一般注記Title from cover
"This report shows results of joint research submitted by Vietnam Institute of Economics (VIE), Vietnam Academy of Social Science to Japan External Trade Organization, Bangkok (JETRO Bangkok). The results of the joint research are reflected in: Tuong, Phi Vinh (2011) "Development of Special Economic Zones, Industrial Estates, Ports, Metropolis and Alternative Roads in the Greater Ho Chi Minh City Area" Ishida, Masami ed. Intra- and Inter-City Connectivity in the Mekong Region, BRC Research Report No. 6, Bangkok: Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO. The joint research is worked by Name Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Nga"—p. i
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BC02886373 : BC02886373