Review of the species of the genus Dentex (Perciformes: Sparidae) in the Western Pacific defined as the D. hypselosomus complex with the description of a new species, Dentex abei and a redescription of Evynnis tumifrons (New fishies of Japan (part 1))

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Review of the species of the genus Dentex (Perciformes: Sparidae) in the Western Pacific defined as the D. hypselosomus complex with the description of a new species, Dentex abei and a redescription of Evynnis tumifrons

(New fishies of Japan (part 1))

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Bibliographic ID of National Diet Library
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岩槻 幸雄ほか
Tokyo : National Museum of Nature and Science
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Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. A類, 動物学 / National Museum of Nature and Science -(-) (Suppl.1) 2007.3
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Material Type
岩槻 幸雄
赤崎 正人
谷口 順彦
Alternative Title
西部太平洋域におけるキダイ類似種群(タイ科キダイ属)の分類学的再検討,1新種(Dentex abei sp. nov.)およびチダイの再記載
Periodical title
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology = 国立科学博物館研究報告. A類, 動物学 / National Museum of Nature and Science
No. or year of volume/issue
-(-) (Suppl.1) 2007.3