
Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series


Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series



Pattern asterisms : a new way to chart the stars外部サイトObserver's guide to stellar evolution : the birth, life, and death of stars外部サイトAstronomy with small telescopes up to 5 inch, 125mm外部サイトClassic telescopes : a guide to collecting, restoring, and using telescopes of yesteryear外部サイト1,001 celestial wonders to see before you die : the best sky objects for star gazers外部サイトAstrophysics is easy! : an introduction for the amateur astronomer外部サイトDigital astrophotography : the statement of the art外部サイトConcise catalog of deep-sky objects : astrophysical information for 550 galaxies, clusters and nebulae外部サイトUsing commercial amateur astronomical spectrographs外部サイトAstronomy of the Milky Way外部サイトDeep-sky video astronomy外部サイトImaging the messier objects remotely from your laptop外部サイトTwenty-five astronomical observations that changed the world : and how to make them yourself外部サイトLight pollution : responses and remedies外部サイトMyths, symbols and legends of solar system bodies外部サイトThe rainbow sky : an exploration of colors in the solar system and beyond外部サイトAstroFAQs : questions amateur astronomers frequently ask外部サイトMake time for the stars : fitting astronomy into your busy life外部サイトBuilding and using binoscopes外部サイトSolar observing techniques外部サイトStar mentor : hands-on projects and lessons in observational astronomy for beginners外部サイトReal astronomy with small telescopes : step-by-step activities for discovery外部サイトThe observer's guide to planetary motion : explaining the cycles of the night sky外部サイトComplete CD guide to the universe : practical astronomy外部サイトAstronomy of the Milky Way : the observer's guide to the southern sky外部サイトAstronomical sketching : a step-by-step introduction外部サイトThe telescopic tourist's guide to the Moon外部サイトDark nebulae, dark lanes, and dust belts外部サイトAstronomical cybersketching : observational drawing with PDAs and tablet PCs外部サイトChoosing and using astronomical filters外部サイトField guide to the deep sky objects外部サイトRare astronomical sights and sounds外部サイトA practical guide to lightcurve photometry and analysis外部サイトTelescopes and techniques : an introduction to practical astronomy外部サイトAurora : observing and recording nature's spectacular light show外部サイトVisual astronomy under dark skies : a new approach to observing deep space外部サイトThe practical astronomer's deep-sky companion外部サイトSpectroscopy : the key to the stars : reading the lines in stellar spectra外部サイトCreating and enhancing digital astro images外部サイトHow to observe the sun safely外部サイトField guide to meteors and meteorites外部サイトGetting started in radio astronomy : beginner projects for the amateur外部サイトViewing the Constellations with Binoculars : 250+ wonderful sky objects to see and explore外部サイトThe deep-sky observer's year : a guide to observing deep-sky objects throughout the year外部サイト






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The Patrick Moore practical astronomy series
Pattern asterisms : a new way to chart the stars
Observer's guide to stellar evolution : the birth, life, and death of stars
Astronomy with small telescopes up to 5 inch, 125mm
Classic telescopes : a guide to collecting, restoring, and using telescopes of yesteryear
1,001 celestial wonders to see before you die : the best sky objects for star gazers
Astrophysics is easy! : an introduction for the amateur astronomer
Digital astrophotography : the statement of the art
Concise catalog of deep-sky objects : astrophysical information for 550 galaxies, clusters and nebulae
Using commercial amateur astronomical spectrographs
Astronomy of the Milky Way
Deep-sky video astronomy
Imaging the messier objects remotely from your laptop
Twenty-five astronomical observations that changed the world : and how to make them yourself
Light pollution : responses and remedies
Myths, symbols and legends of solar system bodies
The rainbow sky : an exploration of colors in the solar system and beyond
AstroFAQs : questions amateur astronomers frequently ask
Make time for the stars : fitting astronomy into your busy life
Building and using binoscopes
Solar observing techniques
Star mentor : hands-on projects and lessons in observational astronomy for beginners
Real astronomy with small telescopes : step-by-step activities for discovery
The observer's guide to planetary motion : explaining the cycles of the night sky
Complete CD guide to the universe : practical astronomy
Astronomy of the Milky Way : the observer's guide to the southern sky
Astronomical sketching : a step-by-step introduction
The telescopic tourist's guide to the Moon
Dark nebulae, dark lanes, and dust belts
Astronomical cybersketching : observational drawing with PDAs and tablet PCs
Choosing and using astronomical filters
Field guide to the deep sky objects
Rare astronomical sights and sounds
A practical guide to lightcurve photometry and analysis
Telescopes and techniques : an introduction to practical astronomy
Aurora : observing and recording nature's spectacular light show
Visual astronomy under dark skies : a new approach to observing deep space
The practical astronomer's deep-sky companion
Spectroscopy : the key to the stars : reading the lines in stellar spectra
Creating and enhancing digital astro images
How to observe the sun safely
Field guide to meteors and meteorites
Getting started in radio astronomy : beginner projects for the amateur
Viewing the Constellations with Binoculars : 250+ wonderful sky objects to see and explore
The deep-sky observer's year : a guide to observing deep-sky objects throughout the year
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books