
English recusant literature, 1558-1640


English recusant literature, 1558-1640

Scolar Press


A controversy, ... whether every man may be saved in his owne faith and religion?, 1614 . A detection, of divers notable untruthes, 1602外部サイトA summe of Christian doctrine, (1592-96)外部サイトThe New Testament of Jesus Christ, 1582外部サイトA cleare, sincere, and modest confutation, 1616外部サイトThe historie ... of the blessed virgin, Sister Joane 1625外部サイトThe second part of a treatise concerning policy, and religion, 1615外部サイトThe paraenese, 1602 . An humble supplication, 1595外部サイトA conference with a lady about choice of religion, 1638 . The life of Gregorie Lopes, 1638外部サイトA manuall of devout meditations 1618外部サイトThe copy of a letter by a Spanishe gentleman 1589 . Partheneia Sacra 1633外部サイトMiscellania, or A treatise contayning two hundred controversiall animadversions, 1640外部サイトMiracles lately wrought by the intercession of the glorious Virgin Marie at Mont-aigu外部サイトA summarie of controversies, 1616外部サイトA treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth 1572外部サイトTessaradelphus, 1616 . An appendix to the antidote, 1621 . Luthers life, 1624外部サイトThe answere unto the nine points of controversy 1626外部サイトSpirituall exercyses and goostly meditations 1598 . A copy of the decree 1614外部サイトA consultation what faith and religion is best to be imbraced 1621 . Charity mistaken 1630 . Holy Churches complaint for her childrens disobedience (1598-1601)外部サイトCertaine devout considerations, (1606) ; Meditations uppon the passion, 1606外部サイトThe life of ... Sainct Catharine of Siena 1609外部サイトA just and moderate answer, (1606) . The pseudo-scripturist, 1623 . The golden treatise, (1596-97)外部サイトThe paradise of the soule, 1617外部サイトA returne of untruthes upon M. Iewelles replie 1566外部サイトAne cathechisme, 1588外部サイトBreife meditations (1595-1600)外部サイトIHS Maria Joseph, the second part, 1619外部サイトThe second part of the Protestants plea, 1625外部サイトA moderate defence of the oath of allegiance 1612 . Certaine selected epistles 1630外部サイトA treatise of the love of God 1630外部サイトAnti-Mortonus 1640外部サイトThe disputation concerning the controversit headdis of religion, 1581外部サイトThe lyf of the Mother Teresa of Jesus 1611外部サイトOur Ladie Hath a new sonne 1595 . A short rule of good life (1596-97)外部サイトThe first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholikes religion and recusancy 1607 . Palestina 1600 . Another letter of Mr. A. C. to his dis-iesuited kinseman 1602外部サイトA treatise intitled, Beware of M. Iewel 1566外部サイトA survey of the new religion 1605外部サイトThe practise of Christian workes, 1620 . Three and thirty prayers, (1620-40)外部サイトA treatise concerning Antichrist--, the second part, 1614外部サイトA supplement to the discussion of M. D. Barlowes Answere, 1613外部サイトA reply to M. Nicholas Smith 1630外部サイトA shorte catechisme 1614 . A relection of certaine authors 1635外部サイトA directorie teaching the way to truth, 1605外部サイトAn admonition to the nobility, 1588 . Dutifull considerations in matters of religion, 1609外部サイトThe third parte of the meditations, (1599?) . A treatise of schisme, 1578外部サイトIesus Præfigured 1623 . An humble appeale to the kings most excellent maiestie 1620 . A sacred poeme describing the life of S. Marie of Ægipt 1640 . The life of Lady Magdalen Viscountesse Montague 1627外部サイトThe buke of fourscoir-thre questions 1563 . Vincentius Lirinensis ... for the antiquitie and veritie of the Catholik fayth 1563 . A trew discourse of the order observed ... at Fontainebleau (c.1601)外部サイトThe devout hart, 1634外部サイトThe contract and testament of the soule 1638 . A catechisme of Christian doctrine 1637外部サイトAthravaeth Gristnogaul 1568 . A myrrhine posie 1639 . An epistle of a Catholicke young gentlemen 1623外部サイトMeditations, upon the B. Sacrament, 1639 . A treatise of faith, 1614外部サイトA spirituall combat, 1632外部サイトSacra institutio baptizandi 1604 . Fuga saeculi 1632外部サイトMaria triumphans 1635外部サイトThe Holie Bible : faithfully translated into English外部サイトA heavenly treasure of confortable meditations and prayers 1621外部サイトThe copie of a letter concerning the yeelding up of daventrie 1587 . Appendix ad disputationem theologicam de iuramento fidelitatis 1616外部サイトAn admirable method to love, serve and honour the B. Virgin Mary, 1639外部サイトA relation of the solemnitie 1601 . An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine (1602-05)外部サイトHoly pictures of the mysticall figures, 1619 . An antidot for lazinesse, 1624外部サイトA most excellent treatise of the begynning of heresyes, 1565 . A true relation of the faction begun at Wisbich, 1601外部サイトThe warrs of Protestancy, 1637 . An Apology of English arminianisme, 1634外部サイトThe sweete thoughts of death, and eternity 1632外部サイトA treatie of Iustification 1569 . The first part of the resolution of religion (1603)外部サイトOf the love of our only lord and saviour Jesus Christ 1622外部サイトThe widdowes mite 1619 . A treatise of the holy sacrifice of the masse 1623外部サイトThe spirituall director disinteressed, 1633外部サイトEnglish protestants plea, 1621 . The testament of William Bel, 1632外部サイトThe spiritual pilgrimage of Hierusalem, (1604-05) . The spiritual conflict, (1603-10)外部サイトA treatise of the groundes of the old and newe religion, 1608外部サイトThe angel-guardian's clock (1630) . An embassage from heaven (1611)外部サイトThe holy court fourth tome 1638外部サイトThe paradise of delights 1620 . The rule of the most blissed Father Saint Benedict (1632)外部サイトA proclamation with a briefe answere, 1611 . A survey of the apostasy of Marcus Antonius de Dominis, 1617外部サイトThe necessare and assurit way to pluk awa all discord, 1565外部サイトA treatise of benignity 1630 . A direction to be observed by N. N. 1636外部サイトA confutation of a sermon, pronounced by M. Iuell, 1564外部サイトA replie to M. Calfhills blasphemous answer, 1566外部サイトA temperate ward-word 1599 . An answere to a letter of a iesuited gentleman 1601 . Important considerations外部サイトA looking glasse for new reformers, (1625)外部サイトThe little garden of our B. Lady 1626外部サイトThe relection of a conference touching the reall presence, 1635外部サイトA notable discourse, 1575 . A defence of the Roman Church, 1612外部サイトWhyte dyed black 1615 . Appellatio 1620 ; Supplicatio 1621外部サイトA replie unto a certaine libell, 1603 . Fratres sobrii estote, 1634 . A discovery of certaine notorious shifts, evasions and untruthes, 1614外部サイトOpus catechisticum 1611外部サイトThe hope of peace, 1601 . An alarum for ladyes, 1638 . The judgment of a Catholike English-man, 1608外部サイトThe treasure of vowed chastity in secular persons 1621外部サイトMeditations (1596-98) . The pigeons flight (1602-05)外部サイトA manuall, or meditation, (ca. 1596)外部サイトA treatyse of the crosse, 1564 . Consideringe the obligation -, (1597?)外部サイトAn answer to Thomas Bels late challeng 1605外部サイトThe Roman Martyrologe, 1627外部サイトA disproufe of M. Nowelles reproufe, 1565 . A petition apologeticall-- by the Lay Catholikes of England, 1604外部サイトThe miroure of the blessed life (c.1609)外部サイトThe converted Jew, 1630外部サイトSix spiritual bookes 1611外部サイトA treatise of mentall prayer 1627外部サイトAn apology against the defence of schisme (1593) . A treatyse of Christian peregrination 1583外部サイトThe reply of T. F. in defence of the first two chapters of his supplement, 1614 . The bishop of London, his legacy, 1923外部サイトThe true Catholike and Apostolike faith, 1593外部サイトA confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England外部サイトA rule of good life, 1633外部サイトThe genealogie of Protestants . The reformed Protestant 1621外部サイトThe burning lampe 1635外部サイトThe life and death of Mr. Edmund Geninges, 1614 . A censure about the rule of beleefe practised by the Protestants, 1634 . The defence of the honor of God, 1621外部サイトCatechismus 1639 . A copie of the briefe (1631) . A true report of the private colloquy . Thee first foure bookes of Virgil his Aeneis 1582外部サイトA memoriall of a Christian life 1586外部サイトA true information of our Scottish Calvinial gospel, 1628 . A methode to meditate on the psalter, 1958外部サイトThe booke of the Holy Societye, 1626 . The fourth part of the meditations, (1599?)外部サイトOf the author and substance of the Protestant church and religion 1621外部サイトThe rule of the holy virgin S. Clare 1621外部サイトAught considerations to move al men to inquire and imbrace ... religion 1605 . An epistle of the persecution of Catholickes in Englande (1582) . Manuductions to the pallace of truth 1616外部サイトDelicious entertainments of the soule, 1632 . An extracte of the determinacion--, (1603)外部サイトThe ground of the Catholike and Roman religion 1623 . Esmudiad eglwys ... Loreto 1635外部サイトA true report of the imprisonnement of Iohn Nicols 1583 . Fasciculus Myrrhae 1633 . Certaine demandes concerning the Christian religion 1580外部サイトThe Primer ... in English 1615外部サイトThe life of S. Catherine, 1634 . Paraphrasticall and devout discourses, 1635外部サイトThe audi filia, 1620外部サイトA fortresse of the faith, 1565 . To the Catholickes of England, 1636外部サイトA detection of sundrie foule errours, 1568外部サイトThe flowers of the lives of the most renowned saincts 1632外部サイトA treatise of mental prayer, 1617外部サイトNewes from Spayne and Holland 1593 . A brief inquisition 1630 . The psalter of the B. Virgin Mary 1624外部サイトThe mirrour of created perfection 1632 . S. Peters complaint and Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares 1616外部サイトA learned and very eloquent treatie 1568外部サイトA Catholike confutation of M. John Riders clayme of antiquitie, 1608外部サイトA spiritual doctrine, 1599外部サイトThe meditations, soliloquia, and manuall 1631外部サイトA spirituall consolation (ca. 1578) ; a treatise of prayer 1640外部サイトA sparing discoverie of our English Jesuits 1601 . Declaratio motuum 1601 ; A dialogue betwixt a secular priest, and a lay gentleman 1601外部サイトA conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland, 1594外部サイトAn answere to a fraudulent letter, 1602 . The societie of the Rosarie, together with the life of the Virgin Marie, 1624外部サイトOf prayer and meditation, 1582外部サイトThe lyturgie of the Masse, 1620外部サイトThe image of bothe churches 1623外部サイトThe life and death of Sir Thomas Moore (1630)外部サイトGodly contemplations for the unlearned, (1575) . A letter of a Catholike man beyond the seas, 1610 . The conviction of noveltie, 1632外部サイトA secure and prudent choice of beliefe, 1639 . Dosparth byrr ... ramadeg gymraeg, (1584-94)外部サイトThe confutation of Tortura Torti, 1610 . The practise how to finde ease, the first part, 1618外部サイトThe Protestants apologie for the Roman church 1608 . The miraculous origin and translation of the church of Our Lady of Loreto 1635外部サイトA reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere 1627外部サイトSeaven sparkes of the enkindled soule, (1604-05) . A consolatorie Epistle to the afflicted Catholikes, 1580 . A dialogue of dying wel, 1603外部サイトThe following of Christ 1613外部サイトRelatio compendiosa turbarum, 1601 . The discoverie of a tragical fiction, 1599 . Campian Englished, 1632外部サイトA defence of the Honour of Marie Quene of Scotlande, 1569 ; The copie of a letter writen out of Scotland, (1572)外部サイトA briefe treatise 1623 . The copie of a letter sent from Paris 1611 . Purgatories triumph over hell 1613外部サイトA refutation of sundry reprehensions 1583外部サイトA facile traictise, 1600外部サイトThe life of Syr Thomas More 1626 . A treatise, shewing the possibilitie, and conveniencie of the reall presence of Our Saviour in the blessed Sacrament 1596外部サイトThe true Christian Catholique, 1622外部サイトAn abridgement of meditations of the life ... of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ 1614 . Censurs of certaine propositions 1631外部サイトThe judge 1621 . The gagge of the reformed gospell 1623外部サイトThe history of our B. Lady of Loreto 1608外部サイトA reiondre to M. Iewels replie 1566外部サイトThe triple cord, 1634外部サイトA modest briefe discussion of points taught by M. Doctour Kellison . Breviculus duorum外部サイトThe art of dying well 1622外部サイトA treatise (1614) . An oration 1616 . The triall of Christian truth ... the second parte 1615外部サイトThe lives of saints 1623外部サイトThe begynning of heresyes, 1565 . The faction begun at Wisbich, 1601外部サイトEglurhad helaeth-lawn 1618外部サイトThe copie of a leter, wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, (ʿLeicester's Comonwealthʿ), 1584 . The ruine of Calvinisme, 1623外部サイトA discussion of the answere of M. William Barlow, 1612外部サイトThe memorable and tragical history of the persecution in Africke, 1605 . A consolatory letter to all the afflicted Catholikes in England, (1587-88)外部サイトA brief and cleere confutation 1603外部サイトThe life of Fa. Angel of Joyeuse, 1623外部サイトA refutation of M. Joseph Hall 1619外部サイトA treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith 1593外部サイトThe Christian directory 1607外部サイトA manual of controversies 1614 . The copie of a letter to a Catholike in England 1601 . Rules of the Englishe sodalitie 1618外部サイトAne admonition to the antichristian ministers, 1581 . Of the visible sacrifice, 1637-38外部サイトA decacordon of ten quodlibeticall questions, 1602外部サイトThe obmutesce of F.T. to the epphata of D. [i.e. Dr.] Collins, 1621外部サイトThe christian mans guide 1630 ; The two first treatises 1631外部サイトA discoverie of the manifold corruptions of the Holy Scriptures, 1582外部サイトThe reply of the most illustrious Cardinall of Perron 1630外部サイトThe judgement of the Apostles, 1632外部サイトA treatise of three conversions外部サイトAn apologicall Epistle, 1601 ; A demonstration ... against ... pretended Bishops, 1616 . The historie of S. Elizabeth, 1633外部サイトThe second booke of the dialogues 1638外部サイトA reply to a notorious libell, 1603外部サイトThe disposition or garnishmente of the soule, 1596外部サイトA conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine 1631外部サイトThe exercise of a Christian life, (1579)外部サイトThe satisfactorie Epistle of a late converted English Protestant, 1630 . A treatise of the sacrament of confirmation, 1629 . Brevis Catechismus, 1635外部サイトCertaine devout and godly petitions, commonly called Jesus psalter 1575(-6?) . An abridgement of christian perfection 1625外部サイトSainct Austines religion, 1620外部サイトMirrour of new reformation, 1634 ; Virginalia, or Spirituall sonnets, 1632 . A discoverye of a counterfecte conference, 1600外部サイトThe mirrour of religious perfection, 1618外部サイトAn antidote or treatise of thirty controversies, 1622外部サイトA reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the sacrifice of the Masse 1567外部サイトA treatise tending to mitigation 1607 . A paraphrase upon the seaven penitentiall psalmes 1635外部サイトThe treasury of devotion 1622外部サイトA declaration of the true causes 1592 . The mistical crowne 1638 . A treatise of Antichrist 1620外部サイトThe English Martyrologe 1608外部サイトA true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan, [1582] . An exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, [1592-93]外部サイトThe Christian zodiack 1633 . Suim riaghlacha S. Phroinsiais (1614-18?)外部サイトThe patterne of all pious prayer 1636 . A triple cure 1616外部サイトA treatise of the lauful power to remitte sinnes, 1567外部サイトTestimonies for the real presence 1566外部サイトA briefe instruction, 1604 . A consultatione which faith is to be beleved which religione is to be imbraced, 1619外部サイトThe apology 1609 ; A brief rehersal & discription, of the coronation of Prince Maximilian 1565 . A discoverie of I. Nicols (1581) ; The censure of the Sacred Facultie of Divinitie of Paris aginst Marcus Antonius de Dominis 1618外部サイトThe siege of Breda 1627 ; The seige of Breda by the armes of Phillip 1627外部サイトA golden treatise of mentall praier 1632 . Ordo baptizandi 1636外部サイトA paire of spectacles for Sir Humfrey Linde to see his way withall, 1631外部サイトA briefe treatise of diverse plaine and sure wayes, 1574外部サイトQui non credit condemnabitur, 1625 . Edmundus ursulanus, 1633 . The second manifesto, 1623外部サイトThe life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas, Archbishope of Canterbury, 1639外部サイトThe devotion of bondage, 1634 . An introduction to the Catholick faith, 1633外部サイトThe prudentiall ballance of religion 1609外部サイトA briefe relation of the persecution-- in the Kingdome of Japonia, 1619外部サイトThe admirable life of S. Aldegond, 1632 . Instructions and advertisements, 1613外部サイトThe Protestants theologie 1620外部サイトCertain selected spirituall epistles 1631外部サイトCertaine articles or forcible reasons 1600 . The lives and singular virtues of Saint Elzear ... and of his wife 1638外部サイトGod and the king 1620 ; A plea for the reall-presence 1624 ; Aletter of Sr. Humfrey linde 1634 . Nine rockes to be avoided 1600/ T.H. D.外部サイトThe ecclesiasticall historie of Great Britaine 1633外部サイトA relation of the death of ... Troilo Savelli 1620 . Holy philosophy 1636外部サイトThe history of S. Elizabeth, 1632外部サイトDisputatio theologica 1613外部サイトThe life of Suor Maria Maddalena de Patsi, 1619外部サイトMartyre de la royne d'Escosse, 1588外部サイトThe first part of a treatise concerning policy and religion - augmented, 1615外部サイトM. Le Hucher-- compelled to fly, (1616) . The history of--S. Clare, 1635外部サイトA briefe discoverie of the crafte and pollicie 1621 . The English Iarre 1612 . The triall of Christian truth 1614外部サイトThe dialogues of S. Gregorie, 1608外部サイトThe apologie of Fridericus Staphylus 1565外部サイトTrue relations of sundry conferences 1626外部サイトAn answere to one question, 1628 . The principall points of the faith, 1635外部サイトA new-yeares gift for English Catholikes 1620 . S. Mary Magdalens pilgrimage to paradise 1617外部サイトExile exiled, 1635 . The Christians manna, 1613外部サイトA breefe collection concerning the love of God, 1603 . Certayn and tru good nues, 1565 . Quis dives salvus, 1618外部サイトThe firme foundation of Catholike religion, (1607-08) . Mr. Pilkinton his parallela disparalled, 1620外部サイトThe garden of our B. Lady 1619外部サイトA counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blast against M. Fekenham 1567外部サイトA reply to Fulke, 1580外部サイトGorsedd y byd, 1615 . A controversy, in which Calvin is overthrowne, 1614外部サイトAnnotations to the exercise, (ca. 1630) . An Edict or ordonance, 1568 . A briefe treatise of usurie, 1568外部サイトA catechisme or Christian doctrine 1599 . Certayne necessarie principles of religion (1578-9) . The Christian doctrine 1597外部サイトAn epistle 1565 . The rosarie of our ladie 1600外部サイトAn apologie and true declaration, 1581 . A briefe relation of the martyrdome of five Persians, 1623 . A brieve admonition, 1565外部サイトA briefe answere 1565 . Apologia Cardinalis Bellarmini pro iure principum 1611外部サイトA relation of sixtene martyrs 1601 . A chayne of twelve links 1617 . A little treatise 1620外部サイトThe life of B. Father Ignatius of Loyola 1616外部サイトA defense and declaration of the Catholike Churchies doctrine touching purgatory, 1565外部サイトA replie against an answer, 1565外部サイトThe triall of the Protestant private spirit, 1630外部サイトMaister Perkins reformed Catholique 1625外部サイトAd sanctissimum dominum Paulum Quintum, 1616 . The copie of a double letter, 1582外部サイトAn ecclesiastical Protestant historie, 1624 . An answer to the demands of a great prelate, 1626外部サイトA reply to Sotcliffes answer 1608外部サイトA manifestation of the great folly, 1602 . A triumph of truth, 1609外部サイトA plaine patterne of a perfect Protestant professor (1608-10) . A supplication to the Kings most excellent maiestie 1604 . Bels trial examined外部サイトThe parliament of Chryste 1566外部サイトRawleigh his ghost 1631外部サイトNicetas, 1633 . To all the most illustrious archbishops and reverend bishops of Ireland, (1632)外部サイトLe franc discours, 1602 . A short relation of the life, virtues, and miracles of S. Elizabeth, 1628 . A defence of Nicholas Smith, 1630外部サイトA true, sincere and modest defence, (1584) . A briefe refutation, 1618外部サイトThe Martyrdom of XII priests 1582 . The Attestation 1631 . Ynglynion ar y pader [1580-90]外部サイトThe ecclesiasticall history 1612外部サイトMissale parvum pro sacerdotibus, 1626外部サイトA discourse of military discipline, 1634 /Gerrat Barry外部サイトThe guide of faith, or, a third part of the antidote 1621 . The life of the glorious Bishop S. Patricke 1625外部サイトThe Baynes of Aquisgrane, 1617 . A defence of the Catholyke cause, 1602外部サイトA devout exposition of the Holie Masse, 1622外部サイトDiscussio discussionis 1618外部サイトVia vere tuta 1631外部サイトAn answere to Maister Iuelles chalenge, 1565外部サイトA treatise of the images of Christ 1567外部サイトA treatise of auricular confession 1622 . The fore-runner of Bels downefall (c.1605)外部サイトA letter written from Paris, 1612 . The first motive of T.H., 1609外部サイトDan do rinne, [c. 1614] ; A Shorte declaration, 1615 . Certane tractatis ; The last blast of the trompet外部サイトAn answere to the fifth part of Reportes 1606外部サイトThe chronicle and institution of the order of ... S. Francis 1618外部サイトThe overthrow of the Protestants Pulpit-babels, 1612 . A briefe and cleare declaration of sundry pointes, 1611外部サイトThe admirable life of S. Francis Xavier, 1632外部サイトA defence of Catholikes persecuted in England 1630 . The application of the lawes of England for Catholike priesthood 1623 . The theater of Iaponia's constancy 1624外部サイトA quiet and sober reckoning with M. Thomas Morton外部サイトThe progenie of Catholicks and Protestants 1633 . Saint Marie Magdalens conversion (1603) . The excommunication 1632外部サイトA treatise, framing a ladder, wherby our mindes may ascend to God, 1616外部サイトMeditations upon the mysteries of our holie faith 1619外部サイトThe contempte of the world, 1584外部サイトA dialogue of cumfort, 1573外部サイトThe folowing of Christ 1585外部サイトA mnemosynum, 1606外部サイトDe potestate Papae 1609外部サイトS. Austins rule together with the constitutions 1636外部サイトA search made into matters of religion 1609外部サイトScathan 1618外部サイトThe litle memorial, 1602 . A short treatise of the sacrament of penaunce, 1597外部サイトPrivate instructions, 1634 . A poore mans mite, 1639 . A treatise of ... the masse, 1570外部サイトA summary of controversies, 1618外部サイトPuritanisme the Mother, sinne the Daughther, 1633 . A quartron of reasons of Catholike religion, 1600外部サイトThe Warn-word to Sir Francis Hastinges Wast-word 1602外部サイトA treatise of the hierarchie, 1629外部サイトA treatise of Antichrist--, the first part, 1613外部サイトThe mirrour of vertue in worldly greatness, or,The life of Syr Thomas More, 1626外部サイトA manuell of the arch-confraternitie, 1636外部サイトThe right and jurisdiction of the prelate, 1621外部サイトA plaine path-way to heaven外部サイトAn epistle of comfort (1587-88) . A poeme declaring the real presence of Christ in the blessed sacrament 1606外部サイトThe dialogues, 1640外部サイトA treatise of the church 1616 . A disputation of the church 1629外部サイトDesiderius, 1616 : Irish translation外部サイトThe generall rubriques of the breviarie 1617 . A relation of the King of Spaines receiving in Valliodolid 1592外部サイトMercy and truth, 1634外部サイトThe admirable life of Saint Wenefride 1635外部サイトThe Iesuites catechisme 1602外部サイトMonsigr. fate voi, 1617 . The Apologies of the most Christian Kinges, 1611外部サイトA breefe methode teachinge how to serve God, (1602-05) . A treatise with a kalendar, 1598 . A manual of praiers, 1618外部サイトA request to M. Fewell, 1567 . An offer made to a gentleman of qualitie, 1605 . A discours hapned betwene an Hermite called Nicephorus & a yong lover called Tristan, 1630外部サイトA manual of spiritual exercises, 1625 . The repaire of honour, 1624外部サイトThe church conquerant over humane wit (1639?)外部サイトThe dolefull knell of Thomas Bell, 1607外部サイトA briefe censure upon the Puritane pamphlet (1603) . A treatise of Christian renunciation (1593)外部サイトThe copies of certaine discourses 1601 . A brief discours contayning certaine reasons why Catholiques refuse to go to church 1580外部サイトMotives maintained, 1638 . A briefe admonition to all English Catholikes, 1610 . A treatise of the judge of controversies, 1619外部サイトRule of perfection, 1609 . Refutation of Iohne Knox, 1573外部サイトJesus Maria Joseph 1623外部サイトThe non-entity of Protestancy, 1633 . A copy of a letter, 1615外部サイトA proufe of certeyne articles 1564外部サイトRationes decem [1581] . A brief censure 1581 ; A defence of the censure 1582外部サイトA treatise of humility 1632外部サイトThe safegarde from ship-wracke, or heavens haven 1618 . Nichodemus his gospel (1630-40)外部サイトOf the following of Christ 1636 . A declaration of the sentence and deposition of Elizabeth (1588)外部サイトThe yonger brother his apology by it selfe, 1618 . The life of the Holie Father S. Francis, 1610外部サイトThe happines of a religious state外部サイトThe judgement of an university-man, 1639 . The contrition of a Protestant preacher, 1615外部サイトAn apolagy of the holy sea apostolicks proceeding, 1630 . A lerned Epistle, 1605外部サイトProtestants demonstrations for Catholiks recusance 1615 . A briefe treatise of pennance 1624外部サイトConfessions 1620外部サイトMeditations of the whole historie of the passion of Christ, 1616外部サイトHierothalamium 1626 . The interiour occpation of the soule 1618外部サイトIus Regis, 1612外部サイトThe English protestants recantation, 1617外部サイトA treatise of patience, 1630 . The palme of Christian fortitude, 1630外部サイトA draught of eternitie, 1632外部サイトA treatise, 1614 . An epistle dedicated to an honourable person, 1622 . The key to paradise, 1623外部サイトAn instruction how to pray and meditate well, 1622外部サイトAn antidote against purgatory, 1634 . An advertisement written to a secretarie, 1592外部サイトA treatise of the vocation of bishops, 1616外部サイトThe holy court in three tomes 1634外部サイトA treatise of indulgences, 1623 . A treatise of modesty and silence, 1632外部サイトA briefe apologie (1601) ; An appendix to the apologie (1602)外部サイトA just defence of the slandered priestes 1602 . A defence of the appendix 1624外部サイトThe practice of meditating, 1613外部サイトThe Primer, or Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in Latin and English 1599外部サイトMeditations upon the mysteries of our faith ... abbridged 1624外部サイトThe Christian diurnal - reviewed, and much augmented, 1640外部サイトAn teagasg Criosdaidhe 1611 . Keepe your text 1619外部サイトThe art to dye well, 1626外部サイトAn anker of Christian doctrine 1622外部サイトThe Supper of Our Lord, 1566外部サイトA hive of sacred honiecombes, 1631外部サイトOf the expresse worde of God, 1567 . Dosparth byrr ar y rhann gyntaf i ramadeg Cymraeg, 1567外部サイトA word of comfort 1623 . A reply made unto Mr. Anthony Wotton and Mr. John White 1612外部サイトHow true Christiane libertie consisteth in the true service of God ... 1614 . Of the seaven wordes spoken by Christ upon the crosse 1638外部サイトA restitution of decayed intelligence 1605外部サイトAne catholik and facile traictise, 1581外部サイトOne God, one fayth, 1625 . The ransome of time being captive, 1634外部サイトThe rocke of the churche 1567外部サイトA treatise of penance 1617外部サイトThe seaven trumpets, 1626外部サイトThe love of the soule 1619 . A catalogue of martyrs in England (1608) . M. Antonius ... declares the cause of his returne外部サイトY drych Cristianogawl, 1585 . The second parte of the meditations, 1599?外部サイトA Breefe directory -, 1576 . Certayne deuout meditations, 1576 . Certayne sweete prayers, (1575-8) . A short and an absolute order of confession, (1575-8)外部サイトAn adioynder to the supplement of Father Robert Persons his discussion of M. Doctor Barlowes answere, 1613外部サイトThe Whetstone of reproofe 1632外部サイトInstructions for the use of the beades, 1589 . Adiscoverye of the errors, (1599) . Desiderius, 1604外部サイトThe history of the church of Englande 1565 . English benedictine congregation (1625?)外部サイトA three-fold mirrour of mans vanitie and miserie 1633外部サイトAn introduction to a devoute life 1613外部サイトRoger Widdringtons last reioynder 1619外部サイトThe third booke, 1566外部サイトA manual of prayers 1583外部サイトChristianity maintained, 1638 . The life and gate of Christianitie, 1614外部サイトThe uncasing of heresie, 1624 . A new manual of old Christian Catholick meditations, 1617外部サイトThe life of B. Aloysius Gonzaga, 1627外部サイトRogeri Widdringtoni - responsio apologetica, 1612 . A briefe confutation of - Mr. James Usher, 1627外部サイトA short and sure way to heaven, 1630外部サイトA paradise of praiers, 1613外部サイトThe iustification and exposition of the divine sacrifice of the Masse, 1611 . The wondrous flittinge of the Kirk of Our B. Ledy of Loreto, 1635外部サイトAn oration against the unlawfull insurrections, 1566 . The declarations and ordinances made upon the rule of-- S. Clare, 1622外部サイトThe life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, 1622外部サイトThe theatre of catholique and protestant religion, 1620外部サイトThe pilgrime of Loreto 1629外部サイトAn adioynder to the late Catholike New-yeares gift 1620 . The rule of the religious 1624 . A shorte declaration of the arch-confraternitie 1630外部サイトOdes, 1601 . The manifest, 1620 . Demaundes to the heretikes, 1576 . Care for the dead, 1636外部サイトThe first part of the meditations, (1599) . Certaine tables, 1565外部サイトCertaine briefe notes, (1602)外部サイトLondons looking-glasse, 1621 . Newes from the Low-Countreyes, 1622 . Observations concerning the present affairs of Holland and the United Provinces [2nd ed.], 1622 . Copy of a letter--concerning--the Palatinate, 1622 . A toung-combat--between two English soldiers, 1623外部サイト



  • A controversy, ... whether every man may be saved in his owne faith and religion?, 1614 . A detection, of divers notable untruthes, 1602

  • A summe of Christian doctrine, (1592-96)

  • The New Testament of Jesus Christ, 1582

  • A cleare, sincere, and modest confutation, 1616

  • The historie ... of the blessed virgin, Sister Joane 1625





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English recusant literature
A controversy, ... whether every man may be saved in his owne faith and religion?, 1614 . A detection, of divers notable untruthes, 1602
A summe of Christian doctrine, (1592-96)
The New Testament of Jesus Christ, 1582
A cleare, sincere, and modest confutation, 1616
The historie ... of the blessed virgin, Sister Joane 1625
The second part of a treatise concerning policy, and religion, 1615
The paraenese, 1602 . An humble supplication, 1595
A conference with a lady about choice of religion, 1638 . The life of Gregorie Lopes, 1638
A manuall of devout meditations 1618
The copy of a letter by a Spanishe gentleman 1589 . Partheneia Sacra 1633
Miscellania, or A treatise contayning two hundred controversiall animadversions, 1640
Miracles lately wrought by the intercession of the glorious Virgin Marie at Mont-aigu
A summarie of controversies, 1616
A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth 1572
Tessaradelphus, 1616 . An appendix to the antidote, 1621 . Luthers life, 1624
The answere unto the nine points of controversy 1626
Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditations 1598 . A copy of the decree 1614
A consultation what faith and religion is best to be imbraced 1621 . Charity mistaken 1630 . Holy Churches complaint for her childrens disobedience (1598-1601)
Certaine devout considerations, (1606) ; Meditations uppon the passion, 1606
The life of ... Sainct Catharine of Siena 1609
A just and moderate answer, (1606) . The pseudo-scripturist, 1623 . The golden treatise, (1596-97)
The paradise of the soule, 1617
A returne of untruthes upon M. Iewelles replie 1566
Ane cathechisme, 1588
Breife meditations (1595-1600)
IHS Maria Joseph, the second part, 1619
The second part of the Protestants plea, 1625
A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance 1612 . Certaine selected epistles 1630
A treatise of the love of God 1630
Anti-Mortonus 1640
The disputation concerning the controversit headdis of religion, 1581
The lyf of the Mother Teresa of Jesus 1611
Our Ladie Hath a new sonne 1595 . A short rule of good life (1596-97)
The first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholikes religion and recusancy 1607 . Palestina 1600 . Another letter of Mr. A. C. to his dis-iesuited kinseman 1602
A treatise intitled, Beware of M. Iewel 1566
A survey of the new religion 1605
The practise of Christian workes, 1620 . Three and thirty prayers, (1620-40)
A treatise concerning Antichrist--, the second part, 1614
A supplement to the discussion of M. D. Barlowes Answere, 1613
A reply to M. Nicholas Smith 1630
A shorte catechisme 1614 . A relection of certaine authors 1635
A directorie teaching the way to truth, 1605
An admonition to the nobility, 1588 . Dutifull considerations in matters of religion, 1609
The third parte of the meditations, (1599?) . A treatise of schisme, 1578
Iesus Præfigured 1623 . An humble appeale to the kings most excellent maiestie 1620 . A sacred poeme describing the life of S. Marie of Ægipt 1640 . The life of Lady Magdalen Viscountesse Montague 1627
The buke of fourscoir-thre questions 1563 . Vincentius Lirinensis ... for the antiquitie and veritie of the Catholik fayth 1563 . A trew discourse of the order observed ... at Fontainebleau (c.1601)
The devout hart, 1634
The contract and testament of the soule 1638 . A catechisme of Christian doctrine 1637
Athravaeth Gristnogaul 1568 . A myrrhine posie 1639 . An epistle of a Catholicke young gentlemen 1623
Meditations, upon the B. Sacrament, 1639 . A treatise of faith, 1614
A spirituall combat, 1632
Sacra institutio baptizandi 1604 . Fuga saeculi 1632
Maria triumphans 1635
The Holie Bible : faithfully translated into English
A heavenly treasure of confortable meditations and prayers 1621
The copie of a letter concerning the yeelding up of daventrie 1587 . Appendix ad disputationem theologicam de iuramento fidelitatis 1616
An admirable method to love, serve and honour the B. Virgin Mary, 1639
A relation of the solemnitie 1601 . An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine (1602-05)
Holy pictures of the mysticall figures, 1619 . An antidot for lazinesse, 1624
A most excellent treatise of the begynning of heresyes, 1565 . A true relation of the faction begun at Wisbich, 1601
The warrs of Protestancy, 1637 . An Apology of English arminianisme, 1634
The sweete thoughts of death, and eternity 1632
A treatie of Iustification 1569 . The first part of the resolution of religion (1603)
Of the love of our only lord and saviour Jesus Christ 1622
The widdowes mite 1619 . A treatise of the holy sacrifice of the masse 1623
The spirituall director disinteressed, 1633
English protestants plea, 1621 . The testament of William Bel, 1632
The spiritual pilgrimage of Hierusalem, (1604-05) . The spiritual conflict, (1603-10)
A treatise of the groundes of the old and newe religion, 1608
The angel-guardian's clock (1630) . An embassage from heaven (1611)
The holy court fourth tome 1638
The paradise of delights 1620 . The rule of the most blissed Father Saint Benedict (1632)
A proclamation with a briefe answere, 1611 . A survey of the apostasy of Marcus Antonius de Dominis, 1617
The necessare and assurit way to pluk awa all discord, 1565
A treatise of benignity 1630 . A direction to be observed by N. N. 1636
A confutation of a sermon, pronounced by M. Iuell, 1564
A replie to M. Calfhills blasphemous answer, 1566
A temperate ward-word 1599 . An answere to a letter of a iesuited gentleman 1601 . Important considerations
A looking glasse for new reformers, (1625)
The little garden of our B. Lady 1626
The relection of a conference touching the reall presence, 1635
A notable discourse, 1575 . A defence of the Roman Church, 1612
Whyte dyed black 1615 . Appellatio 1620 ; Supplicatio 1621
A replie unto a certaine libell, 1603 . Fratres sobrii estote, 1634 . A discovery of certaine notorious shifts, evasions and untruthes, 1614
Opus catechisticum 1611
The hope of peace, 1601 . An alarum for ladyes, 1638 . The judgment of a Catholike English-man, 1608
The treasure of vowed chastity in secular persons 1621
Meditations (1596-98) . The pigeons flight (1602-05)
A manuall, or meditation, (ca. 1596)
A treatyse of the crosse, 1564 . Consideringe the obligation -, (1597?)
An answer to Thomas Bels late challeng 1605
The Roman Martyrologe, 1627
A disproufe of M. Nowelles reproufe, 1565 . A petition apologeticall-- by the Lay Catholikes of England, 1604
The miroure of the blessed life (c.1609)
The converted Jew, 1630
Six spiritual bookes 1611
A treatise of mentall prayer 1627
An apology against the defence of schisme (1593) . A treatyse of Christian peregrination 1583
The reply of T. F. in defence of the first two chapters of his supplement, 1614 . The bishop of London, his legacy, 1923
The true Catholike and Apostolike faith, 1593
A confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England
A rule of good life, 1633
The genealogie of Protestants . The reformed Protestant 1621
The burning lampe 1635
The life and death of Mr. Edmund Geninges, 1614 . A censure about the rule of beleefe practised by the Protestants, 1634 . The defence of the honor of God, 1621
Catechismus 1639 . A copie of the briefe (1631) . A true report of the private colloquy . Thee first foure bookes of Virgil his Aeneis 1582
A memoriall of a Christian life 1586
A true information of our Scottish Calvinial gospel, 1628 . A methode to meditate on the psalter, 1958
The booke of the Holy Societye, 1626 . The fourth part of the meditations, (1599?)
Of the author and substance of the Protestant church and religion 1621
The rule of the holy virgin S. Clare 1621
Aught considerations to move al men to inquire and imbrace ... religion 1605 . An epistle of the persecution of Catholickes in Englande (1582) . Manuductions to the pallace of truth 1616
Delicious entertainments of the soule, 1632 . An extracte of the determinacion--, (1603)
The ground of the Catholike and Roman religion 1623 . Esmudiad eglwys ... Loreto 1635
A true report of the imprisonnement of Iohn Nicols 1583 . Fasciculus Myrrhae 1633 . Certaine demandes concerning the Christian religion 1580
The Primer ... in English 1615
The life of S. Catherine, 1634 . Paraphrasticall and devout discourses, 1635
The audi filia, 1620
A fortresse of the faith, 1565 . To the Catholickes of England, 1636
A detection of sundrie foule errours, 1568
The flowers of the lives of the most renowned saincts 1632
A treatise of mental prayer, 1617
Newes from Spayne and Holland 1593 . A brief inquisition 1630 . The psalter of the B. Virgin Mary 1624
The mirrour of created perfection 1632 . S. Peters complaint and Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares 1616
A learned and very eloquent treatie 1568
A Catholike confutation of M. John Riders clayme of antiquitie, 1608
A spiritual doctrine, 1599
The meditations, soliloquia, and manuall 1631
A spirituall consolation (ca. 1578) ; a treatise of prayer 1640
A sparing discoverie of our English Jesuits 1601 . Declaratio motuum 1601 ; A dialogue betwixt a secular priest, and a lay gentleman 1601
A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland, 1594
An answere to a fraudulent letter, 1602 . The societie of the Rosarie, together with the life of the Virgin Marie, 1624
Of prayer and meditation, 1582
The lyturgie of the Masse, 1620
The image of bothe churches 1623
The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore (1630)
Godly contemplations for the unlearned, (1575) . A letter of a Catholike man beyond the seas, 1610 . The conviction of noveltie, 1632
A secure and prudent choice of beliefe, 1639 . Dosparth byrr ... ramadeg gymraeg, (1584-94)
The confutation of Tortura Torti, 1610 . The practise how to finde ease, the first part, 1618
The Protestants apologie for the Roman church 1608 . The miraculous origin and translation of the church of Our Lady of Loreto 1635
A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere 1627
Seaven sparkes of the enkindled soule, (1604-05) . A consolatorie Epistle to the afflicted Catholikes, 1580 . A dialogue of dying wel, 1603
The following of Christ 1613
Relatio compendiosa turbarum, 1601 . The discoverie of a tragical fiction, 1599 . Campian Englished, 1632
A defence of the Honour of Marie Quene of Scotlande, 1569 ; The copie of a letter writen out of Scotland, (1572)
A briefe treatise 1623 . The copie of a letter sent from Paris 1611 . Purgatories triumph over hell 1613
A refutation of sundry reprehensions 1583
A facile traictise, 1600
The life of Syr Thomas More 1626 . A treatise, shewing the possibilitie, and conveniencie of the reall presence of Our Saviour in the blessed Sacrament 1596
The true Christian Catholique, 1622
An abridgement of meditations of the life ... of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ 1614 . Censurs of certaine propositions 1631
The judge 1621 . The gagge of the reformed gospell 1623
The history of our B. Lady of Loreto 1608
A reiondre to M. Iewels replie 1566
The triple cord, 1634
A modest briefe discussion of points taught by M. Doctour Kellison . Breviculus duorum
The art of dying well 1622
A treatise (1614) . An oration 1616 . The triall of Christian truth ... the second parte 1615
The lives of saints 1623
The begynning of heresyes, 1565 . The faction begun at Wisbich, 1601
Eglurhad helaeth-lawn 1618
The copie of a leter, wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, (ʿLeicester's Comonwealthʿ), 1584 . The ruine of Calvinisme, 1623
A discussion of the answere of M. William Barlow, 1612
The memorable and tragical history of the persecution in Africke, 1605 . A consolatory letter to all the afflicted Catholikes in England, (1587-88)
A brief and cleere confutation 1603
The life of Fa. Angel of Joyeuse, 1623
A refutation of M. Joseph Hall 1619
A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith 1593
The Christian directory 1607
A manual of controversies 1614 . The copie of a letter to a Catholike in England 1601 . Rules of the Englishe sodalitie 1618
Ane admonition to the antichristian ministers, 1581 . Of the visible sacrifice, 1637-38
A decacordon of ten quodlibeticall questions, 1602
The obmutesce of F.T. to the epphata of D. [i.e. Dr.] Collins, 1621
The christian mans guide 1630 ; The two first treatises 1631
A discoverie of the manifold corruptions of the Holy Scriptures, 1582
The reply of the most illustrious Cardinall of Perron 1630
The judgement of the Apostles, 1632
A treatise of three conversions
An apologicall Epistle, 1601 ; A demonstration ... against ... pretended Bishops, 1616 . The historie of S. Elizabeth, 1633
The second booke of the dialogues 1638
A reply to a notorious libell, 1603
The disposition or garnishmente of the soule, 1596
A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine 1631
The exercise of a Christian life, (1579)
The satisfactorie Epistle of a late converted English Protestant, 1630 . A treatise of the sacrament of confirmation, 1629 . Brevis Catechismus, 1635
Certaine devout and godly petitions, commonly called Jesus psalter 1575(-6?) . An abridgement of christian perfection 1625
Sainct Austines religion, 1620
Mirrour of new reformation, 1634 ; Virginalia, or Spirituall sonnets, 1632 . A discoverye of a counterfecte conference, 1600
The mirrour of religious perfection, 1618
An antidote or treatise of thirty controversies, 1622
A reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the sacrifice of the Masse 1567
A treatise tending to mitigation 1607 . A paraphrase upon the seaven penitentiall psalmes 1635
The treasury of devotion 1622
A declaration of the true causes 1592 . The mistical crowne 1638 . A treatise of Antichrist 1620
The English Martyrologe 1608
A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan, [1582] . An exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, [1592-93]
The Christian zodiack 1633 . Suim riaghlacha S. Phroinsiais (1614-18?)
The patterne of all pious prayer 1636 . A triple cure 1616
A treatise of the lauful power to remitte sinnes, 1567
Testimonies for the real presence 1566
A briefe instruction, 1604 . A consultatione which faith is to be beleved which religione is to be imbraced, 1619
The apology 1609 ; A brief rehersal & discription, of the coronation of Prince Maximilian 1565 . A discoverie of I. Nicols (1581) ; The censure of the Sacred Facultie of Divinitie of Paris aginst Marcus Antonius de Dominis 1618
The siege of Breda 1627 ; The seige of Breda by the armes of Phillip 1627
A golden treatise of mentall praier 1632 . Ordo baptizandi 1636
A paire of spectacles for Sir Humfrey Linde to see his way withall, 1631
A briefe treatise of diverse plaine and sure wayes, 1574
Qui non credit condemnabitur, 1625 . Edmundus ursulanus, 1633 . The second manifesto, 1623
The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas, Archbishope of Canterbury, 1639
The devotion of bondage, 1634 . An introduction to the Catholick faith, 1633
The prudentiall ballance of religion 1609
A briefe relation of the persecution-- in the Kingdome of Japonia, 1619
The admirable life of S. Aldegond, 1632 . Instructions and advertisements, 1613
The Protestants theologie 1620
Certain selected spirituall epistles 1631
Certaine articles or forcible reasons 1600 . The lives and singular virtues of Saint Elzear ... and of his wife 1638
God and the king 1620 ; A plea for the reall-presence 1624 ; Aletter of Sr. Humfrey linde 1634 . Nine rockes to be avoided 1600/ T.H. D.
The ecclesiasticall historie of Great Britaine 1633
A relation of the death of ... Troilo Savelli 1620 . Holy philosophy 1636
The history of S. Elizabeth, 1632
Disputatio theologica 1613
The life of Suor Maria Maddalena de Patsi, 1619
Martyre de la royne d'Escosse, 1588
The first part of a treatise concerning policy and religion - augmented, 1615
M. Le Hucher-- compelled to fly, (1616) . The history of--S. Clare, 1635
A briefe discoverie of the crafte and pollicie 1621 . The English Iarre 1612 . The triall of Christian truth 1614
The dialogues of S. Gregorie, 1608
The apologie of Fridericus Staphylus 1565
True relations of sundry conferences 1626
An answere to one question, 1628 . The principall points of the faith, 1635
A new-yeares gift for English Catholikes 1620 . S. Mary Magdalens pilgrimage to paradise 1617
Exile exiled, 1635 . The Christians manna, 1613
A breefe collection concerning the love of God, 1603 . Certayn and tru good nues, 1565 . Quis dives salvus, 1618
The firme foundation of Catholike religion, (1607-08) . Mr. Pilkinton his parallela disparalled, 1620
The garden of our B. Lady 1619
A counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blast against M. Fekenham 1567
A reply to Fulke, 1580
Gorsedd y byd, 1615 . A controversy, in which Calvin is overthrowne, 1614
Annotations to the exercise, (ca. 1630) . An Edict or ordonance, 1568 . A briefe treatise of usurie, 1568
A catechisme or Christian doctrine 1599 . Certayne necessarie principles of religion (1578-9) . The Christian doctrine 1597
An epistle 1565 . The rosarie of our ladie 1600
An apologie and true declaration, 1581 . A briefe relation of the martyrdome of five Persians, 1623 . A brieve admonition, 1565
A briefe answere 1565 . Apologia Cardinalis Bellarmini pro iure principum 1611
A relation of sixtene martyrs 1601 . A chayne of twelve links 1617 . A little treatise 1620
The life of B. Father Ignatius of Loyola 1616
A defense and declaration of the Catholike Churchies doctrine touching purgatory, 1565
A replie against an answer, 1565
The triall of the Protestant private spirit, 1630
Maister Perkins reformed Catholique 1625
Ad sanctissimum dominum Paulum Quintum, 1616 . The copie of a double letter, 1582
An ecclesiastical Protestant historie, 1624 . An answer to the demands of a great prelate, 1626
A reply to Sotcliffes answer 1608
A manifestation of the great folly, 1602 . A triumph of truth, 1609
A plaine patterne of a perfect Protestant professor (1608-10) . A supplication to the Kings most excellent maiestie 1604 . Bels trial examined
The parliament of Chryste 1566
Rawleigh his ghost 1631
Nicetas, 1633 . To all the most illustrious archbishops and reverend bishops of Ireland, (1632)
Le franc discours, 1602 . A short relation of the life, virtues, and miracles of S. Elizabeth, 1628 . A defence of Nicholas Smith, 1630
A true, sincere and modest defence, (1584) . A briefe refutation, 1618
The Martyrdom of XII priests 1582 . The Attestation 1631 . Ynglynion ar y pader [1580-90]
The ecclesiasticall history 1612
Missale parvum pro sacerdotibus, 1626
A discourse of military discipline, 1634 /Gerrat Barry
The guide of faith, or, a third part of the antidote 1621 . The life of the glorious Bishop S. Patricke 1625
The Baynes of Aquisgrane, 1617 . A defence of the Catholyke cause, 1602
A devout exposition of the Holie Masse, 1622
Discussio discussionis 1618
Via vere tuta 1631
An answere to Maister Iuelles chalenge, 1565
A treatise of the images of Christ 1567
A treatise of auricular confession 1622 . The fore-runner of Bels downefall (c.1605)
A letter written from Paris, 1612 . The first motive of T.H., 1609
Dan do rinne, [c. 1614] ; A Shorte declaration, 1615 . Certane tractatis ; The last blast of the trompet
An answere to the fifth part of Reportes 1606
The chronicle and institution of the order of ... S. Francis 1618
The overthrow of the Protestants Pulpit-babels, 1612 . A briefe and cleare declaration of sundry pointes, 1611
The admirable life of S. Francis Xavier, 1632
A defence of Catholikes persecuted in England 1630 . The application of the lawes of England for Catholike priesthood 1623 . The theater of Iaponia's constancy 1624
A quiet and sober reckoning with M. Thomas Morton
The progenie of Catholicks and Protestants 1633 . Saint Marie Magdalens conversion (1603) . The excommunication 1632
A treatise, framing a ladder, wherby our mindes may ascend to God, 1616
Meditations upon the mysteries of our holie faith 1619
The contempte of the world, 1584
A dialogue of cumfort, 1573
The folowing of Christ 1585
A mnemosynum, 1606
De potestate Papae 1609
S. Austins rule together with the constitutions 1636
A search made into matters of religion 1609
Scathan 1618
The litle memorial, 1602 . A short treatise of the sacrament of penaunce, 1597
Private instructions, 1634 . A poore mans mite, 1639 . A treatise of ... the masse, 1570
A summary of controversies, 1618
Puritanisme the Mother, sinne the Daughther, 1633 . A quartron of reasons of Catholike religion, 1600
The Warn-word to Sir Francis Hastinges Wast-word 1602
A treatise of the hierarchie, 1629
A treatise of Antichrist--, the first part, 1613
The mirrour of vertue in worldly greatness, or,The life of Syr Thomas More, 1626
A manuell of the arch-confraternitie, 1636
The right and jurisdiction of the prelate, 1621
A plaine path-way to heaven
An epistle of comfort (1587-88) . A poeme declaring the real presence of Christ in the blessed sacrament 1606
The dialogues, 1640
A treatise of the church 1616 . A disputation of the church 1629
Desiderius, 1616 : Irish translation
The generall rubriques of the breviarie 1617 . A relation of the King of Spaines receiving in Valliodolid 1592
Mercy and truth, 1634
The admirable life of Saint Wenefride 1635
The Iesuites catechisme 1602
Monsigr. fate voi, 1617 . The Apologies of the most Christian Kinges, 1611
A breefe methode teachinge how to serve God, (1602-05) . A treatise with a kalendar, 1598 . A manual of praiers, 1618
A request to M. Fewell, 1567 . An offer made to a gentleman of qualitie, 1605 . A discours hapned betwene an Hermite called Nicephorus & a yong lover called Tristan, 1630
A manual of spiritual exercises, 1625 . The repaire of honour, 1624
The church conquerant over humane wit (1639?)
The dolefull knell of Thomas Bell, 1607
A briefe censure upon the Puritane pamphlet (1603) . A treatise of Christian renunciation (1593)
The copies of certaine discourses 1601 . A brief discours contayning certaine reasons why Catholiques refuse to go to church 1580
Motives maintained, 1638 . A briefe admonition to all English Catholikes, 1610 . A treatise of the judge of controversies, 1619
Rule of perfection, 1609 . Refutation of Iohne Knox, 1573
Jesus Maria Joseph 1623
The non-entity of Protestancy, 1633 . A copy of a letter, 1615
A proufe of certeyne articles 1564
Rationes decem [1581] . A brief censure 1581 ; A defence of the censure 1582
A treatise of humility 1632
The safegarde from ship-wracke, or heavens haven 1618 . Nichodemus his gospel (1630-40)
Of the following of Christ 1636 . A declaration of the sentence and deposition of Elizabeth (1588)
The yonger brother his apology by it selfe, 1618 . The life of the Holie Father S. Francis, 1610
The happines of a religious state
The judgement of an university-man, 1639 . The contrition of a Protestant preacher, 1615
An apolagy of the holy sea apostolicks proceeding, 1630 . A lerned Epistle, 1605
Protestants demonstrations for Catholiks recusance 1615 . A briefe treatise of pennance 1624
Confessions 1620
Meditations of the whole historie of the passion of Christ, 1616
Hierothalamium 1626 . The interiour occpation of the soule 1618
Ius Regis, 1612
The English protestants recantation, 1617
A treatise of patience, 1630 . The palme of Christian fortitude, 1630
A draught of eternitie, 1632
A treatise, 1614 . An epistle dedicated to an honourable person, 1622 . The key to paradise, 1623
An instruction how to pray and meditate well, 1622
An antidote against purgatory, 1634 . An advertisement written to a secretarie, 1592
A treatise of the vocation of bishops, 1616
The holy court in three tomes 1634
A treatise of indulgences, 1623 . A treatise of modesty and silence, 1632
A briefe apologie (1601) ; An appendix to the apologie (1602)
A just defence of the slandered priestes 1602 . A defence of the appendix 1624
The practice of meditating, 1613
The Primer, or Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in Latin and English 1599
Meditations upon the mysteries of our faith ... abbridged 1624
The Christian diurnal - reviewed, and much augmented, 1640
An teagasg Criosdaidhe 1611 . Keepe your text 1619
The art to dye well, 1626
An anker of Christian doctrine 1622
The Supper of Our Lord, 1566
A hive of sacred honiecombes, 1631
Of the expresse worde of God, 1567 . Dosparth byrr ar y rhann gyntaf i ramadeg Cymraeg, 1567
A word of comfort 1623 . A reply made unto Mr. Anthony Wotton and Mr. John White 1612
How true Christiane libertie consisteth in the true service of God ... 1614 . Of the seaven wordes spoken by Christ upon the crosse 1638
A restitution of decayed intelligence 1605
Ane catholik and facile traictise, 1581
One God, one fayth, 1625 . The ransome of time being captive, 1634
The rocke of the churche 1567
A treatise of penance 1617
The seaven trumpets, 1626
The love of the soule 1619 . A catalogue of martyrs in England (1608) . M. Antonius ... declares the cause of his returne
Y drych Cristianogawl, 1585 . The second parte of the meditations, 1599?
A Breefe directory -, 1576 . Certayne deuout meditations, 1576 . Certayne sweete prayers, (1575-8) . A short and an absolute order of confession, (1575-8)
An adioynder to the supplement of Father Robert Persons his discussion of M. Doctor Barlowes answere, 1613
The Whetstone of reproofe 1632
Instructions for the use of the beades, 1589 . Adiscoverye of the errors, (1599) . Desiderius, 1604
The history of the church of Englande 1565 . English benedictine congregation (1625?)
A three-fold mirrour of mans vanitie and miserie 1633
An introduction to a devoute life 1613
Roger Widdringtons last reioynder 1619
The third booke, 1566
A manual of prayers 1583
Christianity maintained, 1638 . The life and gate of Christianitie, 1614
The uncasing of heresie, 1624 . A new manual of old Christian Catholick meditations, 1617
The life of B. Aloysius Gonzaga, 1627
Rogeri Widdringtoni - responsio apologetica, 1612 . A briefe confutation of - Mr. James Usher, 1627
A short and sure way to heaven, 1630
A paradise of praiers, 1613
The iustification and exposition of the divine sacrifice of the Masse, 1611 . The wondrous flittinge of the Kirk of Our B. Ledy of Loreto, 1635
An oration against the unlawfull insurrections, 1566 . The declarations and ordinances made upon the rule of-- S. Clare, 1622
The life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, 1622
The theatre of catholique and protestant religion, 1620
The pilgrime of Loreto 1629
An adioynder to the late Catholike New-yeares gift 1620 . The rule of the religious 1624 . A shorte declaration of the arch-confraternitie 1630
Odes, 1601 . The manifest, 1620 . Demaundes to the heretikes, 1576 . Care for the dead, 1636
The first part of the meditations, (1599) . Certaine tables, 1565
Certaine briefe notes, (1602)
Londons looking-glasse, 1621 . Newes from the Low-Countreyes, 1622 . Observations concerning the present affairs of Holland and the United Provinces [2nd ed.], 1622 . Copy of a letter--concerning--the Palatinate, 1622 . A toung-combat--between two English soldiers, 1623
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