- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者標目
- 東京都立大学21世紀COEプログラム「金融市場のミクロ構造と制度設計」 トウキョウ トリツ ダイガク 21セイキ COE プログラム「キンユウ シジョウ ノ ミクロ コウゾウ ト セイド セッケイ」
- 大きさ
- 30 cm
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ja
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- "21世紀COEプログラム「金融市場のミクロ構造と制度設計」東京都立大学"--At end
- 関連情報
- Duration dependence of the business cycle in Japan : a Bayesian analysis of extended Markov switching modelThe index of agency cost and financial accelerator : the case of JapanStochastic volatility models with heavy-tailed distributions : a Bayesian analysisA note on implementation of neutral social choice correspondences by self-relevant mechanismsDoes agency cost model explain business fluctuations in Japan? : an empirical attempt to estimate agency cost for firm classified by sizeHas the business cycle changed in Japan? : a Bayesian analysis based on a Markov-switching model with multiple change-pointsA simple model of financial returns and trading volume in a limit order marketA two-stage investment game in real option analysisRealized volatilityを用いたGARCHモデルの予測力の比較Bayesian analysis of a Markov switching stochastic volatility model小口金融における実店舗の役割Realized volatilityの有用性とボラティリティ変動モデルの予測精度に関する実証分析労働市場の失われた10年 : 労働分配率とオークン法則マクロ経済学の新展開と金融政策 : 時間要素と質の調整Trading day effects in stochastic volatility and exponential GARCH modelsA permanent and transitory component stochastic volatility modelKnowledge spillovers from multinational enterprises and the role of R&D activities : evidence from IndonesiaThe registration system : from cooperation to a market for human capital? : a lesson from the Japanese silk reeling industryA multi-move sampler for estimating non-Gaussian time series models : comments on Shephard & Pitt (1997)Inventory effects of risk averse market makers on price formation in a batch trading modelControlling employed traders : do we need bank supervision?Implementation by self-relevant mechanisms : applications in the two-agent caseMulti-factor stochastic volatility models : a comparison to heavy-tailed or higher-order autoregressive volatility modelsTrading operations in limit order marketsSecrecy improves welfare : in a case of predatory tradingTechnology adoption in follower countries : with or without local R&D activities?Comparison of MCMC methods for estimating GARCH modelsGeographic distance and knowledge spillovers from multinational enterprises : evidence from IndonesiaDo structural breaks exist in Okun's law? : evidence from the lost decade in Japan"Successes" and "limitations" of crony capitalism : a model of the Asian currency crisis市場支配力の計測 : 生コンクリート共販事業の事例土地本位制下のバブル生成と金融政策 : 通貨価値と担保価値Trading activity and liquidity supply in a pure limit order book marketEffects of the Bank of Japan's intervention on yen/dollar exchange rate volatility日経平均先物ティックデータを用いた"order aggressiveness"の推定Dynamic leverage and threshold effects in stochastic volatility modelsCapital structure and market microstructure : how do borrowing and speculation interact?SVモデルを用いたオプション価格付けの実証研究資本の法と経済学日経平均先物ティックデータを用いた日中"order aggressiveness"の推定The long-run stability of group formation in collective action gamesLaw and economics of labor in Japan近世大阪堂島米市場の非定常時系列分析ボラティリティ変動モデルの比較中国企業の効率性と生産性およびその決定因 : 包絡線分析による検討A Bayesian analysis of duration dependent regime switching models中国のソフトウェア産業 : 北京におけるアンケート調査を中心にマッチングの技術的効率性 : 両大戦間期における公営紹介と営利紹介Distributional effects of optimal commodity taxes with minimum income programs : micro-simulations for BrazilWhat is firm-specific human capital? : a model of firm-specific combination in general skills generated by history dependent assignment processDynamic asymmetric leverage in stochastic volatility models最適ヘッジ比率の比較Stock return volatility and trading volume : a Bayesian impulse response analysis日経平均先物市場におけるinformation-based tradesCountercyclical monetary policy and land prices under collateral contracts