著者・編者Edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stephanie Foote
一般注記Summary: "What is Environmental Humanities? Over the last three decades, humanities scholars working on environmental matters have moved beyond field-specific and well-delineated descriptors like "environmental history" or "literature and the environment," subdisciplines that had often been outliers in the curricula of History and Literature departments. These scholars produced groundbreaking interdisciplinary work that challenged the primacy of standard narratives of the cultural reproduction of the vexed category of nature, and helped to usher in what we now label the environmental humanities (or EH). EH is a lively and capacious domain of inquiry that includes researchers and writers in Literature, Languages, History, Anthropology, Urban Planning, Philosophy, Political Science, Education, Religion, Classics, Creative Writing, Geography, and Landscape Architecture, as well as scholars of Race and Gender Studies. Working within and across conventional disciplines, EH has over the last decade ..."
Bibliography: p. 296-337
Includes bibliographical references and index
関連情報Cambridge companions to literature
掲載誌Cambridge companions to literature
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BC07970477 : BC07970477