
Packt open source


Packt open source

Packt Pub.


PostGIS essentials : learn how to build powerful spatial database solutions with PostGIS quickly and efficiently外部サイトLearning ROS for robotics programming : a practical, instructive, and comprehensive guide to introduce yourself to ROS, the top-notch, leading robotics framework外部サイトOpenStack cloud computing cookbook : over 100 recipes to successfully set up and manage your OpenStack cloud environments with complete coverage of Nova, Swift, Keystone, Glance, and Horizon外部サイトBuilding web applications with Python and Neo4j : develop exciting real-world Python-based web applications with Neo4j using frameworks such as Flask, Py2neo, and Django外部サイトMastering natural language processing with Python : maximize your NLP capabilitieds while creating amazing NLP projects in Python外部サイトGeospatial development by example with Python : build your first interactive map and build location-aware applications using cutting-edge examples in Python外部サイトD cookbook : discover the advantages of programming in D with over 100 incredibly effective recipes外部サイトOpenStack Orchestration : exploit the power of dynamic cloud formation and autoscaling features to fully implement OpenStack Orchestration外部サイトNumPy cookbook : over 70 interesting recipes for learning the Python open source mathematical library, NumPy外部サイトPython 3 text processing with NLTK 3 cookbook : over 80 practical recipes on natural language processing techniques using Python's NLTK 3.0外部サイトOpenCV with Python Blueprints : design and develop advanced computer vision projects using OpenCV with Python外部サイトBlender 3D by example : design a complete workflow with Blender to create stunning 3D scenes and films step by step!外部サイトMatplotlib plotting cookbook : learn how to create professional scientific plots using matplotlib, with more than 60 recipes that cover common use cases外部サイトOpenGL 4.0 shading language cookbook : over 60 highly focused, practical recipes to maximize your use of the OpenGL shading language外部サイトLearning QGIS 2.0 : use QGIS to create great maps and perform all the geoprocessing tasks you need外部サイトPython machine learning : unlock deeper insights into machine learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics外部サイトNode.js web development : create real-time server-side applications with this practial, step-by-step guide外部サイトMastering data analysis with R : gain clear insights into your data and solve real-world data science problems with R - from data munging to modeling and visualization外部サイトSolr cookbook : solve real-time problems related to Apache Solr 4.x and 5.0 effectively with the help of over 100 easy-to-follow recipes外部サイトGeoServer beginner's guide : share and edit geospatial data with this open source software server外部サイトFreeRADIUS beginner's guide : manage your network resources with FreeRADIUS外部サイトBig data analytics with R and Hadoop : set up an integrated infrastructure of R and Hadoop to turn your data analytics into big data analytics外部サイトPlay framework cookbook : over 60 incredibly effective recipes to take you under the hood and leverage advanced concepts of the Play framework外部サイトGetting started with Julia : enter the exciting world of Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing外部サイトApache Spark machine learning blueprints : develop a range of cutting-edge machine learning projects with Apache Spark using this actionable guide外部サイトHaskell high performance programming : boost the performance of your Haskell applications using optimization, concurrency, and parallel programming外部サイトBuilding wireless sensor networks using Arduino : leverage the powerful Arduino and XBee platforms to monitor and control your surroundings外部サイトWordPress 4.x complete : get your website up and running and beautify it with WordPress外部サイトUsing OpenRefine : the essential OpenRefine guide that takes you from data analysis and error fixing to linking your dataset to the Web外部サイトWeb development with Django cookbook : over 90 practical recipes to help you create scalable websites using the Django 1.8 framework外部サイトD web development : leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast外部サイトCreating mobile apps with jQuery mobile外部サイトRStudio for R statistical computing cookbook : over 50 practical and useful recipes to help you perform data analysis with R by unleashing every native RStudio feature外部サイトOpenCV essentials : acquire, process, and analyze visual content to build full-fledged imaging applications using OpenCV外部サイトGetting started with Julia programming : enter the exciting world of Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing外部サイトMachine learning with R : learn how to use R to apply powerful machine learning methods and gain an insight into real-world applications外部サイトLego Mindstorms EV3 Essentials : Create and program complex autonomous robots using the third-generation Lego Mindstorms robotics kit外部サイトSelenium 2 testing tools beginner's guide : learn to use Selenium testing tools from scratch外部サイトMastering Python for data science : explore the world of data science through Python and learn how to make sense of data外部サイトWeb application development with R using Shiny : Harness the graphical and statistical power of R and rapidly develop interactive user interfaces using the superb Shiny package外部サイトMoodle 3 administration : an administrator's guide to configuring, securing, customizing, and extending Moodle外部サイトApache Solr 4 cookbook : over 100 recipes to make Apache Solr faster, more reliable, and return better results外部サイトLearning scikit-learn : machine learning in Python : experience the benefits of machine learning techniques by applying them to real-world problems using Python and the open source scikit-learn library外部サイトLearning Bayesian models with R : become an expert in Bayesian machine learning methods using R and apply them to solve real-world big data problems外部サイトImage processing with ImageJ : discover the incredible possibilities of imageJ, from basic image processing to macro and plugin development外部サイトROS robotics by example : bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applications外部サイトBuilding probabilistic graphical models with Python : solve machine learning problems using probabilistic graphical models implemented in Python with real-world applications外部サイトProgramming ArcGIS with Python cookbook : Over 85 hands-on recipes to teach you how to automate your ArcGIS for Desktop geoprocessing tasks using Python外部サイトGnuplot cookbook : over 80 recipes to visually explore the full range of features of the world's preeminent open source graphing system外部サイトSelenium testing tools cookbook : over 90 recipes to build, maintain, and improve test automation with Selenium WebDriver外部サイトPython 2.6 graphics cookbook : Over 100 great recipes for creating and animating graphics using Python外部サイトLearning QGIS : the latest guide to using QGIS 2.14 to create great maps and perform geoprocessing tasks with ease外部サイトOpenCV by example : enhance your understanding of computer vision and image processing by developing real-world projects in OpenCV 3外部サイトOpenCV 2 computer vision application programming cookbook : over 50 recipes to master this library of programming functions for real-time computer vision外部サイトQGIS 2 cookbook : become a QGIS power user and master QGIS data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques外部サイトLearning RStudio for R statistical computing : learn to effectively perform R development, statistical analysis, and reporting with the most popular R IDE外部サイトRegression analysis with Python : learn the art of regression analysis with Python外部サイトCuckoo malware analysis : analyze malware using Cuckoo Sandbox外部サイトWxPython 2.8 : application development cookbook : quickly create robust, reliable and reusable wxPython applications外部サイトPython geospatial development : learn to build sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python tools for geospatial development外部サイトImplementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend : learn how to implement a DSL with Xtext and Xtend using easy-to-understand examples and best practices外部サイトEclipse 4 plug-in development by example : How to develop, build, test, package, and release Eclipse plug-ins with features for Eclipse 3.x and Eclipse 4.x : Beginner's guide外部サイトWeb application development with R using Shiny : integrate the power of R with the simplicity of Shiny to deliver cutting-edge analytics over the Web外部サイトMoodle course design best practices : Learn the best practices to design and develop interactive and highly effective Moodle courses外部サイトNltk essentials : build cool NLP and machine learning applications using NLTK and other python libraries外部サイトNode.js Design Patterns外部サイトLearning QGIS : use QGIS to create great maps and perform all the geoprocessing tasks you need外部サイトMoodle 2.5 multimedia cookbook : 75recipes to help you integrate different multimedia resources into your moodle courses to make them more interactive外部サイトMoodle e-learning course development : a complete guide to create and develop engaging e-learning courses with Moodle外部サイトPostGIS cookbook : over 80 task-based recipes to store, organize, manipulate, and analyze spatial data in a PostGIS database外部サイトMastering OpenCV with practical computer vision projects外部サイトLearning OpenCV 3 computer vision with Python : unleash the power of computer vision with Python using OpenCV外部サイトOpenStack essentials : demystify the cloud by building your own private OpenStack cloud外部サイトSage: beginner's guide : unlock the full potential of Sage for simplifying and automating mathematical computing外部サイトWeb development with Django cookbook : over 70 practical recipes to create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django外部サイトMachine learning with Spark : create scalable machine learning applications to power a modern data-driven business using Spark外部サイトOpenStack cloud computing cookbook : over 110 effective recipes to help you build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation外部サイトFlask framework cookbook : over 80 hands-on recipes to help you create small-to-large web applications using Flask外部サイトLearning D : leverage the modern convenience and modeling power of the D programming language to develop software with native efficiency外部サイトBuilding machine learning systems with Python : get more from your data through creating practical machine learning systems with Python外部サイトMastering KVM virtualization : dive in to the cutting edge techniques of Linux KVM virtualization, and build the virtualization solutions your datacentre demands外部サイトR machine learning by example : understand the fundamentals of machine learning with R and build your own dynamic algorithms to tackle complicated real-world problems successfully外部サイトUsing node.js for ui testing外部サイトLearning couchbase : design documents and implement real-world e-commerce applications with couchbase外部サイトMoodle gradebook : set up and customize the gradebook to track student progress through moodle外部サイトPython for finance : build real-life Python applications for quantitative finance and financial engineering外部サイトMahara ePortfolios beginner's guide : create your own ePortfolio and communities of interest within an educational and professional organization外部サイトLearning cython programming : Expand your existing legacy applications in C using Python外部サイトMastering RStudio - develop, communicate, and collaborate with R : harness the power of RStudio to create web applications, R packages, markdown reports and pretty data visualizations外部サイトFreeSWITCH 1.0.6 : build robust high performance telephony systems using FreeSWITCH外部サイトLearning geospatial analysis with Python : master GIS and remote sensing analysis using Python with these easy to follow tutorials外部サイトBackTrack 4 : assuring security by penetration testing : master the art of penetration testing with BackTrack外部サイトGroovy 2 cookbook : over 90 recipes that provide solutions to everyday programming challenges using the powerful features of Groovy 2外部サイトOpenStreetMap : be your own cartographer外部サイトMastering QGIS : go beyond the basics and unleash the full power of QGIS with practical, step-by-step examples外部サイトMapping and visualization with SuperCollider : create interactive and responsive audio-visual applications with SuperCollider外部サイトLearning Pentaho CTools : acquire finesse with CTools features and build rich and custom analytics solutions using Pentaho外部サイトData analysis with R : load, wrangle, and analyze your data using the world's most powerful statistical programming language外部サイトLearning Three.js - the JavaScript 3D library for WebGL : create stunning 3D graphics in your browser using the Three.js JavaScript library外部サイトLearning Shiny : make the most of R's dynamic capabilities and create web applications with Shiny外部サイトMastering QGIS : go beyond the basics and unleash the full power of QGIS with practical, step-by-step examples外部サイトTypeScript essentials : develop large scale responsive web applications with TypeScript外部サイトOpenFrameworks essentials : create stunning, interactive openFrameworks-based applications with this fast-paced guide外部サイトIPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook : over 100 hands-on recipes to sharpen your skills in high-performance numerical computing and data science with Python外部サイトSpring Boot cookbook : over 35 recipes to help you build, test, and run Spring applications using Spring Boot外部サイトMoodle 2.0 e-learning course development : a complete guide to successful learning using moodle外部サイトLearing Lego Mindstorms EV3 : build and create interactive, sensor-based robots using your Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit外部サイトArcPy and ArcGIS - geospatial analysis with Python : use the ArcPy module to automate the analysis and mapping of geospatial data in ArcGIS外部サイトPython network programming cookbook : over 70 detailed recipes to develop pratical solutions for a wide range of real-world network programming tasks外部サイトMastering pandas : master the features and capabilities of pandas, a data analysis toolkit for Python外部サイトCinder creative coding cookbook : Create compelling animations and graphics with kinect and camera input, using one of the most powerful C++ frameworks available外部サイトMastering ROS for robotics programming : design, build, and simulate complex robots using robot operating system and master its out-of-the-box functionalities外部サイトMetasploit penetration testing cookbook : over 70 recipes to master the most widely used penetration testing framework外部サイトBuilding mapping applications with QGIS : create your own sophisticated applications to analyze and desplay geospatial information using QGIS and Python外部サイトMastering Android NDK : master the skills you need to develop portable, highly-functional Android applications using NDK外部サイトBlender 2.49 scripting : extend the power and flexibility of Blender with the help of Python : a high-level, easy-to-learn scripting language外部サイトSwift 2 design patterns : build robust and scalable iOS and Mac OS X game applications外部サイトOpenFlow cookbook : over 110 recipes to design and develop your own OpenFlow switch and OpenFlow controller外部サイトMastering pandas for finance : Master pandas, an open source Python data analysis library, for financial data analysis外部サイトPanda3D 1.7 developer's cookbook : over 80 recipes for developing 3D games with Panda3D, a full-scale 3D game engine外部サイトJulia high performance : design and develop high performing programs with Julia外部サイトMachine learning with R : discover how to build machine learning algorithms, prepare data, and dig deep into data prediction techniques with R外部サイトHadoop beginner's guide : learn how to crunch big data to extract meaning from the data avalanche外部サイトOpenCV computer vision with Python : learn to capture videos, manipulate images, and track objects with Python using the OpenCV Library外部サイトScikit-learn Cookbook : over 50 recipes to incorporate scikit-learn into every step of the data science pipeline, from feature extraction to model building and model evaluation外部サイトOpenCV with Python by example : build real-world computer vision applications and develop cool demos using OpenCV for Python外部サイトBlender 3D basics beginner's guide : a quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7外部サイトLearning IPython for interactive computing and data visualization : get started with Python for data analysis and numerical computing in the Jupyter notebook外部サイトProfessional Plone 4 development : build robust, content-centric web applications with Plone 4外部サイトQGIS by example : leverage the power of QGIS in real-world applications to become a powerful user in cartography and GIS analysis外部サイトQGIS Python programming cookbook : over 140 recipes to help you turn QGIS from a desktop GIS tool into a powerful automated geospatial framework外部サイトMoodle 3.x teaching techniques : creative ways to build powerful and effective online courses with Moodle 3.0外部サイトBuilding machine learning systems with Python : master the art of machine learning with Python and build effective machine learning systems with this intensive hands-on guide外部サイトLarge scale machine learning with Python : learn to build powerful machine learning models quickly and deploy large-scale predictive applications外部サイトCassandra high performance cookbook : over 150 recipes to design and optimize large-scale Apache Cassandra deployments外部サイトGNU Octave beginner's guide : Become a proficient octave user by learning this high-level scientific numerical tool from the ground up外部サイトAugmented reality fo randroid application development : learn how to develop advanced augmented reality applications for android外部サイトRuby and MongoDB web development beginner's guide : create dynamic web applications by combining the power of Ruby and MongoDB外部サイトStorm blueprints : patterns for distributed real-time computation : use Storm design patterns to perform distributed, real-time big data processing, and analytics for real-world use cases外部サイトLearning robotics using Python : design, simulate, program, and prototype an interactive autonomous mobile robot from scratch with the help of Python, ROS, and Open-CV!外部サイトLaTeX : beginner's guide : create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX外部サイトHaskell design patterns : take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patterns外部サイトCinder : begin creative coding外部サイトNode cookbook : over 50 recipes to master the art of asynchronous server-side JavaScript using Node.js, with coverage of Express 4 and Socket.IO frameworks and the new Streams API外部サイトMastering Python for finance : understand, design, and implement state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical applications used in finance with Python外部サイトLearning data mining with R : develop key skills and techniques with R to create and customize data mining algorithms外部サイトLearning Python design patterns : a practical and fast-paced guide exploring Python design patterns外部サイトPython geospatial development : learn to build sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python tools for geospatial development外部サイトLearning Haskell data analysis : analyze, manipulate, and process datasets of varying sizes efficiently using Haskell外部サイトSocial media mining with R : deploy cutting-edge sentiment analysis techniques to real-world social media data using R外部サイトLearning OpenStack networking (Neutron) : wield the power of OpenStack Neutron networking to bring network infrastructure and capabilities to your cloud外部サイトMastering redmine : a comprehensive guide with tips, tricks and best practices, and an easy-to-learn structure外部サイトPython 3 object oriented programming : harness the power of Python 3 objects外部サイトR graphs cookbook : detailed hands-on recipes for creating the most useful types of graphs in R-starting from the simplest versions to more advanced applications外部サイトMastering openFrameworks : creative coding demystified : a practical guide to creating audiovisual interactive projects with low-level data processing using openFrameworks外部サイトMastering Scala machine learning : advance your skills in efficient data analysis and data processing using the powerful tools of Scala, Spark, and Hadoop外部サイトAdvanced quantitative finance with C++ : create and implement mathematical models in C++ using Quantative Finance外部サイトPython data visualization cookbook : over 60 recipes that will enable you to learn how to create attractive visualizations using Python's most popular libraries外部サイトAndroid application programming with OpenCV 3 : build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D外部サイトMastering machine learning with scikit-learn : apply effective learning algorithms to real-world problems using scikit-learn外部サイトStorm real-time processing cookbook : efficiently process unbounded streams of data in real time外部サイトOpenSceneGraph 3.0 : beginner's guide外部サイトLearning OpenStack networking (Neutron) : architect and build a network infrastructure for your cloud using OpenStack Neutron networking外部サイトBioinformatics with Python cookbook : learn how to use modern Python bioinformatics libraries and applications to do cutting-edge research in computational biology外部サイトPractical Internet of Things security : a practical, indispensable security guide that will navigate you through the complex realm of securely building and deploying systems in our IoT-connected world外部サイトNetbeans Platform 6.9 Developer's Guide外部サイトOpenGL 4 shading language cookbook : over 70 recipes demonstrating simple and advanced techniques for producing high-quality, real-time 3D graphics using OpenGL and GLSL 4.x外部サイトMachine learning in Java : design, build, and deploy your own machine learning applications by leveraging key Java machine learning libraries外部サイトNumPy beginner's guide外部サイトSimulation for data science with R : harness actionable insights from your data with computational statistics and simulations using R外部サイトRaspberry Pi computer vision programming : design and implement your own computer vision applications with the Raspberry Pi外部サイトMySQL 5.1 plugin development : extend MySQL to suit your needs with this unique guide into the world of MySQL plugins外部サイトLearning highcharts : create rich, intuitive, and interactive JavaScript data visualization for your web and enterprise development needs using this powerful charting library -- highcharts外部サイトEmbedded Linux projects using Yocto project cookbook : over 70 hands-on recipes for professional embedded Linux developers to optimize and boost their Yocto know-how外部サイトScala for machine learning : leverage scala and machine learning to construct and study systems that can learn from data外部サイトLearning ROS for robotics programming : your one-stop guide to the Robot Operating System外部サイトScratch cookbook : a quick and easy guide for building scratch programs intended for further learning through projects, such as interactive animations and games外部サイトLearning geospatial analysis with Python : an effective guide to geographic information system and remote sensing analysis using Python 3外部サイトLearning Storm : create real-time stream processing applications with Apache Storm外部サイトLLVM cookbook : over 80 engaging recipes that will help you build a compiler frontend, optimizer, and code generator using LLVM外部サイトMastering Julia : develop your analytical and programming skills further in Julia to solve complex data processing problems外部サイトImage processing with ImageJ : extract and analyze data from complex images with ImageJ, the world's leading image processing tool外部サイトBig data analytics with R : utilize R to uncover hidden patterns in your big data外部サイトKivy blueprints : build your very own app-store-ready, multi-touch games and applications with Kivy!外部サイトWebRTC integrator's guide : successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently外部サイトGetting started with JUCE : leverage the power of the JUCE framework to start developing applications外部サイトMastering parallel programming with R : Master the robust features of R parallel programming to accelerate your data science computations外部サイトLearning WebRTC : develop interactive real-time communication applications with WebRTC外部サイト






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Packt open source : community experience distilled
Packt Publishing open source : community experience distilled
PostGIS essentials : learn how to build powerful spatial database solutions with PostGIS quickly and efficiently
Learning ROS for robotics programming : a practical, instructive, and comprehensive guide to introduce yourself to ROS, the top-notch, leading robotics framework
OpenStack cloud computing cookbook : over 100 recipes to successfully set up and manage your OpenStack cloud environments with complete coverage of Nova, Swift, Keystone, Glance, and Horizon
Building web applications with Python and Neo4j : develop exciting real-world Python-based web applications with Neo4j using frameworks such as Flask, Py2neo, and Django
Mastering natural language processing with Python : maximize your NLP capabilitieds while creating amazing NLP projects in Python
Geospatial development by example with Python : build your first interactive map and build location-aware applications using cutting-edge examples in Python
D cookbook : discover the advantages of programming in D with over 100 incredibly effective recipes
OpenStack Orchestration : exploit the power of dynamic cloud formation and autoscaling features to fully implement OpenStack Orchestration
NumPy cookbook : over 70 interesting recipes for learning the Python open source mathematical library, NumPy
Python 3 text processing with NLTK 3 cookbook : over 80 practical recipes on natural language processing techniques using Python's NLTK 3.0
OpenCV with Python Blueprints : design and develop advanced computer vision projects using OpenCV with Python
Blender 3D by example : design a complete workflow with Blender to create stunning 3D scenes and films step by step!
Matplotlib plotting cookbook : learn how to create professional scientific plots using matplotlib, with more than 60 recipes that cover common use cases
OpenGL 4.0 shading language cookbook : over 60 highly focused, practical recipes to maximize your use of the OpenGL shading language
Learning QGIS 2.0 : use QGIS to create great maps and perform all the geoprocessing tasks you need
Python machine learning : unlock deeper insights into machine learning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics
Node.js web development : create real-time server-side applications with this practial, step-by-step guide
Mastering data analysis with R : gain clear insights into your data and solve real-world data science problems with R - from data munging to modeling and visualization
Solr cookbook : solve real-time problems related to Apache Solr 4.x and 5.0 effectively with the help of over 100 easy-to-follow recipes
GeoServer beginner's guide : share and edit geospatial data with this open source software server
FreeRADIUS beginner's guide : manage your network resources with FreeRADIUS
Big data analytics with R and Hadoop : set up an integrated infrastructure of R and Hadoop to turn your data analytics into big data analytics
Play framework cookbook : over 60 incredibly effective recipes to take you under the hood and leverage advanced concepts of the Play framework
Getting started with Julia : enter the exciting world of Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing
Apache Spark machine learning blueprints : develop a range of cutting-edge machine learning projects with Apache Spark using this actionable guide
Haskell high performance programming : boost the performance of your Haskell applications using optimization, concurrency, and parallel programming
Building wireless sensor networks using Arduino : leverage the powerful Arduino and XBee platforms to monitor and control your surroundings
WordPress 4.x complete : get your website up and running and beautify it with WordPress
Using OpenRefine : the essential OpenRefine guide that takes you from data analysis and error fixing to linking your dataset to the Web
Web development with Django cookbook : over 90 practical recipes to help you create scalable websites using the Django 1.8 framework
D web development : leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast
Creating mobile apps with jQuery mobile
RStudio for R statistical computing cookbook : over 50 practical and useful recipes to help you perform data analysis with R by unleashing every native RStudio feature
OpenCV essentials : acquire, process, and analyze visual content to build full-fledged imaging applications using OpenCV
Getting started with Julia programming : enter the exciting world of Julia, a high-performance language for technical computing
Machine learning with R : learn how to use R to apply powerful machine learning methods and gain an insight into real-world applications
Lego Mindstorms EV3 Essentials : Create and program complex autonomous robots using the third-generation Lego Mindstorms robotics kit
Selenium 2 testing tools beginner's guide : learn to use Selenium testing tools from scratch
Mastering Python for data science : explore the world of data science through Python and learn how to make sense of data
Web application development with R using Shiny : Harness the graphical and statistical power of R and rapidly develop interactive user interfaces using the superb Shiny package
Moodle 3 administration : an administrator's guide to configuring, securing, customizing, and extending Moodle
Apache Solr 4 cookbook : over 100 recipes to make Apache Solr faster, more reliable, and return better results
Learning scikit-learn : machine learning in Python : experience the benefits of machine learning techniques by applying them to real-world problems using Python and the open source scikit-learn library
Learning Bayesian models with R : become an expert in Bayesian machine learning methods using R and apply them to solve real-world big data problems
Image processing with ImageJ : discover the incredible possibilities of imageJ, from basic image processing to macro and plugin development
ROS robotics by example : bring life to your robot using ROS robotic applications
Building probabilistic graphical models with Python : solve machine learning problems using probabilistic graphical models implemented in Python with real-world applications
Programming ArcGIS with Python cookbook : Over 85 hands-on recipes to teach you how to automate your ArcGIS for Desktop geoprocessing tasks using Python
Gnuplot cookbook : over 80 recipes to visually explore the full range of features of the world's preeminent open source graphing system
Selenium testing tools cookbook : over 90 recipes to build, maintain, and improve test automation with Selenium WebDriver
Python 2.6 graphics cookbook : Over 100 great recipes for creating and animating graphics using Python
Learning QGIS : the latest guide to using QGIS 2.14 to create great maps and perform geoprocessing tasks with ease
OpenCV by example : enhance your understanding of computer vision and image processing by developing real-world projects in OpenCV 3
OpenCV 2 computer vision application programming cookbook : over 50 recipes to master this library of programming functions for real-time computer vision
QGIS 2 cookbook : become a QGIS power user and master QGIS data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques
Learning RStudio for R statistical computing : learn to effectively perform R development, statistical analysis, and reporting with the most popular R IDE
Regression analysis with Python : learn the art of regression analysis with Python
Cuckoo malware analysis : analyze malware using Cuckoo Sandbox
WxPython 2.8 : application development cookbook : quickly create robust, reliable and reusable wxPython applications
Python geospatial development : learn to build sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python tools for geospatial development
Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend : learn how to implement a DSL with Xtext and Xtend using easy-to-understand examples and best practices
Eclipse 4 plug-in development by example : How to develop, build, test, package, and release Eclipse plug-ins with features for Eclipse 3.x and Eclipse 4.x : Beginner's guide
Web application development with R using Shiny : integrate the power of R with the simplicity of Shiny to deliver cutting-edge analytics over the Web
Moodle course design best practices : Learn the best practices to design and develop interactive and highly effective Moodle courses
Nltk essentials : build cool NLP and machine learning applications using NLTK and other python libraries
Node.js Design Patterns
Learning QGIS : use QGIS to create great maps and perform all the geoprocessing tasks you need
Moodle 2.5 multimedia cookbook : 75recipes to help you integrate different multimedia resources into your moodle courses to make them more interactive
Moodle e-learning course development : a complete guide to create and develop engaging e-learning courses with Moodle
PostGIS cookbook : over 80 task-based recipes to store, organize, manipulate, and analyze spatial data in a PostGIS database
Mastering OpenCV with practical computer vision projects
Learning OpenCV 3 computer vision with Python : unleash the power of computer vision with Python using OpenCV
OpenStack essentials : demystify the cloud by building your own private OpenStack cloud
Sage: beginner's guide : unlock the full potential of Sage for simplifying and automating mathematical computing
Web development with Django cookbook : over 70 practical recipes to create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django
Machine learning with Spark : create scalable machine learning applications to power a modern data-driven business using Spark
OpenStack cloud computing cookbook : over 110 effective recipes to help you build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation
Flask framework cookbook : over 80 hands-on recipes to help you create small-to-large web applications using Flask
Learning D : leverage the modern convenience and modeling power of the D programming language to develop software with native efficiency
Building machine learning systems with Python : get more from your data through creating practical machine learning systems with Python
Mastering KVM virtualization : dive in to the cutting edge techniques of Linux KVM virtualization, and build the virtualization solutions your datacentre demands
R machine learning by example : understand the fundamentals of machine learning with R and build your own dynamic algorithms to tackle complicated real-world problems successfully
Using node.js for ui testing
Learning couchbase : design documents and implement real-world e-commerce applications with couchbase
Moodle gradebook : set up and customize the gradebook to track student progress through moodle
Python for finance : build real-life Python applications for quantitative finance and financial engineering
Mahara ePortfolios beginner's guide : create your own ePortfolio and communities of interest within an educational and professional organization
Learning cython programming : Expand your existing legacy applications in C using Python
Mastering RStudio - develop, communicate, and collaborate with R : harness the power of RStudio to create web applications, R packages, markdown reports and pretty data visualizations
FreeSWITCH 1.0.6 : build robust high performance telephony systems using FreeSWITCH
Learning geospatial analysis with Python : master GIS and remote sensing analysis using Python with these easy to follow tutorials
BackTrack 4 : assuring security by penetration testing : master the art of penetration testing with BackTrack
Groovy 2 cookbook : over 90 recipes that provide solutions to everyday programming challenges using the powerful features of Groovy 2
OpenStreetMap : be your own cartographer
Mastering QGIS : go beyond the basics and unleash the full power of QGIS with practical, step-by-step examples
Mapping and visualization with SuperCollider : create interactive and responsive audio-visual applications with SuperCollider
Learning Pentaho CTools : acquire finesse with CTools features and build rich and custom analytics solutions using Pentaho
Data analysis with R : load, wrangle, and analyze your data using the world's most powerful statistical programming language
Learning Three.js - the JavaScript 3D library for WebGL : create stunning 3D graphics in your browser using the Three.js JavaScript library
Learning Shiny : make the most of R's dynamic capabilities and create web applications with Shiny
Mastering QGIS : go beyond the basics and unleash the full power of QGIS with practical, step-by-step examples
TypeScript essentials : develop large scale responsive web applications with TypeScript
OpenFrameworks essentials : create stunning, interactive openFrameworks-based applications with this fast-paced guide
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook : over 100 hands-on recipes to sharpen your skills in high-performance numerical computing and data science with Python
Spring Boot cookbook : over 35 recipes to help you build, test, and run Spring applications using Spring Boot
Moodle 2.0 e-learning course development : a complete guide to successful learning using moodle
Learing Lego Mindstorms EV3 : build and create interactive, sensor-based robots using your Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit
ArcPy and ArcGIS - geospatial analysis with Python : use the ArcPy module to automate the analysis and mapping of geospatial data in ArcGIS
Python network programming cookbook : over 70 detailed recipes to develop pratical solutions for a wide range of real-world network programming tasks
Mastering pandas : master the features and capabilities of pandas, a data analysis toolkit for Python
Cinder creative coding cookbook : Create compelling animations and graphics with kinect and camera input, using one of the most powerful C++ frameworks available
Mastering ROS for robotics programming : design, build, and simulate complex robots using robot operating system and master its out-of-the-box functionalities
Metasploit penetration testing cookbook : over 70 recipes to master the most widely used penetration testing framework
Building mapping applications with QGIS : create your own sophisticated applications to analyze and desplay geospatial information using QGIS and Python
Mastering Android NDK : master the skills you need to develop portable, highly-functional Android applications using NDK
Blender 2.49 scripting : extend the power and flexibility of Blender with the help of Python : a high-level, easy-to-learn scripting language
Swift 2 design patterns : build robust and scalable iOS and Mac OS X game applications
OpenFlow cookbook : over 110 recipes to design and develop your own OpenFlow switch and OpenFlow controller
Mastering pandas for finance : Master pandas, an open source Python data analysis library, for financial data analysis
Panda3D 1.7 developer's cookbook : over 80 recipes for developing 3D games with Panda3D, a full-scale 3D game engine
Julia high performance : design and develop high performing programs with Julia
Machine learning with R : discover how to build machine learning algorithms, prepare data, and dig deep into data prediction techniques with R
Hadoop beginner's guide : learn how to crunch big data to extract meaning from the data avalanche
OpenCV computer vision with Python : learn to capture videos, manipulate images, and track objects with Python using the OpenCV Library
Scikit-learn Cookbook : over 50 recipes to incorporate scikit-learn into every step of the data science pipeline, from feature extraction to model building and model evaluation
OpenCV with Python by example : build real-world computer vision applications and develop cool demos using OpenCV for Python
Blender 3D basics beginner's guide : a quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7
Learning IPython for interactive computing and data visualization : get started with Python for data analysis and numerical computing in the Jupyter notebook
Professional Plone 4 development : build robust, content-centric web applications with Plone 4
QGIS by example : leverage the power of QGIS in real-world applications to become a powerful user in cartography and GIS analysis
QGIS Python programming cookbook : over 140 recipes to help you turn QGIS from a desktop GIS tool into a powerful automated geospatial framework
Moodle 3.x teaching techniques : creative ways to build powerful and effective online courses with Moodle 3.0
Building machine learning systems with Python : master the art of machine learning with Python and build effective machine learning systems with this intensive hands-on guide
Large scale machine learning with Python : learn to build powerful machine learning models quickly and deploy large-scale predictive applications
Cassandra high performance cookbook : over 150 recipes to design and optimize large-scale Apache Cassandra deployments
GNU Octave beginner's guide : Become a proficient octave user by learning this high-level scientific numerical tool from the ground up
Augmented reality fo randroid application development : learn how to develop advanced augmented reality applications for android
Ruby and MongoDB web development beginner's guide : create dynamic web applications by combining the power of Ruby and MongoDB
Storm blueprints : patterns for distributed real-time computation : use Storm design patterns to perform distributed, real-time big data processing, and analytics for real-world use cases
Learning robotics using Python : design, simulate, program, and prototype an interactive autonomous mobile robot from scratch with the help of Python, ROS, and Open-CV!
LaTeX : beginner's guide : create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX
Haskell design patterns : take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patterns
Cinder : begin creative coding
Node cookbook : over 50 recipes to master the art of asynchronous server-side JavaScript using Node.js, with coverage of Express 4 and Socket.IO frameworks and the new Streams API
Mastering Python for finance : understand, design, and implement state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical applications used in finance with Python
Learning data mining with R : develop key skills and techniques with R to create and customize data mining algorithms
Learning Python design patterns : a practical and fast-paced guide exploring Python design patterns
Python geospatial development : learn to build sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python tools for geospatial development
Learning Haskell data analysis : analyze, manipulate, and process datasets of varying sizes efficiently using Haskell
Social media mining with R : deploy cutting-edge sentiment analysis techniques to real-world social media data using R
Learning OpenStack networking (Neutron) : wield the power of OpenStack Neutron networking to bring network infrastructure and capabilities to your cloud
Mastering redmine : a comprehensive guide with tips, tricks and best practices, and an easy-to-learn structure
Python 3 object oriented programming : harness the power of Python 3 objects
R graphs cookbook : detailed hands-on recipes for creating the most useful types of graphs in R-starting from the simplest versions to more advanced applications
Mastering openFrameworks : creative coding demystified : a practical guide to creating audiovisual interactive projects with low-level data processing using openFrameworks
Mastering Scala machine learning : advance your skills in efficient data analysis and data processing using the powerful tools of Scala, Spark, and Hadoop
Advanced quantitative finance with C++ : create and implement mathematical models in C++ using Quantative Finance
Python data visualization cookbook : over 60 recipes that will enable you to learn how to create attractive visualizations using Python's most popular libraries
Android application programming with OpenCV 3 : build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D
Mastering machine learning with scikit-learn : apply effective learning algorithms to real-world problems using scikit-learn
Storm real-time processing cookbook : efficiently process unbounded streams of data in real time
OpenSceneGraph 3.0 : beginner's guide
Learning OpenStack networking (Neutron) : architect and build a network infrastructure for your cloud using OpenStack Neutron networking
Bioinformatics with Python cookbook : learn how to use modern Python bioinformatics libraries and applications to do cutting-edge research in computational biology
Practical Internet of Things security : a practical, indispensable security guide that will navigate you through the complex realm of securely building and deploying systems in our IoT-connected world
Netbeans Platform 6.9 Developer's Guide
OpenGL 4 shading language cookbook : over 70 recipes demonstrating simple and advanced techniques for producing high-quality, real-time 3D graphics using OpenGL and GLSL 4.x
Machine learning in Java : design, build, and deploy your own machine learning applications by leveraging key Java machine learning libraries
NumPy beginner's guide
Simulation for data science with R : harness actionable insights from your data with computational statistics and simulations using R
Raspberry Pi computer vision programming : design and implement your own computer vision applications with the Raspberry Pi
MySQL 5.1 plugin development : extend MySQL to suit your needs with this unique guide into the world of MySQL plugins
Learning highcharts : create rich, intuitive, and interactive JavaScript data visualization for your web and enterprise development needs using this powerful charting library -- highcharts
Embedded Linux projects using Yocto project cookbook : over 70 hands-on recipes for professional embedded Linux developers to optimize and boost their Yocto know-how
Scala for machine learning : leverage scala and machine learning to construct and study systems that can learn from data
Learning ROS for robotics programming : your one-stop guide to the Robot Operating System
Scratch cookbook : a quick and easy guide for building scratch programs intended for further learning through projects, such as interactive animations and games
Learning geospatial analysis with Python : an effective guide to geographic information system and remote sensing analysis using Python 3
Learning Storm : create real-time stream processing applications with Apache Storm
LLVM cookbook : over 80 engaging recipes that will help you build a compiler frontend, optimizer, and code generator using LLVM
Mastering Julia : develop your analytical and programming skills further in Julia to solve complex data processing problems
Image processing with ImageJ : extract and analyze data from complex images with ImageJ, the world's leading image processing tool
Big data analytics with R : utilize R to uncover hidden patterns in your big data
Kivy blueprints : build your very own app-store-ready, multi-touch games and applications with Kivy!
WebRTC integrator's guide : successfully build your very own scalable WebRTC infrastructure quickly and efficiently
Getting started with JUCE : leverage the power of the JUCE framework to start developing applications
Mastering parallel programming with R : Master the robust features of R parallel programming to accelerate your data science computations
Learning WebRTC : develop interactive real-time communication applications with WebRTC
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books