Periodical title科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(2)研究成果報告書
Note (General)type:text
別刷論文等[1] Doku, I. : Historical approach to the support problem for measure-valued processes associated with nonlinear stochastic equations, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 51(1) (2002), 1-12[2] Doku, I. : White noise approach to limit theorems for solutions of some Wick type nonlinear equations, Far East J. Math. Sci., 4 (2002), 137-187. (削除)[3] Doku, I. : Compacite etroite des lois relatives a la densite de processus suggeree par un probleme de martingale, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 51(2) (2002), 1-15.[4] Doku, I. : Measure valued Markov processes associated with weighted branching rate functional, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 52(1) (2003), 22-31.[5] Doku, I. : Weighted additive functionals and a class of measure-valued Markov processes with singular branching rate, Far East J. Theo. Stat. 9 (2003), 1-80. (削除)[6] Doku, I. : On the construction of superdiffusions with singular branching rate via regularized approximation, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 52(2) (2003), 1-11.[7] Doku, I. : Some nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems and killing property for singular superprocesses, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 52(2) (2003), 13-17.[8] Doku, I. : Mutually interactive type of measure-valued processes and approximation scheme, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciencesi, 53(1) (2004), 5-20.[9] Doku, I. : Interacting particle systems convergent to super-Brownian motion with locally infinite branching mass, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 53(2) (2004), 1-16.[10] Doku, I. : Absolute continuity of the law of the weak solution for jump-type SPDEs, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 54(1) (2005), 1-17.[11] Doku, I. : A class of rescaled immigration superprocesses convergent to SCSM, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 54(2) (2005), 1-43.[12] Doku, I. : A system of stochastic partial differential equations driven by a coloured noise and the martingale problem for symbiotic branching superprocesses, Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Mathematics and natural sciences, 55(1) (2006), 145.1.道工 勇:「ホワイトノイズに依り駆動された確率方程式とヒストリカル過程」日本数学会・統計数学分科会、明治大学駿河台キャンパス、2002年3月2.道工 勇:"On regularity of some measure-valued processes. 第11回日本数学会国際研究集会「大規模相互作用系に関する確率解析」Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems, 湘南国際村センター、July 17-26,20023.道工 勇:「重み関数付き許容的加法的汎関数と特異分岐率をもつ測度値確率過程」日本数学会・統計数学分科会、島根大学、2002年9月4.道工 勇:「相互依存型超拡散モデルと近似スキーム」日本数学会・統計数学分科会、千葉大学理学部、2003年9月6.道工 勇:On a convergence theorem for immigration superprocesses associated with SOSM (superprocess with dependent spatial motion). Spring Meeting on Probability Theory, TIT(東京工業大学理学部)、March 16-17,20057. 道工 勇:「相互作用する分枝ランダム系の収束定理について」日本数学会・統計数学分科会、日本大学理工学部駿河台校舎、2005年3月8.道工 勇:On convergence of a class of interactive superprocesses. 科研費シンポジウム「確率解析とその周辺」Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科、September 11-13,2005.
identifier:KAKEN: 14540101
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Original Data Provider (Database)埼玉大学 : 埼玉大学学術情報リポジトリ(SUCRA)