
Records of social and economic history


Records of social and economic history

Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press


Lordship and landscape in Norfolk 1250-1350 : the early records of Holkham外部サイトThe account book of Richard Latham, 1724-1767外部サイトEssex pauper letters 1731-1837外部サイトDocuments of the first chambers of commerce in Britain and Ireland, 1767-1839外部サイトBishop Wake's summary of visitation returns from the Diocese of Lincoln, 1706-1715外部サイトMarkets and merchants of the late seventeenth century : the Marescoe-David letters, 1668-1680外部サイトThe business and household accounts of Joyce Jeffreys, spinster of Hereford, 1638-1648外部サイトThe diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke 1605-1675外部サイト"An exact and industrious tradesman" : the letter book of Joseph Symson of Kendal, 1711-1720外部サイトThe farming and memorandum books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642外部サイトThe Bordeaux-Dublin letters, 1757 : correspondence of an Irish community abroad外部サイトThe correspondence of Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven, 1693-1698 : a provincial community in wartime外部サイトIntroduction, glossary, diet accounts (i)外部サイトWarwickshire grazier and London skinner, 1532-1555 : the account book of Peter Temple and Thomas Heritage外部サイトThe cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England : secunda camera, Essex外部サイトThe diocesan population returns for 1563 and 1603外部サイトThe worlds of the Jeake family of Rye, 1640-1736外部サイトThe Early records of medieval Coventry外部サイトCharters and custumals of Shaftesbury Abbey, 1089-1216外部サイトChina trade and empire : Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the origins of British rule in Hong Kong, 1827-1843外部サイトThe register of Thetford priory外部サイトCharters of the honour of Mowbray, 1107-1191外部サイトThe chronicles of John Cannon, excise officer and writing master外部サイトLetterbook of Greg & Cunningham 1756-57 : merchants of New York and Belfast外部サイトMatthew and George Culley : travel journals and letters, 1765-1798外部サイトThe poll taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381外部サイトContemporaries of Bulstrode Whitelocke 1605-1675 : biographies, illustrated by letters and other documents外部サイトThe early English censuses外部サイトInside the Department of Economic Affairs : Samuel Brittan, the diary of an 'Irregular', 1964-6外部サイトThe diary of Robert Sharp of South Cave : life in a Yorkshire village 1812-1837外部サイトThe book of privileges of the Merchant Adventurers of England, 1296-1483外部サイトTreasury control and public expenditure in Scotland, 1885-1979外部サイトThe diary of Ralph Josselin 1616-1683外部サイトDiet accounts (ii), cash, corn and stock accounts, wardrobe accounts, catalogue外部サイトThe Making of King's Lynn : a documentary survey外部サイトNorfolk pauper inventories, c.1690-1834外部サイトThe account book of Richard Latham, 1724-1767外部サイトThe household accounts of Lady Margaret Beaufort (1443-1509) : from the archives of St John's College, Cambridge外部サイトThe Cantelowe accounts : multilingual merchant records from Tuscany, 1450-1451外部サイトThe diaries of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury外部サイトKeynes and his critics : treasury responses to the Keynesian revolution, 1925-1946外部サイトThe diary of Ralph Josselin, 1616-1683外部サイトThe Latin cartulary of Godstow Abbey外部サイトThe books of assumption of the thirds of benefices : Scottish ecclesiastical rentals at the Reformation外部サイトThe Lay subsidy of 1334外部サイトThe French estates外部サイトPrima camera Essex外部サイトThe Elizabethan new year's gift exchanges, 1559-1603外部サイトNehemiah Grew and England's economic development : the means of a most ample increase of the wealth and strength of England 1706-7外部サイトThe Compton census of 1676 : a critical edition外部サイトAn American Quaker in the British Isles : the travel journals of Jabez Maud Fisher, 1775-1779外部サイトCharters and custumals of the Abbey of Holy Trinity Caen外部サイトSurvey of the estates of Glastonbury Abbey : c. 1135-1201外部サイトThe Bright-Meyler papers : a Bristol-West India connection, 1732-1837外部サイトLower ecclesiastical jurisdiction in late-medieval England : the courts of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, 1336-1349, and the Deanery of Wisbech, 1458-1484外部サイトEssex pauper letters 1731-1837外部サイトThe Warwickshire Hundred Rolls of 1279-80 : Stoneleigh and Kineton Hundreds外部サイトNavigating the old English poor law : the Kirkby Lonsdale letters, 1809-1836外部サイトThe diaries and letters of Lord Woolton, 1940-1945外部サイトThe diaries of Anthony Ashley-cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury外部サイトBusiness and family in the north of England during the early industrial revolution : records of the lives of men and women in trade, 1788-1832外部サイト






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Lordship and landscape in Norfolk 1250-1350 : the early records of Holkham
The account book of Richard Latham, 1724-1767
Essex pauper letters 1731-1837
Documents of the first chambers of commerce in Britain and Ireland, 1767-1839
Bishop Wake's summary of visitation returns from the Diocese of Lincoln, 1706-1715
Markets and merchants of the late seventeenth century : the Marescoe-David letters, 1668-1680
The business and household accounts of Joyce Jeffreys, spinster of Hereford, 1638-1648
The diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke 1605-1675
"An exact and industrious tradesman" : the letter book of Joseph Symson of Kendal, 1711-1720
The farming and memorandum books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642
The Bordeaux-Dublin letters, 1757 : correspondence of an Irish community abroad
The correspondence of Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven, 1693-1698 : a provincial community in wartime
Introduction, glossary, diet accounts (i)
Warwickshire grazier and London skinner, 1532-1555 : the account book of Peter Temple and Thomas Heritage
The cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England : secunda camera, Essex
The diocesan population returns for 1563 and 1603
The worlds of the Jeake family of Rye, 1640-1736
The Early records of medieval Coventry
Charters and custumals of Shaftesbury Abbey, 1089-1216
China trade and empire : Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the origins of British rule in Hong Kong, 1827-1843
The register of Thetford priory
Charters of the honour of Mowbray, 1107-1191
The chronicles of John Cannon, excise officer and writing master
Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham 1756-57 : merchants of New York and Belfast
Matthew and George Culley : travel journals and letters, 1765-1798
The poll taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381
Contemporaries of Bulstrode Whitelocke 1605-1675 : biographies, illustrated by letters and other documents
The early English censuses
Inside the Department of Economic Affairs : Samuel Brittan, the diary of an 'Irregular', 1964-6
The diary of Robert Sharp of South Cave : life in a Yorkshire village 1812-1837
The book of privileges of the Merchant Adventurers of England, 1296-1483
Treasury control and public expenditure in Scotland, 1885-1979
The diary of Ralph Josselin 1616-1683
Diet accounts (ii), cash, corn and stock accounts, wardrobe accounts, catalogue
The Making of King's Lynn : a documentary survey
Norfolk pauper inventories, c.1690-1834
The account book of Richard Latham, 1724-1767
The household accounts of Lady Margaret Beaufort (1443-1509) : from the archives of St John's College, Cambridge
The Cantelowe accounts : multilingual merchant records from Tuscany, 1450-1451
The diaries of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury
Keynes and his critics : treasury responses to the Keynesian revolution, 1925-1946
The diary of Ralph Josselin, 1616-1683
The Latin cartulary of Godstow Abbey
The books of assumption of the thirds of benefices : Scottish ecclesiastical rentals at the Reformation
The Lay subsidy of 1334
The French estates
Prima camera Essex
The Elizabethan new year's gift exchanges, 1559-1603
Nehemiah Grew and England's economic development : the means of a most ample increase of the wealth and strength of England 1706-7
The Compton census of 1676 : a critical edition
An American Quaker in the British Isles : the travel journals of Jabez Maud Fisher, 1775-1779
Charters and custumals of the Abbey of Holy Trinity Caen
Survey of the estates of Glastonbury Abbey : c. 1135-1201
The Bright-Meyler papers : a Bristol-West India connection, 1732-1837
Lower ecclesiastical jurisdiction in late-medieval England : the courts of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, 1336-1349, and the Deanery of Wisbech, 1458-1484
Essex pauper letters 1731-1837
The Warwickshire Hundred Rolls of 1279-80 : Stoneleigh and Kineton Hundreds
Navigating the old English poor law : the Kirkby Lonsdale letters, 1809-1836
The diaries and letters of Lord Woolton, 1940-1945
The diaries of Anthony Ashley-cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury
Business and family in the north of England during the early industrial revolution : records of the lives of men and women in trade, 1788-1832
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