
Antarctic Haze observed at Syowa Station, Antarctica in 1997-2010

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Antarctic Haze observed at Syowa Station, Antarctica in 1997-2010

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原, 圭一郎ほか
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Remarkable aerosol enhancement phenomena (Antarctic haze) have been observed at Syowa Station, Antarctica, in spite of isolation from the other contin...

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Material Type
原, 圭一郎
長田, 和雄
林, 政彦
矢吹, 正教
塩原, 匡貴
森本, 真司
山内, 恭
Hara, K.
Osada, K.
Hayashi, M.
Yabuki, M.
Shiobara, M.
Morimoto, S.
Yamanouchi, T.
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
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Note (General)
Remarkable aerosol enhancement phenomena (Antarctic haze) have been observed at Syowa Station, Antarctica, in spite of isolation from the other continents in mid-latitudes. To elucidate seasonal features and vertical features of Antarctic haze, aerosol monitoring data taken by OPC, CPC, and MPL were analyzed in this study. Aerosol enhancement near surface occured twice – eight times a year (mean, 4.4 times a year) in 1997 – 2010. Typical duration of the phenomena was 20 – 60 hrs near surface at Syowa Station. MPL data indicated that aerosol enhancement was identified mostly in boundary layer – lower free troposphere (<2.5 km) and observed slightly in middle troposphere (3 – 5 km). Antarctic haze was often observed druing July through October near surface and upper boundary layer – free troposphere. Relation between aerosol enhancement and gaseous atmospheric species such as CO2, CO, and O3 was also investigated in this study.
第4回極域科学シンポジウム個別セッション:[OM] 気水圏11月14日(木) 統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室1(D305)