
Social science paperbacks


Social science paperbacks




Publisher slightly varies: Social Science Paperbacks in association with TavistockPublisher slightly varies: Social Science Paperbacks in association ...


Urban sociology : critical essays外部サイトIndustry and labour in the U.S.S.R外部サイトManagers- personality & performance外部サイトThe handicapped person in the community : a reader and sourcebook外部サイトCreativity and performance in industrial organization外部サイトThe psychoanalysis of organizations : a psychoanalytic approach to behaviour in groups and organizations外部サイトWomen at work外部サイトConduct unbecoming : the social construction of police deviance and control外部サイトVirgin wives : a study of unconsummated marriages外部サイトSystems of organization : the control of task and sentient boundaries外部サイトSex and generation : a study of courtship and weddings外部サイトPsychosocial nursing外部サイトThe basic fault : therapeutic aspects of regression外部サイトIn defence of welfare外部サイトPower, crime, and mystification外部サイトReason and morality外部サイトThe Father figure外部サイトRoles : an introduction to the study of social relations外部サイトCommunity as doctor : new perspectives on a therapeutic community外部サイトWomen and education外部サイトSystem and structure : essays in communication and exchange外部サイトOperational research and the social sciences外部サイトCulture and self : Asian and Western perspectives外部サイトMarital violence : the community response外部サイトTeacher, pupil, and task : elements of social psychology applied to education : a practical manual for teachers外部サイトInternal factors in evolution外部サイトThe ideology of work外部サイトAmerican modernity and Jewish identity外部サイトMental illness in childhood : a study of residential treatment外部サイトProletarians and parties : five essays in social class外部サイトSocial theory and economic change外部サイトA life together : the distribution of attitudes around the disabled外部サイトWomen physicians : careers, status, and power外部サイトDiscussions on child development : a consideration of the biological, psychological and cultural approaches to the understanding of human development and behaviour: the proceedings of the meetings of the World Health Organization Study Group on the Psychobiological Development of the Child, Geneva 1953-1956外部サイトElements of social organization外部サイトA study of brief psychotherapy外部サイトThe residential solution : state alternatives to family care外部サイトDealing with drug misuse : crisis intervention in the city外部サイトRace relations外部サイトThe sociology of schools外部サイトSentencing in magistrates' courts : a study in variations of policy外部サイトSix minutes for the patient : interactions in general practice consultation外部サイトSocial psychology of the work organization外部サイトPositive discrimination, social justice, and social policy : moral scrutiny of a policy practice外部サイト"We the people" and others : duality and America's treatment of its racial minorities外部サイトPsychotherapeutic techniques in medicine外部サイトWhose welfare?外部サイトThe family and individual development外部サイトPreventing alcohol problems : a guide to local action外部サイトThe enterprise and its environment : a system theory of management organization外部サイトTraining within the organization : a study of company policy and procedures for the systematic training of operators and supervisors外部サイトThe ideology of work外部サイトSex-role stereotyping : collected papers外部サイトGroupwork practice外部サイトMadness and civilization : a history of insanity in the Age of Reason外部サイトLeopards and leaders : constitutional politics among a Cross River people外部サイトMedia sociology外部サイトA life apart : a pilot study of residential institutions for the physically handicapped and the young chronic sick外部サイトOrganizational analysis : a sociological view外部サイトWomen, work, and property in North-West India外部サイトOccupational psychology外部サイトMadness and civilization : a history of insanity in the Age of Reason外部サイトThe subculture of violence : towards an integrated theory in criminology外部サイトA great and growing evil? : the medical consequences of alcohol abuse外部サイトSystems of organization : the control of task and sentient boundaries外部サイトStone Age economics外部サイトWomen united, women divided : cross-cultural perspectives on female solidarity外部サイトThe domestication of women : discrimination in developing societies外部サイトPsychology and social problems外部サイトFamily therapy : first steps towards a systemic approach外部サイトProductive thinking外部サイトThe structural study of myth and totemism外部サイトPsychiatry in dissent : controversial issues in thought and practice外部サイトPassing for white : a study of racial assimilation in a South African school外部サイトGrief counselling and grief therapy外部サイトThe experimental psychology of beauty外部サイトMichel Foucault : the will to truth外部サイトBreast cancer : the psychological effects of the disease and its treatment外部サイトSocial psychology外部サイトFamily外部サイトLocal government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning外部サイトThe archaeology of knowledge外部サイトThe social analysis of class structure外部サイトChisungu : a girls' initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Zambia外部サイトSociology and development外部サイトDeviance外部サイトCapitalism and leisure theory外部サイトThe study of society : a multidisciplinary approach外部サイトForm and content in industrial democracy : some experiences from Norway and other European countries外部サイトThe sociology of religion外部サイトThe foundation of management外部サイトThe craft of social anthropology外部サイトCulture against man外部サイトGroup care for children : concept and issues外部サイトThe Car industry : labour relations and industrial adjustment外部サイトArt as therapy : an introduction to the use of art as a therapeutic technique外部サイトHigher education : demand and response外部サイトDeprivation and delinquency外部サイトOn being a mother : a study of women with pre-school children外部サイトAnthropological approaches to the study of religion外部サイトIn care and into work外部サイトMental illness in the community : the pathway to psychiatric care外部サイトSocial work & mental health : a guide for the approved social worker外部サイトThe politics of positive discrimination : an evaluation of the Urban Programme, 1967-77外部サイトThe caseworker's use of relationships外部サイトThe roots of individuality : normal patterns of development in infancy外部サイトBiological politics : feminist and anti-feminist perspectives外部サイトThe archaeology of knowledge外部サイトSocial interaction外部サイトWomen & the welfare state外部サイトPatterns of social policy : an introduction to comparative analysis外部サイトOn death and dying外部サイトRethinking kinship and marriage外部サイトThe interpretation of ritual : essays in honour of A.I. Richards外部サイトThe life-giving myth and other essays外部サイトMinistry and management : the study of ecclesiastical administration外部サイトThe education of technologists : an exploratory case study at Brunel外部サイトCreative change : a cognitive-humanistic approach to social work practice外部サイトEthnography : principles in practice外部サイトThe state of the nation : social systems accounting外部サイトSocial science and government : policies and problems外部サイトSocial learning and change : a cognitive approach to human services外部サイトAdministrative therapy : the role of the doctor in the therapeutic community外部サイトDiscussions on child development : a consideration of the biological, psychological and cultural approaches to the understanding of human development and behaviour外部サイトThe new families : youth, communes, and the politics of drugs外部サイトIslands of history外部サイトWelfare, power, and juvenile justice : the social control of delinquent youth外部サイトProbation and the community : a practice and policy reader外部サイトNarcotic addiction in Britain and America : the impact of public policy外部サイトEducating older people外部サイトSocial work and social control外部サイトOn being a woman : a review of research on how women see themselves外部サイトThe riddle of Freud : Jewish influences on his theory of female sexuality外部サイトFamily and social network : roles, norms, and external relationships in ordinary urban families外部サイトThe translation of culture : essays to E.E. Evans-Pritchard外部サイトFamily and social network : roles, norms, and external relationships in ordinary urban families外部サイトPersonality and personal illness外部サイトHistory and social anthropology外部サイトEducational strategy for developing societies : a study of educational and social factors in relation to economic growth外部サイトEstrangement and relationship : experience with schizophrenics外部サイトShakespeare : an existential view外部サイトOnly halfway to paradise : women in postwar Britain 1945-1968外部サイトFamily work in action : a handbook for social workers外部サイトAn introduction to the sociology of rural development外部サイトThe State, the law, and the family : critical perspectives外部サイトDisability and disadvantage : the consequences of chronic illness外部サイトClass & gender in India : women and their organizations in a south Indian city外部サイトTowards a sociology of the novel外部サイトThe evangelistic bureaucrat : a study of a planning exercise in Newcastle upon Tyne外部サイトThe social context of art外部サイトThe unconscious before Freud外部サイトSocial anthropology and language外部サイトThe ideology of work外部サイトThe social anthropology of complex societies外部サイトEfficiency and effort : an analysis of industrial administration外部サイトReason & violence : a decade of Sartre's philosophy, 1950-1960外部サイトIntegrated family therapy : a problem-centred psychodynamic approach外部サイトPatriarchy and pub culture外部サイトMarxism and class theory : a bourgeois critique外部サイトThinking about organization外部サイトAge and generation外部サイトSocial policy, action, and research : studies in social deviance外部サイトSocial interaction外部サイトThe game of budget control外部サイトThe order of things : an archaeology of the human sciences外部サイトThe psychological assessment of mental and physical handicaps外部サイトThe management of innovation外部サイトHelp starts here : the maladjusted child in the ordinary school外部サイトTraining in industry : the management of learning外部サイトLeaving residential care外部サイトOfficial statistics外部サイトRethinking general practice : dilemmas in primary medical care外部サイトAn approach to community mental health外部サイトThe birth of a first child : towards an understanding of femininity外部サイトGrowth to freedom : the psychosocial treatment of delinquent youth外部サイトNew directions in psycho-analysis : the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour外部サイトKnowledge, education, and cultural change : papers in the sociology of education外部サイトThinking, feeling, and being : clinical reflections on the fundamental antinomy of human beings and world外部サイトTown, country and people外部サイトWomen & alcohol外部サイトA line of power外部サイトSocial change and the life course外部サイトOrganizational analysis : a sociological view外部サイトRacial inequality in education外部サイト'While I'm here, doctor' : a study of change in the doctor-patient relationship外部サイトPsychopharmacology: dimensions and perspectives外部サイトA life apart : a pilot study of residential institutions for the physically handicapped and the young chronic sick外部サイトUnemployment : personal and social consequences外部サイトRedirections in organizational analysis外部サイトCriminal on the road : a study of serious motoring offences and those who commit them外部サイトMan in Africa外部サイトThe elementary structures of kinship : (Les structures élémentaires de la parenté)外部サイトThe cultural context of learning and thinking : an exploration in experimental anthropology外部サイトThemes in economic anthropology外部サイトSystem and structure : essays in communication and exchange外部サイトEvolution and human behavior外部サイトEight London households外部サイトWomen, work, and ideology in the Third World外部サイトWomen and social class外部サイトProfessional supervision in group care : a contract-based approach外部サイトA textbook of health education for students in colleges of education, teachers, and health educators外部サイトSexual divisions, patterns and processes外部サイトProductivity and social organization : the Ahmedabad experiment : technical innovation, work organization and management外部サイトHospitals : communication, choice, and change : the Hospital Internal Communications Project seen from within外部サイトMarried to their careers : career and family dilemmas in doctors' lives外部サイトAttention and interpretation : a scientific approach to insight in psycho-analysis and groups外部サイトEthos and identity : three studies in ethnicity外部サイトThe origins of scientific sociology外部サイトThe relevance of models for social anthropology外部サイトChanging hospitals : a report on the hospital internal communications project外部サイトDangerous behaviour, the law, and mental disorder外部サイトBehavioural worlds : the study of single cases外部サイトMotherhood and personality : psychosomatic aspects of childbirth外部サイトGender外部サイトLearning for leadership : interpersonal and intergroup relations外部サイトAlternative medicines, popular and policy perspectives外部サイトSocialization : the approach from social anthropology外部サイトRace and social work : a guide to training外部サイトResearch methods外部サイトThe Cultural construction of sexuality外部サイトSimone de Beauvoir, a feminist mandarin外部サイトFreedom, equality, and the market : arguments on social policy外部サイトEngels revisited : new feminist essays外部サイトRace and politics : ethnic minorities and the British political system外部サイトGroup living : the application of group dynamics in residential settings外部サイトPersonality assessment : a critical survey外部サイトHidden agendas : theory, politics, and experience in the women's movement外部サイトCultural factors in delinquency外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Social science paperback
Publisher slightly varies: Social Science Paperbacks in association with Tavistock
Publisher slightly varies: Social Science Paperbacks in association with Methuen
Urban sociology : critical essays
Industry and labour in the U.S.S.R
Managers- personality & performance
The handicapped person in the community : a reader and sourcebook
Creativity and performance in industrial organization
The psychoanalysis of organizations : a psychoanalytic approach to behaviour in groups and organizations
Women at work
Conduct unbecoming : the social construction of police deviance and control
Virgin wives : a study of unconsummated marriages
Systems of organization : the control of task and sentient boundaries
Sex and generation : a study of courtship and weddings
Psychosocial nursing
The basic fault : therapeutic aspects of regression
In defence of welfare
Power, crime, and mystification
Reason and morality
The Father figure
Roles : an introduction to the study of social relations
Community as doctor : new perspectives on a therapeutic community
Women and education
System and structure : essays in communication and exchange
Operational research and the social sciences
Culture and self : Asian and Western perspectives
Marital violence : the community response
Teacher, pupil, and task : elements of social psychology applied to education : a practical manual for teachers
Internal factors in evolution
The ideology of work
American modernity and Jewish identity
Mental illness in childhood : a study of residential treatment
Proletarians and parties : five essays in social class
Social theory and economic change
A life together : the distribution of attitudes around the disabled
Women physicians : careers, status, and power
Discussions on child development : a consideration of the biological, psychological and cultural approaches to the understanding of human development and behaviour: the proceedings of the meetings of the World Health Organization Study Group on the Psychobiological Development of the Child, Geneva 1953-1956
Elements of social organization
A study of brief psychotherapy
The residential solution : state alternatives to family care
Dealing with drug misuse : crisis intervention in the city
Race relations
The sociology of schools
Sentencing in magistrates' courts : a study in variations of policy
Six minutes for the patient : interactions in general practice consultation
Social psychology of the work organization
Positive discrimination, social justice, and social policy : moral scrutiny of a policy practice
"We the people" and others : duality and America's treatment of its racial minorities
Psychotherapeutic techniques in medicine
Whose welfare?
The family and individual development
Preventing alcohol problems : a guide to local action
The enterprise and its environment : a system theory of management organization
Training within the organization : a study of company policy and procedures for the systematic training of operators and supervisors
The ideology of work
Sex-role stereotyping : collected papers
Groupwork practice
Madness and civilization : a history of insanity in the Age of Reason
Leopards and leaders : constitutional politics among a Cross River people
Media sociology
A life apart : a pilot study of residential institutions for the physically handicapped and the young chronic sick
Organizational analysis : a sociological view
Women, work, and property in North-West India
Occupational psychology
Madness and civilization : a history of insanity in the Age of Reason
The subculture of violence : towards an integrated theory in criminology
A great and growing evil? : the medical consequences of alcohol abuse
Systems of organization : the control of task and sentient boundaries
Stone Age economics
Women united, women divided : cross-cultural perspectives on female solidarity
The domestication of women : discrimination in developing societies
Psychology and social problems
Family therapy : first steps towards a systemic approach
Productive thinking
The structural study of myth and totemism
Psychiatry in dissent : controversial issues in thought and practice
Passing for white : a study of racial assimilation in a South African school
Grief counselling and grief therapy
The experimental psychology of beauty
Michel Foucault : the will to truth
Breast cancer : the psychological effects of the disease and its treatment
Social psychology
Local government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning
The archaeology of knowledge
The social analysis of class structure
Chisungu : a girls' initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Zambia
Sociology and development
Capitalism and leisure theory
The study of society : a multidisciplinary approach
Form and content in industrial democracy : some experiences from Norway and other European countries
The sociology of religion
The foundation of management
The craft of social anthropology
Culture against man
Group care for children : concept and issues
The Car industry : labour relations and industrial adjustment
Art as therapy : an introduction to the use of art as a therapeutic technique
Higher education : demand and response
Deprivation and delinquency
On being a mother : a study of women with pre-school children
Anthropological approaches to the study of religion
In care and into work
Mental illness in the community : the pathway to psychiatric care
Social work & mental health : a guide for the approved social worker
The politics of positive discrimination : an evaluation of the Urban Programme, 1967-77
The caseworker's use of relationships
The roots of individuality : normal patterns of development in infancy
Biological politics : feminist and anti-feminist perspectives
The archaeology of knowledge
Social interaction
Women & the welfare state
Patterns of social policy : an introduction to comparative analysis
On death and dying
Rethinking kinship and marriage
The interpretation of ritual : essays in honour of A.I. Richards
The life-giving myth and other essays
Ministry and management : the study of ecclesiastical administration
The education of technologists : an exploratory case study at Brunel
Creative change : a cognitive-humanistic approach to social work practice
Ethnography : principles in practice
The state of the nation : social systems accounting
Social science and government : policies and problems
Social learning and change : a cognitive approach to human services
Administrative therapy : the role of the doctor in the therapeutic community
Discussions on child development : a consideration of the biological, psychological and cultural approaches to the understanding of human development and behaviour
The new families : youth, communes, and the politics of drugs
Islands of history
Welfare, power, and juvenile justice : the social control of delinquent youth
Probation and the community : a practice and policy reader
Narcotic addiction in Britain and America : the impact of public policy
Educating older people
Social work and social control
On being a woman : a review of research on how women see themselves
The riddle of Freud : Jewish influences on his theory of female sexuality
Family and social network : roles, norms, and external relationships in ordinary urban families
The translation of culture : essays to E.E. Evans-Pritchard
Family and social network : roles, norms, and external relationships in ordinary urban families
Personality and personal illness
History and social anthropology
Educational strategy for developing societies : a study of educational and social factors in relation to economic growth
Estrangement and relationship : experience with schizophrenics
Shakespeare : an existential view
Only halfway to paradise : women in postwar Britain 1945-1968
Family work in action : a handbook for social workers
An introduction to the sociology of rural development
The State, the law, and the family : critical perspectives
Disability and disadvantage : the consequences of chronic illness
Class & gender in India : women and their organizations in a south Indian city
Towards a sociology of the novel
The evangelistic bureaucrat : a study of a planning exercise in Newcastle upon Tyne
The social context of art
The unconscious before Freud
Social anthropology and language
The ideology of work
The social anthropology of complex societies
Efficiency and effort : an analysis of industrial administration
Reason & violence : a decade of Sartre's philosophy, 1950-1960
Integrated family therapy : a problem-centred psychodynamic approach
Patriarchy and pub culture
Marxism and class theory : a bourgeois critique
Thinking about organization
Age and generation
Social policy, action, and research : studies in social deviance
Social interaction
The game of budget control
The order of things : an archaeology of the human sciences
The psychological assessment of mental and physical handicaps
The management of innovation
Help starts here : the maladjusted child in the ordinary school
Training in industry : the management of learning
Leaving residential care
Official statistics
Rethinking general practice : dilemmas in primary medical care
An approach to community mental health
The birth of a first child : towards an understanding of femininity
Growth to freedom : the psychosocial treatment of delinquent youth
New directions in psycho-analysis : the significance of infant conflict in the pattern of adult behaviour
Knowledge, education, and cultural change : papers in the sociology of education
Thinking, feeling, and being : clinical reflections on the fundamental antinomy of human beings and world
Town, country and people
Women & alcohol
A line of power
Social change and the life course
Organizational analysis : a sociological view
Racial inequality in education
'While I'm here, doctor' : a study of change in the doctor-patient relationship
Psychopharmacology: dimensions and perspectives
A life apart : a pilot study of residential institutions for the physically handicapped and the young chronic sick
Unemployment : personal and social consequences
Redirections in organizational analysis
Criminal on the road : a study of serious motoring offences and those who commit them
Man in Africa
The elementary structures of kinship : (Les structures élémentaires de la parenté)
The cultural context of learning and thinking : an exploration in experimental anthropology
Themes in economic anthropology
System and structure : essays in communication and exchange
Evolution and human behavior
Eight London households
Women, work, and ideology in the Third World
Women and social class
Professional supervision in group care : a contract-based approach
A textbook of health education for students in colleges of education, teachers, and health educators
Sexual divisions, patterns and processes
Productivity and social organization : the Ahmedabad experiment : technical innovation, work organization and management
Hospitals : communication, choice, and change : the Hospital Internal Communications Project seen from within
Married to their careers : career and family dilemmas in doctors' lives
Attention and interpretation : a scientific approach to insight in psycho-analysis and groups
Ethos and identity : three studies in ethnicity
The origins of scientific sociology
The relevance of models for social anthropology
Changing hospitals : a report on the hospital internal communications project
Dangerous behaviour, the law, and mental disorder
Behavioural worlds : the study of single cases
Motherhood and personality : psychosomatic aspects of childbirth
Learning for leadership : interpersonal and intergroup relations
Alternative medicines, popular and policy perspectives
Socialization : the approach from social anthropology
Race and social work : a guide to training
Research methods
The Cultural construction of sexuality
Simone de Beauvoir, a feminist mandarin
Freedom, equality, and the market : arguments on social policy
Engels revisited : new feminist essays
Race and politics : ethnic minorities and the British political system
Group living : the application of group dynamics in residential settings
Personality assessment : a critical survey
Hidden agendas : theory, politics, and experience in the women's movement
Cultural factors in delinquency
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research