
Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica


Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica

De Graaf


De cabbalisticis inventis libri duo外部サイトDe Utrechtse kanunnik Philippus Morus, neolatijns dichter : met aanhangsel werken van Philippus Morus = Canon Philippus Morus of Utrecht, a Neolatin poet : with a summary in English and an appendix, works of Philippus Morus外部サイトProtestantism crossing the seas : A short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit at Amsterdam外部サイトTwo comedies外部サイトDe irenische ecclesiologie van Franciscus Junius (1545-1602)外部サイトApologies et rétractions : manuscrits inédits外部サイトPrinting the classical text外部サイトDomenico Bollani, Bishop of Brescia : devotion to church and state in the republic of Venice in the sixteenth century外部サイトPostelliana外部サイトBibliographie der deutschen Liedpredigt外部サイトMaster Tully Cicero in Tudor England外部サイトDivine and human authority in reformation thought : German theologians on political order 1520-1555外部サイトLoyalty in the spirituality of St. Thomas More外部サイトHumanism in Wittenberg, 1485-1517外部サイトBibliographie der Confessio Augustana und Apologie 1530-1580外部サイトJanus Secundus (1511-1536) : de tekstoverlevering van het tijdens zijn leven gepubliceerde werk = Joannes Secundus : textual transmission of the works published during his lifetime外部サイトBibliographia Linckiana : Bibliographie der gedruckten Schriften Dr. Wenzeslaus Lincks (1483-1547)外部サイトAnabaptist beginnings (1523-1533) : a source book外部サイトErasmus and his catholic critics外部サイトRuling the waves : Emperor Maximilian I, the search for islands and the transformation of the European world picture c.1500外部サイトNikolaus von Amsdorf (1483-1565) : popular polemics in the preservation of Luther's legacy外部サイトThe spirituality of Erasmus of Rotterdam外部サイトDie Fasti des Baptista Mantuanus von 1516 als volkskundliche Quelle : Textauswahl, Uebersetzung und Kommentar外部サイトHuberinus-Rhegius-Holbein : bibliographische und druckgeschichtliche Untersuchung der verbreitesten Trost- und Erbauungsschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts外部サイトCalvin wider die Neugierde : ein Beitrag zum Vergleich zwischen reformatorischem und patristischem Denken外部サイトDie Taufe in den vorcanisianischen katholischen Katechismen des 16. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet外部サイトPierre Gassendi, 1592-1655 : an intellectual biography外部サイトThe concept of grace in the radical reformation外部サイトZeugnis und Gericht : kirchengeschichtliche Betrachtungen bei Sebastian Franck und Matthias Flacius外部サイトAn analysis of the English poems of St. Thomas More外部サイトBona opera : a study in the development of the doctrine in Philip Melanchthon外部サイトErasmus grandescens : the growth of a humanist's mind and spirituality外部サイトLuthers Stellung zu den Juden : eine Interpretation aus germanistischer Sicht外部サイトBeginnings and discoveries : Polydore Vergil's De inventoribus rerum : an unabridged translation and edition with introduction, notes and glossary外部サイトLeonhard Culmann, a literary biography and an edition of five plays : as a contribution to the study of drama in the age of the Reformation外部サイトA choice of corals : facets of fifteenth-century Hebrew printing外部サイトThe game of chess : Marco Girolamo Vida's Scacchia Ludus, with English verse translation and the text of the three earlier versions外部サイト'Verschooninghe van de roomsche afgoderye' : de polemiek van Calvijn met nicodemieten, in het bijzonder met Coornhert外部サイトEuphormionis Lusinini Satyricon : (Euphormio's Satyricon) 1605-1607外部サイトFrom radicals to survivors : Strasbourg's religious nonconformists over two generations, 1525-1570外部サイトErasmus van Rotterdam : zeven studies外部サイトLusus : text and translation外部サイトPhilippicae I-VII外部サイトCornelis Corneliszoon van Haarlem (1562-1638) : patrons, friends and Dutch humanists外部サイトHistoriography and humanism in Holland in the age of Erasmus : Aurelius and the Divisiekroniek of 1517外部サイトMelanchthon's Christum cognoscere : Christ's efficacious presence in the eucharistic theology of Melanchthon外部サイトHebrew incunabula in public collections : a first international census外部サイトThe radical Brethren : Anabaptism and the English reformation to 1558外部サイトDe declamatio bij de humanisten : bijdrage tot de studie van de functies van de rhetorica in de Renaissance外部サイトGeorgius Macropedius' Asotus : een Neolatijns drama over de Verloren zoon door Joris van Lanckvelt外部サイトThomas Basin (1412-1490) : the history of Charles VII and Louis XI外部サイトCalvin wider die Neugierde : ein Beitrag zum Vergleich zwischen reformatorischem und patristischem Denken外部サイトReformierte Scholastik und patristische Theologie : die Bedeutung des Väterbeweises in der Institutio Theologiae Elencticae F. Turrettins : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gotteslehre und Christologie外部サイトThe triple fool : a critical evaluation of Constantijn Huygens' translations of John Donne外部サイトRichard Mulcaster (c.1531-1611) and educational reform in the Renaissance外部サイトTudor and early Stuart anti-catholic drama外部サイトTheodore Beza's doctrine of predestination外部サイトResponsio ad Johannem Bugenhagium Pomeranum外部サイトThe early printed editions (1518-1664) of Aeschylus : a chapter in the history of classical scholarship外部サイトPseudomagia : a neo-Latin drama外部サイトPeter Martyr, a reformer in exile (1542-1562) : a chronology of biblical writings in England & Europe外部サイトMessire Lodovico Guicciardini gentilhomme florentine外部サイトThe Erotopaegnion : a trifling book of love of Girolamo Angeriano外部サイトSalvator mundi : l''exemple' de Joseph dans le theatre allemand au XVIe siecle外部サイト



  • De cabbalisticis inventis libri duo

  • De Utrechtse kanunnik Philippus Morus, neolatijns dichter : met aanhangsel werken van Philippus Morus = Canon Philippus Morus of Utrecht, a Neolatin poet : with a summary in English and an appendix, works of Philippus Morus

  • Protestantism crossing the seas : A short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit at Amsterdam

  • Two comedies

  • De irenische ecclesiologie van Franciscus Junius (1545-1602)





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



De cabbalisticis inventis libri duo
De Utrechtse kanunnik Philippus Morus, neolatijns dichter : met aanhangsel werken van Philippus Morus = Canon Philippus Morus of Utrecht, a Neolatin poet : with a summary in English and an appendix, works of Philippus Morus
Protestantism crossing the seas : A short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit at Amsterdam
Two comedies
De irenische ecclesiologie van Franciscus Junius (1545-1602)
Apologies et rétractions : manuscrits inédits
Printing the classical text
Domenico Bollani, Bishop of Brescia : devotion to church and state in the republic of Venice in the sixteenth century
Bibliographie der deutschen Liedpredigt
Master Tully Cicero in Tudor England
Divine and human authority in reformation thought : German theologians on political order 1520-1555
Loyalty in the spirituality of St. Thomas More
Humanism in Wittenberg, 1485-1517
Bibliographie der Confessio Augustana und Apologie 1530-1580
Janus Secundus (1511-1536) : de tekstoverlevering van het tijdens zijn leven gepubliceerde werk = Joannes Secundus : textual transmission of the works published during his lifetime
Bibliographia Linckiana : Bibliographie der gedruckten Schriften Dr. Wenzeslaus Lincks (1483-1547)
Anabaptist beginnings (1523-1533) : a source book
Erasmus and his catholic critics
Ruling the waves : Emperor Maximilian I, the search for islands and the transformation of the European world picture c.1500
Nikolaus von Amsdorf (1483-1565) : popular polemics in the preservation of Luther's legacy
The spirituality of Erasmus of Rotterdam
Die Fasti des Baptista Mantuanus von 1516 als volkskundliche Quelle : Textauswahl, Uebersetzung und Kommentar
Huberinus-Rhegius-Holbein : bibliographische und druckgeschichtliche Untersuchung der verbreitesten Trost- und Erbauungsschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts
Calvin wider die Neugierde : ein Beitrag zum Vergleich zwischen reformatorischem und patristischem Denken
Die Taufe in den vorcanisianischen katholischen Katechismen des 16. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet
Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655 : an intellectual biography
The concept of grace in the radical reformation
Zeugnis und Gericht : kirchengeschichtliche Betrachtungen bei Sebastian Franck und Matthias Flacius
An analysis of the English poems of St. Thomas More
Bona opera : a study in the development of the doctrine in Philip Melanchthon
Erasmus grandescens : the growth of a humanist's mind and spirituality
Luthers Stellung zu den Juden : eine Interpretation aus germanistischer Sicht
Beginnings and discoveries : Polydore Vergil's De inventoribus rerum : an unabridged translation and edition with introduction, notes and glossary
Leonhard Culmann, a literary biography and an edition of five plays : as a contribution to the study of drama in the age of the Reformation
A choice of corals : facets of fifteenth-century Hebrew printing
The game of chess : Marco Girolamo Vida's Scacchia Ludus, with English verse translation and the text of the three earlier versions
'Verschooninghe van de roomsche afgoderye' : de polemiek van Calvijn met nicodemieten, in het bijzonder met Coornhert
Euphormionis Lusinini Satyricon : (Euphormio's Satyricon) 1605-1607
From radicals to survivors : Strasbourg's religious nonconformists over two generations, 1525-1570
Erasmus van Rotterdam : zeven studies
Lusus : text and translation
Philippicae I-VII
Cornelis Corneliszoon van Haarlem (1562-1638) : patrons, friends and Dutch humanists
Historiography and humanism in Holland in the age of Erasmus : Aurelius and the Divisiekroniek of 1517
Melanchthon's Christum cognoscere : Christ's efficacious presence in the eucharistic theology of Melanchthon
Hebrew incunabula in public collections : a first international census
The radical Brethren : Anabaptism and the English reformation to 1558
De declamatio bij de humanisten : bijdrage tot de studie van de functies van de rhetorica in de Renaissance
Georgius Macropedius' Asotus : een Neolatijns drama over de Verloren zoon door Joris van Lanckvelt
Thomas Basin (1412-1490) : the history of Charles VII and Louis XI
Calvin wider die Neugierde : ein Beitrag zum Vergleich zwischen reformatorischem und patristischem Denken
Reformierte Scholastik und patristische Theologie : die Bedeutung des Väterbeweises in der Institutio Theologiae Elencticae F. Turrettins : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gotteslehre und Christologie
The triple fool : a critical evaluation of Constantijn Huygens' translations of John Donne
Richard Mulcaster (c.1531-1611) and educational reform in the Renaissance
Tudor and early Stuart anti-catholic drama
Theodore Beza's doctrine of predestination
Responsio ad Johannem Bugenhagium Pomeranum
The early printed editions (1518-1664) of Aeschylus : a chapter in the history of classical scholarship
Pseudomagia : a neo-Latin drama
Peter Martyr, a reformer in exile (1542-1562) : a chronology of biblical writings in England & Europe
Messire Lodovico Guicciardini gentilhomme florentine
The Erotopaegnion : a trifling book of love of Girolamo Angeriano
Salvator mundi : l''exemple' de Joseph dans le theatre allemand au XVIe siecle
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00790585 : BA00790585