第2に,「人と情報処理」の目的とするものは,安心・安全な情報伝達である.これを実現するためには,大容量データの正確な送受信システムの構築が重要な要素技術の1つとなる.オンデマンド配信や大容量マルチメディアデータ伝送技術は,今後,増々進化・発展していくことが期待される.それに伴い,人々の生活や社会活動に大きな影響を与える事は,自明ある.ここでは,大容量コミュニケーションツールの1つであるリアルタイムストリーミングシステムの研究・開発について述べる.現在の動向として,データの形式に応じて,複数の通信プロトコルを用いた配信技術が存在する.しかし,インターネット上を流通するデータの増加はネットワーク経路上での輻輳を生じさせ,利用者の通信環境の利便性を阻害する.それを解決する1つの手段として,最適な通信プロトコルを自律的に選択するストリーミングシステムの研究・開発を行い,仮想ネットワークを構築し,輻輳が生じるなどといった変化するネットワークに対して本手法が有効であることを検証した.第3に,「広がりゆく情報処理」では,現在,環境,教育,医療,観光など,様々な分野において情報システムを情報インフラとして,有効に活用し各分野の更なる発展を促すことを目的とする.近年,農業の分野では,積極的にICT を活用し,作物工場の開発を進めたアグロ・イノベーションの実現が試みられている.本研究では,離島や島嶼地域の水資源の問題や,省エネ・省力化を意識したエネルギー生産の問題を解決する1つの切り口として,農業用ハイブリッド発電システムの研究開発とその遠隔管理システムの研究・開発について述べる.具体的には,沖縄県津堅島にハイブリッド発電システムを設置し,長距離無線LAN を用いて,発電システムや気象データ等の系統的計測技術やデータ転送技術を含めた統合化システムの構築を行った.なお,このハイブリッド発電システムは,地域農業の揚水用エネルギー源として活用されている.本論文の結論では,特に,これらの研究・開発によって得られた知見に基づき,ネットワークシステムの有用性の分析,さらには,今後の発展性について述べる.
The Information System evolved with the Computer System. Recently, the Information System becomes infrastructure of peoples. And the system created and connected the network, that is used various fields. A Network System is one of the Information System. In future, it is will be used various field. So that, it is necessary to develop various field. This paper approach 3 field; 3 field are ”The Future of the Information”, ”Information for Human”, and ”Expanding Information”. In this paper, to research Network System considered each point, and the title is ”Network System Construction Technology and its Application Education on Information, in Streaming System, and Environmental Engineering. First, to overcome the problem of ”The Future of the Information”, It is important to cultivate information and communication technology engineer. One of the activities is to realize skilling up engineers ’technique. I talk about to architect of the computer system for learn-by-doing teaching. Here, especially, I talk about to architect educational computer system, it is following up convenience, economy, and availability. However, A example is nothing, to architect educational computer system oneself, In this paper, to clear through this system architect to become the good practice for education. And, we will be clearly education effect of information and communication engineer, through to understand work progress, to pursuit system improvement point, to overcome the problem. Second, I approach of the network system in point of ”Information for Human”, this research purpose is safe information transmission. To realize this, one of the important technology to transmit large data. In future, on-demand streaming and large size multimedia communication technology, their are prospective more evolution. And, it is clearly to influence life and business style by these technologies. In this paper, I focus real-time streaming system, it is one of the large size data communication tools. At the moment, Communication protocols exist with any data format and network state. However, including communication data cause the congestion in the Internet. And it disrupts service for Internet users. This paper proposes protocol selective streaming system. It is chosen the most suitable communication protocol by the network state. And, I verify the system, by virtual network which changed error rate, delay and bandwidth. Third, the approach of ”Expanding Information”, this approach proposes to innovate many fields using Information Systems, for example environment, education, medical, sightseeing, and etc. Recently, agriculture field realize Agro-Innovation using ICT positively. ICT is very important technology in island area. Island areas have water and power supply problems. This paper explain to develop hybrid power generation system and its remote control system in island area. Specifically, to develop total natural energy system in Tsuken Island, Okinawa, JAPAN. This system have hybrid power generation system, long distance wireless LAN for measurement it and natural environment data, and water pumping system. As well, this system generated energy source to use pumping the water, it used local agriculture. Finally, this paper shows the knowledge of the network system to feed off these research and development.