
University of Cambridge Oriental publications


University of Cambridge Oriental publications

Cambridge University Press


Sorrow and joy among Muslim women : the Pukhtuns of northern Pakistan外部サイトEarly Muslim polemic against Christianity : Abū ʿĪsā al-Warrāq's "Against the Incarnation"外部サイトFinancial administration under the Tʿang dynasty外部サイトThe Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling外部サイトThe traditional interpretation of the Apocalypse of St. John in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church外部サイトThe Syriac version of the Old Testament : an introduction外部サイトShabbethai Sofer and his prayer-book外部サイトInterpreting the Hebrew Bible : essays in honour of E.I.J. Rosenthal ...外部サイトAverroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic外部サイトA Nestorian collection of christological texts, Cambridge University Library ms. Oriental 1319外部サイトThe Japanese enlightenment : a study of the writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi外部サイトThe Japanese family storehouse, or, The millionaires' gospel modernised = Nippon Eitai-Gura, or, Daifuku Shin Chōja Kyō (1688)外部サイトAnti-Christian polemic in early Islam : Abū ʿĪsā al-Warrāq's "Against the Trinity"外部サイトScience and poetry in medieval Persia : the botany of Nizami's Khamsa外部サイトRecords of Han administration外部サイトThe political writings of Ogyū Sorai外部サイトState and locality in Mughal India : power relations in western India, c. 1572-1730外部サイトThe language of Indrajit of Orchā : a study of early Braj Bhāsā prose外部サイトSorrow and joy among Muslim women : the Pukhtuns of northern Pakistan外部サイトLand and sovereignty in India : agrarian society and politics under the eighteenth-century Maratha svarājya外部サイトKhotanese Buddhist texts外部サイトThe Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling外部サイトMonk and mason on the Tigris frontier : the early history of Ṭur ʿAbdin外部サイトLove in South Asia : a cultural history外部サイトSelected letters of Rabindranath Tagore外部サイトDun Karm, poet of Malta外部サイトDevotional literature in South Asia : current research, 1985-1988 : papers of the Fourth Conference on Devotional Literature in New Indo-Aryan Languages, held at Wolfson College, Cambridge, 1-4 September 1988外部サイトSouth Asian archaeology 1981 : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in Cambridge University, 5-10 July 1981外部サイトEarly Japanese books in Cambridge University Library : a catalogue of the Aston, Satow, and von Siebold collections = ケンブリッジ大学所蔵和漢古書総合目録 : アストン・サトウ・シーボルト・コレクション外部サイトOrigen and the Jews : studies in Jewish-Christian relations in third-century Palestine外部サイトThe commentary of Rabbi David Kimḥi on Psalms CXX-CL外部サイトIndian semantic analysis : the nirvacana tradition外部サイトAverroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic外部サイトWater rights and irrigation practices in Laḥj : a study of the application of customary and Sharīʿah law in south-west Arabia外部サイトEarly Japanese books in Cambridge University Library : a catalogue of the Aston, Satow, and von Siebold collections = ケンブリッジ大学所蔵和漢古書総合目録 : アストン・サトウ・シーボルト・コレクション外部サイトHebrew manuscripts at Cambridge University Library : a description and introduction外部サイトThe transformation of nomadic society in the Arab East外部サイトThe Avestan hymn to Mithra外部サイトArabian studies外部サイトState and court ritual in China外部サイトDivination, mythology and monarchy in Han China外部サイトJapan's first general election, 1890外部サイトEthiopian biblical interpretation : a study in exegetical tradition and hermeneutics外部サイトThe Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling外部サイトA collection of tales from Uji : a study and translation of Uji shūi monogatari外部サイトFitzgerald's Salaman and Absal外部サイトSelected letters of Rabindranath Tagore外部サイトGod's conflict with the dragon and the sea : echoes of a Canaanite myth in the Old Testament外部サイトStudia Semitica外部サイトSaladin : the politics of the holy war外部サイトRecords of Han administration外部サイトThe Syriac version of the Old Testament : an introduction外部サイトThe rebel lands : an investigation into the origins of early Mesopotamian mythology外部サイトThe cult of Asherah in ancient Israel and Judah : evidence for a Hebrew goddess外部サイトNaukar, Rajput and sepoy : the ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850外部サイトThe Vīsaḷadevarāsa : a restoration of the text外部サイトJalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī : biography and background外部サイトChina's early empires : a re-appraisal外部サイトGenizah research after ninety years, the case of Judaeo-Arabic : papers read at the Third Congress of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies外部サイトMori Ōgai and the modernization of Japanese culture外部サイトMolech : a god of human sacrifice in the Old Testament外部サイトNeolithic cattle-keepers of South India : a study of the Deccan ashmounds外部サイトDivination, mythology and monarchy in Han China外部サイトThe Syriac version of the pseudo-Nonnos mythological scholia外部サイトPulse diagnosis in early Chinese medicine : the telling touch外部サイトThe Japanese family storehouse, or, The millionaires gospel modernised = Nippon Eitai-Gura, or, Daifuku Shin Chōja Kyō (1688)外部サイトFuṣūl ʼal-madanī : aphorisms of the statesman外部サイトSeeking bāuls of Bengal外部サイトFinancial administration under the T'ang dynasty外部サイトThe world of the Khanty epic hero-princes : an exploration of a Siberian oral tradition外部サイトGod's Caliph : religious authority in the first centuries of Islam外部サイトReligion in Japan : arrows to heaven and earth外部サイトNaukar, Rajput, and sepoy : the ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850外部サイトKingship and political practice in colonial India外部サイトGod's caliph : religious authority in the first centuries of Islam外部サイトThe epic of Pābūjī : a study, transcription and translation外部サイトAverroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic外部サイトFinancial administration under the T'ang dynasty外部サイトThe Avestan hymn to Mithra外部サイトThe God of Israel外部サイトKingship and conversion in sixteenth-century Sri Lanka : Portuguese imperialism in a Buddhist land外部サイトSaladin : the politics of the holy war外部サイトRecords of Han administration外部サイトArabian studies外部サイト






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Sorrow and joy among Muslim women : the Pukhtuns of northern Pakistan
Early Muslim polemic against Christianity : Abū ʿĪsā al-Warrāq's "Against the Incarnation"
Financial administration under the Tʿang dynasty
The Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling
The traditional interpretation of the Apocalypse of St. John in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
The Syriac version of the Old Testament : an introduction
Shabbethai Sofer and his prayer-book
Interpreting the Hebrew Bible : essays in honour of E.I.J. Rosenthal ...
Averroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic
A Nestorian collection of christological texts, Cambridge University Library ms. Oriental 1319
The Japanese enlightenment : a study of the writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi
The Japanese family storehouse, or, The millionaires' gospel modernised = Nippon Eitai-Gura, or, Daifuku Shin Chōja Kyō (1688)
Anti-Christian polemic in early Islam : Abū ʿĪsā al-Warrāq's "Against the Trinity"
Science and poetry in medieval Persia : the botany of Nizami's Khamsa
Records of Han administration
The political writings of Ogyū Sorai
State and locality in Mughal India : power relations in western India, c. 1572-1730
The language of Indrajit of Orchā : a study of early Braj Bhāsā prose
Sorrow and joy among Muslim women : the Pukhtuns of northern Pakistan
Land and sovereignty in India : agrarian society and politics under the eighteenth-century Maratha svarājya
Khotanese Buddhist texts
The Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling
Monk and mason on the Tigris frontier : the early history of Ṭur ʿAbdin
Love in South Asia : a cultural history
Selected letters of Rabindranath Tagore
Dun Karm, poet of Malta
Devotional literature in South Asia : current research, 1985-1988 : papers of the Fourth Conference on Devotional Literature in New Indo-Aryan Languages, held at Wolfson College, Cambridge, 1-4 September 1988
South Asian archaeology 1981 : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in Cambridge University, 5-10 July 1981
Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library : a catalogue of the Aston, Satow, and von Siebold collections = ケンブリッジ大学所蔵和漢古書総合目録 : アストン・サトウ・シーボルト・コレクション
Origen and the Jews : studies in Jewish-Christian relations in third-century Palestine
The commentary of Rabbi David Kimḥi on Psalms CXX-CL
Indian semantic analysis : the nirvacana tradition
Averroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic
Water rights and irrigation practices in Laḥj : a study of the application of customary and Sharīʿah law in south-west Arabia
Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library : a catalogue of the Aston, Satow, and von Siebold collections = ケンブリッジ大学所蔵和漢古書総合目録 : アストン・サトウ・シーボルト・コレクション
Hebrew manuscripts at Cambridge University Library : a description and introduction
The transformation of nomadic society in the Arab East
The Avestan hymn to Mithra
Arabian studies
State and court ritual in China
Divination, mythology and monarchy in Han China
Japan's first general election, 1890
Ethiopian biblical interpretation : a study in exegetical tradition and hermeneutics
The Arabian epic : heroic and oral story-telling
A collection of tales from Uji : a study and translation of Uji shūi monogatari
Fitzgerald's Salaman and Absal
Selected letters of Rabindranath Tagore
God's conflict with the dragon and the sea : echoes of a Canaanite myth in the Old Testament
Studia Semitica
Saladin : the politics of the holy war
Records of Han administration
The Syriac version of the Old Testament : an introduction
The rebel lands : an investigation into the origins of early Mesopotamian mythology
The cult of Asherah in ancient Israel and Judah : evidence for a Hebrew goddess
Naukar, Rajput and sepoy : the ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850
The Vīsaḷadevarāsa : a restoration of the text
Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī : biography and background
China's early empires : a re-appraisal
Genizah research after ninety years, the case of Judaeo-Arabic : papers read at the Third Congress of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies
Mori Ōgai and the modernization of Japanese culture
Molech : a god of human sacrifice in the Old Testament
Neolithic cattle-keepers of South India : a study of the Deccan ashmounds
Divination, mythology and monarchy in Han China
The Syriac version of the pseudo-Nonnos mythological scholia
Pulse diagnosis in early Chinese medicine : the telling touch
The Japanese family storehouse, or, The millionaires gospel modernised = Nippon Eitai-Gura, or, Daifuku Shin Chōja Kyō (1688)
Fuṣūl ʼal-madanī : aphorisms of the statesman
Seeking bāuls of Bengal
Financial administration under the T'ang dynasty
The world of the Khanty epic hero-princes : an exploration of a Siberian oral tradition
God's Caliph : religious authority in the first centuries of Islam
Religion in Japan : arrows to heaven and earth
Naukar, Rajput, and sepoy : the ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850
Kingship and political practice in colonial India
God's caliph : religious authority in the first centuries of Islam
The epic of Pābūjī : a study, transcription and translation
Averroes' Commentary on Plato's Republic
Financial administration under the T'ang dynasty
The Avestan hymn to Mithra
The God of Israel
Kingship and conversion in sixteenth-century Sri Lanka : Portuguese imperialism in a Buddhist land
Saladin : the politics of the holy war
Records of Han administration
Arabian studies
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00338678 : BA00338678