
Fundamental and distinct manners for irreversible creation of chromatin structure plasticity of proximal 5'-upstream regions of particular transcription factor genes with epigenetic modifications for gain of new cell function to exclude accumulated IgM H- and L-chains in individual clones of HDAC2(-/-) DT40 mutants via a lot of generations during continuous cultivation

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Fundamental and distinct manners for irreversible creation of chromatin structure plasticity of proximal 5'-upstream regions of particular transcription factor genes with epigenetic modifications for gain of new cell function to exclude accumulated IgM H- and L-chains in individual clones of HDAC2(-/-) DT40 mutants via a lot of generations during continuous cultivation

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中山, 雅美ほか
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  • Supplementary Remarks

  • Fig1

  • Fig2

  • Fig3

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