturbances in Northern Ireland : report of the commission appointed by the Governor of Northern Ireland
Broadcasting : copy of the Licence and Agreement dated the 12th Day of June 1952, between Her Majesty's Postmaster-General and the British Broadcasting Corporation
Treaty of peace between the Allied and Associated powers and Bulgaria, and protocol : signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, November 27, 1919
Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1927 : report by the Government Actuary on the Financial Provisions of the Bill
Ceylon : statement of policy on constitutional reform
Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland : history of discussions with the Union of South Africa, 1909-1939
Civil judicial statistics : statistics relating to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the House of Lords, the Supreme Court of Judicature, Country Court and other Civil Courts for the year 1937
Report of the sub-committee of the Exhibitions Advisory Committee to review the present arrangements for the British Industries Fair
Report of the United Kingdom sugar industry Inquiry Committee
Belgian law respecting the acquisition and loss of nationality
Report on the Mauritius Sugar Industry by Sir Francis Watts, K.C.M.G., 1929
Scottish coalfields : the report of the Scottish Coalfields Committee
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1936
Inter-departmental committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials : Chairman's report for period up to July, 1930
Statistical report of the health of the Navy for the year 1914
India (Cabinet mission) : statement by the mission dated 25th May in reply to pronoucements by the Indian Parties and memorandum by the Mission on States' Treaties and paramountcy
Supply of teachers in Scotland : second report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the year 1938
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1917 to 1930
Report of Joint committee of enquiry into the Anglo-Argentine meat trade
Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of Burma regarding the recognition of Burmese independence and related matters (with exchange of notes and annex), London, 17th October, 1947 (ratifications exchange at Rangoon, 4th January, 1948)
Uganda protectorate : withdrawal of recognition from Kabaka Mutesa II of Buganda
Fifty-seventh report of the Inspector appointed to visit the Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., Cap. 103, 31st and 32nd Vic., Cap. 59, and 31st Vic., Cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1918
Final report of a court of inquiry into a dispute between the British Transport Commission and the National Union of Railwaymen
Report by the Scottish Land Court : as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts 1886 to 1911, 1 & 2 GEO. V. Cap. 49, for the year from 1st January to 31st December, 1920 to the Secretary for Scotland
Statistical abstract for the British Commonwealth for earch of ten years 1936 to 1945 : trade and commerce section
Further education : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1952
Mandate for Palestine : together with a note by the Secretary-General relating to its application to the territory known as trans-Jordan, under the provisions of article 25
Registration of accountants : report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade 1930
Ceylon : further correspondence relating to the revision of the Constitution of Ceylon
Abstract of tables giving the main statistics of the census of the Indian Empire of 1931, with a brief introductory note
First annual report 1943-44
Terms of award of the Africa General Service Medal for service in Kenya, since 21st October, 1952
Memorandum : showing the progress and development in the Colonial Empire and in the machinery for dealing with colonial questions from November, 1924, to November, 1928
Report of the British Guiana Refugee Commission to the Advisory Committee on political refugees appointed by the President of the United States of America
The East Africa Royal Commission Report
Education in 1948 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
First interim report of the Colonial Development Advisory Committee : covering the period 1st August, 1929 - 28th February, 1930
Education in England & Wales : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for the year
Dead Sea salts concession
Report of the National Parks Committee : England and Wales
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on pottery : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
International convention respecting load lines with final protocol and maps, London, July 5, 1930
Report of the imperial institute committee of enquiry 1923 : together with resolutions of the imperial economic conference on the subject
Annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and marriages in England and Wales
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1930
Tanganyika : text of trusteeship agreement as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, 13th December, 1946
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1917 to 1930
Report to the Board of Trade by the Fuel Research Board on gas standards
Report of the Indian States Finances Enquiry Committee (financial), 1932
Seventieth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1927
Reports of the committee on road conveyance of goods by railway companies
Report of the Standing Committee respecting portland cement
Rural water supplies : memorandum by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland explaining proposed financial resolution
The control of land use
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on brushes and brooms : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
International treaty for the limitation and reduction of naval armament : London, April 22, 1930
Economic survey for 1947
Imperial conference, 1923 : appendices to the summary of proceedings (in continuation of Cmd. 1987)
Economic development in Northern Ireland including the report of the economic consultant, Thomas Wilson
Reparation : financial agreement between Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan, together with a covering note by the finance ministers signed at Paris, March 11th, 1922
Twentieth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom
First report of the Royal Commission on Mining Subsidence : the Doncaster area
Report of the committee on holidays with pay
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1926 to 1935
A statement on resale price maintenance : being a trade practice which prevents shopkeepers from reducing certain prices to the public
United Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1954 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, April 1955
The provisional code of regulations for public elementary schools in England (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire) : dated 16 July, 1919, made by the Board of Education under section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, c.39)
Papers regarding the disposal of the British share of the China indemnity of 1901 : September 19-November 14, 1930
Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1918
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on milk : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Civil Service Preparatory Commission
Import duties : proposals for increased duties on certain fresh and preserved fruit and vegetables
Royal Commission on capital punishment 1949-1953 report
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on constitution, jurisdiction, procedure and work of the county of London appeal tribunal : appointed under the profiteering acts, 1919-1920
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1929
Post Office (Pneumatic Tubes acquisition) bill : memorandum
Report of a committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to examine and report on Straints Settlements Ordinance no. 15 of 1927 (Women and Girls Protection Amendment Ordinance) and Federated Malay States Enactment no. 18 of 1927 (Women and Girls Protection Amendment Enactment)
Education in Scotland in 1950 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Education in 1933 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Civil judicial statistics, including licensing and bankruptcy : statistics relating to the House of Lords (Scottish Appeals), the Court of Session, Sheriff Courts and other Civil Courts, Licensing Courts, Certain Legal Public Departments, Bankruptcy, Court Fees and Fees taken in the Departments for the year 1933
Final report of the committee of inquiry into the scheme of out-of-work donation
International Labour Conference : proposed action by the British Government regarding recommendation adopted by the conference at its fifth session, 22nd to 29th October, 1923
The Colonial Empire : statement relating to the period 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 to accompany the Estimates for Colonial and Middle Eastern Services, 1939
United Kingdom balance payments 1949-1952
Mutual aid : second report
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years from 1912 to 1926
Report of the Departmental Committee on Old Age Pensions : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Report by a Court of inquiry : concerning the stoppage of the London tramway and omnibus services, 1924
Reports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929
Royal Commission on Justices of the Peace 1946-48 : report
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on agricultural implements and machinery : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the explosives industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Expert Committee on Compensation and Betterment : final report
Report to the Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya, January, 1954
Report of the Committee on Land Charges
Report on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Prisoners : Pt. 2. employment on discharge
Unofficial stoppages in the London Docks : a report of a Committee of inquiry
Treaty of peace with Hungary : Paris, 10th February, 1947
General annual reports of the British Army (including the Territorial Force from the date of embodiment) : for the period from 1st October, 1913, to 30th September, 1919
Government of India Act, 1935 : report of the committee appointed in connection with the delimitation of constituencies and connected matters
West Africa : reports on the British sphere of the Cameroons
Hong Kong currency : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, May, 1931
Report on the mortality from influenza in England and Wales during the epidemic of 1918-19
Criminal statistics, England and Wales : statistics relating to crime, criminal proceedings and coroners' investigations for the year ...
Report on the present position in the building industry, with regard to the carrying out of a full housing programme, having particular reference to the means of providing an adequate supply of labour and materials : prepared by the National House Building Committee (representative of employers and operatives in the building trades), formed at the request of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labour that the building industries should consider the matter and report accordingly to the Government : together with a report prepared by a Committee of Building Materials Manufacturers and Suppliers, formed at the request of the Minister of Health
Progress report on disposal of surplus government property and on liquidation for the financial year 1921-22
Treatise of peace with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland (texts for signature in Paris on 10th February, 1947)
Statistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available, relating to certain Indian States, from 1924-25 to 1933-34
Interim report of His Majesty's commissioners : appointed to inquire into the economic prospects of the agricultural industry in Great Britain
Maintenance allowance awards at secondary schools and other institutions of higher education : statement of expenditure incurred by local education authorities (England and Wales) under Grant Regulations no. 14 in the financial year 1923-24
International Conventions concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV), Berne, 25th October, 1952
Royal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge Universities : report
Estimates of the expenditure of Local Education Authorities in the financial year 1921-22
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1932 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June, 1933
Broadcasting : copy of the Licence and Agreement dated the 29th day of November, 1946, between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation
Retail prices and qualities of household coal : correspondence between the Mines Department and the Coal Merchants' Federation of Great Britain, together with the report of a Conference between the Secretary for Mines and the Federation
Distribution of new houses in Scotland
Report of the Committee of inquiry into night work in the bread baking and flour confectionery trade
Report to H.M. principal secretary of state for the home department on the byelaws made by the London county council : under the employment of children act, 1903, and the education act, 1918, and on the objections thereto
Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer, 1919-1920
Broadcasting policy
Report on the coal industry
Temporary housing programme
European cultural convention, Paris, December 19, 1954
Report on the trade of South Africa for the years 1918
Treaty between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia in regard to the tariff autonomy of Perisa : with the notes attached thereto
Proposals for reform in local government and in the financial relations between the Exchequer and local authorities : statements, containing particulars for 25 administrative counties, supplementing statements contained in Parliamentary paper Cmd. 3134 as to the financial effects of the proposals in county boroughs and in certain counties in England and Wales
Correspondence relating to the arrest of employees Metropolitan-Vickers company at Moscow
Report of the committee on the law of intestate succession
Training for citizenship : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Eighteenth abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom
Trade amd immigration relations between India and Burma after the Separation of Burma
Statement on personal incomes, costs and prices
Despatch to the Officer Administering the Government of the Kenya Colony and protectorate relating to native labour
Report of the Standing Committee respecting asbestos cement products
Report of the Committee on Monumental and Architectural Granite wholly or mainly manufactured
Report for the year 1955 - 56 : Presented by the Lord President of the Council to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty June 1933
Report of the Standing Committee respecting screw bottle stoppers
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings by a committee appointed to investigate the cost of production and distribution of wool, tops and yarns at all stages, and the profits arising therefrom
Sixth instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
Statistical abstract relating British India from 1907-08 to 1916-17
A statement on resale price maintenance : being a trade practice which prevents shopkeepers from reducing certain prices to the public
Report of the Royal Commission on London Squares
Education in 1935 : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report on profit-sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years, 1913 and 1915 to 1928
Coal mining industry : explanatory memorandum of the terms of settlement of the dispute in the coal mining industry
Workmen's compensation : statistics of compensation and of proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, in Great Britain during the year 1928
Interim report of the committee of inquiry into the scheme of out-of-work donation
Report of the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into questions connected with the division of functions between the central and provincial governments, and in the provincial governments between the executive council and ministers
Final report of the Committee on the form of Government accounts
Report of the committee appointed by the secretary of state for India to advise on the question of the financial relations between the central and provincial governments in India
Report of the registrar of the Land Registry for the years 1914 to 1918
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a committee appointed to inquire into the principle of fixed retail prices
Report by Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, on a Financial Mission to Tanganyika, 26th September, 1932
Administration of the trade boards acts, 1909 and 1918 : statement of the government's policy in the administration of the above acts pending legislation dealing with the recommendations of the committee of enquiry into the working and effects of the acts (Cmd. 1645)
Report of the Commission on Higher Education in West Africa
Education in Scotland in 1952 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Child migration to Australia : report of a fact-finding mission
Report on the opportunities for civil air transport in the West Indies
Colonial development : memorandum explaining financial resolution
Report by the resumed Conference on the Nigerian Constitution held in Lagos in January and February, 1954
Treaty of peace with Bulgaria : Paris, 10th February, 1947
Report for the year 1932 - 33 : Presented by the Lord President of the Council to Parliament by Command His Majesty, December, 1933
Return of the areas, population & valuation of counties, burghs & parishes in Scotland
Treaties between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia, and between the United Kingdom, Italy, and Ethiopia, relating to the frontiers between the Soudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Signed at Adis Ababa, May 15, 1902. (Ratifications delivered at Adis Ababa, October 28, 1902)
Summary report on education in Scotland : for the years
The Colonial Empire in 1937-38 : statement to accompany the Estimates for Colonial and Middle Eastern Services 1938
Report of the Imperial Shipping Committee on the limitation of shipowners' liability by clauses in bills of lading and on certain other matters relating to bills of lading : presented to parliament by command of His Majesty
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the years 1913 and 1924 to 1929
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on the repairing of boots, shoes and footwear : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committees on the investigation of prices
Report by Mr. Roger Gibb on railway rates and finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika territory : September, 1932
India : Cabinet mission : correspondence with the Congress Party and the Muslim League, 20th May-29th June, 1946
Report of the Standing Committee respecting hosiery, knitted goods and fabrics
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1918
Documents illustrating the hostile activities of the Soviet Government and Third International against Great Britain
Social insurance and allied services : memoranda from organisations
Closer association of the British West Indian Colonies
National income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1946 to 1950
The retired pay and pensions of former forces' officers and civil servants affected by stabilisation and consolidation in 1932-1935
Text of proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy : London, March 19, 1936
Government of Burma Act, 1935, report by Sir Laurie Hammond, K.C.S.I., C.B.E. on the delimitation of constituencies in Burma and connected matters
Report of Committee on Schemes of Assistance to Necessitous Areas
Exchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901 : Nanking, September 19 and 22, 1930
Report of a Court of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of a disputes between the London Master Printers' Association and the London Typographical Society and the Association of the Correctors of the Press
The Government of Indian Bill : views of Insian States : correspondence relating to a meeting of States' Rulers held at Bombay to discuss the Government of India Bill and a provisional draft , Instrument of Accession
Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland : Draft federal scheme : report of the Judicial Commission
New towns bill : revised memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as amended) as it applies to Scotland
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1919 to 1932
Palestine : statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
Ceylon : report of the Special Commission on the Constitution
Treaty of peace with Turkey, and other instruments : signed at Lausanne on July, 24, 1923, together with agreements between Greece and Turkey signed on January 30, 1923, and subsidiary documents forming part of the Turkish peace settlement
Appendices to the Report of the British Guiana Refugee Commission to the Advisory Committee on political refugees appointed by the President of the United States of America
Announcements issued in connection with the Report of the Committee on Indian Exchange and Currency, 1919.
Burma Round Table Conference, 27th November, 1931-12th January, 1932 : proceedings
Minutes of evidence : taken before the committee appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency
Report of the Standing Committee respecting brass water taps and fittings, electrical accessories, etc.
Interim report of the Indian Statutory Commission : review of growth of education in British India by the auxiliary committee appointed by the commission, september 1929 : presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, October, 1929
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on the stone, brick and clayware trades : prepared by sectional committee of sub-committee on building materials appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts
An analysis of the sources of war finance and estimates of the national income and expenditure in the years 1938 to 1944
Financial and economic position of Basutoland : report of the Commission appointed by the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, January, 1935
National parks : a Scottish survey
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report by the standing committee on the investigation of prices into the prices, costs, and profits at all stages of the biscuit trade
Government information services : statement showing estimated expenditure,1950-1951
Fifty-sixth report of the Inspector appointed to visit the Reformatory and Industrial Schools of Ireland : certified under the 21st and 22nd Vic., Cap. 103, 31st and 32nd Vic., Cap. 59, and 31st Vic., Cap. 25 : for the year ended 31st December, 1917
Minutes of evidence : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1 to July 22, 1944 : final act
Report of the Cotton Import Committee
Broadcasting : Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and His Majesty's Minister of Information : supplemental to an agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporaion (Cmd. 5329 of 1936)
Statistical abstract for British India with statistics, where available. relating to certain Indian States. From 1911-12 to 1920-21
Draft finance bill
Report of an inter-departmental committee on the grading and marking of beef
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to inquire into the price of fruit in the United Kingdom
Economic conditioms in Central Europe
The Government of India Bill : explanatory memorandum
Utilisation of land in the rural areas of Scotland : report of a Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland in reference to the recommendations of the Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural Areas in England and Wales : presented by the Secretary of State for Scotland to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
Sub-committee on oil from coal : report
Treaty of peace with Turkey : Signed at Sèvres, August 10, 1920
United Kingdom balance of payments 1949 to 1952 : presented by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, October 1952
Report on the Gambia egg scheme
West India Royal Commission report
Government of India Act, 1935, Government of Burma Act, 1935 : draft Government of India (Commencement and Transitory Povinsions) Order: Government of India (Distribution of Revenues) Order: Government of Burma (Commencement and Transitory Provisions) Order : explanatory memorandum on the draft orders and views of the provincial governments, the Government of India and the secretary of state for the India on the report of the Financial Enquiry made by Sir Otto Niemeyer
Report on the trade in imports and exports at Irish ports during the year ended 31st December, 1918
Interim report of a court of inquiry into a dispute between the British Transport Commission and the National Union of Railwaymen
Report by the Conference on the Nigerian Constitution : held in London in July and August, 1953
Ceylon : proposals for conferring on Ceylon fully responsible status within the British Commonwealth of Nations
Sixty-ninth report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1926
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : interim report on glass bottles and jars and scientific glassware, prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
Report by the Right Honourable W.G.A. Ormsby Gore, M.P. (Parliament Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies) on his visit to Malaya, Ceylon, and Java during the year 1928
Further reports by British officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany : April, 1919
Town and country planning, 1943-1951 : progress report by the Minister of Local Government and Planning on the work of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning
Documents relating to Festival Gardens Limited
Labour conditions in Ceylon, Mauritius, and Malaya
Second report of the National Fuel and Power Committee
India (Cabinet mission) : statement by the Cabinet mission and his excellency the viceroy
Railways reorganisation scheme
Factories bill, 1924 : print of Bill giving references to corresponding provisions of existing Acts and indicating the provisions of the Bill which are new or make substantial alterations
Palestine loan : memorandum explaining financial resolution
Education, England : regulations for secondary schools, England, 1921 : the regulations for secondary schools, England, 1921 (excluding Wales and Monmouthshire), dated 13th September, 1921, made by the Board of Education under Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. 5, Ch. 39)
Report of proceedings under the Diseases of Animals Acts with returns of the exports and imports of animals for the year ...
The federal scheme prepared by a conference held in London in January, 1953
Education in 1949 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report of the Standing Committee respecting articles made wholly or mainly of wire of a description commonly used for domestic and catering purposes
The administration of education for handicapped pupils : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Self-determination in the Sudan : résumé of developments, November 15, 1951-January 1, 1956
Coal mining : report of the Technical Advisory Committee
Fifty-sixth detailed annual report of the registrar-general for Ireland containing a general abstract of the numbers of marriages, births, and deaths registered in Ireland during the year 1919
Report of the Standing Committee respecting felt hats and felt hat hoods
Report of a Committee appointed at a conference of Public Authorities to consider the question of floods from the River Thames in the county of London
Review of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : statement of policy with revised text of the agreement and related documents
Adult education grants : a report of the Advisory Council on Education in Scotland
Education in 1954 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
National Insurance Bill, 1946 : summary of main provisions of the National Insurance Scheme
Report on the trade of Australia for the year 1918
The plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the Fiscal Commissioner
Report of the Departmental Committee : appointed to investigate Mr. A.W. Gattie's proposals for improving the method of handling goods and traffic, and to consider the practicability of the introduction of any of the suggested improvements into the existing transport system together with the Minutes of proceedings, part 2
Final protocol between the foreign powers and China for the resumption of friendly relations : signed at Peking, September 7, 1901 (with 19 annexes)
Documents concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939
Report of the West Indies Committee of the Commission on Higher Education in the Colonies
Reports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the Administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929
Education : being the report of the Board of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Indians in Kenya : memorandum
The national health service (including a chapter on International Health) . Welfare, food and drugs, civil defence
Telegraphic correspondence regarding the situation in India
Minutes of evidence taken before the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Women and Young Persons on the Two-shift System
Reparation : decision of the Reparation Commission on the subject of the payments to be made by Germany in 1922
Despatch from the Governor of Southern Rhodesia relating to the Proposed Amendment of the Southern Rhodesia Constitution
Second report of the central advisory water committee : consolidation and amendment of the law relating to public water supply
Education in 1938 : being the report of the board of education and the statistics of public education for england and wales
Report of the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Supervision of Charities
Committee on Ministers' Powers report
Higher education (England and Wales) : statistics relating to the receipts and expenditure of local education authorities in the financial year 1918-19
Statement on future marketing of West African cocoa
Report of the Royal Commission on the superior civil services in India : dated 27th March, 1924
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1920 to 1933
Report of the Standing Committee respecting wall papers, ceiling papers, etc.
Report of the Vice-Regal Committee on the conditions of service and remuneration of teachers in intermediate schools, and on the distribution of grants from public funds for intermediate education in Ireland
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : final report on the glassware trade : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
The British Broadcasting Corporation, accounts for the periods, 1st January, 1939 to 31st March, 1944
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to inquire into combines of launderers and the effect, if any, upon prices
Report of the R. 101 inquiry
Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the arbitration convention between the two countries of November 16, 1914, London, January 4, 1927
Royal Commission on betting, lotteries and gaming 1949-1951 : report
Report of the Board of Gurdians on their Administration for the period 20th July, 1926, to 30th October, 1926
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years from 1905 to 1919
Report of the West Indian Currency Committee
International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail, 1952 (CIV), signed at Berne, October 25, 1952
Reprt of the Commissioners appointed by the Home Secretary to inquire into the circumstances of the series of explosions and fires which occured on the 20th and 21st December, 1928, in the neighbourhood of New Oxford Street
Correspondence with the Holy See relative to Maltese affairs, January 1929 to May 1930
New towns bill : memorandum by the the Secretary of State for Scotland setting out the provisions of the bill (as amended by Standing Committee A) as it applies to Scotland
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1924 to 19367
Trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, [with schedules and exchanges of notes], Washington, November 17, 1938
Copy of the Government of India Act, 1915-16, showing amendments proposed to be made by the Government of India Bill, 1919 (H.C.B. 94)
Economic survey for 1950
Housing management in Scotland : report by the Scotish Housing Advisory Committee
Report of the Standing Committee respecting iron and steel wire, and wire nails and staples
The Colonial Empire
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on soap industry : prepared by a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts
An analysis of the sources of war finance and estimates of the national income and expenditure in the years 1938 to 1943
Commercial agreement between the government of the United Kingdom and the government of Finland, with Protocol : Helsingfors, September 29, 1933
Proposals for the future of Palestine : July, 1946-February, 1947
United Kingdom balance of payments 1946 to 1950
Port transport industry : report of a Committee appointed on 27th July, 1955, to inquire into the operation of the Dock Workers (regulation of employment) Scheme, 1947
Report of the Standing Committee respecting pottery
Judicial Statistics, Ireland
Treasury directions to the Administrator of Roumanian Property in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, given pursuant to Article 1 (7) of the Treaty of Peace (Roumania) Order 1948
Indian Round Table Conference, Second session, 7th September, 1931--1st December, 1931 : proceedings
European Broadcasting Convention. Copenhagen, 15th September, 1948
Report of the Standing Committee respecting scientific glassware (including tubing and rod)
Report to the Secretary for Mines, 13th January, 1936
Profiteering act, 1919 : findings and decisions of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on trusts to enquire into the existence and effect of a ring in the salt trade
Basutoland medicine murder : a report on the recent outbreak of "diretlo" murders in Basutoland
Statistical abstract for the several British Oversea Dominions and Protectorates in each year from 1909 to 1923 : fifty-seventh number
Second reports : ages of entry into unemployment insurance
Private Enterprise in British Tropical Africa : report of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies ...
Reports on the trade of Western Samoa and the Tongan Islands
Overseas trade (credits and insurance) Amendment Bill : memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred
Second report : the white fish industry
Education in Scotland in 1955 : a report of the Secretary of State for Scotland
The economic implications of full employment
Temporary housing programme
Financial situation of British Guiana : report of a commission appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, June, 1931
Palestine Royal Commission : report
Trade facilities and loans guarantee bill : memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred
Second instalment of the minutes of evidence with appendices
Report of the Indian Statutory Commission
International Labour Conference : proposed action by His Majesty's Governmentin the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Instrument of Amendment, 1946, and the final articles revision convention, 1946
The plan for a British Caribbean federation : report of the Civil Service Commissioner
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report of a sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices to enquire into the prices of matches
Report of the Inter-departmental Committee on Income Tax in the Colonies not Possessing Responsible Government
Report of the Broadcasting Committee 1935
Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the years 1918 and 1919
United Kingdom balance payments
Report of the Legal Education Committee
Report : presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty
Report of the Standard Price Committee : Wheat Act, 1932
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act, 1889 for the year 1936 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, June 1937
Memorandum on the Board of Education estimates
Further correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Cuban government respecting the ill-treatment of British West Indian labourers in Cuba
Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for the year 1919
Report of the committee appointed by the Treasury to enquire into the industry of tobacco growing in Great Britain
Government of Inida Act, 1935 : proposals of His Majesty's Government for (i) the electorate for the Council of State and for Provincial Legislative Councils ; (ii) electorates in Chief Commissioner's Provinces for the Federal Legislature ; and (iii) "Scheduled Castes" for the purposes of paragraph 26 of the First Schedule to the Act
Report to the the Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya, January, 1954
Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the disturbances in the copperbelt, Northern Rhodesia, October, 1935
Record of proceedings and documents
Report on an inquiry into the operation of the Catering Wages Act, 1943, in the hotel industry
Report of the Standing Committee respecting tea
Report of the Standing Committee respecting oil burning apparatus
Report of the departmental committee on housing
Government of Inida Act, 1935 : excluded and partially excluded areas (Section 91), recommendations of the provincial Governments and the Government of India
Mandate for Palestine : letter from the Secretary to the Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations of July 1, 1922, enclosing a Note in reply to Cardinal Gasparri's letter of May 15, 1922, addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations
Report of the Committee on the Law of Defamation
Report of the committee appointed by the Agricultural Wages Board to enquire into the financial results of the occupation of agricultural land and the cost of living of rural workers
Tables relating to the trade of British India with the British empire and foreign countries
Report of the Indian Franchise Committee, 1932
Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1949
Report of the Standing Committee respecting coat hangers
Report of the commissioners
Indian round table conference (Third session) (17 November, 1932-24th December, 1932)
Review of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : ninth session of the contracting parties (held at Geneva, 28th October, 1954 to 7th March, 1955) : documents relating to the ninth session
Report of the special mission to Egypt
Criminal statistics : statistics relating to criminal proceedings, police, coroners, prisons, and criminal lunatics for the year ...
Reports of the committees appointed by the provincial legislative councils to co-operate with the Indian Statutory Commission
Government of India's despatch on proposal for constitutional reform, dated 20th September, 1930
Royal commission on Scottish affairs, 1952-1954 : report
Exchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang : Nanking, October 31, 1929
Report of the committee on the staffing of the Agricultural Departments in the colonies
Report of the commissioner for the special areas in England and Wales for the year ended 30th September, 1937
Kenya : return showing crown grants of land of over 5,000 acres in extent
Report of the Standing Committee on wooden dowels and dowelling
Report of Worsted Committee
Report on the International Conferences on Opium and dangerous drugs, held at Geneva, November, 1924, to February, 1925
Report of the committee, appointed by the Secretary of State for India to enquire into Indian exchange and currency
East India (census 1921) : tables giving the main statistics of the census of the Indian empire of 1921, with a brief explanatory note
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the seven years 1925 to 1931
Agreements : concluded at the international conference for the protection of the fauna and flora of Africa, London, November 8, 1933
Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom for each of the fifteen years 1913 and 1919 to 1932
Broadcasting : Draft of the Licence and Agreement between His Majesty's Postmaster General and the British Broadcasting Corporation
Imperial economic conference at Ottawa, 1932 : appendices to the summary of proceedings
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1929 to 1938 : trade and commerce section
International Convention relating to the simplification of customs formalities and protocol of signature, Geneva, November 3, 1923 (ratification has not yet been effected)
Report of the delegation appointed to study industrial conditions in Canada and the United States of America
The agricultural output of Scotland, 1925 : report on certain statistical inquiries made in connection with the census of production, relating to the output of agricultural produce, with a survey of the agricultural statistics of Scotland from 1871 to 1925
British military administration of occupied territories in Africa during the years 1941-1943
Protocol regarding commercial relations between India and Japan : with exchange of notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of July 12, 1934 : London, October 12, 1937
On the state of the public health : being the annual report of the chief medical officer
Profiteering acts, 1919 and 1920 : report on a voluntary scheme for standard clothing submitted by the wool textile and clothing trades of Great Britain : prepared by sub-committee appointed by the standing committee on the investigation of prices and trusts
Nationality and naturalisation laws of certain foreign countries
Law revision committee : fourth interim report
Royal Commission on the Distribution of the Industrial Population : report
Report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1925
Report of the Committee on Control of Flying
Seventy-second report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue : for the year ended 31st March, 1929
Law of succession in Scotland : report of the Committee of Inquiry
Palestine : correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation
Communal decision
Report of the Board of Education under the Welsh Intermediate Educaiton Act 1889 for the year 1937 : presented by the President of the Board of Education to Parliament by command of His Majesty, July, 1938
Conference on the Closer Association of the British West Indian Colonies, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 11th-19th September, 1947
Education in 1955 : being the report of the Ministry of Education and the statistics of public education for England and Wales
Report of the Commission of Inquiry and resolution of the Government of the United Provinces
Report by the Scottish Land Court : as to their proceedings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts 1886 to 1911, 1 & 2 GEO. V. Cap. 49, for the year from 1st January to 31st December 1918 to the Secretary for Scotland
Return of the number of full-time pupils attending secondary schools in England and Wales on the grant list on 31st March, 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923 per 1,000 of the population of the area in which they were resident at the time of admission
National income and expenditure of the United Kingdom 1938-1945
Supplement to the seventy-fifth annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales
Report of the Departmental Committee on the treatment of young offenders
Coal industry commission act, 1919 : interim report
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1930
Annual report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for the year 1923
Twenty-First abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom (1919-1933)
Safeguarding of industries act, 1921
Report on the trade of Canada and Newfoundland together with a detailed report on the trade of the province of Ontario for the year 1918
Report to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Agreement between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the German government in regard to the liquidation of German properties with an exchange of notes on the subject, London, December 28, 1929 (this agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty)
League of Nations : fifty-ninth session of the council : report by the Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P. British delegate
Universal Postal Union : postal convention with detailed regulations for its execution, and agreement concerning insured letters and boxes, London, June 28, 1929
Memorandum on the position at the London Naval Conference 1930 of His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom London, February 4, 1930
Statistical abstract for the British Empire for each of the ten years 1928 to 1937
Ninety-first report of the commissioners of his majesty's, inland revenue for the year ended 31st march, 1948
International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1948 : London, 10th June, 1948
Annual report and statement of accounts of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1933
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1932
Annual report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops for the year 1934
Violence and civil disturbances in Northern Ireland in 1969 : report of tribunal of inquiry
International Labour Conference : eighth session, Geneva, 26 th May - 5 th June, 1926 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour
Statement on works approved for government financial assistance in connection with unemployment
Report to the Minister of Labour by the delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Economic survey for 1947
International convention relating to international exhibitions Paris, November 22, 1928 (the convention has not been ratified by His Majesty)
Protocols relating to amendments to articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37 ,40, 41 and 42 and to the final clauses of the Convention relating to the regulation of air navigation of October 13, 1919 : Paris, June 15, 1929/December 11, 1929 : the protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty
Exchange of notes between His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the United States government regarding the interpretation of article 19 of the London naval treaty, 1930, London, June 5, 1930
League of Nations : fifty-eighth session of the council : report by the Right Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P. British delegate
Papers regarding the proposed amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the pact of Paris of August 27, 1928 : September 1929-November 1930
Memorandum on chemical warfare presented to the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom : Geneva, November 18, 1930
Coal industry commission act, 1919 : interim report
International Labour Conference : ninth session, Geneva, 7th - 24 th June, 1926 : report by the British Government delegates to the Minister of Labour
Statement on works approved for grant in connection with unemployment under the Development (loan guarantees and grants) act, 1929 and the Colonial Development Act, 1929, and from the Road Fund
Agreements concluded at the Hague conference January 1930 : these agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty
Maps to accompany the International Load Line Convention Signed at London, July 5, 1930
Report of the Ministry of Labour for the year 1927
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