- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者標目
- 日本大学人口研究所 ニホン ダイガク ジンコウ ケンキュウジョ
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1981
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ja
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Employment of aged people : comparison between the U. S. and JapanIncrease in mortality of middle-aged males in JapanPeriod parity progression measures of fertility in JapanOn the structure of the spatial distribution of recent urban population in JapanHuman investment and population-related aspects of economic growth in East Asia : a European perspectiveRogers' model on multiregional population analysis and its application to Japanese dataHuman resource formation in the Philippines : problems and prospectsProduction structures, labor markets and human capital investments : issues of balance for ThailandMarriage and migration in Japan : an explanation by personal factors and ecological variablesArranged marriages, assortative mating and achievement in JapanSimulation techniques and systems analysis in economic-demographic planningHealth expectancy : an overviewPreferences of an aging labor force toward retirement optionsEducation and fertility in contemporary JapanCapital deepening along the Asian Pacific RimProgression to first marriage in Japan : 1870-1980Urbanization and habitability : Sapporo caseInternal migration in Japanese postwar developmentCohort size effects on employment and relative wages : the case of JapanFactors contributing to the improvement and predominance of the longevity of the Japanese populationHealth and health policy in ThailandDemographic transition in postwar Japan : a time-series analysisThe demography of aging in Japan : 1950-2025Active life expectancy of the elderly in selected Asian countriesPopulation change and economic development : lessons from the Japanese experience, 1885-1920Demand versus supply factors in the fertility transitionPopulation, natural resources, environment and human resources in developmentPopulation and family policy : measuring the level of living in the country of familismEmployment and retirement of older workers in JapanANOVA based designs for the analysis of survey dataThe transition in education : intergenerational effectsDemographic change and human resources development in Asia and the Pacific : an overall viewTowards operationalizing the concept of integration of population and developmental planning : the Philippine experienceThe impact of an integrated agricultural development program on migration in MalaysiaThe employment problem in the context of economic slowdown : the case of IndonesiaEconomic growth, changing employment structure and implications for educational planning in ASEAN countriesMethod of computing the expectation of life at old age on the basis of the principle of agreement with dataContraceptive use and childbearing in contemporary JapanDemographic differentials in a rapidly changing mixed ethnic population in northwestern ThailandSocial change and family dependency in old age : perceptions of Japanese women in middle ageCohort life tables based on annual life tables for the Japanese nationals covering the years 1891-1982North-South problems from the demographic viewpointHealth expectancy calculation by the Sullivan method : a practical guideFemale labor supply and family size aspirations in contemporary JapanOn the homogenization of fertility experiencesNew relational models of age-specific mortality : all and selected causes of deathAn introductory study of transfer migrationImpact of immigration on labor markets in Peninsular MalaysiaChanges in intrafamilial relationships and the roles of women in Japan and KoreaPractical use of interpolatory cubic and rational spline functions for fertility dataMigration and development : the case of Hokkaido and Malaysia's FELDA schemeAging of population and labor force for World, more developed and less developed areas and their regions : pupulation aging 1970-2025 ; labor force aging 1970-2000Economic dynamism and structural transformation in the Asian Pacific Rim countries : contributions of the second sexNew lessons on population and economic change from the Japanese Meiji experienceImplications of urbanization for food policy analysis in Asian countriesU. S. farm migration : an application of the Harris-Todaro modelFertility and marriage in Sri Lanka : some insights from path analysisAging in Asian cities : an exploratory analysis : experience of the Asian Urban Information Center of Kobe and its Associate Cities (AACs)Measuring the demographic discontinuityDecomposition and reassembly of the age-time distributionPopulation change and family planning from the perspectives of women in Asia and the PacificChina's population : recent trends and future challengesAging of the population of Japan and its policy implicationsA method of constructing an abridged life table by the combined use of iteration and the cubic spline interpolationThe impact of married women's labor supply on the distribution of family income in JapanUrbanization, migration and fertility in contemporary JapanThe Philippine development plan, population program and poverty alleviationAn application of the Harris-Todaro model to JapanPolitical dimension for economic development : a research designSiblings and family size from generation to generationSome simple method for the evaluation of causal models
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research