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- uk
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- 関連情報
- Vulnerability and the politics of care : transdisciplinary dialoguesTime on a human scale : experiencing the present in Europe, 1860-1930Collaboration in authoritarian and armed conflict settingsHow the past was used : historical cultures, c. 750-2000Sovereignty : a global perspectiveTheoretical linguistics in the pre-university classroomMax GluckmanThe prehistoric hunter-gatherers of South-Eastern EuropeVillage institutions in Egypt in the Roman to early Arab periodsEconomic actors and the limits of transitional justice : truth and justice for business complicity in human rights violationsBuddhism and its religious others : historical encounters and representationsA renaissance reclaimed : Jacob Burckhardt's civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy reconsideredLiterature, learning, and social hierarchy in early modern EuropeImagining Andrew Marvell at 400Rethinking migrations in late prehistoric EurasiaThe right against rights in Latin AmericaNew lives, new landscapes revisited : rural modernity in BritainUnder the skin : feminist art and art histories from the Middle East and North Africa todaySong beyond the nation : translation, transnationalism, performanceDisappearances in the post-transition era in Latin AmericaRepresenting homelessnessFaces of the infinite : Neoplatonism and poetry at the confluence of Africa, Asia and EuropeRoberto Gerhard : re-appraising a musical visionary in exileSilver : transformational matterPetitions and petitioning in Europe and North America : from the late Medieval period to the presentSong in the novelDefending the faith : global histories of apologetics and politics in the 20th centuryThe Habsburg Monarchy as a fiscal-military state : contours and perspectives 1648-1815Harmony and contrast : Plato and Aristotle in the early modern periodTowns on the edge in medieval Europe : the social and political order of peripheral urban communities from the twelfth to sixteenth centuriesJudicial independence under threatExperiences of menstruation from the global south and north : towards a visualised, inclusive, and applied menstruation studiesWords at war : the contested language of the English civil warData science for migration and mobilityMaking and breaking peace in Sudan and South Sudan : the comprehensive peace agreement and beyondMigrants in medieval England, c. 500-c. 1500Walter BagehotTracing the relationship between inequality, crime, and punishment : space, time, and politics
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research