
International studies in human rights : [set]


International studies in human rights : [set]

M. Nijhoff Publishers



Place of publication varies: Dordrecht, LeidenPublisher varies: Brill Nijhoff


Devising an adequate system of minority protection : individual human rights, minority rights and the right to self-determination外部サイトHuman rights : group defamation, freedom of expression and the law of nations外部サイトEthno-cultural diversity and human rights : challenges and critiques外部サイトProtecting children in the digital era : the use of alternative regulatory instruments外部サイトThe right of the child to religious freedom in international law外部サイトThe standard of the best interests of the child : a western tradition in international and comparative law外部サイトResponding to human rights violations : 1946-1999外部サイトThe Strength of diversity : human rights and pluralist democracy外部サイトMonitoring human rights in Europe : comparing international procedures and mechanisms外部サイトEquality and non-discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトPreventive detention and security law : a comparative survey外部サイトThe Ideologies of children's rights外部サイトImmunities and the right of access to court under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトHuman rights and development : legal perspectives from and for Ethiopia外部サイトInvestor-state arbitration and human rights外部サイトSeeking asylum : comparative law and practice in selected European countries外部サイトThe impact of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on the domestic legislation in Egypt外部サイトHumanitarian good offices in international law : the good offices of the United Nations Secretary-General in the field of human rights外部サイトThe human rights of aliens under international and comparative law外部サイトFreedom of religion or belief : ensuring effective international legal protection外部サイトInternational monitoring of plebiscites, referenda and national elections : self-determination and transition to democracy外部サイトThe guarantees for accused persons under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights : an analysis of the application of the convention and a comparison with other instruments外部サイトThe right to food and the World Trade Organization's rules on agriculture : conflicting, compatible, or complementary?外部サイトThe United Nations High Commissioner for human rights : the challenges of international protection外部サイトReservations to UN-human rights treaties : ratify and ruin?外部サイトThe inter-American human rights system as a safeguard for justice in national transitions : from amnesty laws to accountability in Argentina, Chile and Peru外部サイトHomosexuality, a European Community issue : essays on lesbian and gay rights in European law and policy外部サイトThe prevention of human rights violations : contribution on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR)外部サイトSocial rights of children in Europe : a case law study on selected rights外部サイトHuman rights protection in the field外部サイトResponding to international crime外部サイトThe core human rights treaties and Thailand : a study in honour of the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok外部サイトUnited Nations protection of humanity and its habitat : a new international law of security and protection外部サイトGroup rights and discrimination in international law外部サイトJustifications of minority protection in international law外部サイトThe Right to food外部サイトPersonal freedom through human rights law? : autonomy, identity, and integrity under the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトHuman rights and disabled persons : essays and relevant human rights instruments外部サイトThe Security Council and the protection of human rights外部サイトEuropean civil liberties and the European Convention on Human Rights : a comparative study外部サイトFreshwater access from a human rights perspective : a challenge to international water and human rights law外部サイトFree speech and national security外部サイトFinland and the international norms of human rights外部サイトGender-sensitive norm interpretation by regional human rights law systems外部サイトThe law, policy and politics of the UN Human Rights Council外部サイトThe protection of the right to education by international law : including a systematic analysis of article 13 of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights外部サイトHuman rights protection by the ECtHR and the ECJ : a comparative analysis in light of the equivalency doctrine外部サイトThe European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights : international protection versus national restrictions外部サイトThe rights of the child and the changing image of childhood外部サイトEssays on the developing law of human rights外部サイトJudicial review in equal treatment cases外部サイトArrest and detention powers in English and Turkish law and practice in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトHuman rights, self-determination and political change in the occupied Palestinian territories外部サイトHuman rights and human security外部サイトImplementation of international human rights commitments and the impact on ongoing legal reforms in Ethiopia外部サイトImplications of pre-emptive data surveillance for fundamental rights in the European Union外部サイトGroup rights and discrimination in international law外部サイトThe principle of non-refoulement under the ECHR and the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment外部サイトHuman rights as indivisible rights : the protection of socio-economic demands under the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトThe fundamentals of international human rights treaty law外部サイトThe legal nature of international human rights外部サイトThe United Nations principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons ('The pinheiro principles') : a commentary外部サイトThe new asylum seekers : refugee law in the 1980's : the Ninth Sokol Colloquium on International Law外部サイトState immunity and the violation of human rights外部サイトModern slavery : a comparative study of the definition of trafficking in persons外部サイトFair balance : proportionality, subsidiarity and primarity in the European Convention on Human Rights外部サイトHealth law, human rights and the Biomedicine Convention : essays in honour of Henriette Roscam Abbing外部サイトSocial issues, globalisation and international institutions : labour rights and the EU, ILO, OECD and WTO外部サイトThe EU's approach to human rights conditionality in practice外部サイトContextualising the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights : assessing the economic deficit外部サイトThe margin of appreciation doctrine in the dynamics of European human rights jurisprudence外部サイトConsensus-based interpretation of regional human rights treaties外部サイトEnforcing international human rights in domestic courts外部サイトState immunity and the violation of human rights外部サイトAspects of extradition law外部サイトGross human rights violations : a search for causes : a study of Guatemala and Costa Rica外部サイトThe human dimension of the Helsinki process : the Vienna follow-up meeting and its aftermath外部サイトMental disability and the European convention on human rights外部サイトCultural human rights外部サイトNational perspectives on housing rights外部サイトThe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities : European and Scandinavian perspectives外部サイトThe concept and present status of the international protection of human rights : forty years after the universal declaration外部サイトHuman rights in turmoil : facing threats, consolidating achievements外部サイトThe U.N. Convention on Torture and the prospects for enforcement外部サイトGuide to the travaux préparatoires of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women外部サイトMass expulsion in modern international law and practice外部サイトHuman rights and federalism : a comparative study on freedom, democracy and cultural diversity外部サイトThe right to leave and return in international law and practice外部サイトHuman rights missions : a study of the fact-finding practice of non-governmental organizations外部サイトHuman rights and disabled persons : essays and relevant human rights instruments外部サイトInternational law and fact-finding in the field of human rights外部サイトDiscrimination and toleration : new perspectives外部サイトThe admissibility of human rights petitions : the case law of the European Commission of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee外部サイトIndividual responsibility in international law for serious human rights violations外部サイトDisability, divers-ability, and legal change外部サイトTrafficking of human beings from a human rights perspective : towards a holistic approach外部サイトDeterminants of gross human rights violations by state and state-sponsored actors in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina 1960-1990外部サイトManaging Babel : the international legal protection of minorities in the twentieth century外部サイトRegaining paradise lost : indigenous land rights and tourism : using the UNGPS on business and human rights in mainstreaming indigenous land rights in the tourism industry外部サイトThe international law on the rights of the child外部サイトPost-war protection of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina外部サイトHuman rights and judicial review : a comparative perspective外部サイトHuman rights in domestic law and development assistance policies of the nordic countries外部サイトPreventive detention : a comparative and international law perspective外部サイトThe ombudsman, good governance and the international human rights system外部サイトSystemic discrimination in employment and the promotion of ethnic equality外部サイトAn international law perspective on the protection of human rights in the TRIPS agreement : an interpretation of the TRIPS agreement in relation to the right to health外部サイトSecrecy and liberty : national security, freedom of expression and access to information外部サイトInternational human rights law in the Commonwealth Caribbean外部サイトThe international law on the rights of the child外部サイトThe African human rights system : its laws, practice, and institutions外部サイトJudicial dialogue on human rights : the practice of international criminal tribunals外部サイトMinority groups and judicial discourse in international law : a comparative perspective外部サイトThe landmark rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the rights of the child : protecting the most vulnerable at the edge外部サイトHuman rights : universality and diversity外部サイトASEAN and human trafficking : case studies of Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam外部サイトHuman rights functions of United Nations peacekeeping operations外部サイトAge discrimination and children's rights : ensuring equality and acknowledging difference外部サイトHuman rights related trade measures under international law : the legality of trade measures imposed in response to violations of human rights obligations under general international law外部サイトThe execution of Strasbourg and Geneva human rights decisions in the national legal order外部サイトThe African regional human rights system : 30 years after the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights外部サイトLanguage, minorities and human rights外部サイトThe European Union and human rights外部サイトThe international law of human rights and states of exception : with special reference to the Travaux preparatoires and case-law of the international monitoring organs外部サイトDo we need minority rights? : conceptual issues外部サイトThe Right to life in international law外部サイトReproductive freedom : in the context of international human rights and humanitarian law外部サイトTransnational fugitive offenders in international law : extradition and other mechanisms外部サイトThe United Nations convention against torture : a handbook on the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment外部サイトThe inter-state application under the European Convention on Human Rights : between collective enforcement of human rights and international dispute settlement外部サイトModernizing the UN human rights system外部サイトA history of the UN human rights programme and secretariat外部サイトEuropean populism and human rights外部サイトIrrational human rights? : an examination of international human rights treaties外部サイトAdvancing the legal status of women in Islamic law外部サイトHuman rights and international criminal law外部サイトCompliance with judgments of the European Court of Human Rights : states on a spectrum of democratisation外部サイトThe protection roles of human rights NGOs : essays in honour of Adrien-Claude Zoller外部サイトThe universality of human rights : a handbook外部サイトThe procedural law governing facts and evidence in international human rights proceedings : developing a contextualized approach to address recurring problems in the context of facts and evidence外部サイトCyprus at the European Court of Human Rights : a critical appraisal of the court's jurisprudence on the rights to property and home in the context of displacement外部サイト'Hard power' and the European convention on human rights外部サイトOmbuds institutions, good governance and the international human rights system外部サイト



  • Devising an adequate system of minority protection : individual human rights, minority rights and the right to self-determination

  • Human rights : group defamation, freedom of expression and the law of nations

  • Ethno-cultural diversity and human rights : challenges and critiques

  • Protecting children in the digital era : the use of alternative regulatory instruments

  • The right of the child to religious freedom in international law





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