



International Service for National Agricultural Research


Le système national de recherche agricole au Rwanda外部サイトReview of research program management and manpower planning at the Institute of Agricultural Research in Ethiopia : report to the Board of Directors of the Institute of Agricultural Research外部サイトReport of an ISNAR/IITA mission to the Institut de recherche agronomique et zootechnique of the Communauté économique des pays des grands lacs (Burundi, Rwanda, Zaïre)外部サイトReforzamiento del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias : base para un sistema nacional de investigación agropecuaria : informe al Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería del Ecuador外部サイトAnalyse de la structure et de la gestion de l'Institut de la Recherche Agronomique (IRA) et de l'Institut de Recherches Zootechniques (IRZ) du Cameroun外部サイトAnalyse du système national de recherche agronomique du Mali : rapports au Ministère de l'Agriculture, République du Mali外部サイトThe national agricultural research system of Rwanda : report to the government of the Republic of Rwanda外部サイトRegional research networks : the experience of PRECODEPA外部サイトFortalecimiento del sistema de investigación y transferencia de tecnología agropecuaria en Bolivia外部サイトReview of the program and organization for crops research in Papua New Guinea : report to the government of Papua New Guinea外部サイトProgramme de développement de la recherche agronomique au Niger : rapport au Ministère du plan, République du Niger外部サイトLa recherche agronomique et zootechnique, Haute-Volta外部サイトA review of the Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe外部サイトEl modelo de investigación, extensión y educación en el Peru : estudio de un caso外部サイトRenforcement des systèmes nationaux de la recherche agronomique en Afrique : rapport d'une réunion des responsables de la gestion des systèmes de recherche agronomique dans 18 pays de l'Afrique, Nairobi, Kenya, 6 et 7 mars 1981外部サイトFortalecimiento del sistema de investigación agropecuaria y transferencia de tecnología外部サイトOrientation and management of research in the Burundi Institute of Agricultural Sciences : analysis and recommendations : report to the Director General of the Burundi Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ISABU)外部サイトLas relaciones entre la investigación agropecuaria y la transferencia de tecnologia : el caso de Chile外部サイトAgrotechnological research in Ivory Coast : report to the government of Ivory Coast外部サイトReview of the research system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the Philippines : an ISNAR analysis外部サイトThe Agricultural research system in Sri Lanka : report to the government of Sri Lanka外部サイトKenya's national agricultural research system : report to the government of Kenya外部サイトA review of the agricultural research system of Guyana : report to the government of the cooperative Republic of Guyana外部サイトProgramme de développement de la recherche agricole en Tunisie外部サイトThe Agricultural research system in Western Samoa : report to the government of Western Samoa外部サイトReview of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR)外部サイトA Review of the Directorate of Agricultural Scientific Research : report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of the Syrian Arab Republic外部サイトReview of the Ghana agricultural research system : joint review by national team selected by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and International Service for National Agricultural Research外部サイトDevelopment of an agricultural research system : report to the government of the Democratic Republic of Somalia外部サイトLa recherche agronomique en Côte d'Ivoire : présentation, evaluation, propositions d'amelioration外部サイトReview of Botswana's agricultural research system外部サイトRepublic of Uganda, establishment of a national agricultural research organization (NARO) : report to the Government of Uganda外部サイトL'institut national de la recherche agronomique du Maroc : bilan et perspectives外部サイトA Review of agricultural systems research in Rwanda : report to the Director of the Rwandan Institute of Agricultural Sciences (SAR)外部サイトLignes directrices de développement de l'Institut de recherche agronomique de Guinée et esquisse de programme de recherche à long terme : rapport au Gouvernement de la République de Guinée, Institut de recherche agronomique de Guinée, IRAG外部サイトImprovement of agricultural research management in Cameroon : report to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Cameroon外部サイトStrengthening national agricultural research systems in Asia外部サイトFiji : a review of the Agricultural Research Division : report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries外部サイトAn Analysis of structure and management of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IRA) and the Institute of Animal Research (IRZ) of Cameroon外部サイトLa recherche agro-technologique en Côte d'Ivoire外部サイトAgricultural research in Ivory Coast : presentation, evaluation, proposals for improvement, December 1984 : report to the Government of Ivory Coast外部サイトStrategies to meet demands for rural social scientists in Africa : proceedings of a workshop, Bellagio, Italy, November 23-27, 1981外部サイトLa recherche agricole à Madagascar : bilan et perspectives du FOFIFA外部サイトThe decentralization process in the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina : report to the Council of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina外部サイトEtude et propositions de renforcement du système national de recherche agronomique en RDP lao : rapport au Gouvernement de la République démocratique et populaire lao外部サイト






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Le système national de recherche agricole au Rwanda
Review of research program management and manpower planning at the Institute of Agricultural Research in Ethiopia : report to the Board of Directors of the Institute of Agricultural Research
Report of an ISNAR/IITA mission to the Institut de recherche agronomique et zootechnique of the Communauté économique des pays des grands lacs (Burundi, Rwanda, Zaïre)
Reforzamiento del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias : base para un sistema nacional de investigación agropecuaria : informe al Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería del Ecuador
Analyse de la structure et de la gestion de l'Institut de la Recherche Agronomique (IRA) et de l'Institut de Recherches Zootechniques (IRZ) du Cameroun
Analyse du système national de recherche agronomique du Mali : rapports au Ministère de l'Agriculture, République du Mali
The national agricultural research system of Rwanda : report to the government of the Republic of Rwanda
Regional research networks : the experience of PRECODEPA
Fortalecimiento del sistema de investigación y transferencia de tecnología agropecuaria en Bolivia
Review of the program and organization for crops research in Papua New Guinea : report to the government of Papua New Guinea
Programme de développement de la recherche agronomique au Niger : rapport au Ministère du plan, République du Niger
La recherche agronomique et zootechnique, Haute-Volta
A review of the Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe
El modelo de investigación, extensión y educación en el Peru : estudio de un caso
Renforcement des systèmes nationaux de la recherche agronomique en Afrique : rapport d'une réunion des responsables de la gestion des systèmes de recherche agronomique dans 18 pays de l'Afrique, Nairobi, Kenya, 6 et 7 mars 1981
Fortalecimiento del sistema de investigación agropecuaria y transferencia de tecnología
Orientation and management of research in the Burundi Institute of Agricultural Sciences : analysis and recommendations : report to the Director General of the Burundi Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ISABU)
Las relaciones entre la investigación agropecuaria y la transferencia de tecnologia : el caso de Chile
Agrotechnological research in Ivory Coast : report to the government of Ivory Coast
Review of the research system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the Philippines : an ISNAR analysis
The Agricultural research system in Sri Lanka : report to the government of Sri Lanka
Kenya's national agricultural research system : report to the government of Kenya
A review of the agricultural research system of Guyana : report to the government of the cooperative Republic of Guyana
Programme de développement de la recherche agricole en Tunisie
The Agricultural research system in Western Samoa : report to the government of Western Samoa
Review of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR)
A Review of the Directorate of Agricultural Scientific Research : report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of the Syrian Arab Republic
Review of the Ghana agricultural research system : joint review by national team selected by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and International Service for National Agricultural Research
Development of an agricultural research system : report to the government of the Democratic Republic of Somalia
La recherche agronomique en Côte d'Ivoire : présentation, evaluation, propositions d'amelioration
Review of Botswana's agricultural research system
Republic of Uganda, establishment of a national agricultural research organization (NARO) : report to the Government of Uganda
L'institut national de la recherche agronomique du Maroc : bilan et perspectives
A Review of agricultural systems research in Rwanda : report to the Director of the Rwandan Institute of Agricultural Sciences (SAR)
Lignes directrices de développement de l'Institut de recherche agronomique de Guinée et esquisse de programme de recherche à long terme : rapport au Gouvernement de la République de Guinée, Institut de recherche agronomique de Guinée, IRAG
Improvement of agricultural research management in Cameroon : report to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Cameroon
Strengthening national agricultural research systems in Asia
Fiji : a review of the Agricultural Research Division : report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
An Analysis of structure and management of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IRA) and the Institute of Animal Research (IRZ) of Cameroon
La recherche agro-technologique en Côte d'Ivoire
Agricultural research in Ivory Coast : presentation, evaluation, proposals for improvement, December 1984 : report to the Government of Ivory Coast
Strategies to meet demands for rural social scientists in Africa : proceedings of a workshop, Bellagio, Italy, November 23-27, 1981
La recherche agricole à Madagascar : bilan et perspectives du FOFIFA
The decentralization process in the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina : report to the Council of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina
Etude et propositions de renforcement du système national de recherche agronomique en RDP lao : rapport au Gouvernement de la République démocratique et populaire lao
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA25628678 : BA25628678