- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Publisher varies: San Bernardino : The Borgo Press
- 関連情報
- The annotated guide to Stephen King : a primary and secondary bibliography of the works of America's premier horror writerScience fiction : a teacher's guide and resource bookDouble trouble : a bibliographic chronicle of Ace mystery doublesThe Arkham House companion : fifty years of Arkham House : a bibliographical history and collector's price guide to Arkham House and Mycroft & Moran including the revised and expanded horrors and unpleasantriesThe annotated guide to Startling storiesUrania's daughters : a checklist of women science fiction writers, 1692-1982The annotated index to The Thrill book : complete indexes to and descriptions of everything published in Street & Smith's The Thrill bookThe annotated guide to Stephen King : a primary and secondary bibliography of the works of America's premier horror writerThe annotated guide to Fantastic adventuresFuture and fantastic worlds : a bibliographical retrospective of DAW Books, (1972-1987)
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books