
Praeger special studies in international economics and development


Praeger special studies in international economics and development

Frederick A. Praeger


The performance of industrial development corporations : the case of Jamaica外部サイトAgribusiness in Latin America外部サイトThe Structure of the Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-output table外部サイトTurkish economic, social, and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society外部サイトThe production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium外部サイトThe Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research外部サイトThe role of trade unions in the development process : with a case study of Ghana外部サイトNatural gas imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture Project外部サイトStrategic and long-range planning for the multinational corporation外部サイトManaging foreign investment in southern Italy : U.S. business in developing areas of the EEC外部サイトEconomic analysis and the multinational enterprise外部サイトPlanning for economic development : the construction and use of a multi-sectoral model for Tunisia外部サイトThe European approach to U.S. markets : product and promotion adaptation by European multinational corporations外部サイトDevelopment of the Iranian oil industry : international and domestic aspects外部サイトThe European Common Market : growth and patterns of trade and production外部サイトGrowth and integration in Central America外部サイトInternational Control of investment : the Düsseldorf Conference on Multinational Corporations外部サイトThe moshav in Israel : a case study of institution-building for agricultural development外部サイトCo-operatives in Asia外部サイトInternational financial markets : development of the present system and future prospects外部サイトContemporary Brazil : issues in economic and political development外部サイトTrade relations of the EEC : an empirical investigation外部サイトRegional economic analysis for practitioners : an introduction to common descriptive methods外部サイトA new international economic order : toward a fair redistribution of the world's resources外部サイトEuropean development policies : the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, EEC, and multilateral organizations外部サイトForeign trade in the economic development of small nations : the case of Ecuador外部サイトQuantitative analysis in public finance外部サイトStudent alienation : a Venezuelan study外部サイトLaw and public enterprise in Asia外部サイトThailand's monetary experience : the economics of stability外部サイトAlternative energy strategies : constraints and opportunities外部サイトTechnical assistance : theory, practice, and policies外部サイトThe economic development of revolutionary Cuba : strategy and performance外部サイトDiversification and development : the case of coffee外部サイトOil in the economic development of Venezuela外部サイトWorld food prospects and agricultural potential外部サイトThe world market for bananas, 1964-72 : outlook for demand, supply, and prices外部サイトComparative higher education abroad : bibliography and analysis外部サイトThe net cost of Soviet foreign aid外部サイトPlant size, technological change, and investment requirements : a dynamic framework for the long-run average cost curve外部サイトCommunist trade with developing countries, 1955-65外部サイトLegal aid and world poverty : a survey of Asia, Africa, and Latin America外部サイトPlanning for development in Peru外部サイトThe management of technical programs : with special reference to the needs of developing countries外部サイトAlgeria's infrastructure : an economic survey of transportation, communication and energy resources外部サイトArea development for national growth : the Turkish precedent外部サイトThe public administration of economic development外部サイトRegional development banks : the Asian, African, and Inter-American Development Banks外部サイトPolitics and development in rural Mexico : a study of socio-economic modernization外部サイトTaxes on direct investment income in the EEC : a legal and economic analysis外部サイトThe postwar development of the Republic of Vietnam : policies and programs外部サイトThe multinational corporation in the world economy : direct investment in perspective外部サイトThe agricultural development of Jordan外部サイトInternational manpower development : a role for private enterprise in foreign assistance外部サイトEconomic development in Ceylon外部サイトLand reform and social revolution in Bolivia外部サイトThe agricultural development of Iran外部サイトSoviet foreign trade : organization, operations, and policy, 1918-1971外部サイトU.S. and U.S.S.R. aid to developing countries : a comparative study of India, Turkey, and the U.A.R外部サイトMunicipal development programs in Latin America : an intercountry evaluation外部サイトThe U.S. balance of payments and capital flows外部サイトTax administration in theory and practice : with special reference to Chile外部サイトChina's petroleum industry : output growth and export potential外部サイトMonetary relations and world development外部サイトManpower development in Africa外部サイトThe pricing of crude oil : economic and strategic guidelines for an international energy policy外部サイトThe First U.N. development decade and its lessons for the 1970's外部サイトThe economics of ocean freight rates外部サイトThe impact of U.S. investment in Europe : a case study of the automotive and computer industries外部サイトMarketing in the Soviet Union外部サイトLegal aspects of the international transfer of technology to developing countries外部サイトIndustrialization in Taiwan, 1946-72 : trade and import-substitution policies for developing countries外部サイトThe establishment of manufacturing in Nigeria外部サイトNew economic patterns in Czechoslovakia : impact of growth, planning, and the market外部サイトFoundations of an African economy : a study of investment and growth in Nigeria外部サイトFinancing economic development in Iraq : the role of oil in a Middle Eastern economy外部サイトThe construction of a European Community : achievements and prospects for the future外部サイトThe Jamaican economy外部サイトAdministrative training and development; a comparative study of East Africa, Zambia, Pakistan, and India外部サイトEconomic development and population control : a fifty-year projection for Jamaica外部サイトAmerican marketing in the common market外部サイトThe political realities of urban planning外部サイトMerchants as promoters of rural development : an Indian case study外部サイトDoing business with China : American trade opportunities in the 1970s外部サイトJoint venture survival in multinational corporations外部サイトForeign private manufacturing investment and multinational corporations : an annotated bibliography外部サイトInternational monetary reform, 1964-69 : the political dimension外部サイトMoney and economic development外部サイトAid performance and development policies of Western countries : studies in US, UK, E.E.C., and Dutch Programs外部サイトThe United States and world development, agenda 1977外部サイトMexico's foreign trade and economic development外部サイトThe agricultural development of Venezuela外部サイトRegional industrial development in Central America : a case study of the integration industries scheme外部サイトLand development and colonization in Latin America : case studies of Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico外部サイトDevelopment savings banks and the Third World : a tool for the diffusion of economic power外部サイトThe appraisal of development projects : a practical guide to project analysis with case studies and solutions外部サイトComparative perspectives on the academic profession外部サイトTransportation and economic development in Latin America外部サイトThe American market for manufactured exports from the developing countries外部サイトEconomic development issues: Greece, Israel, Taiwan, and Thailand外部サイトMiddle East oil and U.S. foreign policy : with special reference to the U.S. energy crisis外部サイトConsumer information handbook: Europe and North America外部サイトThe German stock market : its operations, problems, and prospects外部サイトSoviet urban housing : problems and policies外部サイトThe physical geography of China外部サイトJapan : financial markets and the world economy外部サイトAmericans in technical assistance : a study of attitudes and responses to their role abroad外部サイトSolving educational problems : the theory and reality of innovation in developing countries外部サイトAgricultural supply response : a survey of the econometric evidence外部サイトFinancing Latin American housing : domestic savings mobilization and U.S. assistance policy外部サイトAgricultural modernization through production contracting : the role of the fruit and vegetable processor in Mexico and Central America外部サイトSoviet and Eastern European trade and aid in Africa外部サイトPoverty in Israel : economic realities and the promise of social justice外部サイトThe limits of economic growth in Spain外部サイトModernizing world agriculture : a comparative study of agricultural extension education systems外部サイトThe Multinational corporation and social change外部サイトBritain, the EEC and the Third World : report of an international conference jointly sponsored by the Society for International Development and the Overseas Development Institute at the Royal Society, April 26-27, 1971外部サイトThe agricultural development of Mexico : its structure and growth since 1950外部サイトSocial change and economic development in Nigeria外部サイトEducational planning and expenditure decisions in developing countries : with a Malaysian case study外部サイトThe economics of a socialist enterprise : a case study of the Polish firm外部サイトEquality of opportunity within and among nations外部サイトRural development planning : systems analysis and working method外部サイトThe United States and international oil : a report for the Federal Energy Administration on U.S. firms and Government policy外部サイトAction-oriented approaches to regional development planning外部サイトEmployment, growth, and basic needs : a one-world problem : the international "basic-needs strategy" against chronic poverty外部サイトThe economic impact of the six-day war : Israel, the occupied territories, Egypt, Jordan外部サイトSoviet industrial import priorities : with marketing considerations for exporting to the USSR外部サイトEconomic independence and Zambian copper : a case study of foreign investment外部サイトOpportunities for investment in Chile : a program for encouragement of private industry外部サイトThe economic development of Panama : the impact of world inflation on an open economy外部サイトEconomic growth in developing countries--material and human resources : proceedings of the seventh Rehovot conference外部サイトCapital accumulation and technology transfer : a comparative analysis of Nigerian manufacturing industries外部サイトAgents of change : professionals in developing countries外部サイトThe Kuwait Fund and the political economy of Arab regional development外部サイトEducational cooperation between developed and developing countries外部サイトSmall-scale employment and production in developing countries : evidence from Ghana外部サイトForeign disinvestment by U.S. multinational corporations : with eight case studies外部サイトThirty years of change in Puerto Rico : a case study of ten selected rural areas外部サイトThe role of group action in the industrialization of rural areas外部サイトPopulation, public policy, and economic development外部サイトInternational transfer of technology to India外部サイトEconomic growth and employment problems in Venezuela : an analysis of an oil based economy外部サイトPakistan's trade with eastern bloc countries外部サイトThe Arab boycott of Israel : economic aggression and world reaction外部サイトThe banks of Canada in the Commonwealth Caribbean: economic nationalism and multinational enterprises of a medium power外部サイトDevelopment finance; institutions, problems, and prospects外部サイトTariff profiles in Latin America : implications for pricing structures and economic integration外部サイトForeign capital for economic development : a Korean case study外部サイトBeyond dependency : the developing world speaks out外部サイトMultinational corporations in world development外部サイトHigher education in developing nations : a selected bibliography, 1969-1974外部サイトDevelopment assistance in Central America外部サイトTrade with China : assessments by leading businessmen and scholars外部サイトCultural and political aspects of rural transformation : a case study of Eastern Nigeria外部サイトBulgarian economic development since World War II外部サイトUrban planning in the developing countries外部サイトResource flows to less-developed countries : financial terms and their constraints外部サイトRecent foreign direct manufacturing investment in the United States : an interview study of the decision process外部サイトA handbook on the European Economic Community外部サイトThe technical transformation of agriculture in Communist China外部サイトEconomic development of socialist Vietnam, 1955-80外部サイトUrban and social economics in market and planned economies外部サイトFinancing and problems of development banking外部サイトUrbanization and the developing countries : report on the sixth Rehovot Conference外部サイトVenture capital in Europe外部サイトU.S. investment in Scotland外部サイトForeign trade and the subsistence sector in Nigeria : the impact of agricultural exports on domestic food supplies in a peasant economy外部サイトValues, trends and alternatives in Swiss society : a prospective analysis外部サイトForeign investment and regional development : the theory and practice of investment incentives, with a case study of Belgium外部サイトThe external relations of less-developed countries : a manual of economic policies外部サイトEconomic development and planning in Egypt外部サイトRural communities : inter-cooperation and development外部サイトTeachers as agents of national development : a case study of Uganda外部サイトWest German aid to developing nations外部サイトProspectus preparation for international private investment : a guide for the developing countries外部サイトThe nationalization of Venezuelan oil外部サイトManaging multinational corporations外部サイトWomen's work in Soviet Russia : continuity in the midst of change外部サイトForeign trade and economic growth in Italy外部サイトThe market for woodpulp : a global regional study外部サイトAgriculture in the People's Republic of China : structural changes and technical transformation外部サイトIndustrial management : East and West : papers from the International Economic Association Conference on Labor Productivity, 1971外部サイトSoviet agriculture : an assessment of its contributions to economic development外部サイトAn evaluation of the Soviet profit reforms : with special reference to agriculture外部サイトChinese technology transfer to the Third World : a grants economy analysis外部サイトMiddle East economies in the 1970s : a comparative approach外部サイトFertilizer in economic development : an econometric analysis外部サイトMicro aspects of development外部サイトEast-West business transactions外部サイトAfrica in the seventies and eighties : issues in development外部サイトThe Multinational corporation and social policy : special reference to General Motors in South Africa外部サイトEnvironmental policy : concepts and international implications外部サイトUrbanization, national development, and regional planning in Africa外部サイトA socioeconomic profile of South Africa外部サイトFiscal and monetary problems in developing States : proceedings of the third Rehovoth Conference外部サイトThe computer and Africa : applications, problems, and potential外部サイトA development strategy for Iran through the 1980s外部サイトThe Bolivian economy, 1952-65 : the revolution and its aftermath外部サイトAssisting developing countries : problems of debts, burden-sharing, jobs, and trade外部サイトThe transfer of technology to developing countries外部サイトEconomic regulation of the world's airlines : a political analysis外部サイトEuropean economic issues : agriculture, economic security, industrial democracy, the OECD外部サイトExternal public borrowing : its role in economic development外部サイトInternational commercial satellite communications : economic and political issues of the first decade of INTELSAT外部サイトThe Kennedy Round and the future of American trade外部サイトEast-West trade and the technology gap : a political and economic appraisal外部サイトSiberia and the Pacific : a study of economic development and trade prospects外部サイトEducation and development in rural Kenya : a study of primary school graduates外部サイトThe World Food Conference and global problem solving外部サイトForeign trade in gas and electricity in North America : a legal and historical study外部サイトIran faces the seventies外部サイトThe International market for foreign exchange外部サイトPlanning for development in Libya : the exceptional economy in the developing world外部サイトTechnical assistance in Vietnam : the Michigan State University experience外部サイトThe U.S. and the developing world : agenda for action, 1974外部サイトTaxation and economic development in India外部サイトEducation, manpower, and development in South and Southeast Asia外部サイトIndustrial technologies for developing economies外部サイトEconomic development issues, Latin America : prepared for the Committee for Economic Development外部サイトCommercial policy and economic development in India外部サイトAgrarian reform in Colombia外部サイトThe oil import program of the United States : an evaluation外部サイトEconomic warfare in the Communist bloc : a study of Soviet economic pressure against Yugoslavia, Albania, and Communist China外部サイトThe evolution of energy policy in Western Europe : the reluctant retreat from coal外部サイトThe provincial universities of Mexico : an analysis of growth and development外部サイトEconomy, society, and welfare : a study in social economics外部サイトBuilding cooperative movements in developing countries : the sociological and psychological aspects外部サイトThe Soviet economy in regional perspective外部サイトThe international migration of high-level manpower : its impact on the development process外部サイトDevelopment strategy in Thailand : a study of economic growth外部サイトThe Inter-American Development Bank and political influence, with special reference to Costa Rica外部サイトEnergy, inflation, and international economic relations外部サイトThe Third World and the rich countries : prospects for the year 2000外部サイトCapital formation and economic development in Mexico外部サイトProblems of administration in an emergent nation : a case study of Jamaica外部サイトTraining Japanese managers外部サイトLand, livestock, and human nutrition in India外部サイトIncome distribution : a comparative study of the United States, Sweden, West Germany, East Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan外部サイトSocial change and stratification in Eastern Europe : an interpretive analysis of Poland and her neighbors外部サイトThe production, marketing, and consumption of cotton外部サイトForestry and economic development外部サイトPatterns of poverty in the Third World : a study of social and economic stratification外部サイトExpanding Ecuador's exports : a commodity-by-commodity study with projections to 1973外部サイトMultinational product strategy : a typology for analysis of worldwide product innovation and diffusion外部サイトLand reform in the People's Republic of China : institutional transformation in agriculture外部サイトWorker militancy and its consequences, 1965-75 : new directions in Western industrial relations外部サイトThe Politics of natural disaster : the case of the Sahel drought外部サイトCocoa production : economic and botanical perspectives外部サイトFood supply and inflation in Latin America外部サイトTaxation and development外部サイトThe labor sector and socialist distribution in Cuba外部サイトCommunist trade in oil and gas : an evaluation of the future export capability of the Soviet bloc外部サイトA practical guide to industrial development外部サイトThe technology gap : U.S. and Europe外部サイトAn Arab common market : a study in inter-Arab trade relations, 1920-67外部サイトThe function of accounting in economic development : Turkey as a case study外部サイトEducational problems of developing societies, with case studies of Ghana, Pakistan, and Nigeria外部サイトTransnational business collaboration among Common Market countries : its implication for political integration外部サイトFinancial intermediaries and national savings in developing countries外部サイトTrade effects of economic association with the Common Market : the case of Greece外部サイトPrivate foreign investment and the developing world外部サイトIsrael and Africa : a study in technical cooperation外部サイトEast and West Germany: a comparative economic analysis外部サイトThe economic development of Israel外部サイトDecision making in developing countries : multiobjective formulation and evaluation methods外部サイトThe Soviet quest for economic efficiency: issues, controversies, and reforms外部サイトRegional development strategy in southeast Europe : a comparative analysis of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia外部サイトThe control of imports and foreign capital in Japan外部サイトThe common market and world agriculture : trade patterns in temperate-zone foodstuffs外部サイトThe labor economies of Japan and the United States外部サイトJapanese investment in the United States : with a case study of the Hawaiian experience外部サイトFinance and development in Thailand外部サイトThe protection of international private investment : Nigeria and the world community外部サイトThe agricultural development Uruguay : problems of government policy外部サイトU.S. agriculture in a world context : policies and approaches for the next decade外部サイトThe Saudi Arabian economy外部サイトThe economics of technical information systems外部サイトThe export performance of six manufacturing industries : a comparative study of Denmark, Holland, and Israel外部サイトThe legal and practical aspects of trade with the Soviet Union外部サイトDomestic taxation and foreign trade : the United States-European border tax dispute外部サイトManaging multinational corporations外部サイトManaging the environment : international economic cooperation for pollution control外部サイトThe role of land reform in economic development : a case study of Taiwan外部サイトEducational problems of developing societies, with case studies of Ghana and Pakistan外部サイトIndustrial diversification in Zambia外部サイトArms and African development : proceedings of the first Pan-African Citizens' Conference外部サイトProblems in Polish economic planning : continuity, change, and prospects外部サイトThe Euro-bond market : function and structure外部サイトIsrael's development cooperation with Africa, Asia, and Latin America外部サイトA planning, programming, and budgeting manual : resource allocation in public sector economics外部サイトFarm information for modernizing agriculture : the Taiwan system外部サイトPlanning for development in sub-Saharan Africa外部サイトWorld population crisis : the United States response外部サイトThe China trade and U.S. tariffs外部サイトA behavioral study of rural modernization : social and economic change in Thai villages外部サイトEnergy and economic development in India外部サイトBrazilian agricultural technology and trade : a study of five commodities外部サイトWholesale and retail trade in Tanganyika : a study of distribution in East Africa外部サイトLabor movements in the Common Market countries : the growth of a European pressure group外部サイトA history of O.P.E.C外部サイトThe Chilean response to foreign investment外部サイトChange and development--Latin America's great task : report submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank外部サイトEconomic integration in the Soviet bloc : with an East German case study外部サイトGrowth and reforms in centrally planned economies : the lessons of the Bulgarian experience外部サイトEconomics and new towns : a comparative study of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia外部サイトThe U.S. and world development : agenda for action外部サイトThe investment function of Canadian financial institutions外部サイトOil and regional development : examples from Algeria and Tunisia外部サイトChronic inflation in Latin America外部サイトCommunity development programs and rural local government : comparative case studies of India and the Philippines外部サイトThe law of Soviet territorial waters : a case study of maritime legislation and practice外部サイトManufactured exports from developing countries外部サイトThe organization and support of scientific research and development in Mainland China外部サイトCrude oil prices in the Middle East : a study in oligopolistic price behavior外部サイトInternational labor relations management in the automotive industry : a comparative study of Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors外部サイトGlossary of the environment ; with French and German equivalents外部サイトEducation for rural development : case studies for planners外部サイトBrazil's new agrarian reform : an evaluation of its property classification and tax systems外部サイトEconomic planning in Venezuela外部サイトEconomic integration and the law of GATT外部サイトAmerican labor and the multinational corporation外部サイトMoney and finance in contemporary Yugoslavia外部サイトThe economy of Tanganyika外部サイトEducation in community development : its function in technical assistance外部サイトInternational technical assistance experts : a case study of the U.N. experience外部サイトCommunication and social change in Latin America : introducing new technology外部サイトThe status of Bolivian agriculture外部サイトCommunist China's agriculture : its development and future potential外部サイトBrazilian economic policy : an optimal control theory analysis外部サイトInput-output analysis and the Soviet economy : an annotated bibliography外部サイトIndustrial development : a practical handbook for planning and implementing development programs外部サイトThe manager and economic reform in Hungary外部サイトThe potential for joint ventures in Eastern Europe外部サイトThe international bond market in the 1960's : its development and operation外部サイトDevelopment in rich and poor countries : a general theory with statistical analyses外部サイトModernization and diversity in Soviet education : with special reference to nationality groups外部サイトNatural resources and national welfare : the case of copper外部サイトChina's changing role in the world economy外部サイトResearch and development abroad by U.S. multinationals外部サイトThe service industries in a developing economy : Israel as a case study外部サイトHigher education and social change : promising experiments in developing countries外部サイトEconomic reforms in Eastern Europe : political background and economic significance外部サイトThe International Finance Corporation : origin, operations, and evaluation外部サイトThe economic development of Iran : a recent survey with projections to 1981外部サイトContents and measurement of socioeconomic development : a staff study外部サイトTariff-making and trade policy in the U.S. and Canada : a comparative study外部サイトThe impact of government subsidies on industrial management : the Israeli experience外部サイトAfrican farmers : labor use in the development of smallholder agriculture外部サイトAgrarian revolution and economic progress : a primer for development外部サイトProject selection for national plans; national planning and socioeconomic priorities/ [by] Andreas Papandreou [and] Uri Zohar外部サイトThe case for development : six studies外部サイトThe new elite in Asia and Africa : a comparative study of Indonesia and Ghana外部サイトPlanned change in a traditional society : psychological problems of modernization in Ethiopia外部サイトHow Latin America views the U.S. investor外部サイトThe legal and practical aspects of trade with the Soviet Union外部サイトOrganizations of the future : interaction with the external environment外部サイトSoviet agricultural policy : toward the abolition of collective farms外部サイトLabor policy and practices in Spain : a study of employer-employee relations under the Franco regime外部サイトSocial stratification as an obstacle to development : a study of four Turkish villages外部サイトInternational labor and the multinational enterprise外部サイトAn Economic profile of mainland China外部サイトEmployment creation in developing societies : the situation of labor in dependent economies外部サイトThe Role of labor in African nation-building外部サイトProblems of aid to education in developing countries外部サイトA monetary policy for Latin America外部サイトPoland's industrialization policy, a current analysis : sources of economic growth and retrogression外部サイトThe economy of Sweden : a study of the modern welfare state外部サイトBurma and Pakistan : a comparative study of development外部サイトInstructional technology in developing countries : decision making processes in education外部サイトThe economy of Greece, 1944-66 : efforts for stability and development外部サイトThe pricing of crude oil : economic and strategic guidelines for an international energy policy外部サイトThe Japanese steel industry : with an analysis of the U.S. steel import problem外部サイトModernization in Romania since World War II外部サイトRural reconstruction and development : a manual for field workers外部サイトGuide for development : institution-building and reform外部サイトEducation of development technicians : a guide to training programs外部サイトU.S. investment in Latin American food processing外部サイトAgricultural cooperatives and markets in developing countries外部サイトMexican monetary policy and economic development外部サイトImporting technology into Africa : foreign investment and the supply of technological innovations外部サイトThe Maoist educational revolution外部サイトThe role of communication in international training and education : overcoming barriers to understanding with the developing countries外部サイトThe politics of economic reform in the Soviet Union外部サイトEducation for national development : effects of U.S. technical training programs外部サイトMarketing research in the developing countries : a handbook外部サイトThe Soviet energy balance : natural gas, other fossil fuels, and alternative power sources外部サイトThe net cost of Japanese foreign aid外部サイトPlanning occupational education and training for development外部サイトFiscal systems and practices in Asian countries外部サイトEconomic productivity in Israel外部サイトCapital markets in Latin America : a general survey and six country studies外部サイトDevelopment planning in Ireland外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development : a case study in U.N. diplomacy外部サイトCooperative rural electrification : case studies of pilot projects in Latin America外部サイトA cost-effectiveness study of clinical methods of birth control : with special reference to Puerto Rico外部サイトFood, population, and employment : the impact of the green revolution外部サイトA financial analysis of middle eastern oil concessions, 1901-65外部サイトRegional economic analysis for practitioners外部サイトChina's trade with the West : a political and economic analysis外部サイトThe despensa system of food distribution : a case study of Monterrey, Mexico外部サイトThe economics of the Green Revolution in Pakistan外部サイトThe U.A.R. in development : a study in expansionary finance外部サイトBureaucracy and national planning : a sociological case study in Mexico外部サイトRegional unemployment and the relocation of workers : the experience of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States外部サイトEconomic development in Tunisia : the impact and course of government planning外部サイトLabor force and employment in Egypt : a demographic and socioeconomic analysis外部サイトTraditional organizations and economic development : studies of indigenous cooperatives in Liberia外部サイトJapan's trade in Asia : developments since 1926, prospects for 1970外部サイトCapital investment in the Middle East : the use of surplus funds for regional development外部サイトThe economy of Mauritania外部サイトMarketing in Japan : a management guide : ... sponsored by the Center for International Business, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles and Malibu, California外部サイトEconomic development in Latin America : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe political climate for private foreign investment : with special reference to North Africa外部サイトMultinational corporations and East European Socialist economies外部サイトForeign investment : the experience of host countries外部サイトPlanning for tourism development : quantitative approaches外部サイトIndustrial labor in the Republic of Senegal外部サイトRapid development in small economies : the example of El Salvador外部サイトResponses to population growth in India : changes in social, political, and economic behavior外部サイトPotential effects of income redistribution on economic growth : Latin American cases外部サイトChina's energy : achievements, problems, prospects外部サイトAnalysis of projects for economic growth : an operational system for their formulation, evaluation, and implementation外部サイトTrade preferences for less-developed countries : an analysis of United States policy外部サイトThe enigma of economic growth : a case study of Israel外部サイトForeign investment and development in Liberia外部サイトPersonal and social consumption in Eastern Europe : Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany外部サイトThe international coffee agreement : a study in coffee diplomacy外部サイトThe political risks for multinational enterprise in developing countries : with a case study of Peru外部サイトThe legal framework of economic activity in Israel外部サイトOil and Arab regional development外部サイトEmployment and technology choice in Asian agriculture外部サイトSpain in the 1970s : economics, social structure, foreign policy外部サイトRegional distribution of Soviet industrial manpower : 1940-60外部サイトFarm management in peasant agriculture : a handbook for rural development planning in Africa外部サイトThe Inter-American Development Bank : a study in development financing外部サイトFor a new policy of international development外部サイトYugoslavia's foreign trade : a study of state trade discrimination外部サイトScience and education in developing states : proceedings of the Fifth Rehovot Conference外部サイトThe currency ratio in developing countries外部サイトStudies in Soviet input-output analysis外部サイトEconomic nationalism in Latin America : the quest for economic independence外部サイトThe sociology of development : Iran as an Asian case study外部サイトYugoslav economic development and political change : the relationship between economic managers and policy-making elites外部サイトTrade and investment policies for the seventies : new challenges for the Atlantic area and Japan外部サイトAfghanistan in the 1970s外部サイトSocialist and nonsocialist industrialization patterns : a comparative appraisal外部サイトToward multinational economic cooperation in Africa外部サイトAbility testing in developing countries : a handbook of principles and techniques外部サイトThe prospects for an economic community in north Africa : managing economic integration in the Maghreb states外部サイトAid to Africa: a policy outline for the 1970's外部サイトWest German balance-of-payments policy : the prelude to European monetary integration外部サイトMonetary policy and the open economy : Mexico's experience外部サイトThe agricultural development of Turkey外部サイトNew directions in development : Latin America, export credit, population growth, and U.S. attitudes外部サイトModernization without development : Thailand as an Asian case study外部サイトThe Ukraine within the USSR : an economic balance sheet外部サイトOrganization for rural development : risk taking and appropriate technology外部サイトNon-formal education : an annotated international bibliography外部サイトMarketing management in multinational firms : the consumer packaged goods industry外部サイトEducation and development reconsidered : the Bellagio Conference papers外部サイトThe growth, location, and structure of industry in Egypt外部サイトUrbanization under socialism : the case of Czechoslovakia外部サイトProgram budgeting for welfare : a case study of Canada外部サイトGoverning Soviet cities : bureaucratic politics and urban development in the USSR外部サイトAid and development : a handbook for small donors外部サイトThe agricultural development of Peru外部サイトThe alignment of foreign exchange rates外部サイトInternal colonialism and structural change in Colombia外部サイトThe Nation-state and transnational corporations in conflict : with special reference to Latin America外部サイトThe green revolution in West Pakistan : implications of technological change外部サイトTechnical assistance in theory and practice : the case of Iran外部サイトBudget innovations in developing countries : the experience of Nepal外部サイトAmerican banks abroad : edge act companies and multinational banking外部サイトBrazilian secondary education and socio-economic development外部サイトThe multinational corporation as a force in Latin American politics : a case study of the International Petroleum Company in Peru外部サイトThe economics of education in the U.S.S.R外部サイトDevelopment without dependence外部サイトNational control of foreign business entry : a survey of fifteen countries外部サイトThe movement toward Latin American unity外部サイトExport prospects for the Republic of Vietnam外部サイトFoundations of an agricultural policy in Paraguay外部サイトModernization and African labor : a Tunisian case study外部サイトEducational problems of developing societies : with case studies of Ghana and Pakistan外部サイトProblems and prospects of the Alliance for progress : a critical examination外部サイトThe agricultural development of Brazil外部サイトMetal-mining in Peru, past and present外部サイトDesalting technology for Middle Eastern agriculture : an economic case外部サイトSpatial planning in the small economy : a case study of Ireland外部サイトThe micro-economics of demographic change : family planning and economic well-being外部サイトThe Far East in world trade : developments and growth since 1945外部サイトA degree of difference : the Open University of the United Kingdom外部サイトThe agricultural development of Argentina : a policy and development perspective外部サイトCrisis in socialist planning : Eastern Europe and the USSR外部サイトThe financial institutions of Southeast Asia : a country-by-country study外部サイトThe International Development Association : a new approach to foreign aid外部サイトThe economy of Paraguay外部サイトExpropriation of U.S. property in South America : nationalization of oil and copper companies in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile外部サイトThe economics of nonformal education : resources, costs, and benefits外部サイトTextiles in Indonesia : problems of import substitution外部サイトThe Central American common market : economic policies, economic growth, and choices for the future外部サイトLatin America's new internationalism : the end of hemispheric isolation外部サイトThe chemical and petro-chemical industries of Russia and Eastern Europe, 1960-1980外部サイトThe Soviet quest for economic efficiency : issues, controversies, and reforms外部サイトPlanning models in India : with projections to 1975外部サイトNationalism and economic development in Ghana外部サイトExpropriation of U.S. investments in Cuba, Mexico, and Chile外部サイトInternational intracorporate pricing : non-American systems and views外部サイトIncome distribution policies and economic growth in semiindustrialized countries : a comparative study of Iran, Mexico, Brazil, and South Korea外部サイトDevelopment regions in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Canada : a McMaster University study on Soviet and East European affairs外部サイトA new international economic order : toward a fair redistribution of the world's resources外部サイトMethodology for planning technical education : with a case study of polytechnics in Bangladesh外部サイトDependent industrialization in Latin America : the automotive industry in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico外部サイトThe flow of funds in Israel外部サイトComparative perspectives on the academic profession外部サイトAgricultural development planning : economic concepts, administrative procedures, and political process外部サイトLeadership ideology in Africa : attitudes toward socioeconomic development外部サイト



  • The performance of industrial development corporations : the case of Jamaica

  • Agribusiness in Latin America

  • The Structure of the Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-output table

  • Turkish economic, social, and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society

  • The production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium





  • CiNii Research

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Praegers special studies in international economics and developmen
The performance of industrial development corporations : the case of Jamaica
Agribusiness in Latin America
The Structure of the Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-output table
Turkish economic, social, and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society
The production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium
The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research
The role of trade unions in the development process : with a case study of Ghana
Natural gas imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture Project
Strategic and long-range planning for the multinational corporation
Managing foreign investment in southern Italy : U.S. business in developing areas of the EEC
Economic analysis and the multinational enterprise
Planning for economic development : the construction and use of a multi-sectoral model for Tunisia
The European approach to U.S. markets : product and promotion adaptation by European multinational corporations
Development of the Iranian oil industry : international and domestic aspects
The European Common Market : growth and patterns of trade and production
Growth and integration in Central America
International Control of investment : the Düsseldorf Conference on Multinational Corporations
The moshav in Israel : a case study of institution-building for agricultural development
Co-operatives in Asia
International financial markets : development of the present system and future prospects
Contemporary Brazil : issues in economic and political development
Trade relations of the EEC : an empirical investigation
Regional economic analysis for practitioners : an introduction to common descriptive methods
A new international economic order : toward a fair redistribution of the world's resources
European development policies : the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, EEC, and multilateral organizations
Foreign trade in the economic development of small nations : the case of Ecuador
Quantitative analysis in public finance
Student alienation : a Venezuelan study
Law and public enterprise in Asia
Thailand's monetary experience : the economics of stability
Alternative energy strategies : constraints and opportunities
Technical assistance : theory, practice, and policies
The economic development of revolutionary Cuba : strategy and performance
Diversification and development : the case of coffee
Oil in the economic development of Venezuela
World food prospects and agricultural potential
The world market for bananas, 1964-72 : outlook for demand, supply, and prices
Comparative higher education abroad : bibliography and analysis
The net cost of Soviet foreign aid
Plant size, technological change, and investment requirements : a dynamic framework for the long-run average cost curve
Communist trade with developing countries, 1955-65
Legal aid and world poverty : a survey of Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Planning for development in Peru
The management of technical programs : with special reference to the needs of developing countries
Algeria's infrastructure : an economic survey of transportation, communication and energy resources
Area development for national growth : the Turkish precedent
The public administration of economic development
Regional development banks : the Asian, African, and Inter-American Development Banks
Politics and development in rural Mexico : a study of socio-economic modernization
Taxes on direct investment income in the EEC : a legal and economic analysis
The postwar development of the Republic of Vietnam : policies and programs
The multinational corporation in the world economy : direct investment in perspective
The agricultural development of Jordan
International manpower development : a role for private enterprise in foreign assistance
Economic development in Ceylon
Land reform and social revolution in Bolivia
The agricultural development of Iran
Soviet foreign trade : organization, operations, and policy, 1918-1971
U.S. and U.S.S.R. aid to developing countries : a comparative study of India, Turkey, and the U.A.R
Municipal development programs in Latin America : an intercountry evaluation
The U.S. balance of payments and capital flows
Tax administration in theory and practice : with special reference to Chile
China's petroleum industry : output growth and export potential
Monetary relations and world development
Manpower development in Africa
The pricing of crude oil : economic and strategic guidelines for an international energy policy
The First U.N. development decade and its lessons for the 1970's
The economics of ocean freight rates
The impact of U.S. investment in Europe : a case study of the automotive and computer industries
Marketing in the Soviet Union
Legal aspects of the international transfer of technology to developing countries
Industrialization in Taiwan, 1946-72 : trade and import-substitution policies for developing countries
The establishment of manufacturing in Nigeria
New economic patterns in Czechoslovakia : impact of growth, planning, and the market
Foundations of an African economy : a study of investment and growth in Nigeria
Financing economic development in Iraq : the role of oil in a Middle Eastern economy
The construction of a European Community : achievements and prospects for the future
The Jamaican economy
Administrative training and development; a comparative study of East Africa, Zambia, Pakistan, and India
Economic development and population control : a fifty-year projection for Jamaica
American marketing in the common market
The political realities of urban planning
Merchants as promoters of rural development : an Indian case study
Doing business with China : American trade opportunities in the 1970s
Joint venture survival in multinational corporations
Foreign private manufacturing investment and multinational corporations : an annotated bibliography
International monetary reform, 1964-69 : the political dimension
Money and economic development
Aid performance and development policies of Western countries : studies in US, UK, E.E.C., and Dutch Programs
The United States and world development, agenda 1977
Mexico's foreign trade and economic development
The agricultural development of Venezuela
Regional industrial development in Central America : a case study of the integration industries scheme
Land development and colonization in Latin America : case studies of Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico
Development savings banks and the Third World : a tool for the diffusion of economic power
The appraisal of development projects : a practical guide to project analysis with case studies and solutions
Comparative perspectives on the academic profession
Transportation and economic development in Latin America
The American market for manufactured exports from the developing countries
Economic development issues: Greece, Israel, Taiwan, and Thailand
Middle East oil and U.S. foreign policy : with special reference to the U.S. energy crisis
Consumer information handbook: Europe and North America
The German stock market : its operations, problems, and prospects
Soviet urban housing : problems and policies
The physical geography of China
Japan : financial markets and the world economy
Americans in technical assistance : a study of attitudes and responses to their role abroad
Solving educational problems : the theory and reality of innovation in developing countries
Agricultural supply response : a survey of the econometric evidence
Financing Latin American housing : domestic savings mobilization and U.S. assistance policy
Agricultural modernization through production contracting : the role of the fruit and vegetable processor in Mexico and Central America
Soviet and Eastern European trade and aid in Africa
Poverty in Israel : economic realities and the promise of social justice
The limits of economic growth in Spain
Modernizing world agriculture : a comparative study of agricultural extension education systems
The Multinational corporation and social change
Britain, the EEC and the Third World : report of an international conference jointly sponsored by the Society for International Development and the Overseas Development Institute at the Royal Society, April 26-27, 1971
The agricultural development of Mexico : its structure and growth since 1950
Social change and economic development in Nigeria
Educational planning and expenditure decisions in developing countries : with a Malaysian case study
The economics of a socialist enterprise : a case study of the Polish firm
Equality of opportunity within and among nations
Rural development planning : systems analysis and working method
The United States and international oil : a report for the Federal Energy Administration on U.S. firms and Government policy
Action-oriented approaches to regional development planning
Employment, growth, and basic needs : a one-world problem : the international "basic-needs strategy" against chronic poverty
The economic impact of the six-day war : Israel, the occupied territories, Egypt, Jordan
Soviet industrial import priorities : with marketing considerations for exporting to the USSR
Economic independence and Zambian copper : a case study of foreign investment
Opportunities for investment in Chile : a program for encouragement of private industry
The economic development of Panama : the impact of world inflation on an open economy
Economic growth in developing countries--material and human resources : proceedings of the seventh Rehovot conference
Capital accumulation and technology transfer : a comparative analysis of Nigerian manufacturing industries
Agents of change : professionals in developing countries
The Kuwait Fund and the political economy of Arab regional development
Educational cooperation between developed and developing countries
Small-scale employment and production in developing countries : evidence from Ghana
Foreign disinvestment by U.S. multinational corporations : with eight case studies
Thirty years of change in Puerto Rico : a case study of ten selected rural areas
The role of group action in the industrialization of rural areas
Population, public policy, and economic development
International transfer of technology to India
Economic growth and employment problems in Venezuela : an analysis of an oil based economy
Pakistan's trade with eastern bloc countries
The Arab boycott of Israel : economic aggression and world reaction
The banks of Canada in the Commonwealth Caribbean: economic nationalism and multinational enterprises of a medium power
Development finance; institutions, problems, and prospects
Tariff profiles in Latin America : implications for pricing structures and economic integration
Foreign capital for economic development : a Korean case study
Beyond dependency : the developing world speaks out
Multinational corporations in world development
Higher education in developing nations : a selected bibliography, 1969-1974
Development assistance in Central America
Trade with China : assessments by leading businessmen and scholars
Cultural and political aspects of rural transformation : a case study of Eastern Nigeria
Bulgarian economic development since World War II
Urban planning in the developing countries
Resource flows to less-developed countries : financial terms and their constraints
Recent foreign direct manufacturing investment in the United States : an interview study of the decision process
A handbook on the European Economic Community
The technical transformation of agriculture in Communist China
Economic development of socialist Vietnam, 1955-80
Urban and social economics in market and planned economies
Financing and problems of development banking
Urbanization and the developing countries : report on the sixth Rehovot Conference
Venture capital in Europe
U.S. investment in Scotland
Foreign trade and the subsistence sector in Nigeria : the impact of agricultural exports on domestic food supplies in a peasant economy
Values, trends and alternatives in Swiss society : a prospective analysis
Foreign investment and regional development : the theory and practice of investment incentives, with a case study of Belgium
The external relations of less-developed countries : a manual of economic policies
Economic development and planning in Egypt
Rural communities : inter-cooperation and development
Teachers as agents of national development : a case study of Uganda
West German aid to developing nations
Prospectus preparation for international private investment : a guide for the developing countries
The nationalization of Venezuelan oil
Managing multinational corporations
Women's work in Soviet Russia : continuity in the midst of change
Foreign trade and economic growth in Italy
The market for woodpulp : a global regional study
Agriculture in the People's Republic of China : structural changes and technical transformation
Industrial management : East and West : papers from the International Economic Association Conference on Labor Productivity, 1971
Soviet agriculture : an assessment of its contributions to economic development
An evaluation of the Soviet profit reforms : with special reference to agriculture
Chinese technology transfer to the Third World : a grants economy analysis
Middle East economies in the 1970s : a comparative approach
Fertilizer in economic development : an econometric analysis
Micro aspects of development
East-West business transactions
Africa in the seventies and eighties : issues in development
The Multinational corporation and social policy : special reference to General Motors in South Africa
Environmental policy : concepts and international implications
Urbanization, national development, and regional planning in Africa
A socioeconomic profile of South Africa
Fiscal and monetary problems in developing States : proceedings of the third Rehovoth Conference
The computer and Africa : applications, problems, and potential
A development strategy for Iran through the 1980s
The Bolivian economy, 1952-65 : the revolution and its aftermath
Assisting developing countries : problems of debts, burden-sharing, jobs, and trade
The transfer of technology to developing countries
Economic regulation of the world's airlines : a political analysis
European economic issues : agriculture, economic security, industrial democracy, the OECD
External public borrowing : its role in economic development
International commercial satellite communications : economic and political issues of the first decade of INTELSAT
The Kennedy Round and the future of American trade
East-West trade and the technology gap : a political and economic appraisal
Siberia and the Pacific : a study of economic development and trade prospects
Education and development in rural Kenya : a study of primary school graduates
The World Food Conference and global problem solving
Foreign trade in gas and electricity in North America : a legal and historical study
Iran faces the seventies
The International market for foreign exchange
Planning for development in Libya : the exceptional economy in the developing world
Technical assistance in Vietnam : the Michigan State University experience
The U.S. and the developing world : agenda for action, 1974
Taxation and economic development in India
Education, manpower, and development in South and Southeast Asia
Industrial technologies for developing economies
Economic development issues, Latin America : prepared for the Committee for Economic Development
Commercial policy and economic development in India
Agrarian reform in Colombia
The oil import program of the United States : an evaluation
Economic warfare in the Communist bloc : a study of Soviet economic pressure against Yugoslavia, Albania, and Communist China
The evolution of energy policy in Western Europe : the reluctant retreat from coal
The provincial universities of Mexico : an analysis of growth and development
Economy, society, and welfare : a study in social economics
Building cooperative movements in developing countries : the sociological and psychological aspects
The Soviet economy in regional perspective
The international migration of high-level manpower : its impact on the development process
Development strategy in Thailand : a study of economic growth
The Inter-American Development Bank and political influence, with special reference to Costa Rica
Energy, inflation, and international economic relations
The Third World and the rich countries : prospects for the year 2000
Capital formation and economic development in Mexico
Problems of administration in an emergent nation : a case study of Jamaica
Training Japanese managers
Land, livestock, and human nutrition in India
Income distribution : a comparative study of the United States, Sweden, West Germany, East Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan
Social change and stratification in Eastern Europe : an interpretive analysis of Poland and her neighbors
The production, marketing, and consumption of cotton
Forestry and economic development
Patterns of poverty in the Third World : a study of social and economic stratification
Expanding Ecuador's exports : a commodity-by-commodity study with projections to 1973
Multinational product strategy : a typology for analysis of worldwide product innovation and diffusion
Land reform in the People's Republic of China : institutional transformation in agriculture
Worker militancy and its consequences, 1965-75 : new directions in Western industrial relations
The Politics of natural disaster : the case of the Sahel drought
Cocoa production : economic and botanical perspectives
Food supply and inflation in Latin America
Taxation and development
The labor sector and socialist distribution in Cuba
Communist trade in oil and gas : an evaluation of the future export capability of the Soviet bloc
A practical guide to industrial development
The technology gap : U.S. and Europe
An Arab common market : a study in inter-Arab trade relations, 1920-67
The function of accounting in economic development : Turkey as a case study
Educational problems of developing societies, with case studies of Ghana, Pakistan, and Nigeria
Transnational business collaboration among Common Market countries : its implication for political integration
Financial intermediaries and national savings in developing countries
Trade effects of economic association with the Common Market : the case of Greece
Private foreign investment and the developing world
Israel and Africa : a study in technical cooperation
East and West Germany: a comparative economic analysis
The economic development of Israel
Decision making in developing countries : multiobjective formulation and evaluation methods
The Soviet quest for economic efficiency: issues, controversies, and reforms
Regional development strategy in southeast Europe : a comparative analysis of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia
The control of imports and foreign capital in Japan
The common market and world agriculture : trade patterns in temperate-zone foodstuffs
The labor economies of Japan and the United States
Japanese investment in the United States : with a case study of the Hawaiian experience
Finance and development in Thailand
The protection of international private investment : Nigeria and the world community
The agricultural development Uruguay : problems of government policy
U.S. agriculture in a world context : policies and approaches for the next decade
The Saudi Arabian economy
The economics of technical information systems
The export performance of six manufacturing industries : a comparative study of Denmark, Holland, and Israel
The legal and practical aspects of trade with the Soviet Union
Domestic taxation and foreign trade : the United States-European border tax dispute
Managing multinational corporations
Managing the environment : international economic cooperation for pollution control
The role of land reform in economic development : a case study of Taiwan
Educational problems of developing societies, with case studies of Ghana and Pakistan
Industrial diversification in Zambia
Arms and African development : proceedings of the first Pan-African Citizens' Conference
Problems in Polish economic planning : continuity, change, and prospects
The Euro-bond market : function and structure
Israel's development cooperation with Africa, Asia, and Latin America
A planning, programming, and budgeting manual : resource allocation in public sector economics
Farm information for modernizing agriculture : the Taiwan system
Planning for development in sub-Saharan Africa
World population crisis : the United States response
The China trade and U.S. tariffs
A behavioral study of rural modernization : social and economic change in Thai villages
Energy and economic development in India
Brazilian agricultural technology and trade : a study of five commodities
Wholesale and retail trade in Tanganyika : a study of distribution in East Africa
Labor movements in the Common Market countries : the growth of a European pressure group
A history of O.P.E.C
The Chilean response to foreign investment
Change and development--Latin America's great task : report submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank
Economic integration in the Soviet bloc : with an East German case study
Growth and reforms in centrally planned economies : the lessons of the Bulgarian experience
Economics and new towns : a comparative study of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia
The U.S. and world development : agenda for action
The investment function of Canadian financial institutions
Oil and regional development : examples from Algeria and Tunisia
Chronic inflation in Latin America
Community development programs and rural local government : comparative case studies of India and the Philippines
The law of Soviet territorial waters : a case study of maritime legislation and practice
Manufactured exports from developing countries
The organization and support of scientific research and development in Mainland China
Crude oil prices in the Middle East : a study in oligopolistic price behavior
International labor relations management in the automotive industry : a comparative study of Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors
Glossary of the environment ; with French and German equivalents
Education for rural development : case studies for planners
Brazil's new agrarian reform : an evaluation of its property classification and tax systems
Economic planning in Venezuela
Economic integration and the law of GATT
American labor and the multinational corporation
Money and finance in contemporary Yugoslavia
The economy of Tanganyika
Education in community development : its function in technical assistance
International technical assistance experts : a case study of the U.N. experience
Communication and social change in Latin America : introducing new technology
The status of Bolivian agriculture
Communist China's agriculture : its development and future potential
Brazilian economic policy : an optimal control theory analysis
Input-output analysis and the Soviet economy : an annotated bibliography
Industrial development : a practical handbook for planning and implementing development programs
The manager and economic reform in Hungary
The potential for joint ventures in Eastern Europe
The international bond market in the 1960's : its development and operation
Development in rich and poor countries : a general theory with statistical analyses
Modernization and diversity in Soviet education : with special reference to nationality groups
Natural resources and national welfare : the case of copper
China's changing role in the world economy
Research and development abroad by U.S. multinationals
The service industries in a developing economy : Israel as a case study
Higher education and social change : promising experiments in developing countries
Economic reforms in Eastern Europe : political background and economic significance
The International Finance Corporation : origin, operations, and evaluation
The economic development of Iran : a recent survey with projections to 1981
Contents and measurement of socioeconomic development : a staff study
Tariff-making and trade policy in the U.S. and Canada : a comparative study
The impact of government subsidies on industrial management : the Israeli experience
African farmers : labor use in the development of smallholder agriculture
Agrarian revolution and economic progress : a primer for development
Project selection for national plans; national planning and socioeconomic priorities/ [by] Andreas Papandreou [and] Uri Zohar
The case for development : six studies
The new elite in Asia and Africa : a comparative study of Indonesia and Ghana
Planned change in a traditional society : psychological problems of modernization in Ethiopia
How Latin America views the U.S. investor
The legal and practical aspects of trade with the Soviet Union
Organizations of the future : interaction with the external environment
Soviet agricultural policy : toward the abolition of collective farms
Labor policy and practices in Spain : a study of employer-employee relations under the Franco regime
Social stratification as an obstacle to development : a study of four Turkish villages
International labor and the multinational enterprise
An Economic profile of mainland China
Employment creation in developing societies : the situation of labor in dependent economies
The Role of labor in African nation-building
Problems of aid to education in developing countries
A monetary policy for Latin America
Poland's industrialization policy, a current analysis : sources of economic growth and retrogression
The economy of Sweden : a study of the modern welfare state
Burma and Pakistan : a comparative study of development
Instructional technology in developing countries : decision making processes in education
The economy of Greece, 1944-66 : efforts for stability and development
The pricing of crude oil : economic and strategic guidelines for an international energy policy
The Japanese steel industry : with an analysis of the U.S. steel import problem
Modernization in Romania since World War II
Rural reconstruction and development : a manual for field workers
Guide for development : institution-building and reform
Education of development technicians : a guide to training programs
U.S. investment in Latin American food processing
Agricultural cooperatives and markets in developing countries
Mexican monetary policy and economic development
Importing technology into Africa : foreign investment and the supply of technological innovations
The Maoist educational revolution
The role of communication in international training and education : overcoming barriers to understanding with the developing countries
The politics of economic reform in the Soviet Union
Education for national development : effects of U.S. technical training programs
Marketing research in the developing countries : a handbook
The Soviet energy balance : natural gas, other fossil fuels, and alternative power sources
The net cost of Japanese foreign aid
Planning occupational education and training for development
Fiscal systems and practices in Asian countries
Economic productivity in Israel
Capital markets in Latin America : a general survey and six country studies
Development planning in Ireland
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development : a case study in U.N. diplomacy
Cooperative rural electrification : case studies of pilot projects in Latin America
A cost-effectiveness study of clinical methods of birth control : with special reference to Puerto Rico
Food, population, and employment : the impact of the green revolution
A financial analysis of middle eastern oil concessions, 1901-65
Regional economic analysis for practitioners
China's trade with the West : a political and economic analysis
The despensa system of food distribution : a case study of Monterrey, Mexico
The economics of the Green Revolution in Pakistan
The U.A.R. in development : a study in expansionary finance
Bureaucracy and national planning : a sociological case study in Mexico
Regional unemployment and the relocation of workers : the experience of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States
Economic development in Tunisia : the impact and course of government planning
Labor force and employment in Egypt : a demographic and socioeconomic analysis
Traditional organizations and economic development : studies of indigenous cooperatives in Liberia
Japan's trade in Asia : developments since 1926, prospects for 1970
Capital investment in the Middle East : the use of surplus funds for regional development
The economy of Mauritania
Marketing in Japan : a management guide : ... sponsored by the Center for International Business, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles and Malibu, California
Economic development in Latin America : an annotated bibliography
The political climate for private foreign investment : with special reference to North Africa
Multinational corporations and East European Socialist economies
Foreign investment : the experience of host countries
Planning for tourism development : quantitative approaches
Industrial labor in the Republic of Senegal
Rapid development in small economies : the example of El Salvador
Responses to population growth in India : changes in social, political, and economic behavior
Potential effects of income redistribution on economic growth : Latin American cases
China's energy : achievements, problems, prospects
Analysis of projects for economic growth : an operational system for their formulation, evaluation, and implementation
Trade preferences for less-developed countries : an analysis of United States policy
The enigma of economic growth : a case study of Israel
Foreign investment and development in Liberia
Personal and social consumption in Eastern Europe : Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany
The international coffee agreement : a study in coffee diplomacy
The political risks for multinational enterprise in developing countries : with a case study of Peru
The legal framework of economic activity in Israel
Oil and Arab regional development
Employment and technology choice in Asian agriculture
Spain in the 1970s : economics, social structure, foreign policy
Regional distribution of Soviet industrial manpower : 1940-60
Farm management in peasant agriculture : a handbook for rural development planning in Africa
The Inter-American Development Bank : a study in development financing
For a new policy of international development
Yugoslavia's foreign trade : a study of state trade discrimination
Science and education in developing states : proceedings of the Fifth Rehovot Conference
The currency ratio in developing countries
Studies in Soviet input-output analysis
Economic nationalism in Latin America : the quest for economic independence
The sociology of development : Iran as an Asian case study
Yugoslav economic development and political change : the relationship between economic managers and policy-making elites
Trade and investment policies for the seventies : new challenges for the Atlantic area and Japan
Afghanistan in the 1970s
Socialist and nonsocialist industrialization patterns : a comparative appraisal
Toward multinational economic cooperation in Africa
Ability testing in developing countries : a handbook of principles and techniques
The prospects for an economic community in north Africa : managing economic integration in the Maghreb states
Aid to Africa: a policy outline for the 1970's
West German balance-of-payments policy : the prelude to European monetary integration
Monetary policy and the open economy : Mexico's experience
The agricultural development of Turkey
New directions in development : Latin America, export credit, population growth, and U.S. attitudes
Modernization without development : Thailand as an Asian case study
The Ukraine within the USSR : an economic balance sheet
Organization for rural development : risk taking and appropriate technology
Non-formal education : an annotated international bibliography
Marketing management in multinational firms : the consumer packaged goods industry
Education and development reconsidered : the Bellagio Conference papers
The growth, location, and structure of industry in Egypt
Urbanization under socialism : the case of Czechoslovakia
Program budgeting for welfare : a case study of Canada
Governing Soviet cities : bureaucratic politics and urban development in the USSR
Aid and development : a handbook for small donors
The agricultural development of Peru
The alignment of foreign exchange rates
Internal colonialism and structural change in Colombia
The Nation-state and transnational corporations in conflict : with special reference to Latin America
The green revolution in West Pakistan : implications of technological change
Technical assistance in theory and practice : the case of Iran
Budget innovations in developing countries : the experience of Nepal
American banks abroad : edge act companies and multinational banking
Brazilian secondary education and socio-economic development
The multinational corporation as a force in Latin American politics : a case study of the International Petroleum Company in Peru
The economics of education in the U.S.S.R
Development without dependence
National control of foreign business entry : a survey of fifteen countries
The movement toward Latin American unity
Export prospects for the Republic of Vietnam
Foundations of an agricultural policy in Paraguay
Modernization and African labor : a Tunisian case study
Educational problems of developing societies : with case studies of Ghana and Pakistan
Problems and prospects of the Alliance for progress : a critical examination
The agricultural development of Brazil
Metal-mining in Peru, past and present
Desalting technology for Middle Eastern agriculture : an economic case
Spatial planning in the small economy : a case study of Ireland
The micro-economics of demographic change : family planning and economic well-being
The Far East in world trade : developments and growth since 1945
A degree of difference : the Open University of the United Kingdom
The agricultural development of Argentina : a policy and development perspective
Crisis in socialist planning : Eastern Europe and the USSR
The financial institutions of Southeast Asia : a country-by-country study
The International Development Association : a new approach to foreign aid
The economy of Paraguay
Expropriation of U.S. property in South America : nationalization of oil and copper companies in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile
The economics of nonformal education : resources, costs, and benefits
Textiles in Indonesia : problems of import substitution
The Central American common market : economic policies, economic growth, and choices for the future
Latin America's new internationalism : the end of hemispheric isolation
The chemical and petro-chemical industries of Russia and Eastern Europe, 1960-1980
The Soviet quest for economic efficiency : issues, controversies, and reforms
Planning models in India : with projections to 1975
Nationalism and economic development in Ghana
Expropriation of U.S. investments in Cuba, Mexico, and Chile
International intracorporate pricing : non-American systems and views
Income distribution policies and economic growth in semiindustrialized countries : a comparative study of Iran, Mexico, Brazil, and South Korea
Development regions in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Canada : a McMaster University study on Soviet and East European affairs
A new international economic order : toward a fair redistribution of the world's resources
Methodology for planning technical education : with a case study of polytechnics in Bangladesh
Dependent industrialization in Latin America : the automotive industry in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico
The flow of funds in Israel
Comparative perspectives on the academic profession
Agricultural development planning : economic concepts, administrative procedures, and political process
Leadership ideology in Africa : attitudes toward socioeconomic development
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books