- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- edited by David Hurst Thomas
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- The evolution of North American Indians : a 31-volume series of outstanding dissertationsA Garland series
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- The clown in native North AmericaLate prehistoric and early historic chiefdoms in the southeastern United StatesThe regional organization of the Hohokam in the American Southwest : a stylistic analysis of red-on-buff potteryPreserving diversity : ethnoarchaeological perspectives on culture change in the western Canadian subarcticAging and osteoporosis in native Americans from Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico : behavioral and biomechanical effectsIn the maelstrom of change : the Indian trade and cultural process in the middle Connecticut River valley, 1635-1665Prehistory of the central Maine coastHunting by prehistoric horticulturists in the American SouthwestPrehistoric exchange and sociopolitical development in the plateau SouthwestPrehistoric dimensions of status : gender and age in eastern North AmericaEmergence of native American nationalism in the Columbia PlateauThe dentition of Arctic peoplesInterdependence in the prehistoric Southwest : an ecological analysis of Plains-Pueblo interactionThe effect of European contact and trade on the settlement pattern of Indians in coastal New York, 1524-1665Long term adaptations among Arctic hunter-gatherers : a case study from southern Baffin IslandThe ceramic sequence in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, and its relation to the cultures of the San Juan BasinThe Acoma culture province : an archaeological conceptPre-Seminole Florida : Spanish soldiers, friars, and Indian missions, 1513-1763Prehistoric Tewa economy : modeling subsistence production on the Pajarito PlateauRock art of the southern Black Hills : a contextual approachPostColumbian culture history in the northern Columbia Plateau, A.D. 1500-1900Cultural diversity among aboriginal cultures of coastal Virginia and North CarolinaSpanish-Indian relations in Florida : a study of two visitas, 1657-1678Evolution of Chumash society : a comparative study of artifacts used for social system maintenance in the Santa Barbara Channel Region before A. D. 1804Cherokee folk zoology : the animal world of a native American people, 1700-1838Seasonal circulation and dual residence in the Pueblo Southwest : a prehistoric example from the Pajarito Plateau, New MexicoPrehistoric warfare on the Great Plains : skeletal analysis of the Crow Creek massacre victimsPlay and inter-ethnic communication : a practical ethnography of the Mescalero Apache