
Critical media studies


Critical media studies

Rowman & Littlefield



Publisher varies: Lexington Books


Newsworkers unite : labor, convergence, and North American newspapers外部サイトA fatal attraction : public television and politics in Italy外部サイトNetporn : DIY web culture and sexual politics外部サイトContracting out Hollywood : runaway productions and foreign location shooting外部サイトThe information society in Europe : work and life in an age of globalization外部サイトMany voices, one world : towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order外部サイトRecovering a public vision for public television外部サイトGlobal communications : toward a transcultural political economy外部サイトMass communication and American social thought : key texts, 1919-1968外部サイトEntertaining the citizen : when politics and popular culture converge外部サイトCorporations and cultural industries : Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and News Corporation外部サイトSocial theories of the press : constituents of communication research, 1840s to 1920s外部サイトTabloid tales : global debates over media standards外部サイトDeliberation, democracy, and the media外部サイトThe global and the national : media and communications in post-communist Russia外部サイトInformation, power, and politics : technological and institutional mediations外部サイトRaymond Williams外部サイトHarold Innis's History of communications : paper and printing : antiquity to early modernity外部サイトDigital music wars : ownership and control of the celestial jukebox外部サイトDeregulating telecommunications : U.S. and Canadian telecommunications, 1840-1997外部サイトToward a political economy of culture : capitalism and communication in the twenty-first century外部サイトRedeveloping communication for social change : theory, practice, and power外部サイトDemocratizing global media : one world, many struggles外部サイトCorporations and cultural industries : Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and News Corporation外部サイトKnowledge workers in the information society外部サイトEmpire and Communications外部サイトChanging concepts of time外部サイトInternet governance in transition : who is the master of this domain?外部サイトHegemony in the digital age : the Arab/Israeli conflict online外部サイトMedia, terrorism, and theory : a reader外部サイトGoverning European communications : from unification to coordination外部サイトFrom the labyrinth of the world to the paradise of the heart : science and humanism in UNESCO's approach to globalization外部サイトPrivacy and the information age外部サイトCommunication, citizenship, and social policy : rethinking the limits of the welfare state外部サイトFloating lives : the media and Asian diasporas外部サイトCommunity media : a global introduction外部サイトGendered media : women, men, and identity politics外部サイトKnowledge workers in the information society外部サイトInteractions : critical studies in communication, media, and journalism外部サイトContinental order? : integrating North America for cybercapitalism外部サイトGlobal electioneering : campaign consulting, communications, and corporate financing外部サイトThe laboring of communication : will knowledge workers of the world unite?外部サイトGlobal media governance : a beginner's guide外部サイトA violent world : TV news images of Middle Eastern terror and war外部サイトContesting media power : alternative media in a networked world外部サイトDigital disability : the social construction of disability in new media外部サイトCommunity media : a global introduction外部サイトCulture conglomerates : consolidation in the motion picture and television industries外部サイトA violent world : TV news images of Middle Eastern terror and war外部サイトGendered media : women, men, and identity politics外部サイトFeminist interventions in international communication : minding the gap外部サイトThe medium and the magician : Orson Welles, the radio years, 1934-1952外部サイトPrinciples of publicity and press freedom外部サイトWhy TV is not our fault : television programming, viewers, and who's really in control外部サイトPublic opinion : developments and controversies in the twentieth century外部サイトCulture conglomerates : consolidation in the motion picture and television industries外部サイトHerbert Schiller外部サイトUrban communication : production, text, context外部サイトHarold Innis外部サイトCritical communication theory : power, media, gender, and technology外部サイトCultural studies and political economy : toward a new integration外部サイトDemocratic communications : formations, projects, possibilities外部サイトThe film studio : film production in the global economy外部サイトReality TV : the work of being watched外部サイトFerdinand Tönnies on public opinion : selections and analyses外部サイトHarold Innis reflects : memoir and WWI writings/correspondence外部サイト






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Critical media studies : institutions, politics, and culture
Publisher varies: Lexington Books
Newsworkers unite : labor, convergence, and North American newspapers
A fatal attraction : public television and politics in Italy
Netporn : DIY web culture and sexual politics
Contracting out Hollywood : runaway productions and foreign location shooting
The information society in Europe : work and life in an age of globalization
Many voices, one world : towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order
Recovering a public vision for public television
Global communications : toward a transcultural political economy
Mass communication and American social thought : key texts, 1919-1968
Entertaining the citizen : when politics and popular culture converge
Corporations and cultural industries : Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and News Corporation
Social theories of the press : constituents of communication research, 1840s to 1920s
Tabloid tales : global debates over media standards
Deliberation, democracy, and the media
The global and the national : media and communications in post-communist Russia
Information, power, and politics : technological and institutional mediations
Raymond Williams
Harold Innis's History of communications : paper and printing : antiquity to early modernity
Digital music wars : ownership and control of the celestial jukebox
Deregulating telecommunications : U.S. and Canadian telecommunications, 1840-1997
Toward a political economy of culture : capitalism and communication in the twenty-first century
Redeveloping communication for social change : theory, practice, and power
Democratizing global media : one world, many struggles
Corporations and cultural industries : Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and News Corporation
Knowledge workers in the information society
Empire and Communications
Changing concepts of time
Internet governance in transition : who is the master of this domain?
Hegemony in the digital age : the Arab/Israeli conflict online
Media, terrorism, and theory : a reader
Governing European communications : from unification to coordination
From the labyrinth of the world to the paradise of the heart : science and humanism in UNESCO's approach to globalization
Privacy and the information age
Communication, citizenship, and social policy : rethinking the limits of the welfare state
Floating lives : the media and Asian diasporas
Community media : a global introduction
Gendered media : women, men, and identity politics
Knowledge workers in the information society
Interactions : critical studies in communication, media, and journalism
Continental order? : integrating North America for cybercapitalism
Global electioneering : campaign consulting, communications, and corporate financing
The laboring of communication : will knowledge workers of the world unite?
Global media governance : a beginner's guide
A violent world : TV news images of Middle Eastern terror and war
Contesting media power : alternative media in a networked world
Digital disability : the social construction of disability in new media
Community media : a global introduction
Culture conglomerates : consolidation in the motion picture and television industries
A violent world : TV news images of Middle Eastern terror and war
Gendered media : women, men, and identity politics
Feminist interventions in international communication : minding the gap
The medium and the magician : Orson Welles, the radio years, 1934-1952
Principles of publicity and press freedom
Why TV is not our fault : television programming, viewers, and who's really in control
Public opinion : developments and controversies in the twentieth century
Culture conglomerates : consolidation in the motion picture and television industries
Herbert Schiller
Urban communication : production, text, context
Harold Innis
Critical communication theory : power, media, gender, and technology
Cultural studies and political economy : toward a new integration
Democratic communications : formations, projects, possibilities
The film studio : film production in the global economy
Reality TV : the work of being watched
Ferdinand Tönnies on public opinion : selections and analyses
Harold Innis reflects : memoir and WWI writings/correspondence
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research