
New directions in critical theory


New directions in critical theory

Allen, Amy
Columbia University Press



Amy Allen, general editor


Critical theory in critical times : transforming the global political and economic order外部サイトThe end of progress : decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory外部サイトMute speech : literature, critical theory, and politics外部サイトAlienation外部サイトPathologies of reason : on the legacy of critical theory外部サイトDemocracy in what state?外部サイトRecognition or disagreement : a critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity外部サイトThe wrath of capital : neoliberalism and climate change politics外部サイトRadical cosmopolitics : the ethics and politics of democratic universalism外部サイトPolitical uses of utopia : new Marxist, anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives外部サイトThe politics of our selves : power, autonomy, and gender in contemporary critical theory外部サイトThe end of progress : decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory外部サイトFreedom's right : the social foundations of democratic life外部サイトPolitical responsibility : responding to predicaments of power外部サイトStates without nations : citizenship for mortals外部サイトThe right to justification : elements of a constructivist theory of justice外部サイトThe right to justification : elements of a constructivist theory of justice外部サイトThe racial discourses of life philosophy : négritude, vitalism, and modernity外部サイトStarve and immolate : the politics of human weapons外部サイトPolitics of culture and the spirit of critique : dialogues外部サイトScales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world外部サイトRecognition or disagreement : a critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity外部サイトTransitional subjects : critical theory and object relations外部サイトRecognition and ambivalence外部サイトDemocracy and the political unconscious外部サイトWhat is a people?外部サイトThe Habermas handbook外部サイトThe force of the example : explorations in the paradigm of judgment外部サイトLeft-wing melancholia : Marxism, history, and memory外部サイトFear of breakdown : politics and psychoanalysis外部サイトFoucault/Derrida fifty years later : the futures of genealogy, deconstruction, and politics外部サイトSocial acceleration : a new theory of modernity外部サイトOn the difficulty of living together : memory, politics, and history外部サイトThe scandal of reason : a critical theory of political judgment外部サイトHorrorism : naming contemporary violence外部サイトThe practice of political theory : Rorty and continental thought外部サイトThe power of tolerance : a debate外部サイトThe experience of injustice : a theory of recognition外部サイトScales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world外部サイトAlienation外部サイトThe politics of our selves : power, autonomy, and gender in contemporary critical theory外部サイトDemocracy, in what state?外部サイトNarrating evil : a postmetaphysical theory of reflective judgment外部サイトHorrorism : naming contemporary violence外部サイトFear of breakdown : politics and psychoanalysis外部サイトFascist mythologies : the history and politics of unreason in Borges, Freud, and Schmitt外部サイトBirth of a new earth : the radical politics of environmentalism外部サイトA time for critique外部サイトSocial acceleration : a new theory of modernity外部サイトThe practice of political theory : Rorty and continental thought外部サイトCritique on the couch : why critical theory needs psychoanalysis外部サイト



  • Critical theory in critical times : transforming the global political and economic order

  • The end of progress : decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory

  • Mute speech : literature, critical theory, and politics

  • Alienation

  • Pathologies of reason : on the legacy of critical theory





  • CiNii Research

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Amy Allen, general editor
Critical theory in critical times : transforming the global political and economic order
The end of progress : decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory
Mute speech : literature, critical theory, and politics
Pathologies of reason : on the legacy of critical theory
Democracy in what state?
Recognition or disagreement : a critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity
The wrath of capital : neoliberalism and climate change politics
Radical cosmopolitics : the ethics and politics of democratic universalism
Political uses of utopia : new Marxist, anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives
The politics of our selves : power, autonomy, and gender in contemporary critical theory
The end of progress : decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory
Freedom's right : the social foundations of democratic life
Political responsibility : responding to predicaments of power
States without nations : citizenship for mortals
The right to justification : elements of a constructivist theory of justice
The right to justification : elements of a constructivist theory of justice
The racial discourses of life philosophy : négritude, vitalism, and modernity
Starve and immolate : the politics of human weapons
Politics of culture and the spirit of critique : dialogues
Scales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world
Recognition or disagreement : a critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity
Transitional subjects : critical theory and object relations
Recognition and ambivalence
Democracy and the political unconscious
What is a people?
The Habermas handbook
The force of the example : explorations in the paradigm of judgment
Left-wing melancholia : Marxism, history, and memory
Fear of breakdown : politics and psychoanalysis
Foucault/Derrida fifty years later : the futures of genealogy, deconstruction, and politics
Social acceleration : a new theory of modernity
On the difficulty of living together : memory, politics, and history
The scandal of reason : a critical theory of political judgment
Horrorism : naming contemporary violence
The practice of political theory : Rorty and continental thought
The power of tolerance : a debate
The experience of injustice : a theory of recognition
Scales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world
The politics of our selves : power, autonomy, and gender in contemporary critical theory
Democracy, in what state?
Narrating evil : a postmetaphysical theory of reflective judgment
Horrorism : naming contemporary violence
Fear of breakdown : politics and psychoanalysis
Fascist mythologies : the history and politics of unreason in Borges, Freud, and Schmitt
Birth of a new earth : the radical politics of environmentalism
A time for critique
Social acceleration : a new theory of modernity
The practice of political theory : Rorty and continental thought
Critique on the couch : why critical theory needs psychoanalysis
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research