著者・編者Bartók Béla ; közreadja Szabó Miklós ; a közreadó munkatársai Somfai Lászlo, Kerékfy Márton, Pintér Csilla Mária
一般注記For 2-3 voices (SSA), unacc. (1st and 4th work); for 4 voices (SSAA), unacc. (2nd); for 3 voices (SSA), unacc. (3rd)
Hungarian (1st work), Romanian (2nd), and English (3rd and 4th) words ; also printed as text in Hungarian and Romanian (2nd) with English translation
"This publication is based on volume 9 of the Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition, published jointly by G. Henle Verlag, Munich, and Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó (HN 6205)"--T.p. verso
Pref. in Hungarian, English, and German
Editorial comments in Hungarian and English: p. [91]-103
関連情報Kórusművek = Choral works = Chorwerke
掲載誌Kórusművek = Choral works = Chorwerke
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BC13430383 : BC13430383