
Contributions in military studies


Contributions in military studies

Greenwood Press


Soviet military assistance : an empirical perspective外部サイトGreat captains of antiquity外部サイトRolling the iron dice : historical analogies and decisions to use military force in regional contingencies外部サイトCivilian indoctrination of the military : World War I and future implications for the military-industrial complex外部サイトTruman, MacArthur, and the Korean War外部サイトThe American war in Vietnam : lessons, legacies, and implications for future conflicts外部サイトDiplomatic ramifications of unrestricted submarine warfare, 1939-1941外部サイトThe spit-shine syndrome : organizational irrationality in the American field army外部サイトThe emperor's friend : Marshal Jean Lannes外部サイトBehind a curtain of silence : Japanese in Soviet custody, 1945-1956外部サイトThe Search for strategy : politics and strategic vision外部サイトArms race theory : strategy and structure of behavior外部サイトRaiders or elite infantry? : the changing role of the U.S. Army Rangers from Dieppe to Grenada外部サイトDemocracy under siege : new military power in Latin America外部サイトToward a revolution in military affairs : defense and security at the dawn of the twenty-first century外部サイトDoctrine and dogma : German and British infantry tactics in the First World War外部サイトThe hollow army : how the U.S. Army is oversold and undermanned外部サイト"Mad Jack" : the biography of captain John Percival, USN, 1779-1862外部サイトGentlemen of the blade : a social and literary history of the British Army since 1660外部サイトThe founding of Russia's navy : Peter the Great and the Azov Fleet, 1688-1714外部サイトNative vs. settler : ethnic conflict in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa外部サイトFor King and Kaiser! : the making of the Prussian Army officer, 1860-1914外部サイトReorganizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff : the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986外部サイトDesert Storm at sea : what the Navy really did外部サイトTreatise on partisan warfare外部サイトWar for the every day : generals, knowledge, and warfare in early modern Europe, 1680-1740外部サイトThe Army's nuclear power program : the evolution of a support agency外部サイトThe cross and the trenches : religious faith and doubt among British and American great war soldiers外部サイトCrusade in Nuremberg : military occupation, 1945-1949外部サイトThe U.S. Constitution and the power to go war : historical and current perspectives外部サイトPaying the premium : a military insurance policy for peace and freedom外部サイトLooking back on the Vietnam War : a 1990s perspective on the decisions, combat, and legacies外部サイトCommunist logistics in the Korean War外部サイトThe chief of staff : the military career of General Walter Bedell Smith外部サイトAgainst all enemies : interpretations of American military history from colonial times to the present外部サイトMilitary crisis management : U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965外部サイトFrom the Renaissance through modern times外部サイトNuclear war and nuclear strategy : unfinished business外部サイトThe military in the service of society and democracy : the challenge of the dual-role military外部サイトThe American occupation of Austria : planning and early years外部サイトThe tainted war : culture and identity in Vietnam War narratives外部サイトFeeding the bear : American aid to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945外部サイトExplorations in strategy外部サイトSecret soldiers of the revolution : Soviet military intelligence, 1918-1933外部サイトThe laws of land warfare : a guide to the U.S. Army manuals外部サイトTo acknowledge a war : the Korean War in American memory外部サイトNATO strategy and nuclear defense外部サイトHidden ally : the French resistance, special operations, and the landings in southern France, 1944外部サイトIn the shadow of Nelson : the naval leadership of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 1753-1812外部サイトThe making of a professional : Manton S. Eddy, USA外部サイトThe Sorcerer as apprentice : Stalin as commissar of nationalities, 1917-1924外部サイトReevaluating major naval combatants of World War II外部サイトThe U.S. Navy, the Mediterranean, and the cold war, 1945-1947外部サイトThe Persian Gulf War : lessons for strategy, law, and diplomacy外部サイトThe U.S. military : ready for the new world order?外部サイトArms control and nuclear weapons : U.S. policies and the national interest外部サイトThe declining hegemon : the United States and European defense, 1960-1990外部サイトUneasy coalition : the entente experience in World War I外部サイトThe changing face of national security : a conceptual analysis外部サイトThe battle of Ap Bac, Vietnam : they did everything but learn from it外部サイトMilitary assistance : an operational perspective外部サイトWar wings : the United States and Chinese military aviation, 1929-1949外部サイトSoviet military reform in the twentieth century : three case studies外部サイトWhere eagles land : planning and development of U.S. Army airfields, 1910-1941外部サイトAn eyewitness account of the American Revolution and New England life : the journal of J.F. Wasmus, German company surgeon, 1776-1783外部サイトNot shooting and not crying : psychological inquiry into moral disobedience外部サイトMarching toward the 21st century : military manpower and recruiting外部サイトA nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East : problems and prospects外部サイトThe long wait : the forging of the Anglo-American nuclear alliance, 1945-1958外部サイトMilitarism and politics in Latin America : Peru from Sánchez Cerro to Sendero Luminoso外部サイトThe other desert war : British Special Forces in North Africa, 1940-1943外部サイトThe Moroccan goums : tribal warriors in a modern war外部サイトPoison gas : the myths versus reality外部サイトShaping a maritime empire : the commercial and diplomatic role of the American Navy, 1829-1861外部サイトSurgeons at war : medical arrangements for the treatment of the sick and wounded in the British Army during the late 18th and 19th centuries外部サイトUnited States military assistance : an empirical perspective外部サイトSalzburg under siege : U.S. occupation, 1945-1955外部サイトGlobal double zero : the INF Treaty from its origins to implementation外部サイトThe U.S. war crimes trial program in Germany, 1946-1955外部サイトCitizen-sailors in a changing society : policy issues for manning the United States Naval Reserve外部サイトForged in war : the Continental Congress and the origin of military supply and acquisition policy外部サイトThe Aegean mission : Allied operations in the Dodecanese, 1943外部サイトA portrait of the Israeli soldier外部サイトMilitary psychiatry : a comparative perspective外部サイトScientific information in wartime : the Allied-German rivalry, 1939-1945外部サイトThe culture of war : invention and early development外部サイトGuns in the desert : General Jean-Pierre Doguereau's Journal of Napoleon's Egyptian expedition外部サイトDesert Shield at sea : what the Navy really did外部サイトAmerica's strategic future : a blueprint for national survival in the new millennium外部サイトIron Brigade general : John Gibbon, a rebel in blue外部サイトRussian imperial military doctrine and education, 1832-1914外部サイトThe last gaiter button : a study of the mobilization and concentration of the French Army in the War of 1870外部サイトBeyond glasnost : Soviet reform and security issues外部サイトLeft face : soldier unions and resistance movements in modern armies外部サイトContemporary studies in combat psychiatry外部サイトThe Anglo-American winter war with Russia, 1918-1919 : a diplomatic and military tragicomedy外部サイトMechanized juggernaut or military anachronism? : horses and the German Army of World War II外部サイトFrom ancient times to the Middle Ages外部サイト"Seeing the elephant" : raw recruits at the Battle of Shiloh外部サイトU.S. domestic and national security agendas : into the twenty-first century外部サイトDefense relations between Australia and Indonesia in the post-Cold War era外部サイトThe Vietnam War : teaching approaches and resources外部サイトTo the bitter end : Paraguay and the War of the Triple Alliance外部サイトMilitary helicopter doctrines of the major powers, 1945-1992 : making decisions about air-land warfare外部サイトMissile defenses and Western European security : NATO strategy, arms control, and deterrence外部サイトPrisoners, diplomats, and the Great War : a study in the diplomacy of captivity外部サイトOrdered to die : a history of the Ottoman army in the first World War外部サイトCurrent French security policy : the Gaullist legacy外部サイトThe other price of Hitler's war : German military and civilian losses resulting from World War II外部サイトMilitary planning for the defense of the United Kingdom, 1814-1870外部サイトThe evolution of blitzkrieg tactics : Germany defends itself against Poland, 1918-1933外部サイトThe Political economy of defense : issues and perspectives外部サイトImplosion : downsizing the U.S. military, 1987-2015外部サイトWhere a man can go : Major General William Phillips, British Royal Artillery, 1731-1781外部サイトDeath waits in the "dark" : the Senoi Praaq, Malaysia's killer elite外部サイトFrom Sumer to Rome : the military capabilities of ancient armies外部サイトThe Duke of Wellington and the British army of occupation in France, 1815-1818外部サイトSoviet military psychiatry : the theory and practice of coping with battle stress外部サイトAn uncertain trumpet : the evolution of U.S. Army infantry doctrine, 1919-1941外部サイトWars without splendor : the U.S. military and low-level conflict外部サイト"Wielding the dagger" : the MarineKorps Flandern and the German war effort, 1914-1918外部サイトNew weapons and NATO : solutions or irritants?外部サイトPeacekeepers and their wives : American participation in the multinational force and observers外部サイトBattles of the Thirty Years War : from White Mountain to Nordlingen, 1618-1635外部サイトNordic security at the turn of the Twenty-first century外部サイトIn Caesar's shadow : the life of General Robert Eichelberger外部サイトThe painful field : the psychiatric dimension of modern war外部サイトU.S. unilateral arms control initiatives : when do they work?外部サイトStrategic impasse : offense, defense, and deterrence theory and practice外部サイトStrategic nuclear war : what the superpowers target and why外部サイトTransfer of arms, leverage, and peace in the Middle East外部サイトFirst strike stability : deterrence after containment外部サイトAce in the hole : why the United States did not use nuclear weapons in the Cold War, 1945 to 1965外部サイトPerspectives on nuclear war and peace education外部サイトTerrain and tactics外部サイトArmed forces on a northern frontier : the military in Alaska's history, 1867-1987外部サイトLegitimacy and commitment in the military外部サイトTides in the affairs of men : the social history of Elizabethan seamen, 1580-1603外部サイトSoviet military doctrine from Lenin to Gorbachev, 1915-1991外部サイトThe 1,000 hour war : communication in the Gulf外部サイトCreating an American lake : United States imperialism and strategic security in the Pacific Basin, 1945-1947外部サイトControlling and ending conflict : issues before and after the Cold War外部サイトThe eagle and the dragon : the United States military in China, 1901-1937外部サイトGentlemen of the blade : a social and literary history of the British Army since 1660外部サイトUnconventional conflicts in a new security era : lessons from Malaya and Vietnam外部サイトThe ambiguous relationship : Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Thayer Mahan外部サイトJailed for peace : the history of American draft law violators, 1658-1985外部サイトThe later Thirty Years War : from the Battle of Wittstock to the Treaty of Westphalia外部サイトThe Soviet military and the future外部サイトChina's military modernization : international implications外部サイトThe new battlefield : the United States and unconventional conflicts外部サイトThe dogma of the battle of annihilation : the theories of Clausewitz and Schlieffen and their impact on the German conduct of two world wars外部サイトConscription and democracy : the draft in France, Great Britain, and the United States外部サイトThe Italian Navy in World War II外部サイトThe evolution of civil-military relations in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union外部サイトSoldier and warrior : French attitudes toward the army and war on the eve of the First World War外部サイトThe World turned upside down : the American victory in the War of Independence外部サイトCounterinsurgency in Africa : the Portuguese way of war, 1961-1974外部サイトCollective insecurity : U.S. defense policy and the new world disorder外部サイト



  • Soviet military assistance : an empirical perspective

  • Great captains of antiquity

  • Rolling the iron dice : historical analogies and decisions to use military force in regional contingencies

  • Civilian indoctrination of the military : World War I and future implications for the military-industrial complex

  • Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean War





  • CiNii Research

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Soviet military assistance : an empirical perspective
Great captains of antiquity
Rolling the iron dice : historical analogies and decisions to use military force in regional contingencies
Civilian indoctrination of the military : World War I and future implications for the military-industrial complex
Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean War
The American war in Vietnam : lessons, legacies, and implications for future conflicts
Diplomatic ramifications of unrestricted submarine warfare, 1939-1941
The spit-shine syndrome : organizational irrationality in the American field army
The emperor's friend : Marshal Jean Lannes
Behind a curtain of silence : Japanese in Soviet custody, 1945-1956
The Search for strategy : politics and strategic vision
Arms race theory : strategy and structure of behavior
Raiders or elite infantry? : the changing role of the U.S. Army Rangers from Dieppe to Grenada
Democracy under siege : new military power in Latin America
Toward a revolution in military affairs : defense and security at the dawn of the twenty-first century
Doctrine and dogma : German and British infantry tactics in the First World War
The hollow army : how the U.S. Army is oversold and undermanned
"Mad Jack" : the biography of captain John Percival, USN, 1779-1862
Gentlemen of the blade : a social and literary history of the British Army since 1660
The founding of Russia's navy : Peter the Great and the Azov Fleet, 1688-1714
Native vs. settler : ethnic conflict in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa
For King and Kaiser! : the making of the Prussian Army officer, 1860-1914
Reorganizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff : the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986
Desert Storm at sea : what the Navy really did
Treatise on partisan warfare
War for the every day : generals, knowledge, and warfare in early modern Europe, 1680-1740
The Army's nuclear power program : the evolution of a support agency
The cross and the trenches : religious faith and doubt among British and American great war soldiers
Crusade in Nuremberg : military occupation, 1945-1949
The U.S. Constitution and the power to go war : historical and current perspectives
Paying the premium : a military insurance policy for peace and freedom
Looking back on the Vietnam War : a 1990s perspective on the decisions, combat, and legacies
Communist logistics in the Korean War
The chief of staff : the military career of General Walter Bedell Smith
Against all enemies : interpretations of American military history from colonial times to the present
Military crisis management : U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965
From the Renaissance through modern times
Nuclear war and nuclear strategy : unfinished business
The military in the service of society and democracy : the challenge of the dual-role military
The American occupation of Austria : planning and early years
The tainted war : culture and identity in Vietnam War narratives
Feeding the bear : American aid to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945
Explorations in strategy
Secret soldiers of the revolution : Soviet military intelligence, 1918-1933
The laws of land warfare : a guide to the U.S. Army manuals
To acknowledge a war : the Korean War in American memory
NATO strategy and nuclear defense
Hidden ally : the French resistance, special operations, and the landings in southern France, 1944
In the shadow of Nelson : the naval leadership of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 1753-1812
The making of a professional : Manton S. Eddy, USA
The Sorcerer as apprentice : Stalin as commissar of nationalities, 1917-1924
Reevaluating major naval combatants of World War II
The U.S. Navy, the Mediterranean, and the cold war, 1945-1947
The Persian Gulf War : lessons for strategy, law, and diplomacy
The U.S. military : ready for the new world order?
Arms control and nuclear weapons : U.S. policies and the national interest
The declining hegemon : the United States and European defense, 1960-1990
Uneasy coalition : the entente experience in World War I
The changing face of national security : a conceptual analysis
The battle of Ap Bac, Vietnam : they did everything but learn from it
Military assistance : an operational perspective
War wings : the United States and Chinese military aviation, 1929-1949
Soviet military reform in the twentieth century : three case studies
Where eagles land : planning and development of U.S. Army airfields, 1910-1941
An eyewitness account of the American Revolution and New England life : the journal of J.F. Wasmus, German company surgeon, 1776-1783
Not shooting and not crying : psychological inquiry into moral disobedience
Marching toward the 21st century : military manpower and recruiting
A nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East : problems and prospects
The long wait : the forging of the Anglo-American nuclear alliance, 1945-1958
Militarism and politics in Latin America : Peru from Sánchez Cerro to Sendero Luminoso
The other desert war : British Special Forces in North Africa, 1940-1943
The Moroccan goums : tribal warriors in a modern war
Poison gas : the myths versus reality
Shaping a maritime empire : the commercial and diplomatic role of the American Navy, 1829-1861
Surgeons at war : medical arrangements for the treatment of the sick and wounded in the British Army during the late 18th and 19th centuries
United States military assistance : an empirical perspective
Salzburg under siege : U.S. occupation, 1945-1955
Global double zero : the INF Treaty from its origins to implementation
The U.S. war crimes trial program in Germany, 1946-1955
Citizen-sailors in a changing society : policy issues for manning the United States Naval Reserve
Forged in war : the Continental Congress and the origin of military supply and acquisition policy
The Aegean mission : Allied operations in the Dodecanese, 1943
A portrait of the Israeli soldier
Military psychiatry : a comparative perspective
Scientific information in wartime : the Allied-German rivalry, 1939-1945
The culture of war : invention and early development
Guns in the desert : General Jean-Pierre Doguereau's Journal of Napoleon's Egyptian expedition
Desert Shield at sea : what the Navy really did
America's strategic future : a blueprint for national survival in the new millennium
Iron Brigade general : John Gibbon, a rebel in blue
Russian imperial military doctrine and education, 1832-1914
The last gaiter button : a study of the mobilization and concentration of the French Army in the War of 1870
Beyond glasnost : Soviet reform and security issues
Left face : soldier unions and resistance movements in modern armies
Contemporary studies in combat psychiatry
The Anglo-American winter war with Russia, 1918-1919 : a diplomatic and military tragicomedy
Mechanized juggernaut or military anachronism? : horses and the German Army of World War II
From ancient times to the Middle Ages
"Seeing the elephant" : raw recruits at the Battle of Shiloh
U.S. domestic and national security agendas : into the twenty-first century
Defense relations between Australia and Indonesia in the post-Cold War era
The Vietnam War : teaching approaches and resources
To the bitter end : Paraguay and the War of the Triple Alliance
Military helicopter doctrines of the major powers, 1945-1992 : making decisions about air-land warfare
Missile defenses and Western European security : NATO strategy, arms control, and deterrence
Prisoners, diplomats, and the Great War : a study in the diplomacy of captivity
Ordered to die : a history of the Ottoman army in the first World War
Current French security policy : the Gaullist legacy
The other price of Hitler's war : German military and civilian losses resulting from World War II
Military planning for the defense of the United Kingdom, 1814-1870
The evolution of blitzkrieg tactics : Germany defends itself against Poland, 1918-1933
The Political economy of defense : issues and perspectives
Implosion : downsizing the U.S. military, 1987-2015
Where a man can go : Major General William Phillips, British Royal Artillery, 1731-1781
Death waits in the "dark" : the Senoi Praaq, Malaysia's killer elite
From Sumer to Rome : the military capabilities of ancient armies
The Duke of Wellington and the British army of occupation in France, 1815-1818
Soviet military psychiatry : the theory and practice of coping with battle stress
An uncertain trumpet : the evolution of U.S. Army infantry doctrine, 1919-1941
Wars without splendor : the U.S. military and low-level conflict
"Wielding the dagger" : the MarineKorps Flandern and the German war effort, 1914-1918
New weapons and NATO : solutions or irritants?
Peacekeepers and their wives : American participation in the multinational force and observers
Battles of the Thirty Years War : from White Mountain to Nordlingen, 1618-1635
Nordic security at the turn of the Twenty-first century
In Caesar's shadow : the life of General Robert Eichelberger
The painful field : the psychiatric dimension of modern war
U.S. unilateral arms control initiatives : when do they work?
Strategic impasse : offense, defense, and deterrence theory and practice
Strategic nuclear war : what the superpowers target and why
Transfer of arms, leverage, and peace in the Middle East
First strike stability : deterrence after containment
Ace in the hole : why the United States did not use nuclear weapons in the Cold War, 1945 to 1965
Perspectives on nuclear war and peace education
Terrain and tactics
Armed forces on a northern frontier : the military in Alaska's history, 1867-1987
Legitimacy and commitment in the military
Tides in the affairs of men : the social history of Elizabethan seamen, 1580-1603
Soviet military doctrine from Lenin to Gorbachev, 1915-1991
The 1,000 hour war : communication in the Gulf
Creating an American lake : United States imperialism and strategic security in the Pacific Basin, 1945-1947
Controlling and ending conflict : issues before and after the Cold War
The eagle and the dragon : the United States military in China, 1901-1937
Gentlemen of the blade : a social and literary history of the British Army since 1660
Unconventional conflicts in a new security era : lessons from Malaya and Vietnam
The ambiguous relationship : Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Thayer Mahan
Jailed for peace : the history of American draft law violators, 1658-1985
The later Thirty Years War : from the Battle of Wittstock to the Treaty of Westphalia
The Soviet military and the future
China's military modernization : international implications
The new battlefield : the United States and unconventional conflicts
The dogma of the battle of annihilation : the theories of Clausewitz and Schlieffen and their impact on the German conduct of two world wars
Conscription and democracy : the draft in France, Great Britain, and the United States
The Italian Navy in World War II
The evolution of civil-military relations in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Soldier and warrior : French attitudes toward the army and war on the eve of the First World War
The World turned upside down : the American victory in the War of Independence
Counterinsurgency in Africa : the Portuguese way of war, 1961-1974
Collective insecurity : U.S. defense policy and the new world disorder
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00559892 : BA00559892