
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum


Supplements to Vetus Testamentum

E.J. Brill



Title on v. 118: Supplements to the Vetus Testamentum


Self-interest or communal interest : an ideology of leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah narratives (Judg 6-12)外部サイトWriting and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition外部サイトLiving under the sun : examination of proverbs and qoheleth外部サイトLet us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday外部サイトHebräische Wortforschung : Festschrift zum 80, Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner外部サイトThe Septuagint of Proverbs : Jewish and/or Hellenistic Proverbs? : concerning the Hellenistic colouring of LXX Proverbs外部サイトDie Esthernovelle : vom Erzählten zur Erzählung : Studien zur Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte des Estherbuches外部サイトVolume du Congrès : Genève, 1965外部サイトExodus und Eisodus : Komposition und Theologie von Josua 1-5外部サイトInterpreting quoted speech in prophetic literature : a study of Jeremiah 2.1-3.5外部サイトLes offrandes végétales dans l'Ancien Testament : du tribut d'hommage au repas eschatologique外部サイトSynopse des lois du Pentateuque外部サイトDer Erste und der letzte : eine Untersuchung von Jes 40-48外部サイトStudies in the religion of ancient Israel外部サイトThe Marzēah in the prophetic literature : references and allusions in light of the extra-biblical evidence外部サイトStudies on the text and versions of the Hebrew Bible in honour of Robert Gordon外部サイトCongress volume : Vienna, 1980外部サイトThe Greek Chronicles : The relation of the septuagint of I and II chronicles to the massoretic text : by Leslie C. Allen外部サイトThe making of Israel外部サイトMoses and the law in a century of criticism since Graf外部サイトSong of songs : a close reading外部サイトPeople and land in the holiness code : an exegetical study of the ideational framework of the law in Leviticus 17-26外部サイトAntithetic structure in biblical Hebrew poetry外部サイトWisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East : presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley M.A., D.D., Theol. D., F.B.A.外部サイトNarrative analogy in the Hebrew Bible : battle stories and their equivalent non-battle narratives外部サイトStudies on the language and literature of the Bible : selected works of J.A. Emerton外部サイトThe psalms of the Tamid service : a liturgical text from the Second Temple外部サイトThe origin of the Samaritans外部サイトTextual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, Septuagint : collected essays外部サイトCongress volume Ljubljana 2007外部サイトLes Douze Prophètes dans la LXX : protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque : stylistique, poétique et histoire外部サイトThe book of Haggai : prophecy and society in early Persian Yehud外部サイトLeviticus at Qumran : text and interpretation外部サイトThe book of Psalms : composition and reception外部サイトReflection and refraction : studies in biblical historiography in honour of A. Graeme Auld外部サイトCongress Volume : Copenhagen 1953外部サイトHistory and traditions of early Israel : studies presented to Eduard Nielsen, May 8th 1993外部サイトIsaiah in context : studies in honour of Arie van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday外部サイトTwo versions of the Solomon narrative : an inquiry into the relationship between MT 1 Kgs. 2-11 and LXX 3 Reg. 2-11外部サイトCongress volume : Basel 2001外部サイトThe books of Kings : sources, composition, historiography and reception外部サイトThe book of Exodus : composition, reception, and interpretation外部サイトUgaritic and Hebrew poetic parallelism : a trial cut (ʿnt I and Proverbs 2)外部サイトScribes and translators : Septuagint and Old Latin in the Books of Kings外部サイトJosua und Salomo : eine Studie zu Autorität und Legitimität des Nachfolgers im Alten Testament外部サイトVon Josua bis Jojachin : Untersuchungen zu den deuteronomistischen Geschichtsbüchern des Alten Testaments外部サイトSpeaking of speaking : marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトIm Licht der Traditionen : Psalm LXVII und CXV : ein Entwicklungszusammenhang外部サイトHabakkuk外部サイトText-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint外部サイトTraductor scriptor : the Old Greek translation of Exodus 1-14 as scribal activity外部サイトA people tall and smooth-skinned : the rhetoric of Isaiah 18外部サイトA concise lexicon of late biblical Hebrew : linguistic innovations in the writings of the Second Temple period外部サイト4QSamuela and the text of Samuel外部サイトLes systèmes sacrificiels de l'Ancien Testament : formes et fonctions du culte sacrificiel à Yhwh外部サイトCongress volume : Paris, 1992外部サイトBibliography of the Septuagint : Bibliographie de la Septant : (1970-1993)外部サイトIncense in ancient Israel外部サイトJudgement and salvation : the composition and redaction of Micah 2-5外部サイトLa représentation du divin dans les récits du Pentateuque : médiations syntaxiques et narratives外部サイトStudies in the historical books of the Old Testament外部サイトMarriage as a covenant : a study of biblical law and ethics governing marriage developed from the perspective of Malachi外部サイトL'eau, sa vie, et sa signification dans l'ancien testament外部サイトCongress volume : Salamanca, 1983外部サイトFinding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos外部サイトNumerical sayings in the Old Testament : a form-critical study外部サイトThe murmuring stories of the priestly school : a retrieval of ancient sacerdotal lore外部サイトThe place of the law in the religion of ancient Israel外部サイトRhetoric and redaction in Trito-Isaiah : the structure, growth, and authorship of Isaiah 56-66外部サイトL'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible外部サイトEarly Israel : anthropological and historical studies on the Israelite society before the monarchy外部サイトThe Book of Jeremiah : composition, reception, and interpretation外部サイトThe jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran : a history of interpretation外部サイトCongress volume Stellenbosch 2016外部サイトHezekiah in history and tradition外部サイトJoel and the temple cult of jerusalem外部サイトEmanuel : studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, and Dead Sea scrolls in honor of Emanuel Tov外部サイトJeremiah 52 in the context of the Book of Jeremiah外部サイトKritik des Wachstumsmodells : die Grenzen alttestamentlicher Redaktionsgeschichte im Lichte empirischer Evidenz外部サイトTextual and literary criticism of the Books of Kings : collected essays外部サイトScribes writing scripture : doublets, textual divination, and the formation of the Book of Jeremiah外部サイトCongress volume Aberdeen 2019外部サイトDeuteronomy and the material transmission of tradition外部サイトMetaphorical landscapes and the theology of the book of Job : an analysis of Job's spatial metaphors外部サイトThe Book of Ben Sira in Hebrew : a text edition of all extant Hebrew manuscripts and a synopsis of all parallel Hebrew Ben Sira texts外部サイトCongress volume : Leuven, 1989外部サイトFor the comfort of Zion : the geographical and theological location of Isaiah 40-55外部サイトA sign and a wonder : the redactional formation of Isaiah 18-20外部サイトYHWH is king : the development of divine kingship in ancient Israel外部サイトCongress volume : Oxford, 1959外部サイトCongress volume : Jerusalem, 1986外部サイトThe rhetoric of the book of Judges外部サイトCongress volume : Oslo 1998外部サイトThe invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19外部サイトThe Dead Sea scrolls in context : integrating the Dead Sea scrolls in the study of ancient texts, languages, and cultures外部サイトStudies in Deuteronomy : in honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the occasion of his 65th birthday外部サイトThe Greek and Hebrew Bible : collected essays on the Septuagint外部サイトNew heaven and new earth prophecy and the millennium : essays in honour of Anthony Gelston外部サイトEL in the Ugaritic texts外部サイトDiscerning wisdom : the sapiential literature of the Dead Sea scrolls外部サイトThe Dead Sea Scrolls and the developmental composition of the Bible外部サイトStudies in the Pentateuch外部サイトThe legacy of Canaan : the Ras Shamra texts and their relevance to the Old Testament外部サイトPromises to keep : the oath in biblical narrative外部サイトCongress volume : Bonn, 1962外部サイトIdentities in transition : the pursuit of Isa. 52:13-53:12外部サイトThe library in Alexandria and the Bible in Greek外部サイトStudies in the Book of the Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law外部サイトStudies on prophecy : a collection of twelve papers外部サイトGenesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday外部サイトNew perspectives on Old Testament prophecy and history : essays in honour of Hans M. Barstad外部サイトPerspectives in the study of the Old Testament and early Judiasm : a symposium in honour of Adam S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトCongress volume : Cambridge, 1995外部サイトL'herméneutique analogique du judaïsme antique d'après les témoins textuels d'isaïe外部サイトEarly Biblical Hebrew, late Biblical Hebrew, and linguistic variability : a sociolinguistic evaluation of the linguistic dating of Biblical texts外部サイトPsalms 38 and 145 of the old Greek version外部サイトTorah as teacher : the exemplary Torah student in Psalm 119外部サイトGottes Herrschaft : eine Analyses [i.e. Analyse] der Denkschrift (Jes 6,1-9,6)外部サイトCongress volume : Edinburgh, 1974外部サイトThe book of Proverbs and Arabic proverbial works外部サイトThe religious polemics of Amos : studies in the preaching of Am 2, 7B-8; 4,1-13; 5,1-27; 6, 4-7; 8, 14外部サイトStaat und Gesellschaft im vorexilischen Juda : vom 8. Jahrhundert bis zum Exil外部サイトStudies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint : presented to Eugene Ulrich外部サイトThe rhetorical function of the book of Ezekiel外部サイトDas Problem der altorientalischen Königsideologie im Alten Testament : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Psalmenexegese, dargestellt und kritisch gewürdigt外部サイトIncubation as a type-scene in the ʾAqhatu, Kirta, and Hannah stories : a form-critical and narratological study of KTU 1.14 I-1.15 III, 1.17 I-II, and 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11外部サイトAux origines des messianismes juifs : actes du colloque international tenu en Sorbonne, à Paris, les 8 et 9 juin 2010外部サイトSeptuagint, sages, and scripture : studies in honour of Johann Cook外部サイトStudies in historical geography and biblical historiography : presented to Zecharia Kallai外部サイトIsrael unter den V̈olkern : die Stellung der Klassischen Propheten des 8. Jahrhunderts v. chr. zur Aussenpolitik der Könige von Israel und Juda外部サイトSeptuagint and reception : essays prepared for the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa外部サイトIntroduction with text, translation and commentary of KTU/CAT 1.3-1.4外部サイトCongress volume : Uppsala, 1971外部サイトCongress volume : Leiden 2004外部サイトDas Los Judas : über Entstehung und Ziele der Landbeschreibung in Josua 15外部サイトThe Biblical Qumran Scrolls : transcriptions and textual variants外部サイトCongress volume Helsinki 2010外部サイトDas Ezechielbuch als Trauma-Literatur外部サイトIntroduction with text, translation and commentary of KTU 1.1.-1.2外部サイトThe book of Genesis : composition, reception, and interpretation外部サイトThe book of Daniel : composition and reception外部サイトStudies on the second part of the Book of Isaiah外部サイトCongress volume Munich 2013外部サイトL'énigme du bonheur : étude sur le sujet du bien dans le livre de Qohélet外部サイトThe myth of cosmic rebellion : a study of its reflexes in Ugaritic and Biblical literature外部サイトRepresenting the past : a literary analysis of narrative historiography in the Book of Samuel外部サイトTwo books of Ezekiel : papyrus 967 and the masoretic text as variant literary editions外部サイトCongress volume : Rome, 1968外部サイトThe idea of retribution in the book of Ezekiel外部サイトCompositional strategy of the Book of Judges : an inductive, rhetorical study外部サイトJacob's wealth : an examination into the nature and role of material possessions in the Jacob-cycle (Gen 25:19-35:29)外部サイトSôfer mahîr : essays in honour of Adrian Schenker offered by editors of Biblia Hebraica quinta外部サイトVolume du congres : Strasbourg, 1956外部サイトHomeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded外部サイトFigurative language in biblical prose narrative : metaphor in the book of Samuel外部サイトThe value of human life : a study of the story of the flood (Genesis 6-9)外部サイトStudies in the targum to the twelve prophets : from Nahum to Malachi外部サイトReward, punishment, and forgiveness : the thinking and beliefs of Ancient Israel in the light of Greek and modern views外部サイトJob 28 as rhetoric : an analysis of Job 28 in the context of Job 22-31外部サイトThe book of Leviticus : composition and reception外部サイトCongress volume : Göttingen, 1977外部サイトA study of the Biblical story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50)外部サイトThe king and the cemeteries : toward a new understanding of Josiah's reform外部サイトThe Scriptures and the scrolls : studies in honour of A.S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 65th birthday外部サイトProphet und König im Nordreich Israel : studien zur sogenannten vorklassischen prophetie im Nordreich Israel anhand der Samuel-, Elija- und Elischa-Überlieferungen外部サイトThe 'uncertainty of a hearing' : a study of the sudden change of mood in the Psalms of lament外部サイトGottes Herrlichkeit : Bedeutung und Verwendung des begriffs kābôd im Alten Testament外部サイトThe old Greek translation of Zechariah外部サイトFormation and reformulation : the redaction of the book of Joshua in the light of the oldest textual witnesses外部サイトThe Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles外部サイトAn index to Aquila : Greek-Hebrew・Hebrew-Greek・Laten-Hebrew with the Syriac and Armenian evidence外部サイトI am God your saviour : a form-critical study of the main genres in Is. XL-LV外部サイトAnimal imagery in the book of Proverbs外部サイトEzekiel and the leaders of Israel外部サイトEnduring exile : the metaphorization of exile in the Hebrew Bible外部サイトIsrael's restoration : a textual-comparative exploration of Ezekiel 36-39外部サイトIsaiah among the ancient Near Eastern prophets : a comparative study of the earliest stages of the Isaiah tradition and the Neo-Assyrian prophecies外部サイトThe dynamics of violence and revenge in the Hebrew Book of Esther外部サイトVoyez de vos yeux : étude structurelle de vingt psaumes, dont le psaume 119外部サイトArchaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history外部サイトLes devanciers d'Aquila : première publication intégrale du texte des fragments du Dodécaprophéton trouvés dans le désert de Juda : précedée d'une étude sur les traductions et recensions grecques de la Bible réalisées au premier siècle de notre ère sous l'influence du rabbinat palestinien外部サイトThe Oracle of Tyre : the Septuagint of Isaiah XXIII as version and vision外部サイトThe land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort外部サイトThe trouble with Kings : the composition of the book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic history外部サイトThe legacy of Canaan : the Ras Shamra texts and their relevance to the Old Testament外部サイトThe Book of the Twelve : composition, reception, and interpretation外部サイトProphets, priests, and promises : essays on the Deuteronomistic history, Chronicles, and Ezra-Nehemiah外部サイトThe "God of Israel" in history and tradition外部サイトMose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten外部サイトThe rhetorical use of numbers in the Deuteronomistic history : "Saul has killed his thousands, David his tens of thousands"外部サイトThe conceptualization of dress in prophetic metaphors外部サイトThe precursors of Aquila : the first complete publication of the text of the fragments of the Greek Minor Prophets scroll (8ḤevXIIgr) found in the Judaean desert, preceded by a study of the Greek translations and recensions of the Bible conducted in the first century of our era under the influence of the Palestinian rabbinate外部サイトTextual developments : collected essays外部サイトMetaphors in Proverbs : decoding the language of metaphor in the book of Proverbs外部サイトThe Septuagint south of Alexandria : essays on the Greek translations and other ancient versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA)外部サイトExtreme Klimaereignisse und Hungerkatastrophen in den Prophetenbüchern外部サイトStudies in textual criticism外部サイト



  • Self-interest or communal interest : an ideology of leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah narratives (Judg 6-12)

  • Writing and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition

  • Living under the sun : examination of proverbs and qoheleth

  • Let us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday

  • Hebräische Wortforschung : Festschrift zum 80, Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner





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Supplements to the Vetus Testamentum
The text of the Bible at Qumran
Title on v. 118: Supplements to the Vetus Testamentum
Self-interest or communal interest : an ideology of leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah narratives (Judg 6-12)
Writing and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition
Living under the sun : examination of proverbs and qoheleth
Let us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Hebräische Wortforschung : Festschrift zum 80, Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner
The Septuagint of Proverbs : Jewish and/or Hellenistic Proverbs? : concerning the Hellenistic colouring of LXX Proverbs
Die Esthernovelle : vom Erzählten zur Erzählung : Studien zur Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte des Estherbuches
Volume du Congrès : Genève, 1965
Exodus und Eisodus : Komposition und Theologie von Josua 1-5
Interpreting quoted speech in prophetic literature : a study of Jeremiah 2.1-3.5
Les offrandes végétales dans l'Ancien Testament : du tribut d'hommage au repas eschatologique
Synopse des lois du Pentateuque
Der Erste und der letzte : eine Untersuchung von Jes 40-48
Studies in the religion of ancient Israel
The Marzēah in the prophetic literature : references and allusions in light of the extra-biblical evidence
Studies on the text and versions of the Hebrew Bible in honour of Robert Gordon
Congress volume : Vienna, 1980
The Greek Chronicles : The relation of the septuagint of I and II chronicles to the massoretic text : by Leslie C. Allen
The making of Israel
Moses and the law in a century of criticism since Graf
Song of songs : a close reading
People and land in the holiness code : an exegetical study of the ideational framework of the law in Leviticus 17-26
Antithetic structure in biblical Hebrew poetry
Wisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East : presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley M.A., D.D., Theol. D., F.B.A.
Narrative analogy in the Hebrew Bible : battle stories and their equivalent non-battle narratives
Studies on the language and literature of the Bible : selected works of J.A. Emerton
The psalms of the Tamid service : a liturgical text from the Second Temple
The origin of the Samaritans
Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, Septuagint : collected essays
Congress volume Ljubljana 2007
Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX : protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque : stylistique, poétique et histoire
The book of Haggai : prophecy and society in early Persian Yehud
Leviticus at Qumran : text and interpretation
The book of Psalms : composition and reception
Reflection and refraction : studies in biblical historiography in honour of A. Graeme Auld
Congress Volume : Copenhagen 1953
History and traditions of early Israel : studies presented to Eduard Nielsen, May 8th 1993
Isaiah in context : studies in honour of Arie van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Two versions of the Solomon narrative : an inquiry into the relationship between MT 1 Kgs. 2-11 and LXX 3 Reg. 2-11
Congress volume : Basel 2001
The books of Kings : sources, composition, historiography and reception
The book of Exodus : composition, reception, and interpretation
Ugaritic and Hebrew poetic parallelism : a trial cut (ʿnt I and Proverbs 2)
Scribes and translators : Septuagint and Old Latin in the Books of Kings
Josua und Salomo : eine Studie zu Autorität und Legitimität des Nachfolgers im Alten Testament
Von Josua bis Jojachin : Untersuchungen zu den deuteronomistischen Geschichtsbüchern des Alten Testaments
Speaking of speaking : marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible
Im Licht der Traditionen : Psalm LXVII und CXV : ein Entwicklungszusammenhang
Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint
Traductor scriptor : the Old Greek translation of Exodus 1-14 as scribal activity
A people tall and smooth-skinned : the rhetoric of Isaiah 18
A concise lexicon of late biblical Hebrew : linguistic innovations in the writings of the Second Temple period
4QSamuela and the text of Samuel
Les systèmes sacrificiels de l'Ancien Testament : formes et fonctions du culte sacrificiel à Yhwh
Congress volume : Paris, 1992
Bibliography of the Septuagint : Bibliographie de la Septant : (1970-1993)
Incense in ancient Israel
Judgement and salvation : the composition and redaction of Micah 2-5
La représentation du divin dans les récits du Pentateuque : médiations syntaxiques et narratives
Studies in the historical books of the Old Testament
Marriage as a covenant : a study of biblical law and ethics governing marriage developed from the perspective of Malachi
L'eau, sa vie, et sa signification dans l'ancien testament
Congress volume : Salamanca, 1983
Finding meaning in the text : translation technique and theology in the Septuagint of Amos
Numerical sayings in the Old Testament : a form-critical study
The murmuring stories of the priestly school : a retrieval of ancient sacerdotal lore
The place of the law in the religion of ancient Israel
Rhetoric and redaction in Trito-Isaiah : the structure, growth, and authorship of Isaiah 56-66
L'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible
Early Israel : anthropological and historical studies on the Israelite society before the monarchy
The Book of Jeremiah : composition, reception, and interpretation
The jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran : a history of interpretation
Congress volume Stellenbosch 2016
Hezekiah in history and tradition
Joel and the temple cult of jerusalem
Emanuel : studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, and Dead Sea scrolls in honor of Emanuel Tov
Jeremiah 52 in the context of the Book of Jeremiah
Kritik des Wachstumsmodells : die Grenzen alttestamentlicher Redaktionsgeschichte im Lichte empirischer Evidenz
Textual and literary criticism of the Books of Kings : collected essays
Scribes writing scripture : doublets, textual divination, and the formation of the Book of Jeremiah
Congress volume Aberdeen 2019
Deuteronomy and the material transmission of tradition
Metaphorical landscapes and the theology of the book of Job : an analysis of Job's spatial metaphors
The Book of Ben Sira in Hebrew : a text edition of all extant Hebrew manuscripts and a synopsis of all parallel Hebrew Ben Sira texts
Congress volume : Leuven, 1989
For the comfort of Zion : the geographical and theological location of Isaiah 40-55
A sign and a wonder : the redactional formation of Isaiah 18-20
YHWH is king : the development of divine kingship in ancient Israel
Congress volume : Oxford, 1959
Congress volume : Jerusalem, 1986
The rhetoric of the book of Judges
Congress volume : Oslo 1998
The invasion of Sennacherib in the book of Kings : a source-critical and rhetorical study of 2 Kings 18-19
The Dead Sea scrolls in context : integrating the Dead Sea scrolls in the study of ancient texts, languages, and cultures
Studies in Deuteronomy : in honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the occasion of his 65th birthday
The Greek and Hebrew Bible : collected essays on the Septuagint
New heaven and new earth prophecy and the millennium : essays in honour of Anthony Gelston
EL in the Ugaritic texts
Discerning wisdom : the sapiential literature of the Dead Sea scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the developmental composition of the Bible
Studies in the Pentateuch
The legacy of Canaan : the Ras Shamra texts and their relevance to the Old Testament
Promises to keep : the oath in biblical narrative
Congress volume : Bonn, 1962
Identities in transition : the pursuit of Isa. 52:13-53:12
The library in Alexandria and the Bible in Greek
Studies in the Book of the Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law
Studies on prophecy : a collection of twelve papers
Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday
New perspectives on Old Testament prophecy and history : essays in honour of Hans M. Barstad
Perspectives in the study of the Old Testament and early Judiasm : a symposium in honour of Adam S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Congress volume : Cambridge, 1995
L'herméneutique analogique du judaïsme antique d'après les témoins textuels d'isaïe
Early Biblical Hebrew, late Biblical Hebrew, and linguistic variability : a sociolinguistic evaluation of the linguistic dating of Biblical texts
Psalms 38 and 145 of the old Greek version
Torah as teacher : the exemplary Torah student in Psalm 119
Gottes Herrschaft : eine Analyses [i.e. Analyse] der Denkschrift (Jes 6,1-9,6)
Congress volume : Edinburgh, 1974
The book of Proverbs and Arabic proverbial works
The religious polemics of Amos : studies in the preaching of Am 2, 7B-8; 4,1-13; 5,1-27; 6, 4-7; 8, 14
Staat und Gesellschaft im vorexilischen Juda : vom 8. Jahrhundert bis zum Exil
Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint : presented to Eugene Ulrich
The rhetorical function of the book of Ezekiel
Das Problem der altorientalischen Königsideologie im Alten Testament : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Psalmenexegese, dargestellt und kritisch gewürdigt
Incubation as a type-scene in the ʾAqhatu, Kirta, and Hannah stories : a form-critical and narratological study of KTU 1.14 I-1.15 III, 1.17 I-II, and 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Aux origines des messianismes juifs : actes du colloque international tenu en Sorbonne, à Paris, les 8 et 9 juin 2010
Septuagint, sages, and scripture : studies in honour of Johann Cook
Studies in historical geography and biblical historiography : presented to Zecharia Kallai
Israel unter den V̈olkern : die Stellung der Klassischen Propheten des 8. Jahrhunderts v. chr. zur Aussenpolitik der Könige von Israel und Juda
Septuagint and reception : essays prepared for the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa
Introduction with text, translation and commentary of KTU/CAT 1.3-1.4
Congress volume : Uppsala, 1971
Congress volume : Leiden 2004
Das Los Judas : über Entstehung und Ziele der Landbeschreibung in Josua 15
The Biblical Qumran Scrolls : transcriptions and textual variants
Congress volume Helsinki 2010
Das Ezechielbuch als Trauma-Literatur
Introduction with text, translation and commentary of KTU 1.1.-1.2
The book of Genesis : composition, reception, and interpretation
The book of Daniel : composition and reception
Studies on the second part of the Book of Isaiah
Congress volume Munich 2013
L'énigme du bonheur : étude sur le sujet du bien dans le livre de Qohélet
The myth of cosmic rebellion : a study of its reflexes in Ugaritic and Biblical literature
Representing the past : a literary analysis of narrative historiography in the Book of Samuel
Two books of Ezekiel : papyrus 967 and the masoretic text as variant literary editions
Congress volume : Rome, 1968
The idea of retribution in the book of Ezekiel
Compositional strategy of the Book of Judges : an inductive, rhetorical study
Jacob's wealth : an examination into the nature and role of material possessions in the Jacob-cycle (Gen 25:19-35:29)
Sôfer mahîr : essays in honour of Adrian Schenker offered by editors of Biblia Hebraica quinta
Volume du congres : Strasbourg, 1956
Homeland and exile : biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of Bustenay Oded
Figurative language in biblical prose narrative : metaphor in the book of Samuel
The value of human life : a study of the story of the flood (Genesis 6-9)
Studies in the targum to the twelve prophets : from Nahum to Malachi
Reward, punishment, and forgiveness : the thinking and beliefs of Ancient Israel in the light of Greek and modern views
Job 28 as rhetoric : an analysis of Job 28 in the context of Job 22-31
The book of Leviticus : composition and reception
Congress volume : Göttingen, 1977
A study of the Biblical story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50)
The king and the cemeteries : toward a new understanding of Josiah's reform
The Scriptures and the scrolls : studies in honour of A.S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Prophet und König im Nordreich Israel : studien zur sogenannten vorklassischen prophetie im Nordreich Israel anhand der Samuel-, Elija- und Elischa-Überlieferungen
The 'uncertainty of a hearing' : a study of the sudden change of mood in the Psalms of lament
Gottes Herrlichkeit : Bedeutung und Verwendung des begriffs kābôd im Alten Testament
The old Greek translation of Zechariah
Formation and reformulation : the redaction of the book of Joshua in the light of the oldest textual witnesses
The Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles
An index to Aquila : Greek-Hebrew・Hebrew-Greek・Laten-Hebrew with the Syriac and Armenian evidence
I am God your saviour : a form-critical study of the main genres in Is. XL-LV
Animal imagery in the book of Proverbs
Ezekiel and the leaders of Israel
Enduring exile : the metaphorization of exile in the Hebrew Bible
Israel's restoration : a textual-comparative exploration of Ezekiel 36-39
Isaiah among the ancient Near Eastern prophets : a comparative study of the earliest stages of the Isaiah tradition and the Neo-Assyrian prophecies
The dynamics of violence and revenge in the Hebrew Book of Esther
Voyez de vos yeux : étude structurelle de vingt psaumes, dont le psaume 119
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history
Les devanciers d'Aquila : première publication intégrale du texte des fragments du Dodécaprophéton trouvés dans le désert de Juda : précedée d'une étude sur les traductions et recensions grecques de la Bible réalisées au premier siècle de notre ère sous l'influence du rabbinat palestinien
The Oracle of Tyre : the Septuagint of Isaiah XXIII as version and vision
The land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort
The trouble with Kings : the composition of the book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic history
The legacy of Canaan : the Ras Shamra texts and their relevance to the Old Testament
The Book of the Twelve : composition, reception, and interpretation
Prophets, priests, and promises : essays on the Deuteronomistic history, Chronicles, and Ezra-Nehemiah
The "God of Israel" in history and tradition
Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten
The rhetorical use of numbers in the Deuteronomistic history : "Saul has killed his thousands, David his tens of thousands"
The conceptualization of dress in prophetic metaphors
The precursors of Aquila : the first complete publication of the text of the fragments of the Greek Minor Prophets scroll (8ḤevXIIgr) found in the Judaean desert, preceded by a study of the Greek translations and recensions of the Bible conducted in the first century of our era under the influence of the Palestinian rabbinate
Textual developments : collected essays
Metaphors in Proverbs : decoding the language of metaphor in the book of Proverbs
The Septuagint south of Alexandria : essays on the Greek translations and other ancient versions by the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA)
Extreme Klimaereignisse und Hungerkatastrophen in den Prophetenbüchern
Studies in textual criticism
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