
The evolution of North American Indians


The evolution of North American Indians

edited by David Hurst Thomas
Garland Pub.


The clown in native North America外部サイトLate prehistoric and early historic chiefdoms in the southeastern United States外部サイトThe regional organization of the Hohokam in the American Southwest : a stylistic analysis of red-on-buff pottery外部サイトPreserving diversity : ethnoarchaeological perspectives on culture change in the western Canadian subarctic外部サイトAging and osteoporosis in native Americans from Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico : behavioral and biomechanical effects外部サイトIn the maelstrom of change : the Indian trade and cultural process in the middle Connecticut River valley, 1635-1665外部サイトPrehistory of the central Maine coast外部サイトHunting by prehistoric horticulturists in the American Southwest外部サイトPrehistoric exchange and sociopolitical development in the plateau Southwest外部サイトPrehistoric dimensions of status : gender and age in eastern North America外部サイトEmergence of native American nationalism in the Columbia Plateau外部サイトThe dentition of Arctic peoples外部サイトInterdependence in the prehistoric Southwest : an ecological analysis of Plains-Pueblo interaction外部サイトThe effect of European contact and trade on the settlement pattern of Indians in coastal New York, 1524-1665外部サイトLong term adaptations among Arctic hunter-gatherers : a case study from southern Baffin Island外部サイトThe ceramic sequence in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, and its relation to the cultures of the San Juan Basin外部サイトThe Acoma culture province : an archaeological concept外部サイトPre-Seminole Florida : Spanish soldiers, friars, and Indian missions, 1513-1763外部サイトPrehistoric Tewa economy : modeling subsistence production on the Pajarito Plateau外部サイトRock art of the southern Black Hills : a contextual approach外部サイトPostColumbian culture history in the northern Columbia Plateau, A.D. 1500-1900外部サイトCultural diversity among aboriginal cultures of coastal Virginia and North Carolina外部サイトSpanish-Indian relations in Florida : a study of two visitas, 1657-1678外部サイトEvolution of Chumash society : a comparative study of artifacts used for social system maintenance in the Santa Barbara Channel Region before A. D. 1804外部サイトCherokee folk zoology : the animal world of a native American people, 1700-1838外部サイトSeasonal circulation and dual residence in the Pueblo Southwest : a prehistoric example from the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico外部サイトPrehistoric warfare on the Great Plains : skeletal analysis of the Crow Creek massacre victims外部サイトPlay and inter-ethnic communication : a practical ethnography of the Mescalero Apache外部サイト






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edited by David Hurst Thomas
The evolution of North American Indians : a 31-volume series of outstanding dissertations
A Garland series
The clown in native North America
Late prehistoric and early historic chiefdoms in the southeastern United States
The regional organization of the Hohokam in the American Southwest : a stylistic analysis of red-on-buff pottery
Preserving diversity : ethnoarchaeological perspectives on culture change in the western Canadian subarctic
Aging and osteoporosis in native Americans from Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico : behavioral and biomechanical effects
In the maelstrom of change : the Indian trade and cultural process in the middle Connecticut River valley, 1635-1665
Prehistory of the central Maine coast
Hunting by prehistoric horticulturists in the American Southwest
Prehistoric exchange and sociopolitical development in the plateau Southwest
Prehistoric dimensions of status : gender and age in eastern North America
Emergence of native American nationalism in the Columbia Plateau
The dentition of Arctic peoples
Interdependence in the prehistoric Southwest : an ecological analysis of Plains-Pueblo interaction
The effect of European contact and trade on the settlement pattern of Indians in coastal New York, 1524-1665
Long term adaptations among Arctic hunter-gatherers : a case study from southern Baffin Island
The ceramic sequence in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, and its relation to the cultures of the San Juan Basin
The Acoma culture province : an archaeological concept
Pre-Seminole Florida : Spanish soldiers, friars, and Indian missions, 1513-1763
Prehistoric Tewa economy : modeling subsistence production on the Pajarito Plateau
Rock art of the southern Black Hills : a contextual approach
PostColumbian culture history in the northern Columbia Plateau, A.D. 1500-1900
Cultural diversity among aboriginal cultures of coastal Virginia and North Carolina
Spanish-Indian relations in Florida : a study of two visitas, 1657-1678
Evolution of Chumash society : a comparative study of artifacts used for social system maintenance in the Santa Barbara Channel Region before A. D. 1804
Cherokee folk zoology : the animal world of a native American people, 1700-1838
Seasonal circulation and dual residence in the Pueblo Southwest : a prehistoric example from the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico
Prehistoric warfare on the Great Plains : skeletal analysis of the Crow Creek massacre victims
Play and inter-ethnic communication : a practical ethnography of the Mescalero Apache