
Routledge advances in European politics


Routledge advances in European politics



Private sector involvement in the euro : the power of ideas外部サイトThe eastern enlargement of the European Union外部サイトConflict and change in EU budgetary politics外部サイトEuropean enlargement across rounds and beyond borders外部サイトThe European Union and e-voting : addressing the European Parliament's internet voting challenge外部サイトThe struggle for the European constitution : a past and future history外部サイトEuropeanizing social democracy? : the rise of the Party of European Socialists外部サイトSustainability in European environmental policy : challenges of governance and knowledge外部サイトNational and European foreign policies : towards europeanization外部サイトThe politics of European Union enlargement : theoretical approaches外部サイトPolicy transfer in European Union governance : regulating the utilities外部サイトHuman rights and democracy in EU foreign policy : the cases of Ukraine and Egypt外部サイトEuropean Union council presidencies : a comparative perspective外部サイトDemocracy and enlargement in post-Communist Europe : the democratisation of the general public in fifteen Central and Eastern European countries, 1991-1998外部サイトCitizenship and collective identity in Europe外部サイトNational perspectives on Russia : European foreign policy in the making?外部サイトEuropean Union enlargement : a comparative history外部サイトThe EU's democracy promotion and the Mediterranean neighbours : orientation, ownership and dialogue in Jordan and Turkey外部サイトThe impact of European integration on political parties : beyond the permissive consensus外部サイトGoverning Europe : discourse, governmentality and European integration外部サイトEuropean integration and the postmodern condition : governance, democracy, identity外部サイトParty attitudes towards the EU in the member states : parties for Europe, parties against Europe外部サイトNational parliaments within the enlarged European Union : from 'victims' of integration to competitive actors?外部サイトThe Europeanization of national political parties : power and organizational adaptation外部サイトWho governs Scotland?外部サイトInstitutional challenges in post-constitutional Europe : governing change外部サイトGovernance stories外部サイトPolicy transfer in European Union governance : regulating the utilities外部サイトHuman rights and democracy in EU foreign policy : the cases of Ukraine and Egypt外部サイトThe European Union and global social change : a critical geopolitical-economic analysis外部サイトThe impact of European integration on political parties : beyond the permissive consensus外部サイトThe new member states and the European union : foreign policy and Europeanization外部サイトGendering Spanish democracy外部サイトEU foreign and interior policies : cross-pillar politics and the social construction of sovereignty外部サイトGibraltar, identity and empire外部サイトNew democracies in crisis? : a comparative constitutional study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia外部サイトRussian messianism : third Rome, revolution, communism and after外部サイトReframing Europe's future : challenges and failures of the European construction外部サイトThe EU and multilateral security governance外部サイトEU enlargement and socialization : Turkey and Cyprus外部サイトDemocratic transformations in Europe : challenges and opportunities外部サイトMarket expansion and social dumping in Europe外部サイトThe challenge of coalition government : the Italian case外部サイトLearning from the EU constitutional treaty : democratic constitutionalization beyond the nation-state外部サイトGermany's foreign policy towards Poland and the Czech Republic : Ostpolitik revisited外部サイトEuropean Union and the making of a wider northern Europe外部サイトInstitutional legacies of communism : change and continuities in minority protection外部サイトThe Conservative Party and European integration since 1945 : at the heart of Europe?外部サイトSustainability in European environmental policy : challenges of governance and knowledge外部サイトEuropean space policy : European integration and the final frontier外部サイトGibraltar, identity and empire外部サイトThe EU's democracy promotion and the Mediterranean neighbours : orientation, ownership and dialogue in Jordan and Turkey外部サイトThe politics of ratification of EU treaties外部サイトThe crisis of the European Union : challenges, analyses, solutions外部サイトFifty years of EU-Turkey relations : a Sisyphean story外部サイトMarket expansion and social dumping in Europe外部サイトNationalism in Italian politics : the stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000外部サイトWomen and British party politics : descriptive, substantive and symbolic representation外部サイトCitizenship and collective identity in Europe外部サイトNew approaches to EU foreign policy外部サイトThe spatialities of Europeanization : power, governance and territory in Europe外部サイトValues and principles in European Union foreign policy外部サイトE-government in Europe : re-booting the state外部サイトThe Nordic countries and the European Union : still the other European community?外部サイトThe new member states and the European Union : foreign policy and Europeanization外部サイトSocial democracy and European integration : the politics of preference formation外部サイトTerritory and terror : conflicting nationalisms in the Basque country外部サイトThe second tier of local government in Europe : provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in comparison外部サイトNational perspectives on Russia : European foreign policy in the making?外部サイトEuropean security and defence policy : an implementation perspective外部サイトGovernance and European civil society : governmentality, discourse and NGOs外部サイトPolicy making at the second tier of local government in Europe : what is happening in provinces, counties, départements and landkreise in the on-going re-scaling of statehood?外部サイトSustainable development and governance in Europe : the evolution of the discourse on sustainability外部サイトPolitical representation in the European Union : still democratic in times of crisis?外部サイトThe selection of ministers in Europe : hiring and firing外部サイトEuropean Union negotiations : processes, networks and institutions外部サイトGreece and Turkey in conflict and cooperation : from Europeanization to de-Europeanization外部サイトChallenges to democracies in East Central Europe外部サイトPolitics of identity in post-conflict states : the Bosnian and Irish experience外部サイトEuropean futures : challenges and crossroads for the European Union of 2050外部サイトThe selection of ministers in Europe : hiring and firing外部サイトWidening the European Union : the politics of institutional change and reform外部サイトThe political history of European integration : the hypocrisy of democracy-through-market外部サイトEurozone politics : perception and reality in Italy, the UK, and Germany外部サイトThe illusion of accountability in the European Union外部サイトRussian messianism : third Rome, revolution, communism and after外部サイトContemporary Spanish foreign policy外部サイトEuropean Union enlargement : material interests, community norms and anomie外部サイトThe European Union and occupied Palestinian territories : state-building without a state外部サイトThe political history of European integration : the hypocrisy of democracy-through-market外部サイトEnergy security : Europe's new foreign policy challenge外部サイトParty strategies in Western Europe : party competition and electoral outcomes外部サイトEuropean governance and supranational institutions : making states comply外部サイトNew democracies in crisis? : a comparative constitutional study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia外部サイトEuropean Union peacebuilding and policing : governance and the European security and defence policy外部サイトInstitutional challenges in the European Union外部サイトDynamics of political change in Ireland : making and breaking a divided island外部サイトSociety and democracy in Europe外部サイトMultilateralism, German foreign policy, and Central Europe外部サイトTransnational labour solidarity : mechanisms of commitment to cooperation within the European trade union movement外部サイトThe changing face of European identity外部サイトThe EU presence in international organizations外部サイトChallenges to democracies in East Central Europe外部サイトThe EU and the European security strategy : forging a global Europe外部サイトBritain and the Balkans : 1991 until the present外部サイトThe EU's role in world politics : a retreat from liberal internationalism外部サイトEuropeanization and transnational states : comparing Nordic central governments外部サイトSustainable development and governance in Europe : the evolution of the discourse on sustainability外部サイトA political theory of identity in European integration : memory and policies外部サイトPopular protest in East Germany外部サイトEuropeanization and foreign policy : state identity in Finland and Britain外部サイトEuropeanization, integration and identity : a social constructivist fusion perspective on Norway外部サイトThe populist radical left in Europe外部サイトEuropean Union public health policy : regional and global trends外部サイトCivic resources and the future of the European Union外部サイトEuropean Union sanctions and foreign policy : when and why do they work?外部サイトEuropean governance and supranational institutions : making states comply外部サイトEurope unbound : enlarging and reshaping the boundaries of the European Union外部サイトEuropean governance and supranational institutions : making states comply外部サイトGermany's foreign policy towards Poland and the Czech Republic : Ostpolitik revisited外部サイトKosovo : the politics of identity and space外部サイトThe politics of EU accession : Turkish challenges and Central European experiences外部サイトDiscretion in the welfare state : social rights and professional judgment外部サイトInternational intervention in the Balkans since 1995外部サイトIceland's financial crisis : the politics of blame, protest, and reconstruction外部サイトThe European Union diplomatic service : ideas, preferences and identities外部サイトItaly from crisis to crisis : political economy, security, and society in the 21st century外部サイトItaly's foreign policy in the twenty-first century : a contested nature?外部サイトThe Conservative Party and European integration since 1945 : at the heart of Europe?外部サイトEU foreign policy and the Europeanization of neutral states : comparing Irish and Austrian foreign policy外部サイトThe Nordic countries and the European Union : still the other European community?外部サイトThe EU, migration and the politics of administrative detention外部サイトThe EU and multilateral security governance外部サイトEthnic cleansing in the Balkans : nationalism and the destruction of tradition外部サイトUncovering the territorial dimension of European Union cohesion policy : cohesion, development, impact assessment and cooperation外部サイトA political theory of identity in European integration : memory and policies外部サイトEU foreign policy and post-Soviet conflicts : stealth intervention外部サイトGibraltar : British or Spanish?外部サイトPoland within the European Union : new awkward partner or new heart of Europe?外部サイトThe second tier of local government in Europe : provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in comparison外部サイトEurope : a Nietzschean perspective外部サイトSwitzerland in Europe : continuity and change in the Swiss political economy外部サイトLearning from the EU Constitutional Treaty : democratic constitutionalization beyond the nation-state外部サイトCitizenship in Nordic welfare states : dynamics of choice, duties and participation in a changing Europe外部サイトPromoting national priorities in EU foreign policy : the Czech Republic's foreign policy in the EU外部サイトPortugal in the European Union : assessing twenty-five years of integration experience外部サイトClientelism and economic policy : Greece and the crisis外部サイトNationalism in Italian politics : the stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000外部サイトThe diplomatic system of the European Union : evolution, change and challenges外部サイトBritain, Ireland and Northern Ireland since 1980 : the totality of relationships外部サイトSecurity challenges in the Euro-Med area in the 21st century : Mare Nostrum外部サイトBusiness, the state and economic policy : the case of Italy外部サイトDiversity of patchwork capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトThe EU's role in world politics : a retreat from liberal internationalism外部サイトEuropeanization and foreign policy : state identity in Finland and Britain外部サイトThe moral economy of EU association with Africa外部サイトUnequal Europe : social divisions and social cohesion in an old continent外部サイトExternal energy security in the European Union : small member states' perspectives外部サイトDemocracy in the European Union : towards the emergence of a public sphere外部サイトEuropeanization and new member states : a comparative social network analysis外部サイトThe political economy of noncompliance : adjusting to the single European market外部サイトThe crisis of the European Union : challenges, analyses, solutions外部サイトChanging perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit : global perspectives外部サイトEuropean futures : challenges and crossroads for the European Union of 2050外部サイトBelgian exceptionalism : Belgian politics between realism and surrealism外部サイトReframing Europe's future : challenges and failures of the European construction外部サイトThe Orbán Regime : Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making外部サイトRelations between immigration and integration policies in Europe : challenges, opportunities and perspectives in selected EU member states外部サイトEuropean Union negotiations : processes, networks and institutions外部サイトDiversity of patchwork capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe外部サイトRethinking European social democracy and socialism : the history of the centre-left in Northern and Southern Europe in the late 20th century外部サイトThe EU through multiple crises : representation and cohesion dilemmas for a "sui generis" polity外部サイトDynamics of political change in Ireland : making and breaking a divided island外部サイトPoland and Germany in the European Union : the multidimensional dynamics of bilateral relations外部サイトEU-Korea security relations外部サイトFrom reception to integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Poland外部サイトLinguistic claims and political conflicts : Spanish labyrinths in the European context外部サイト



  • Private sector involvement in the euro : the power of ideas

  • The eastern enlargement of the European Union

  • Conflict and change in EU budgetary politics

  • European enlargement across rounds and beyond borders

  • The European Union and e-voting : addressing the European Parliament's internet voting challenge





  • CiNii Research

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Private sector involvement in the euro : the power of ideas
The eastern enlargement of the European Union
Conflict and change in EU budgetary politics
European enlargement across rounds and beyond borders
The European Union and e-voting : addressing the European Parliament's internet voting challenge
The struggle for the European constitution : a past and future history
Europeanizing social democracy? : the rise of the Party of European Socialists
Sustainability in European environmental policy : challenges of governance and knowledge
National and European foreign policies : towards europeanization
The politics of European Union enlargement : theoretical approaches
Policy transfer in European Union governance : regulating the utilities
Human rights and democracy in EU foreign policy : the cases of Ukraine and Egypt
European Union council presidencies : a comparative perspective
Democracy and enlargement in post-Communist Europe : the democratisation of the general public in fifteen Central and Eastern European countries, 1991-1998
Citizenship and collective identity in Europe
National perspectives on Russia : European foreign policy in the making?
European Union enlargement : a comparative history
The EU's democracy promotion and the Mediterranean neighbours : orientation, ownership and dialogue in Jordan and Turkey
The impact of European integration on political parties : beyond the permissive consensus
Governing Europe : discourse, governmentality and European integration
European integration and the postmodern condition : governance, democracy, identity
Party attitudes towards the EU in the member states : parties for Europe, parties against Europe
National parliaments within the enlarged European Union : from 'victims' of integration to competitive actors?
The Europeanization of national political parties : power and organizational adaptation
Who governs Scotland?
Institutional challenges in post-constitutional Europe : governing change
Governance stories
Policy transfer in European Union governance : regulating the utilities
Human rights and democracy in EU foreign policy : the cases of Ukraine and Egypt
The European Union and global social change : a critical geopolitical-economic analysis
The impact of European integration on political parties : beyond the permissive consensus
The new member states and the European union : foreign policy and Europeanization
Gendering Spanish democracy
EU foreign and interior policies : cross-pillar politics and the social construction of sovereignty
Gibraltar, identity and empire
New democracies in crisis? : a comparative constitutional study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
Russian messianism : third Rome, revolution, communism and after
Reframing Europe's future : challenges and failures of the European construction
The EU and multilateral security governance
EU enlargement and socialization : Turkey and Cyprus
Democratic transformations in Europe : challenges and opportunities
Market expansion and social dumping in Europe
The challenge of coalition government : the Italian case
Learning from the EU constitutional treaty : democratic constitutionalization beyond the nation-state
Germany's foreign policy towards Poland and the Czech Republic : Ostpolitik revisited
European Union and the making of a wider northern Europe
Institutional legacies of communism : change and continuities in minority protection
The Conservative Party and European integration since 1945 : at the heart of Europe?
Sustainability in European environmental policy : challenges of governance and knowledge
European space policy : European integration and the final frontier
Gibraltar, identity and empire
The EU's democracy promotion and the Mediterranean neighbours : orientation, ownership and dialogue in Jordan and Turkey
The politics of ratification of EU treaties
The crisis of the European Union : challenges, analyses, solutions
Fifty years of EU-Turkey relations : a Sisyphean story
Market expansion and social dumping in Europe
Nationalism in Italian politics : the stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000
Women and British party politics : descriptive, substantive and symbolic representation
Citizenship and collective identity in Europe
New approaches to EU foreign policy
The spatialities of Europeanization : power, governance and territory in Europe
Values and principles in European Union foreign policy
E-government in Europe : re-booting the state
The Nordic countries and the European Union : still the other European community?
The new member states and the European Union : foreign policy and Europeanization
Social democracy and European integration : the politics of preference formation
Territory and terror : conflicting nationalisms in the Basque country
The second tier of local government in Europe : provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in comparison
National perspectives on Russia : European foreign policy in the making?
European security and defence policy : an implementation perspective
Governance and European civil society : governmentality, discourse and NGOs
Policy making at the second tier of local government in Europe : what is happening in provinces, counties, départements and landkreise in the on-going re-scaling of statehood?
Sustainable development and governance in Europe : the evolution of the discourse on sustainability
Political representation in the European Union : still democratic in times of crisis?
The selection of ministers in Europe : hiring and firing
European Union negotiations : processes, networks and institutions
Greece and Turkey in conflict and cooperation : from Europeanization to de-Europeanization
Challenges to democracies in East Central Europe
Politics of identity in post-conflict states : the Bosnian and Irish experience
European futures : challenges and crossroads for the European Union of 2050
The selection of ministers in Europe : hiring and firing
Widening the European Union : the politics of institutional change and reform
The political history of European integration : the hypocrisy of democracy-through-market
Eurozone politics : perception and reality in Italy, the UK, and Germany
The illusion of accountability in the European Union
Russian messianism : third Rome, revolution, communism and after
Contemporary Spanish foreign policy
European Union enlargement : material interests, community norms and anomie
The European Union and occupied Palestinian territories : state-building without a state
The political history of European integration : the hypocrisy of democracy-through-market
Energy security : Europe's new foreign policy challenge
Party strategies in Western Europe : party competition and electoral outcomes
European governance and supranational institutions : making states comply
New democracies in crisis? : a comparative constitutional study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
European Union peacebuilding and policing : governance and the European security and defence policy
Institutional challenges in the European Union
Dynamics of political change in Ireland : making and breaking a divided island
Society and democracy in Europe
Multilateralism, German foreign policy, and Central Europe
Transnational labour solidarity : mechanisms of commitment to cooperation within the European trade union movement
The changing face of European identity
The EU presence in international organizations
Challenges to democracies in East Central Europe
The EU and the European security strategy : forging a global Europe
Britain and the Balkans : 1991 until the present
The EU's role in world politics : a retreat from liberal internationalism
Europeanization and transnational states : comparing Nordic central governments
Sustainable development and governance in Europe : the evolution of the discourse on sustainability
A political theory of identity in European integration : memory and policies
Popular protest in East Germany
Europeanization and foreign policy : state identity in Finland and Britain
Europeanization, integration and identity : a social constructivist fusion perspective on Norway
The populist radical left in Europe
European Union public health policy : regional and global trends
Civic resources and the future of the European Union
European Union sanctions and foreign policy : when and why do they work?
European governance and supranational institutions : making states comply
Europe unbound : enlarging and reshaping the boundaries of the European Union
European governance and supranational institutions : making states comply
Germany's foreign policy towards Poland and the Czech Republic : Ostpolitik revisited
Kosovo : the politics of identity and space
The politics of EU accession : Turkish challenges and Central European experiences
Discretion in the welfare state : social rights and professional judgment
International intervention in the Balkans since 1995
Iceland's financial crisis : the politics of blame, protest, and reconstruction
The European Union diplomatic service : ideas, preferences and identities
Italy from crisis to crisis : political economy, security, and society in the 21st century
Italy's foreign policy in the twenty-first century : a contested nature?
The Conservative Party and European integration since 1945 : at the heart of Europe?
EU foreign policy and the Europeanization of neutral states : comparing Irish and Austrian foreign policy
The Nordic countries and the European Union : still the other European community?
The EU, migration and the politics of administrative detention
The EU and multilateral security governance
Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans : nationalism and the destruction of tradition
Uncovering the territorial dimension of European Union cohesion policy : cohesion, development, impact assessment and cooperation
A political theory of identity in European integration : memory and policies
EU foreign policy and post-Soviet conflicts : stealth intervention
Gibraltar : British or Spanish?
Poland within the European Union : new awkward partner or new heart of Europe?
The second tier of local government in Europe : provinces, counties, départements and Landkreise in comparison
Europe : a Nietzschean perspective
Switzerland in Europe : continuity and change in the Swiss political economy
Learning from the EU Constitutional Treaty : democratic constitutionalization beyond the nation-state
Citizenship in Nordic welfare states : dynamics of choice, duties and participation in a changing Europe
Promoting national priorities in EU foreign policy : the Czech Republic's foreign policy in the EU
Portugal in the European Union : assessing twenty-five years of integration experience
Clientelism and economic policy : Greece and the crisis
Nationalism in Italian politics : the stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000
The diplomatic system of the European Union : evolution, change and challenges
Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland since 1980 : the totality of relationships
Security challenges in the Euro-Med area in the 21st century : Mare Nostrum
Business, the state and economic policy : the case of Italy
Diversity of patchwork capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe
The EU's role in world politics : a retreat from liberal internationalism
Europeanization and foreign policy : state identity in Finland and Britain
The moral economy of EU association with Africa
Unequal Europe : social divisions and social cohesion in an old continent
External energy security in the European Union : small member states' perspectives
Democracy in the European Union : towards the emergence of a public sphere
Europeanization and new member states : a comparative social network analysis
The political economy of noncompliance : adjusting to the single European market
The crisis of the European Union : challenges, analyses, solutions
Changing perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit : global perspectives
European futures : challenges and crossroads for the European Union of 2050
Belgian exceptionalism : Belgian politics between realism and surrealism
Reframing Europe's future : challenges and failures of the European construction
The Orbán Regime : Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making
Relations between immigration and integration policies in Europe : challenges, opportunities and perspectives in selected EU member states
European Union negotiations : processes, networks and institutions
Diversity of patchwork capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Rethinking European social democracy and socialism : the history of the centre-left in Northern and Southern Europe in the late 20th century
The EU through multiple crises : representation and cohesion dilemmas for a "sui generis" polity
Dynamics of political change in Ireland : making and breaking a divided island
Poland and Germany in the European Union : the multidimensional dynamics of bilateral relations
EU-Korea security relations
From reception to integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Poland
Linguistic claims and political conflicts : Spanish labyrinths in the European context
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA49384137 : BA49384137