
Foreign economic policy of the United States


Foreign economic policy of the United States



The contributions of John Maynard Keynes to foreign trade theory and policy, 1909-1946外部サイトCommercial conflict and foreign policy : a study in Anglo-American relations, 1932-1938外部サイトAmerican business and foreign policy : cases in coffee and cocoa trade regulation, 1961-1974外部サイトThe meaning and reliability of economic summit undertakings, 1975-1989外部サイトA national policy for organized free trade : the case of U.S. foreign trade policy for steel, 1976-1978外部サイトA dollar to Poland is a dollar to Russia : U.S. economic policy toward Poland, 1945-1952外部サイトCongress and the Executive : the making of the United States foreign trade policy, 1789-1968外部サイトOil and diplomacy : the evolution of American foreign policy in Saudi Arabia, 1933-1945外部サイトUnited States foreign economic policy-making : an analysis of the use of food resources, 1972-1980外部サイトTechnological progress, factor endowments, and international agricultural trade外部サイトDoes "independent" mean "free from influence?" : escape clause decision-making at the United States International Trade Commission外部サイトToward internationalism : New Deal foreign economic policy, 1933-1939外部サイトStudies in international finance : private interest and public policy in the international political economy外部サイトSweet subsidy : the economic and diplomatic effects of the U.S. sugar acts, 1934-1974外部サイトMexican petroleum and United States-Mexican relations, 1919-1923外部サイトRegulatory theory and its application to trade policy : a study of ITC decision-making, 1975-1985外部サイトFrom trade surplus to deficit : the impact of the Kennedy tariff round外部サイトWorld War debts and United States foreign policy, 1919-1929外部サイトU.S. grain exports, Russian buyers, and short supplies, 1971-1975外部サイトAmerican politics and foreign economic challenges外部サイトUnited States foreign economic policy toward China, 1943-1946 : from the end of extraterritoriality to the Sino-American Commercial Treaty of 1946外部サイトPutting foreign policy to work : the role of organized labor in American foreign relations, 1932-1941外部サイトHarding and Mexico : diplomacy by economic persuasion, 1920-1923外部サイトU.S. foreign economic policy and the Latin American debt issue外部サイトUnionism, international trade, and trade policy外部サイトThe American business community and the European Recovery Program, 1947-1952外部サイトGlobal transformation and foreign economic policy : the case of United States-European Community agricultural relations, 1958-1979外部サイトFinancial diplomacy : the United States and Mexico, 1919-1933外部サイトVoluntary export restriction as a foreign commercial policy with special reference to Japanese cotton textiles, 1930-1962外部サイトWilliam G. McAdoo and the development of national economic policy, 1913-1918外部サイトThe political economy of U.S. trade policy : an evaluation of theory外部サイトThe domestic economics and international politics of postwar U.S. trade policy, 1945-1980 : case study, Japan外部サイトImpact of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 on U.S. export外部サイトInternational capital mobility and national welfare外部サイトPolitics of compensation : Truman, the Wool Bill of 1947, and the shaping of postwar U.S. trade policy外部サイトHistory of American economic policy in the Philippines during the American colonial period, 1900-1935外部サイトA model for the study of international trade politics : the United States business community and Soviet-American relations, 1975-1976外部サイトExport dependence versus the new protectionism : constraints on trade policy in the industrial world外部サイトThe influence of Frank A. Vanderlip and the National City Bank on American commerce and foreign policy, 1910-1920外部サイトInternational trade policies, incentives, and firm behavior外部サイトPartners and rivals : Britain's imperial diplomacy concerning the United States and Japan in China, 1915-1922外部サイトThe Panama Canal in American national consciousness, 1870-1990外部サイトPolitical instability, interstate conflict, adverse changes in host government policies and foreign direct investment : a sensitivity analysis外部サイトFrom creditor to debtor : the U.S. pursuit of foreign capital--the case of the repeal of the withholding tax外部サイトFood supplies in the aftermath of World War II外部サイトAmerican business : the response to the Soviet Union, 1933-1947外部サイトInternational wheat subsidies : who really profits?外部サイトAdvocates of empire : William McKinley, the Senate and American expansion, 1898-1899外部サイトShort-sighted solutions : trade and energy policies for the U.S. auto industry外部サイトConstraints and compromises : trade policy in a democracy : the case of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area外部サイトUnited States economic penetration of Venezuela and its effects on diplomacy, 1895-1906外部サイトWorld War I and the growth of United States predominance in Latin America外部サイトStrategic behavior and the United States unfair trade statutes外部サイトU.S. economic foreign aid : a case study of the United States Agency for International Development外部サイト






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The contributions of John Maynard Keynes to foreign trade theory and policy, 1909-1946
Commercial conflict and foreign policy : a study in Anglo-American relations, 1932-1938
American business and foreign policy : cases in coffee and cocoa trade regulation, 1961-1974
The meaning and reliability of economic summit undertakings, 1975-1989
A national policy for organized free trade : the case of U.S. foreign trade policy for steel, 1976-1978
A dollar to Poland is a dollar to Russia : U.S. economic policy toward Poland, 1945-1952
Congress and the Executive : the making of the United States foreign trade policy, 1789-1968
Oil and diplomacy : the evolution of American foreign policy in Saudi Arabia, 1933-1945
United States foreign economic policy-making : an analysis of the use of food resources, 1972-1980
Technological progress, factor endowments, and international agricultural trade
Does "independent" mean "free from influence?" : escape clause decision-making at the United States International Trade Commission
Toward internationalism : New Deal foreign economic policy, 1933-1939
Studies in international finance : private interest and public policy in the international political economy
Sweet subsidy : the economic and diplomatic effects of the U.S. sugar acts, 1934-1974
Mexican petroleum and United States-Mexican relations, 1919-1923
Regulatory theory and its application to trade policy : a study of ITC decision-making, 1975-1985
From trade surplus to deficit : the impact of the Kennedy tariff round
World War debts and United States foreign policy, 1919-1929
U.S. grain exports, Russian buyers, and short supplies, 1971-1975
American politics and foreign economic challenges
United States foreign economic policy toward China, 1943-1946 : from the end of extraterritoriality to the Sino-American Commercial Treaty of 1946
Putting foreign policy to work : the role of organized labor in American foreign relations, 1932-1941
Harding and Mexico : diplomacy by economic persuasion, 1920-1923
U.S. foreign economic policy and the Latin American debt issue
Unionism, international trade, and trade policy
The American business community and the European Recovery Program, 1947-1952
Global transformation and foreign economic policy : the case of United States-European Community agricultural relations, 1958-1979
Financial diplomacy : the United States and Mexico, 1919-1933
Voluntary export restriction as a foreign commercial policy with special reference to Japanese cotton textiles, 1930-1962
William G. McAdoo and the development of national economic policy, 1913-1918
The political economy of U.S. trade policy : an evaluation of theory
The domestic economics and international politics of postwar U.S. trade policy, 1945-1980 : case study, Japan
Impact of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 on U.S. export
International capital mobility and national welfare
Politics of compensation : Truman, the Wool Bill of 1947, and the shaping of postwar U.S. trade policy
History of American economic policy in the Philippines during the American colonial period, 1900-1935
A model for the study of international trade politics : the United States business community and Soviet-American relations, 1975-1976
Export dependence versus the new protectionism : constraints on trade policy in the industrial world
The influence of Frank A. Vanderlip and the National City Bank on American commerce and foreign policy, 1910-1920
International trade policies, incentives, and firm behavior
Partners and rivals : Britain's imperial diplomacy concerning the United States and Japan in China, 1915-1922
The Panama Canal in American national consciousness, 1870-1990
Political instability, interstate conflict, adverse changes in host government policies and foreign direct investment : a sensitivity analysis
From creditor to debtor : the U.S. pursuit of foreign capital--the case of the repeal of the withholding tax
Food supplies in the aftermath of World War II
American business : the response to the Soviet Union, 1933-1947
International wheat subsidies : who really profits?
Advocates of empire : William McKinley, the Senate and American expansion, 1898-1899
Short-sighted solutions : trade and energy policies for the U.S. auto industry
Constraints and compromises : trade policy in a democracy : the case of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area
United States economic penetration of Venezuela and its effects on diplomacy, 1895-1906
World War I and the growth of United States predominance in Latin America
Strategic behavior and the United States unfair trade statutes
U.S. economic foreign aid : a case study of the United States Agency for International Development
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