
WMO [publications]


WMO [publications]

World Meteorological Organization
Secretariat of the World Meteorological organization


Lower troposphere soundings : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation外部サイトThe preparation and use of weather maps by mariners外部サイトAviation hail problem . Turbulence in clear air and in cloud . Ice formation on aircraft . Occurrence and forecasting of cirrostratus clouds外部サイトThe planning of meteorological station networks外部サイトIntercomparison of conceptual models used in operational hydrological forecasting外部サイトRadiation regime of inclined surfaces /by K. Ya. Kondratyev, with the assistance of M. P. Fedorova外部サイトPerformance requirements of aerological instruments : an assessment based on atmospheric variability外部サイトAtmospheric radiation : (Current investigations and problems) . Tropical circulation patterns外部サイトData-processing by machine methods : report of the CCl Working Group on Data-Processing by Machine Methods外部サイトReview of urban climatology 1973-1976外部サイトMeasurement and estimation of evaporation and evapotranspiration : report of a working group on evaporation measurement of the commission for instruments and methods of observation外部サイトThe present status of constant-level balloon programmes外部サイトThe contribution of satellite data and services to WMO programmes in the next decade外部サイトGuide to hydrological practices外部サイトWorld weather watch : eleventh status report on implementation外部サイトHydrological forecasting practices外部サイトForecasting techniques of clear-air turbulence including that associated with mountain waves外部サイトLes représentations graphiques en météorologie外部サイトHomogénéité du réseau européen de radiosondages . The relative accuracy of rawins and contour-measured winds in relation to performance criteria . Superadiabatic lapse rate in the upper air外部サイトWorld weather watch : the plan and implementation programme 1976-1979外部サイトProtection against frost damage : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology外部サイトWeather reporting . Messages météorologiques外部サイトSatellite and computer applications to synoptic meteorology : Lectures presented during the scientific discussions at the fifth session of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology (Geneva, 15 June - 3 July 1970)外部サイトNote on the standardization of pressure reduction methods in the international network of synoptic stations : report of a working group of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology外部サイトUse of ground-based radar in meteorology (excluding upper-wind measurements) : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation外部サイトProblems in dynamic meteorology外部サイトArtificial control of clouds and hydrometeors外部サイトImplementation plan for the determination of the atmospheric contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the oceans外部サイトHydrological application of atmospheric vapour-flux analyses外部サイトProceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations, Norwich, 18-23 August 1975外部サイトWMO-IUGG symposium on research and development aspects of long-range forecasting Boulder, Colorado, 1964外部サイトClimatological normals (CLINO) for CLIMAT and the CLIMAT SHIP stations for the period, 1931-1960 = Normales climatologiques (CLINO) relatives aux stations CLIMAT et CLIMAT SHIP pour la période, 1931-1960外部サイトUse of WWW facilities for hydrology外部サイトControlled climate and plant research外部サイトRice and weather外部サイトObservational characteristics of the jet stream : a survey of the literature外部サイトClimate variability, agriculture and forestry : towards sustainability外部サイトThe application of atmospheric electricity concepts and methods to other parts of meteorology外部サイトWMO operations manual for sampling and analysis techniques for chemical constituents in air and precipitation外部サイトUse of radar in meteorology外部サイトA study of agroclimatology in semi-arid and arid zones of the Near East外部サイトInternational noctilucent cloud observation manual外部サイトA note on climatological normals : report of a working group of the Commission for Climatology外部サイトDrought and agriculture : report of the CAgM Working Group on the Assessment of Drought外部サイトMulching effects on plant climate and yield外部サイトMeteorological aspects of the utilization of solar radiation as an energy source外部サイトPapers presented at the WMO symposium on the long-range transport of pollutants and its relation to general circulation including stratospheric/tropospheric exchange processes, Sofia, 1-5 October, 1979外部サイトDesign of hydrological networks . Techniques for surveying surface-water resources外部サイトThe present situation with regard to the application of numerical methods for routine weather prediction and prospects for the future外部サイトUtilization of aircraft meteorological reports外部サイトThe effect of weather and climate upon the keeping quality of fruit外部サイトOutline plan and basis for the World Climate Programme, 1980-1983外部サイトHydrological forecasting : proceedings of the WMO/Unesco Symposium on Hydrological Forecasting (Surfers' Paradise, Queensland, Australia, 1967)外部サイトDetermination of the atmospheric contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the oceans外部サイトEvaluation of climate and water resources for development of agriculture in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa外部サイトAtmospherics techniques外部サイトCommission for Basic Systems : abridged final report of the eigth session : Geneva, 31 January - 11 February 1983外部サイトWindbreaks and shelterbelts : Report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology外部サイトRadiation, including satellite techniques : proceedings of the WMO/IUGG Symposium held in Bergen, August 1968外部サイトCrop-weather models and their use in yield assessments外部サイトThe quantitative evaluation of the risk of disaster from tropical cyclones : report of a WMO/UNEP project on the meteorological and hydrological aspects外部サイトMeteorological factors influencing the transport and removal of radioactive debris外部サイトUtilization of aircraft meteorological reports外部サイトHigh-level forecasting for turbine-engined aircraft operations over Africa and the Middle East : proceedings of the Joint ICAO/WHO Seminar, Cairo, 30 Oct. to 17 Nov. 1961: Nicosia, 21 Nov. to 9 Dec. 1961外部サイトGuide to meteorological instrument and observing practices外部サイトClimatic aspects of the possible establishment of the Japanese beetle in Europe . Forecasting for forest fire services : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology外部サイトUrban climates : proceedings of the Symposium on Urban Climates and Building Climatology jointly organized by the World Health Organization and WMO, Brussels, October 1968 (Vol. 1)外部サイトPreparing climatic data for the user外部サイトReview of atmospheric diffusion models for regulatory applications外部サイトInstrument development inquiry外部サイトMeteorological aspects of the utilization of solar radiation as an energy source外部サイトAnnual report of the world meteorological organization外部サイトAn agroclimatology survey of a semiarid area in Africa south of the Sahara外部サイトMeteorological aspects of aircraft icing外部サイトThe storage, cataloguing and retrieval of meteorological information外部サイトOcean data requirements and communication facilities : proceedings of the WMO Technical Conference, Tokyo, 2-7 October 1972外部サイトAviation aspects of mountain waves外部サイトReview of urban climatology 1968-1973外部サイトMeteorological service for aircraft employed in agriculture and forestry : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology外部サイトCompendium of lecture notes in climatology for Class IV meteorological personnel外部サイトGuide on the global observing system外部サイトMeteorological aspects of atmospheric radioactivity : papers presented by WMO experts during the 13th session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation外部サイトProblems of tropical meteorology : (a survey)外部サイトPapers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on regional and global observation of atmospheric pollution relative to climate, Boulder, 20-24 August 1979外部サイトInstrument and observing problems in cold climates外部サイトUpper air network requirements for numerical weather prediction : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology . Rapport préliminaire du groupe de travail de la Commission de Météorologie Synoptique sur les réseaux外部サイトOrganization, practices and procedures of the global data-processing system外部サイトWeather, climate, and human settlements外部サイトThe international radiometersonde intercomparison programme (1970-1971)外部サイトInstruments and measurements in hydrometeorology : lectures given at the second session of the Commission for Hydrometeorology, Warsaw, 29 Sept.-15 Oct., 1964外部サイトThe problem of the professional training of meteorological personnel of all grades in the less-developed countries外部サイトEl Niño phenomenon and fluctuations of climate : lectures presented at the thirty-sixth session of the WMO Executive Council外部サイトEstimation of maximum floods : report of a working group of the Commission for Hydrometeorology外部サイトUse of ground-based radar in meteorology (excluding upper-wind measurements) : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation外部サイトWeather and parasitic animal disease外部サイトMeteorology and the desert locust : proceedings of The WMO/FAO Seminar on Meteorology and the Desert Locust, Teheran--25 Nov.-11 Dec. 1963外部サイトEconomic benefits of climatological services外部サイトClimatic changes and their effects on the biosphere外部サイトUpper-air sounding studies外部サイトMeteorology and the migration of desert locusts : applications of synoptic meteorology in locust control外部サイトClimate change : environment and development : world leadrs' viewpoints外部サイトSurface, sub-surface and upper-air observations : proceedings of the WMO Technical Conference, Tokyo, 2-7 October 1972外部サイトClimate under glass外部サイトA survey of human biometeorology外部サイトCost and structure of meteorological services with special reference to the problem of developing countries外部サイトAir pollutants, meteorology, and plant injuly外部サイトClimatological normals (CLINO) for CLIMAT and the CLIMAT SHIP stations for the period 1931-1960 = Normales climatologiques (CLINO) relatives aux stations CLIMAT et CLIMAT SHIP pour la période 1931-1960外部サイトData processing in meteorology : proceedings of the WMO/IUGG Symposium on Meteorological Data Processing, Brussels 1965外部サイトPreparation of synoptic weather charts and diagrams外部サイトCatalogue of meteorological data for research外部サイトNumerical methods of weather analysis and forecasting : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology外部サイトPolar meteorology : proceedings of the WMO/SCAR/ICPM Symposium on Polar Meteorology, Geneva, 5-9 September 1966外部サイトThe use of satellite imagery in tropical cyclone analysis外部サイトThe airflow over mountains : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology外部サイトFifth World Meteorological Congress Geneva, 3-28 April 1967 : abridged report with resolutions外部サイトTurbulent diffusion in the atmosphere : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology外部サイトThe influence of weather conditions on the occurrence of apple scab : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology外部サイトThe results of the global weather experiment : lectures presented at the thirty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Committee外部サイトTechniques for high-level analysis and forecasting of wind- and temperature fields外部サイトThe planetary boundary layer外部サイトA study of the agroclimatology of the humid tropics of south-east Asia外部サイトReview of present knowledge of plant injury by air pollution外部サイトAn introduction to agrotopoclimatology外部サイトMonsoons外部サイトApplication of meteorology to marine interests : lectures presented at the sixth session of the Commission for Marine Meteorology (Tokyo, 9-21 October 1972)外部サイト



  • Lower troposphere soundings : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation

  • The preparation and use of weather maps by mariners

  • Aviation hail problem . Turbulence in clear air and in cloud . Ice formation on aircraft . Occurrence and forecasting of cirrostratus clouds

  • The planning of meteorological station networks

  • Intercomparison of conceptual models used in operational hydrological forecasting





  • CiNii Research

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Lower troposphere soundings : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation
The preparation and use of weather maps by mariners
Aviation hail problem . Turbulence in clear air and in cloud . Ice formation on aircraft . Occurrence and forecasting of cirrostratus clouds
The planning of meteorological station networks
Intercomparison of conceptual models used in operational hydrological forecasting
Radiation regime of inclined surfaces /by K. Ya. Kondratyev, with the assistance of M. P. Fedorova
Performance requirements of aerological instruments : an assessment based on atmospheric variability
Atmospheric radiation : (Current investigations and problems) . Tropical circulation patterns
Data-processing by machine methods : report of the CCl Working Group on Data-Processing by Machine Methods
Review of urban climatology 1973-1976
Measurement and estimation of evaporation and evapotranspiration : report of a working group on evaporation measurement of the commission for instruments and methods of observation
The present status of constant-level balloon programmes
The contribution of satellite data and services to WMO programmes in the next decade
Guide to hydrological practices
World weather watch : eleventh status report on implementation
Hydrological forecasting practices
Forecasting techniques of clear-air turbulence including that associated with mountain waves
Les représentations graphiques en météorologie
Homogénéité du réseau européen de radiosondages . The relative accuracy of rawins and contour-measured winds in relation to performance criteria . Superadiabatic lapse rate in the upper air
World weather watch : the plan and implementation programme 1976-1979
Protection against frost damage : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
Weather reporting . Messages météorologiques
Satellite and computer applications to synoptic meteorology : Lectures presented during the scientific discussions at the fifth session of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology (Geneva, 15 June - 3 July 1970)
Note on the standardization of pressure reduction methods in the international network of synoptic stations : report of a working group of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology
Use of ground-based radar in meteorology (excluding upper-wind measurements) : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation
Problems in dynamic meteorology
Artificial control of clouds and hydrometeors
Implementation plan for the determination of the atmospheric contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the oceans
Hydrological application of atmospheric vapour-flux analyses
Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations, Norwich, 18-23 August 1975
WMO-IUGG symposium on research and development aspects of long-range forecasting Boulder, Colorado, 1964
Climatological normals (CLINO) for CLIMAT and the CLIMAT SHIP stations for the period, 1931-1960 = Normales climatologiques (CLINO) relatives aux stations CLIMAT et CLIMAT SHIP pour la période, 1931-1960
Use of WWW facilities for hydrology
Controlled climate and plant research
Rice and weather
Observational characteristics of the jet stream : a survey of the literature
Climate variability, agriculture and forestry : towards sustainability
The application of atmospheric electricity concepts and methods to other parts of meteorology
WMO operations manual for sampling and analysis techniques for chemical constituents in air and precipitation
Use of radar in meteorology
A study of agroclimatology in semi-arid and arid zones of the Near East
International noctilucent cloud observation manual
A note on climatological normals : report of a working group of the Commission for Climatology
Drought and agriculture : report of the CAgM Working Group on the Assessment of Drought
Mulching effects on plant climate and yield
Meteorological aspects of the utilization of solar radiation as an energy source
Papers presented at the WMO symposium on the long-range transport of pollutants and its relation to general circulation including stratospheric/tropospheric exchange processes, Sofia, 1-5 October, 1979
Design of hydrological networks . Techniques for surveying surface-water resources
The present situation with regard to the application of numerical methods for routine weather prediction and prospects for the future
Utilization of aircraft meteorological reports
The effect of weather and climate upon the keeping quality of fruit
Outline plan and basis for the World Climate Programme, 1980-1983
Hydrological forecasting : proceedings of the WMO/Unesco Symposium on Hydrological Forecasting (Surfers' Paradise, Queensland, Australia, 1967)
Determination of the atmospheric contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the oceans
Evaluation of climate and water resources for development of agriculture in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa
Atmospherics techniques
Commission for Basic Systems : abridged final report of the eigth session : Geneva, 31 January - 11 February 1983
Windbreaks and shelterbelts : Report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
Radiation, including satellite techniques : proceedings of the WMO/IUGG Symposium held in Bergen, August 1968
Crop-weather models and their use in yield assessments
The quantitative evaluation of the risk of disaster from tropical cyclones : report of a WMO/UNEP project on the meteorological and hydrological aspects
Meteorological factors influencing the transport and removal of radioactive debris
Utilization of aircraft meteorological reports
High-level forecasting for turbine-engined aircraft operations over Africa and the Middle East : proceedings of the Joint ICAO/WHO Seminar, Cairo, 30 Oct. to 17 Nov. 1961: Nicosia, 21 Nov. to 9 Dec. 1961
Guide to meteorological instrument and observing practices
Climatic aspects of the possible establishment of the Japanese beetle in Europe . Forecasting for forest fire services : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
Urban climates : proceedings of the Symposium on Urban Climates and Building Climatology jointly organized by the World Health Organization and WMO, Brussels, October 1968 (Vol. 1)
Preparing climatic data for the user
Review of atmospheric diffusion models for regulatory applications
Instrument development inquiry
Meteorological aspects of the utilization of solar radiation as an energy source
Annual report of the world meteorological organization
An agroclimatology survey of a semiarid area in Africa south of the Sahara
Meteorological aspects of aircraft icing
The storage, cataloguing and retrieval of meteorological information
Ocean data requirements and communication facilities : proceedings of the WMO Technical Conference, Tokyo, 2-7 October 1972
Aviation aspects of mountain waves
Review of urban climatology 1968-1973
Meteorological service for aircraft employed in agriculture and forestry : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
Compendium of lecture notes in climatology for Class IV meteorological personnel
Guide on the global observing system
Meteorological aspects of atmospheric radioactivity : papers presented by WMO experts during the 13th session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
Problems of tropical meteorology : (a survey)
Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on regional and global observation of atmospheric pollution relative to climate, Boulder, 20-24 August 1979
Instrument and observing problems in cold climates
Upper air network requirements for numerical weather prediction : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology . Rapport préliminaire du groupe de travail de la Commission de Météorologie Synoptique sur les réseaux
Organization, practices and procedures of the global data-processing system
Weather, climate, and human settlements
The international radiometersonde intercomparison programme (1970-1971)
Instruments and measurements in hydrometeorology : lectures given at the second session of the Commission for Hydrometeorology, Warsaw, 29 Sept.-15 Oct., 1964
The problem of the professional training of meteorological personnel of all grades in the less-developed countries
El Niño phenomenon and fluctuations of climate : lectures presented at the thirty-sixth session of the WMO Executive Council
Estimation of maximum floods : report of a working group of the Commission for Hydrometeorology
Use of ground-based radar in meteorology (excluding upper-wind measurements) : report of a working group of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation
Weather and parasitic animal disease
Meteorology and the desert locust : proceedings of The WMO/FAO Seminar on Meteorology and the Desert Locust, Teheran--25 Nov.-11 Dec. 1963
Economic benefits of climatological services
Climatic changes and their effects on the biosphere
Upper-air sounding studies
Meteorology and the migration of desert locusts : applications of synoptic meteorology in locust control
Climate change : environment and development : world leadrs' viewpoints
Surface, sub-surface and upper-air observations : proceedings of the WMO Technical Conference, Tokyo, 2-7 October 1972
Climate under glass
A survey of human biometeorology
Cost and structure of meteorological services with special reference to the problem of developing countries
Air pollutants, meteorology, and plant injuly
Climatological normals (CLINO) for CLIMAT and the CLIMAT SHIP stations for the period 1931-1960 = Normales climatologiques (CLINO) relatives aux stations CLIMAT et CLIMAT SHIP pour la période 1931-1960
Data processing in meteorology : proceedings of the WMO/IUGG Symposium on Meteorological Data Processing, Brussels 1965
Preparation of synoptic weather charts and diagrams
Catalogue of meteorological data for research
Numerical methods of weather analysis and forecasting : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology
Polar meteorology : proceedings of the WMO/SCAR/ICPM Symposium on Polar Meteorology, Geneva, 5-9 September 1966
The use of satellite imagery in tropical cyclone analysis
The airflow over mountains : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology
Fifth World Meteorological Congress Geneva, 3-28 April 1967 : abridged report with resolutions
Turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology
The influence of weather conditions on the occurrence of apple scab : report of a working group of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
The results of the global weather experiment : lectures presented at the thirty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Committee
Techniques for high-level analysis and forecasting of wind- and temperature fields
The planetary boundary layer
A study of the agroclimatology of the humid tropics of south-east Asia
Review of present knowledge of plant injury by air pollution
An introduction to agrotopoclimatology
Application of meteorology to marine interests : lectures presented at the sixth session of the Commission for Marine Meteorology (Tokyo, 9-21 October 1972)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research